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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synthèse et caractérisation structurale et diélectrique de céramiques et de monocristaux relaxeurs de structure TTB / Synthesis, structural and dielectric characterization of relaxor ceramics and single-crystals with TTB structure

Albino, Marjorie 20 September 2013 (has links)
La structure bronze quadratique de tungstène, grâce à sa flexibilité cristallochimique, est une candidate légitime pour le développement de matériaux fonctionnels. L’étude des propriétés diélectriques, pyroélectriques, et ferroélectriques de céramiques de formulation Ba2NdFeNb4-xTaxO15 montre un crossover relaxeur-ferroélectrique-paraélectrique, avec une hystérèse thermique de la transition ferroélectrique. L’étude structurale des monocristaux relaxeurs Ba2LnFeNb4O15 (Ln=La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu), obtenus par la méthode du flux, a mis en évidence une structure modulée. L’affinement de la structure de base prouve l’existence de moments dipolaires dans le plan ab (dus à une distorsion des octaèdres [NbO6]). Afin d’établir un lien entre la structure cristalline et les propriétés d’un composé dérivé du multiferroïque MnWO4, la croissance en four à image de Mn0,85Mg0,15WO4 a été entreprise avec succès. / Tetragonal Tungsten Bronze structure, thanks to its compositional flexibility, is a legitimate candidate for the development of functional materials. Study of dielectric, pyroelectric, and ferroelectric properties of Ba2NdFeNb4-xTaxO15 ceramics reveals a relaxor-ferroelectric-paraelectric crossover, with thermal hysteresis of the ferroelectric transition. Structural analysis of Ba2LnFeNb4O15 (Ln=La Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu), relaxor single crystals obtained by flux method, highlighted a modulated structure. Refinement of the basic structure proves the existence of a dipolar moment in the ab plane (induced by a distortion of [NbO6] octahedra). In order to establish a correlation between the crystal structure and the properties of a compound derived from multiferroic MnWO4, the crystal growth in image furnace of Mn0,85Mg0,15WO4 was successfully undertaken.

Ferroelectricity in empty tetragonal tungsten bronzes

Gardner, Jonathan January 2017 (has links)
In this work, in-depth structural and electrical characterisation is used to study a family of “empty” tetragonal tungsten bronzes (TTBs), A2₄A1₂B1₂B2₈O₃₀. An initial investigation into the effect of the A1-cation size on the properties of empty Ba₄R₀.₆₇◻₁.₃₃Nb₁₀O₃₀ TTBs (where R is the A1-cation and R = La, Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy and Y; ◻ = vacancy) was performed. These were determined to be metrically tetragonal by powder x-ray diffraction, with decreasing R cation size inducing increased crystal anisotropy. This tetragonal structural distortion, driven by contraction in the ab-plane, is shown to stabilise c-axis ferroelectricity; a direct correlation between tetragonality and the ferroelectric Curie temperature, T[sub]C, is demonstrated. Further examination of the relaxor ferroelectric (RFE) to ferroelectric (FE) crossover in Ba₄(La₁₋ₓNdₓ)₀.₆₇◻₁.₃₃Nb₁₀O₃₀ TTBs using detailed structural studies employing variable temperature, high resolution neutron, synchrotron X-ray and electron diffraction revealed a common superstructure with 2√2 × √2 × 2 cell with respect to the basic tetragonal aristotype cell. However, they display different degrees of order/disorder which can disrupt polar order (ferroelectricity). La-rich analogues exhibit a disordered regime between the low and high temperature ferroelectric and non-polar phases. Although polar, this disordered regime is non-ferroelectric, however, large polarisation may be established with an applied electric field, but relaxes back to the disordered phase upon removal of the field. Substitution of Nd for La at the A1-site leads to destabilisation of the disordered phase and reintroduces “normal” ferroelectric behaviour. Finally, isovalent substitution of Sr²⁺∙ for Ba²⁺ is shown to lead to the development of relaxor behaviour at higher dopant concentrations in Ba₄₋ₓSrₓDy₀.₆₇◻₁.₃₃Nb₁₀O₃₀, (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 3; ◻ = vacancy). With increasing x the unit cell contracts in both the ab- plane and c-axis coinciding with a decrease in T[sub]C and development of relaxor behaviour for x ≥ 2. This observation is rationalised by differing cation occupancies: for x ≤ 1, Sr²⁺ principally occupies the A2-site while for x ≥ 2 significant Sr²⁺ occupation of the A1-site leads to the observed RFE characteristics. The FE to RFE crossover is discussed in the context of a previously proposed TTB crystal chemical framework with the A1-site tolerance factor identified as the dominant influence on relaxor behaviour.

Electric-field-induced dielectric and caloric effects in relaxor ferroelectrics

Peräntie, J. (Jani) 13 May 2014 (has links)
Abstract In this thesis, dielectric and thermal behaviours due to the application of an electric field were studied in relaxor ferroelectric (1−x)Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-xPbTiO3 (PMN-PT) and (1−x)Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-xPbTiO3 (PZN-PT) systems of great technological importance. Special attention was given to the behaviour of the electric-field-induced phase transitions and electrocaloric effect, which are closely related to the existing and potential applications. Reactive sintering or columbite methods were used to fabricate polycrystalline PMN-PT ceramics with various compositions (x=0−0.3). In addition, commercial PMN-PT single crystals with composition close to the morphotropic phase boundary region were used. A studied PZN-PT crystal composition was grown by solution gradient cooling technique. Materials were mainly studied by means of dielectric and direct temperature measurements. The electrocaloric effect observed in a ceramic PMN-PT system was found to show distinct maximum values close to the thermal depolarization temperatures with low electric fields. The temperature range and magnitude of the electrocaloric effect was significantly expanded to high temperatures with increasing electric fields due to the contribution of polar nanoregions. The maximum electrocaloric temperature change was in the range of 0.77−1.55 °C under an electric field of 50 kV/cm. In addition, temperature change measurements on depoled PMN-0.13PT ceramics demonstrated that the electrocaloric effect is accompanied with an irreversible part below its depolarization temperature due to hysteresis loss and a possible phase transition type response related to the evolution of the macroscopic polarization. An electric field application to the <001> and <011> directions in PMN-PT crystals was found to cause distinct anomalies in the dielectric and temperature change responses. These anomalies were attributed to the complex polarization rotation routes and different phase stability regions in the electric-field-temperature phase diagrams of PMN-PT. Furthermore, measurements on PMN-PT crystals provided the first direct indications of a temporarily reversed electrocaloric effect with an increasing electric field. In addition, the measured electrocaloric trends in PZN-PT crystal were reproduced by a simple lattice model and mean-field approximation around the transition temperature. This demonstrated that the electrocaloric effect is driven mainly by the dipolar entropy lowering. / Tiivistelmä Tässä työssä tutkittiin dielektristen ominaisuuksien ja lämpötilan käyttäytymistä teknologisesti merkittävissä (1−x)Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-xPbTiO3 (PMN-PT) ja (1−x)Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-xPbTiO3 (PZN-PT) ferrosähköisissä relaksorimateriaaleissa sähkökentän vaikutuksen alaisena. Tutkimuksen erityishuomion kohteena olivat sähköisesti indusoidut faasimuutokset sekä sähkökalorinen ilmiö, jotka liittyvät läheisesti nykyisiin sekä tulevaisuuden sovellutuksiin. Monikiteisiä PMN-PT keraamikoostumuksia (x=0−0,3) valmistettiin sekä reaktiivisella sintrauksella että kolumbiittimenetelmällä. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa käytettiin kaupallisia PMN-PT erilliskiteitä, joiden koostumus on lähellä morfotrooppista faasirajaa. Työssä käytetty PZN-PT erilliskide kasvatettiin jäähdyttämällä korkean lämpötilan liuoksesta. Materiaaleja tutkittiin pääosin lämpötilan ja dielektristen ominaisuuksien mittauksilla. Kun PMN-PT keraamisysteemiin kohdistettiin alhainen sähkökenttä, sähkökalorisen ilmiön selkeä maksimiarvo havaittiin lähellä materiaalin termistä depolarisaatiolämpötilaa. Suuremmilla sähkökentän arvoilla sähkökalorinen ilmiö voimistui ja sen lämpötila-alue laajeni korkeampiin lämpötiloihin polaaristen nanoalueiden kytkeytymisen vuoksi. Sähkökalorisen lämpötilamuutoksen maksimi vaihteli välillä 0,77−1,55 °C sähkökentän arvolla 50 kV/cm. Lisäksi lämpötilamittaukset depoolatulle PMN-0,13PT koostumukselle osoittivat, että sähkökalorisen ilmiön ohella materiaalissa esiintyy makroskooppisen polarisaation muodostumiseen liittyvä palautumaton lämpöenergia depolarisaatiolämpötilaa pienemmissä lämpötiloissa hystereesihäviön ja mahdollisen faasimuutoksen vaikutuksesta. PMN-PT erilliskiteiden dielektrisyys- ja lämpötilavasteessa havaittiin selkeitä muutoksia sähkökentän vaikuttaessa <001> ja <011> kidesuuntiin. Nämä muutokset ovat selitettävissä PMN-PT:n polarisaation kompleksisten rotaatiosuuntien ja erityyppisten sähkökenttä-lämpötila -faasidiagrammien stabiilisuusalueiden avulla. PMN-PT kiteiden mittauksissa havaittiin myös ensimmäinen suora osoitus väliaikaisesti käänteisestä sähkökalorisesta ilmiöstä sähkökentän kasvaessa. Lisäksi mitatut PZN-PT erilliskiteen sähkökaloriset ominaisuudet transitiolämpötilan läheisyydessä pystyttiin pääpiirteittäin mallintamaan käyttämällä yksinkertaista hilamallia ja keskimääräisen kentän approksimaatiota. Mallinnuksen mukaan sähkökalorinen ilmiö aiheutuu pääasiassa sähköisesti indusoidusta dipolientropian alenemisesta.

Thermal Expansion And Related Studies In Cordierite Ceramics And Relaxor Ferroelectrics

Sai Sundar, V V S S 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The following investigations have been carried out in this thesis 1)Cordierite is already well known for its low thermal expansion behaviour. Chemical substitutions at various octahedral and tetrahedral sites have been done and their thermal expansion characteristics have been studied Synthesis of cordierite in more reactive environment provided by AlF3 used as sintering aid has been attempted 2) Diffuse ferroelectric phase transition of lead based perovskite materials leads to low expansion region. Solid solutions of lead iron niobate with lead titanate is investigated to increase the structural distortion and see it this low expansion region can be extended to wider temperature Preparation of materials with higher tetragonal distortion In PbTi03- BlFeO3 system is undertaken to study the thermal expansion anisotropy. 3) Composites between lead iron niobate(+(x) and lead titanate (-(x below Tc) has been undertaken to prepare low expansion hulk over a wide temperature range 4) Acoustic emission has been employed as a tool to detect the microcracking in solid solutions between PFN1-x, PTx, and PT1-x, ,BFx, It is hoped to understand relation between magnitude of lattice distortion transition temperature and microcracking in ceramics of the class of materials.

Studium relaxačních feroelektrických látek se spontánními polárními nanooblastmi / Studies of Relaxor Ferroelectrics with Spontaneous Polar Nanoregions

Ondrejkovič, Petr January 2017 (has links)
Title: Studies of Relaxor Ferroelectrics with Spontaneous Polar Nanoregions Author: Petr Ondrejkovič Institute: Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences Supervisor: Ing. Jiří Hlinka, Ph.D., Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences Abstract: The thesis is devoted to relaxor ferroelectrics with spontaneous polar nanoregions. We have investigated one of the canonical representatives, uniaxial strontium barium niobate, by means of neutron scattering, and also performed computer simulations with a model of a uniaxial ferroelectric with point defects. Neutron scattering studies of strontium barium niobate single crystals under a defined sequence of thermal and electric field treatments elucidate nature of distinct components of its transverse diffuse scattering. These components are associated mainly with the static ferroelectric nanodomain structure and the dynamic order-parameter (polarization) fluctuations. Moreover, high-resolution neutron backscattering experiments allowed us to resolve characteristic frequencies of the order-parameter fluctuations and prove that this component is caused by the same polar fluctuations that are responsible for the Vogel-Fulcher dielectric relaxation, the hallmark of relaxor ferroelectrics. The model system of a uniaxial ferroelectric with point...

Investigations into the Synthesis, Structural, Dielectric, Piezoelectric and Ferroelectric Properties of Lead-Free Aurivillius Family of Oxides

Kumar, Sunil January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Bismuth layer-structured ferroelectrics have received significant attention recently due to their fairly high TC and good fatigue endurance which make them important candidates for non-volatile ferroelectric random access memories (Fe-RAMs) as well as for the piezoelectric device applications at high temperatures. Structure of these compounds is generally described as the pseudo-perovskite block (An-1BnO3n+1)2- sandwiched between the bismuth oxide layers (Bi2O2)2+ along the c-axis, where n represents the number of corner sharing BO6 octahedra forming the perovskite-like slabs. Only a few compounds belonging to this family show relaxor behavior (frequency dependent diffuse phase transition). Relaxor ferroelectrics are very attractive for a variety of applications, such as capacitors, sensors, actuators, and integrated electromechanical systems. The present work attempts to understand the mechanism of relaxor behavior in Aurivillius oxides as well as to improve the piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties of some of the known phases. Details pertaining to the fabrication and characterization of BaBi4Ti4O15 (n = 4 member of Aurivillius family of oxides) ceramics are presented. X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) were employed to probe the structural and microstructural details. The contribution of irreversible domain wall movement to the room temperature dielectric constant and polarization was quantitatively evaluated using the nonlinear dielectric response. Dielectric dispersion and conduction mechanism of these ceramics are also explicated using the complex impedance spectroscopy. The effects of La3+ and Ca2+ doping on the phase transition behavior and other properties of BaBi4Ti4O15 are investigated. La3+ doping for Bi3+ was found to strengthen the relaxor behavior. New compounds such as CaNaBi2Nb3O12, SrNaBi2Nb3O12, Na0.5La0.5Bi4Ti4O12, etc. belonging to the Aurivillius family of oxides have been synthesized and investigations concerning their structural, dielectric and ferroelectric properties are presented. Rietveld refinement of room temperature X-ray powder data suggested that CaNaBi2Nb3O12 and SrNaBi2Nb3O12crystallize in the orthorhombic space group B2cb. SrNaBi2Nb3O12 ceramics exhibited frequency-dependent Tm which follows the Vogel-Fulcher relation implying a relaxor nature. No frequency dependence of Tm was observed for CaNaBi2Nb3O12 ceramics. Polarization - electric field hysteresis loops recorded well above Tm confirmed the coexistence of polar and non-polar domains in SrNaBi2Nb3O12 ceramics. Dielectric anomaly observed around 675 K for CNBN corresponds to the ferroelectric to paraelectric phase transition which is accompanied by the change in crystal structure from orthorhombic to tetragonal. Fe and Nb co-doped Bi4Ti3O12 ceramics were fabricated and characterized for their structural, electrical and magnetic properties.

Low Voltage Electron Emission from Ferroelectric Materials

Mieth, Oliver 26 October 2010 (has links)
Electron emission from ferroelectric materials is initiated by a variation of the spontaneous polarization. It is the main focus of this work to develop ferroelectric cathodes, which are characterized by a significantly decreased excitation voltage required to initiate the electron emission process. Particular attention is paid to the impact of the polarization on the emission process. Two materials are investigated. Firstly, relaxor ferroelectric lead magnesium niobate - lead titanate (PMN-PT) single crystals are chosen because of their low intrinsic coercive field. Electron emission current densities up to 5 · 10^(−5) A/cm² are achieved for excitation voltages of 160 V. A strong enhancement of the emission current is revealed for the onset of a complete polarization reversal. Secondly, lead zirconate titanate (PZT) thin films are investigated. A new method to prepare top electrodes with sub-micrometer sized, regularly patterned apertures is introduced and a stable electron emission signal is measured from these structures for switching voltages < 20 V. Furthermore, a detailed analysis of the polarization switching process in the PMN-PT samples is given, revealing a spatial rotation of the polarization vector into crystallographic easy axes, as well as the nucleation of reversed nano-domains. Both processes are initiated at field strengths well below the coercive field. The dynamics of the polarization reversal are correlated to the electron emission measurements, thus making it possible to optimize the efficiency of the investigated cathodes. / Die Ursache für Elektronenemission aus ferroelektrischen Materialien ist eine Veränderung des Zustandes der spontanen Polarisation. Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist eine Verringerung der dafür nötigen Anregungsspannung, wobei besonderes Augenmerk auf die Rolle der ferroelektrischen Polarisation innerhalb des Emissionsprozesses gelegt wird. Es werden zwei verschiedene Materialien untersucht. Das Relaxor-Ferroelektrikum Bleimagnesiumniobat - Bleititanat (PMN-PT) wurde aufgrund seines geringen Koerzitivfeldes ausgewählt. Es konnten Emissionsstromdichten von bis zu 5·10^(−5) A/cm² bei einer Anregungsspannung von 160 V erreicht werden. Bei Einsetzen eines vollständigen Umschaltens der Polarisation wurde eine deutliche Verstärkung des Emissionsstromes festgestellt. Desweiteren werden Untersuchungen an Bleizirkoniumtitanat (PZT) Dünnfilmen gezeigt. Eine neue Methode, eine Elektrode mit periodisch angeordneten Aperturen im Submikrometerbereich zu präparieren, wird vorgestellt. Diese Strukturen liefern ein stabiles Emissionssignal für Anregungsspannungen < 20 V. Eine detailierte Analyse des Schaltverhaltens der Polarisation der PMN-PT Proben zeigt sowohl eine Rotation des Polarisationsvektors als auch eine Nukleation umgeschaltener Nanodomänen. Beide Prozesse starten bei Feldstärken unterhalb des Koerzitivfeldes. Die ermittelte Zeitabhängigkeit des Schaltprozesses erlaubt Rückschlüsse auf den Emissionsprozess und erlaubt es, die Effizienz der untersuchten Kathoden weiter zu optimieren.

Novel polar dielectrics with the tetragonal tungsten bronze structure

Rotaru, Andrei January 2013 (has links)
There is great interest in the development of new polar dielectric ceramics and multiferroic materials with new and improved properties. A family of tetragonal tungsten bronze (TTB) relaxors of composition Ba₆M³⁺Nb₉O₃₀ (M³⁺ = Ga³⁺, Sc³⁺ and In³⁺, and also their solid solutions) were studied in an attempt to understand their dielectric properties to enable design of novel polar TTB materials. A combination of electrical measurements (dielectric and impedance spectroscopy) and powder diffraction (X-ray and neutron) studies as a function of temperature was employed for characterising the dynamic dipole response in these materials. The effect of B-site doping on fundamental dipolar relaxation parameters were investigated by independently fitting the dielectric permittivity to the Vogel-Fulcher (VF) model, and the dielectric loss to Universal Dielectric Response (UDR) and Arrhenius models. These studies showed an increase in the characteristic dipole freezing temperature (T[subscript(f)]) with increase B-cation radius. Crystallographic data indicated a corresponding maximum in tetragonal strain at T[subscript(f)], consistent with the slowing and eventual freezing of dipoles. In addition, the B1 crystallographic site was shown to be most active in terms of the dipolar response. A more in-depth analysis of the relaxor behaviour of these materials revealed that, with the stepwise increase in the ionic radius of the M³⁺ cation on the B-site within the Sc-In solid solution series, the Vogel-Fulcher curves (lnf vs. T[subscript(m)]) are displaced to higher temperatures, while the degree of relaxor behaviour (frequency dependence) increases. Unfortunately, additional features appear in the dielectric spectroscopy data, dramatically affecting the Vogel-Fulcher fitting parameters. A parametric study of the reproducibility of acquisition and analysis of dielectric data was therefore carried out. The applicability of the Vogel-Fulcher expression to fit dielectric permittivity data was investigated, from the simple unrestricted (“free”) fit to a wider range of imposed values for the VF relaxation parameters that fit with high accuracy the experimental data. The reproducibility of the dielectric data and the relaxation parameters obtained by VF fitting were shown to be highly sensitive to the thermal history of samples and also the conditions during dielectric data acquisition (i.e., heating/cooling rate). In contrast, UDR analysis of the dielectric loss data provided far more reproducible results, and to an extent was able to partially deconvolute the additional relaxation processes present in these materials. The exact nature of these additional relaxations is not yet fully understood. It was concluded application of the Vogel-Fulcher model should be undertaken with great care. The UDR model may represent a feasible alternative to the evaluation of fundamental relaxation parameters, and a step forward towards the understanding of the dielectric processes in tetragonal tungsten bronzes.

Síntese e caracterização estrutural e dielétrica de compostos ferroelétricos \'PB IND.1-X\'\'R IND.X\'\'ZR IND.0,40\'\'TI IND.0,60\'\'O IND.3\' (R = La, Ba) / Synthesis and characterization of \'PB IND.1-X\'\'R IND.X\'\'ZR IND.0,40\'\'TI IND.0,60\'\'O IND.3\' (R = La, Ba)

Mesquita, Alexandre 15 March 2011 (has links)
O titanato e zirconato de chumbo \'PB\'(\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y)\'O IND.3\' é um material ferroelétrico de estrutura perovskita que tem sido aplicado como transdutores, amplificadores, sensores piezoelétricos, piroelétricos e memórias ferroelétricas. É bem estabelecido que a incorporação de íons de \'LA POT.3+\' ou \'BA POT.2+\' nos sítios ocupados pelo \'PB\' no sistema \'PB\'(\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y)\'O\' (PZT), formando os sistemas \'PB\'1-x\'LA\'x\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y\'O IND.3\' (PLZT) e \'PB\'1-x\'BA\'x\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y\'O IND.3\' (PBZT), provoca mudanças significativas nas suas propriedades. No entanto, poucos trabalhos tem sido dedicados a esses sistemas contendo altas concentrações de \'TI\', principalmente no que se refere à estrutura desses materiais. Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar as propriedades estruturais e suas correlações com as propriedades dielétricas dos sistemas \'PB\'1-x\'LA\'x\'ZR\'0,40\'TI\'0,60\'O IND.3\' (PLZT100x) e \'PB\'1-x\'BA\'x\'ZR\'0,40\'TI\'0,60\'O IND.3\' (PBZT100x) em função da composição e da temperatura. Foram preparadas amostras cerâmicas por meio de sinterização convencional com x variando entre 0,05 e 0,21 para o sistema PLZT e entre 0,10 e 0,50 para o sistema PBZT. Em relação à estrutura a longa distância, medidas de difração de raios X mostraram uma diminuição no grau de tetragonalidade com o aumento da concentração dos cátions substituintes, que foi atribuída à formação de vacâncias no sítio A (caso do \'LA\') e diferença entre o raio iônico (caso do \'BA\'). Estas alterações estruturais em função da composição foram também responsáveis pelo aumento do grau de difusidade das curvas de permissividade dielétrica e pela observação de um estado ferroelétrico relaxor nas amostras contendo altas concentrações de \'LA\' e \'BA\'. Em relação à estrutural local, os resultados obtidos através da técnica de espectroscopia de absorção de raios X (XAS) nas bordas \'K\' do \'TI\' e LIII do \'PB\' mostraram que a incorporação de átomos de \'LA\' ou \'BA\' à estrutura do PZT leva a uma redução no deslocamento do átomo de \'TI\' em relação ao centro do octaedro \'TI\'O IND.6\' e mudanças na ordem local do átomo de \'PB\'. No que tange as composições contendo 21% at. de \'LA\' e 50% at. de \'BA\', diferentemente dos resultados de DRX que mostraram uma simetria cúbica, a técnica de XAS mostrou uma simetria local tetragonal. Em bom acordo com os resultados obtidos pela técnica de espectroscopia Raman, espectros EXAFS medidos em altas temperaturas mostraram também que a estrutura local não é compatível com uma estrutura de simetria cúbica. Espectros XANES medidos na borda \'K\' do oxigênio revelaram uma redução no grau de hibridização entre os estados 2p do \'O\' com 6sp do \'PB\' à medida que a concentração de \'LA\' ou \'BA\' aumenta, que estaria relacionada com o surgimento de comportamento relaxor. Amostras cerâmicas densas nanoestruturadas de composição PZT, PLZT11 e PBZT10 foram preparadas pelo método de spark plasma sintering (SPS) a fim de analisar a influência do tamanho de grão. Foi verificado que as amostras sinterizadas por SPS apresentam tamanho de grão em torno de 60 nm. A caracterização dielétrica destas amostras mostra que a redução do tamanho de grão causa uma redução no valor de máximo da permissividade dielétrica e características difusas da permissividade em função da temperatura devido ao aumento das regiões de contorno de grão. / Lead titanate zirconate (\'PB\'(\'ZR\'1-x\'TI\'x)\'O IND.3\') are ferroelectric materials with perovskite structure which has been used as transducers, capacitors, piezoelectric and pyroelectric sensors and ferroelectric memories. The substitution of \'PB POT.+2\' ions by \'LA POT.+3\' or \'BA POT.+2\' ions in the \'PB\'(\'ZR\'1-x\'TI\'x)\'O IND.3\' (PZT) system, which leads to the formation of the \'PB\'1-x\'LA\'x\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y\'O IND.3\' (PLZT) and the \'PB\'1-x\'BA\'x\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y\'O IND.3\' (PBZT) systems, induces several changes in the electric and structural properties of these materials. However, PLZT or PBZT systems based on \'TI\'-rich compositions have not been thoroughly investigated and the literature contains few reports concerning their structure. Thus, the main objectives of this doctoral thesis were the synthesis and structural characterization of \'PB\'1-x\'R\'x\'ZR\'0.40\'TI\'0.60\'O IND.3\' ferroelectric ceramic samples, with R = \'BA\' and \'LA\' and x between 0.00 to 0.50 (PLZT100x and PBZT100x). The characterization with X-ray diffraction technique of these samples showed a decrease of the tetragonality degree with increase of the doping cation concentration, which was related to the appearance of defects caused by the incorporation of \'LA\' or \'BA\' cations. These structural modifications were also responsible by the increase of the diffuseness at the dielectric permittivity and a relaxor behavior as a function of the \'LA\' or \'BA\' concentration. Concerning the local structure, XANES spectra in the absorption edge of various elements in PLZT and PBZT samples were performed. In the cases of \'TI\' \'K\'-edge absorption, the doping of \'LA\' and \'BA\' atoms in the PZT structure leads to a reduction of the displacement of \'TI\' atom in the center of the \'TI\'O IND.6\' octahedron. However, even when the crystal structure is cubic, a local octahedron distortion remains. EXAFS measurements in \'PB\' LIII-edge and \'ZR\' \'K\'-edge were performed and also indicate that local structure around lead or zirconium atoms is also affected by the introduction of \'LA\' and \'BA\' atoms in the PZT structure. In addition, XANES spectra measured at \'O\' \'K\'-edge revealed a reduction in the hybridization degree between \'O\' 2p and \'PB\' 6sp states with the addition of \'LA\' or \'BA\' atoms to the structure of PZT. It has been shown that hybridization between these states is essential to ferroelectricity and this reduction would be related to the relaxor behavior. PLZT and PBZT systems were also studied depending on the size of particle size in a nanometer scale. Thus samples PZT, PLZT11 and PBZT10 compositions were prepared using the synthesis method of precursor polymers and the process of sintering by spark plasma. A pronounced decrease in the values of maximum permittivity was observed and the dielectric curve as a function of the temperature exhibits a diffuse behavior. This size-induced diffuse phase transition and the reduction of the permittivity magnitude could be related to the differences between the core grain and the grain boundaries.

Tuning of single semiconductor quantum dots and their host structures via strain and in situ laser processing

Kumar, Santosh 27 August 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Single self-assembled semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are able to emit single-photons and entangled-photons pairs. They are therefore considered as potential candidate building blocks for quantum information processing (QIP) and communication. To exploit them fully, the ability to precisely control their optical properties is needed due to several reasons. For example, the stochastic nature of their growth ends up with only little probability of finding any two or more QDs emitting indistinguishable photons. These are required for two-photon quantum interference (partial Bell-state measurement), which lies at the heart of linear optics QIP. Also, most of the as-grown QDs do not fulfil the symmetries required for generation of entangled-photon pairs. Additionally, tuning is required to establish completely new systems, for example, 87Rb atomic-vapors based hybrid semiconductoratomic (HSA) interface or QDs with significant heavy-hole (HH)-light-hole (LH) mixings. The former paves a way towards quantum memories and the latter makes the optical control of hole spins much easier required for spin- based QIP. This work focuses on the optical properties of a new type of QDs optimized for HSA experiments and their broadband tuning using strain. It was created by integrating the membranes, containing QDs, onto relaxor-ferroelectric actuators and was quantified with a spatial resolution of ~1 µm by combining measurements of the µ-photoluminescence of the regions surrounding the QDs and dedicated modeling. The emission of a neutral exciton confined in a QD usually consists of two fine-structure-split lines which are linearly polarized along orthogonal directions. In our QDs we tune the emission energies as large as ~23meV and the fine-structure-splitting by more than 90 µeV. For the first time, we demonstrate that strain is able to tune the angle between the polarization direction of these two lines up to 40° due to increased strain-induced HH-LH mixings up to ~55%. Compared to other quantum emitters, QDs can be easily integrated into optoelectronic devices, which enable, for example, the generation of non-classical light under electrical injection. A novel method to create sub-micrometer sized current-channels to efficiently feed charge carriers into single QDs is presented in this thesis. It is based on focused-laserbeam assisted thermal diffusion of manganese interstitial ions from the top GaMnAs layer into the underlying layer of resonant tunneling diode structures. The combination of the two methods investigated in this thesis may lead to new QDbased devices, where direct laser writing is employed to preselect QDs by creating localized current-channels and strain is used to fine tune their optical properties to match the demanding requirements imposed by QIP concepts.

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