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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Canonicité catholique romaine pour la science et les scientifiques / Roman catholic canonicity for science and scientists

Manwell, Maurice Thierry 09 July 2019 (has links)
De ses antiques origines à son actualité postmoderne du XXIe siècle, le christianisme est traversé par deux phénomènes, en tensions variables et complexes, d’empathie et de vigilance à l’égard de la raison et de la science : ici des vigilances critiques l’emportent sur la considération pour la légitime autonomie de la raison et de la science, là un respect théologal et éthique tend à présider dans l’économie de différentes formes et phases d’estimes critiques pour l’autonomie de la raison et de la science. Sciences affranchies des théologies, sciences excellant en performances du savoir et de techniques, mais sciences modernes et contemporaines non épargnées par les errances du naturalisme, du nominalisme, du scientisme, des positivismes réducteurs, ou de politisations idéologiques.Malgré un conflit, loin d’être résolu, concernant la querelle antimoderniste, les conciles généraux Vatican I (1869-1870 : Constitution Dei Filius, chapitre IV) et Vatican II (1962-1965 : Constitution Gaudium et Spes, 36) font date : l’un rappelle la légitimité des domaines propres à la raison et aux scientificités, l’autre bénéficie de la progression en théologie de l’historicité pour contempler la tradition de l’autonomie des réalités terrestres. Avec quels instruments d’abord canoniques, est conjuguée la mission d’Église de sauvegarde du caractère catholique romain de ses propres universités, par exemple, et sa protection – certes conditionnelle - des cultures, des sciences, des scientifiques ? / From its earliest beginnings down to current postmodern XXIst century, Christianity is struck a balance between two phenomena, holding one another in various and complex mounting tensions, of empathy and of awareness towards reason and science. Herein, critical appraisals override the consideration of legitimate autonomy of reason and science, therein, a religious and ethical respect tends to govern various forms and shades of critical esteem, in favour of the autonomy of reason and science. Sciences freed from theologies monopoly, sciences excelling in knowledge and technical performances, but there still remains however, modern and contemporary sciences with misconducts of naturalism, nominalism, narrow positivism or political ideologies.Irrespective of an unresolved conflict, arising from the anti-modernist fights, the Church’s general councils of Vatican I (1869-1870: Constitution Dei Filius, chapter IV) and Vatican II (1962-1965: Constitution Gaudium et spes, 36) made huge steps forward : As the first reminds us of the legitimacy of science and reason in their specific areas of expertise, the second, while taking into account the progress of the theology of history, reflects deeper on the autonomy of worldly realities. With this background, with what canonical tools, could the safeguarding mission of the Roman Catholic character of the Church’s universities, for example, and her protection of cultures, sciences and the world of scientists, - under the conditions - could be guaranteed ?

Reflections from an insider researcher ‘doing’ feminist participatory action research to co-produce a research agenda with British Pakistani women; a seldom heard group

Iqbal, Halima, West, Jane, McEachan, Rosemary, Haith-Cooper, Melanie 27 July 2023 (has links)
Yes / Participation of community stakeholders in health research priority setting is an emerging trend. Despite this, the involvement of marginalised groups in research prioritisation is limited and where they are involved, sample sizes are small, where individuals are merely consulted with, rather than coproducing the research agenda. Without addressing power dynamics inherent in research prioritisation with marginalised groups, their engagement in the research process can be tokenistic and the resulting research agenda unreflective of their needs. This article, therefore, aims to generate knowledge on how feminist participatory action research was used to co-produce an obesity research agenda with British Pakistani women, a seldom heard population, living in deprived areas. The methodology enabled Pakistani women to be involved in all stages of the project, culminating in the co-production of an obesity research agenda that accurately reflects their unmet needs. Women’s engagement in the project led to their increased confidence, the formation of relationships that lasted beyond the research project, improvements to their lifestyles, and engagement in further research. Feminist participatory action research may be used by researchers as a guiding methodology due to its ability to improve women’s lives and develop research agendas for women’s health. / National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) under its Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) Yorkshire and Humber [NIHR200166], the UK Prevention Research Partnership (UKPRP) - [MR/S037527/1], the NIHR Clinical Research Network, NIHR ARC Yorkshire and Humber / Research Development Fund Publication Prize Award winner, Jul 2023.

Liminal spaces : therapeutic encounters between horses and adolecents

Terre Blanche, Stephanie 10 1900 (has links)
In this study, the intersections between Equine Assisted Psychotherapeutic interventions and adolescence are explored. Equine Assisted therapeutic work has recently gained much popularity in the field of psychology, due to many reported benefits, which include the value of the use of the horse as a tool in psychotherapy. Adolescence is acknowledged to be a difficult transitional phase, punctuated with many challenges, such as identity development. As this study is conducted by a trainee psychotherapist and researcher, the work also contains a reflexive exploration of these fields, with personal reflections regarding the researcher‟s own experience in the fields. This study is framed as a transtheoretical bricolage, which includes elements of reflexivity, heuristics, transpersonal, and phenomenological research approaches. Data was gathered from individual interviews with co-researchers, focus group interviews, personal reflections, and inclusion of non-verbal information from the horses who formed part of this study. Data analysis was done by means of a Thematic Data Analysis. The research findings reflect themes on different levels, which are: content themes, process themes, meta-reflections on the research process, and a meta-analysis of the research and individual developmental process which took place in the production of this work / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

Being in Brazil : an autoethnographic account of becoming ethically responsible as a practitioner-researcher in education

Blair, Andrea Jane January 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores an autoethnography which is written in the spirit of ubuntu, with and through others. Viewing this as an ethically responsible methodology for educational research conducted in and between the Global North and the Global South, this autoethnography foregrounds both self and other. The story of a practitioner- researcher unfolds around a move from disillusionment with the examinations factories of the English education system into exploring a human ethic of essential care (Boff, 2005) and a pedagogy of unconditional love (Andreotti, 2011) in a Brazilian non- government organisation. In these shifting contexts, the writer shares a journey of critical reflection (Brookfield, 1995; 2000) on ethical relationships in research and education, deconstructing the hegemonic assumptions underpinning her worldview. Borrowing insight from postmodern philosophy for education and actionable postcolonial theory in education, a journey of (un)learning unfolds as the author grapples with taken-for-granted assumptions about and in the Global South. The aims of the study emerge from a life lived forward (Muncey, 2005) through critical reflection on the ends of education and the role of the practitioner-researcher. As such, the nature of data collection becomes a process of data creation incorporating a rich tapestry of research conversations, images, sounds and other embodied memories. As ethical relations become a central focus of the author’s critical reflection, the author has sought to minimise her inflection on the data and in doing so includes many of the original contributions gifted to her throughout a two year period. Through critical self- scrutiny and reflection the author has been able to examine her own educational and cultural assumptions through a different lens in the Global South. The beauty of this autoethnography lies in exploring the kinds of intercultural spaces the author and others inhabit in twenty-first century research and classrooms.

Gründungsideen aus 15 Jahren dresden|exists

10 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Seit 1998 unterstützt dresden|exists Gründungsinteressierte aus den Dresdner Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen. In dieser Zeit besuchten mehr als 6.800 Studierende die Vorlesungen zu Gründungsthemen und über 2.800 Geschäftsideen wurden an dresden|exists herangetragen. Doch was ist aus den vielen Ideen geworden? Wir haben bei 20 dieser Gründungen konkret nachgefragt. In der Broschüre zum 15. Jubiläum geben Gründer Einblicke in ihre Geschäftskonzepte und teilen einige ihrer Erfahrungen aus der Gründungsphase.

Initiatives médiatiques pour baliser le développement des nanotechnologies : une enquête qualitative auprès des journalistes et des chercheurs en nanobiotechnologies

Côté, Philippe-Aubert 10 1900 (has links)
Grâce aux nanotechnologies, l’être humain peut maîtriser la matière à l’échelle du nanomètre — soit au niveau des atomes et des molécules. Les matériaux obtenus suite à ces manipulations présentent des propriétés nouvelles qui les rendent très intéressants pour nombre d’applications techniques, et ce dans tous les domaines technoscientifiques. Ainsi, les nanotechnologies sont souvent considérées comme les prémisses d’une profonde révolution technologique et sociale. Toutefois, si les nanotechnologies intéressent investisseurs, gouvernement, entreprises et universités, elles soulèvent aussi des questions éthiques, notamment au sujet de leur toxicité, de leurs retombées et de la modification de l’être humain. À ces questions s’ajoutent plusieurs interrogations sur la gouvernance des nanotechnologies : comment, en effet, encadrer en amont le développement de celles-ci pour éviter d’éventuelles conséquences néfastes en aval? Parmi ces interrogations, le rôle des médias dans les relations entre les développeurs de nanotechnologies et le public est souvent mentionné. Certains voient dans les médias un acteur auquel les chercheurs pourraient recourir pour établir un dialogue avec le public afin d’assurer un développement harmonieux des nanotechnologies. Si cette recommandation semble très pertinente, il n’existe, à notre connaissance, aucune étude empirique pour en vérifier la faisabilité auprès des acteurs concernés (chercheurs, médias, etc.). Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons donc voulu examiner et analyser les perceptions des chercheurs et des journalistes québécois envers des initiatives médiatiques pour baliser le développement des nanotechnologies. Pour ce faire, nous avons procédé à une étude qualitative auprès de vingt (20) chercheurs en nanobiotechnologies/nanomédecine et dix (10) journalistes spécialisés en vulgarisation scientifique. L’analyse des entretiens avec les répondants a révélé que si les acteurs rencontrés sont favorables envers de telles initiatives, il existe plusieurs contraintes pouvant gêner une telle entreprise. Suite à l’examen de ces contraintes, nous avons suggéré des initiatives concrètes que les chercheurs québécois pourraient mettre en place pour mieux baliser le développement des nanotechnologies à l’aide d’un dialogue avec le public. Ces suggestions consistent notamment à créer des médias privés pour les chercheurs, à recourir aux médias indépendants et à investir le web. De telles initiatives, cependant, ne peuvent s’obtenir qu’au prix d’un remaniement des priorités des chercheurs. / Thanks to nanotechnologies, mankind can control matter at the nanometer scale, on the level of individual atoms and molecules. Materials obtained following these nanoscale manipulations demonstrate novel properties with the potential for application to all scientific and technological disciplines. Nanotechnologies are therefore often considered a foundation for a deep technological and social revolution. However, while nanotechnologies interest investors, government, private enterprises and universities, they also raise ethical questions, particularly regarding their toxicity, their outcome and the modification of human beings. On top of these ethical questions several other interrogations arise with respect to the governance of nanotechnologies: how, indeed, should their development be initially monitored in order to avoid eventual negative consequences in the future? Among these many questions, the role of the media in the relations between the developers of nanotechnologies and the public is often mentioned. Some see in the media an actor that researchers might refer to in order to establish a dialogue with the public to insure a harmonious development of nanotechnologies. While this recommendation seems very relevant, no empirical study exists to our knowledge to assess its feasibility among the concerned stakeholders (researchers, media). Within the scope of this thesis, we thus wanted to examine and analyze the perception of researchers and journalists from Quebec towards media initiatives to monitor the development of nanotechnologies. To do so, we proceeded to perform a qualitative study with twenty (20) researchers in the fields of nanobiotechnology/nanomedicine and ten (10) journalists specialized in scientific popularization. The analysis of interviews with responders revealed that while the concerned parties are in favour of these initiatives, there are several constraints that may impede such an enterprise. Following the study of these constraints, we have suggested concrete initiatives that Quebec researchers may implement in order to better monitor the development of nanotechnologies through a dialogue with the public. These suggestions mainly consist in creating private media for researchers, resorting to independent media and engaging the World Wide Web. Such initiatives, however, can only be obtained at the price of a realignment of researchers’ priorities.

Spolupráce celostátních deníků a agentur pro výzkum veřejného mínění v České republice / The cooperation of national press and agencies for research of public opinion in Czech republic

Bebutová, Erika January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis "The cooporation of national daily press and agencies for research of public opinion in the Czech republic" attempts to describe from the practical point of view how mutual cooperation of agencies for public opinion research and the media, especially the press, looks. The chapters of theoretical part of diploma thesis deal with the historical development of public opinion researches in our country where the year 1989 is stressed as the separation turning-point and the foreign studies about the relation of public opinion polls and media. In the practical part of diploma thesis is detailed analysis of media presentation of public opinion polls in the press. At first it compares the different approach of the journalists and sociologists to the work with the informations about public opinion polls and then the way of media processing of public opinion polls in the newspaper in two different historical periods, namely in 1991 and 2009. The analysed materil contained the press releases by IVVM and by CVVM of the first five months 1991 and 2009 and the press articles where the journalists used the informations from this press releases. The media act in the diploma thesis in part as the users of informations about public opinion polls and in part as the initiators of these polls. The staff...

A promoção do Êxodo da Zona de conforto em uma sala de aula de língua inglesa: A importância do papel da reflexão e da interação

Colombo-Gomes, Gysele da S. 20 October 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:23:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LAEL - Gysele da S Colombo Gomes.pdf: 1145555 bytes, checksum: 185fd7e26b4a766bc08048abd7b4f038 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-10-20 / The present research portrays the study on the role of reflection and interaction as a feasible alternative leading to the implementation of actions to the exodus from the comfort zone in which students of English find themselves in class. An attempt was made to comprehend the fundamental part played by the teacher-researcher in reflecting on his/her practice in interacting with his/her students in order to encourage them to take charge of their learning process and to act in an independent and critical manner based on the view of Celani (2000). It is a piece of action research conducted in a college for foreign language teachers located in a semiresidential area in Greater Rio de Janeiro. In the investigation, the researcher undertook the role of a participant aiming at the construction of her own knowledge of the forms through which reflection and interaction can contribute to raising awareness of the actions for the construction of knowledge and leading to the exodus from the comfort zone. A teacher of English and her group of students participated in this study. This research was theoretically based on the works of Dewey (1909/1997) on reflection, Brown & Levinson (1987) on the theory of politeness, Goffman (1967) on face work, Halliday (1994) on the use of language in social practices and Vygotsky (1930 - 1998; 1934 - 1987) on interaction and knowledge building. The results cast light on possible ways of empowering learners by means of reflection and interaction, and the exodus from the comfort zone / A presente pesquisa retrata a proposta de um estudo sobre o papel da reflexão e da interação como possível alternativa para implementação de ações promotoras do êxodo da zona de conforto em uma sala de aula de Língua Inglesa. Procurou-se compreender o papel fundamental do professor-pesquisador de refletir sobre sua prática em interagir com seus alunos a fim de encorajá-los a assumir responsabilidade sobre seu processo de aprendizado e a atuar de forma autônoma e crítica pautada pela visão de Celani (2000). Trata-se de uma pesquisa-ação conduzida em uma faculdade de formação de professores de língua estrangeira localizada numa zona semi-residencial de uma região metropolitana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Na investigação, a pesquisadora assumiu o papel de participante, também visando à construção de seu próprio conhecimento sobre as formas como a reflexão e a interação podem contribuir para a conscientização de ações de construção de conhecimento, e a promoção do êxodo da zona de conforto. Participaram deste estudo uma professora de língua inglesa e seu grupo de alunos. Esta pesquisa foi teoricamente fundamentada nas obras de Dewey (1909/1997) sobre a reflexão, Brown & Levinson (1987) sobre a teoria da polidez, Goffman (1967) sobre o estudo da face, Halliday (1994) sobre o uso da linguagem nas práticas sociais, Vygotsky (1930 - 1998; 1934 - 1987) sobre a interação e a construção do conhecimento. Os resultados lançam luz sobre possíveis caminhos para o empoderamento de aprendizes por meio da reflexão e da interação, e o êxodo da zona de conforto.

Alteridade em dissertação e tese: o pesquisador frente aos teóricos

Costa, Mauro Alves da 25 June 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:23:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mauro Alves da Costa.pdf: 573381 bytes, checksum: cdc741b8166783f0a93e5e3c11fd9985 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-06-25 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This work presents a study of alterity forms in research texts according to the enunciative-discursive studies of Bakhtin, and in a special way the concept of alterity, in order to identify the interactions and the positions the researcher establishes with his other in academic genre, dissertation and thesis. The corpus is constituted by two dissertations and a thesis. The dissertations, which are from PUC (SP), were elaborated in two Post-Graduations Programs: Education (Curriculum) and Applied Linguistic and Language Study (LAEL); and the thesis, from the Language Study Institute IEL (UNICAMP). The methodology has two dimensions: a quantitative dimension data organization, identification of authors, dicendi verbs and cited discourse forms; and a dimension of interpretation of the researcher interaction with his other in research texts. In these dimensions, intenta to interpret the roles attributed to the other by the researcher, the position that s he assumes in the interaction with the other and the researcher resulting from this interaction. The texts, all from the 1990s, were separated by a three-year interval (1993, 1996, and 1999) and deal from different perspectives with, a very common theme that has been relevant during these years, the interaction teacher-student in the classroom. They are a representative sample for explaining the most relevant aspects of the researcher interaction with the other in the construction of the scientific text and about the main ways in which the researcher constructs herself in the interaction with the other / Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre as formas de alteridade em Dissertações e Tese à luz dos estudos enunciativo-discursivos de Bakhtin e seu Círculo, e, de modo especial, do conceito de alteridade, procurando identificar as interações e as posições que o pesquisador estabelece com os teóricos. O corpus do trabalho é constituído por duas Dissertações e uma Tese. As Dissertações são da PUC-SP e foram elaboradas em dois Programas de Pós-Graduação: Educação (Currículo) e Lingüística Aplicada e Estudo da Linguagem LAEL; e a Tese, do Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem IEL da Unicamp. Os textos, todos da década de 1990, foram separados em intervalos de três anos (1993, 1996 e 1999) e tratam, sob diferentes perspectivas, de um tema que tem sido relevante ao longo dos anos: a interação entre professor e aluno na sala de aula. A metodologia tem duas dimensões: uma dimensão quantitativa coleta de dados para o corpus, identificação de autores citados, verbos dicendi e esquemas do discurso citado direto e indireto e uma dimensão de interpretação dos atos lingüístico-enunciativos do pesquisador frente aos teóricos. Nessa dimensão, procuramos interpretar os papéis atribuídos aos teóricos pelo pesquisador, a posição que este assume na interação com aqueles, e o pesquisador que resulta dessa interação nas Dissertações e na Tese. Dentre os resultados obtidos descobrimos que, tanto nas Dissertações como na Tese, a interação do pesquisador com os teóricos ocorre de forma diferenciada quanto à qualidade e à quantidade. E dentre as conclusões, uma delas é que em cada Dissertação e na Tese identificamos um pesquisador que se construiu na interação com os teóricos, seu outro

Den kommunicerande forskaren : Forskares tankar kring och arbete med forskningskommunikation / The communicating scientist

Palmgren, Erik, Andersson, Kamala January 2010 (has links)
<p>As the western society gradually turns into a knowledge- and risk society, where science and scientific innovations increasingly both promise to save the world and destroy it, a shift in the relation between the scientific community and the rest of society has emerged. A shift from a top-down one-way transfer view regarding communication, to a dialogue-based interactive co-production model, where the public are part of setting the agenda for research and contribute to the knowledge production. Or at least in theory, in EU documents and in many different country's policy documents. In practical application however, one might have a hard time see the implementation of such model.</p><p>As a more comprehensive and dialogue-based science communication is depending on the possibility for scientist themselves to engage and fell the need to engage, we have focused on their thoughts.</p><p>In this thesis we have examined six scientists view on, and work with, science communication, as well as their perceived social and structural conditions. We have also examined action plans and strategy documents from three Swedish universities that in different ways mention science communication and interaction with the broader society. Finally we have compared the view on science communication that we have found in the documents with that of the scientists.</p><p>We have used qualitative interviews to gather information from the six scientists, who range from 30 to 60 years in age and come from different fields of study. For the documents we used a qualitative analyse, searching for different areas regarding science communication and interaction with society.</p><p>Our finding show that both the view of the scientist and that of the documents, regarding science communication, more resemble that of the older one-way transfer model, although some minor parts remind of a dialogue-based model.</p><p>All the scientists we have interviewed are positive to science communication, especially for its possibility to increase the knowledge in general society and set a ground for better decision making, and also to give legitimacy for both research and the decisions based on it.</p><p>Regarding their practical work with science communication, no one have fixed routines, and the time they spend differ greatly. It is mostly reactive in nature and consist of lectures, popular science articles, participation in interviews in media and conferences etcetera. Three of the scientists use, or are about to use, websites where they communicate their science.</p><p>Socially, most of the scientists both talk extensively with their colleagues about science communication and feel that they think it is important. When it comes to their superior or employer view on science communication most of the scientists don't feel that they act as if it is a subject of concern. Regarding to the academic world at large, they think it is both seen as something positive and sometimes negative. For example some scientists may see it as a positive and important work, while others see the science communication as being part of self promotion and a attempt to raise more funds for specific research. The scientists still feel principle encourage to work with science communication.</p><p>The structural conditions differ between the different scientists, and only one has had training in science communication, although three think they have the possibility to get training. All the scientist have possibility to get some help with their communication however. Two of the scientists felt that their conditions for working with science communication are sufficient, while others feel the need for more resources, time and natural environments for engagement.</p><p>In the action plans and strategy documents we found five interesting areas regarding science communication and engagement with the broader society. First of are their view on science communication and its positive effects. Here all the universities point at the importance of science communication for a sustainable development. They also focus on the benefit for the research in utilizing the knowledge and experience of the broader society. Secondly two of the universities give examples on how they work with science communication. Here they mention open lectures, seminars, study visits, among other. The third area focus on the education of scientist in science communication. Here KTH strongly emphasis the importance education for good leadership and communicative skills for scientists. Fourth, the need for better structural conditions is something that Södertörn stresses, both regarding funding, merits and different departments’ tasks regarding science communication. Last, the importance of business related education as a way of spreading knowledge is something that all the universities focus on.</p>

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