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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A autoridade parental nas famílias reconstituídas / The parental authority in reconstituted family

Débora Consoni Gouveia 14 October 2010 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho é demonstrar a possibilidade de atuação dos pais afins nas famílias reconstituídas, assim entendidas como aquelas formadas em segundas núpcias, em que pelo menos um dos cônjuges ou companheiro possui filhos de uma união anterior, de forma complementar e subsidiária aos pais biológicos, com vista a integrar a parentalidade, visando ao melhor interesse da criança e do adolescente à luz da Constituição Federal, do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente e do Código Civil. Com base no princípio do valor jurídico do afeto e no instituto da paternidade socioafetiva, busca-se evidenciar a importância do exercício da autoridade parental, de forma complementar, pelos pais afins nos lares reconstituídos. A convivência, os cuidados diários, a dedicação fazem nascer entre os integrantes das famílias reconstituídas vínculos de afetividade, que se revelam importantes e relevantes para o pleno desenvolvimento do menor. E apenas o pleno exercício da autoridade parental nas famílias reconstituídas permitirá uma adequada estruturação familiar, com atribuição de funções definidas aos membros integrantes desta complexa estrutura familiar, onde os papéis não são definidos e a legislação em nada orienta o comportamento, especialmente, dos pais afins. Para esta plena integração e bom funcionamento da estrutura familiar reconstituída, tendo em vista o melhor interesse do menor, objetiva-se demonstrar a necessidade de legitimação da conduta dos pais afins, no âmbito da família, hoje, vedada pelo ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. / The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the possibility of actions of step parents in reconstituted families, those formed in remarriages in which at least one spouse or partner has children from a previous union, in a complementary and subsidiary way to biological parents with the purpose to integrate parenthood, aiming for the best interests of children and adolescents in the light of the Federal Constitution, the Statute of Children and Adolescents and the Civil Code. Based on the principle of the legal value of affection and the institute of socio-affective parenthood, it is sought to highlight the importance of the exercise of parental authority, as complementary, by the step parents in the rebuilt homes. Coexistence, the daily care and dedication create among the members of reconstituted families ties of affection which are important and relevant to the full development of the child. Only the full exercise of parental authority in reconstituted families will allow a proper family structuring, with attribution of tasks to members of this complex family structure, in which nowadays roles are not defined and the legislation does nothing to guide behavior, especially of step parentes. For this full integration and smooth functioning of the reconstituted family structure, in view of the best interests of the child, the objective is to demonstrate the need to legitimize the conduct of the step parentes in the family, today prohibited under Brazilian law.

Expression de protéines par voie " cell-free " : de la régulation in vitro aux protéoliposomes / Cell-free protein expression : from in vitro control to proteoliposomes

Hansen, Grégory 07 December 2015 (has links)
Tous les organismes vivants convertissent leurs informations génétiques en protéines fonctionnelles par des mécanismes de transcription/traduction. Ces phénomènes fondamentaux de la biologie sont maintenant maitrisés au niveau biochimique, et il est possible par le biais de systèmes dits " cell free " de produire des protéines in vitro à partir de fragments d'ADN synthétiques. Ces systèmes minimaux d'expression génique représentent autant un outil fondamental pour la compréhension des mécanismes du vivant qu'une plateforme pour de nombreuses applications biotechnologiques. Néanmoins, le contrôle (déclenchement, régulation) de ces systèmes reste limité en comparaison de leurs analogues naturels. Dans cette thèse, j'explore tout d'abord des moyens de régulation de l'expression en système cell-free par voie métabolique, en étudiant l'influence de différents facteurs biochimiques ou énergétiques. Je m'intéresse ensuite à la mise en place d'un contrôle réversible en exploitant un couplage antibiotique/enzyme. Je montre également que l'inhibition produite par cet antibiotique peut être exploitée pour étudier les cinétiques de maturation des protéines fluorescentes. Enfin, je décris un protocole innovant de préparation de protéoliposomes géants fonctionnels permettant à la fois l'expression in situ de protéines membranaires eucaryotes et leur modification post-traductionnelle. Cette approche est appliquée en particulier pour la reconstitution de pores membranaires déclenchables par voie thermique ou enzymatique. / Throughout Transcription and Translation, every single living organism converts the genetic information it carries into functional proteins. These fundamental mechanisms are nowadays mastered up to their biochemical level, enabling us to produce in vitro proteins from synthetic DNA fragments, by the use of so called Cell-free systems. This minimalistic approach of gene expression represents both a tool to unravel biological mechanisms and a platform to develop new biotechnology applications. In spite of these credits, controlling these systems (triggering, regulation) is still scarcely achieved. The aim of the thesis is first of all to explore new means of metabolic regulation for gene expression in cell-free systems, by studying the influence on expression levels of biochemical and energetic factors. I then focus the research to establish a reversible control comprising the coupling of an enzyme and an antibiotic. Moreover, I demonstrate that the inhibition caused by this antibiotic can be used to study the maturation kinetics of fluorescent proteins. Finally, I describe an innovative, one-pot, protocol to prepare functional giant proteoliposomes, enabling simultaneously in situ expression of the eukaryotic membrane proteins and their post-translational modifications. This approach is then applied to reconstitute membranous pores triggered by thermal changes or specific enzymatic activity.

Caractérisation et modélisation numérique des poutres en Bois Massif Reconstitué (BMR) réalisées avec une essence locale feuillue / Characterization and numerical modelling of the glued solid timber beams performed with a local hardwood

Tran, Van Dang 12 December 2014 (has links)
Les produits structuraux (poutres, poteaux…etc) en bois de hêtre reconstitué par collage, notamment le Bois Massif Reconstitué (BMR) présentent un fort potentiel tant au niveau de la performance mécanique que de la ressource disponible par comparaison aux essences résineuses. Par ailleurs, les normes européennes actuelles sont rédigées pour les essences résineuses et l’usage du bois de hêtre en structures est limité à la classe de service 1 et aux produits d’intérieur et d’ameublement. Le marché français montre une forte augmentation de l’importation de produits structuraux en bois reconstitué par collage, principalement d’Allemagne et d’Autriche. Au-delà du potentiel de résistance mécanique du hêtre, son utilisation comme bois d’œuvre contribuera positivement au bilan carbone pour l’environnement, par la réduction des transports des bois d’importation. Cependant, pour un usage structural, les produits en hêtre reconstitué par collage nécessitent de passer par une évaluation de leur performance, notamment la fiabilité des aboutages. Cette thèse présente une méthodologie expérimentale et numérique permettant l’analyse du comportement mécanique des poutres en BMR. La démarche a été appliquée avec succès dans le cadre de poutres constituées de 2 à 3 lamelles avec ou sans aboutages. Dans ce contexte, nous avons également réalisé une étude paramétrique pour étudier l’influence de plusieurs paramètres sur la résistance des aboutages. En fin, nous avons formulé le problème d’optimisation de la géométrie de l’enture multiple afin d’augmenter la résistance des aboutages et donc la résistance globale des poutres en BMR / Nowadays, adhesively reconstituted products made of beech timber appear to be of increasing interest for structural purposes due to its high strength/stiffness properties as compared to the most soft-wood species. Furthermore, beech timber is not recognized by most standards for structural uses and restricted to service class 1 and only the furniture, interior joinery and do-it-yourself sectors are still the major users. The French market shows great increasing imports of adhesively reconstituted structural products from Germany and Austria. Moreover, the use of local species, like beech, for the production of reconstituted structural elements could be better for the carbon balance, since it reduces import transportation. However, despite the high mechanical performance of beech timber, adhesively reconstituted products need to meet some requirements, such as the performance of finger-joints. This thesis presents experimental and numerical approaches to deal with the mechanical behaviour of adhesively reconstituted beech beams, for structural purposes. Two-layer and three-layer beams with or without finger-joints have been considered and successfully studied. In addition, a parametrical study has been undertaken to study the influence of several parameters on the mechanical resistance of finger-joints. We, finally, proposed an optimization of the finger-jointing geometry in order to increase the resistance of finger-joints

Efeito da ensilagem de milho na modulação da comunidade bacteriana endógena / Effect of maize ensiling on the modulation of the endogenous bacterial community

Estrada, Paula de Almeida Carvalho 12 December 2018 (has links)
Compreender a ecologia microbiana durante a ensilagem é fundamental para neutralizar pontos críticos relacionados à produção de silagens de qualidade por meio da prevenção do crescimento de bactérias oportunistas que possam comprometer a segurança da cadeia alimentar animal e o rendimento da forragem ensilada. Ensilar GSR de milho possibilita a compra estratégica em momentos de baixa nos preços do grão. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar por meio de sequenciamento massivo do gene 16S rRNA o efeito da reconstituição da umidade do grão de milho na dinâmica da comunidade bacteriana para confecção dessa silagem. Foram amostrados milhos plantados em dois distintos locais. As plantas usadas no estudo incluíram dois híbridos contrastantes, \"dent\" (AG 1051) e outro \"flint\" (IAC 8390) ensilados de duas maneiras: grão úmido (GU), com a umidade original e grãos secos reconstituídos (GSR) à 30 % U, ambos ensilados por 0 ou 120 dias. Utilizando a plataforma de sequenciamento Ion Torrent, foi possível observar uma redução significativa (P < 0,05) no número de OTUs ao se comparar silagens GSR aos 0 dias em relação aos 120 dias em ambos os híbridos e locais de cultivo do milho. As PCoAs evidenciaram variação na estrutura da comunidade bacteriana em função do período de estocagem do grão com separação nítida das comunidades provenientes de amostras recém colhidas daquelas provenientes de silagens estocadas por 120 dias. Também foi revelado que Proteobacteria (41,8 %), Firmicutes (41,6 %) e Actinobacteria (13,2 %) foram os filos mais abundantes nas silagens, tendo sido evidenciado a ocorrência de sucessão de um microbioma dominado por Proteobacteria e Actinobacteria (aos 0 dias) para um microbioma dominado por Firmicutes, representado principalmente pela ordem Lactobacillales nas silagens terminais (120 dias). Observamos o mesmo efeito ao considerar a amostra local, híbrido e maturidade fisiológica. Os fatores que apresentaram maior influência na distribuição da comunidade bacteriana foram o período de estocagem (36,16 %) e o estágio de maturação do milho (13,3 %). A ordem Lactobacillales foi diferencialmente abundante no milho estocado por 120 dias (70 % da variação) e Enterobacteriales (45 % da variação) aos 0 dias. Em relação ao estágio de maturação do grão observamos variação significativa na abundância relativa de Enterobacteriales em GU (25 % da variação) e Actinomycetales em GSR (21 % da variação). Houve correlação (P = 0,002) do pH com a estrutura da comunidade das silagens, sendo que as maiores variações de pH se deram comparando as amostras no tempo 0 - 120 dias de estocagem. A ordem Lactobacillales foi negativamente correlacionada com o pH (r = - 0,85), enquanto que Enterobacteriales (r = 0,58) e Actinomycetales (r = 0,46) foram positivamente correlacionadas com o pH. A reconstituição do grão de milho não exerceu efeito negativo sobre a população bacteriana das silagens terminais, destacando a viabilidade desta técnica. Até o momento, não há trabalhos publicados apresentando a estrutura e composição da comunidade bacteriana de silagens de GSR por meio de sequenciamento massivo do gene 16S rRNA, confirmando a importância e o ineditismo deste trabalho. / Understanding microbial ecology during ensiling is critical to neutralize critical points related to optimal silage making by preventing the growth of opportunistic bacteria that may compromise the safety of the animal food chain and the yield of silage fodder. Ensiling GSR makes it possible to buy strategically at times of low grain prices. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of reconstitution of corn grain on the dynamics of the bacterial community aiming high moisture corn silage processing by means of a massive sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. Harvest was performed in two different locations. The plants used in the study included two contrasting hybrids, dent (AG 1051) and another flint (IAC 8390) hybrids, ensiled in two ways: wet grain (GU), ensiled with the original moisture or rehydrated dry grains (GSR) ensiled with 30 % of moisture, both ensiled for 0 or 120 days. Using the Ion Torrent sequencing platform, a significant reduction (P <0.05) in the number of OTUs was observed when comparing GSR silages at day 0 versus 120 days in both hybrids and maize growing sites. The PCoAs evidenced variation in the structure of the bacterial community as a function of the storage period of the grain with clear separation of the communities coming from freshly harvested samples from silage stored for 120 days. It was also revealed that Proteobacteria (41,8 %), Firmicutes (41,6 %) and Actinobacteria (13,2 %) were the most abundant phyla in the silages, evidencing the occurrence of succession of a microbiome dominated by Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria (at 0 day) for a microbiome dominated by Firmicutes, represented mainly by the order Lactobacillales in the terminal silages (120 days). We observed the same effect when considering the local sample, hybrid and physiological maturity. The factors that had the greatest influence on the distribution of the bacterial community were the storage period (36,16 %) and the stage of maturity of the plant (13,3 %). The Lactobacillales order was differentially abundant in the corn stored for 120 days (70% of the variation) and Enterobacteriales (45 % of the variation) at day 0. In relation to the stage of maturity we observed a significant variation in the relative abundance of Enterobacteriales in GU (25 % of the variation) and Actinomycetales in GSR (21 % of the variation). There was a correlation (P = 0.002) of the pH with the community structure of the silages, and the highest pH variations were obtained by comparing the samples in the 0 - 120 days of storage. The order Lactobacillales was negatively correlated with pH (r = -0.85), while Enterobacteriales (r = 0.58) and Actinomycetales (r = 0.46) were positively correlated with pH. The reconstitution of the corn grain did not have a negative effect on the bacterial population of the terminal silages, highlighting the viability of this technique. To date, there are no published papers presenting the structure and composition of the bacterial community of GSR silages by means of massive sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene, confirming the importance and novelty of this work.

Aproveitamento de resíduo de soja para produção de painéis MDP (Medium Density Particleboard) / Use of soybean residue for production of MDP panels (Medium Density Particleboard)

Guimarães, Íngrid Luz 23 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2017-06-29T22:20:43Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Ingrid Luz Guimarães - 2017.pdf: 1402447 bytes, checksum: 7d2b3bc12c14d9a3bd34392e4f9d7049 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-07-10T10:46:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Ingrid Luz Guimarães - 2017.pdf: 1402447 bytes, checksum: 7d2b3bc12c14d9a3bd34392e4f9d7049 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T10:46:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Ingrid Luz Guimarães - 2017.pdf: 1402447 bytes, checksum: 7d2b3bc12c14d9a3bd34392e4f9d7049 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Soybean pre-cleaning residue is found in large quantities in the processing and processing dryers' farms, resulting in serious inconvenience if it is not removed to farther places before the fermentation process begins. Among the residues generated at the time of harvesting and cleaning of the grains are soybean pods, which presents as an alternative lignocellulosic material to be used in the production of Agglomerated panels of the MDP type. The objective of this work was to verify the effect of the use of soybean pods in the production of eucalyptus MDP panels. The panels, with a nominal density of 0.70 g / cm³, were composed of three layers, the thin layers of eucalyptus wood were used in the covers and the core was composed of a mixture of eucalyptus particles and soybean pods. The proportions used of soybean residue particles in relation to those of eucalyptus in the kernels were 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%. For the glueing of the particles the adhesive urea formaldehyde, in the proportion of 12%, was used for both the covers and the crumb. The pressing cycle had a temperature of 160 ° C for a period of 15 minutes at a pressure of 4MPa. To evaluate the quality of the panels produced, their physical and mechanical properties of apparent density; Compaction ratio; Water absorption and swelling in thickness at 2 and 24 hours of immersion were determinater; Perpendicular traction; Modulus of elasticity and modulus of rupture in the static bending. To meet the requirements of Brazilian standard (NBR 14.810 / 2002), for the properties of swelling in thickness (2h) and modulus of rupture, the maximum amount of soybean recommended for MDP panels is 20%. / O resíduo da pré-limpeza de soja é encontrado em grande quantidade no pátio das indústrias de beneficiamento e dos secadores das fazendas, acarretando sérios transtornos caso não seja removido para locais mais afastados antes que o processo de fermentação se inicie. Dentre os resíduos gerados no momento da colheita e limpeza dos grãos estão às vagens de soja, que se apresenta como um material lignocelulósico alternativo para ser utilizado na produção de painéis aglomerados do tipo MDP. Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar o efeito da utilização de vagens de soja na produção de painéis MDP de eucalipto. Os painéis, com densidade nominal de 0,70 g/cm³, foram constituídos por três camadas, de modo que nas capas foram utilizadas finas partículas de madeira de eucalipto e o miolo foi composto por uma mistura de partículas de eucalipto e de vagens soja. As proporções utilizadas de partículas de resíduo de soja em relação às de eucalipto no miolo foram de 0, 25, 50, 75 e 100%. Para o encolamento das partículas foi utilizado o adesivo uréia formaldeído, na proporção de 12%, tanto para as capas como para o miolo. O ciclo de prensagem teve temperatura de 160°C, por um período de 15 minutos a uma pressão de 4MPa. Para avaliar a qualidade dos painéis produzidos, foram determinadas suas propriedades físicas e mecânicas de densidade aparente; razão de compactação; absorção de água e inchamento em espessura em 2 e 24 horas de imersão; tração perpendicular; módulo de elasticidade e módulo de ruptura na flexão estática. Para atender as exigências da norma brasileira (NBR 14.810/2002), para as propriedades de inchamento em espessura (2h) e módulo de ruptura, a quantidade máxima de vagem de soja recomendada para painéis MDP é de 20%.

Kinetic Analysis of Mammalian Translation Initiation

Yi, Sung-Hui 13 December 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Die benutting van veerkrag deur middel-adolessente in ’n hersaamgestelde gesin

Ebersohn, Suzette 28 April 2012 (has links)
Divorce is a potentially destructive reality in society. According to the bio-ecological model of Bronfenbrenner, the development of the child takes place within two micro family systems when a family is reconstituted following divorce: the primary micro family system, where the child resides permanently with his/her biological parent who has parental rights and responsibilities, as well as the secondary micro family system of the other biological parent who also has parental rights and responsibilities, where the child visits periodically. Challenges that the child faces in the context of the reconstituted family thus include shared membership of the two micro family systems and the complexity of the mesosystem. Resilience can be defined as a process of the inborn ability to achieve positive outcomes and to adjust successfully despite challenges and adverse living conditions. The purpose of the study was twofold: firstly, to achieve understanding of the way in which middle-adolescents of divorced parents, in moving between the two micro family systems of their reconstituted families, utilise their resilience to develop optimally in spite of a probably dysfunctional relationship between their biological parents at the mesosystemic level and secondly, to contribute to the fields of knowledge on resilience and bio-ecological theory in order to enhance educational psychology praxis with regard to the adaptation of adolescents of divorced parents in reconstituted families. The study was qualitative, and conducted in the interpretive paradigm. A multiple case study with a purposeful sampling of four participants was used. Unstructured narrative conversations were conducted, which included a resilience-based therapeutic intervention to facilitate sensitisation regarding personal strengths and assets in accordance with the assetbased approach. The format of the data description and analysis was defined by the narrative way of working. The participants’ utilisation of resilience qualities was evaluated in accordance with a definition of resilience which had been newly constructed by means of a synthesis of the bio-ecological model, positive psychology and the focuses of the first three waves of resilience research. The findings of the study indicated that the way in which middle-adolescents utilise their resilience depends on a therapeutic process (a personal, controlled process) as well as the nature of the mesosystem in their developmental context (a factor that can only be controlled by the divorced biological parents). In respect of a therapeutic process, the utilisation of the middle-adolescents’ resilience depends on their emotional security to make conscious choices to mobilise their resilience and consequently change their behaviour in order to cope effectively with difficult family circumstances in both their micro-family systems. In respect of the nature of the mesosystem, the utilisation of the middle-adolescents’ resilience depends on the effectiveness of the relationship between their divorced biological parents at the mesosystemic level. The utilisation of resilience per se is apparently dependent on some consistent systemic foundation in the developmental context of the child, which is, in the case of divorce, the mesosystem. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted

Integrating a girl-child orphaned by aids in a reconstituted family: pastoral and other challenges

Mutasa, Gertrude Pazvichainda Stembile 01 1900 (has links)
Five years ago at the age of 14, Rutendo Chaibva was double-orphaned by AIDS. A "Family Post Bereavement Property and Responsibilities Disbursement Committee" assigned her uncle Eric Gara as "replacement parent". Rutendo and her " replacement mother" Gerlinda were co-participants in the Participatory Action Research Study. It started in a therapeutic relationship after the family experienced some difficulties in integrating Rutendo into the reconstituted family. Both the therapy and research conversations explored and identified several pastoral and other challenges that militated against the integration process. Rutendo and Gerlinda's road was littered with, among others, minefields of silence and tears, secrecy, multiple losses, unresolved bereavement, unfinished business, anger, fear, and groping for Christian fellowship. It was concluded that personal, family, pastoral and other challenges, and, HIV/AIDS related complexities had militated against the integration process. At the end, Rutendo and Gerlinda acknowledged that therapy and the research processes had impacted positively on the integration process that improved significantly. / Practical Theology / M. Div. (Pastoral therapy)

Influência de genótipo, maturidade e tempo de armazenamento na qualidade de silagens de grãos de milho com alta umidade / Influence of genotype, maturity and lenght of storage on silage corn grain quality with high moisture

Fernandes, Juliana 25 July 2014 (has links)
O experimento avaliou os efeitos da ensilagem, da maturidade e do genótipo na matriz amido-protéica e no valor nutritivo de silagens de grão de milho com alta umidade. O delineamento experimental foi blocos ao acaso, com esquema fatorial 2×3×5: dois genótipos (duro ou dentado), três pontos de maturação (ponto de ensilagem de planta inteira, ponto de grão úmido e ponto de grão seco) e cinco tempos de armazenamento (0, 7, 21, 60 e 120 dias), com 4 repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por híbridos de milho AG 1051 (dentado) e IAC 8390 (duro). Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as suas médias comparadas pelo Teste Tukey (5%). Foram avaliadas as características físicas dos grãos ao longo da maturidade, características físico-químicas, composição química e perfil fermentativo das silagens, extração e quantificação de proteínas prolaminas (zeínas) e degradabilidade ruminal in situ da matéria seca e de amido das silagens. Nos grãos, as concentrações de proteínas prolaminas foram maiores para o híbrido duro (P < 0,01) e aumentaram conforme a maturidade, sendo que a vitreosidade teve alta correlação com a concentração dessas proteínas. Já na silagem, os teores de proteínas prolaminas foram similares para grão úmido e grão seco reconstituído ao longo do período de armazenamento, independentemente do híbrido ensilado. O teor de nitrogênio amoniacal e proteína solúvel das silagens aumentaram (P < 0,01) ao longo do período de armazenamento. Silagens de grão seco reconstituído apresentaram maiores valores de pH, maiores teores de ácido butírico, etanol, acetona e 2,3-butanodiol. A maior degradabilidade ruminal de amido foi correlacionada negativamente (P < 0,01) com a concentração de proteínas prolaminas e positivamente relacionada (P < 0,01) aos teores de proteína solúvel e nitrogênio amoniacal. O efeito de genótipo e maturidade foram superados por tempos de armazenamento superiores a 60 dias, no tocante à degradabilidade ruminal das silagens. Silagens de grão seco reconstituído apresentaram maiores perdas de matéria seca e qualidade higiênica inferior às silagens de grão úmido. / The experiment evaluated the effects of silage maturity and genotype on starch-protein matrix and nutritive values of corn grain silage with high moisture. The experiment design was randomized blocks with 2 × 3 × 5 factorial: two genotypes (flint or dent), three maturity stages (whole plant silage stage, moisture grain stage and dry grain stage) and five lengths of storage (0, 7, 21, 60 and 120 days), with four replications. The treatments were composed by two corn hybrids - AG 1051 (dent) and IAC 8390 (flint). The data were subjected to analysis of variance and the averages were compared by Tukey test (5%). Corn grains physical characteristics along the maturity, physicochemical characteristics, chemical composition and fermentation characteristics of silages, extraction and quantitation of prolamin protein (zein) and dry matter and starch in situ silage degradability were evaluated. In corn grains, the concentration of prolamin protein was higher for hybrid flint (P < 0.01) and also increased with maturity, and the vitreousness had higher correlation with the concentration of these proteins. Furthermore in silages, prolamin proteins were similar to high moisture grain and dry grain reconstituted, along with storage, regardless of the hybrid. In silage, the ammonia nitrogen and soluble crude protein contents increased (P < 0.01) during the length of storage. Reconstituted dry grain silages had higher pH, higher concentrations of butyric acid, ethanol, acetone and 2,3 - butanediol. The highest ruminal starch degradability was negatively correlated (P < 0.01) with the prolamin protein concentration and positively (P < 0.01) related to soluble crude protein and ammonia nitrogen protein levels. The effect of genotype and maturity were overcome by 60 days length of storage, according to ruminal degradability of silages. Reconstituted dry grain silages had higher DM losses and the hygienic quality was lower compared with high moisture corn silages.

Influência do genótipo e maturidade na diversidade microbiológica em milho grão para silagem / Influence of genotype and maturity in microbiological diversity in corn grain for silage

Carvalho, Paula de Almeida 11 July 2014 (has links)
O histórico agronômico da cultura, em geral, explica a comunidade microbiana presente na massa ensilada, entretanto, a diversidade e o grau de contaminação da população microbiana epifítica pode auxiliar na compreensão do padrão de fermentação da silagem e da estabilidade desse produto quando em exposição ao ambiente aeróbio. No presente trabalho, foram avaliados a influência do genótipo, maturidade e período de estocagem na composição da comunidade bacteriana em silagens de grãos de milho. Para isso, dois cultivares de milho AG 1051 (\"dent\") e IAC 8390 (\"flint\") foram colhidos em três estágios de maturidade (ponto de silagem de planta inteira, ponto de silagem de grão úmido e ponto de grão seco), moídos e ensilados por 0, 7 e 120 dias. Atualmente, a aplicação de técnicas de microbiologia molecular permite acessar alterações causadas nestas comunidades de maneira independente do cultivo bacteriano, por esse motivo, a comunidade bacteriana foi avaliada por meio da técnica de Eletroforese em Gel de Gradiente Desnaturante (DGGE) e sequenciamento dos produtos de PCR via sistema MiSeqTM Illumina. Foi demonstrado que em silagens de grãos de milho contendo alta umidade, os diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento da cultura, e por conseguinte, do grão, são os principais determinantes da composição da comunidade bacteriana deste, sendo menos importantes o genótipo das plantas e os tempos de estocagem das silagens. Aos 120 dias de estocagem nas amostras de grão seco reconstituído, as sequências afiliadas ao gênero Clostridium representaram total de aproximadamente 40% das sequências afiliadas aos gêneros encontrados, enquanto o gênero Lactobacillus representou menos de 7% das sequências afiliadas a este gênero. Provavelmente, grãos secos sofrem mais estresse a campo, o que consequentemente, pode interferir na qualidade higiênico sanitária das silagens desses grãos. Com base nestes resultados fica evidenciada a possibilidade de realização de recomendações potenciais de aditivos específicos para ensilagem de grãos de milho, direcionados para cada ponto de maturidade da cultura. / The agronomic background of crops in general, explains the microbial community present in silage, however, diversity and contamination status may help on understanding the silage fermentation profile and aerobic stability. In the present work, the influence of factors such as different genotypes, different stages of plants development and storage time in the composition of bacterial communities were evaluated. On this way, maize cultivars AG 1051 (\"dent\") and IAC 8390 (\"flint\") were harvested in three physiological stages (whole plant silage, wet grain silage and dry grain), the grain were grounded and ensiled for 0, 7 and 120 days. Nowadays, the applications of techniques of molecular microbiology allow assessing the shifts caused on these communities by a culture independent approach, therefore, bacterial community were evaluated by Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis technique (DGGE), and PCR products were sequenced by Illumina MiSeqTM System. It was demonstrated that in high moisture corn silage, different stages of plants development are main determinants of bacterial community composition rather than the plants genotypes and storage time. In addition in the samples of reconstituted dry grain, it was demonstrated that after 120 days of storage, sequences affiliated to the gender Clostridium accounted for a total of approximately 40% of total sequences affiliated to genera found, while the genus Lactobacillus represented less than 7% of sequences affiliated to this gender. Probably dried grains suffer more stress at field conditions, which in turn can interfere with the sanitary hygienic quality of silages obtained from these grains. At least, based on these results it is clear the possibility of performing potential specific additives recommendations, unique at each stage of maize plants development.

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