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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Archaeology of Social Ties and Community Formation in a World War II Japanese American Incarceration Center

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: People come together and form communities in cities across the world but the processes behind community formation are not well understood. Some researchers theorize that having populations with similar characteristics is important; others argue that the existence of public spaces for interaction is key. I use archaeological data collected over six seasons of field work and archival data from The Granada Relocation Center (Amache) National Historic Landmark, a World War II (WWII) Japanese American incarceration center in Southeastern Colorado, to demonstrate the role that participation in previous social communities has on the formation of new social networks. The concept of social cohesion acts as a framework for understanding how access to public spaces and participation in different types of social activities creates a sense of neighborhood community among a dislocated population. During WWII Japanese Americans were forcibly removed from their homes on the West Coast to ten incarceration centers, disrupting existing communities and forcing the formation of new ones. Amache is one of ten incarceration centers which housed families and individuals. The site resembled an urban center with public facilities and residential areas that functioned as neighborhoods. Archival and archaeological data indicate that residents developed socially defined neighborhoods. Internees modified each neighborhood through the creation of landscape features and development of social activity which provided a venue for residents to interact and form a sense of community identity. Neighborhood residents clustered based on their affiliation to previous communities both in California and in the temporary detention centers. Clustering in demographically similar neighborhoods facilitated the development of new social interactions and led to the proliferation of landscape features and social events seen in the archaeological and archival record. I identify patterns of neighborhood interaction through an examination of the archaeological record and social network analysis using archival newspapers. Applying archaeological data in partnership with social network data illustrates the range of strategies used by incarcerees to create new communities and problematizes working with a single data source when attempting to identify socially defined neighborhoods. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Anthropology 2020

Seismic and Geodetic Investigation of the 1996-1998 Earthquake Swarm at Strandline Lake, Alaska

Kilgore, Wayne Walter 15 April 2010 (has links)
Microearthquake (< M3.0) swarms occur frequently in volcanic environments, but do not always culminate in an eruption. Such non-eruptive swarms may be caused by stresses induced by magma intrusion, hydrothermal fluid circulation, or regional tectonic processes, such as slow-slip earthquakes. Strandline Lake, located 30 km northeast of Mount Spurr volcano in south-central Alaska, experienced an intense earthquake swarm between August 1996 and August 1998. The Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) catalog indicates that a total of 2,999 earthquakes were detected during the swarm period, with a maximum magnitude of Mw 3.1 and a depth range of 0-30 km below sea level (with the majority of catalog hypocenters located between 5-10 km BSL). The cumulative seismic moment of the swarm was 2.03e15 N-m, equivalent to a cumulative magnitude of Mw 4.2. Because of the swarm's distance from the nearest Holocene volcanic vent, seismic monitoring was poor and gas and GPS data do not exist for the swarm period. However, combined waveforms from a dense seismic network on Mount Spurr and from several regional seismic stations allow reanalysis of the swarm earthquakes. I first developed a new 1-D velocity model for the Strandline Lake region by re-picking and inverting precise arrival times for 27 large Strandline Lake earthquakes. The new velocity model reduced the average RMS for these earthquakes from 0.16 to 0.11s, and the average horizontal and vertical location errors from 3.3 to 2.5 km and 4.7 to 3.0 km, respectively. Depths of the 27 earthquakes ranged from 10.5 to 22.1 km with an average depth of 16.6 km. A moderately high b-value of 1.33 was determined for the swarm period, possibly indicative of magmatic activity. However, a similarly high b-value of 1.25 was calculated for the background period. 28 well-constrained fault plane solutions for both swarm and background earthquakes indicate a diverse mixture of strike-slip, dip-slip, and reverse faulting beneath Strandline Lake. Finally, five Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) images spanning the swarm period unambiguously show no evidence of surface deformation. While a shallow volcanic intrusion appears to be an unlikely cause of the Strandline Lake swarm based on the new well-constrained earthquake depths and the absence of strong surface deformation, the depth range of 10.5 to 22.1 km BSL for relocated earthquakes and the high degree of FPS heterogeneity for this swarm are similar to an earthquake swarm beneath Lake Tahoe, California in 2003 caused by a deep intrusion near the base of the crust (Smith et al, 2004). This similarity suggests that a deep crustal magmatic intrusion could have occurred beneath the Strandline Lake area in 1996-1998 and may have been responsible for the resulting microearthquake activity.

Kontorsflytt från Stockholms CBD - En studie om påverkan på kontorsmarknaden / Office relocation from Stockholm CBD - A study on the impact of the office market

Kyhälä, Jari, Käck, Christian January 2013 (has links)
Både storbanker och statliga myndigheter har valt att göra omlokaliseringar av sina verksamheter i Stockholmsområdet. Dessa aktörer har länge haft sina huvudkontor inom Stockholm Central Business District (CBD), men kommer från och med årsskiftet 2013/2014 att samla hela eller delar av sina verksamheter utanför området. Under de kommande fyra åren blir över 210 000 kvadratmeter kontorslokaler lediga, vilket både skapar utmaningar och möjligheter för de berörda fastighetsägarna. Den här studien har tre viktiga utgångspunkter: Faktorerna bakom flytt för banker och myndigheter, hur Stockholms kontorsmarknad kommer att ändras i fortsättningen och på vilket sätt Stockholms CBD utvecklas när de vakanta kontorslokalerna byggs om. De bakomliggande resonemangen kring besluten om att flytta från området skiljer sig väsentligt åt mellan de intervjuade aktörerna. Den främsta anledningen till att myndigheterna samlar olika verksamhetsdelar i Solna respektive Telefonplan är ekonomiska besparingar. Bankernas främsta anledning är att koncentrera sina verksamheter inom ett geografiskt område. Nordea väljer att stanna kvar i CBD medan Swedbank flyttar ut. För dem är samlokaliseringen en del av att effektivisera det dagliga arbetet. För fastighetsägarna i området innebär det stora ombyggnations- och renoveringsprojekt i lokalerna som tomställs. Det finns däremot inget i studien som tyder på att företag vill samlokalisera sina verksamheter i kluster med andra aktörer inom samma bransch. I och med den omstrukturering som påbörjas kan Stockholms stad tillsammans med fastighetsägarna genom detaljplanering förändra och utveckla staden. Dessa åtgärder kan förhoppningsvis i framtiden ge en mer livfull stadskärna för Stockholm och nya, mindre företag får möjlighet att etablera sig i CBD. / Major banks and authorities have decided to relocate their headquarters in the Stockholm area. The big companies in Stockholm have always been located in the most central parts of the city, the Central Business District (CBD). In the beginning of 2014 the companies starts to move their business outside CBD. This process will proceed the next four years and there will be more than 210 000 square meters of office space available. These relocations create challenges and opportunities for the property owners in the area. The study has three important aspects: The reason behind the moving of banks and authorities, how this affects the office market in Stockholm CBD and the property development as well as the growth of the city center. The reason behind the moving decision is very different depending on which company we asked. The main reason why authorities relocate their business to Solna and Telefonplan are economic cut downs. The banks most common reason to relocate is to concentrate their activities to one particular area. Nordea decided to stay in CBD and Swedbank is heading toward Sundbyberg. Their most important reason to move is to rationalize and develop their daily work. For the property owners there will be huge renovation and reconstruction challenges when the tenants leave the buildings. All the property owners have a common opinion that a higher vacancy rate is welcome, because of the extremely low vacancies in the area. There is no tendency on the market which indicates that companies want to relocate their business in a cluster with other companies in the same industry. As a result of the reconstruction in the area, Stockholm Municipality and the property owners have a great opportunity to develop a new local plan to improve the capital of Sweden

Statliga myndigheter på lokalhyresmarknaden

Löchen, Philip, Samuelsson, Ludvig January 2012 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur statliga myndigheter är som hyresgäster på den svenska lokalhyresmarknaden. I studien analyseras myndigheternas hyreskontraktslängder samt den faktiska hyresperioden för respektive lokal. Därutöver utreds hur respektive myndighet hanterar sin lokalförsörjning både organisatoriskt och strategiskt. För att få en tillförlitlig perception om dagens situation har såväl historisk utveckling samt rådande trender och framtidsutsikter i den statliga lokalförsörjningen beaktats. Tidigare forskning kring myndigheters lokalhyrestider är begränsad, således är förhoppningen att denna studie ska bringa klarhet i detta. Vidare ämnar studiens syfte till att klargöra statliga myndigheters strategi gällande lokalförsörjning. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ del vilken innefattar intervjuer med fem statliga myndigheter. Dessa myndigheter är personalintensiva och har en sådan verksamhet som nyttjar en stor andel kontorsyta. Utöver den kvalitativa delen har en kvantitativ studie genomförts där myndigheternas hyreskontrakt analyserats, både historiska och nuvarande. Lokalförsörjning är inte statliga institutioners kärnverksamhet, detta har gjort att en vanlig uppfattning är att institutionerna inte prioreterar sin hyressituation. Denna studie visar att hyressituationen haft en sekundär roll men att myndigheterna idag fått kontroll eller arbetar med att få kontroll över sin hyressituation. Statliga myndigheter sitter kvar markant längre än de skriver hyreskontrakt på. En tendens är att de kortat ner sina kontraktslängder samtidigt som de sitter kvar längre i sina lokaler. Vid omlokalisering av en myndighet uppstår stora flyttkostnader detta medför att en myndighet hellre stannar kvar i sina lokaler än genomför en flytt. Vid ändrade förhållanden av hyressituationen föredras en anpassning av den befintliga lokalen framför en omlokalisering. Myndigheter som analyserats är Arbetsförmedlingen, Domstolsverket, Försäkringskassan, Polisen samt Skatteverket. / This study examines how government authorities behave as tenants in the Swedish rental market. The study analyses the authorities’ rental contract lengths and the actual rental period for each of the subject premises. In addition, the study investigates how each authority handles its premises, both organisationally and strategically. To get an accurate perception of the current situation, historical and current trends and future prospects of premises have been taken into account. As previous research of authorities’ rental periods is limited; this study aspires to bring clarity to the subject. Further, the purpose of the study is to clarify the government authorities’ policies and strategies regarding their premises rentals. The study is based on one qualitative part which includes interviews with five government authorities. These authorities are labour-intensive with businesses using large proportions of office space. In addition to the qualitative part, a quantitative study has been carried out, regarding historical and current government leases, followed by an analysis. Premises are not the core business of the Government institutions, which has led to a widespread belief that institutions are not prioritising their rental situation. This study shows that the rental situations historically have had a secondary role, but that authorities today have good control, or working to gain control of their rental situation. Government authorities are still occupying the premises significantly longer than the lease length they originally sign for. One tendency is that they have shortened their contract lengths, but stay longer in their facilities. A relocation of an authority is associated with major moving-costs, which is why Government authorities tend to occupy their existing premises instead of moving. The authorities prefer tenant improvements (TI’s) in their actual premises before relocation. Analyzed authorities are the Public Employment Service, the National Courts Administration, the Social Insurance Agency, the Police and the Tax Agency.

Urban redevelopment and displacement in Arada Sub-city of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Teddla, Fitsum Resome January 2009 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / As the title indicates, this research is concerned about the displacement and resettlement situation in Arada sub-city, Addis Ababa. The City Administration is implementing an urban redevelopment program to improve the poor infrastructural facilities, service provision,sewerage, sanitation, housing quality and supply. The implementation of these projects displaces households from their residential area exposing them to various impoverishment risks. The Impoverishment Risks and Reconstruction Model (Cernea, 2000), which is a tool used for managing risk identification, prevention and mitigation, stipulates displaced people could encounter one or more of the eight potential risks of landlessness, joblessness, homelessness, social disarticulation, marginalization, increased morbidity and mortality, food insecurity and loss of access to common property resources. Thus many development practitioners advocate the importance of democratization of the displacement and resettlement processes to reduce potential risks.The purpose of the research is to investigate how the displacement and resettlement process has been undertaken and to describe the impoverishment risks displaced households faced.This will contribute to the improvement of the program and other similar programs in the future as it is implemented with short, medium and long term plans. Thus it will indicate more constructive ways of implementing the displacement process that reduces risks by informing concerned agencies of more sustainable ways to configure and implement their work.Academically, the research will test the feasibility of the risk variables described by the IRR model to an inner area of urban context.Therefore, the research will answer the following questions: What impoverishment risks do the households face due to displacement and resettlement to the temporary and condominium houses? What coping mechanisms do households employ to adapt to the new circumstances? Was there access to information? Was the displacement and resettlement process participatory? The research noted that the displaced residents are exposed to impoverishment risks of homelessness, marginalization, lack of services, health hazard and economic impacts.The construction of the Condo house is of a much better standard than the temporary shelters.As a result the transfer of households to the Condo house has relieved them from the risks they had faced at the temporary shelter. However, the design of the Condo building, omission of basic facilities like a customary kitchen and the adopted communal neighborhood regulations imposes new type of risks such as the discontinuation of informal business and unsuitability to daily and cultural practices. The discontinuation of informal business both at the temporary shelter and later at the Condo house severely affected household income generation potential of poor households. These households are afraid that they may end up homeless as they are unable to pay the much more expensive house rental fee.The research concludes the impoverishment risks that displaced households faced could be mitigated by making the displacement and resettlement process participatory, transparent and by coordinating the activities of the implementing agencies. Moreover, this can be achieved by curbing the “demolish and relocate” approach used in the displacement and resettlement process to “relocate and demolish”. This will help to avoid housing the displaced in temporary shelters and associated governance shortcomings from the process which occurred due to the “demolish and relocate” approach.

Does Immigration Help to Explain Child Stress?

Sigler, Elizabeth Marie Koch 03 August 2020 (has links)
The impacts of childhood stressors are harmful to the emotional and physical well-being of children of all ages. Past research has suggested that children experience increased stress due to change. One subgroup of the United States population that experiences change, is immigrants. Research provides empirical evidence of adolescent immigrant stress but has failed to examine stress experienced by immigrant children at a young age. The present study investigates how immigration status and child immigration generation might impact child stress at a young age using OLS regression. I predict that immigrant children will experience more stress than non-immigrant children and that there will be significant differences in stress between non-immigrant, 1.5 generation immigrant, and 2nd generation immigrant children. Using the 1998 and 2010 cohorts of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS-K 1998 and ECLS-K 2010), I compare non-immigrant and immigrant children in the Kindergarten Wave. Results provide little support for my immigration hypotheses. However, findings suggest that increases in child stress are associated with parent and child health, family structure transitions, and residential movement. Implications of these findings are discussed.

Correlations Between Current and Expected Relocation Quality of Workplace Factors

Rachny, Edward 01 January 2018 (has links)
High-quality hospitality education is important to bring to international locations because it is a foundation for business and tourism. An international network of hospitality schools (HS) has a problem of convincing faculty to relocate to international locations, which limits expansion efforts and the quality of faculty available at less desirable locales. The purpose of this correlation study was to investigate the relationship between varies workplace factors that faculty expect to be of the highest quality, allowing senior management to ensure relocations. The theoretical foundation that grounded this study was Authors' expectancy theory, which stipulates that what people expect to occur drives their behavior; in this study, the behavior in question was the decision to relocate or not. The research questions concerned the correlations between faculty ratings of current workplace factors and faculty ratings indicating the quality they expected each workplace factor to show at a relocation site. Approximately 180 faculty members of HS answered an anonymous online survey. The survey was rated using 2 scales indicating how true each workplace item was in the current location and how high quality each workplace item was expected to be. Correlation analysis was conducted for each of the survey items to determine if there was a relationship between the faculty's ratings of their current position and what they expected in a relocation. The study found that feedback on work results was highly valued by participants wherever their workplace was located. The study may promote positive social change by supporting the school's capability to provide a workplace environment in compromise locations that attract and retain hospitality faculty, ultimately benefiting students in the globalizing world of education.

Přeložka silnice II/380 Moutnice – Borkovany / Road II/380 in stage Moutnice – Borkovany - relocation study

Charvátová, Marie January 2012 (has links)
Relocation the road II/380 Moutnice – Borkovany is designed for higher traffic load centers municipalities Těšany and Moutnice, increase driving safety in the community and increase traffic flow. Part of Master´s thesis is the connection of intersecting roads 2. and 3. clases and connections to existing transport infrastructure. Relocation the road II/380 is made in three variants. Better alternative is developed in more detail. Relocation is designed in the category S7,5/70.

Přeložka komunikace II/431 a III/4317 u obce Kojátky / Relocation of roads II / 431 and III / 4317 near the village of Kojátky

Janko, Vojtěch Unknown Date (has links)
The aim of this thesis is the relocation of roads II/431 and III/4317 near Kojátky village. This is due to the unsuitable layout of current routes which were poorly arranged because of too many horizontal and vertical curves with small radius. Another reason was a bad technical state of bridge structures, one of them was in serious disrepair. The project deals with the relocation of current roads to more suitable routes including the option allowing access to the nearby estates and the connection to the existing cart tracks. The project also addresses two bridge structures across the streams.

Essays in Health Economics

Lin , Lin January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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