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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Two Different Parties Competing for Two Core Issues? : An Analysis of Liberal, Conservative and Nationalist Values and the Right Ideology in Sweden, 2018-2022

Pramchoobua Jakobsson, Olivia January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to analyze whether an ideological resemblance has occurred between the Moderate Party and the Sweden Democrats during the electoral periods 2018 and 2022. As such, an ideology focused systematic qualitative analysis has been applied with the additional lens of ideal type Liberal, Conservative and Nationalist values. The research questions for this study are: (1) What are differences and similarities between the Moderate Party and the Sweden Democrats in terms of Liberal, Conservative and Nationalist values during the two electoral periods? (2) Did an ideological resemblance occur between the two parties in two measuring points? The main findings of the study points to the implication that there is some degree of pathological normalcy when it comes to the Moderate Party’s election manifestos as there is a widespread use of all three ideal type ideologies in the election manifestoes from both chosen years. At the same time one could argue to a lesser extent that the Sweden Democrats have neared the Moderate Party as the ideal type Liberal values can be found abate to a far lesser extent compared to the the ideal type Nationalist and Conservative values in the election manifestos. As such, one can argue that an ideological resemblance between the two parties is apparent to a degree in the chosen measuring points though differences can also be found within the study between the two parties.

De la grammaire à la rhétorique : analogie et ressemblance dans les structures comparatives / From Grammar to Rhetoric : Resemblance, Analogy in Comparative Structures

Gharbi, Habib 25 June 2013 (has links)
La comparaison a toujours été mal cernée aussi bien du côté de la grammaire que de celui de la rhétorique. Pour cette raison, elle ne trouve pas de place bien précise dans les ouvrages de linguistique ou sinon des analyses hétérogènes succinctes et incomplètes. Cette thèse se propose donc d’uniformiser l’étude de la comparaison en en balayant toutes les formes possibles. Par ailleurs, nous tentons de réhabiliter la distinction relative à la tradition gréco-latine entre la comparatio et la similitudo, qui s’est perdue depuis le XVIIe siècle, période où s’est installée la confusion. A partir d’une méthodologie constructiviste qui va des unités minimales vers le texte, cette étude parcourt tous les niveaux de l’analyse linguistique en partant du niveau grammatical tenu comme niveau de référence jusqu’au niveau rhétorique où sont pris en compte les référents extralinguistiques. Elle aboutit ainsi à des distinctions catégoriques entre comparaison et similitude d’une part et entre celle-ci et la métaphore de l’autre. Ces distinctions sont illustrées par des exemples puisés principalement dans la langue littéraire moderne (XIXe et XXe siècles), lesquels sont accompagnés d’analyses détaillées et de classements mettant en évidence la spécificité de chacune de ces notions qui s’inscrivent dans l’étude de l’analogie et la ressemblance. / Comparison has always been poorly understood whether in grammar or rhetoric. This is why none of the linguistic works or the brief heterogeneous analysis that were made have managed to deal with it in the precise manner they were ought to. Hence comes the objective of my thesis which consists in standardizing the study of Comparison by taking in consideration all of its possible forms. Indeed, I will try to rehabilitate the distinction of the Greco-Roman tradition between Comparatio and Similitudo which was lost since the period of confusion that marked the XVIIth century. Based on a constructive methodology that starts with the smallest units to reach out for the larger text, this study goes through all levels of linguistic analysis, beginning with the grammatical layer, a referential one, to attain the rhetorical layer where extra-linguistic referents are taken into account. It consequently leads to achieve the categorical distinctions between comparison and similitude one the one hand, and between comparison and metaphor on the other. Those distinctions are illustrated by examples drawn basically in modern literature (XIXth and XXth centuries). Interestingly, examples themselves are accompanied with detailed analysis and sundry rankings which are meant to highlight the specificities of every notion in relation to the study of analogy and resemblance.

La traduction à l’épreuve de l’imitation. Traduction, pastiche, pensées de la ressemblance en France et en Italie aux XIXe et XXe siècles / Translation, pastiche, and the thinking of resemblance in France and Italy in the 19th and 20th centuries

Bellomo, Paolo 24 April 2018 (has links)
À partir de l’analyse des discours sur la traduction et le pastiche aux XIXe et XXe siècles, la thèse trace l’archéologie des pensées de la traduction en France et en Italie, souligne la différence radicale de deux territoires pourtant si proches. En articulant les histoires politiques et linguistiques de ces deux pays, ce travail vise à montrer comment l’imaginaire et le sentiment que les cultures française et italienne ont eu de leurs propres langues ont structuré des perceptions foncièrement autres de l’à traduire.La réflexion part d’une lecture de ce que Foucault appelle la « structure parlée du perçu », c’est-à-dire l’ensemble des discours traductifs et imitatifs susceptibles de faire apparaître, par la verbalisation, la perception des ressemblances entre textes premiers et textes seconds. Dans ce travail, la pensée de la traduction est donc moins une pensée produite consciemment par des individus que la pensée appartenant aux discours eux-mêmes et ne pouvant apparaître que dans / A study of the discourses on translation and pastiche in the 19th and 20th centuries serves as a basis to examine the archeology of translation thought in France and Italy, highlighting the radical difference between these neighbor territories. Articulating the political and linguistic histories of the two countries, this work aims to show how the linguistic imaginaries and sentiments which developed in French and Italian culture are responsible for shaping radically other perceptions of the à-traduire (‘yet-to-translate’).This work originates in a reading of what Foucault calls the “spoken structure of the perceived”: the discourses on translation and imitation which, through verbalization, render visible the perception of resemblances between original and second texts. In this thesis, the thinking of translation is less a consciously produced thinking than a thinking belonging to the discourses themselves, which can only appear in their circulation. A thinking that is also an epistemology.

Liberating menageries: animal speaking and "survivance" in Elizabeth Bishop and Gerald Vizenor

Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis demonstrates the ways that nonhuman characters in the literature of Elizabeth Bishop and Gerald Vizenor subvert anthropocentrism, thereby contributing to an ongoing reconsideration of political and ethical approaches to species discourse. Jacques Derrida's work on the philosophical questions regarding nonhuman animals is combined with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's postcolonial perspective on "subaltern speaking" and representation, while Gerald Vizenor's theory of "survivance" provides the theoretical grounding for approaching literary representations of animals within this project. The authors in this study challenge false hierarchical species divisions by constructing fictional spaces that imagine the perspectives of nonhuman beings, consider the importance interspecies relationships, and recontextualize the voices and communication of nonhumans. In providing these counter-narratives, these authors establish a relationship with readers that invites them to reconsider the ramifications of their own ideology of species, reminding them that theory and practice must coexist. / by Tiffany J. Frost. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2013. / Includes bibliography. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / System requirements: Adobe Reader.

A new defence of natural class trope nominalism

Friesen, Lowell K 08 September 2005 (has links)
According to natural class trope nominalism, properties are natural classes of tropes, where the "naturalness" of natural classes is taken to be primitive and unanalyzable. In this thesis I defend natural class trope nominalism from two objections: i) that the naturalness of natural classes is analyzable, and ii) that natural class trope nominalism cannot account for certain modal facts (namely, that there could have been more or fewer tropes of any given type), an objection raised by Nicolas Wolterstorff. I defend natural class trope nominalism from (i) indirectly by presenting several putative analyses (namely, those of D. M. Armstrong, Keith Campbell, and Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereya) of natural classes and arguing that they are all deficient, thereby undermining the claim that natural classes are analyzable. Douglas Ehring has recently defended natural class trope nominalism from (ii) by developing a counterpart theory for types of tropes. However, counterpart theory is not universally accepted. So I present three non-counterpart-theoretic alternatives. The natural class trope nominalist can meet Wolterstorff's objection a) by positing existent, but uninstantiated, tropes, b) by accepting modal realism, and c) by accepting a thesis called 'transworld property exemplification'. / October 2005

全球暖化科普出版品的視覺再現 / Visual Representation of Popular Science Publications of Global Warming

鄧宗聖, Deng, Tzong Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係透過對全球暖化科普出版品的圖像再現分析,研究圖像與公眾溝通暖化議題時的角色、功能與意義,進而討論圖像設計與公眾參與間的關係發展。圖像分析的來源主要以2007年IPCC發表第四次報告後,全球暖化科學知識的發展成熟、確定人為造成暖化及國際社會採取行動等社會氛圍為觀察點,以臺灣出版市場為選材來源,蒐集13本以圖文共構為主的科普文本,取徑符號學並應用家族相似性觀點於圖像再現的分析主軸。 研究者立論與分析思維的處理方式,是以宏觀的知識社會學理論視角,先行探索全球暖化知識的認識論及其在臺灣產製的研究議題,以及科學哲學、風險社會對此知識觀點的探討,再以社會建構論的角色切入,梳理社會建構論者如何分別從規範建構與權力建構的詮釋,分析全球暖化議題與社會間的互動發展關係,並與先前闡述理論形成辯證過程。研究者接著再從媒體再現全球暖化議題的相關研究,進行資料蒐集與分析,討論過去在風險議題下圖像被賦予的角色與功能。最後,研究者據成因面、影響面與解決面為圖像所依附的敘事架構,整理分析出各面向下圖像家族再現的論述主題、議題與意義,將其結果分析與處理後,再與先前的學理對話,形成本研究的發現與結論。 本研究發現成因面圖像多再現科學共識,影響面圖像側重全球暖化帶來的災難事件及不確定性,解決面圖像則再現技術與行為規範的論述。在圖像輔助文本論述的角色界定下,各方面有以下特徵與意義: 首先,文本在描述科學事實與因果關係時,圖像再現會顯示科學文化圈的慣用符碼,如模型、數字、圖表、科學家研究的歷史相片等融入圖像再現,形塑能摒除懷疑、建構嚴謹可信的知識論述。 其次,解釋全球暖化影響時,圖像再現則傾向表現災難正在發生,在各地不斷游移與變動的不確性,來表徵全球暖化風險的系統性與連鎖效應。圖像再現會善用人們認知習慣上的比較手法、恐懼符碼來建構意義:直接影響面上,會以比較法配合描述改變中的自然景觀(融冰、海平面上升),或是各地災難事件的受創場景,以輔助闡述暖化持續進行的現象,並構連宗教文化的神話系統,象徵人類的罪與罰,以激起行動與重生的意念;衍生影響面上,圖像再現則以恐懼相反的修辭策略,如美麗、平和與可愛的動植物圖像及依賴自然生活與生存的人們、文化古都等景觀,搭配控訴暖化破壞的書寫,以建構等待救援受難的他者,圖像在散發出美感外隱藏生命共同體的道德訊息。 最後,文本在議論如何解決風險社會中複雜的系統性利益與需求問題時,再生能源的技術就在其中扮演著關鍵性的工具角色,其中又以太陽能、風能等圖像較常被引用。圖像再現則以車、房為載體,將回收技術、再生能源科技、生態技術的想像與論述置入其中,提供接受科技治理而無須改變現有生活的價值與態度。但是,風車圖像所再現的風場與發電廠,隱藏高技術門檻及科技專家治理的形態,隱藏由政府、產業與科技專家共治的大治理論述;而方舟圖像再現意指科學或科技行動須集思廣益才能事竟其功。在行為規範面,圖像再現節能減碳、綠化環境的行為圖標,輔助個人參與適應暖化行動論述,抗爭與遊行圖像的再現則指涉公眾參與科技民主的一種形式,卻忽略其他多元參與論述的圖像。上述研究發現與學理概念對照與分析後,本研究從公眾參與角度提出以下科普圖像設計的實務建議與創新見解: (一)圖像設計可減少註解式的圖文關係,以故事發揮圖像敘事潛能。 (二)公眾涉入感為理念,設計與公眾生活脈絡相關的圖像與論述。 (三)公眾能動性為理念,邀非專家設計圖像,建立情感與認知連接點。 (四)圖像用以轉化公眾的願景,專家與公眾共構小治理規劃的實踐。 公眾解讀科普與參與傳播,則能豐富媒體素養教育的理論的實踐範疇,圖像則發揮圖像激勵公眾參與的潛能。 / This study examines the roles, the functions, and the significance of images for communication with the public on global warming issues by analyzing image representations of popular science publications on global warming. The study also discusses the relationship development between image design and public participation. According to the study’s findings of popular science images, "cause images" represent scientific consensus, "effect images" correspond to catastrophic events and uncertainties resulting from global warming, and "resolution images" signify the descriptions of technologies and the norms of behaviors. Under the current defined role of images for the supporting text, we observe the following characteristics. First, when describing scientific facts and the cause-and-effect relationships in the content, the representing images of the symbols commonly used by the science culture circle, which include models, numbers, figures/tables, and historical photos, eliminate doubt and allow for the construction of significant and credible knowledgeable narratives. Second, when explaining the impact of global warming, the representing images often lean towards showing the shifting and changing uncertainties caused by disasters that are occurring in order to signify the systems and the chain reactions produced by the risks of global warming. Third and lastly, the study also explores the key roles of sustainable energy technologies for solving the problems of complex systems and the needs of society. The most common images cited are those of solar energy and wind energy. After the comparison and analysis of the abovementioned findings and the concepts of various theories, we provide practical suggestions and innovative insights for a scientific image design from the public participation perspective as follows. (1) Image design can reduce the needs for image annotation, and story-centered images retain great potential for illustration. (2) Public participation shall be considered as the basis for designing public life-correlated images and narratives. (3) Experts should design images based on the concept of public dynamics so as to establish a connection between emotion and recognition. (4) For the transformation of public thought using images, experts and the public should carry out the construction of a small plan together. The public perception of science and public participation in communication can enrich the practical areas of the theories of media literacy education. Images can additionally generate potential benefits through design of public participation.

Sathya Sai Baba as Avatar: "His Story" and the History of an Idea

Spurr, Michael James January 2007 (has links)
I begin this thesis with a brief account of my meetings with popular South Indian guru Sathya Sai Baba (1926- ) and very brief a discussion of recent fraud and sexual abuse allegations that have been made against him. I note that one of the key factors involved in this, also accountable for his extraordinary popularity, is his divine persona-especially his self-proclaimed identity as "the avatar"-and I review previous academic studies pertaining to this. In contrast to most previous studies of Sathya Sai Baba, which align him primarily with Śaiva traditions and with the "Sai Baba movement", I note a strong (and long running) affinity in his ideas for Vaiṣṇava traditions (especially the Bhagavad-Gītā and the Bhāgavata-Purāṇa), and I add that his background as a member of a traditionally highly regarded bardic caste may have contributed to his divine persona. I further investigate this persona via a history of potentially parallel traditional and modern avatar ideas. I show something of the manner in which many of the avatar concepts and myths to which Sathya Sai Baba refers originated and developed, especially invoking the episteme of "resemblance", posited by Brian Smith, the idea of "inclusivism"-which I adapt from the work of Paul Hacker and Wilhelm Halbfass-and traditional (Sāṁkhya) processes of "distinction", "categorization", and "enumeration". In addition to these, I much refer to Max Weber's analysis of "pure types" of authority-traditional, charismatic, and rational-showing that Sathya Sai Baba draws upon all of these in legitimating his claim to be "the avatar". I also show that his divine persona draws upon a strong affinity that he exhibits for advaita ("non-dualism"), especially that of Śaṅkara, and that his personal history of intense devotional and ecstatic/yogic spiritual practices was likely important in the formative stages of this persona. I further suggest that the history of his geographic locale, in which there are strong themes of sacred kingship and ecstatic/advaitic/poetic/devotional sainthood, may have contributed to the production and reception of his persona. On top of this, I note that the influence of a number of modern avatar figures, especially Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, and Aurobindo, is patent in his avatar teachings, and I compare and contrast him with a number of other significant modern figures. Based upon all of this, I consider the question of whether Sathya Sai Baba ought to be regarded as a "traditionalist", both vis-à-vis modernity ("Neo-Hinduism", as defined especially by Paul Hacker) and "innovation". I conclude that, in contrast to most previous scholarly characterizations, he is certainly innovative, but that he ought not to be considered a "Neo-Hindu"-most appearances to the contrary being due to his borrowing or extrapolating ideas in a very traditional manner from typical Neo-Hindu thinkers (especially Vivekananda), as if these ideas, and those that framed them, were thoroughly traditional. Finally, I outline a couple of major themes in his avatar teachings: an ambivalent attitude to his role as an exemplar, which I note to accord with earlier and parallel avatar ideas; and strong docetic tendencies, which similarly, in contrast to some scholarly characterizations, find parallels in popular portrayals of other avatar figures.

A new defence of natural class trope nominalism

Friesen, Lowell K 08 September 2005 (has links)
According to natural class trope nominalism, properties are natural classes of tropes, where the "naturalness" of natural classes is taken to be primitive and unanalyzable. In this thesis I defend natural class trope nominalism from two objections: i) that the naturalness of natural classes is analyzable, and ii) that natural class trope nominalism cannot account for certain modal facts (namely, that there could have been more or fewer tropes of any given type), an objection raised by Nicolas Wolterstorff. I defend natural class trope nominalism from (i) indirectly by presenting several putative analyses (namely, those of D. M. Armstrong, Keith Campbell, and Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereya) of natural classes and arguing that they are all deficient, thereby undermining the claim that natural classes are analyzable. Douglas Ehring has recently defended natural class trope nominalism from (ii) by developing a counterpart theory for types of tropes. However, counterpart theory is not universally accepted. So I present three non-counterpart-theoretic alternatives. The natural class trope nominalist can meet Wolterstorff's objection a) by positing existent, but uninstantiated, tropes, b) by accepting modal realism, and c) by accepting a thesis called 'transworld property exemplification'.

A new defence of natural class trope nominalism

Friesen, Lowell K 08 September 2005 (has links)
According to natural class trope nominalism, properties are natural classes of tropes, where the "naturalness" of natural classes is taken to be primitive and unanalyzable. In this thesis I defend natural class trope nominalism from two objections: i) that the naturalness of natural classes is analyzable, and ii) that natural class trope nominalism cannot account for certain modal facts (namely, that there could have been more or fewer tropes of any given type), an objection raised by Nicolas Wolterstorff. I defend natural class trope nominalism from (i) indirectly by presenting several putative analyses (namely, those of D. M. Armstrong, Keith Campbell, and Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereya) of natural classes and arguing that they are all deficient, thereby undermining the claim that natural classes are analyzable. Douglas Ehring has recently defended natural class trope nominalism from (ii) by developing a counterpart theory for types of tropes. However, counterpart theory is not universally accepted. So I present three non-counterpart-theoretic alternatives. The natural class trope nominalist can meet Wolterstorff's objection a) by positing existent, but uninstantiated, tropes, b) by accepting modal realism, and c) by accepting a thesis called 'transworld property exemplification'.

Aplicación para el reconocimiento de canciones por medio del tarareo o canto, utilizando métodos de aislamiento vocal y análisis de frecuencias / Perfect Melody: Application for recognizing songs from melodies sung by a user

Alfaro Paredes, Edwin Luis 30 January 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto de tesis tiene como objetivo desarrollar una aplicación que permita reconocer canciones, por medio del tarareo o canto de una persona. Por este motivo, se ha analizado el estado del arte para conocer cuáles son las mejores soluciones hasta el momento y considerarlos como guía para ofrecer una propuesta. En este proceso, se encontraron los conceptos necesarios para el entendimiento de la problemática y desarrollo de la posible solución. Las partes más importantes del aplicativo son la extracción de descriptores para el poblado de la base de datos y la comparación entre los descriptores y el tarareo para obtener las canciones más similares. / The purpose of this thesis is to develop an application that allows songs to be recognized from the humming or singing of a person. For this reason, the state of the art has been analyzed to know what the best solutions are so far and to consider them as a guide to offer a proposal. In this process, the necessary concepts were found for understanding the problem and developing the possible solution. The most important parts of the application are the extraction of descriptors for the construction of the database and the comparison between the descriptors and the humming to obtain the most similar songs. / Trabajo de investigación

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