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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Валоризација и регионализација туристичко-географских потенцијала Старог Влаха и Рашке / Valorizacija i regionalizacija turističko-geografskih potencijala Starog Vlaha i Raške / Valorization and regionalization of tourist-geographical values of Stari Vlah and Raska region

Kićović Dušan 26 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Простор&nbsp; Старог&nbsp; Влаха&nbsp; и&nbsp; Рашке,&nbsp; као&nbsp; средиште&nbsp; прве&nbsp; српске државе,&nbsp; располаже&nbsp; значајним&nbsp; природним&nbsp; и&nbsp; антропогеним туристичким вредностима. &nbsp;</p><p>Природни&nbsp; потенцијали,&nbsp; као&nbsp; важан&nbsp; ресурс&nbsp; развој а&nbsp; овог простора,&nbsp; огледа&nbsp; се&nbsp; у&nbsp; рељефној&nbsp;&nbsp; разноликости,&nbsp; климатској повољности,&nbsp; богатству&nbsp; хидрографских&nbsp; објеката, куриозитетним свој ствима биљног и животињског света. Антропогене&nbsp; туристичке&nbsp; вредности&nbsp; имају&nbsp; значај ну&nbsp; и вишеструку&nbsp; улогу&nbsp; у&nbsp; валоризациј и&nbsp; и&nbsp; регионализациј и туристичко-географских&nbsp; потенцијала&nbsp; Старог&nbsp; Влаха&nbsp; и Рашке.&nbsp; Оне&nbsp; се,&nbsp; као&nbsp; богато&nbsp; културно&nbsp; наслеђе,&nbsp; пре&nbsp; свега, огледају&nbsp; у&nbsp; амбијенталним&nbsp; и&nbsp; пејзажним&nbsp; вредностима урбаних&nbsp; и&nbsp; руралних&nbsp; целина,&nbsp; етнографском&nbsp; наслеђу (ношња,&nbsp; игра&nbsp; и&nbsp; обичај и),&nbsp; споменичком&nbsp; наслеђу представљеном&nbsp; верским&nbsp; објектима&nbsp; и&nbsp; споменицима&nbsp; из различитих периода бурне историје.</p><p>Анализом&nbsp; поменутих&nbsp; вредности,&nbsp; уз&nbsp; квалитетно конципирање&nbsp; економске&nbsp; политике&nbsp; и&nbsp; места&nbsp; туризма&nbsp; у&nbsp; слопу ње,&nbsp; као&nbsp; и&nbsp; изградњом&nbsp; одговарујуће&nbsp; материј алне&nbsp; базе&nbsp; за развој&nbsp;&nbsp; туризма,&nbsp; овај&nbsp;&nbsp; простор&nbsp; издвој ио&nbsp; би&nbsp; се&nbsp; из&nbsp; групе нај неразвиjенијих&nbsp; у нашој&nbsp; земљи.</p> / <p>Prostor&nbsp; Starog&nbsp; Vlaha&nbsp; i&nbsp; Raške,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; središte&nbsp; prve&nbsp; srpske države,&nbsp; raspolaže&nbsp; značajnim&nbsp; prirodnim&nbsp; i&nbsp; antropogenim turističkim vrednostima. &nbsp;</p><p>Prirodni&nbsp; potencijali,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; važan&nbsp; resurs&nbsp; razvoj a&nbsp; ovog prostora,&nbsp; ogleda&nbsp; se&nbsp; u&nbsp; reljefnoj&nbsp;&nbsp; raznolikosti,&nbsp; klimatskoj povoljnosti,&nbsp; bogatstvu&nbsp; hidrografskih&nbsp; objekata, kuriozitetnim svoj stvima biljnog i životinjskog sveta. Antropogene&nbsp; turističke&nbsp; vrednosti&nbsp; imaju&nbsp; značaj nu&nbsp; i višestruku&nbsp; ulogu&nbsp; u&nbsp; valorizacij i&nbsp; i&nbsp; regionalizacij i turističko-geografskih&nbsp; potencijala&nbsp; Starog&nbsp; Vlaha&nbsp; i Raške.&nbsp; One&nbsp; se,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; bogato&nbsp; kulturno&nbsp; nasleđe,&nbsp; pre&nbsp; svega, ogledaju&nbsp; u&nbsp; ambijentalnim&nbsp; i&nbsp; pejzažnim&nbsp; vrednostima urbanih&nbsp; i&nbsp; ruralnih&nbsp; celina,&nbsp; etnografskom&nbsp; nasleđu (nošnja,&nbsp; igra&nbsp; i&nbsp; običaj i),&nbsp; spomeničkom&nbsp; nasleđu predstavljenom&nbsp; verskim&nbsp; objektima&nbsp; i&nbsp; spomenicima&nbsp; iz različitih perioda burne istorije.</p><p>Analizom&nbsp; pomenutih&nbsp; vrednosti,&nbsp; uz&nbsp; kvalitetno koncipiranje&nbsp; ekonomske&nbsp; politike&nbsp; i&nbsp; mesta&nbsp; turizma&nbsp; u&nbsp; slopu nje,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; izgradnjom&nbsp; odgovarujuće&nbsp; materij alne&nbsp; baze&nbsp; za razvoj&nbsp;&nbsp; turizma,&nbsp; ovaj&nbsp;&nbsp; prostor&nbsp; izdvoj io&nbsp; bi&nbsp; se&nbsp; iz&nbsp; grupe naj nerazvijenijih&nbsp; u našoj&nbsp; zemlji.</p> / <p>The&nbsp; region&nbsp; of&nbsp; Stari&nbsp; Vlah and&nbsp; Raska,&nbsp; as&nbsp; the&nbsp; centre of&nbsp;&nbsp; the&nbsp; very first&nbsp; Serbian&nbsp; state,&nbsp; has&nbsp; important&nbsp; natural&nbsp;&nbsp; and&nbsp; anthropogenic tourist values.</p><p>The&nbsp; variety&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; relief ,&nbsp; climate&nbsp; advantage,&nbsp; hydrographic objects&rsquo;&nbsp; wealth,&nbsp; very&nbsp; rare&nbsp; characteristics&nbsp; of&nbsp; flora&nbsp; and&nbsp; fauna make&nbsp; natural&nbsp;&nbsp; potentials,&nbsp; as&nbsp; a&nbsp; very&nbsp; important&nbsp; resource&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; this regi on&rsquo;s devel opment.</p><p>The&nbsp; anthropogenic&nbsp; tourist&nbsp; values&nbsp; have&nbsp; an&nbsp; important&nbsp; and multiple&nbsp; role&nbsp; concerning&nbsp; valorization&nbsp; and&nbsp; regionalization&nbsp; of the&nbsp; tourist&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; geographical&nbsp;&nbsp; potentials&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; Stari&nbsp;&nbsp; Vlah&nbsp; and&nbsp; Raska region.&nbsp; As&nbsp; a&nbsp; rich&nbsp; cultural&nbsp; heritage,&nbsp; in&nbsp; fact,&nbsp; they&nbsp; are&nbsp; in environmental&nbsp;&nbsp; and&nbsp; landscape&nbsp; values&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; urban&nbsp; and&nbsp; rural ent i t i es,&nbsp; in&nbsp; ethnographic&nbsp; heri tage&nbsp; (nati onal&nbsp;&nbsp; costumes,&nbsp; dance and&nbsp; customs),&nbsp; in monumental&nbsp;&nbsp; heri tage presented by religious obj ects&nbsp; and&nbsp; monuments&nbsp; from&nbsp; different&nbsp; times&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; Serbian turbulent history.</p><p>This&nbsp; region&nbsp; could&nbsp; be&nbsp; marked&nbsp; off&nbsp; from&nbsp; group&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; most undeveloped&nbsp; regions&nbsp; in&nbsp; our&nbsp; country&nbsp; by&nbsp; analyzing&nbsp; the mentioned&nbsp; values&nbsp; and&nbsp; by&nbsp; managing&nbsp; the&nbsp; right&nbsp; concept&nbsp; of economic&nbsp; policy&nbsp; and&nbsp; tourism&nbsp; inside&nbsp; it,&nbsp; as&nbsp; well&nbsp; as&nbsp; by constructing&nbsp; the&nbsp; convenient&nbsp; materi al&nbsp; base&nbsp; for&nbsp; tourism development.</p>

Framgångsfaktorer för regionala gränsöverskridande samarbeten : En fallstudie om Kvarkenrådets samarbete / Factors for a successful regional cross-border cooperation : case study of the Kvarkenrådet cooperation

Andersson, Linnea January 2020 (has links)
Within the EU the cohesion policy and encouragement for cross-border cooperation has becomemore important over the years. And in the academia, there has been a lot of research about thesekinds of cooperation. However, there have been few studies of cross-border cooperation regarding underpinning factors for successful cross-border cooperation. This study aims to create a theoretical model for factors that influence the success of such cooperation. This model is later applied to the cross-border cooperation between Västerbotten and Örnsköldsvik in then orthern Sweden and the tree counties of Österbotten in Finland, which is called Kvarkenrådet. The main purpose of this study is to find out whether Kvarkenrådet is a successful cross-border cooperation by applying the theoretical model on Kvarkenrådet:s cooperations. To answer the aim on the study two personal interviews have been conducted with the director of Kvarkenrådet Mathias Lindström and the president of the bord Lennart Holmlund and later the empirical results from the interviews is compared to the theoretical model of factors that influence cross-border cooperation. The result showed that all the factors in the theoretical model could be identified in Kvarkenrådet. Except from the factors in the theoretical model. The conclusion of this study is that Kvarkenrådet is a successful cross border cooperation that is built on many different factorson different level.

Fly ash impact in forest ecosystems in Northeastern Germany – an assessment and regionalization approach

Fürst, Christine 08 March 2010 (has links)
The presented doctoral thesis “Fly ash impact in forest ecosystems in Northeastern Germany - an assessment and regionalization approach” intends to (a) test if the field assessment of ferrimagnetic susceptibility can be used as cost efficient method to get information on fly ash deposition impacted chemical site properties. (b) develop a regionalization approach to bridge the gap from plot-wise assessed data to spatial management information. The thesis is a follow-up of extensive research activities by the Institute for Soil Science and Site Ecology on industrial deposition in Dübener Heide and Upper Lusatian region which started in the early 1960ies and were intensified from the middle of the 1990ies on. A central topic of these research activities was the assessment of the impact of fly ash deposition on chemical soil properties. A major challenge was to transfer the assessed chemical characteristics from plot to region and to aggregate the measured values to provide an information basis, which can be used for a site potential and risk oriented forest management. This challenge was picked up by the joint research project “ENFORCHANGE” (FKZ 0330634 K, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research). The presented thesis was carried out in the frame of this project during the period 2005 - 2009. The thesis was conceived as cumulative work, which includes ten papers in total. Five articles are published in peer-reviewed journals (ISI listed, 1 paper still in revision), and five are part of books or conference proceedings. • Chapter 1 “Introduction” gives an overview on the motivation, idea and structure of the thesis. • In chapter 2 “Aims and Scope of the presented work” information on the background and frame of the study within the project ENFORCHANGE is given. • Chapter 3 “Background and State of the Art” deals with the history of fly ash deposition in the model region Dübener Heide. • Chapter 4 “Material and Methods” gives information on fly ash and presents the spatial assessment design and the hereon based approaches for up-scaling and correlation of magnetic susceptibility with selected chemical characteristics. • Chapter 5 “Results” presents results of the spatial modeling and linear regression based approach to use ferrimagnetic susceptibility for predicting the contents of selected base cations, selected acid and heavy metal cations and Black Carbon. • Chapter 6 “Discussion and Conclusions” compares the assumptions and findings in the different articles, discusses contradictory findings and open questions and provides a comprehensive evaluation of the outcomes. Final conclusions are drawn and an outlook is given. A key finding of the thesis is that the industrial complex Bitterfeld was the most important source of fly ash deposited in the model region Dübener Heide. The power plant Zschornewitz plays only a minor role contrary to the research hypothesis formulated in ENFORCHANGE. Related to the targets of the thesis, spatial variation of magnetic susceptibility was predicted with high precision by a multiple linear regression model. A slightly differing set of model parameters  according to their explanatory value for three selected depth levels  improved the prediction quality. The selection of the parameters supported understanding the major drivers for magnetic particle deposition, storage, and vertical displacement in the forest soils. Humus layer (depth level 6-10 cm), horizontal distance to Bitterfeld and soil type (Podzol, semi-terrestrial sites) were the most important variables. These variables point to a slowed-down humus dynamic, which causes the accumulation of fly ash in the humus layer. In depth level 11 – 15 cm, variables such as “aspect” gain in importance, which describe the exposure against the major wind direction and thus indicate the probability and of deposition. For the mineral horizon (depth level 21-25 cm), exposition and especially stand properties are most important. The latter gives evidence for the intensity of deposition caused by surface roughness. Therefore, the variables “coniferous” and “mixed” stands were highly relevant for the model. Variable correlations between mass susceptibility and selected base cations, acid cations and heavy metals have been found. When using a linear regression model, a prediction of Ca and Mg and of Mn was possible. The model performance was lower for Fe, Al, Cd and Black Carbon. A possible reason was the use of different plot types: the assessment of magnetic susceptibility and chemical soil properties was well harmonized at the ENFORCHANGE plots considering the sampling material and sampling location. A comparable harmonization could not be achieved at a number of monitoring plots, which were included into the analysis to broaden the data base. Comparing the results from the linear regression model based prediction with the results achieved by multiple regression based spatial modeling lead to the conclusion that the mul¬tiple regression approach is more promising: by using other model parameters such as orographic, climatic or stand parameters together with magnetic susceptibility, the prediction quality of the deposed agents could be improved and small scale variations in nutrient potentials and risks driven by fly ash deposition could be better recognized and made available for forest management decisions. / Die vorgelegte Doktorarbeit “Fly ash impact in forest ecosystems in Northeastern Germany - an assessment and regionalization approach” (Flugascheeinträge in Waldökosysteme in Nordostdeutschland  ein Erfassungs- und Regionalisierungsansatz) verfolgte die Ziele (a) zu testen, ob sich die Erfassung der ferrimagnetischen Suszeptibilität eignet, um kosteneffizient quantitative und / oder qualitative Informationen zu den eingetragenen Flugaschemengen und den in der Folge veränderten bodenchemischen Potenzialen zu erheben (b) zu testen, ob der Indikator „ferrimagnetische Suszeptibilität“ genutzt werden kann, um Informationen über Flugascheeinträge von der punktbezogenen Erfassung auf einen regionalen Maßstab hoch zu skalieren. Grundlage dieser Zielstellungen sind Forschungsarbeiten zu der Frage der langfristigen Wirksamkeit und ökologischen Bedeutung von Industrieexhalationen auf Waldökosysteme, die am Institut bereits in den 1960ziger Jahren begonnen wurden und verstärkt seit Mitte der 1990ziger Jahre fortgeführt wurden. Auf ihrer Basis wurde die Herausforderung eines kostengünstigen und flächenbezogenen Erhebungsansatzes identifiziert und formuliert. Die vorgelegte Arbeit ordnete sich in diese Forschungsarbeiten ein und führte sie im Rahmen des Verbundforschungsvorhabens ENFORCHANGE ((FKZ: 0330634 K, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) von 2005 - 2009 fort. Die Doktorarbeit ist als kumulative Arbeit angelegt, im Rahmen derer insgesamt 10 Publikationen zusammengefasst wurden. Davon sind 5 in internationalen Journalen bereits publiziert, akzeptiert oder in einem Fall in Begutachtung; 5 weitere Publikationen wurden ergänzend und auf speziellere Themen bezogen in Proceedings oder Buchbeiträgen publiziert. Die Arbeit gliedert sich in 5 Abschnitte: • Kapitel 1 (Einleitung) gibt einen kurzen Überblick zur Motivation und Struktur der Doktorarbeit. • In Kapitel 2 (Ziele und Rahmen der Arbeit) wird der Arbeitsansatz im Rahmen des Verbundforschungsvorhabens ENFORCHANGE vorstellt. • Kapitel 3 umfasst eine Auswertung von Veröffentlichungen zur Geschichte und den ökologischen Auswirkungen der Flugascheeinträge am Beispiel der Modellregion Dübener Heide. • In Kapitel 4 wird der methodische Ansatz der Arbeit vorgestellt, der von einem Vortest zur Eignung der Erfassung der magnetischen Suszeptibilität über die Ableitung eines flächigen Erhebungsansatzes bis hin zur Frage der Modellbildung und Korrelation mit chemischen Kenngrößen reicht. • Kapitel 5 beinhaltet die Ergebnisse der räumlichen Modellbildung und der Korrelation der magnetischen Suszeptibilität mit ausgewählten Basen-, Säure- und Schwermetallkationen sowie mit Schwarzem Kohlenstoff. • Kapitel 6 diskutiert, vergleicht und bewertet die Ergebnisse der den Veröffentlichungen zugrunde liegenden Studien und zieht ein abschließendes Resumé. Ein Schlüsselergebnis der vorgelegten Arbeit belegt, dass entgegen der ursprünglichen Arbeitshypothese des Projektverbundes ENFORCHANGE nicht das mehr als 100 Jahre alte Kraftwerk Zschornewitz die wesentliche Quelle für die Flugascheeinträge in der Modellregion Dübener Heide war, sondern der räumlich entfernter gelegene, aber deutlich größere Industriekomplex Bitterfeld. Bezogen auf die Zielsetzung der vorgelegten Arbeit, konnte mithilfe multipler Regressionsverfahren und auf Basis von Feldaufnahmen der ferrimagnetischen Suszeptibilität in einem regelmäßigen Stichprobenraster ein hoch auflösendes räumliches Modell gebildet werden. Unter Berücksichtigung weiterer Modellparameter, die schrittweise hinsichtlich ihres Erklärungswertes ausgewählt wurden, konnten mikrotopographische und vegetationsbedingte Informationen genutzt werden, um die räumliche Variabilität des magnetischen Signals differenziert darzustellen. Damit ergibt sich eine Planungsgrundlage, die die bisher genutzte, auf Waldschadensansprachen basierende Stratifizierung in Zonen unterschiedlicher Eintragsintensität mit Bezug zur Planungseinheit deutlich detaillierter untersetzt. Der Versuch, auf Flugascheeintragsmengen, respektive -vorräte zu schließen ließ sich hingegen auf Basis der verfügbaren Daten nicht umsetzen. Die Korrelationsbeziehungen der von Volumen- in den Massenbezug umgerechneten Suszeptibilität mit Basen-, Säure und Schwermetallkationen sowie Schwarzem Kohlenstoff fielen heterogen aus. Eine gute Vorhersage auf Basis eines linearen Regressionsmodells konnte für Ca, Mg und Mn getroffen werden, wohingegen die Modellqualität für Fe, Al sowie Cd und Schwarzen Kohlenstoff deutlich schlechter zu beurteilen war. Dies ergab sich zum einen aus der verfügbaren Datenbasis, die keine durchgängige Harmonisierung für die Erhebungen der Suszeptibilität und der chemischen Kennwerte erlaubte. Zum anderen geht diese Erkenntnis mit Ergebnissen aus der Regionalisierung einher, die einen Einbezug weiterer Modellparameter und die Nutzung multipler anstelle linearer Regressionsmodelle nahe legt.

Změny reálných dopravních toků a akcesibility v Plzeňském regionu ve vztahu k systému osídlení / The changes of transport flows and accesibility in Pilsen region in relation to the settlement system

Brož, Petr January 2010 (has links)
The issue of transport is currently one of the most discussed topics, thanks to deepening regional differentiation causing increased demands on the quality of existing transport links. Especially the attractiveness of centers and the existence of good transport infrastructure, stimulating the development of the region (his success), is becoming one of the most debated issues of our times. This diploma thesis deals with the comparison and evaluation of changes in spatial interaction in the settlement of the Plzeň/ Pilsen region in two time slices (1991 and 2001). Analysis of the interactions of traffic will be done by using statistical methods and using GIS technology. Main attention will be paid to the spatial differentiation of the frequency of traffic flows and transport accessibility. Subsequently, the transport characteristics will be compared with the characteristics of the complex importance of settlement, so the basic relationships between these indicators can be found. Keywords: spatial interaction, accessibility, frequency of public transport, traffic flows, transport regionalization, Plzeň/ Pilsen region.

Parallel worlds: attribute-defined regions in global human geography

Ford, Of The 13 November 2009 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Global human regionalization often depends heavily on conventions, especially the country model. Standardized “countries” are used as default regions, and influence other regionalizations as well. Proposed here is the preference for multiple independent systems of regions based on empirical criteria specific to each field of inquiry. These regions, defined by attributes of the landscape, would subsume formal and functional regions alike, as well as the very similar “trait geographies” and “process geographies”. Two specific inquiries are studied, politics and language; in both cases, existing data tend towards the conventional. A primary empirical regionalization for politics can be based on effective government control. A primary empirical regionalization for language can be based on mutual intelligibility of vernacular dialects. Examined in political geography are concepts of juridical and empirical statehood and the question of state territoriality; examined in linguistic geography are the question of language versus dialect and the standard reference ‘Ethnologue’.

Consolidation Called Into Question

Schmidt, Leah Jean Daugherty 13 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Le transport ferroviaire régional de voyageurs en France : à la lumière de la théorie néo-institutionnaliste et des comptes de surplus / The regional rail travel in France : in the light of the new institutional theory and surplus accounts

Desmaris, Christian 02 April 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse, qui s’inscrit dans le questionnement économique général sur la recherche d’outils de régulation des industries de réseaux, questionne la pertinence du choix français de régionalisation ferroviaire. Ce dernier, depuis la réforme introduite par la loi SRU, associe le maintien du monopole d'exploitation de la SNCF pour le Transport Express Régional (TER) avec la décentralisation aux Régions d'une prérogative jusqu'alors assurée de manière bureaucratique et centralisée. Dans cet environnement institutionnel, original au regard du mouvement européen, les Régions françaises ont-elles réussi à écrire et à gouverner le "système SNCF-TER" ?Pour répondre à cette double interrogation, l’auteur mobilise la théorie néo-institutionnelle, à partir de laquelle il propose une matrice interprétative de l’architecture économique des conventions TER et présente une transposition de la méthode des comptes de surplus (MCS), pour l’étude de la performance économique de ces contrats.Les résultats obtenus, sur l’échantillon des sept régions qui ont expérimenté la régionalisation, ne confirment que partiellement les déductions habituelles obtenues à partir de la théorie standard du monopole et de la capture du réglementateur par la firme régulée. Si la contractualisation SNCF / Régions, très éloignée du modèle « net cost » (présent dans de nombreux pays en Europe), exprime l’acceptation par le Législateur d’une large couverture des risques industriels, commerciaux, et plus encore sur investissements, par la Collectivité, la régionalisation s’est traduite par une grande diversité contractuelle. Une analyse fine montre le caractère hybride des modes de gouvernance que l’auteur qualifie de « fiduciaro-autoritaires ». La MCS révèle que si l’effet du monopole est bien présent et s’impose aux Régions, il ne profite guère à la SNCF, mais plutôt à RFF. Tendanciellement, les voyageurs sont devenus « gagnants » de la régionalisation ferroviaire. / This thesis, which fits the general economical issues on the research tools of the network industries regulation, questions the relevancy of the French railways regionalisation. The latter, since the reform introduced by the law SRU associates the maintenance of the railway service operating monopoly for the Regional Express Transport (TER) with the decentralisation to the regions, so that they benefit from a prerogative ensured hitherto in a centralised and bureaucratic way. In this institutional environment, original compared to the European movement, have the French regions managed to write and to govern the "SNCF-TER system” ?To answer both questions, the author used the neo-institutional theory from which he offers an interpretative array on the economical structure of the TER conventions and presents a transposition of this method on surplus accounts to study the economical performance of these contracts.From a panel of seven regions which have tested the regionalisation, the results can only partially confirm the usual deductions made from the standard theory of the monopoly and the capture of the regulator by the regulated firm. If the contracting SNCF/Regions, far from the “net cost” model, expresses that the legislature accepts a broad industrial and commercial insurance cover, and more on investments made by the community, then regionalisation resulted in a larger variety of employment contracts.A detailed analysis shows the hybrid character of the governance methods which the author calls “fiduciaro-authoritarian”. The method on surplus accounts reveals that, while the effect of monopoly is present and essential to the regions, then it means little benefit to the railway operator but much to RFF. Today travellers have trendily become the “winners’ of the rail regionalisation.

Régionalisation et renouvellement des politiques territoriales dans un contexte de mondialisation : le cas de la coopération décentralisée et transfrontalière en Méditerranée entre 2000 et 2011

Bakhos, Walid 07 1900 (has links)
Notre thèse a pour objectif de déterminer la nature des liens entre la multiplication des processus de macro-régionalisation, dans un contexte de mondialisation, et le renouvellement des politiques d’aménagement du territoire à travers la mise en place de nouvelles formes de coopération décentralisée entre villes et territoires. Notre projet de recherche cherche ainsi à établir comment la régionalisation permet la mise en place d’une gouvernance à niveaux multiples mettant en relation des acteurs territoriaux, à différents échelons de décision (supranational, national et infranational) dans le but de faire face à la complexité grandissante des problèmes actuels à l’échelle mondiale. Parmi ces projets régionaux qui émergent dans plusieurs parties du monde, nous avons choisi le Partenariat euro-méditerranéen comme cas d'étude en s'intéressant de manière particulière aux projets et programmes de coopération décentralisée et transfrontalière qui se mettent en place autour de la Méditerranée et qui mettent en relation plusieurs villes et régions riveraines. Afin de répondre à ces questions, nous avons décliné notre argumentation en plusieurs axes de réflexion. Un premier axe de réflexion tourne autour de la nature du projet régional euro-méditerranéen et de son implication au niveau des stratégies territoriales principales. Un deuxième axe concerne le contenu et les processus de mise en œuvre des programmes et projets de coopération décentralisée et transfrontalière et leur pertinence au niveau du développement local des territoires du Sud. Un troisième axe s’intéresse au rôle de l’État central en face du développement de ces initiatives qui le contourne. Enfin, un quatrième axe de réflexion concerne l’attitude de l’échelon local par rapport à ces initiatives qui l’interpellent et le sollicitent en tous sens. / The objective of our thesis is to determine the nature of the relation between two ongoing phenomena, i.e. the development of macro-regions in the context of globalization, on one hand, and the revival of spatial planning policies through the rise of new forms of crossborder cooperation between cities and local authorities and the preparation of regional policies related to transport and environment, on the other. Our main argument is that Regionalization encourages the development of a multi-level governance approach that provides a platform for interaction between various territorial actors, located at different decision-making level (supranational, national and local) in order to face the growing complexity of Globalization and its challenges. We selected the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership as a case study out of a number of world regional projects and paid special attention to crossborder and decentralized cooperation initiatives that are being implemented around the Mediterranean Sea and that join together Mediterranean cities and regions. Our arguments are presented along 4 main sets of questions. A first series of questions revolves around the nature of the Euro-Mediterranean regional project and its relevance for strategic spatial planning. A second set of questions is concerned with the content and the implementation processes of crossborder and decentralized cooperation programmes and their relevance to the local development of territories, mainly located in the South of the Mediterranean. A third set of questions is concerned with the way the Central State is facing such initiatives that are ultimately aiming to limit its authority. Finally, a fourth series of questions is interested in the position of the local level that is the main beneficiary of such initiatives.

L'Azerbaïdjan, les hydrocarbures et les pipelines : réseaux sociotechniques et régionalisation / Azerbaïdjan, hydrocarbon resources and pipelines : sociotechnical networks and regionalization

Lussac, Samuel 14 November 2011 (has links)
Cette recherche s’intéresse aux impacts sociopolitiques des gazoducs et des oléoducsmis en oeuvre depuis 1991 au Caucase du Sud. S’appuyant sur un cadre théoriquemêlant principalement sociologie de l’Acteur-Réseau, sociologie éliasienne etapproches managériales, elle postule que la construction d’un système complexe detransport de pétrole et de gaz azerbaïdjanais est révélatrice de l’évolution de laconfiguration sud-caucasienne. Cette thèse étudie tout d’abord les interactions qui senouent autour de la mise en oeuvre des voies d’exportation des hydrocarburesazerbaïdjanais. Elle met en lumière l’émergence de nouvelles formes de régulation, dontla plupart profite à la compagnie pétrolière BP. Elle démontre ensuite comment lesréseaux sociotechniques construits autour de ces nouvelles voies participent d’uneévolution de la configuration sud-caucasienne. Ces réseaux débordent du cadrepurement économique pour aboutir au développement de la régionalisation entrel’Azerbaïdjan, la Géorgie et la Turquie. Cette recherche souligne enfin les gains queretire l’Etat-entreprise azerbaïdjanais de cette régionalisation fondée sur leshydrocarbures. Bakou se sert de ces derniers pour étendre son influence économique etpolitique au sein de la configuration sud-caucasienne. La sociologie de l’Acteur-Réseaunous permet donc de souligner le rôle non seulement économique mais égalementpolitique des hydrocarbures dans la montée en puissance de l’Azerbaïdjan qui, d’Etat enfaillite, est devenu puissance régionale. / This dissertation looks at the socio-political impacts of the pipelines that have beenimplemented in the South Caucasus since 1991. It is based on a theoreticalframework mixing Actor-Network Theory, Norbert Elias’s sociology andmanagement approaches. It assumes that the construction of an Azerbaijanihydrocarbons transportation complex system sheds light into the evolution of theSouth Caucasian configuration. First, this research studies interactions that emergeLUSSAC Samuel | Science Politique | Doctorat | 201114around the implementation of export routes for Azerbaijani oil and gas resources.It highlights the development of new forms of governance, which mostly benefit tothe oil company BP. Second, this dissertation demonstrates that the sociotechnicalnetworks built around these new export routes contribute to the evolution of theSouth Caucasian configuration. These networks overflow the economic sphere tofoster regionalization between Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey. Third, thisresearch underlines the benefits the Azerbaijani ‘state-company’ retrieves fromthis hydrocarbons-based regionalization. Baku takes advantage of oil and gasresources to increase its economic and political influence within the SouthCaucasian configuration. Therefore, the Actor-Network Theory helps to shed lightinto the economic and political role of hydrocarbons in the rise of Azerbaijan.From a failed state, this country has now established itself as a regional power.

Makroregionální struktury světa: reprezentace, percepce a objektivizace / Macroregional structures of the world: representation, preception, and objectivisation

Polonský, Filip January 2012 (has links)
The thesis brings insight to the problem of geosocietal differentiation of the world and its interpretation in the schemes of (major) world regional structures. These schemes are matter of different presentation and representation and have utility in organization of both scientific and non-scientific practices. A more detailed analysis and discussion of academic approaches to global macroregionalization was provided, which was followed by an analysis of the views of so-called global actors. Assessed was also situation in Czech and Slovak education (geographical textbooks). Perceptions of regional schemes are represented by views of geography students. Struggles with objectification were related to several-variant-based consideration of internal homogeneity and external heterogeneity of macroregions. Also assessed were world economic flows, distribution of integrated power potential and its development (1950 - 2008). Conclusions bring synthesis of the findings, as well as an outline of possible future research topics.

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