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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribuições da prática profissional integrada na formação inicial de professores

Nonenmacher, Sandra Elisabet Bazana January 2014 (has links)
Esta tese aborda a formação de professores, a partir do Estudo de Caso do curso de Licenciatura em Química no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Farroupilha - câmpus Panambi. Iniciou pela inquietação da pesquisadora diante do contexto nacional de criação dos Institutos Federais e da ampliação de atuação destes, no âmbito da formação inicial de professores, com a oferta de Licenciaturas devido à exigência legal. A história da formação de professores na rede federal da Educação Profissional apresenta pouca possibilidade de superar o modelo da racionalidade técnica ainda presente nas Licenciaturas, mesmo uma década após a promulgação das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para esses cursos, que propõem a superação desse modelo pela ampliação e diluição das horas de prática de ensino ao longo de todo o processo formativo. A pesquisa, de abordagem qualitativa, objetivou acompanhar as Práticas Profissionais Integradas elaboradas e desenvolvidas para as duas turmas, que iniciaram em 2011 e 2012, buscando identificar matizes de estilos de pensamento (FLECK, 2010), expressas pelos licenciandos, na perspectiva da constituição do professor investigativo e colaborativo. Os instrumentos usados para a coleta de dados foram análise do Projeto Pedagógico do Curso, de entrevistas semiestruturadas, de gravações em áudio e vídeo das apresentações dos Projetos Integradores e das produções escritas das Práticas Profissionais Integradas para as duas turmas, bem como do artigo do primeiro estágio de docência da Turma de 2011. A análise do Projeto Pedagógico do Curso foi ancorada na Análise Textual Discursiva proposta por Moraes e Galiazzi (2007), e nos aportes das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Licenciatura em Química e orientações para as Licenciaturas nos Institutos Federais. Esta etapa da pesquisa apontou que os documentos intentam para a uma formação pautada pela integração curricular e pela constituição do professor pesquisador e reflexivo. No IFFarroupilha, todos os cursos ofertados contemplam a Prática Profissional Integrada desenvolvida através de um Projeto Integrador como alternativa para a inserção do Currículo Integrado em seus projetos e práticas pedagógicas. A proposta de Currículo Integrado, que tem como referenciais Frigotto, Ciavatta e Ramos (2005) e Araújo (2013), pressupõe uma integração epistemológica pela Filosofia da Práxis. Diante da quantidade de informações coletadas junto aos licenciandos, foram selecionados fragmentos elucidativos de 10 licenciandos para compor a tese. A análise, auxiliada pelo conceito de complicação, abstraído da epistemologia da gênese e desenvolvimento de um fato científico de Fleck (2010), permitiu apontar dimensões epistemológicas, afetivas e cognitivas como possíveis complicações nos estilos de pensamento existentes que podem desenvolver a formação e a constituição do professor investigativo e colaborativo defendido. / This work is about teacher's educaction, beginning with the case study of Chemistry degree course from Federal Institute for Education, Science and Technology – Panambi Campus. This study starts with my own anxiety as a researcher about the national context of foundation of Federal Intitutes and the enlargement of its action, especially in what concerns initial teachers training with the creation of bachelor degree level as a law obligation. The history of teachers training on federal network of Professional Education presents few possibilities of suppress a model of technical rationality that is still present in Bachelor degree, despite the fact one decade has passed since the promulgation of National Curricular Guidelines for this kind of courses that propose the suppress of the old model with the enlargement and the better distribution of the practice hours during the progress of their formation. This research has a qualitative approach and aims to monitoring the Integrated Professional Practice developed by two study groups, that started their studies in 2011 and 2012, seeking to identify nuances of thought styles (FLECK, 2010) expressed by undergraduate view of the constitution of investigative and collaborative teacher. The analysis of the Pedagogical Project of the Course was the instrument used to collect data. It was made semi-structured interviews, recorded audios and videos of integrated projects presentations and papers writing of Integrated Professional Practice from both groups. Also the study of the internship report produced for the first teacher training practice of the 2011 group. The analysis of Pedagogical Project of the Course was based on Textual Discourse Analysis, proposed by Moraes e Galiazzi (2007), and also focused on the National Curricular Guidelines proposes for the Chemistry bachelor degree and other guidelines to achieve degrees inside Federal Intitutes. This level of research point that documents aims to conduce to a kind of formation that is based on curricular integration and the constitution of a teacher-researcher and reflective at the same time. At IFFarroupilha, all courses offered include Integrated Professional Practice developed with the support of an Integrated Project as an alternative for the insertion of the Integrated Curriculum proposed to Federal Intitutes, that has as references Frigotto, Ciavatta e Ramos (2005) and Araújo (2013), supposes an epistemological integration by Praxis Philosophy. In face of the amount of information that has been collected, explanatory extracts from 10 undergraduates were chosen for this thesis. The analysis has been made with the support of the concept of complication, from the epistemological genesis and development of a scientific fact by Fleck (2010), those studies allowed to point epistemological dimensions, affective and cognitive, as a complication factor in existing thought styles that could to develop a teacher training to help the constitution of some kind of teacher that is a researcher and a collaborative person at the same time.

Intervenções do orientador na escrita: efeitos na formação do futuro pesquisador / Supervisors interventions in writing: effects in the researcher training

Emari Andrade 25 May 2015 (has links)
Esta tese de doutoramento volta-se à formação do pesquisador e à escrita acadêmica contemporânea. Busca dar visibilidade aos efeitos de constituição da escrita decorrentes do trabalho de um professor orientador implicado no compromisso de formar pesquisadores. A pergunta de pesquisa que norteia a investigação é: quais os efeitos das intervenções executadas por um orientador para que um pesquisador em formação, em contexto universitário, chegue a redigir um trabalho que por sua clareza, adequação e por seu rigor na escrita, possa contribuir para sua área de formação e ser legitimado pelos pares da comunidade científica? Para depreendê-los, a investigação tomou como objeto as intervenções textuais feitas por uma orientadora nas versões que precederam quatro dissertações de mestrado da área da educação. O corpus foi constituído por 1040 manuscritos, relacionados à constituição da escrita acadêmica, tais como: capítulos das dissertações, trabalhos das disciplinas cursadas pelas informantes e eventos de que participaram, incluindo bilhetes ou e-mails trocados entre elas e a orientadora e textos teóricos lidos no percurso. Esse material integra o banco de dados do projeto coletivo Movimentos do Escrito, do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa Produção Escrita e Psicanálise GEPPEP. Para estudar os efeitos da orientação docente, primeiramente depreendemos quais as principais dificuldades das mestrandas para escrever em contexto acadêmico e, na sequência, categorizamos o escopo dos efeitos que as intervenções proporcionaram ao longo das versões escritas pelas informantes. A partir de um referencial teórico que articulou educação e psicanálise de orientação lacaniana, foi possível constatar que, ao longo do processo de formação, as pesquisadoras passaram por transformações subjetivas que tiveram efeitos em três aspectos: 1) na relação com o saber referido à mudança de uma postura passiva diante da elaboração do trabalho para uma mais ativa; 2) na elaboração intelectual relacionado ao deslocamento de uma posição predominantemente de falta de raciocínio lógico para a consideração da perspectiva alheia no cálculo dos potenciais efeitos de sentido dos textos que escreviam; e 3) na formulação do texto referido a um cuidado de darem consequência a uma dada escolha lexical, sintática, estilística. Fundamentalmente, a orientadora ajudou as pesquisadoras a diferenciar uma escrita calcada no discurso comum para conquistar outra mais ancorada no discurso científico. Concluímos, portanto, que uma formação universitária, dependendo do modo como for conduzida e vivenciada pelo pesquisador, pode levar quem dela se beneficia a sofrer uma transformação no modo como se relaciona com sua palavra e com o saber. / This thesis discusses the researcher training and the contemporary academic writing. It aims to demonstrate the effects of the writing constitution resulting from the work of a supervisor committed to researchers training. The research question that guides this work is: In the context of the university, what are the effects of the interventions carried out by a supervisor in order to help a researcher in training to write a work that could contribute towards his field and be legitimated by the scientific community due its clearness, adequacy and thorough writing? In order to infer that, this thesis has taken as object the textual interventions carried out by a supervisor in the versions that preceded four masters dissertations from the field of education. The corpus consists of 1040 manuscripts, related to academic writing constitution, like dissertations chapters, final assignments from the subjects and events attended by the informers, including notes or emails exchanged between them and their supervisor and theoretical texts read during their studies. This material is part of the collective project Writing Movements database organized by the Group of Studies and Research, Writing Production and Psychoanalysis (In Portuguese, Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa Produção Escrita e Psicanálise GEPPEP). In order to study the effects of teaching guidance, firstly, we have inferred the master researchers main difficulties when writing in the academic context and, after, we have categorized the effects purposes provided by the interventions throughout the versions written by the informers. From a theoretical framework that connected Education and Lacanian psychoanalysis, it is possible to establish that throughout the training, the researchers went through subjective changes, which resulted in three aspects: 1) relationship to knowledge referring to the shift from a passive attitude toward the work elaboration to a more active one; 2) intellectual elaboration relating to the dislocation from the predominance of lack of reasoning to the consideration of the others perspective when measuring the possible meaning effects of the texts they wrote; and 3) text elaboration referring to a concern of producing results to lexical, syntactic or stylistic choices. Mainly, the supervisor helped the researchers distinguishing a common sense based writing from the one founded in the scientific discourse. Therefore, we have concluded that a formation in the university, depending on the way it is conducted and experienced by the researcher, may lead the ones who take advantage of that to undergo the way he relates himself to his word and knowledge.

O uso do portfólio na formação contínua do professor reflexivo pesquisador / \"The use of portfolio in the training of reflective teacher researcher.\"

Antonio Costa Andrade Filho 21 October 2011 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem por foco um processo de formação contínua de docentes da rede pública estadual da região de Carapicuíba e Cotia com o uso do portfólio, enquanto recurso para a formação do professor reflexivo. Em uma pesquisa de campo realizada pela Oficina Pedagógica da Diretoria de Ensino de Carapicuíba, São Paulo, sobre as formas de registro e avaliação; constatamos que: professores de diferentes disciplinas do currículo do Ensino Fundamental e Médio realizavam portfólios de forma espontânea, para conhecer o repertório cultural e educacional dos discentes. Este fato chamou-nos atenção e procuramos estabelecer os primeiros contatos com esses educadores, a fim de identificar os tipos de portfólio que construíam, se possuíam conhecimento teórico a cerca desta prática e o que ainda poderiam conhecer a respeito do potencial deste material e o seu uso para a pesquisa e reflexão em relação ao ensino-aprendizagem. Ao longo do processo de formação contínua o portfólio foi apresentado como ferramenta de pesquisa-ensino, ao qual se acrescentou o blog, para resolver imprevistos do percurso. Tínhamos por meta verificar o desenvolvimento do processo reflexivo do professor sobre suas práticas a partir do uso das referidas ferramentas e averiguar a ocorrência de transformações das metodologias de ensino, bem como a produção de conhecimento na escola. Para operacionalização, deste projeto, realizamos um ciclo de cursos de formação contínua para esclarecermos as tendências atuais e o uso do portfólio e a formação do professor reflexivo. A coleta de dados compreendeu o período de 2007 a 2009. Acompanhamos, em três escolas do Ensino Fundamental, a prática docente de 15 professores das seguintes disciplinas: Língua Portuguesa, História, Geografia, Arte e Educação Física para entendermos as formas como foram compiladas, colecionadas, comentadas e apresentadas as evidências do ensino e da aprendizagem por intermédio do registro docente. Nessa abordagem temos por suporte teórico os autores a seguir: John Dewey (1965), Donald Schon (1983, 2000), Antonio Nóvoa (1997), Isabel Alarcão (2005), Fernando Hernandez (2000), Idália de Sá-Chaves (2000, 2005), Selma Garrido, Evandro Ghedin (2002), Elsa Garrido (2000, 2010), Heloisa Dupas Penteado (2008, 2010), entre outros. Constatamos a introdução à prática reflexiva a partir da formação disponibilizada. / This research focuses on a process of continuous training of teachers from public schools in the region of Carapicuíba and Cotia using the portfolio as a resource for the education of reflective teachers. In a field survey conducted by the Bureau of Educational Board of Education from Carapicuíba, São Paulo, on ways of recording and evaluation showed that: teachers of different subjects in the curriculum of elementary and high school portfolios performed spontaneously, to knowing the cultural background and education of students. This fact called our attention and we seek to establish the first contacts with these educators to identify which types of portfolio they built, if they had theoretical knowledge about this practice and what they could still know about the potential of this material and its use for research and reflection on teaching and learning. Throughout the process of training the portfolio was presented as a tool for research and teaching, which added the blog to solve the unexpected route. We aim to check the development of the teacher\'s reflective about their practice from the use of these tools and to investigate the occurrence of transformations of teaching methodologies, as well as the production of knowledge in school. For the operationalization of this project, we conducted a series of training courses to clarify current trends in the use of portfolio and reflective teacher education. Data collection included the period from 2007 to 2009. We followed, in three schools of basic education, the teaching practice of 15 teachers of the following subjects: Portuguese Language, History, Geography, Art and Physical Education for understanding the ways in which they were compiled, collected, explained and presented the evidences of teaching and learning through the teacher registration. In this approach we have theoretical support for the following authors: John Dewey (1965), Donald Schon (1983, 2000), Antonio Nóvoa (1997), Isabel Alarcão (2005), Fernando Hernandez (2000), Idália de Sá-Chaves (2000, 2005), Selma Garrido, Evandro Ghedin (2002), Elsa Garrido (2000, 2010), Heloisa Dupas Penteado (2008, 2010), among others. We found out the introduction to reflective practice from the training offered.

Processo interativo : uma possibilidade de produção de um currículo integrado e constituição de um docente pesquisador-autor e ator- de seu fazer cotidiano escolar

Boff, Eva Teresinha de Oliveira January 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa aborda um processo interativo de formação de professores permeado por múltiplas interlocuções as quais visam superar as ideias simplistas de formação docente, com base na transmissão de conhecimentos produzidos por sujeitos externos ao ambiente escolar. Trata-se de um processo de pesquisa na ação, focado na formação contínua, orientado por diálogos que giram em torna da produção, planejamento e desenvolvimento, em sala de aula, de uma proposta de organização curricular denominada Situação de Estudo (SE). Para analisar criticamente as contribuições, potencialidades e limites desse processo, para a constituição de um professor pesquisador- autor e ator - de seu fazer cotidiano escolar e para a produção de um currículo integrado, na forma SE, foi constituído um espaço interativo rico de apropriação e produção de saberes envolvendo três grupos de sujeitos: professores de Ensino Médio (EM) de uma escola pública de Ijuí; professores da área de física, química e biologia, vinculados ao Gipec-Unijuí e licenciandos vinculados ao mesmo grupo. Os caminhos percorridos foram orientados pelos pressupostos da pesquisa qualitativa, na modalidade de pesquisa na ação, com as características de um estudo de caso, conforme proposto por Bogdan e Biklen (1994); Pimenta e Franco (2008), e expressos por uma espiral de ciclos autorreflexivos, seguindo o pensamento de Carr e Kemmis (1988). Os ciclos envolvem diversos momentos permeados pela reflexão-ação coletiva como parte da tessitura da metodologia de pesquisa na ação, os quais foram se constituindo pelas discussões centralizadas na produção, planejamento, análise e desenvolvimento, na primeira e segunda série do EM, de três SEs: Conhecendo o câncer – um caminho para a vida; Ambiente e vida – o ser humano nesse contexto e Drogas - efeitos e consequências no ser humano. Os dados empíricos resultantes das gravações dos diálogos decorrentes do processo interativo são descritivos e resultaram de um trabalho intensivo e sistemático que ocorreu no contexto escolar, ambiente natural da investigação, e são analisados com base nos argumentos de Moraes e Galiazzi (2007) sobre análise textual discursiva. A pesquisa mostra que o processo interativo de formação docente, fundamentado pelos pressupostos do educar pela pesquisa, contribui para: superar o distanciamento entre universidade e escolas básicas pela elaboração coletiva de SEs, num compartilhamento de ideias e ações no espaço escolar; articular a formação inicial e continuada de professores por meio de interações triádicas (ZANON, 2003), visando a participação ativa de todos os sujeitos; superar a estrutura linear e fragmentada dos conteúdos disciplinares por meio da interlocução com diferentes disciplinas de modo a propiciar a produção de um currículo integrado, que prioriza o estudo dos conteúdos escolares situados em contextos de relevância social e de vivência cotidiana dos estudantes, de modo a produzir sentidos e significados para eles; articular teoria e prática docente pelo uso dos recursos culturais - linguagem, leitura e escrita; a formação docente contínua. Pelas características de múltiplas interfaces de interação é que se defende a tese de que o processo interativo de formação docente contribui para a constituição de um docente mais crítico, pesquisador, autor e ator de seu fazer cotidiano escolar e para a produção de um currículo integrado, como processo em constante transformação, conectado a vida social e cultural do sujeito. Os argumentos para defesa dessa tese foram construídos pela contribuição de diversos autores tais como Zeichner (1993); Freire (2003, 2004); Vigotski (2000); (Demo, 1997, 1998; Pimenta e Franco, 2008; Maldaner (2000); Galiazzi (2003); Sacristán (1998), Santomé (1998), Japiassu (1993). / This research covers an interactive teacher formation process permeated by multiple interlocutions that aim to overcome the simplistic ideas of teacher formation based on the transmission of knowledge produced by individuals outside the school environment. It is a process of research on the action focused on continuous teacher formation guided by dialogs that revolve around production, planning and development in the classroom of a curricular organization proposal called Study Situation (SS). In order to understand and analyze the contributions, potentialities and limitations of this process to constitute researcher teachers - author and actor - making their daily routine and to produce an integrated curriculum in the shape of SS, an interactive space has been constituted that is rich in the appropriation and production of knowledge involving three groups of individuals: intermediate education (IE) teachers from a public school in Ijuí; teachers from the areas of physics, chemistry and biology linked to GIPEC-UNIJUÍ and graduates linked to the same group. The trails followed were guided by the qualitative research presuppositions in the modality of research on the action with the features of a case study as proposed by Bogdan e Biklen (1994); Pimenta e Franco (2008), and expressed by spiraling self reflexive cycles, following the thought of Carr e Kemmis (1988). The cycles involve several moments permeated by collective reflection-action as part of the research in the action methodology texture, which were being constituted by discussions centered on production, planning, analysis and development in the first and second years of IE in three SS: Knowing about Cancer – A path for life; Environment and life – human beings in that context and Drugs - effects and consequences in human beings. The empirical data resulting from dialog recordings originated from the interactive process are descriptive and resulted from an intensive and systematic work that took place in the school context, natural environment for the investigation, and are analyzed based on arguments by Moraes e Galiazzi (2007) about discursive textual analysis. The research shows that the interactive teacher formation process based on the educating through research presuppositions contributes towards: overcome the distancing between universities and basic education schools through the collective elaboration of SS by sharing ideas and actions within the school space; articulate the initial and continued teacher formation for being constituted of triadic interactions (ZANON, 2003) where all individuals take active participation; overcome the linear and fragmented structure of subject contents by means of interlocution with different subjects so as to provide for the production of an integrated curriculum that prioritized the studying of school contents situated in contexts of social relevance and students' daily experiences in order to produce sense and significance for them; articulate teaching theory and practice through the use of cultural resources-language, reading and writing; continuous teacher formation for being constituted of a dialogic process being permanently reconstructed. The characteristics of multiple interaction interfaces is what advocates the thesis that the interactive teacher formation contributes to constitute more critical, researcher teachers –author and actor- their school routine and to produce an integrated curriculum as a process under constant transformation connected to the individual's social and cultural life. The arguments to defend that thesis were constructed from the contribution of several authors such as Zeichner (1993); Freire (2003, 2004); and Vigotski (2000); (Demo, 1997, 1998; Pimenta e Franco, 2008; Maldaner (2000); Galiazzi (2003); Sacristán (1998), Santomé (1998), Japiassu (1993).

A formação inicial do professor pesquisador universitário no Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica - PIBIC/CNPq e a prática profissional de seus egressos : um estudo de caso na Universidade do Estado da Bahia

Pires, Regina Celi Machado January 2008 (has links)
Esta tese versa sobre a formação inicial do professor pesquisador universitário com o objetivo de conhecer, analisar e explicar as contradições, harmonias, correspondências e diferenças existentes entre a formação inicial do professor pesquisador universitário, realizada pelo PIBIC/CNPq/UNEB e a prática profissional de seus egressos. A hipótese principal de trabalho foi a de que o egresso do PIBIC/CNPq da UNEB se torna um professor pesquisador universitário, visto que esse Programa objetiva inserir o ex-bolsista em programas de mestrado e ou doutorado. Buscamos entender o movimento histórico da formação inicial do egresso professor pesquisador universitário, no tempo atual da educação superior brasileira, cujo estágio de desenvolvimento é produto histórico das relações da universidade, com as políticas de C&T que buscaram a incorporação da Inovação, como alavanca para o desenvolvimento econômico. Nesse processo, localizamos o surgimento de órgãos que apoiaram a formação de recursos humanos para a pesquisa e ressaltamos o surgimento do CNPq (1951), com a criação da Bolsa do Estudante que viria a se tornar o PIBIC (1989). Trabalhamos com questionário eletrônico, entrevista semi-estruturada e análise de documentos. Detalhadamente, analisamos as Resoluções Normativas do PIBIC/CNPq e documentos do PIBIC/UNEB. Foram pesquisados 87 (69%) egressos em uma população de 127 egressos (PIBIC/UNEB -1997-2007) e com recorte para uma subamostra de 21 egressos, que afirmaram estar na docência do ensino superior. Oito dentre esses egressos da subamostra foram entrevistados em profundidade. As entrevistas foram categorizadas e analisadas considerando: vida pessoal e familiar; experiência profissional e relação teoria/prática; atividades rotineiras, lazer e os meios de comunicação; ingresso no mercado de trabalho; ambiente de trabalho, remuneração salarial e relação com colegas; formação atual e passada do professor pesquisador, qualidade das pesquisas e os programas de bolsas para pesquisa. Mediada pelo materialismo histórico-dialético, o resultado dessa análise expressa o refutamento da tese inicial. Ou seja, embora os egressos PIBIC/UNEB alcancem o mestrado, na medida julgada satisfatória pelo CNPq, um professor da educação superior, nas condições de existência demonstradas, não consegue desenvolver pesquisa em nível de qualidade. Assim, não se consideram boas as condições de trabalho do professor pesquisador universitário. Para um salto qualitativo, é indispensável a formação de novas gerações de pesquisadores, voltadas para o esforço intelectual de conversão do modo formal, para o pensar dialético. Essa preparação deve contemplar a formação geral, filosófica e metodológica, orientada para a transformação do modo de produzir ciência, no país, partindo de uma concepção do pesquisador como trabalhador e não como um ser idealizado e talentoso. / This thesis is about the inicial formation of the university professor researcher, with the objective of to known, analyze and explain the contradictions, harmonies, correspondences and differences between the initial training of university researchers professors, held by PIBIC/CNPq/UNEB and the professional practice of their egresses. The main work hipothesis was that the egress of PIBIC/CNPq of UNEB became a university professor researcher, since this Program objetivated to insert the ex-grantees in master and/or doctorate programs. We want to understand the historical movement of the initial training of the egress university professor/researcher, in the current time of Brazilian higher education, whose stage of development is a product of the historical relations of the university with the policies of C&T, seeking the incorporation of Innovation as stimulanting of economic development. In that case, we find the emergence of bodies that supported the training of human resources for research and we highlight the emergence of CNPq (1951), with the creation of the Student Scholarship that would become the PIBIC (1989). We work with electronic questionnaire, semi-structured interview and analysis of documents. We analyze in detail the Normative Resolutions of PIBIC/CNPq and documents of PIBIC/UNEB. 87 (69%) egresses in a population of 127 egresses (PIBIC/UNEB -1997-2007) were researched, with cut for a subsample of 21 egressos, which stated that they were teaching in higher education. Eight of these egresses of subsample were interviewed in depth. The interviews were categorized and analyzed taking into account: personal and family life; professional experience and relationship theory/practice; daily activities, leasure and means of communication; entry in the labour market; working environment, wages and relationship with colleagues; current and past training of the teacher researcher, quality of researches and the programs of grants for research. Meditated from historical and dialectical materialism, the result of that analysis expresses the rejection of the main thesis. That is, while egresses PIBIC/UNEB reach the Masters, as far judged satisfactory by CNPq, a professor of higher education under the conditions of existence demonstrated not develop research of a good level of quality. In this way, are not considered good the work conditions of the university professor researcher. For a qualitative leap it is essential the training of new generations of researchers, directed to the intellectual effort of conversion of formal way into dialectical thinking. This preparation should include general training, philosophical and methodological, oriented for the transformation of the mode of science production in the country, departing from a conception of researcher as a worker and not as an idealized and talented being.

Contribuições da prática profissional integrada na formação inicial de professores

Nonenmacher, Sandra Elisabet Bazana January 2014 (has links)
Esta tese aborda a formação de professores, a partir do Estudo de Caso do curso de Licenciatura em Química no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Farroupilha - câmpus Panambi. Iniciou pela inquietação da pesquisadora diante do contexto nacional de criação dos Institutos Federais e da ampliação de atuação destes, no âmbito da formação inicial de professores, com a oferta de Licenciaturas devido à exigência legal. A história da formação de professores na rede federal da Educação Profissional apresenta pouca possibilidade de superar o modelo da racionalidade técnica ainda presente nas Licenciaturas, mesmo uma década após a promulgação das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para esses cursos, que propõem a superação desse modelo pela ampliação e diluição das horas de prática de ensino ao longo de todo o processo formativo. A pesquisa, de abordagem qualitativa, objetivou acompanhar as Práticas Profissionais Integradas elaboradas e desenvolvidas para as duas turmas, que iniciaram em 2011 e 2012, buscando identificar matizes de estilos de pensamento (FLECK, 2010), expressas pelos licenciandos, na perspectiva da constituição do professor investigativo e colaborativo. Os instrumentos usados para a coleta de dados foram análise do Projeto Pedagógico do Curso, de entrevistas semiestruturadas, de gravações em áudio e vídeo das apresentações dos Projetos Integradores e das produções escritas das Práticas Profissionais Integradas para as duas turmas, bem como do artigo do primeiro estágio de docência da Turma de 2011. A análise do Projeto Pedagógico do Curso foi ancorada na Análise Textual Discursiva proposta por Moraes e Galiazzi (2007), e nos aportes das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Licenciatura em Química e orientações para as Licenciaturas nos Institutos Federais. Esta etapa da pesquisa apontou que os documentos intentam para a uma formação pautada pela integração curricular e pela constituição do professor pesquisador e reflexivo. No IFFarroupilha, todos os cursos ofertados contemplam a Prática Profissional Integrada desenvolvida através de um Projeto Integrador como alternativa para a inserção do Currículo Integrado em seus projetos e práticas pedagógicas. A proposta de Currículo Integrado, que tem como referenciais Frigotto, Ciavatta e Ramos (2005) e Araújo (2013), pressupõe uma integração epistemológica pela Filosofia da Práxis. Diante da quantidade de informações coletadas junto aos licenciandos, foram selecionados fragmentos elucidativos de 10 licenciandos para compor a tese. A análise, auxiliada pelo conceito de complicação, abstraído da epistemologia da gênese e desenvolvimento de um fato científico de Fleck (2010), permitiu apontar dimensões epistemológicas, afetivas e cognitivas como possíveis complicações nos estilos de pensamento existentes que podem desenvolver a formação e a constituição do professor investigativo e colaborativo defendido. / This work is about teacher's educaction, beginning with the case study of Chemistry degree course from Federal Institute for Education, Science and Technology – Panambi Campus. This study starts with my own anxiety as a researcher about the national context of foundation of Federal Intitutes and the enlargement of its action, especially in what concerns initial teachers training with the creation of bachelor degree level as a law obligation. The history of teachers training on federal network of Professional Education presents few possibilities of suppress a model of technical rationality that is still present in Bachelor degree, despite the fact one decade has passed since the promulgation of National Curricular Guidelines for this kind of courses that propose the suppress of the old model with the enlargement and the better distribution of the practice hours during the progress of their formation. This research has a qualitative approach and aims to monitoring the Integrated Professional Practice developed by two study groups, that started their studies in 2011 and 2012, seeking to identify nuances of thought styles (FLECK, 2010) expressed by undergraduate view of the constitution of investigative and collaborative teacher. The analysis of the Pedagogical Project of the Course was the instrument used to collect data. It was made semi-structured interviews, recorded audios and videos of integrated projects presentations and papers writing of Integrated Professional Practice from both groups. Also the study of the internship report produced for the first teacher training practice of the 2011 group. The analysis of Pedagogical Project of the Course was based on Textual Discourse Analysis, proposed by Moraes e Galiazzi (2007), and also focused on the National Curricular Guidelines proposes for the Chemistry bachelor degree and other guidelines to achieve degrees inside Federal Intitutes. This level of research point that documents aims to conduce to a kind of formation that is based on curricular integration and the constitution of a teacher-researcher and reflective at the same time. At IFFarroupilha, all courses offered include Integrated Professional Practice developed with the support of an Integrated Project as an alternative for the insertion of the Integrated Curriculum proposed to Federal Intitutes, that has as references Frigotto, Ciavatta e Ramos (2005) and Araújo (2013), supposes an epistemological integration by Praxis Philosophy. In face of the amount of information that has been collected, explanatory extracts from 10 undergraduates were chosen for this thesis. The analysis has been made with the support of the concept of complication, from the epistemological genesis and development of a scientific fact by Fleck (2010), those studies allowed to point epistemological dimensions, affective and cognitive, as a complication factor in existing thought styles that could to develop a teacher training to help the constitution of some kind of teacher that is a researcher and a collaborative person at the same time.

Mission work and pastoral care in the port of Durban : a narrative hermeneutical adventure

Viljoen, Christoffel Johannes 11 May 2012 (has links)
This research was an attempt at a social construction of an understanding that came into being through the collaboration between the researcher and the co-researchers concerning the life and circumstances of seafarers. The purpose of this construction was to participate, together with the co-researchers, in developing a research narrative that can be beneficial to seafarers. The aim is for it to lead to their emancipation and empowerment. The title of this research indicates that this is a hermeneutical adventure. It is hermeneutical because it is about a construction of meaning and about coming to an understanding. It is an adventure because whatever meaning and understanding was constructed in the end was unknown at the beginning. New knowledge was constructed in which all who participated had a say. The development of this research narrative was guided by the ABDCE formula which uses the metaphor of research as story writing. The researcher’s epistemology was informed by the notions of social constructionism, the narrative approach based on social constructionism and postfoundationalism. Theological issues in this research had to do with postfoundationalist practical theology, with its emphasis on embeddedness, contextuality and particularity while also trying to move beyond the local. In addition to this there was also a focus on missiology and the concept of Missio Dei was emphasised. Seafaring is still a dangerous profession where the seafarers many times find themselves being powerless in situations of injustice. On ships there is a lot of diversity. Men and women from many different religions and cultures have to sail together. Occasionally this causes tension between seafarers, but mostly they are working and living together in harmony. A bigger concern than conflict is that diversity might cause social isolation. Seafarers are willing to endure a lot of hardship and especially seafarers from developing countries are making this sacrifice in order to provide a better future for their families. The relationship between seafaring and the family is an ironic one because the seafarers sail in order to provide for the family, but at the same time sailing takes them away from their loved ones. From the perspective of the researcher three general weaknesses were found as far as the ministry to seafarers is concerned: At times there is lack of a spiritual dimension to the ministry, secondly there is a need for a stronger presence among the seafarers and thirdly more emphasis should be put on involvement with fishers especially as far as justice issues are concerned. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

A narrative journey with the homeless youth discovering the impact of economic factors in their discourses of homelessness

Renjan, John 28 September 2007 (has links)
Human realities are formed in particular contexts, and can be understood through telling the story of experiences related with these realities. Homelessness is a reality for many in various parts of the world. The condition of homelessness involves various discourses, each of which can be dominant in different people. Dominant discourses bring with them inherent understandings which in the case of the reality of homelessness can negatively influence the daily activities and future prospects of homeless people. These dominant discourses define the experiences of the homeless people and cause them to assess themselves negatively. This study is in the field of Practical Theology, based on a social constructionist paradigm which holds that meanings are socially constructed and there is no single “Truth”. The processes of telling stories, listening to these stories and constructing new meanings make up a narrative approach to counselling, which I use in the context of interactions with homeless youth at the Street Centre run by Pretoria Community Ministries. My approach is qualitative, and the data are evolved from narrative interventions and unstructured interviews with homeless youth. As this process is a journey into the experiences and stories of these young people, empirical sampling is irrelevant. Listening to the stories of the young people from the streets filled me with enthusiasm to take this narrative journey with them through their stories. Examining the impact of economic factors in their discourses and narrations gave me new understanding of their meanings and challenged me, because many of these were unpredictable. The epistemological approach of postfoundationalism used on this journey allowed a wide range of knowledge types and interactions, which I elucidate through interdisciplinary investigation and identification of the traditions that inform the dominant discourses. The seven-movement methodology used for this work is relevant in the context of the homeless youth, because it allows me as researcher to continue the full length of the journey with the homeless youth, leading eventually to new possibilities. On the way certain themes evolved and their meanings constructed. Listening for the discourses and identifying their economic factors helped me to deconstruct these discourses, and so guide the stories into more hopeful channels. Of course, constructing alternate stories and acknowledging the importance of economic factors will not alone change the future of these young homeless people. Economic restructuring of society is needed. This possibility challenges jobless, homeless individuals not to acquiesce in the negative patterns of society, but rather to work with conviction to create new possibilities. In this project I listened to the stories of ten homeless young people, for each of which two sessions are presented in this report. These stories show that the story tellers are the real researchers, who create new alternate stories of hope in the course of this project. “God-talk” and the discussion of “God-experiences” throws light on the role of God in their lives and in their stories. The research journey charted in this report describes first the theological context and research model, and then the particular context of these young people’s lives. This is followed by descriptions of the discourses. Description of the context of the stories and interpretation of the stories themselves moves into assessment of the stories in their individual context. Interdisciplinary investigation and identification of the traditions that inform the discourses thicken our understanding of the realities experienced by these young people, and deeper interpretations arise which are applicable beyond the local context. Each petal of this flower blooms with new colours of understanding and new fragrances of possibility. The findings of this project are not the final end of this journey, but rather lights for future journeys into the experiences of homeless youth. / Thesis (PhD (Pastoral Family Therapy))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Practical Theology / PhD / unrestricted

Professor pesquisador: aprendizagem colaborativa e formação aberta pelo Facebook / Researcher Professor: cooperative learning and opened background on Facebook

Freitas, Cecilia Maria Prates de 26 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Jakeline Ortega (jakortega@unoeste.br) on 2018-09-18T19:11:28Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Cecilia Maria Prates de Freitas.pdf: 2267359 bytes, checksum: 57d8fb8c7b7aa8944a90fefaca92e709 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-18T19:11:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Cecilia Maria Prates de Freitas.pdf: 2267359 bytes, checksum: 57d8fb8c7b7aa8944a90fefaca92e709 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-26 / This dissertation was developed within the Master's Program of Education at Universidade do Oeste Paulista (UNOESTE), following the research line "Professors' Pedagogical Background and Practice". Within the context of the connected society, learning may take place within different environments, exceeding the limits of a formal classroom, reaching virtual spaces, including among them social networks. This research was carried out to analyze the process of researcher professors' background by means of the social network Facebook. The methodology used for the research was a qualitative one, more specifically a case study one, comprising 37 participants belonging to a Facebook closed group named Group of Studies and Researches on Education, Curriculum and Technologies (GEPECeT). For data collecting one used observation of interactions between participants within GEPECeT and a questionnaire about their views concerning researcher professors' open background in the use of social networks by means of Google docs, as well as observation of mailings on Padlet about the participants' profile. The result analysis was carried out based on the following categories: meaningful contents; cooperative learning; reports on experiences, group visibility, and reflective researcher teacher. Data analysis showed that the experiences and discussions held within the group favored the development of new pedagogical practices concerning the use of Information Technology and Communication (TIC) and confirmed that the social network Facebook manifested itself as an environment favorable to further researcher professor's learning and background development. / A presente dissertação foi desenvolvida no programa de mestrado em Educação da Universidade do Oeste Paulista (UNOESTE), na linha de pesquisa “Formação e Prática Pedagógica do Profissional Docente”. Na sociedade conectada, a aprendizagem pode ocorrer em diferentes lugares, ultrapassando os limites de uma sala de aula formal, atingindo espaços virtuais, incluindo-se nestes as redes sociais. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar o processo de formação de professores pesquisadores por intermédio da rede social Facebook. A metodologia utilizada para esta pesquisa foi a qualitativa do tipo estudo de caso, com 37 participantes pertencentes a um grupo fechado do Facebook intitulado Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Educação, Currículo e Tecnologias (GEPECeT). Como procedimento de coleta de dados foi utilizada a observação das interações dos participantes no GEPECeT e um questionário sobre a visão dos participantes quanto à formação aberta do professor pesquisador no uso das redes sociais por meio do Google docs, bem como a observação das postagens no Padlet sobre o perfil dos participantes. A análise dos resultados procedeu-se com base nas seguintes categorias: conteúdos significativos; aprendizagem colaborativa; relatos de experiências, visibilidade do grupo e professor pesquisador reflexivo. A análise dos dados permitiu compreender que as vivências e discussões ocorridas no grupo possibilitaram o desenvolvimento de novas práticas pedagógicas quanto ao uso da Tecnologia de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) e evidenciaram que a rede social Facebook se mostrou um ambiente de aprendizagem e formação para o professor pesquisador.

Guest editors’ introduction

Takala, Sauli, Voss, Bernd 14 July 2020 (has links)
This special issue of Language Learning in Higher Education is devoted to the field of language testing and assessment, an area often underrated in higher education, where other concerns tend to be more in the focus of attention. Our call for papers made clear that our aim was “to cover a wide range of interrelated themes, in theory and practice, such as assessment and self-assessment, formative and summative assessment, performance standards and standard setting, use and impact of tests, tailoring and developing tests for special purposes, backwash effects (desirable/undesirable), quality issues and ethical concerns. Also considered would be contributions dealing with programme assessment and evaluation . . .” In other words, we were inviting contributions from a wider range of perspectives than is often associated with this field. As a result, the 12 articles selected and presented here cover a rather wide variety of issues often more concerned with the users of language tests, i.e. with those who have to apply them, to develop them within their own institutional constraints, and to interpret and defend the results, than with full-time researchers talking to full-time researchers.

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