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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Markery transplantační tolerance po transplantaci ledviny / Markers of transplantation tolerance in kidney transplantation

Krepsová, Eva January 2016 (has links)
Long-term renal graft acceptance still requires long-term immunosuppressive therapy, which is accompanied by many adverse effects. Contrarily insufficient immunosuppression could lead to graft rejection and its failure. Therefore, research continues for biomarkers that reflect a patient's immunological status and thus allowing for individualized immunosuppressive therapy. In our study we showed lower incidence of acute rejection in kidney transplant recipients treated with rabbit anti-thymocyte globulin (rATG) or basiliximab induction within the first three months after transplantation. The rATG induction caused profound decrease of recipient's peripheral blood T and NK cells, as well as transcripts that are exclusively expressed by these cell types together with expansion of regulatory T cells (Tregs) among CD4+ T cells. In rATG group the increase of two transcripts associated with rejection (MAN1A1 and TLR5) was also observed in early post-transplant period. After the basiliximab induction we transiently detected CD4+CD25low/-FoxP3+ cell population along with disappearance of CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ Tregs. Basiliximab induction resulted in a transient increase in CD4+FoxP3+ Tregs, accompanied by the highest peripheral expression levels of markers associated with operational tolerance (FOXP3 and TCAIM)....

Multidimensional assessment of heterogeneity of human CD4+CD25+ T cells in health and Type 1 Diabetes

Reinhardt, Julia 19 March 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Background Regulatory T cells (Treg) are a subpopulation of CD4+ T cells that play an important role in the peripheral tolerance mechanisms of the immune system. Their suppressive function on autoreactive T cells can prevent autoimmunity. In type 1 diabetes (T1D), Treg have been inconsistently reported to be impaired in their capability to suppress autoreactive T cells (Tan, et al., 2014; Zhang, et al., 2012). Treg can be thymus derived (tTreg) or generated from naïve CD4+ CD25- T cells in the periphery (pTreg), which exhibit similar suppressive qualities as tTreg. They have also been reported to be actively induced (iTreg) under tolerogenic conditions (Kleijwegt, et al., 2010; Yuan and Malek, 2012). Although several Treg subpopulations have been described, the archetypical Treg express the major markers CD4, CD25 and FOXP3, while CD127 is heavily downregulated. However, activated conventional T cells (Tconv) show a similar phenotype, at least transiently (Miyara, et al., 2009). Since Treg and Tconv have opposing functions and therapeutic indications, it is important to obtain markers that confidently identify bona fide Treg. Scientific aim The aim of my thesis is to define the heterogeneity of human T cells with a specific emphasis to identify bona fide Treg. I examined heterogeneity of this population in healthy controls and T1D patients, as my model disease, and examined how T cells that are exposed to antigen can be defined as Treg or Tconv. Material and Methods For marker phenotyping I used samples from new onset T1D patients (age 7-11 years), autoantibody positive (Aab+) patients and age-matched healthy controls, which were tested by flow cytometry with an array of Treg-associated markers. Separately, freshly isolated CD4+CD25+CD127lo Treg and CD+CD25- Tconv were used for transcriptomic analysis, which was done by RNAseq on isolated whole RNA. For functional analysis of antigen specific gene expression patterns I developed a multi-dye proliferation assay. Treg (CD4+CD25+CD127lo) and Tconv (CD4+CD25-CD127+/lo) were sorted from isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). I recombined the sorted and proliferation dye stained subsets with CD4- cells to simulate whole PBMC assays and stimulated them with tetanus-, influenza- or auto-antigens (GAD65, proinsulin). Cells were incubated for 5 days and responding proliferating cells as well as non-responding cells were single cell sorted and analyzed by multiplex qPCR. In investigating therapeutic approaches to expand or generate Treg, I examined in vitro approaches for de novo induction of Tregs with tolerogenic dendritic cells (tDCs). The tDCs were differentiated from monocytes either in the presence of 1α,25-OH(2)Vitamin D3 and/or Dexamethasone and matured with lipopolysaccharide. In a multistep assay, naïve T cells were incubated with DCs for two rounds and functional suppression assays were performed. The resultant T cells were analyzed at the DNA, protein, and functional level. Results Substantial phenotypic heterogeneity of peripheral blood CD4+ T cells was observed and documented for three major populations: resting Tconv (CD25-CD127+/lo), activated Tconv (CD25+CD127+) and Treg (CD25+CD127lo) in healthy controls. Despite this, I observed no differences between the Treg subpopulations from new onset T1D patients, Aab+ patients and healthy controls. In addition, there were no differences in the Treg transcriptome of T1D patients and healthy controls by RNAseq. I was, however, able to identify a small set of differentially expressed genes was discovered in Tconv suggesting a role of neutrophils in the onset of T1D. Heterogeneity of antigen-responsive Tconv and Treg was identified by gene expression profiling. I was able to define Treg specific as well as activation specific profiles, and found different expression profiles if T cells are foreign antigen or autoantigen activated and if the responding cells are Treg or Tconv. Genes that define the specific profiles include FOXP3, CD127, several cytokines, transcription factors and activation markers. The manipulation of naïve CD4+CD25- T cells by tDCs led to an unstable CD25+CD127loFOXP3+ phenotype of the generated cells. However, none of the subsequently performed functional assays could confirm that the resultant cells were iTreg or exhausted activated Tconv. In particular, methylation status of the Treg-specific demethylated region (TSDR) was inconsistent with stable Treg, suggesting that so-called tolerogenic protocols may not lead to a long-lived Treg phenotype. Conclusion CD4+CD25+ T cells are heterogeneous. I defined marker combinations that will help distinguish Treg from ex vivo and in vitro activated Tconv cells. With these tools, I was able to show that healthy controls and patients with type 1 diabetes cannot be distinguished by Treg phenotype. Comprehensive single cell analysis of antigen activated T cells provided the most promising avenue for identifying antigen-specific Treg and opens new possibilities to analyze immune therapeutic approaches, particularly when Treg expansion is the therapeutic objective. The findings will be used for monitoring children participating in antigen-based prevention studies in children at risk for T1D. / Hintergrund Regulatorische T Zellen (Treg) sind eine Subpopulation der CD4+ T Zellen, welche eine wichtige Rolle in den peripheren Toleranzmechanismen des Immunsystems spielen. Ihre suppressive Funktion auf autoreaktive T Zellen kann Autoimmunität verhindern. Verschiedene Studien berichteten widersprüchlich, dass Treg in Typ 1 Diabetes (T1D) in ihrer Fähigkeit beeinträchtigt sind autoreaktive T Zellen zu supprimieren (Tan et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2012). Treg können im Thymus differenzieren (tTreg) oder aus peripheren naïven CD4+CD25- T Zellen generiert werden (pTreg), welche ähnliche suppressive Eigenschaften wie tTreg besitzen. Es wurde außerdem berichtet, dass Treg aktiv unter tolerisierenden Konditionen induziert werden können (iTreg) (Kleijwegt et al., 2010; Yuan and Malek, 2012). Obwohl verschiedene Treg Subpopulationen beschrieben wurden, exprimieren die archetypischen humanen Treg die Hauptmarker CD4, CD25 und FOXP3 exprimieren, während CD127 herunterreguliert ist. Jedoch zeigen auch aktivierte konventionelle T Zellen (Tconv) diesen Phänotyp (Miyara et al., 2009). Da Treg und Tconv gegensätzliche Funktionen und therapeutische Indikationen aufweisen, ist es wichtig Marker zu erhalten, die sicher bona fide Treg identifizieren. Fragestellung Das Ziel meiner Arbeit ist es, die Heterogenität von humanen T Zellen zu definieren mit einen spezifischen Fokus bona fide Treg zu identifizieren. Dafür untersuchte ich die Heterogenität dieser Zellpopulation in gesunden Individuen und T1D Patienten, als Krankheitsmodell, und wie T Zellen als Treg oder Tconv definiert werden können wenn sie einem Antigen ausgesetzt sind. Material und Methoden Für das Phänotypisieren habe ich Proben von Patienten mit beginnendem T1D (Alter 7-11 Jahre), Autoantikörper positiven Patienten (Aab+) und gesunden Individuen mittels Durchflusszytometrie auf eine Reihe von Treg-assoziierten Markern getestet. Des Weiteren wurden frisch isolierte CD4+CD25+CD127lo Treg und CD+CD25- Tconv für die Transkriptomanalyse (RNAseq) genutzt, welche mit der Gesamt-RNA durchgeführt wurden. Für die funktionelle Analyse von Antigen-spezifischen Genexpressionsmustern habe ich ein Multifarbenproliferationstest entwickelt. Treg (CD4+CD25+CD127lo) und Tconv (CD4+CD25-CD127+/lo) wurden aus isolierten mononukleären Zellen des peripheren Blutes (PBMC) sortiert. Ich habe die sortierten und gefärbten Zellen mit CD4- Zellen zusammengefügt, um einen Gesamt-PBMC-Test zu simulieren und habe die Zellen mit Tetanus-, Influenza- oder Auto-antigen (GAD65, Proinsulin) stimuliert. Die Zellen wurden für 5 Tage inkubiert und die Antigen-reagierenden und -proliferierenden Zellen sowie die nicht-reagierenden Zellen Einzelzell sortiert und mittels Multiplex qPCR analysiert. Um therapeutische Ansätze zum Expandieren oder Generieren von Treg zu untersuchen, habe ich in vitro Ansätze für die de novo Induktion von Treg durch die Nutzung von tolerisierenden dendritischen Zellen (tDCs) untersucht. Die tDCs wurden von Monozyten in Anwesenheit von 1α,25-OH(2)Vitamin D3 und/oder Dexamethason differenziert und mit Lipoploysaccharid maturiert. Naïve T Zellen wurden in einem Mehrschrittverfahren mit DCs inkubiert. Die resultierenden T Zellen wurden auf DNA, Protein und funktioneller Ebene analysiert. Ergebnisse Substantielle phänotypische Heterogenität von peripheren Blut CD4+ T Zellen wurde in drei Hauptpopulationen in gesunden Individuen beobachtet und dokumentiert: ruhende Tconv (CD25-CD127+/lo), aktivierte Tconv (CD25+CD127+) und Treg (CD25+CD127lo). Weiterführend ergab der phänotypische Vergleich von Patienten mit beginnender T1D, Aab+ Patienten und gesunden Individuen keine Unterschiede in den Treg Subpopulationen. Außerdem zeigten sich keine Unterschiede in den durch RNAseq gemessenen Treg Transkriptomen von T1D Patienten und gesunden Individuen. Jedoch wurde ein kleine Gruppe von differentiell exprimierten Genen in Tconv entdeckt, welche eine mögliche Rolle von Neutrophilen in T1D andeuten. Heterogenität von Antigen-spezifischen Tconv und Treg Antworten wurde durch Genexpressionsanalysen identifiziert. Ich konnte Treg- sowie Aktivierungs-spezifische Muster definieren und verschiedene Expressionsprofile finden, wenn T Zellen durch Fremd- oder Autoantigen aktiviert wurden und ob sie die reagierenden Zellen Treg oder Tconv sind. Folgende Gene waren hauptsächlich in die Profilbildung involviert: FOXP3, CD127, mehrere Zytokine, Transkriptionsfaktoren und Aktivierungsmarker. Die Manipulation von naïven CD4+CD25- T Zellen durch tDCs führte zu einem instabilen CD25+CD127loFOXP3+ Phänotyp der generierten Zellen. Jedoch konnte keiner der weiterführenden funktionellen Analysen unterscheiden, ob die resultierenden Zellen iTreg oder aktivierte erschöpfte T Zellen waren. Insbesondere war der Methylierungsstatus der Treg-spezifisch demethylierten Region (TSDR) nicht konsistent mit einen stabilen Treg Phänotyp, was darauf hinweist, dass sogenannte tolerisiernde Protokolle nicht zu einem langlebigen Treg Phänotyp führen. Schlussfolgerungen CD4+CD25+ T Zellen sind heterogen. Ich habe Markerkombinationen definiert die helfen werden Treg von ex vivo und in vitro aktivierten Tconv Zellen zu unterscheiden. Mit diesen Mitteln war ich in der Lage zu zeigen, dass gesunde Individuen und Patienten mit Typ 1 Diabetes nicht anhand ihres Treg Phänotyps unterschieden werden können. Umfassende Einzelzell-Analysen von Antigen aktivierten T Zellen lieferten den vielversprechendsten Ansatz für die Identifizierung von Antigen-spezifischen Treg und eröffnen neue Möglichkeiten um immuntherapeutische Ansätze zu analysieren, insbesondere wenn Treg Expansion das therapeutische Ziel ist. Diese Erkenntnisse werden zukünftig für das Monitoring von Kindern, mit einem hohen T1D Risiko, genutzt die an Antigen-basierten Präventionsstudien teilnehmen.

Modulação da resposta imune pela saliva de carrapatos Rhipicephalus sanguineus: estudo do envolvimento de células T regulatórias / Immunemodulation by Rhipicephalus sanguineus tick saliva: study of regulatory T cell involvment

Daniela Dantas Moré 22 May 2006 (has links)
Carrapatos são artrópodes hematófagos de distribuição cosmopolita que têm grande importância médica e veterinária devido ao efeito deletério direto causado por se fixarem e sugarem seus hospedeiros, como também por serem importantes vetores de doenças para o homem e para os animais domésticos. Sabendo que carrapatos permanecem fixos em seus hospedeiros por longos períodos de tempo sem serem rejeitados, é possível inferir que esses ácaros possuam um arsenal de mecanismos que atuem no controle da resposta imune do hospedeiro. De fato, diversos trabalhos têm demonstrado que carrapatos são capazes de modular a resposta imune de seus hospedeiros através de componentes presentes na saliva, que são inoculados durante o repasto sangüíneo. Assim, este trabalho procurou investigar se carrapatos exercem a modulação da resposta imune do hospedeiro através do recrutamento de células T regulatórias CD4+CD25+ (Tregs), com a intenção de conter uma resposta inflamatória / imune prejudicial à sua alimentação. Para isso, células isoladas de amostras de pele e linfonodos de camundongos BALB/c infestados com carrapatos Rhipicephalus sanguineus foram analisadas quanto à expressão das moléculas de superfície CD4, CD25, CTLA-4, CD45RB, GITR e CD103 (fenótipo de células Tregs), por citometria de fluxo. Adicionalmente, as células obtidas dos linfonodos foram avaliadas quanto à expressão de mensagem para o fator de transcrição Foxp3 (característico da função regulatória), por PCR quantitativo. Paralelamente, saliva de R. sanguineus foi inoculada na orelha de animais da mesma linhagem, a fim de se comparar o infiltrado celular com o obtido na pele dos camundongos infestados com carrapatos. Os resultados mostraram que as infestações não alteraram a percentagem de células T CD4+CD25+ nem a expressão de moléculas associadas ao fenótipo de células Tregs nas células infiltradas na lesão de fixação dos carrapatos ou nos linfonodos em comparação a camundongos controles. Também não se verificou aumento da expressão do gene para Foxp3 nos linfonodos em nenhum dos grupos analisados. Por outro lado, a inoculação de saliva na orelha de camundongos induziu um aumento significativo da população de células T CD4+, porém estas também não apresentavam fenótipo regulatório, sugerindo que o mecanismo de imunomodulação exercido pelos carrapatos sobre seus hospedeiros não é mediado por essas células. Resultados adicionais mostraram que a saliva de carrapatos reduziu significativamente a percentagem de células dendríticas nas orelhas dos camundongos, sugerindo que carrapatos podem estar modulando a resposta imune de seus hospedeiros por diminuírem o repovoamento da pele com células dendríticas, as quais são essenciais na vigilância imune dos tecidos periféricos. / Ticks are bloodsucking arthropods that feed on vertebrates and are responsible for serious global economic losses both through the effects of blood sucking and as vectors of pathogens. A tick?s bloodmeal lasts for several days, during which it remains fixed to the host and avoids rejection by local inflammatory and immunological reactions. This status is achieved by the escape mechanisms ticks have evolved. In fact, many studies have demonstrated that ticks modulate the host immune response through salivary compounds inoculated during their bloodmeals. This study investigated if during bloodfeeding ticks can recruit regulatory T cells in an attempt to modulate the host immune response and to control inflammatory responses that could be harmful to tick feeding. BALB/c mice were infested with Rhipicephalus sanguineus, the skin at feeding sites and the regional lymph nodes were collected, and the cells forming the local infiltrates were analyzed by flow cytometry for simultaneous expression of CD4, CD25, CTLA-4, CD45RB, GITR and CD103 molecules. Additionally, expression of mRNA for Foxp3 was measured in the lymph node cells. Tick saliva was also inoculated into the ears of BALB/c mice in order to compare the local cellular infiltrate with that elicited by artificial infestation. Control animals were sham infested. The results show that, relative to sham-infested tissues, tick infestations did not alter the percentage of CD4+CD25+ T cells present at the site of their attachment or in draining lymph nodes. Infestations also did not increase the expression of Foxp3 in skin and lymph nodes. On the other hand, saliva inoculated into the ear induced a significant increase in the number of CD4+ T lymphocytes recruited to the site of inoculation, although these cells did not express a regulatory phenotype. These results suggest that the modulation of the host immune response by ticks does not involve CD4+CD25+ T cells. Additional results showed that tick saliva reduced the percentage of dendritic cells in the skin of infested mice. This finding indicates that ticks may modulate the host immune response by diminishing the repopulation of skin with dendritic cells, which are essential for maintaining surveillance of peripheral tissues for incoming antigens.

Contribuição da interleucina 33 nas alterações vasculares mediadas pelo tecido adiposo perivascular em camundongos submetidos à dieta hiperlipídica / Interleukin 33 contributes to vascular functional changes mediated by the perivascular adipose tissue in mice submitted to high-fat diet

Rafael Menezes da Costa 26 January 2018 (has links)
A obesidade desencadeia mudanças funcionais no tecido adiposo perivascular (PVAT), favorecendo a liberação de fatores vasoconstritores e consequente ativação de mecanismos contráteis em células vasculares. A sinalização da interleucina 33 (IL-33) via receptor ST2 é essencial para o desenvolvimento e manutenção de células T reguladoras (Tregs) no tecido adiposo visceral. Na obesidade a função das Tregs é comprometida, resultando em estresse oxidativo e inflamação do tecido adiposo. No presente estudo testamos a hipótese que dieta rica em gordura diminui os níveis e a função da IL-33 no PVAT, levando à diminuição do número e função de Tregs, estresse oxidativo e inflamação neste tecido. Camundongos deficientes para o receptor ST2 (ST2 KO) e seus respectivos controles (Balb/C) receberam dieta controle ou hiperlipídica (HFD, high fat diet) durante 18 semanas. A função vascular foi avaliada em anéis de artérias mesentéricas, em presença ou ausência de PVAT, realizando-se curvas concentração-efeito para fenilefrina. Os seguintes grupos experimentais foram analisados: Controle PVAT (-), Controle PVAT (+), HFD PVAT (-) e HFD PVAT (+). Em artérias de camundongos Balb/C que receberam dieta controle, o PVAT diminuiu a resposta contrátil a fenilefrina. No entanto, HFD promoveu perda parcial do efeito anticontrátil promovido por este tecido. Em camundongos ST2 KO que receberam dieta controle, o PVAT diminuiu a resposta contrátil a fenilefrina. No entanto, a ausência de receptores ST2 em camundongos que receberam HFD levou à perda completa do efeito anticontrátil do PVAT. Houve diminuição do número de Tregs e aumento do número de neutrófilos no PVAT de camundongos alimentados com HFD. A incubação com IL-33 recombinante não reverteu a perda do efeito anticontrátil do PVAT promovido pela HFD. Aumento nos níveis séricos e teciduais de IL-6, bem como redução nos níveis de IL-10, foram observados em animais ST2 KO. Houve aumento nos níveis de ânion superóxido no PVAT de camundongos Balb/C alimentados com HFD e a ausência do receptor ST2 potencializou este efeito. Estes dados, analisados em conjunto, indicam que HFD compromete o papel modulador do PVAT e que IL-33 via receptor ST2 tem fundamental importância para a função do PVAT nesta condição experimental. / Obesity triggers functional changes in the perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT), favoring the release of vasoconstrictor factors. Interleukin-33 (IL-33) signaling, via ST2 receptor, is essential for the development and maintenance of regulatory T cells (Tregs) in the visceral adipose tissue. In obesity, Tregs function is compromised, resulting in adipose tissue inflammation. We hypothesized that high fat diet (HFD) decreases the number and function of Tregs and increases inflammation in the PVAT. Mice deficient for the ST2 receptor (ST2 KO) and their respective controls (Balb/C mice) were fed a control diet or a HFD for 18 weeks. Vascular function was evaluated in mesenteric resistance arteries, by performing concentration-effect curves to phenylephrine (PE). In Balb/C mice fed the control diet, PVAT decreased vascular PE contractions. However, a partial loss of PVAT anticontractile effect occurred in arteries from HFD-fed Balb/C mice. In arteries from ST2 KO mice fed the control diet, PVAT decreased PE contractions. However, a complete loss of PVAT anticontractile effects was observed in HFD-fed ST2 KO mice. There was a decrease in the number of Tregs and an increase in the number of neutrophils in the PVAT of mice fed the HFD. The absence of the IL-33 receptor increased IL-6 and reduced IL-10 in HFD-fed mice. There was an increase in superoxide anion levels in the PVAT of Balb/C mice fed HFD and the absence of the ST2 receptor potentiated this effect. These data show that HFD promotes PVAT dysfunction and IL-33 is fundamental to counteract HFD-induced PVAT dysfunction.

Geração de células T de memória e linfócitos T reguladores em camundongos BALB/c vacinados com vetor plasmidial contendo o inserto P10 de Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. / Generation of memory and regulatory T cells in BALB/c mice immunized with plasmid DNA encoding the P10 peptide of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis.

Juliana de Amorim 17 August 2010 (has links)
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis é um fungo dimórfico patogênico agente etiológico da paracoccidioidomicose (PCM), uma micose endêmica no Brasil. A busca por alternativas para reduzir o tempo de tratamento da PCM levou ao desenvolvimento de uma vacina de DNA contendo a sequência do peptídeo P10 de P. brasiliensis. Neste trabalho, avaliamos a geração de células T de memória e células T reguladoras em camundongos imunizados com esta vacina de DNA antes e após o desafio com o fungo, através da análise de seus esplenócitos e linfócitos pulmonares por citometria de fluxo. Os resultados mostram um aumento no percentual de células T reguladoras e de memória no baço e pulmões dos animais imunizados antes e depois de 30, 60 e 120 dias do desafio em comparação com os grupos controle e não imunizado. Outro experimento revelou que o modelo experimental da PCM in vivo é capaz de induzir a expressão de ROR&#947t. Este estudo mostra que nossa vacina de DNA contra a PCM gera células com fenótipo de reguladoras e de memória, caracterizando seu potencial para o tratamento desta micose. / Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is a dimorphic fungal pathogen that is the etiological agent of paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), a mycosis endemic in Brazil. The search for new alternatives to reduce the duration of PCM treatment led to the development of a DNA vaccine encoding the peptide P10 of P. brasiliensis. Presently, we evaluated the generation of memory and regulatory T cells in mice immunized with this DNA vaccine, before and after the challenge with the fungus by analizing their splenocytes and pulmonary lymphocytes by flow cytometry. The results show an increase in the percentage of regulatory and memory T cells on spleens and lungs of immunized mice before and after 30, 60 and 120 days of challenge compared with the control and untreated groups. Another experiment revealed that the PCM in vivo infection model is capable of inducing ROR&#947t expression. This study demonstrates that our DNA vaccine against PCM generates cells with a regulatory and memory phenotype, which shows its potencial in the treatment of this mycosis.

O papel das células Treg e da IL-2 na resposta policlonal de células CD4+ durante a infecção pelo Plasmodium chabaudi. / The role of Treg cells and IL-2 in polyclonal CD4+ T cells response during Plasmodium chabaudi infection.

Claudia Augusta Zago 18 April 2008 (has links)
Durante a ativação policlonal induzida pelo P. chabaudi a maior fonte de IL-2 são as células CD4+ ativadas, além disso, acorre a expansão de células Treg. No dia 7 após a infecção, a ausência de células Treg leva a uma exacerbação da ativação de células CD4+, além de altos níveis de anticorpos anti-P.chabaudi e auto-anticorpos. A neutralização da IL-2, com Mab anti-IL-2 JES6-1, na fase aguda da infecção leva a uma redução no número de células Treg. No dia 20 de infecção, a freqüência de células CD4+ ativadas esteve elevada e as células Treg voltaram aos níveis basais. Experimentos in vitro mostraram que a neutralização da IL-2 não altera a proliferação antígeno-específica de células CD4+ da fase aguda da infecção, porém, em tempos tardios da infecção houve um drástico aumento na freqüência de células CD4+ que proliferam em resposta a eritrócitos parasitados. Podemos concluir que a IL-2 e as células Treg são capazes de limitar a ativação policlonal induzida pelo P. chabaudi ainda que com cinéticas distintas. / Polyclonal activation during P. chabaudi infection results on a huge IL-2 production by activated CD4+ T cells, besides a considerable expansion of Treg cells. At day 7 after infection in the absence of Treg cells there is an enhanced response of activated CD4+ T cells, an increase of Abs anti-P.chabaudi and autoantibody production. Neutralization of IL-2 with Mab anti-IL2 JES6-1 during acute infection reveals a markedly reduction in Treg-cells number. At day 20 of infection we can observe an increase on activated CD4+ T cells frequency. Moreover, Treg cells return to values similar to controls. IL-2 in vitro assays during acute infection results on Ag-specific CD4+ T cells proliferation, on the other hand, at the late infection, we observed a huge increase of CD4+ T cells frequency that strongly response to PRBC. Our findings suggest that IL-2 and Treg cells are capable of restricting PLA during P.chabaudi infection, although with different kinetics.

Role of regulatory T cells in the pathogenesis of human tuberculosis / Rôle des lymphocytes T régulateurs dans la pathogenèse de la tuberculose chez l'homme

Hougardy, Jean-Michel 14 May 2008 (has links)
Globalement, un tiers de la population mondiale est infectée par Mycobacterium tuberculosis, l'agent infectieux de la tuberculose (TB). Fort heureusement, seuls 5 à 10 % des individus infectés développent un jour une TB active. Les individus non malades restent cependant infectés à vie, on parle d'infection latente. Chaque année, 8-10 millions nouveaux cas de tuberculose active sont recensés et M. tuberculosis est responsable de 1,5 à 2 millions de décès. Depuis plus d'une décennie, M. tuberculosis s'est étroitement associé à l'infection par le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine. Cette alliance néfaste représente une importante menace pour les pays en voie de développement, car ces 2 pathogènes déciment les forces vives de ces populations. Il faut malheureusement rajouter à ce triste tableau une fréquence grandissante de souches multi-résistantes, voire extensivement multi-résistantes. Face à ces souches, les avancées thérapeutiques du siècle dernier sont pratiquement réduites à néant. <p>Considérant ces données, il est désormais crucial d'améliorer nos outils de dépistage de l'infection latente, de diagnostic de la maladie active, de prévention (vaccins) et de traitement. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, une des pistes est la caractérisation détaillée des réponses immunitaires. En comparant les réponses immunitaires des sujets infectés de manière latente à celles liées à la maladie active, nous pourrons peut-être comprendre certains mécanismes de protection. L'étude des réponses immunitaires induites par la « Heparin-Binding-Hemagglutinin » (HBHA) s'est faite dans cet objectif. La HBHA est une adhésine exprimée par le complexe M. tuberculosis. Elle est impliquée dans la dissémination extrapulmonaire du bacille et constitue donc un facteur de virulence. Par ailleurs, une vaccination de souris par seulement 3 doses de 5 µg de HBHA suffit à protéger de l'infection avec une efficacité comparable à celle du vaccin BCG. Chez l'homme, les sujets sains mais infectés développent d'importantes sécrétions d'interféron-gamma (IFN-γ) en réponse à cet antigène, alors que la majorité des patients tuberculeux ne le font pas. Cette différence est importante pour comprendre une des raisons d'échappement de M. tuberculosis au contrôle immunitaire. La HBHA est une protéine méthylée et la méthylation s’avère essentielle pour ses propriétés immunoprotectrices. <p>Nos travaux présentés ici se sont axés sur deux éléments de la réponse immunitaire à la HBHA chez l'homme :d'une part, l'exploitation de la réponse périphérique d'IFN-γ à la HBHA comme outil de dépistage de l'infection latente et, d'autre part, l'étude des raisons de la faible sécrétion d'IFN-γ spécifique de la HBHA lors de la maladie active.<p> <p>L'évaluation de la sécrétion périphérique d'IFN-γ en réponse à la HBHA a permis de démontrer rétrospectivement que celle-ci permet de détecter plus de 90 % des sujets réagissant positivement à l'injection intradermique de tuberculine. De manière intéressante, l'utilisation d'un test commercial, le QuantiFERON TB Gold IT (QFT-IT) n'a permis de détecter que la moitié des sujets infectés sains. De notre point de vue, le QFT-IT ne peut être recommandé seul pour le dépistage systématique de l'infection latente par M. tuberculosis. De manière parallèle, un test de stimulation basé uniquement sur la sécrétion d’IFN-γ suite à une stimulation à l'ESAT-6, composant du QFT-IT, n'a pas permis d'augmenter la sensibilité, ni d'ajouter une plus-value au test basé sur la HBHA. A l'instar de l'intradermoréaction à la tuberculine, le dépistage de la maladie active reste décevant que ce soit par l'utilisation de la HBHA ou de l'ESAT-6.<p>La TB active est caractérisée par une basse sécrétion périphérique d'IFN-γ en réponse à la stimulation par la HBHA. Cette faible sécrétion est cependant réversible, puisque un traitement efficace permet d'atteindre des taux d'IFN-γ significativement plus élevés. Ceci nous démontre qu'il s'agit d'une suppression associée à la phase active de l'infection. Nous avons d'abord évalué l'importance de la modulation de la sécrétion d'IFN-γ en réponse à la HBHA par 2 cytokines immunomodulatrices, l'interleukine-10 (IL-10) et le Transforming-Growth-Factor-Beta (TGF-ß). De manière intéressante, alors que ces 2 cytokines sont associées à l'infection par M. tuberculosis, la HBHA n'est inductrice ni d'IL-10, ni de TGF-ß. Les lymphocytes T régulateurs (Treg) expriment 2 marqueurs d'intérêt :le CD25, composant du récepteur à l'IL-2, et Foxp3, un gène régulateur majeur des cellules Treg. Ces cellules sont décrites comme suppressives de réponses immunitaires déclenchées par des antigènes du Soi et du non-Soi. Nous avons montré que la proportion de lymphocytes Treg périphériques est augmentée en cas de TB active. Par ailleurs, nous avons également démontré que ces cellules suppriment la sécrétion d'IFN-γ et la prolifération induite par la HBHA après stimulation des cellules mononucléées sanguines périphériques de patients tuberculeux in vitro. Cependant, la réponse anti-HBHA des patients tuberculeux, qui est démasquée par la déplétion des lymphocytes Treg, n'est pas dirigée contre des épitopes protecteurs. En effet, la méthylation n'influence pas leur sécrétion d'IFN-γ. De ce point de vue, les lymphocytes Treg sont impliqués dans la maladie tuberculeuse et influencent négativement les réponses dirigées contre un antigène protecteur. Cependant, il semble que la TB active soit également associée à une ignorance d'épitopes protecteurs.<p>Enfin, nous avons également démontré qu'il était possible d'induire des lymphocytes Treg au départ de cellules sanguines périphériques de sujets infectés sains. En effet, la stimulation in vitro des cellules sanguines périphériques en présence de BCG et de TGF-ß est un moyen rapide pour induire l'apparition de lymphocytes Treg fonctionnels in vitro. Ceci nous interroge quant aux rôles des lymphocytes Treg dans la pathogenèse de la maladie. En effet, un excès de TGF-ß circulant est observé dans certaines conditions cliniques à haut-risque de TB post-primaire. De ce point de vue, les lymphocytes Treg pourraient être des acteurs déterminant dans la perte du contrôle à long terme de l'infection et, par là, pourraient être des cibles thérapeutiques d'intérêts lors de l'infection par M. tuberculosis. /Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the causative agent of tuberculosis (TB). It is estimated approximately one third of the World’s population is infected with M. tuberculosis. Fortunately, only 5 to 10 % of the infected individuals will develop the disease throughout their life. However, the other healthy infected individuals remain infected for life: this is the latent TB infection (LTBI). Every year, 8 to 10 million new cases of TB are recorded globally, and about 2 to 3 million of people die from the disease. During the last several decades the co-infection of M. tuberculosis and the human immunodeficiency virus have worsened the picture. This dreadful association currently affects mostly the poorest people of the World. Unfortunately, bad news never stands alone. We now witness increasing emergence of multi-drug-resistant and even of extensively-multi-drug-resistant M. tuberculosis strains. Against these strains current therapeutics are virtually useless. <p>The development of new tools for prevention (vaccines), diagnostics and treatment is crucial. In order to fulfill these objectives, detailed studies on the immune responses is one of the main tracks to explore. Indeed, the comparison of immune responses in LTBI subjects with those in TB patients may provide some clues to understand immune mechanisms of protection. Studies of the immune responses that are specific to Heparin-Binding-Hemagglutinin (HBHA) may be one of these clues. HBHA is an adhesin, which is expressed by the micro-organisms of the M. tuberculosis complex. It largely contributes to the extrapulmonary dissemination of the tubercle bacilli. Hence, HBHA may be qualified as an important virulence factor. Furthermore, vaccination of mice with three doses of only 5 µg HBHA each affords the same level of protection as vaccination with BCG. In humans, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from LTBI subjects secrete significant levels of IFN-γ in response to HBHA, whereas PBMC from TB patients do not. This discrepancy may be a cornerstone in the understanding of some of the mechanisms underlying the immune escape mediated by M. tuberculosis. HBHA is a methylated protein, and the methylation is crucial for its immuno-protective properties. <p>This work focused on 2 major issues of the HBHA-specific immune response in humans: the use of the peripheral IFN-γ secretion in response to HBHA as a diagnostic tool for LTBI and the analysis of the underlying mechanisms to the low IFN-γ secretion during active TB.<p> <p>In our study, the measurement of HBHA-specific IFN-γ secretion resulted in the detection of more than 90 % of the tuberculin-skin-test (TST) positive LTBI. Strikingly, the QuantiFERON TB Gold IT (QFT-IT), a commercial test, failed to identify those LTBI subjects in more than 50 % of the cases. Therefore, we cannot recommend the use of QFT-IT alone instead of the TST for the detection of LTBI. Similarly, a test relying on the detection of IFN-γ secretion upon ESAT-6 stimulation, one of the antigens used in the QFT-IT, was not sufficiently sensitive for the LTBI detection, nor did it improve the sensitivity or the specificity of the HBHA-based test. In contrast to the diagnosis of LTBI, the tests based on HBHA- or ESAT-6-induced IFN-γ secretions displayed poor sensitivity for the diagnosis of active TB.<p>During active TB, the HBHA-specific IFN-γ secretion in the periphery is low. However, this weak secretion is reversible upon effective treatment, as the IFN-γ response to HBHA is increased after completion of chemotherapy. This is strongly suggestive of an immune suppression during active disease. Therefore, we have first evaluated the role of two immunomodulatory cytokines, interleukin-10 (IL-10) and Transforming-Growth-Factor-Beta (TGF-ß), in the suppression of the HBHA-specific IFN-γ secretion. We found that neutralization of neither IL-10 nor TGF-ß with specific antibodies induced HBHA-specific IFN-γ secretion by PBMC of TB patients in vitro. In contrast, depletion of regulatory T cells (Treg) that express 2 major markers, CD25, a constituent of the IL-2 receptor, and Foxp3, a master regulatory gene, resulted in increased HBHA-specific IFN-γ secretion by the PBMC of TB patients. These cells are known to be involved in the suppression of immune responses to both Self and non-Self antigens. We further show that the size of the peripheral Treg cell population increases during active disease. In addition to suppressing the HBHA-specific IFN-γ secretion these cells suppress T cell proliferation in response to HBHA in vitro. However, even after depletion of the Treg cells, the uncovered HBHA-specific immune responses are not directed to the methylated epitopes during TB disease. <p>Finally, we show that Treg cells can be induced (or expanded) from the PBMC of LTBI subjects. Stimulation of those PBMC with BCG in the presence of TGF-ß resulted in a quick appearance of functional Treg cells in vitro. This observation strongly suggests a role of Treg cells in the pathogenesis of TB, in particular in the progression of latency to reactivation. Interestingly, excessive concentration of TGF-ß, associated with various clinical conditions, is high risk factor for post-primary TB. Thus, Treg cells may result in the loss of immune control against latent M. tuberculosis infection. Therefore, Treg cells may represent potential therapeutic targets during M. tuberculosis infection. / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Rôle du récepteur de chimiokines CCR2 dans la dynamique des lymphocytes T régulateurs et monocytes/macrophages en réponse aux thérapies antitumorales / Role of the chemokine receptor CCR2 in the dynamic of regulatory T cells and monocytes/macrophages in response to antitumor therapies

Loyher, Pierre-Louis 17 March 2017 (has links)
Une forte production de la chimiokine CCL2 par les cellules malignes et les cellules stromales a été démontrée dans la plupart des cancers humains. Ainsi, l’axe chimiokinique CCR2/CCL2 est un important marqueur du développement des cancers ; ce même axe est associé à la récurrence de tumeurs après thérapie anticancéreuses. Les macrophages associés aux tumeurs (TAM) et les lymphocytes T régulateurs (Treg) ont des capacités immunosuppressives robustes et contribue à la croissance tumorale. Durant cette thèse, je me suis intéressé à la fonction de l’expression du récepteur de chimiokine CCR2 par ces cellules dans le contexte de thérapies anticancéreuses. Nous avons montré que le récepteur de chimiokines CCR2 contrôle la migration des Treg en contexte tumoral, chez l’homme et la souris, et que son expression par les Treg peut servir de biomarqueur de la réponse à la chimiothérapie. Notre étude indique une nouvelle fonction de CCR2 et définie un nouveau sous-type de Treg impliqué dans la régulation de l’immunité antitumorale. En parallèle, nous avons pu mettre en évidence que les métastases pulmonaire sont composées à la fois de macrophages résident du tissu et de macrophages recrutés via l’axe CCR2. La présence de macrophages résidents au sein des tumeurs pourrait contribuer à l’hétérogénéité des microenvironnements de diffèrent type de tumeurs. Le récepteur CCR2 est important pour le la phase de rechute après chimiothérapie, indiquant un rôle limité des macrophages résidents dans ce phénomène. De plus, nous avons montré que le VEGF joue un rôle direct dans la survie des TAM. Ainsi, la combinaison de la chimiothérapie avec un anticorps anti-VEGF cible simultanément les TAM résidents et recrutés et permet d’augmenter l’efficacité de la chimiothérapie. / Malignant and stromal cells are strong producer of the chemokine CCL2 in most human cancers. The chemokine axis CCR2/CCL2 is thus a key marker of cancer development, but is also associated with relapse following therapy. Tumour associated macrophages (TAM) and regulatory T cells (Treg) display robust immunosuppressive capacities and contribute to tumour growth. My thesis work focused on the function of the expression of the chemokine receptor CCR2 by these cell types in the context of anticancer therapies. We have shown that CCR2 controls the migration of Treg in tumoral context, in both human and mice, and that the expression of this receptor by Treg could serve as a biomarker of the response to chemotherapy. Our study indicate a novel function of CCR2, defining at the same time a new Treg subset implicated in the regulation of antitumor immunity.We have also demonstrated that pulmonary metastases are composed of both tissue resident and recruited macrophages. The presence of resident macrophages within tumours could contribute to the heterogeneity of the microenvironment of different tumour types. CCR2 is largely implicated in the relapse phase following chemotherapy, indicating a limited role for resident macrophages in this phenomenon. Meanwhile, we have demonstrated that VEGF plays a direct role in TAM survival. The combination of chemotherapy with an anti-VEGF antibody targets both resident and recruited TAM, thereby enhancing the efficacy of chemotherapy. Finally, we have shown that the CCR2/CCL2 axis is implicated in the response to radiotherapy by enhancing the recruitment of both Treg and TAM. This work provides evidences for a central role of the CCR2/CCL2 axis in mediating Treg and TAM co-localization in response to anticancer therapy, this axis could also contribute to establishment of immunosuppressive networks in tumours. Our results provide a better understanding of the immune mechanism implicated in resistance to anticancer therapies.

L’hypertension artérielle et les désordres vasculaires induits par l'érythropoïétine recombinante humaine et le système rénine-angiotensine-aldostérone : Effet de l’exercice et des cellules T régulatrices / Recombinant human erythropoietin and renin-angiotensin aldosterone system induced hypertension and vascular disease : Effect of exercise and T regulatory cells

Barhoumi, Tlili 20 October 2011 (has links)
L’hypertension artérielle (HTA) est l’une des pathologies les plus fréquentes et les plus préoccupantes des pays occidentaux. Elle est souvent associée au surpoids, à des maladies rénales, cardiaques et aussi à un dysfonctionnement du système endocrinien. Les désordres vasculaires compliquant l’HTA induite par le traitement par l’érythropoïétine recombinante (r-HuEPO) chez les patients ayant une maladie rénale chronique ou en lien avec une perturbation du système rénine-angiotensine-aldostérone (SRAA), associent une augmentation de la rigidité artérielle, une dysfonction endothéliale, un déséquilibre endothéline-1/monoxyde d’azote (ET-1/NO) et un état inflammatoire. L'inflammation vasculaire contribue à la physiopathologie de l'HTA par l’augmentation du stress oxydatif et l'activation des cellules immunitaires. Plusieurs études ont suggéré que le système immunitaire est impliqué dans le développement des maladies cardiovasculaires. Cependant le rôle des lymphocytes T régulatrices (Treg) dans l'HTA ou d'autres formes de maladies cardio-vasculaires, reste encore largement inconnu. Bien que la majorité des études ont montré que l’HTA induite par l’r-HuEPO est associée à une dysfunction endothéliale et à un déséquilibre du rapport (ET-1/NO), les mécanismes exacts restent à être identifier.Plusieurs études ont montré que l’exercice physique d’endurance prévient l’HTA chez les patients ou les modèles animaux. L’objectif de la première partie du travail est d’étudier l’impact du shear stress et de l’exercice sur les désordres vasculaires et l’HTA induits par l’r-HuEPO, en présence d’un déséquilibre endothélial (ET-1/NO). Pour ce faire, trois environnements ont été utilisés (in vitro (cellules en culture), in vitro (artères mésentériques (AM)) et in vivo (souris transgéniques sur-exprimant l’ET-1 au niveau de l’endothélium). Nos résultats montrent que l'association L-NAME/r-HuEPO est responsable d'une vasoconstriction flux-dépendante et une augmentation accrue du shear stress correspondant (plus de 25 dyn/cm2). Le Bosentan, inhibiteur non sélectif des récepteurs de l’ET-1, empêche la vasoconstriction flux-dépendante engendrée par la combinaison L-NAME/rHu-EPO, sans pour autant corriger la vasodilatation; Le traitement des souris transgéniques eET-1 avec l’r-HuEPO augmente la pression artérielle systolique, la concentration plasmatique en ET-1, le stress oxydatif, l’infiltration des monocytes et des macrophages aortiques (MOMA-2), le taux des cytokines pro-inflammatoire INF-γ, TNF-α et IL-6 et exacerbe la dysfonction endothéliale. L’exercice physique prévient tous les effets délétères engendrés par l’administration de l’r-HuEPO. Il est à noter aussi que l’exercice augmente le taux du Foxp3 dans la rate et le cortex rénal. Quant à la deuxième partie, il s'agissait de tester l’effet du transfert adoptif des Treg sur l’HTA et les désordres vasculaires induits par l’administration d’angiotensine II ou d’aldostérone à des souris. Nos résultats montrent que le transfert adoptif des Treg prévient l’HTA induite par l’Ang II, l’altération de la vasodilatation endothélium-dépendante, prévient l’augmentation de la rigidité des AM, diminue le stress oxydatif et les taux plasmatiques des cytokines proinflammatoires (INF-γ, TNF-α et IL-6), ainsi que l’infiltration aortique et rénale des macrophages. Le transfert adoptif des Treg prévient partiellement l’augmentation de la pression artérielle systolique induite par l’Aldo, prévient l’altération de la vasodilatation endothelium dépendante et le remodelage hypertrophique des AM, diminue le stress oxydatif et l’infiltration des cellules immunitaires inflammatoires. Le transfert adoptif des cellules T effectrices (Teff) exacerbe la majorité des effets de l’Aldo. Nos résultats justifient, d’une part, l’importance de l’exercice comme outil préventif de l’HTA induite par l’r-HuEPO, et d’autre part, présentent les Treg comme élément essential dans la modulation de l’HTA et des désordres cardiovasculaires. / Hypertension (HTN) is one of the most frequent disease and is of greatest concern in Western countries.HTN is often associated with overweight, kidney, heart and endocrine system disease. Vasculardisorders, associated with HTN induced by erythropoietin (r-HuEPO) treatment in chronic kidneydisease or in case of disruption of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), associated increasein arterial stiffness, endothelial dysfunction, unbalanced endothelin-1/nitric oxide ratio (ET-1/NO) andinflammation. Vascular inflammation contributes to the pathophysiology of hypertension by increasingoxidative stress and activation of immune cells. Several studies have suggested that the immune systemis involved in the development of cardiovascular disease. However, the role of regulatory T cells (Treg)in HTN and other forms of cardiovascular diseases remains largely unknown. In addition, most of thestudies have shown that hypertension induced by r-HuEPO is related to endothelial dysfunction and theratio (ET-1/NO). The exact mechanisms remain to be identified. Several studies have shown thatphysical exercise prevents HTN in patients or animal models. The aim of the first part of this work is tostudy the impact of shear stress and exercise on HTN and vascular disorders induced by r-HuEPO, in thepresence of an endothelial imbalance (ET-1/NO). This was carried out in three settings: in vitro (culturecells), ex vivo (mesenteric arteries) and in vivo (transgenic mice overexpressing ET-1 in endothelialcells). Our results show that the association L-NAME/r-HuEPO is responsible for a significant decreasein intravascular diameter, in response to elevated intravascular flow resulting in a flow-dependentvasoconstriction and increased corresponding shear stress (more than 25 dyn/cm2). Bosentan (a nonselectiveantagonist of ET-1 receptors) inhibits flow-dependent vasoconstriction induced by thecombination L-NAME/rHu-EPO without correcting vasodilation. Treatment of ET-1 transgenic micewith r-HuEPO increases systolic blood pressure, ET-1 plasma concentration, oxidative stress, infiltrationof aortic monocytes and macrophages (MOMA-2), pro-inflammatory cytokines levels INF-γ, TNF-α andIL-6 and exacerbate endothelial dysfunction. Exercise prevents all the deleterious effects of r-HuEPO. Itis also noteworthy that exercise increases the number of Foxp3-positive cells in the spleen and renalcortex. Then, the second aim of our study was to test the effect of adoptive transfer of Treg cells on HTNand vascular disorders induced in mice treated with angiotensin II (Ang II) or aldosterone (Aldo). Ourresults show that adoptive transfer of Treg prevents Ang II induced hypertension, endothelialdysfunction, prevents stiffness of mesenteric arteries, decreases oxidative stress and plasma levels ofpro-inflammatory cytokines (IFN-γ, TNF-α and IL-6) and the aortic and renal infiltration ofmacrophages. Adoptive transfer of Treg prevents the increase in systolic blood pressure induced byAldo, prevents impaired endothelium-dependent vasodilatation and hypertrophic remodelling ofmesenteric arteries, decreases oxidative stress and infiltration of inflammatory immune cells. Theadoptive transfer of T effectors cells (Teff) exacerbates the majority of the Aldo effects. Our resultsjustify, on one hand, the importance of exercise as a preventive tool for hypertension induced by r-HuEPO, and on the other hand, highlight the role of Treg as an essential component in the modulation ofhypertension and cardiovascular disorders.

Intestinal immune activation in juvenile idiopathic arthritis

Arvonen, M. (Miika) 28 May 2013 (has links)
Abstract The etiology of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is still unknown but genetic and enviromental factors play role in the pathogenesis. The aim of the study was to detect endoscopic and immunohistological changes in the gut in JIA compared with the controls and potential correlation of mucosal immunological activation with clinical activity of JIA. JIA patients (n=26) and negative controls (n=71) suffering from gastrointestinal symptoms without significant gastrointestinal disease were recruited for the study. Positive controls were patients with cows milk protein sensitive enteropathy (n=24). The intraepithelial lymphocytes counts, cytotoxic (granzyme A, B) and gamma/delta T-cell count and HLA-DR antigens were evaluated by using immunohistochemistry and messenger RNA expression levels of important immune mediators were assessed with real time PCR (RT-PCR) from fresh frozen intestinal mucosal samples. In JIA compared with negative controls, there was increased presence of lymphonodular hyperplasia and expression of HLA-DR antigens in abnormal mucosal cites, in crypts of the ileum. These changes were correlating with activity of JIA. In JIA compared with negative controls, there were found elevated granzyme B but decreased cytoprotective heat shock protein expression. The mRNA expression levels of anti- inflammatory mediators like TGFβ, IL10 and transcriptor factor of regulatory T-cells FOXP3, inversely correlated with activity of JIA. In conclusion, patients with JIA suffering from gastrointestinal symptoms display evidence of intestinal mucosal immune activation and there is an association between levels of mucosal immune alteration and clinical activity of JIA. These findings support the hypothesis that there is a link between the intestinal immune system and pathogenesis of juvenile idiopathic arthritis. In order to confirm these findings, more extensive series of JIA patients without gastrointestinal symptoms needs to be examined. / Tiivistelmä Lastenreuman tautimekanismi on tuntematon. Geneettiset ominaisuudet ja ympäristötekijät ovat yhteydessä taudin syntyyn. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, onko suolen limakalvolla endoskooppisia tai immunohistologisia muutoksia enemmän lastenreumassa kuin kontrolleilla, ja että liittyvätkö muutokset niveltaudin aktiivisuuteen. Tutkimukseen otettiin 26 suolioireista lastenreumapotilasta, 76 verrokkia joilla ei ollut autoimmuunisairautta sekä 24 viivästynyttä maitoallergiaa sairastavaa lasta, joille tehtiin suolen tähystystutkimus. Ohutsuolinäytteistä arvioitiin immunohistologisesti solunsisäisten lymfosyyttien, gamma/delta-positiivisten lymfosyyttien sekä sytotoksisten (grantsyymi-A ja -B) lymfosyyttien määrä. Lisäksi määritettiin immunohistologisesti ohutsuolen limakalvon epiteelisolujen HLA-DR- antigeenien ja epiteelisolua suojaavien lämpöshokkiproteiinien ilmenemistä sekä käänteis-PCR-menetelmällä keskeisten välttäjäaineiden lähetti-RNA-tasoja. Tutkimuksessa lastenreumaa sairastavilla esiintyi enemmän suolen imukudoskertymää (lymfonodulaarinen hyperplasia) negatiiviseen verrokkiryhmään nähden sekä HLA-DR antigeenejä epätyypillisellä alueella ohutsuolen loppuosan limakalvon kryptassa. Nämä löydökset olivat yhteydessä lastenreuman aktiivisuuteen. Lastenreumassa oli verrokkeja enemmän sytotoksisia lymfosyyttejä ja vähemmän lämpöshokkiproteiineja. Tulehdusta suojaavat lähetti- RNA-tasot korreloivat käänteisesti lastenreumataudin aktiivisuuteen. Väitöstutkimuksen suolioireisilla lastenreumapotilailla oli suolen limakalvolla muutoksia, jotka sopivat poikkeavaan antigeenien käsittelyyn. Nämä löydökset tukevat hypoteesia, että lastenreumassa suolen limakalvon immunologinen aktivaatio on yhteydessä taudin puhkeamiseen. Jotta tulokset voisi yleistää, tarvittaisiin jatkotutkimus, joka on tehty suolioireettomilla lastenreumapotilailla ja riittävällä otoskoolla.

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