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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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黃泓翔 Unknown Date (has links)
在人們的日常生活中,推薦是很普遍的一種社會行為,它使人們不必親自去體驗所有的事物,可透過別人的經驗來得知一件事情或商品的好或壞。隨著科技的快速發展與網際網路的普及,電子商務已逐漸的融入社會,成為人類生活中不可或缺的一部分。然而在網路上過量的資訊,使得個人在資訊的使用與搜尋上面臨極大的挑戰,更加刺激了對於推薦資訊的需求,因此許多推薦技術相繼提出,推薦系統也應運而生,不僅使得推薦的範圍擴大了,推薦的型態也更為豐富多元;同時,在近年電子商務的發展中,對於個人化與顧客導向服務的愈益重視,使得推薦系統逐漸成為一種必要的線上服務。 在眾多的推薦技術之中,協同過濾推薦方法是最成功且最常被採用的推薦技術之一,許多台灣的拍賣平台上也都有採用類似概念的推薦系統,像是Yahoo!拍賣、露天拍賣上的評價機制均屬此類。然而,現行的拍賣評價機制都沒有採用社會網路的技術,本研究希望透過協同過濾與社會網路的結合,讓評價機制更趨於完備。 本研究以台灣最大的拍賣網站Yahoo!為例,蒐集了44萬筆交易記錄,並以推薦網(ReferralWeb)系統的矩陣方法為基礎,找出人與商品的關係、商品與類別的關係、人與人的關係,建立起一個社會網路,讓使用者可查詢特定領域的專家,並與之交易。除此之外,也可直接詢問專家關於商品的資訊或購買技巧。透過這樣的機制,希望能降低消費者在購買商品時所產生的交易糾紛,讓人們在網路上的購物體驗能變得更好。 / Nowadays, recommendation is a common social behavior between people. People can evaluate things or commodities from others’ experience and opinions instead of their own experiences. Along with the development of technology and Internet today, E-commerce has become an indispensable part of human life. However, due to the overloaded information, people face a fantastic challenge when accessing and searching on the Internet. Therefore, many methods of recommendation were proposed, and systems of recommendation are to come with the tide of fashion. In addition, the development of E-commerce emphasized on personalization and customer-oriented services more in recent years, which make recommendation system becomes a necessary on-line service gradually. Collaborative Filtering is the most successful and adopted one in numerous recommendation methods. There are many auction platforms in Taiwan also use recommendation systems, such like "Yahoo Auction", "Ruten Auction", etc. However, the previous mentioned recommendation mechanisms haven’t used Social Network technology; this study will propose an recommendation system which combines Collaborative Filtering and Social Network technology. This research collects 440,000 transaction data from the Yahoo auction platform, which is the biggest auction website in Taiwan. Based on the matrix method of ReferralWeb system(Shah, 1997), this research would like to build up the matrix of relationships between Person-Commodity, Commodity-Category, and Person-Person. Based on the three matrixes, finally builds up a Social Network. In the Social Network, users can enquire experts refer to the specific category of commodity, and then refer to the shops which the experts like or directly ask them the commodity information and purchase skill. Relying on the mechanism proposed by this research, our goals are to reduce the transaction disputes arising from consumers purchase commodities, and to let people have better experiences in on-line shopping.

Uma arquitetura para gerenciamento e recomendação de ações baseadas em contexto lógico mediante dispositivos móveis

Dametto, Andrigo 12 March 2013 (has links)
Submitted by William Justo Figueiro (williamjf) on 2015-06-18T23:11:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 33.pdf: 1765508 bytes, checksum: d921fbdef8015531446e414c52c66bf9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-18T23:11:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 33.pdf: 1765508 bytes, checksum: d921fbdef8015531446e414c52c66bf9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Nenhuma / Este trabalho elabora de uma arquitetura de software que contempla dentro de dispositivos móveis na plataforma Android, a coleta de informações de contexto físico de localização (informações que são apenas coletadas em ambientes externos) e geração de contexto lógico de localização (informações que precisam de um processamento dos dados para ser encontradas em ambientes internos), estas informações são armazenadas em uma estrutura Web Semântica a qual sofrerá inferências para gerar mais um contexto lógico de recomendação de uso de recursos disponíveis no dispositivo móvel e anteriormente utilizados pelo usuário em um dado instante e local. A funcionalidade desta arquitetura será verificada com a construção de um protótipo na plataforma Android. Um dos desafios deste trabalho será coletar o contexto lógico de localização do dispositivo em locais internos, como prédios e casas, onde a intensidade do sinal do sistema de posicionamento global (GPS) é insuficiente para ser identificada, portanto neste trabalho será utilizado sensores acelerômetro e giroscópio presentes nos dispositivos móveis para calcular seu deslocamento. A localização interna será integrada a localização externa, formando um percurso contínuo. As informações coletadas no contexto físico são armazenadas em uma ontologia dentro do dispositivo móvel e sincronizadas com um servidor remoto. Outro desafio deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento de um agente de software que através dos dados armazenados na ontologia local, faz inferências nos dados armazenados na forma de Web Semântica e disponibiliza recomendações de uso de um determinado recurso, fundamentado apenas nos dados históricos de utilização destes recursos, relacionando a aproximação em determinado local com a frequência no tempo em relação ao mesmo horário do dia ou ao mesmo dia da semana e ao mesmo dia do mês. O armazenamento do contexto coletado, em uma estrutura Web Semântica, possibilita a união destas informações com demais informações coletadas de outros dispositivos contendo contextos que caracterizem um equipamento, um indivíduo ou uma sociedade. O resultado esperado da arquitetura apresentada neste trabalho, será o maior grau possível de precisão na posição geográfica identificada e a coerência das recomendações de uso de recursos disponíveis no dispositivo móvel em um dado instante e local. / This paper elaborates a software architecture that addresses within mobile devices on the Android platform, collecting information from the physical context of location (only information that is collected outdoors) and generation of logical context of location (information they need processing of the data to be found indoors) and stores this information in a Semantic Web structure which suffer inferences to generate a context logical of recommendation to use resources available on the mobile device and used previously by the user at a given time and local. The functionality of this architecture will be test by construction a prototype on the Android platform. One of the challenges of this work will be to collect the context of logical device location in indoor locations such as buildings and houses where the signal strength of the Global Positioning System (GPS) is insufficient to be identified, so this work will be used and accelerometer sensors gyroscope present in mobile devices to calculate your speed and direction. The location will be integrated inside the external location, forming a continuous path. The information collected in the physical context is stored in the ontology within the mobile device and synchronized with a remote server. Another challenge of this work is the development of a software agent that through data stored in the ontology on device, makes inferences on the data stored in the form of Web Semantic and provides recommendations for use of a given resource, based only on historical data of these resources by relating the approach in a certain place with the frequency in time over the same time of day or the same day of the week and the same day of the month. The architecture of this work is being called and Context Manager is integrated with the other two studies did not present this work: a Semantic Desktop with the task of identifying a resource that is being used to send and manager context; and Context's Federation, serving as a remote server, with the task of receiving context data collected by the context manager. The storage of context collected in a Web Semantic structure enables the union of this information with other context information that characterize a device, an individual or a society. The expected outcome of the architecture presented here will be the greatest possible degree of accuracy in the identified geographical position and consistency of recommendations for the use of resources available on the mobile device at a given time and place.

Decentralizing news personalization systems / Décentralisation des systèmes de personnalisation

Boutet, Antoine 08 March 2013 (has links)
L'évolution rapide du web a changé la façon dont l'information est créée, distribuée, évaluée et consommée. L'utilisateur est dorénavant mis au centre du web en devenant le générateur de contenu le plus prolifique. Pour évoluer dans le flot d'informations, les utilisateurs ont besoin de filtrer le contenu en fonction de leurs centres d'intérêts. Pour bénéficier de contenus personnalisés, les utilisateurs font appel aux réseaux sociaux ou aux systèmes de recommandations exploitant leurs informations privées. Cependant, ces systèmes posent des problèmes de passage à l'échelle, ne prennent pas en compte la nature dynamique de l'information et soulèvent de multiples questions d'un point de vue de la vie privée. Dans cette thèse, nous exploitons les architectures pair-à-pair pour implémenter des systèmes de recommandations pour la dissémination personnalisée des news. Une approche pair-à-pair permet un passage à l'échelle naturel et évite qu'une entité centrale contrôle tous les profils des utilisateurs. Cependant, l'absence de connaissance globale fait appel à des schémas de filtrage collaboratif qui doivent palier les informations partielles et dynamiques des utilisateurs. De plus, ce schéma de filtrage doit pouvoir respecter la vie privée des utilisateurs. La première contribution de cette thèse démontre la faisabilité d'un système de recommandation de news totalement distribué. Le système proposé maintient dynamiquement un réseau social implicit pour chaque utilisateur basé sur les opinions qu'il exprime à propos des news reçues. Les news sont disséminées au travers d'un protocole épidémique hétérogène qui (1) biaise l'orientation des cibles et (2) amplifie la dissémination de chaque news en fonction du niveau d'intérêt qu'elle suscite. Ensuite, pour améliorer la vie privée des utilisateurs, nous proposons des mécanismes d'offuscation permettant de cacher le profil exact des utilisateurs sans trop dégrader la qualité de la recommandation fournie. Enfin, nous explorons un nouveau modèle tirant parti des avantages des systèmes distribués tout en conservant une architecture centralisée. Cette solution hybride et générique permet de démocratiser les systèmes de recommandations en offrant aux fournisseurs de contenu un système de personnalisation à faible coût. / The rapid evolution of the web has changed the way information is created, distributed, evaluated and consumed. Users are now at the center of the web and becoming the most prolific content generators. To effectively navigate through the stream of available news, users require tools to efficiently filter the content according to their interests. To receive personalized content, users exploit social networks and recommendation systems using their private data. However, these systems face scalability issues, have difficulties in coping with interest dynamics, and raise a multitude of privacy challenges. In this thesis, we exploit peer-to-peer networks to propose a recommendation system to disseminate news in a personalized manner. Peer-to-peer approaches provide highly-scalable systems and are an interesting alternative to Big brother type companies. However, the absence of any global knowledge calls for collaborative filtering schemes that can cope with partial and dynamic interest profiles. Furthermore, the collaborative filtering schemes must not hurt the privacy of users. The first contribution of this thesis conveys the feasibility of a fully decentralized news recommender. The proposed system constructs an implicit social network based on user profiles that express the opinions of users about the news items they receive. News items are disseminated through a heterogeneous gossip protocol that (1) biases the orientation of the dissemination, and (2) amplifies dissemination based on the level of interest in each news item. Then, we propose obfuscation mechanisms to preserve privacy without sacrificing the quality of the recommendation. Finally, we explore a novel scheme leveraging the power of the distribution in a centralized architecture. This hybrid and generic scheme democratizes personalized systems by providing an online, cost-effective and scalable architecture for content providers at a minimal investment cost.

語意式之旅遊推薦系統以台北市為例之研究 / A study of ontological travel planning recommendation systems for Taipei City

黃少華, Huang, Shao Hua Unknown Date (has links)
近來,旅遊資訊廣被旅遊者在網路上使用。雖然網路上的資訊十分豐富,但是使用者仍常常難以找尋到精準的資訊。而旅遊商品的特性為無形的,所以使用者不能實際地來評估這個服務直到他實際地體驗之後。也就是因為此種特性,所以如何讓使用者在真正體驗到之前能夠取得可信與真實的旅遊資訊變得十分重要。為了解決此問題,語意網絡的概念即出現來解決人與電腦間溝通的問題。而一個本體即是由一個正式化的、某一具有精確規格概念的領域來提供之可實行的平台來發展可信的旅遊資訊服務。 在本論文中,我們探討了旅遊推薦系統的發展、其遭遇的問題、語意網相關之技術包含了:網路本體語言、資源描述架構、和一些目前現有的旅遊本體發展的情況。此外,為了要能提供更智慧化的旅遊行程規劃推薦服務,我們將語意的想法帶入了此領域。我們會提出一個方法讓智慧型旅遊行程推薦服務能在本體論的基礎上實現。所以,一系列的旅遊本體會被建構發展,來讓我們的芻形系統能夠做出行程推薦的服務。此提出的系統能夠驗證語意網的概念在旅遊推薦領域的可行性。它亦能利用屬性與之間的關係來推薦出更智慧型的資訊,找出個人化的景點、活動與行程給旅行者。 / Nowadays, travel information is increasing to appeal the tourists on the web. Al- though there are numerous information provided on the web, the user gets puzzled in nding accurate information. The tourism product has an intangible nature in that cus- tomers cannot physically evaluate the services on oer until practically experienced. This makes access to credible and authentic information about tourism products before the actual experience very valuable. In order to solve these problems, the concept of seman- tic web comes into existence to have communication between human and computer. An Ontology being a formal, explicit specication of concepts of a domain provides a viable platform for the development of credible tourism information services. In this paper, we discuss the development of travel recommendation system, the problems it encounters, the related technology about semantic web including OWL, RD- F/RDFS, and some current circumstances of the existing tourism ontologies as well. Futhermore, in order to make more intelligent travel planning recommendation services, we bring the idea of semantic into tourism domain. We will present an approach aimed at enabling intelligent recommendation services in tourism support systems using ontolo- gies. A suite of tourism ontologies was developed and engaged to enable a prototypical tourism system with recommednation capabilities. The proposed system can verify the feasibility and concept of taking semantic web technology into tourism recommendation systems domain. It also can recommend more intelligent information using properties, relationships of travel ontology, and is responsible for nding personalized attractions, activities and a trip itinerary for travelers.

A Content Based Movie Recommendation System Empowered By Collaborative Missing Data Prediction

Karaman, Hilal 01 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The evolution of the Internet has brought us into a world that represents a huge amount of information items such as music, movies, books, web pages, etc. with varying quality. As a result of this huge universe of items, people get confused and the question &ldquo / Which one should I choose?&rdquo / arises in their minds. Recommendation Systems address the problem of getting confused about items to choose, and filter a specific type of information with a specific information filtering technique that attempts to present information items that are likely of interest to the user. A variety of information filtering techniques have been proposed for performing recommendations, including content-based and collaborative techniques which are the most commonly used approaches in recommendation systems. This thesis work introduces ReMovender, a content-based movie recommendation system which is empowered by collaborative missing data prediction. The distinctive point of this study lies in the methodology used to correlate the users in the system with one another and the usage of the content information of movies. ReMovender makes it possible for the users to rate movies in a scale from one to five. By using these ratings, it finds similarities among the users in a collaborative manner to predict the missing ratings data. As for the content-based part, a set of movie features are used in order to correlate the movies and produce recommendations for the users.

在對等式網路上以RDF(S)為基礎的MP3音樂推薦系統 / An RDF(S)-Based Recommendation System for MP3 Music on the Peer-to-Peer Network

王奕淳, Wang,Yi-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
推薦系統目的在於收集大眾對於資源的評價,經過推薦機制的整理,呈現給符合偏好的使用者,但是Supernode架構與傳統主從架構的不同,增加推薦系統收集、統計推薦指標的困難。在本篇論文中,將利用RDF(S)建置與Supernode、Peer、MP3相關的本體論,同時,依據Supernode與Peer在推薦系統中所扮演的功能與角色的不同,將不同的結構藍圖分別放置在Supernode與Peer之中,並且藉由Supernode與Peer中所描述的資源、屬性以及資源和資源之間的關係來解決在Supernode架構中推薦指標的收集、統計與更新等問題,以及降低推薦系統中"Cold Start"與"Spamming"這兩個問題所產生的影響。 / The purpose of recommendation system is to collect public opinions and provide synthetic recommended result for users. Using our proposed recommended mechanism, the recommendation system presents personal music recommended list for each user in peer node to match his preference. Because the complexity difference of network structure, we found that the rating collection and computation process will be more complex in supernode P2P network than in client-server WWW network. In this thesis, firstly we use RDF(S) to construct associated ontology schema for supernode, peer node, and MP3 music. Then, we put respective ontology schema in the suprenode and peer node based on their roles and functions within the recommendation system. The resources and attributes relationships between supernode and peer nodes provide the capacity to solve the rating collection, analysis, and updating problems. We also propose possible solutions for reducing the side effects of cold start and spamming problems in the recommendation system.

利用棋局紀錄之個人化西洋棋開局推薦 / Personalized Chess Opening Recommendation Using Game Records

楊元翰 Unknown Date (has links)
在西洋棋中,開局決定了棋局未來發展的基礎,棋手在開局階段局勢的好壞,會直接影響到接下來中局的發展,乃至全局的勝負。隨著西洋棋的演進,棋手們在比賽中進行各式各樣的棋步嘗試,發展出眾多經歷實戰考驗的開局,目前西洋棋的開局多達上千種變化,使得棋手在學習西洋棋的過程中,要花上大量的時間從眾多的西洋棋開局變化中,尋找適合自己的開局鑽研與使用。為幫助棋手在此階段的學習,本論文提出西洋棋開局推薦系統,從大數據協助學習的觀點,利用大量棋手們的開局經驗,對棋手做個人化的開局推薦。此系統以風格、棋力相似的棋手們所選用的開局為推薦基礎,並考量棋手習慣使用的下棋模式,推薦棋手善於發揮自身優勢、易於理解,並且投其所好的開局。為此,此西洋棋開局推薦系統包含風格分析、棋力評估、棋形截取,以及混合式推薦等部分。依據棋手過去的對局記錄,風格分析評估棋手下棋偏好冒險或保守的程度;棋力評估將傳統西洋棋棋力轉成可直觀比較棋手棋力程度差異之量表;棋形截取找出棋手習慣使用的下棋模式。最後,混合式推薦綜合考量上述三項因素,推薦出符合棋手棋風、棋力與下棋習慣模式的開局。 本論文以兩個實驗來評估風格分析與開局推薦系統的效果,在風格分析的實驗中,將風格分析方法評估棋手風格的結果與專家判斷的結果做比較;在開局推薦系統的實驗中,以棋手是否將會在比賽使用系統所推薦的開局來評估推薦效果。實驗結果顯示,風格分析對於世界冠軍棋手的風格評估幾乎與專家的判斷相同;開局推薦系統針對開局所設計的混合式推薦方法,推薦效果優於常見的推薦方法。 / The Opening is the fundamental phase of a chess game, and significantly affects the result of a competition. With the evolution of chess, there has been developed thousands of chess openings at present. This makes it difficult and time-consuming for chess players to find and learn the openings suitable for them. For helping players to learn chess in the opening, we provide Opening Recommendation System (OPRS), which considers chess players’ experiences and recommends chess openings that could be understandable and favorite for the players. For personalized recommendation, OPRS analyzes the playing style, translates chess rating, extracts the playing patterns, and then performs hybrid recommendation based on the features obtained. In the evaluation, the performance of the playing style analysis are demonstrated by comparing with the styles judged by chess experts for world chess championships. For OPRS, the evaluations are according to the openings the players use in the chess tournaments in the next years. The experiments show that OPRS achieves good accuracies of the playing style analysis and outperforms the competitive methods for chess opening recommendation.


Oliveira, Taciano Balardin de 27 March 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The management of problems occurred in environments that make use of Information Technology (IT), coupled with the need for a rapid response support teams, makes organizations require systems to manage these incidents. The Service Desk presents itself as a good solution to centralize these records. Concepts based computing context, recommender systems, mobile computing can enhance these applications. Therefore, the aim of this work is to design and implement a system of Service Desk Mobile, called Mobile Service Desk (MSD), which adds context awareness features such as user location, technical experience and temporal context. Moreover, the tool is integrated into a recommendation system, which stores past interactions and suggests as a possible solution for new similar incidents occurring in the managed environment. As contributions of this work, in addition to system design that aims to reduce unnecessary time-shift and optimize the allocation of technical, algorithms were compared for similarity analysis and applied to NBR 9241-11 for usability evaluation of some products Service Desk. / A gerência dos problemas ocorridos em ambientes que fazem uso da Tecnologia da Informação (TI), aliada a necessidade de uma resposta rápida das equipes de suporte, faz com que organizações necessitem de sistemas para gerenciamento desses incidentes. O Service Desk apresenta-se como uma boa solução para centralizar estes registros. Conceitos de computação baseada em contexto, sistemas de recomendação, computação móvel podem incrementar estes aplicativos. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho é projetar e implementar um sistema de Service Desk móvel, denominado Mobile Service Desk (MSD), que agrega funcionalidades de sensibilidade ao contexto, tais como localização do usuário, experiência do técnico e contexto temporal. Além disso, está integrado à ferramenta um sistema de recomendação, que armazena interações passadas e as sugere como possível solução para novos incidentes similares ocorridos no ambiente gerenciado. Como contribuições deste trabalho, além do projeto do sistema que visa redução de tempo com deslocamentos desnecessários e otimização do alocamento de técnicos, foram comparados algoritmos para análise de similaridade e aplicado a norma NBR 9241-11 para avaliação de usabilidade de alguns produtos de Service Desk.

Implementación de un asistente virtual de modas con el uso de una cámara Kinect v2 y procesamiento de imágenes / Implementation of a fashion virtual assistant with the use of a Kinect v2 camera and image processing

Vizcarra Casas, Christopher Alonso, Medina Quevedo, Gabriel Alejandro 31 March 2020 (has links)
Este artículo trata sobre la problemática y el desarrollo de un asistente virtual de moda propuesto mediante el uso de una cámara Kinect v2 y procesamiento de imágenes, para tiendas minoristas de moda. Surge principalmente como una respuesta a la incapacidad de proporcionar experiencias únicas durante el proceso de compra mediante el uso de diversos dispositivos. Debido a esto, se analizaron soluciones de asistente virtual similares orientadas a proporcionar recomendaciones de vestimenta para poder proporcionar un software que podría dar una sugerencia más personalizada para los usuarios basándose en sus características físicas. La validación del modelo se realizará a través de la experiencia de un grupo de usuarios en el momento del uso del asistente virtual y expertos en el área de evaluación de moda. / This article is about the problematic and development of a fashion virtual assistant proposed by using a Kinect v2 camera and image processing, for fashion retail stores. It comes up mainly as a response to the inability of providing unique experiences during the shopping process through the use of diverse devices. Because of this, similar virtual assistant solutions oriented to provide clothing recommendations were analysed to be able to provide a software that could give a more personalized suggestion for the users basing in their physical characteristics. The model validation will be done through the experience of a group of users at the moment of use of the virtual assistant and experts in the fashion assessment area. / Trabajo de investigación

Classification multi-labels graduée : découverte des relations entre les labels, et adaptation à la reconnaissance des odeurs et au contexte big data des systèmes de recommandation / Graded multi-label classification : discovery of label relations, and adaptation to odor recognition and the big data context of recommendation systems

Laghmari, Khalil 23 March 2018 (has links)
En classification multi-labels graduée (CMLG), chaque instance est associée à un ensemble de labels avec des degrés d’association gradués. Par exemple, une même molécule odorante peut être associée à une odeur forte ‘musquée’, une odeur modérée ‘animale’, et une odeur faible ‘herbacée’. L’objectif est d’apprendre un modèle permettant de prédire l’ensemble gradué de labels associé à une instance à partir de ses variables descriptives. Par exemple, prédire l’ensemble gradué d’odeurs à partir de la masse moléculaire, du nombre de liaisons doubles, et de la structure de la molécule. Un autre domaine intéressant de la CMLG est les systèmes de recommandation. En effet, les appréciations des utilisateurs par rapport à des items (produits, services, livres, films, etc) sont d’abord collectées sous forme de données MLG (l’échelle d’une à cinq étoiles est souvent utilisée). Ces données sont ensuite exploitées pour recommander à chaque utilisateur des items qui ont le plus de chance de l’intéresser. Dans cette thèse, une étude théorique approfondie de la CMLG permet de ressortir les limites des approches existantes, et d’assoir un ensemble de nouvelles approches apportant des améliorations évaluées expérimentalement sur des données réelles. Le cœur des nouvelles approches proposées est l’exploitation des relations entre les labels. Par exemple, une molécule ayant une forte odeur ‘musquée’ émet souvent une odeur faible ou modérée ‘animale’. Cette thèse propose également de nouvelles approches adaptées au cas des molécules odorantes et au cas des gros volumes de données collectées dans le cadre des systèmes de recommandation. / In graded multi-label classification (GMLC), each instance is associated to a set of labels with graded membership degrees. For example, the same odorous molecule may be associated to a strong 'musky' odor, a moderate 'animal' odor, and a weak 'grassy' odor. The goal is to learn a model to predict the graded set of labels associated to an instance from its descriptive variables. For example, predict the graduated set of odors from the molecular weight, the number of double bonds, and the structure of the molecule. Another interesting area of the GMLC is recommendation systems. In fact, users' assessments of items (products, services, books, films, etc.) are first collected in the form of GML data (using the one-to-five star rating). These data are then used to recommend to each user items that are most likely to interest him. In this thesis, an in-depth theoretical study of the GMLC allows to highlight the limits of existing approaches, and to introduce a set of new approaches bringing improvements evaluated experimentally on real data. The main point of the new proposed approaches is the exploitation of relations between labels. For example, a molecule with a strong 'musky' odor often has a weak or moderate 'animal' odor. This thesis also proposes new approaches adapted to the case of odorous molecules and to the case of large volumes of data collected in the context of recommendation systems.

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