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Plano tecnológico para líderes de grupo de pesquisa: possibilidades, conteúdo e práticas comparadas em áreas de engenharia do Brasil e Canadá / Technological Plan for research group leaders: possibilities, content and comparative practices in engineering areas of Brazil and CanadaAtayde, Gisele Rodrigues 25 February 2019 (has links)
A literatura de gestão tecnológica reconhece o planejamento como fonte de sucesso para o desenvolvimento de inovações, e traz recomendações e sugestões para sua elaboração. Quando a inovação é gerada à partir de conhecimento científico, os líderes de grupos de pesquisa habitualmente adotam como fundamento o planejamento da pesquisa acadêmica. Quais as práticas de planejamento de tecnologia utilizadas por líderes de grupos de pesquisa no ciclo de vida da pesquisa acadêmica? Há correspondência entre tais práticas e as recomendações das teorias sobre Plano Tecnológico? Há lacunas entre os conteúdos identificados e as práticas adotadas? Estas questões são investigadas por meio de um estudo comparativo entre quatro líderes de pesquisa de áreas da engenharia, inseridos em ecossistemas de inovação distintos: Brasil e Canadá. Os relatos dos líderes sobre sua experiência no desenvolvimento da inovação foram comparados à luz das práticas e conteúdos identificados em revisões de literatura em Gestão de Tecnologia, Gestão de Desenvolvimento de Produtos, Gestão de Projetos e Empreendedorismo Tecnológico. Conclui-se que há suficiente evidência para elaboração de uma metodologia para aplicação do plano tecnológico no contexto de grupos de pesquisa e consequentemente o monitoramento da efetiva relevância junto aos seus líderes, bem como a melhoria deste instrumento quanto à sua assertividade como facilitador na tomada de decisão em pesquisa quanto na criação e transferência de novas tecnologias. / The technological management literature recognizes planning as a source of success for the development of innovations, bringing recommendations and suggestions for its elaboration. When innovation emerges from scientific knowledge, research group leaders usually base their planning on academic research. What are the technology planning practices used by research group leaders for the academic research lifecycle? Are there any correspondence between such practices and the recommendations of the theories regarding Technological Plan? Are there any gaps between the identified content and the practices adopted? These questions are investigated through a comparative study between four research leaders from engineering areas, inserted in different innovation ecosystems: Brazil and Canada. The leaders\' reports on their innovation development experience were compared in the light of the practices and contents identified in literature reviews in Technology Management, Product Development Management, Project Management and Technological Entrepreneurship. It is concluded that there is sufficient evidence to elaborate a methodology for a technological plan application in the research groups context and consequently monitoring its effectiveness and relevance along with research group leaders, as well as the improvement of this instrument regarding its assertiveness as a research facilitator and as a support to create and transfer of new technologies.
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Escola pesquisadora?: (Representações de professores e gestores de uma escola que se diz pesquisadora: a relação entre suas práticas e a construção de conhecimento dos alunos) / Researcher school? (Representations of teachers and staff a school that entitles itself as researcher: the relationship between their practices and the construction of students\' knowledge)Idelbrando, Amália Galvão 09 May 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho de pesquisa investigou uma Escola Municipal da periferia da cidade de São Paulo - SP, Zona Leste, que se intitula escola pesquisadora, por realizar ações de pesquisa junto aos educandos, em especial, Trabalhos de Conclusão de Ciclo (TCC) como finalização do Ensino Fundamental, sendo que tal prática teria ocorrido por volta de quatro anos antes dessa medida se tornar política educacional da SME-SP. Os educadores da instituição escolar reforçaram essa decisão por meio da publicação de um livro, de modo que os artigos buscassem refletir a própria prática. O objetivo central da pesquisa foi compreender o modo como os professores e gestores dessa escola representam a relação entre suas práticas educativas e a construção do conhecimento que buscam desenvolver junto aos educandos. A perspectiva teórica que se buscou seguir foi a antropologia dialética, a partir da obra de Henri Lefebvre, para quem as representações se formam entre o vivido e concebido de sujeitos determinados. A análise apoiou-se também em autores que discutiram: a pesquisa na escola básica como princípio educativo, o professor como um tipo de intelectual transformador, assim como estudos que focaram escolas inovadoras e bem-sucedidas no alcance de sua função social. Os procedimentos metodológicos de coleta de informações, organização, tratamento e análise dos dados apoiaram-se nos seguintes instrumentos: entrevistas, documentos e observação. As entrevistas semiestruturadas foram realizadas com cinco gestores, oito professores e dez alunos egressos. A análise documental referiu-se: ao Projeto Político Pedagógico da escola, de 2009 e de 2014; aos resultados dos alunos na avaliação dos professores e no Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica (IDEB), entre 2005 e 2015; a TCCs produzidos por alunos; e ao livro organizado pelos educadores. A observação participante se deu em reuniões na Jornada Especial Integral de Formação (JEIF) dos professores e no Conselho de Escola (CE). A articulação e a análise do conjunto dos dados obtidos tiveram como foco possíveis respostas ou encaminhamentos à pergunta de pesquisa, derivada do objetivo proposto. O estudo deste caso revelou que existiam contradições entre os discursos dos educadores e suas práticas. A introdução do TCC e a escrita do livro de artigos nas ações pedagógicas da escola deram ânimo e empoderamento aos professores, bem como reconhecimento entre seus pares. Em acréscimo, as análises documentais dos resultados alcançados pelos alunos mostraram que houve melhora no rendimento tanto no decorrer dos anos de 2012 a 2014, como nos resultados do IDEB desde 2005. A participação das famílias na escola, a sua história de luta por habitação, a pouca rotatividade dos educadores e, em especial, a permanência do diretor podem ter exercido influências no desenvolvimento dos alunos. A representação dos educadores parece ter tido mais foco nos TCCs e menos no desenvolvimento do conjunto de ações pela comunidade educativa; ainda que se verificasse maior engajamento na pesquisa, entende-se que tal dinâmica surgiu pela articulação entre ações de mudanças na escola. O desdobramento das ações dessa escola inovadora proporcionou aos professores a ocupação de um lugar diferenciado: como sujeitos de criação. / The present thesis investigated a Municipal School in the outskirts of the city of São Paulo - SP, located in the East Region, which entitles itself as a researcher school, for carrying out research activities with the students, especially Cycle Completion Works (TCC) of the Elementary School, and such practice would have occurred around four years before this measure turned into an educational policy by the Municipal Secretary of Education. The educators of the school reinforced this decision by publishing a book, so that the article sought to reflect the practice itself. The main objective of the thesis was to comprehend how the educators of this school represent the relation between their educational practices and the construction of the knowledge that they seek to develop with the students. The theoretical perspective that was sought to follow was the dialectical anthropology, based on the work of Henri Lefebvre, for whom the representations are formed between the experienced and conceived of determined subjects. The analysis was also supported by authors who discussed: basic school research as an educational principle, the teacher as a type of transformative intellectual, as well as studies that focused on innovative and successful schools in the achievement of their social function. The methodological procedures of information collection, organization, treatment and data analysis were based on the following instruments: interviews, documents and observation. The semi-structured interviews were carried out with five people from the staff, eight teachers and ten graduated students. The documentary analysis referred to: the School\'s Political Pedagogical Project, of 2009 and 2014; the results of the students in the evaluation of teachers and in the Basic Education Development Index (IDEB) between 2005 and 2015; To CBTs produced by students; And to the book organized by educators. The participant observation took place in meetings in the Special Integral Training Day (JEIF) of the teachers and in the School Council (CE). The articulation and analysis of the set of data obtained had as focus possible answers or referrals to the research question, derived from the proposed objective. The study of this case revealed that there were contradictions between the educators\' speeches and their real practices. The introduction of CBT and the writing of the article book into the pedagogical actions of the school gave encouragement and empowerment to teachers as well as recognition among their peers. In addition, the documentary analyzes of the results achieved by the students showed that there was an enhancement in scholarly progress comprehending 2012 to 2014; despite the IDEB results since 2005. The participation of the families in the school routine, their history of struggle for housing, the low turnover of educators and, in particular, the permanence of the director may have influenced the development of students. The representation of educators seems to have been more focused on CBTs and less on the development of the set of actions by the educational community; Even though there was greater engagement in research, it is understood that such dynamics arose through the articulation between actions of changes in the school. The unfolding of the actions this innovative school gave the teachers the occupation of a differentiated place: as subjects of making.
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Masseurs-kinésithérapeutes salariés à l’ère numérique : Ce que leurs usages du courrier électronique disent de leur professionnalisation. / Salaried physiotherapists in digital area : What e-mail habits say about their professionalizationPilotti, Anne 13 December 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche doctorale concerne la professionnalisation des masseurs-kinésithérapeutes. Le courrier électronique, une des nombreuses formes de l’écriture professionnelle, est utilisé dans cette recherche comme un analyseur (Lourau, 1969). Les courriels modifient les pratiques professionnelles et en même temps ils permettent d’observer la professionnalisation des masseurs-kinésithérapeutes, comprise comme institutionnalisation de la profession, dans leur vie quotidienne. En m’appuyant sur une démarche ethnographique et sur le cadre théorique de l’analyse institutionnelle, je relève dans le quotidien des masseurs-kinésithérapeutes salariés les changements de pratiques, de valeurs ainsi que les résistances aux transformations en cours.Le parcours de la chercheuse, ici praticienne-chercheuse, est pris en compte en ce qu’il est lui-même impliqué dans l’objet de recherche. L’analyse des implications professionnelles des masseurs-kinésithérapeutes salariés est menée pour comprendre le processus de professionnalisation et d’universitarisation à partir des observations de terrain.En modifiant les pratiques de communication et d’organisation autour du patient, le courriel agit également sur la structuration du corps professionnels et sur l’activité quotidienne des masseurs-kinésithérapeutes. Cependant, comme en résistance à la progression du numérique, l’attachement à la centralité du corps dans les implications professionnelles des masseurs-kinésithérapeutes salariés reste central. / This doctoral research grant is about physiotherapists’ professionalization. E-mails, one of the numerous forms of professional writing, are employed as an analyzer in this research (Lourau, 1969). As e-mails modify professional practices, they allow us to notice physiotherapists’ professionalization, understood as a daily life institutionalization of their job. Based on an ethnographical approach and on the theoretical setting of institutional analysis, I’m taking, in employed physiotherapists’ daily life, their changes of practices, of values and their reluctance to current developments.The researcher’s record, here a practitioner-researcher, is taking into consideration because it is also involved in the research work. Salaried physiotherapists’ professional involvement analysis is taken to understand professionalization and universitarisation process, from ground observations. By changing communication and organization practices, e-mails are also working on professional body structure and on physiotherapists’ daily practice. As a reluctance to digital progress, the attachment to patient’s body central place in professional physiotherapists’ involvement stay crucial.
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Escola pesquisadora?: (Representações de professores e gestores de uma escola que se diz pesquisadora: a relação entre suas práticas e a construção de conhecimento dos alunos) / Researcher school? (Representations of teachers and staff a school that entitles itself as researcher: the relationship between their practices and the construction of students\' knowledge)Amália Galvão Idelbrando 09 May 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho de pesquisa investigou uma Escola Municipal da periferia da cidade de São Paulo - SP, Zona Leste, que se intitula escola pesquisadora, por realizar ações de pesquisa junto aos educandos, em especial, Trabalhos de Conclusão de Ciclo (TCC) como finalização do Ensino Fundamental, sendo que tal prática teria ocorrido por volta de quatro anos antes dessa medida se tornar política educacional da SME-SP. Os educadores da instituição escolar reforçaram essa decisão por meio da publicação de um livro, de modo que os artigos buscassem refletir a própria prática. O objetivo central da pesquisa foi compreender o modo como os professores e gestores dessa escola representam a relação entre suas práticas educativas e a construção do conhecimento que buscam desenvolver junto aos educandos. A perspectiva teórica que se buscou seguir foi a antropologia dialética, a partir da obra de Henri Lefebvre, para quem as representações se formam entre o vivido e concebido de sujeitos determinados. A análise apoiou-se também em autores que discutiram: a pesquisa na escola básica como princípio educativo, o professor como um tipo de intelectual transformador, assim como estudos que focaram escolas inovadoras e bem-sucedidas no alcance de sua função social. Os procedimentos metodológicos de coleta de informações, organização, tratamento e análise dos dados apoiaram-se nos seguintes instrumentos: entrevistas, documentos e observação. As entrevistas semiestruturadas foram realizadas com cinco gestores, oito professores e dez alunos egressos. A análise documental referiu-se: ao Projeto Político Pedagógico da escola, de 2009 e de 2014; aos resultados dos alunos na avaliação dos professores e no Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica (IDEB), entre 2005 e 2015; a TCCs produzidos por alunos; e ao livro organizado pelos educadores. A observação participante se deu em reuniões na Jornada Especial Integral de Formação (JEIF) dos professores e no Conselho de Escola (CE). A articulação e a análise do conjunto dos dados obtidos tiveram como foco possíveis respostas ou encaminhamentos à pergunta de pesquisa, derivada do objetivo proposto. O estudo deste caso revelou que existiam contradições entre os discursos dos educadores e suas práticas. A introdução do TCC e a escrita do livro de artigos nas ações pedagógicas da escola deram ânimo e empoderamento aos professores, bem como reconhecimento entre seus pares. Em acréscimo, as análises documentais dos resultados alcançados pelos alunos mostraram que houve melhora no rendimento tanto no decorrer dos anos de 2012 a 2014, como nos resultados do IDEB desde 2005. A participação das famílias na escola, a sua história de luta por habitação, a pouca rotatividade dos educadores e, em especial, a permanência do diretor podem ter exercido influências no desenvolvimento dos alunos. A representação dos educadores parece ter tido mais foco nos TCCs e menos no desenvolvimento do conjunto de ações pela comunidade educativa; ainda que se verificasse maior engajamento na pesquisa, entende-se que tal dinâmica surgiu pela articulação entre ações de mudanças na escola. O desdobramento das ações dessa escola inovadora proporcionou aos professores a ocupação de um lugar diferenciado: como sujeitos de criação. / The present thesis investigated a Municipal School in the outskirts of the city of São Paulo - SP, located in the East Region, which entitles itself as a researcher school, for carrying out research activities with the students, especially Cycle Completion Works (TCC) of the Elementary School, and such practice would have occurred around four years before this measure turned into an educational policy by the Municipal Secretary of Education. The educators of the school reinforced this decision by publishing a book, so that the article sought to reflect the practice itself. The main objective of the thesis was to comprehend how the educators of this school represent the relation between their educational practices and the construction of the knowledge that they seek to develop with the students. The theoretical perspective that was sought to follow was the dialectical anthropology, based on the work of Henri Lefebvre, for whom the representations are formed between the experienced and conceived of determined subjects. The analysis was also supported by authors who discussed: basic school research as an educational principle, the teacher as a type of transformative intellectual, as well as studies that focused on innovative and successful schools in the achievement of their social function. The methodological procedures of information collection, organization, treatment and data analysis were based on the following instruments: interviews, documents and observation. The semi-structured interviews were carried out with five people from the staff, eight teachers and ten graduated students. The documentary analysis referred to: the School\'s Political Pedagogical Project, of 2009 and 2014; the results of the students in the evaluation of teachers and in the Basic Education Development Index (IDEB) between 2005 and 2015; To CBTs produced by students; And to the book organized by educators. The participant observation took place in meetings in the Special Integral Training Day (JEIF) of the teachers and in the School Council (CE). The articulation and analysis of the set of data obtained had as focus possible answers or referrals to the research question, derived from the proposed objective. The study of this case revealed that there were contradictions between the educators\' speeches and their real practices. The introduction of CBT and the writing of the article book into the pedagogical actions of the school gave encouragement and empowerment to teachers as well as recognition among their peers. In addition, the documentary analyzes of the results achieved by the students showed that there was an enhancement in scholarly progress comprehending 2012 to 2014; despite the IDEB results since 2005. The participation of the families in the school routine, their history of struggle for housing, the low turnover of educators and, in particular, the permanence of the director may have influenced the development of students. The representation of educators seems to have been more focused on CBTs and less on the development of the set of actions by the educational community; Even though there was greater engagement in research, it is understood that such dynamics arose through the articulation between actions of changes in the school. The unfolding of the actions this innovative school gave the teachers the occupation of a differentiated place: as subjects of making.
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Uso das ferramentas e suportes de pesquisas na recupera??o da informa??o : estudo da capacita??o do professor-pesquisador / The use of tools and research support in information recovery : a study about the professor-researcherPassos, Rosemary 21 February 2003 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2003-02-21 / The main hypothesis presented here, in this researcher, is that the knowledge , the use of tools and support for the recovery of information, allied with the normalization of the technical structure used in scientific works, if applied since from the very beginning of any course (college graduation, post graduation or specialization), will be essential to the professor s formation. The main objectives of this work were to present analyse with an emphasis in the importance of the use of technics in information recovery and bibliographical normalization, in the process of professor s formation with the cooperation of the librarian. With the help of user s capacitacion seminar, idealized by Libraries System of UNICAMP - SBU, but created specifically for the educational area; to make a general evaluation about the user s capacitacion seminar and its structure; to investigate the quality of the attendance in the reference service of the Faculty of Education the UNICAMP Library. The research method utilized here was the case study, which provided an elaboration of a diagnosis with approaches of the characteristics of a group of students, about their difficulties in utilizing the resources for the information recovery and the use of the library services. The study showed during its development, the importance to make the professor more capable in what concerns to informational resources, the necessity of qualification and capacitation of librarians to work as educators to the college students, the necessity of the creation of disciplines with a special focus in this aspects inside for the classroom and principally the interactivity between librarians and professors, in order to develop a effective partnership in the educational environment. / A principal hip?tese, apresentada nesta pesquisa, ? a de que o conhecimento e o uso de ferramentas e suportes para recupera??o da informa??o, e a normaliza??o da estrutura t?cnica de trabalhos cient?ficos, se aplicados desde o in?cio de qualquer curso (p?s-gradua??o, gradua??o, especializa??o), ser?o fundamentais para a forma??o de professores. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram apresentar uma an?lise que enfatizasse a import?ncia do uso de t?cnicas de recupera??o de informa??o e normaliza??o bibliogr?fica no processo de forma??o de professores, com a colabora??o do bibliotec?rio, utilizando-se de um Curso de Capacita??o de Usu?rios, estruturado pelo Sistema de Bibliotecas da UNICAMP SBU, mas direcionado especificamente para a ?rea educacional; fazer uma avalia??o geral do Curso de Capacita??o em sua estrutura; e investigar a qualidade de atendimento no servi?o de refer?ncia da Biblioteca da Faculdade de Educa??o da UNICAMP. O m?todo de pesquisa utilizado foi o de Estudo de Caso, que possibilitou a elabora??o de um diagn?stico com abordagens das caracter?sticas do grupo de alunos que faziam parte da amostra, analisando suas dificuldades em utilizar os recursos para a recupera??o da informa??o e utiliza??o dos servi?os da biblioteca. O estudo demonstrou durante seu desenvolvimento, a import?ncia da capacita??o de professores no que se refere aos recursos informacionais, a necessidade de qualifica??o e capacita??o dos bibliotec?rios para atuarem como educadores perante os alunos dos cursos, a necessidade do estabelecimento de disciplinas que contemplem esses aspectos dentro da sala de aula, e principalmente a intera??o entre bibliotec?rios e professores, para que estes dois profissionais possam desenvolver um trabalho em parceria no contexto educacional.
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Une géographie à l'école par la pratique artistique. / Teaching geography with artGaujal, Sophie 27 September 2016 (has links)
Inter, pluri, multi, trans. Les préfixes ne manquent pas pour désigner la volonté de l’institution scolaire de faire circuler les savoirs au sein d’une forme scolaire marquée jusqu’ici par leur segmentation. Cette thèse propose, au terme d’une enquête épistémologique destinée à montrer les enjeux d’une circulation entre géographie spontanée et géographie raisonnée, de développer des outils la favorisant, dans le cadre du cours de géographie. L’hypothèse de la recherche est que la pratique artistique peut favoriser cette circulation. Pour la tester, trois outils ont été conçus et expérimentés, depuis une posture d’enseignante-formatrice-chercheure : un concours photo, un concours de carte postale sensible, une performance. / : Inter-, pluri-, multi-, trans-: these many prefixes all denote how keen today's school is on making knowledge and skills circulate within a framework traditionally renowned for its segmentation. Starting from an epistomological study of the fruitful interaction between spontaneous geography and reasoned geography, this thesis offers to define and develop tools to implement it within the geography class. This research work's hypothesis is that this interaction can be positively impacted by artistic practice. To verify it, I designed and tested three tools, in an apporach that was altogether a teacher's, a trainer's and a researcher's : a photography contest, a "sensitive postcard" cartography contest, and a performance.
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Etude d'ateliers scientifiques à l'université à destination d'élèves : efficacité, efficience et pertinence d'un dispositif complexe / Study of scientific workshops at the university for students : efficacy, effciency and relevance of a complex deviceUema, Soraya Noriko 20 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à mieux comprendre de quelle manière les ateliers scientifiques animés par des chercheurs à l’université essayent de motiver les élèves de l’école primaire au lycée à suivre une carrière scientifique universitaire. Notre défi majeur a été d’analyser ces ateliers scientifiques à une fin didactique en prenant en compte la complexité d’interactions des acteurs et leurs attentes. Ainsi, ce travail repose sur une analyse des ateliers en les considérant comme un système dynamique complexe. Nous articulons une approche qualitative qui consiste en un « noyau d’analyse complexe » d’une triangulation systémique entre le contexte, la stratégie et la production.Dans cette perspective, cette thèse apporte une réflexion sur la culture des évaluations dans le domaine de l'éducation en proposant une modélisation d’une « évaluation multiréférentielle » basée sur trois critères : l’efficacité, la pertinence et l’efficience. Pour ce faire, différents niveaux d’analyse sont proposés à partir de questionnaires et d’entretiens auprès d’élèves, de médiateurs et d’enseignants, ayant participé à des ateliers.Les résultats ont mis en évidence des décalages entre les objectifs des acteurs et les visées institutionnelles affichées pour ces ateliers. L’enjeu pour les médiateurs, les enseignants et les élèves se situe avant tout dans un registre du plaisir. En plus, les médiateurs interrogés valorisent peu leur parcours scolaire et universitaire, alors que les élèves voient avant tout le parcours du chercheur comme relevant d’une vocation. / This thesis aims to better understand how scientific workshops led by researchers at the university try to motivate students from primary school to high school to pursue a university science career. Our major challenge was to analyse the scientific workshops with a didactical goal by taking into account the complexity of interactions between its actors and their expectations. As such, this work is based on a analysis of the workshops, as these are seen as a complex dynamic system. We articulate a qualitative approach consisting in a “complex core of analysis” and a systemic triangulation of the system: the context, the strategies and the production.In this perspective, this thesis reflets on the culture of assessment in education by proposing a modelisation of a “multireferencial assessment” based on three criteria: the efficacy, the relevance and the efficiency. To do that, different levels of analyses are proposed based on questionnaires and interviews of students, mediators and teachers who were engaged in workshopsThe results have especially highlighted the gap between the objectives of the workshops' participants and a those of the institutional presented for these workshops. For the mediators, the teachers and the students, these workshops are primarily meant to enjoy the activities. More, mediators who took part in the study express little interest in showing a positive view of their own academic background and their career, whereas students see, before anything else, researchers’ career as a vocation.
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"Är Björk en man eller kvinna?" : Androcentrism i studenters uppfattning av forskares könHagren Idevall, Karin January 2009 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats belyser könsstrukturer på universitetsfältet, med syfte att undersöka om och varför detspråkliga begreppet forskare tillskrivs manligt kön av studenter som läser forskningsreferat i kurslitteraturen.Metoden som använts är experimentell och består av en könsneutral provtext, där en refererad forskare enbartnämns vid efternamnet Björk, och ett frågeformulär där 92 studenter har fått tillskriva denna forskare ett kön.Resultatet visar att 71 procent av de studenter som besvarat frågan tror att den refererade forskaren är enman. Det finns även en tendens till att de äldre studenterna har en större benägenhet att tillskriva forskarenmanligt kön än vad de yngre studenterna har.</p><p>Resultatet har utifrån Simone de Beauvoir tolkats som att kvinnan fortfarande betraktas som det Andra iförhållande till mannen, som utgör normen inom akademien. Att begreppet forskare tillskrivs ett visst könhar, utifrån Pierre Bourdieu, tolkats som att studenterna besvarat frågan utifrån föreställningar som finnsinternaliserade i deras habitus, som i sin tur står under stark påverkan från de inre strukturer påuniversitetsfältet som framhäver mannen som det dominerande könet.</p> / <p>This bachelor thesis examines gender structures in the university field. The aim is to study whether, and if sowhy, students attribute male gender to a researcher referred to in the course literature. The researcher is onlymentioned by the last name Björk, in order to be regarded as gender neutral.</p><p>An experimental method was used to test the hypothesis that the conception of “researcher” is male-biased. A gender neutral sample text and a survey were handed out to 92 university students. Therespondents were asked to attribute gender to the researcher Björk. The results confirmed the hypothesis andshowed that 71 percent of the students attributed male gender to the researcher. There was also a tendencythat the older students attributed male gender more often than the younger students did.</p><p>The analysis of the results shows that male gender is viewed as normative in the academy. Thisinterpretation is based on Simone de Beauvoir's theory about women as the Other in relation to men. Thegender specific attribution to a researcher is interpreted, in the words of Pierre Bourdieu, as internalizedconceptions in the student's habitus. The students answer the question about Björk's gender according to theirhabitus, which is based on the internal structures of the university field, where the male gender is seen as thedominant sex.</p>
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Negotiating discourses how survivor-therapists construe their dialogical identities /Adame, Alexandra L. January 2009 (has links)
Title from second page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 228-234).
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Choix des modes d'acquisition de l'information pour l'étude de nouveaux marchés.Gervais, Florence 06 July 2011 (has links)
L’entreprise qui se développe à l’international est confrontée à la nécessité d’acquérir des informations sur les nouveaux marchés, grâce notamment à des études export. Cette recherche s’intéresse au processus d’identification du chargé d’étude, appelé mode d’acquisition de l’information. Elle démontre que celui-ci fait partie d’un système d’acquisition d’information qui a pour objectif la réduction contrôlée de l’ambigüité des marchés. Elle décrit l’émergence de ce système, son fonctionnement et le processus d’identification du chargé d’étude. Les caractéristiques du système variant avec le niveau d’internationalisation et le degré d’apprentissage de l’organisation, le choix du mode d’acquisition de l’information évolue lui aussi avec le stade de développement international de l’entreprise. / When an organization develops on foreign markets, it has to collect information on that market. Export research is one way to acquire that information. This research focuses on the identification process of the export market researcher, designated as information acquisition mode. We aim to demonstrate that this acquisition mode is part of a system whose objective is to reduce the perceived ambiguity of markets in a controlled fashion. We describe the emergence of the system, its functioning and the identification process of the information acquisition mode. Since the characteristics of the system vary according to the level of internationalization and learning of the organization, we show that the choice of the acquisition mode is also impacted by the international development stage of the company.
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