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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cirkulär masshantering : En fallstudie om optimerad resurseffektivitet inom projekt Ostlänken / Circular mass management : A case study on optimized resource efficiency in the East Link Project

Hosseini, Arvin January 2018 (has links)
Rapportens syfte har varit att uppmärksamma återanvändningspotentialen hos jordmassor och hur resurseffektivitet kan optimeras i projekt Ostlänken samt stora infrastrukturprojekt i allmänhet. Det praktiska syftet med studien är att bidra till en mer hållbar masshantering i projekt Ostlänken. Denna rapport har skrivits i form av en fallstudie med två typfall där triangulering har implementerats i forsknings-metodiken för att kombinera kvalitativa med kvantitativa metoder. Kriterier för rapportens analys-metod är baserad på en samlad effektivitetsbedömning där analyserade kriterier är ekonomi, klimat och risk. Resultatet indikerar att jordmassor som transporteras med semitrailer utanför ett projektområde till en fiktiv deponi-plats är både mer kostsamt och emitterar mer CO2-ekv. jämfört med jordmassor som transporteras med dumper innanför ett projektområde för återanvändningsändamål. Analysen visar att en ökad maxlast i kombination med en kortare sträcka är det mest kostnadseffektiva alternativet. Studien belyser även vikten av att inkludera hela värdekedjan (beställare-konsult-entreprenad) och uppdatera branschens annars konservativa förhållningssätt gällande masshanteringsarbetet. / The purpose of the report is to pay attention to the reuse potential of soil masses in infrastructure projects, specifically the East Link Project and how resource efficiency can be optimized. The practical purpose of the study is to contribute to a more sustainable mass management in the East Link Project. This report has been written in the form of a case study with two types of cases where triangulation has been implemented in the research methodology to combine qualitative with quantitative methods. Criterions for the analytical method of the report are based on an overall efficiency assessment, where analyzed criterions are economy, climate and risk. The result indicates that excavated soil masses that are transported by semi-trailers outside the project area to a fictional landfill are costlier and emit more CO2 equivalents than soil masses that are transported by a dumper truck inside the project area for reuse purposes. The analysis indicates that an increased maximum load in combination with a shorter distance is the most cost-efficient option. The study also highlights the importance of including the entire value chain (client-consultant-contractor) as well as updating the industry's otherwise conservative approach to mass management.

Zustandsüberwachung von Maschinen durch Datenabgriff an bestehender Sensorik und Nachrüstung einfacher Energiemesstechnik an Bestandsmaschinen

Grundmann, Andreas, Schmidt, Jens, Reuter, Thomas 28 November 2023 (has links)
Metall- und Maschinenbauunternehmen müssen im Durchschnitt pro Jahr ca. zwei Prozent ihres Umsatzes für Strom und Erdgas ausgeben und die Unternehmer gehen von weiteren Preissteigerungen aus. Damit rückt das Thema Energieeinsparung stärker denn je in den Fokus und wird zu einem strategischen Faktor. Um Kosten zu sparen und Wettbewerbsvorteile zu sichern, ist es notwendig, zielgenaue Energieeinsparmaßnahmen einzuleiten. Die ersten Maßnahmen, welche die meisten Maschinenbauunternehmen umsetzen, sind die Erneuerung der Beleuchtungs-, Heizungs- und Lüftungsanlage, die Verbesserung der Drucklufterzeugung sowie die thematische Sensibilisierung der Mitarbeiter. Aber auch in Maschinen mit ihren dazugehörigen elektrischen Antrieben, Lüftern und Aggregaten verbirgt sich eine große Menge an Optimierungspotenzial. Allerdings ist es hier notwendig nicht die Verbraucher im Einzelnen, sondern die Maschine und deren Prozesse im Ganzen zu betrachten. Meist fehlen hierfür aber geeignete Schnittstellen, um die Messwerte von Sensoren (bspw. Temperatur-, Drucksensoren, etc.) und Antrieben auslesen zu können, was dazu führt, dass diese Potenziale nicht ausgeschöpft werden.

Condition monitoring of machines by tapping data from existing sensors and retrofitting simple energy measurement technology to existing machines

Grundmann, Andreas, Schmidt, Jens, Reuter, Thomas 28 November 2023 (has links)
The average metal and mechanical engineering company must spend around two per cent of its annual turnover on electricity and natural gas, and companies are expecting further price increases. As a result, the issue of energy saving is becoming more of a strategic factor than ever before. In order to save costs and ensure competitive advantages, it is necessary to introduce precise energy-saving measures. The first steps taken by most mechanical engineering companies are to replace lighting, heating, and ventilation systems, improve compressed air generation and raise employee awareness. However, there is also a great potential for optimization in machines with their individual electrical drives, fans, and units. In this case, though, it is necessary to look at the machine and its processes as a whole rather than the individual electrical energy consumers. In most cases, however, there is a lack of suitable interfaces for analyzing the measured values from sensors (e.g. temperature, pressure sensors, etc.) and drives, which concludes that this potential is not fully exploited.

Underutnyttjade energi-, material- och vattenresurser i Sverige : Ökad resurseffektivitet genom sektorsövergripande samverkan / Underutilized energy, material and water resources in Sweden : Increased resource efficiency through cross-sector collaboration

Nyrot Ronsten, Beatrice, Nilsson, Elise January 2024 (has links)
För att tillgodose grundläggande mänskliga behov och skapa välfärd använder världens länder en betydande andel av jordens resurser. Under de senaste 50 åren har det gått att bevittna en stigande trend när det gäller resursanvändning men för att möjliggöra en hållbar utveckling krävs en minskad resursanvändning vilket kan uppnås genom ökad resurseffektivitet. En ökad resurseffektivitet kan också leda till en ökad energieffektivitet, eftersom  extraktion, bearbetning och användning av material och vatten kräver energi. Ett verktyg för att uppnå detta är industriell och urban symbios vilket innebär att synergier skapas mellan aktörer inom och mellan sektorer för att bättre nyttja olika typer av resurser.  Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka vilka restflöden av energi, material och vatten i den svenska ekonomin som kan anses vara underutnyttjande och möjligheten att nyttja dessa flöden mer resurseffektivt genom sektorsövergripande samverkan som industriell och urban symbios. För att besvara syftet och forskningsfrågorna genomfördes en intervjustudie med branschföreträdare för de sektorer i Sverige som använder mest energi och vatten samt genererar mest avfall. Befintlig litteratur och tidigare projekt användes också för att fördjupa, analysera och verifiera resultatet. Genom intervjustudien identifierades 26 underutnyttjade restflöden i 13 sektorer. Av dessa analyserades följande 16 flöden; anrikningssand, avloppsslam, bark, energiaskor, fiberslam, GROT, grönlutsslam, gödsel, halm, koldioxid, lignin, livsmedelsavfall och livsmedelsförluster, restvärme, slagg, värme i avloppsvatten samt återvunnet vatten. Alla dessa flöden har potential att generera ett högre värde genom en alternativ hantering och är möjliga att material- eller energiåtervinna. Totalt identifierades 45 olika typer av alternativa hanteringar för dessa flöden.  I arbetet presenteras flödenas storlek, nuvarande hanteringssätt och möjliga alternativa metoder. Hur utbud och tillförsel av flödena ser ut och i vilken grad de är kontaminerade av andra ämnen och därmed kräver bearbetning innan en alternativ hantering är möjlig behandlas också. Vilka krav som finns på omgivningen och andra aktörer, så kallade ekosystemkrav, presenteras tillsammans med de hinder som identifierats för en mer resurseffektiv hantering. Ekosystemkraven och hindren klassificeras utifrån determinanter för industriell och urban symbios. De mest frekvent återkommande var teknofysiska ekosystemkrav samt ekonomiska- och marknadsrelaterade hinder.  De analyserade restflödena motsvarar 28 % av Sveriges inhemska materialkonsumtion, 8 % av Sveriges energitillförsel samt 46 % av lantbrukets och industrins vattenanvändning i Sverige. För att nyttja restflödena mer resurseffektivt krävs både en förändrad definition av värdet på restflödena och sektorsövergripande samverkan som exempelvis industriell och urban symbios. Lokala och regionala förutsättningar kan påverka potentialen för varje specifikt fall. Kemisektorn, energisektorn samt massa- och pappersindustrin är tillsammans med statliga aktörer viktiga för att utveckla mer sektorsövergripande samverkan. / To meet fundamental human needs and foster well-being, nations worldwide consume a substantial portion of Earth’s resources. The past half-century has witnessed a consistent uptrend in resource utilization. However, sustainable development necessitates a reduction in resource consumption, achievable through increased resource efficiency. Such efficiency not only conserves resources but could also lead to energy efficiency, given that the extraction, processing, and usage of materials and water are energy-intensive processes. Industrial and urban symbiosis fosters synergies among stakeholders within and across sectors, optimizing the use of diverse resource types. This thesis aims to explore the underutilized residual flows of energy, materials, and water within the Swedish economy and to assess the feasibility of their more efficient utilization through cross-sectoral collaborations, exemplified by industrial and urban symbiosis. An interview study involving representatives from Sweden’s most energy and water-intensive sectors, as well as the largest producers of waste, was conducted to address the thesis objectives and research questions. The study was complemented by a review of existing literature and previous projects to deepen the analysis and validate the findings. This approach led to the identification of 26 underutilized residual flows across 13 sectors. Among these, 16 flows were analysed: tailings, sewage sludge, bark, energy ashes, fiber sludge, tops and branches, green liquor dregs, manure, straw, carbon dioxide, lignin, food waste and losses, residual heat, slag, heat in wastewater and recycled water. Each flow harbors the potential for value generation through alternative management practices that could lead to material or energy recovery. In total, 45 distinct alternative management practices were identified for these flows. The thesis presents the magnitude of the flows, their current management practices, and potential alternative methods. It also examines the supply of the flows, the degree of contamination by other substances, and the necessary processing before alternative management can be put into practice. Additionally, it outllnes the ecosystem requirements, alongside the barriers to more efficient resource management. These requirements and barriers are categorized based on the determinants of industrial and urban symbiosis where the techno-physical and economic and market related are more common. The analyzed residual flows represent 28 % of Sweden’s domestic material consumption, 8 % of its energy supply, and 46 % of the water used in the nation’s agriculture and industry. To utilize these flows more efficiently, a reevaluation of their value is imperative, as is the establishment of cross-sectoral collaborations like industrial and urban symbiosis. The potential for such utilization is subject to local and regional conditions. The chemical sector, energy sector, and paper and pulp industry, together with governmental agencies, play an important part in fostering broader cross-sectoral cooperation.

Sustainability and the Circular Economy

Clift, R., Martin, G., Mair, Simon 08 November 2021 (has links)
No / Sustainability is a triad including techno-economic efficiency, compatibility with the “Planetary Boundaries”, and equity - enabling a decent quality of life for all. Circular Economy models often focus only on closing material flows in order to increase economic activity or market share. This overlooks the equity dimension. Here we focus on the Performance Economy, which extends the Circular Economy in ways that can enhance equity. The Performance Economy model concentrates on making best use of stocks in the economy, including labour which is a renewable resource. Extending product life through re-use, remanufacturing and reprocessing and shifting from non-renewable inputs (including energy) to renewable inputs (including labour) can improve resource efficiency and increase the supply of rewarding employment. The Performance Economy requires changes in business practices more than technological innovation, including a different view of the functions of value chains, and can be promoted by different approaches to taxation.

Narratives on Circular Economy in the Built Environment / Narrativ kring cirkulär ekonomi inom den byggda miljön

Pavlic, Andrea January 2024 (has links)
The concept of the circular economy has existed for a long time in various historical and political contexts. Still, it has gained significant popularity over the past decade, primarily due to the efforts of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. Today, it is embraced by diverse stakeholders, including governmental bodies, influential forums, leading corporations, consulting firms, cities, and regions. This thesis details the development of narratives surrounding the circular economy and examines how contemporary university researchers perceive and define the concept. The findings reveal strong contrasts between different narratives, both in the literature and among interviewed researchers. The varied interpretations of the circular economy concept allow it to be adapted to different contexts, contributing to its widespread appeal. However, some view the circular economy as a consultant-driven concept that struggles to meet its promises, while others see it as the only viable alternative to the linear economy. Despite its name, the circular economy is primarily a model of material flows rather than an economic model. In the built environment, particularly in the construction and demolition sector, the principles of the circular economy—such as reduced resource use and increased recycling—are of higher interest due to the sector's substantial emissions and waste. / Cirkulär ekonomi som idé har funnits under lång tid i olika historiska och politiska sammanhang, men dess popularitet har ökat de senaste tio åren, främst till följd av Ellen MacArthur Foundations arbete. Idag har begreppet omfamnats av allt ifrån statliga organ, inflytelserika forum, ledande företag, konsultfirmor, till städer och regioner. Denna studie undersöker hur narrativen kring cirkulär ekonomi har utvecklats över tid och hur samtida universitetsforskare uppfattar och definierar begreppet. Resultatet visar att det finns en stark kontrast mellan de olika narrativen, både i litteraturen och bland de intervjuade forskarna. De varierande tolkningarna av begreppet cirkulär ekonomi gör att det kan anpassas till olika ändamål, vilket har bidragit till dess popularitet, även om synen på cirkulär ekonomi skiftar – vissa ser den som ett konsultdrivet koncept som har svårt att uppfylla sina löften, medan andra ser den som det enda hållbara alternativet till den linjära ekonomin. Trots sitt namn är cirkulär ekonomi främst en modell för materiella flöden snarare än en ekonomisk modell. Inom den byggda miljön, särskilt inom bygg- och fastighetssektorn, är grundprinciperna för cirkulär ekonomi såsom minskad resursanvändning och ökad återvinning av större intresse på grund av sektorns betydande utsläpp och avfall.

Bases teóricas para a concepção e a gestão de Programas de Produção mais Limpa adequados a grupos de empresas

Dutra, Cléber José Cunha January 2008 (has links)
Considerada a importância de que os Programas de Produção mais Limpa (PPLs) são investidos e os problemas constatados com suas performances em todo o mundo, avalia-se como crítica a ausência de Bases Teóricas para avaliar esses programas. Na Literatura acadêmica para este tema, não se encontram abordagens que orientem a Concepção e a Gestão dos PPLs. Movida por estas constatações críticas e pelo senso de urgência em atender esta carência, a pesquisa empreendida, da qual parte dos resultados compõem esta Tese, se dedica à construção de Bases fundamentadas em áreas do conhecimento científico que apóiem a avaliação dos PPLs. Diante da escassez de abordagens teóricas para este propósito, esta Tese se constitui em estudo exploratório e voltado à proposição de um conjunto de enfoques que atenda à sua meta fundamental. Sugerindo que o conjunto resultante estabeleça um arcabouço teórico primário, dirigem-se os enfoques para três níveis de análise : (i) aspectos externos a um Programa a avaliar (macro-análise); (ii) constituição estrutural deste PPL e dinâmicas de seus componentes (meso-análise); e (iii) aspectos psico-sociológicos das relações internas no PPL (micro-análise). Define-se o nivel de meso-análise como foco das elaborações da Tese, para o qual se desenvolvem dois enfoques. Aos enfoques elaborados para os outros dois níveis de análise dedicam-se menores desenvolvimentos, limitando-se a indicar sua integração com os enfoques do nível de meso-análise e seus posteriores desdobramentos e aprofundamentos. Para as construções dos enfoques, utiliza-se de revisões amplas na literatura de Teorias de Aprendizagem, Teorias Organizacionais, Psicologia Ambiental, Complexidade e Gestão da Mudança, como apoios para a revisão de publicações acadêmicas sobre PPLs. Limitações constatadas para estas elaborações teóricas do conjunto de enfoques destacam a importância de uma fase complementar de estudos empíricos qualitativos que, na Tese, prioriza aperfeiçoar o enfoque para Análise Estrutural. Empregando-se principalmente a abordagem de Estudos de Caso e recursos adaptados da Grounded Theory, elabora-se um Esboço Estrutural para este enfoque. A consolidação da integração dos enfoques propostos pela Tese alcança maior consistência pela aplicação do Esboço Estrutural para descrever aspectos dos Casos estudados em um Estudo de Caso Genérico, acompanhada de uma série de análises que integram, progressivamente, conceitos teóricos das ferramentas analíticas que compõem os enfoques. A base da lógica que coordena concepções e construções da Tese se alicerça no enfoque de Pensamento Complexo de Morin, operacionalizada através da dialética hermenêutica que orienta a postura de pesquisa. Tais escolhas filosófico-epistemológicas proporcionam nexo para a integração complexa de múltiplos e variados fatores e conceitos que passam a compor os enfoques, conciliando ambigüidades, oposições e paradoxos típicos dos fenômenos observados nos PPLs. Como resultados, alcança-se evidente capacidade do conjunto de enfoques elaborado para avaliar PPLs de diversos arranjos organizacionais, permitindo-se interpretações ricas dos aspectos que concorrem para seus resultados, o que atende ao propósito original de contribuir para a compreensão de suas performances. Desta forma, a Tese oferece contributo significativo para um campo de conhecimento que carece de contribuições teóricas urgentes. / A critical lack of approaches based on theoretical fundamentals to evaluating Cleaner Production Programmes (CPPs) in the academic literature collides with the significance of these programmes and with their crucial performance problems all over the world. Scientific guidance on designing and managing CPPs is nonexistent or unavailable to regular search on academic publications. Intending to reduce this scarcity of scientific knowledge, the research from which this Thesis gathers its results conceives approaches supported by theoretical underpinnings aimed to evaluate CPPs. Given the knowledge insufficiency on this subject, this Thesis constitutes an exploratory study devoted to the proposition of a set of analytical approaches. This set is intended to establish a basic theoretical framework whose approaches are designed to fit three analytical levels : (i) external aspects of a Programme under assessment (macro-analysis); (ii) structural constitution of this CPP and the dynamics of its components (meso-analysis); and (iii) psycho-sociological aspects of the CPP internal relations (micro-analysis). The main focus of elaborative work concerns the meso-analysis level, to which two approaches have been developed. Less development is dedicated to the other levels and the Thesis confines the elaboration of their approaches to their vital fit and sound synergy with the approaches of the meso-analysis level. The study indicates detailed features of the micro-analysis approach and how they develop in future advanced stages of the research. Similar indications of future developments for the macro-analysis approach receive attention in the discussions. Encompassing reviews of the literature on Learning Theories, Organisational Theories, Environmental Psychology, Complexity and Organisational Change underpin the conception and development of the approaches, integrating elements drew on an extensive review of the academic literature on CPPs. In order to overcome limitations pointed out from the elaboration of the approaches, a complementary empirical phase of qualitative research assumes vital importance to the study and its priority focused improvements in the structural analysis approach. Case Study methods and adapted features of Grounded Theory served as main contributing approaches/techniques to the complex confection of a Structural Blueprint for this analytical approach. Applying this Structural Blueprint as a tool to describe aspects examined in actual Cases, composing a Generic Case Study, followed by a series of analyses that progressively integrate theoretical concepts of the proposed approaches into the assessment supported by the Blueprint, the study succeed in consolidating the integration of the analytical approaches. The logical basis steering Thesis conceptions and developments stands on Morin’s concept of Complex Thinking, which provides guidance to the hermeneutic dialectic conducted in accordance with the study’s research posture. Nexus afforded by such philosophic-epistemological orientation prevails in the complex integration of multiple and diverse factors and concepts embodied in the analytical approaches, providing consonance for the typical ambiguities, oppositions, and paradoxes observed in phenomena related to CPPs. The proposed set of approaches features evident capacity to evaluate CPPs holding varied organisational arrangements, imparting rich interpretations of aspects that contribute to their results and serving its original purpose of assisting the comprehension of their performance. Thus the Thesis offers relevant contribution to this field of knowledge, which demands urgent theoretical advancements.

Resource efficiency of the ski industry in New Zealand

Reiser, Axel January 2002 (has links)
Skiing and snowboarding are popular recreation activities in New Zealand, as well as constituting important components of the winter tourism product. The 2001 snow season witnessed record visitor numbers. Skier days have increased by more than 10% compared with the previous year to 1.254 million. The traditionally “nature related” activity of skiing, however has increasingly often been discussed in the light of excessive resource consumption and pollution of alpine environments. Since no research on resource efficient management of ski fields has been undertaken in New Zealand, this study examined environmental awareness and actions of ski field managers, resource consumption benchmarks (water and energy use, solid waste production), along with resource use related visitor behaviour. Two separate surveys were undertaken to collect relevant information from ski field managers and ski field visitors. While a census of managers across New Zealand was conducted with a mail-back questionnaire (all 27 ski fields were contacted, response rate 44%), the visitor survey was undertaken on-site at six selected ski fields in Canterbury, South Island (total responses: N=259). Analysis of the survey results showed that managers generally acted to protect the environment and resources, however, at different levels for the various indicators measured. Energy use and air pollution were rarely perceived to be environmentally important. Accordingly, only few actions were undertaken to reduce energy use. This is surprising, since energy consumption proved to be a major feature of ski field management. Given the additionally large amounts of water consumed (mainly for snowmaking) and solid waste produced on the mountain, skiing has to be classified as a resource intensive activity. Resource consumption is intensified further, when the impacts associated with tourists being transported to, and from, the mountain are considered. Energy use for “ski trip transport” within New Zealand is two times larger (180 MJ) than energy use associated with ski field infrastructure use (90 MJ) on a per skier day basis. There are several options to improve the environmental performance of ski fields, ranging from modernising equipment, optimising snowmaking and providing efficient transport alternatives. Additionally, increased cooperation between ski field managers, local governments and research institutes could potentially result in environmentally smarter operational practices. Internationally, New Zealand’s ski areas compare relatively well, mainly because of limited on-mountain entertainment and accommodation development, which keeps resource consumption and pollution low compared with European and North American ski fields. However, this research also indicated that New Zealand’s ski field visitors increasingly demand facilities and services similar to those overseas, which in turn may result in larger environmental impacts. New Zealand is generally believed to be a green and nature-related destination and its ski areas still blend well into the natural environment. Hence, there is some potential for the New Zealand ski industry to develop a unique product in such a way that it is both, sustainable and distinguishable from other international markets.

Bases teóricas para a concepção e a gestão de Programas de Produção mais Limpa adequados a grupos de empresas

Dutra, Cléber José Cunha January 2008 (has links)
Considerada a importância de que os Programas de Produção mais Limpa (PPLs) são investidos e os problemas constatados com suas performances em todo o mundo, avalia-se como crítica a ausência de Bases Teóricas para avaliar esses programas. Na Literatura acadêmica para este tema, não se encontram abordagens que orientem a Concepção e a Gestão dos PPLs. Movida por estas constatações críticas e pelo senso de urgência em atender esta carência, a pesquisa empreendida, da qual parte dos resultados compõem esta Tese, se dedica à construção de Bases fundamentadas em áreas do conhecimento científico que apóiem a avaliação dos PPLs. Diante da escassez de abordagens teóricas para este propósito, esta Tese se constitui em estudo exploratório e voltado à proposição de um conjunto de enfoques que atenda à sua meta fundamental. Sugerindo que o conjunto resultante estabeleça um arcabouço teórico primário, dirigem-se os enfoques para três níveis de análise : (i) aspectos externos a um Programa a avaliar (macro-análise); (ii) constituição estrutural deste PPL e dinâmicas de seus componentes (meso-análise); e (iii) aspectos psico-sociológicos das relações internas no PPL (micro-análise). Define-se o nivel de meso-análise como foco das elaborações da Tese, para o qual se desenvolvem dois enfoques. Aos enfoques elaborados para os outros dois níveis de análise dedicam-se menores desenvolvimentos, limitando-se a indicar sua integração com os enfoques do nível de meso-análise e seus posteriores desdobramentos e aprofundamentos. Para as construções dos enfoques, utiliza-se de revisões amplas na literatura de Teorias de Aprendizagem, Teorias Organizacionais, Psicologia Ambiental, Complexidade e Gestão da Mudança, como apoios para a revisão de publicações acadêmicas sobre PPLs. Limitações constatadas para estas elaborações teóricas do conjunto de enfoques destacam a importância de uma fase complementar de estudos empíricos qualitativos que, na Tese, prioriza aperfeiçoar o enfoque para Análise Estrutural. Empregando-se principalmente a abordagem de Estudos de Caso e recursos adaptados da Grounded Theory, elabora-se um Esboço Estrutural para este enfoque. A consolidação da integração dos enfoques propostos pela Tese alcança maior consistência pela aplicação do Esboço Estrutural para descrever aspectos dos Casos estudados em um Estudo de Caso Genérico, acompanhada de uma série de análises que integram, progressivamente, conceitos teóricos das ferramentas analíticas que compõem os enfoques. A base da lógica que coordena concepções e construções da Tese se alicerça no enfoque de Pensamento Complexo de Morin, operacionalizada através da dialética hermenêutica que orienta a postura de pesquisa. Tais escolhas filosófico-epistemológicas proporcionam nexo para a integração complexa de múltiplos e variados fatores e conceitos que passam a compor os enfoques, conciliando ambigüidades, oposições e paradoxos típicos dos fenômenos observados nos PPLs. Como resultados, alcança-se evidente capacidade do conjunto de enfoques elaborado para avaliar PPLs de diversos arranjos organizacionais, permitindo-se interpretações ricas dos aspectos que concorrem para seus resultados, o que atende ao propósito original de contribuir para a compreensão de suas performances. Desta forma, a Tese oferece contributo significativo para um campo de conhecimento que carece de contribuições teóricas urgentes. / A critical lack of approaches based on theoretical fundamentals to evaluating Cleaner Production Programmes (CPPs) in the academic literature collides with the significance of these programmes and with their crucial performance problems all over the world. Scientific guidance on designing and managing CPPs is nonexistent or unavailable to regular search on academic publications. Intending to reduce this scarcity of scientific knowledge, the research from which this Thesis gathers its results conceives approaches supported by theoretical underpinnings aimed to evaluate CPPs. Given the knowledge insufficiency on this subject, this Thesis constitutes an exploratory study devoted to the proposition of a set of analytical approaches. This set is intended to establish a basic theoretical framework whose approaches are designed to fit three analytical levels : (i) external aspects of a Programme under assessment (macro-analysis); (ii) structural constitution of this CPP and the dynamics of its components (meso-analysis); and (iii) psycho-sociological aspects of the CPP internal relations (micro-analysis). The main focus of elaborative work concerns the meso-analysis level, to which two approaches have been developed. Less development is dedicated to the other levels and the Thesis confines the elaboration of their approaches to their vital fit and sound synergy with the approaches of the meso-analysis level. The study indicates detailed features of the micro-analysis approach and how they develop in future advanced stages of the research. Similar indications of future developments for the macro-analysis approach receive attention in the discussions. Encompassing reviews of the literature on Learning Theories, Organisational Theories, Environmental Psychology, Complexity and Organisational Change underpin the conception and development of the approaches, integrating elements drew on an extensive review of the academic literature on CPPs. In order to overcome limitations pointed out from the elaboration of the approaches, a complementary empirical phase of qualitative research assumes vital importance to the study and its priority focused improvements in the structural analysis approach. Case Study methods and adapted features of Grounded Theory served as main contributing approaches/techniques to the complex confection of a Structural Blueprint for this analytical approach. Applying this Structural Blueprint as a tool to describe aspects examined in actual Cases, composing a Generic Case Study, followed by a series of analyses that progressively integrate theoretical concepts of the proposed approaches into the assessment supported by the Blueprint, the study succeed in consolidating the integration of the analytical approaches. The logical basis steering Thesis conceptions and developments stands on Morin’s concept of Complex Thinking, which provides guidance to the hermeneutic dialectic conducted in accordance with the study’s research posture. Nexus afforded by such philosophic-epistemological orientation prevails in the complex integration of multiple and diverse factors and concepts embodied in the analytical approaches, providing consonance for the typical ambiguities, oppositions, and paradoxes observed in phenomena related to CPPs. The proposed set of approaches features evident capacity to evaluate CPPs holding varied organisational arrangements, imparting rich interpretations of aspects that contribute to their results and serving its original purpose of assisting the comprehension of their performance. Thus the Thesis offers relevant contribution to this field of knowledge, which demands urgent theoretical advancements.

Raw Material Consumption - Ett mått på Sveriges materialanvändning i ett mer resurseffektivt samhälle / Raw Material Consumption - A measure of Swedish material use in a more resource efficient society

André, Axel January 2018 (has links)
Att kunna mäta vår materialanvändning är centralt i omställningen till ett resurseffektivare samhälle och en cirkulär ekonomi. Inom EU används Domestic Material Consumption (DMC) som indikator för materialanvändning. Den beräknas genom att addera de material som ett land utvinner, plus de material som importeras, minus de material som exporteras. Det finns kritik mot DMC då den endast tar hänsyn till vikten på import- och exportprodukter då de korsar landsgränsen. DMC inkluderar inte de uppströms material som gått åt för att producera en produkt, men som inte syns i slutprodukten (den så kallade materialryggsäcken).   Den ökade globaliseringen har för många länder lett till en förflyttning av produktion utomlands, och för att beräkna dessa länders totala materialanvändning krävs det att hänsyn tas till importerade och exporterade produkters materialryggsäck. Raw Material Consumption (RMC) är en indikator som tar hänsyn till materialryggsäcken, men den har idag ingen standardiserad beräkningsmetod. Både RMC och DMC används inom Agenda 2030 för att följa upp FN:s hållbarhetsmål 12 ”Hållbar konsumtion och produktion”, samt hållbarhetsmål 8 ”Anständiga arbetsvillkor och ekonomisk tillväxt”. Endast DMC används idag inom EU.   Syftet med projektet var att beräkna Sveriges materialanvändning med hjälp av indikatorn Raw Material Consumption (RMC), samt att identifiera styrkor och svagheter hos RMC. Eurostats RME-verktyg användes för att beräkna RMC. Enligt RMC ökade Sveriges totala materialanvändning från 198 miljoner ton råmaterialekvivalenter (RME) år 2008, till 221 miljoner ton RME år 2015, motsvarande 21,4 ton RME per capita 2008 till 22,6 ton RME per capita 2015. Resultaten jämfördes med resultat för Sveriges DMC som Statistiska Centralbyrån tagit fram. RMC och DMC gav liknande resultat för Sveriges totala materialanvändning. Detta tros bero på att materialryggsäcken för den svenska importen är ungefär lika stor som för exporten och att den största materialkategorin, icke-metalliska mineraler, utgör en liten del av vår handelsbalans och därför inte påverkas i någon större utsträckning när importerade och exporterade produkters materialryggsäck inkluderas. På materialkategorinivå är dock skillnaderna mellan RMC och DMC större.   Resultat från Eurostats RME-verktyg som tagits fram i denna studie, har jämförts med resultat som OECD och UNEP tagit fram för Sveriges RMC. De har använt en annan beräkningsmetod än den RME-verktyget tillämpar. Skillnaden i total RMC för de olika beräkningsmetoderna är mellan 11 % och 22 %. På materialkategorinivå är skillnaderna större, över 50 % för fossila bränslen exempelvis. Liknande resultat har påvisats i en studie som jämförde Österrikes RMC för år 2007 med olika beräkningsmetoder.   Både DMC och RMC kan användas som indikatorer för resurseffektivitet och cirkulär ekonomi, men vid jämförelse mellan länder är RMC teoretiskt en mer lämplig indikator. Detta eftersom många länder idag har flyttat stora delar av sin produktion utomlands, och DMC därför riskerar att ge en skev bild över resurseffektivitet och frikoppling, när materialryggsäcken inte inkluderas. / Being able to measure the amount of materials used in society, is central in the transition to a resource-efficient and circular economy. Within the EU, Domestic Material Consumption (DMC) is currently used as indicator for material use. It is calculated by adding the materials that a country extracts, plus the materials imported, minus the materials being exported. There is criticism of DMC, as a measure, since it only considers the weight of imported and exported goods when they cross the country border. It does not consider the upstream materials needed to produce a product, which are not represented in the final product (the so-called material backpack). Globalisation has led to a geographical disconnection in production and consumption, and to consider net-importing countries’ total material consumption, it is necessary to include traded product’s material backpack. Raw Material Consumption (RMC) considers the material backpack, but is currently without a standardised calculation method. Both RMC and DMC are used in Agenda 2030 to follow up the UN Sustainability Development Goal 12 "Sustainable Consumption and Production", as well as Goal 8 "Decent Work Conditions and Economic Growth". Only DMC is used today in the EU.   The aim of this project was to calculate Sweden’s material consumption, using the indicator Raw Material Consumption (RMC), as well as identifying strengths and weaknesses of RMC. For calculating RMC, Eurostat’s RME-tool has been used. According to RMC, Sweden's total material usage increased from 2008 when it amounted to 198 million tonnes of raw material equivalents (RME), to 221 million tonnes RME in 2015. There has also been an increase per capita: 21,4 RME per capita in 2008 to 22,6 RME per capita in 2015. These results have been compared with the results for Sweden's DMC, calculated by SCB. RMC and DMC gave similar results for Sweden's total material consumption. This is believed to be due to the similar size of the material backpack of imports and exports. Another reason is believed to be due to Sweden’s largest material category, non-metallic minerals, is a small part of our trade balance, and therefore is not affected when the material backpack is included. At the material category level, however, the differences between RMC and DMC are greater.   Results from Eurostat's RME tool, calculated in this study, have been compared with results presented by the OECD and UNEP. They have used a different calculation method for Sweden’s RMC than the RME tool applies. The difference in total RMC for different calculation methods is between 11 % and 22 %. At material category level, the differences are greater, more than 50 % for fossil fuels, for example. Similar results have been presented in a study over Austria's RMC for the year 2007, using different calculation methods.   Both DMC and RMC can be used as policy-support for resource efficiency, but RMC is theoretically a more suitable indicator for comparison of countries. This is since many countries today have moved a significant share of their production abroad, and DMC therefore risks displaying a false perception of resource efficiency and decoupling, when the material backpack is not included.

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