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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Representa??es sociais e pr?ticas discursivas de profissionais do programa sa?de da fam?lia sobre o pr?-natal / Social representations and practical discourse of the professionals of the program health of the family on the prenatal one

Silva, Susanne Pinheiro Costa e 01 November 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:46:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SusannePCS.pdf: 615368 bytes, checksum: a47e9ae80c4e8f6719db3177a486b8db (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-11-01 / The present study had the objective to identify to the Social Representations of the professionals of medicine and nursing superior level of the Program Health of the Family concerning the assistance for the gestation. The research was qualitative under the optics of the Theory of the Social Representations of Serge Moscovici, of the Central Nucleus of Jean-Claude Abric and of the Analysis of Content of Laurence Bardin. We worked with the following instruments for the collection of data: Questionnaires, with social-demographic data; Free association of Words, with the inductive terms Pregnancy, Assistance for Gestation and Care; Production of mental image and half-structuralized Interview, with the following question: What does the assistance for the gestation represent for you? . We interviewed all the professionals of nursing and medicine of the Program Health of the Family in the city of Santa Cruz /RN (ten for each profession) in the period of February and March of 2007. From the analysis of the social-demographics data, we respectively identified the following percentages for nursing and medicine: the feminine sex for nursing predominated (90%); the age between 24 and 33 (70 and 60%); the religion catholic (80 and 50%) and 50% of the two groups has up to two years of formation and work in the score of the research. The analysis of the others instruments resulted in two categories: Institutionalized vision and Vision of the Common-sense. In the free association of words, the category institutionalized vision is configured as Central Nucleus and of the common sense one as nucleus Peripheral, demonstrating that the Social Representations of the assistance for the gestation attendance are in the universes consensual. In the mental images, we identified to this same construction. In the content of the interviews, the institutionalized vision is permeated by the responsibility of making and the availability of having - assistance for the gestation is recommended by the Health department and necessary genders - while the vision of the common-sense can be represented by the category sort, whose role of professionals of the assistance for the gestation is to strengthen the responsibility for the woman of a maternity socially constructed. In short, the analyzed speeches reflect that, to the knowledge acquired in the academy, are incorporated in the knowledge of the daily professional, and conducted by popular myths. Medicine and nursing recognize the importance of the attendance in such a way for the chance to educate the women for the maternity as for the possibility to prevent complications, but in its speeches they had excluded from this process the masculine figure. We conclude that the meaning of the inductive term take care, part of the common-sense and is incorporated the institutionalized speech to humanize the assistance. However, the pregnancy ceases from being seen in its natural biological direction and starts to be analyzed as a moment of fragility and predisposition the illnesses. Finally, the social nursing and the central nucleus representations for the assistance in gestation for medicine is anchored in the speeches institutionalized and of the common-sense, reflecting the concern in establishing a humanized assistance with quality / O presente estudo teve por objetivo identificar as representa??es sociais dos profissionais de Medicina e Enfermagem de n?vel superior do Programa Sa?de da Fam?lia acerca do Pr?-Natal. A pesquisa foi qualitativa sob a ?tica da Teoria das Representa??es Sociais de Serge Moscovici, do N?cleo Central de Jean-Claude Abric e da An?lise de Conte?do de Laurence Bardin. Trabalhamos com os seguintes instrumentos para coleta de dados: question?rio, com dados sociodemogr?ficos; associa??o livre de palavras, com os termos indutores Gesta??o, Cuidado e Pr?-natal; produ??o de imagem mental e entrevista semi-estruturada, com a seguinte quest?o norteadora: O que representa o pr?-natal para voc?? . Entrevistamos todos os profissionais de Enfermagem e Medicina do Programa Sa?de da Fam?lia do munic?pio de Santa Cruz/RN (dez para cada profiss?o) no per?odo de fevereiro e mar?o de 2007. Da an?lise dos dados sociodemogr?ficos, identificamos os seguintes percentuais para Enfermagem e Medicina respectivamente: predominou o sexo feminino para Enfermagem (90%); a idade entre 24 e 33 anos (70 e 60%); a religi?o cat?lica (80 e 50%) e 50% dos dois grupos t?m at? dois anos de forma??o e de trabalho no cen?rio da pesquisa. A an?lise dos demais instrumentos resultou em duas categorias: Vis?o Institucionalizada e Vis?o do Senso comum. Na associa??o livre de palavras, a categoria vis?o institucionalizada configura-se como N?cleo Central e a do senso comum como N?cleo Perif?rico, demonstrando que as representa??es sociais do atendimento pr?-natal s?o pautadas nos universos consensual e reificado. Nas imagens mentais, identificamos essa mesma constru??o. No conte?do das entrevistas, a vis?o institucionalizada ? permeada pela responsabilidade do fazer e a disponibilidade do ter assist?ncia pr?-natal recomendada pelo Minist?rio da Sa?de e recursos necess?rios enquanto a vis?o do senso comum pode ser representada pela categoria g?nero, cujo papel de profissionais do pr?-natal ? refor?ar a responsabilidade da mulher diante de uma maternidade socialmente constru?da. Em suma, os discursos analisados refletem que ao conhecimento adquirido na academia, s?o incorporados saberes do cotidiano profissional, regido por mitos populares. Medicina e Enfermagem reconhecem a import?ncia do atendimento tanto pela oportunidade de educar as mulheres para a maternidade quanto pela possibilidade de prevenir complica??es, mas em seus discursos exclu?ram desse processo a figura masculina. Conclu?mos que o significado do termo indutor cuidado parte do senso comum e ? incorporado ao discurso institucionalizado para humanizar a assist?ncia. Entretanto, a gesta??o deixa de ser vista no seu sentido biol?gico natural e passa a ser analisada como um momento de fragilidade e predisposi??o ?s doen?as. Por fim, o N?cleo Central das representa??es sociais do pr?-natal para os(as) pesquisado(as) ? ancorado nos discursos institucionalizado e do senso comum, refletindo a preocupa??o em estabelecer uma assist?ncia humanizada e de qualidade

As representa??es sociais da Geografia escolar: um olhar sobre a pr?tica did?tico-pedag?gica

Oliveira, Marlene Mac?rio de 26 December 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-13T17:10:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarleneMO.pdf: 493546 bytes, checksum: 9f4d933fbdc5480f2d9e1c2d00b60bb5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-12-26 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / To present research had for study object to understand the social representations of the school geography for the students of the Municipal Schools Lions Prata and Dr. Francisco Brasileiro, located in the neighborhood of Catol?, and in Santa Terezinha District, respectively, in the municipal district of Campina Grande/PB. The objective of that study consisted of identifying, to understand and to analyze those apprehensions in the form as they are communicated and executed at the school and in the society. That search is due to the fact that the constant reproduction of the same ones in the current world context in that we are inserted doesn't to the understanding of the being's complexity and of the knowledge in the educational and social extent. Like this, we considered urgent their dialogues in practice didactic-pedagogic of the geography for ressignificar the geographical knowledge produced in the city. Authors as Moscovici; Jodelet; Bourdieu; Tuan; Foucault; Castoriadis; Morin among others contributed in the reflexive mediation of the imaginary symbolic emitted by the interior speeches of the 281 (two hundred and eighty and a) researched students. Those corresponded to 64,0% (sixty four) integral of the enrolled ones in the two schools of the municipal public system of teaching (INEP, 2005). A qualitative-quantitative survey was used and its answers were categorized by using the statistical description of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SPSS Program. The freeassociation of words technique was also used in order to verify some information. The results revealed that the social representations of geography are still grounded in fragmented, content-based, positivistic and functional conceptions of man, society and the world. Manifestation of a traditional and organicistic teaching, this unveiling excludes the historical capacity of the students creative construction of knowledge, as well as a competent and demanding educational mediation / A presente pesquisa teve por objeto de estudo compreender as representa??es sociais da geografia escolar pelos alunos das Escolas Municipais Lions Prata e Doutor Francisco Brasileiro, localizadas no Bairro do Catol?, e no Distrito de Santa Terezinha, respectivamente, no munic?pio de Campina Grande/PB. O objetivo desse estudo consistiu em identificar, compreender e analisar essas apreens?es na forma como s?o comunicadas e efetivadas na escola e na sociedade. Essa busca se deve ao fato de que a constante reprodu??o das mesmas no atual contexto de mundo em que estamos inseridos n?o favorece ao entendimento da complexidade do ser e do saber no ?mbito educativo e social. Assim, consideramos urgentes suas interlocu??es na pr?tica did?tico-pedag?gica da geografia para ressignificar o conhecimento geogr?fico produzido na cidade. Autores como Moscovici; Jodelet; Bourdieu; Tuan; Foucault; Castoriadis; Morin entre outros contribu?ram na media??o reflexiva do imagin?rio simb?lico emitido pelas falas interiores dos 281 (duzentos e oitenta e um) alunos pesquisados. Esses corresponderam a 64,0% (sessenta e quatro) integrantes dos matriculados nas duas escolas do sistema p?blico municipal de ensino (INEP, 2005). Para a obten??o dos dados foi utilizado question?rio quantiqualitativo. As respostas foram categorizadas considerando a an?lise de conte?do fornecida pelo uso da descri??o estat?stica atrav?s do Programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences -SPSS. Tamb?m foi utilizada a t?cnica da associa??o livre de palavras para verifica??o das informa??es. Os resultados revelaram que as representa??es sociais da geografia permanecem ancoradas em concep??es fragmentadas, conteud?sticas, positivistas e funcionalistas de homem, sociedade, e mundo. Manifesta??o de um ensino tradicional e organicista, esse desvelamento inibe a capacidade hist?rica de participa??o criativa acerca da produ??o do conhecimento pelos sujeitos sociais, bem como, de uma media??o educativa competente e exigente

Representa??es discentes sobre a afetividade nas aulas de ingl?s de uma escola t?cnica

Cavalcanti, Beatriz Alves Paulo 04 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:06:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 BeatrizAPC_DISSERT.pdf: 756384 bytes, checksum: 0b181d170da702fdbe170017c79009e2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-04 / This work has risen from the researcher s pedagogical practice at a technical school in Natal, and it aims to observ how affectiveness is noticed by the students in their English classes, since we can have an idea of technicist teaching, which foccus on the acquisition of technical abilities. As cognition and affectiveness are considered indivisible elements in this research, we tried to identify the linguistic signs that express the students representations about affectiveness in their English classes. We used the Systemic Functional Linguistics approach to study the Ideational metafunction of Halliday (1994), by means of the transitivity system, to show how the clauses are used to illustrate these representations, and the interpersonal metafunction, that deals with the relationship between the teacher and the students. We tried to identify the most common processes (HALLIDAY, 1994) mentioned by the 68 students who participated in this work. We used learning narratives (BARCELOS, 2006) submitted to Wordsmith Tools computing program (SCOTT, 2009), whose results indicate the most frequent lexical items found in their narratives. The lexical choices seem to indicate that affectiveness is noticed as a composing element of the English classes in that school. There are representations of interacting classes, where the students needs are considered. These representations are built in the relationship of the students and the teacher, and they are grammatically realized by means of the polarity adjunct no , the intensity adjunct very , and the nominal group the teacher . The relational and mental processes (be) and (like) are the most used in their narratives, and we also observe that affectiveness and disponibility to help the students are considered the most important attitudes in their representations. The Appraisal system is used to analise the choices related to the attitudes and judgement of the students, that show appreciation for interacting classes, but there is still authorithary berhavior from the teacher in the English classes / Esta pesquisa surgiuda pr?tica pedag?gica da pesquisadora em uma escola t?cnica, na cidade de Natal/RN, e tem por objetivo verificar como a afetividade ? percebidapelos alunosnas aulas de ingl?s, pois,a princ?pio, pode-se tera ideia de um ensino tecnicista, cujo foco ? o processo de aquisi??o de habilidades, nos cursos t?cnicos. Como neste trabalhocogni??o e afetividade s?o considerados elementos indissoci?veis,procuramos identificar as marcas lingu?sticas que expressam as representa??esconstru?das pelos alunos sobre a afetividade nessas aulas. Utilizamos a metafun??o ideacional de Halliday (1994),realizada pelo sistema de transitividade para ilustrarcomo as ora??es s?o utilizadas para realizar as representa??es e ametafun??o interpessoal, que trata das rela??es entre professor e aluno.Procuramosidentificar os processos (HALLIDAY, 1994) mais utilizados pelos 68 alunosparticipantes da pesquisa, de modo a estabelecer o lugarda afetividadeem suas representa??es.Utilizamos narrativas de aprendizagem (BARCELOS, 2006), submetidas ao programa computacional WordsmithTools (SCOTT, 2009), cujos resultados apontam os itens lexicais mais frequentes. As escolhas lexicais parecem sugerir que a afetividade ? percebidacomo elemento integrante das aulas de ingl?s dessa escola. H? representa??es de aulas interativas,nas quais as necessidades dos alunos s?o consideradas. Essas representa??es s?o constru?das no relacionamento do professor com os alunos, realizadas gramaticalmente pelo adjunto de polaridadenegativa n?o , adjunto de intensidade muito , e do grupo nominal o(a)professor (a) junto a um operador verbal. Os processos relacionais (ser e estar) e mentais (gostar) foram os mais utilizados em seus textos, e observamos que a afetividade e a disponibilidade em ajudar s?o elementos de articula??o de primeira ordem para eles. O sistema de Avaliatividade (MARTIN; WHITE, 2005) foi utilizado para analisar as escolhas relacionadas ?s atitudes de julgamento e ao afeto feitas pelos alunos, que apontaram aprecia??o por aulas interativas e participativas,mas ainda h? posturas autorit?rias nas aulas

O imp?rio do desentendimento humano: representa??es da realidade em textos de dalton trevisan

Oliveira, Joaquim Adelino Dantas de 07 June 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:07:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoaquimADO_DISSERT.pdf: 965951 bytes, checksum: e69351da4d366a13722fe0777dc7cdd6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-07 / This work has the general proposal of studying the composition of the trevisanian fictional universe, the aesthetic expression engineered to formulate this universe, and last, the representations of reality that emanates from this aesthetic-narrative construction. It seemed to us, however, that it would be impossible to cover, even superficially, so vast and voluminous set of texts as the trevisanian. Therefore, so that we could accomplish this task, and still do it in a way that was, at the same time, plausible and thorough, it was necessary an objective cut within that library. Then we selected a book, representative of the whole trevisanian work, which served as the object of study: Cemit?rio de Elefantes, 1964, one of the first books of short stories by this author. Within this one, we focused even more our sight, then moving towards what we call a reality forked in paralytic world and world in violence . Supported by the theories and methodologies of Auerbach (2011), Candido (2002, 2006), Adorno (2003), Gennete (1995), Friedman (2002), and still moved by the spirit of Russian Formalism (1973), we built our criticism. Our approach was based then in three steps: first we are dedicated to comment the general context of the trevisanian work, supported strongly by reading two of the biggest critics of his literature, Miguel Sanches Neto and Berta Waldman, secondly, we turn us to comment on the detailed formal construction of language and narrative elements of the trevisanian prose; finally we raised our criticism to the level of reading representations of reality, and then we started to comment the construction of the trevisanian fictional universe, focusing in splitting this universe in paralytic world and world in violence / O presente trabalho tem como proposta geral estudar a composi??o do universo ficcional trevisaniano, a express?o est?tica engendrada para formular esse universo, e, em ?ltima inst?ncia, as representa??es da realidade que emanam dessa constru??o est?tico-narrativa. Pareceu-nos, no entanto, que seria imposs?vel dar conta, mesmo que superficialmente, de t?o vasto e volumoso conjunto de textos como o ? o trevisaniano. Portanto, para que pud?ssemos realizar tal tarefa, e ainda faz?-lo de um modo que fosse, a um s? tempo, plaus?vel e mais aprofundado, fez-se necess?rio um recorte objetivo dentro dessa biblioteca. Selecionamos ent?o um livro, representativo de toda a obra trevisaniana, que nos serviu como objeto de estudo: Cemit?rio de elefantes, de 1964, um dos primeiros livros de contos desse autor. Dentro desse, ainda focalizamos mais o nosso olhar, voltando-nos ent?o para o que denominamos de uma realidade bifurcada em mundo paral?tico e mundo em viol?ncia . Amparados pelas teorias e metodologias de Auerbach (2011), Candido (2002, 2006), Adorno (2003), Gennete (1995), Friedman (2002), e ainda movidos pelo esp?rito do Formalismo russo (1973), constru?mos nossa cr?tica. Nossa abordagem fundamentou-se, ent?o, em tr?s passos: primeiramente nos dedicamos a comentar o contexto geral da obra trevisaniana, suportados fortemente pela leitura de dois dos maiores cr?ticos da literatura desse autor, Miguel Sanches Neto e Berta Waldman; em segundo lugar, voltamo-nos ao coment?rio minucioso sobre a constru??o formal da linguagem e dos elementos narrativos da prosa trevisaniana; por fim, al?amos nossa cr?tica ao n?vel da leitura das representa??es da realidade, e passamos a comentar a constru??o do universo ficcional trevisaniano, focando na biparti??o desse universo em mundo paral?tico e mundo em viol?ncia

Representa??es discursivas de Ficar e Namorar em textos de vestibulandos e pr?-vestibulandos / Representa??es discursivas de Ficar e Namorar em textos de vestibulandos e pr?-vestibulandos

Ramos, Milton Guilherme 15 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:07:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MiltonGR_TESE.pdf: 2969886 bytes, checksum: eccdab598ac26e34c2f1da03657345e2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-15 / This doctoral thesis investigate the way vestibulandos and pr?-vestibulandos construct their discursive representations of Ficar and Namorar in their textual production. At the same time, aims to discuss its implications for the ATD and for the teaching and learning of textual production in the context of Portuguese Language classes. Its theoretical framework is inspired mainly by three sources: textual linguistics, the textual analysis of discourses (ADAM, 2008), as well as by frames semantics (FILLMORE, 2006; FELTES, 2007). The methodology is based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches (VIANNA et al., 2008). The data is composed of 168 empirical texts written by the vestibulandos of PSV/2005 da UFRN, Natal, RN, and by secondary school students who attended Escola Estadual Juscelino Kubitschek (EEJK), Ass?, in the 2008 school year. The results indicate different categories of discursive representations of Ficar and Namorar , such as designation of referents, prediction, aspectualization, spatial-temporal circunstances , and metaphor, which reveal the influence of factors such as: the encyclopedic knowledge, the culture, as well as the cognitive components related to textual production. These results point out to the necessity of a teaching practice which enables the interaction among students, the discussion of current themes, as well as the student involvement with different textual genres, mainly the work with textual production in the classroom, so that it enables the students do acquire the textual production strategies. Thus, the overall goal is the (re)construction of their discursive representations, so that they can cope with new contexts of communicative interaction. / Esta tese de doutorado investiga como vestibulandos e pr?-vestibulandos constroem as representa??es discursivas de Ficar e Namorar na produ??o textual e suas implica??es para a ATD e o ensino e a aprendizagem da produ??o de texto em aulas de l?ngua portuguesa, com base na lingu?stica de texto, perspectivada pela An?lise Textual dos Discursos (ADAM, 2008) e complementada pela Sem?ntica de Frames (FILLMORE, 2006; FELTES, 2007). Partindo de uma abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa (VIANNA et al., 2008), esta pesquisa tem como corpus de an?lise 168 textos emp?ricos produzidos por vestibulandos do PSV/2005 da UFRN, Natal, RN, e por estudantes do 3? Ano do ensino m?dio da Escola Estadual Juscelino Kubitschek (EEJK), Ass?, RN (2008). A an?lise dos dados revela a constru??o de representa??es discursivas de Ficar e Namorar diferentes, por meio da designa??o dos referentes, da predica??o, da aspectualiza??o, das circunst?ncias espa?otemporais e do uso de met?foras, ressaltando a influ?ncia do conhecimento enciclop?dico e da cultura, al?m da presen?a de componentes cognitivos relativos ? produ??o textual. Os dados ainda apontam para a necessidade de uma pr?tica docente que possibilite a intera??o entre os alunos, a discuss?o sobre temas da atualidade, al?m do contato com g?neros textuais diversos e, sobretudo, o trabalho com a produ??o de texto em sala de aula, de forma a possibilitar aos estudantes o dom?nio das estrat?gias de produ??o de texto e, por conseguinte, a (re)significa??o de suas representa??es discursivas, visando atender aos novos contextos de intera??o sociocomunicativa.

Entre a aus?ncia declarada e a presen?a reclamada: a identidade potiguar em quest?o

Gomes Neto, Jo?o Mauricio 20 August 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:25:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoaoMGN_DISSERT.PDF: 921324 bytes, checksum: eba5727cafcc0c495f08d327aad7311b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-08-20 / How do the identities of a people build themselves? How do the geographic clippings influence the representations of some social groups, when they define themselves or when they are defined, for example, as people from Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Sul, Para?ba, Rio de Janeiro, Cear?, Bahia? What symbolic elements, contests and benefits are involved in these processes of identity construction? By taking the discussions about potiguar people as the theme of this research, we intend to discuss about the displacements, the impasses in their representations that usually represent him as a being who he is not, constantly seduced by the enchantments of the other, by the values that come from outside. Thus, from the Rio Grande do Norte space, we investigated, in various contexts, since the last three decades of the nineteenth century to the current days, how the space identities have been used as strategy, by various characters, in attempt to build and/or to define representations that characterize and single potiguares out, in the face of other beings of the nation / Como se constroem as identidades de um povo? De que maneira o recorte geogr?fico influi nas representa??es dos v?rios grupos sociais, quando estes se definem e/ou s?o definidos, por exemplo, como pernambucanos, ga?chos, paraibanos, cariocas, cearenses, baianos...? Que elementos simb?licos, disputas e interesses est?o envoltos nesses processos de constru??o identit?ria? Tomando as discuss?es sobre o potiguar como recorte tem?tico, a presente pesquisa busca problematizar os deslocamentos, os impasses nas suas representa??es, as quais, via de regra, costumam apresent?-lo como um ser que n?o ?, constantemente seduzido pelos encantos do outro, pelos valores que v?m de fora de suas fronteiras. Assim, a partir da espacialidade norte-rio-grandense, investigamos, em v?rios contextos, desde as ?ltimas tr?s d?cadas do s?culo XIX aos dias atuais, de que maneira as identidades espaciais t?m sido utilizadas como estrat?gia, por personagens diversos, na tentativa de construir e/ou definir representa??es que caracterizem e singularizem os potiguares, frente aos demais entes da na??o

O tratamento odontol?gico sob o olhar da crian?a : um estudo de representa??o social

Alves, Rubiane Di?genes 19 May 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:30:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RubianeDA.pdf: 446800 bytes, checksum: f6d764783b690f50a5cb1ade0df82372 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-05-19 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Oral health measures directed to children are characterized by the lack of policies that consider the individual and his biopsychosocial aspects. As a consequence, it can be observed that a child?s dental experience has normally been prejudged as unpleasant and threatening. Thus, this study is aimed at investigating dental treatment from the child?s viewpoint using the theory of social representations for theoretical/methodological support. This theory was selected for being able to build practical knowledge surrounding the interrelations between social actors, the phenomenon and the world around them. The investigation was performed at the Professor Jos? Fernandes Machado State School, located in the Ponta Negra district of Natal-RN-Brazil. The participants consisted of 30 children from the public elementary school system in the 6-10 year age group, who had undergone dental treatment within the previous year or were being treated at the time of data collection. An in-depth interview and story drawing within a theme were used as collection instruments. Thematic Content Analysis (Bardin, 2002) was used to analyze the material collected in the interviews, whereas for story drawing within a theme, in addition to content analysis, the data were also analyzed by the Coutinho model (2001). The two instruments demonstrated similarity of content as well as complementarity and contained categories associated to the model for dental treatment in children, the description of the dental office environment., the perception of the image of the dentist, as well as psychological and behavioral manifestations. The results enable us to understand determinate reactions of the children in relation to dental treatment, which has been characterized by its technical-curative approach, where the motive for seeking treatment, the manner in which it is performed and the relation of the dentist with the child are all in evidence. Thus, this study intends not only to reveal the viewpoint of children faced with dental treatment, but also to contribute to a dental practice directed towards them, in this way instilling in the professionals who attend them a more concrete awareness of the needs, anxieties and feelings of these young patients / As a??es de sa?de bucal direcionadas ?s crian?as encontram-se permeadas pela aus?ncia de uma pol?tica que incentive essa pr?tica, bem como considere o ser humano em seus aspectos biopsicossociais. Como conseq??ncia, observa-se que a experi?ncia odontol?gica infantil vem normalmente sendo pr?-julgada como desagrad?vel e amea?adora. Dessa forma, este estudo objetiva investigar o tratamento odontol?gico a partir da vis?o das crian?as utilizando como suporte te?rico/metodol?gico a Teoria das Representa??es Sociais. Esta Teoria foi eleita por possibilitar a constru??o de um conhecimento pr?tico envolvendo as inter-rela??es entre os atores sociais, o fen?meno e o mundo que os rodeia. O locus de investiga??o foi a Escola Estadual Professor Jos? Fernandes Machado , localizada no bairro de Ponta Negra na cidade de Natal-RN. Os participantes foram 30 crian?as inseridas no contexto escolar do Ensino Fundamental da Rede P?blica, na faixa et?ria de 6 a 10 anos de idade, que tinham sido submetidas a tratamento odontol?gico h? menos de um ano ou que estivessem em tratamento no momento da coleta dos dados. Como instrumentos de coleta, foram utilizados a entrevista em profundidade e o desenho-est?ria com tema. Para an?lise do material coletado pelas entrevistas foi utilizada a t?cnica de an?lise de conte?do tem?tica preconizada por Bardin (2002). J? para o desenho-est?ria com tema al?m da an?lise de conte?do, os dados foram tamb?m analisados por meio do modelo proposto por Coutinho (2001). Os dois instrumentos demonstraram similitude de conte?do assim como complementaridade e apresentaram categorias associadas ? concep??o do modelo de tratamento odontol?gico infantil, ? descri??o do ambiente odontol?gico, ? percep??o da imagem do dentista e a manifesta??es psicol?gicas e comportamentais. Os resultados possibilitaram entender determinadas rea??es representadas pelas crian?as em rela??o ao tratamento odontol?gico, em que este foi objetivado pelo car?ter t?cnico-curativo, onde se sobressaem o motivo da procura pelo atendimento, a forma como ele se realiza e a rela??o do dentista com a crian?a. Assim, essa pesquisa pretende n?o apenas conscientizar acerca da vis?o da crian?a face ao tratamento odontol?gico, mas fornecer subs?dio para repensar a pr?tica odontol?gica direcionada a crian?as, podendo assim estimular nos profissionais que as atendem uma consci?ncia mais concreta acerca das car?ncias, anseios e sentimentos desses pequenos pacientes

Hist?rias em quadrinhos em contexto matem?tico: uma proposta para o ensino de tri?ngulos ? luz da teoria dos registros de representa??o semi?tica

Okaeda, Micarlla Priscilla Freitas da Silva 30 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-10-04T19:29:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MicarllaPriscillaFreitasDaSilvaOkaeda_DISSERT.pdf: 19478794 bytes, checksum: 2df405005513e291290e34b63532e949 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-10-10T00:00:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MicarllaPriscillaFreitasDaSilvaOkaeda_DISSERT.pdf: 19478794 bytes, checksum: 2df405005513e291290e34b63532e949 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-10T00:00:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MicarllaPriscillaFreitasDaSilvaOkaeda_DISSERT.pdf: 19478794 bytes, checksum: 2df405005513e291290e34b63532e949 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-30 / A presente pesquisa foi desenvolvida numa abordagem qualitativa, caracterizando-se como do tipo pesquisa??o. Nosso objetivo foi investigar as possibilidades e implica??es de atua??o com Hist?rias em Quadrinhos no ensino da Matem?tica, valendo-se da Teoria dos Registros de Representa??o Semi?tica para a elabora??o de um material que auxilie os processos de ensino e de aprendizagem no que tange ao estudo de Tri?ngulos. O uso do g?nero textual HQ promove uma intera??o entre a linguagem matem?tica e a l?ngua materna, articula??o que se mostra muito frut?fera e que aos poucos vem se consolidando por meio de pesquisas. Por se tratar de um mestrado profissional, elaboramos um Produto Educacional que foi balizado pela Teoria dos Registros de Representa??o Semi?tica (TRRS) de Raymond Duval e tem por foco o ensino de Tri?ngulos para o 8o ano do Ensino Fundamental. Fundamentamos nossas a??es em Calazans (2004) e Vergueiro (2005) que discutem a utiliza??o de HQ na sala de aula, bem como em Bazerman (2011) e Marcuschi (2008) que tratam dos g?neros textuais e, ainda, nas experi?ncias de Tonon (2008), Pereira (2010) e Moraes (2009) com a utiliza??o de HQ no Ensino da Matem?tica. Reportamo-nos a Machado (2011) que trata da impregna??o m?tua entre a Matem?tica e a L?ngua Materna, bem como autores que versam sobre linguagem Matem?tica, textos matem?ticos e a import?ncia da leitura e da escrita para a aprendizagem matem?tica. A pesquisa foi realizada em uma escola da rede particular de ensino na cidade de Natal/RN. Utilizamos como instrumentos de coleta de dados, question?rios, aplicados a professores e alunos, a observa??o participante e, ainda, as produ??es escritas dos alunos. Realizamos um teste piloto e solicitamos a professores de Matem?tica, de L?ngua Portuguesa e Pedagogia que fizessem uma an?lise da HQ, a fim de coletarmos informa??es que contribu?ssem para a melhoria do material. Finalizado o produto educacional, realizamos a aplica??o do material ao nosso p?blico alvo, alunos de 8? ano do Ensino Fundamental. A an?lise dos dados obtidos foi realizada segundo a An?lise de Conte?do de Bardin (2016). A partir da an?lise desses dados, pudemos constatar a efic?cia do material produzido, comprovando, atrav?s das produ??es dos alunos, que houve efetiva aprendizagem e que, de fato, as aulas se tornaram mais din?micas, facilitando todo o processo. / This survey has been developed in a qualitative approach, been characterized as an action research type. Our goal is to investigate the possibilities and implications of using Comic Books in the teaching of Mathematics, by applying the Semiotic Representation Records Theory for the production of a material that helps the teaching and learning processes in relation to the triangles? study. The use of Comic Books textual discourse genre promotes an interaction between the mathematical language and the mother tongue, articulation that has proven to be very fruitful and which has gradually consolidated itself throughout researches. Since it is a professional Master's, we developed an Educational Product that was measured by the Semiotic Representation Records Theory (TRRS) of Raymond Duval and it focus on the teaching of triangles for the 8th grade of Elementary School. We base our research on Calazans (2004) and Vergueiro (2005) who discuss the use of Comic Books in the classroom, as well as on Bazerman (2011) and Marcuschi (2008) who deal with the text genres and, yet, on the experiences of Tonon (2008), Pereira (2010) and Moraes (2009) with the use of Comic Books in the teaching of Mathematics. We also refer to Machado (2011), who deals with the mutual permeation between Mathematics and the Mother Tongue, as well as authors who discuss about the language of Mathematics, mathematical texts and the importance of reading and writing to learn Mathematics. The survey was conducted in a privite school in the city of Natal/RN. We used questionnaires, applied to teachers and students, participant observation and students? written productions as data collecting instruments. We performed a pilot test in which we asked the teachers of Mathematics, Portuguese Language and Education to make an analysis on the Comic Book in order to collect information that could contribute to the improvement of the material. By the end of the educational product output, we guided the application of the material to our target audience, students from 8th grade of Elementary School. The obtained data analysis was performed according to the Bardin Content Analysis (2016). According to the analysed data we were able to verify the effectiveness of the material production, proving, throughout the students' productions, that there were effectiveness and that, in fact, the classes have become more dynamic, which makes the whole process easier.

Rela??o afetiva entre professora e estudantes do Ensino Superior: sentidos, desafios e possibilidades

Souza, Cleudin?te Ferreira dos Santos 15 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2016-09-05T22:21:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Vers?o final da Disserta??o de Mestrado em Educa??o de Cleudin?te Ferreira dos Santos Souza (1).pdf: 1405485 bytes, checksum: cddb8847ddf1187f7aadad879f6ab482 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-05T22:21:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vers?o final da Disserta??o de Mestrado em Educa??o de Cleudin?te Ferreira dos Santos Souza (1).pdf: 1405485 bytes, checksum: cddb8847ddf1187f7aadad879f6ab482 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-15 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The research that led to this Master's thesis, developed in the Graduate Education Program of the State University of Feira de Santana, aimed to understand the affective relationship between a teacher and students in the teaching practice, in the context of the Civil Engineering course, having as references its social representations. The study, a qualitative approach in the case study method, was guided by the principles of the Social Representation Theory and in the Complexity Theory. In the collecting and production of the data, we used systematic observation of teaching practice, both in the classroom and in the construction site, and interviews with the use of stimulus question. The observed group consisted of 36 students. Of these, we selected 12 students and the faculty for interviews. The study was referenced in authors such as Ribeiro (2004, 2009, 2010), Moraes (2003), Pinto (2005), Tassoni and Santos (2013), Damasio (2000), among others, to handle on the concept of affectivity, emotion and feeling ; Ribeiro, Jutras and Louis (2005), Veras and Ferreira (2010), Carpim, Behrens and Torres (2014), Freire (1996), Postic (2007) and others to discuss the teaching practice concepts and Moscovici (2003) and Jodelet (2005) to support the Theory of Social Representations; Morin, 2007; Moraes, 2008; Behrens, 2007 to support the Complexity Theory. The Data analysis was inspired by the Bardin Content Analysis (2010). During the analysis three dimensions were identified: a) the affective sense in the educational relationship; b) the challenges of the affective relationship between teachers and students; c) the facing of the challenges of affective relationship in teaching practice. The results show that the meanings attributed by research collaborators in relation to affectivity are linked: to the idea of pleasure in teaching; the teacher's attitudes towards students; the personal qualities of the teacher.The challenges to be faced refers to the promotion of changes in relation to the teacher attitudes with students and to the changes in teaching strategies. With regard to the possibilities to face the challenges, it was evident the need for reflection on the practice itself and the continuing training of higher education teachers. In addition, the results show that the affective teacher is near, supportive, welcoming, cares with the training needs of students, respect cultural differences, is dedicated to the profession, is a friend, has common sense, sensitivity, flexibility and humanity in dealing with cognitive and affective difficulties of students. The main conclusion of this study was that the centrality of the practice of the teacher considered affective is on students learning. / A pesquisa que deu origem a esta disserta??o de Mestrado, desenvolvida no Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, teve por objetivo compreender a rela??o afetiva entre uma professora e estudantes na pr?tica de ensino, no contexto do Curso de Engenharia Civil, tendo como refer?ncias as suas representa??es sociais. O estudo, de abordagem qualitativa na modalidade Estudo de Caso, pautou-se nos princ?pios da Teoria das Representa??es Sociais e da Teoria da Complexidade. Na coleta e produ??o dos dados, utilizamos a observa??o sistem?tica da pr?tica docente, tanto na sala de aula quanto no canteiro de obra, al?m de entrevistas com o uso de quest?o est?mulo. A turma observada era composta por 36 estudantes. Desses, selecionamos para entrevistas 12 discentes e a docente. O estudo se referenciou em autores como Ribeiro (2004, 2009, 2010), Moraes (2003), Pinto (2005), Tassoni e Santos (2013), Dam?sio (2000), dentre outros, para tratar sobre o conceito de afetividade, emo??o e sentimento; Ribeiro, Jutras e Louis (2005), Veras e Ferreira (2010), Carpim, Behrens e Torres (2014), Freire (1996), Postic (2007) e outros para discutir as concep??es de pr?tica de ensino; Moscovici (2003) e Jodelet (2005) para fundamentar a Teoria das Representa??es Sociais; Morin, 2007; Moraes, 2008; e Behrens 2007 para dar suporte ? Teoria da Complexidade. A an?lise dos dados foi inspirada na An?lise de Conte?dos de Bardin (2010). Durante a an?lise foram identificadas tr?s dimens?es: a) Os sentidos da afetividade na rela??o educativa; b) Os desafios da rela??o afetiva entre professores e estudantes; c) O enfrentamento dos desafios da rela??o afetiva na pr?tica docente. Os resultados obtidos apontam que os sentidos atribu?dos pelos colaboradores da pesquisa em rela??o ? afetividade se vinculam: ? ideia de prazer na doc?ncia; ?s atitudes do docente em rela??o aos estudantes; ?s qualidades pessoais do docente. Os desafios a serem enfrentados referem-se ? promo??o de mudan?as em rela??o ?s atitudes do docente com os estudantes e ?s mudan?as nas estrat?gias de ensino. No que diz respeito ?s possibilidades para o enfrentamento dos desafios, ficou evidente a necessidade da reflex?o sobre a pr?pria pr?tica e a forma??o continuada dos professores da educa??o superior. Al?m disso, os resultados revelam que o professor afetivo ? pr?ximo, solid?rio, acolhedor, se peocupa com as necessidades formativas dos estudantes, respeita as diferen?as culturais, dedica-se ? profiss?o, ? amigo, tem bom senso, sensibilidade, flexibilidade e humanidade ao tratar das dificuldades cognitivas e afetivas dos estudantes. A principal conclus?o deste estudo foi que a centralidade da pr?tica do professor considerado afetivo est? na aprendizagem dos estudantes.

O est?gio doc?ncia na forma??o de professores da Educa??o Superior: representa??es de estudantes do mestrado em Sa?de Coletiva

Freitas, Elci Nilma Bastos 18 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2016-09-06T22:16:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTA??O FINAL - AP?S DEFESA ELCI.pdf: 2234862 bytes, checksum: 49c6a6cd6ce69b00744beb523841413e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-06T22:16:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTA??O FINAL - AP?S DEFESA ELCI.pdf: 2234862 bytes, checksum: 49c6a6cd6ce69b00744beb523841413e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-18 / This text, written during a research developed in the Graduate Program in Education at the UnivesidadeEstadual de Feira de Santana - Bahia, aims to understandthe contribution of the Teaching Internship for pedagogic training of teachers of Higher Educationthrough the representations of students of the Community Health Master. It was certified that the curricular component Teaching Internship is an important education environment of the future university professor, locus in which students of the Graduate Program strictosensuacquire some of the knowledge needed for teaching practice. However, it is worth noting that teaching learning extends throughout one?s whole career. To achieve the established objective, we conducted a descriptive qualitative research, which was based on principles of the Social Representations Theory ? SRT (MOSCOVICI, 2003a, 2003b; JODELET, 1989, 2001 e 2007). Regarding the production of data, it was held a documentary analysis(TRIVI?OS, 1987) of the regiment and of the pedagogic proposal of the Graduate Community Health Program at UEFS. It was also used semi structured interviews (MINAYO, 2006), which were carried out with 12 students from the Academic Master of the aforementioned Program. In order to analyze the data produced in the research some principles of Content Analysis(BARDIN, 2011) were used. In the discussion of the data produced five categories were identified, as follows: the first refers to the concept of teaching internship; in the second, the knowledge necessary for university teaching is discussed; in the third was verified which were the contributions of the internship to university teaching; in the fourth the process of the Teaching Internship experience was described and, finally, in the fifth category, where suggestions to improve the experience of Teaching Internship were presented by our contributors. The main conclusions of this research focus that the internship contributes to the preparation of graduate students for university teaching and for the development of teacher identity. Moreover, it contributes to this preparation for the acquisition of knowledge of the reality of university classroom, for the exchange of knowledge with the experienced teacher and, finally, for the perception of the master students on the human condition of the teaching profession and the humanization in the relationships that occur in the educational context.In addition to these contributions, our contributors address the need for the Community Health Program not prioritizing specific studies and research training at the expense of teacher training, given the complexity of teaching today, which requires special attention.Participants also emphasized the prevalence of the following difficulties during the Teaching Internship experience: the absence of an effective interaction between the Undergraduate and Graduate programs, structural and political problems that damaged the internship. In addition to this, the students had difficulties in understanding the importance of courses in their training, didactic and pedagogical difficulties of interns to conduct the courses and embarrassments of master students to assess and deal with the graduate students taking the course again after failing. Furthermore, our study confirmed the need to implement institutional policies for the formation of the university teacher, especially with beginning teachers who are in a period of adaptation and professional learning and also with experienced teachers to reflect on their teachingpractices continuously so they can update and innovate their practices. / Este texto dissertativo, elaborado durante uma investiga??o desenvolvida no Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana ? Bahia, tem por objetivo compreender, mediante as representa??es de estudantes do Mestrado de Sa?de Coletiva, a contribui??o do Est?gio Doc?ncia para a forma??o pedag?gica de professores da Educa??o Superior. Certificamos que o componente curricular Est?gio Doc?ncia ? um importante espa?o de forma??o do futuro docente universit?rio, l?cus em que os estudantes da P?s-Gradua??o stricto sensu apreendem alguns saberes necess?rios para a pr?tica docente, entretanto ? relevante destacar que a aprendizagem da doc?ncia se estende por toda sua carreira. Para alcan?armos o objetivo tra?ado, realizamos uma pesquisa do tipo qualitativa, de car?ter descritivo, que se fundamentou em princ?pios da Teoria das Representa??es Sociais ? TRS (MOSCOVICI, 2003a, 2003b; JODELET, 1989, 2001 e 2007). Para a produ??o dos dados, realizamos an?lise documental (TRIVI?OS, 1987) do regimento e da proposta pedag?gica do Programa de P?s-Gradua??o de Sa?de Coletiva da UEFS. Tamb?m utilizamos entrevistas semiestruturadas (MINAYO, 2006), que foram realizadas com 12 estudantes desse Mestrado Acad?mico. Para a an?lise dos dados produzidos na investiga??o, utilizamos alguns princ?pios da An?lise de Conte?dos (BARDIN, 2011). No debate dos dados produzidos, identificamos cinco categorias, a saber: a primeira refere-se ao conceito de est?gio doc?ncia; na segunda, dialogamos sobre os saberes necess?rios para a doc?ncia universit?ria; a terceira, verificamos quais a/s contribui??o/?es do est?gio para a doc?ncia universit?ria; na quarta, descrevemos o processo da experi?ncia do Est?gio Doc?ncia e, finalmente, a quinta categoria, onde apresentamos as sugest?es para a melhoria da experi?ncia do Est?gio Doc?ncia, representadas por nossos colaboradores. As principais conclus?es desta pesquisa enfocam que o est?gio contribui para a prepara??o dos p?s-graduandos para a doc?ncia universit?ria, para o desenvolvimento da identidade docente, para aquisi??o de conhecimentos da realidade da sala de aula universit?ria, para a troca de saberes com o professor experiente e, por fim, para a percep??o dos mestrandos sobre a condi??o humana do profissional docente e a humaniza??o nas rela??es que ocorrem no contexto educativo. Al?m dessas contribui??es, os colaboradores da pesquisa enfocam a necessidade de o Programa de Sa?de Coletiva dar ? forma??o do professor o mesmo status que os estudos espec?ficos e a forma??o do pesquisador possuem no curr?culo, tendo em vista a complexidade da doc?ncia na atualidade.Os participantes ressaltam ainda a preval?ncia das seguintes dificuldades durante a experi?ncia do Est?gio Doc?ncia: aus?ncia de uma intera??o efetiva entre a Gradua??o e a P?s-Gradua??o, problemas estruturais e pol?ticos que prejudicaram o est?gio, dificuldades dos graduandos em compreenderem a import?ncia das disciplinas em suas forma??es, dificuldade did?tico-pedag?gica dos estagi?rios ao conduzir as disciplinas e embara?os dos mestrandos ao avaliar e lidar com os graduandos repetentes. Ademais, o estudo confirmou a necessidade da implanta??o de pol?ticas institucionais voltadas para a forma??o do professor universit?rio, especialmente os iniciantes, que est?o em per?odo de adapta??o e aprendizagem da profiss?o e, tamb?m, dos professores experientes, para que reflitam sobre suas pr?ticas de ensino continuamente, no intuito de inov?-las.

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