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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intrastate conflicts and international humanitarian intervention: case studies in Indonesia

Situmorang, Mangadar January 2007 (has links)
The differences in the international responses to the violent conflicts in East Timor (1998–1999), Maluku (1999–2003) and Aceh (1998–2005) are examined in this research. Given the growing acceptance of the significance of the use of military force for humanitarian purposes, the humanitarian crises in Maluku and Aceh might prima facie have justified humanitarian intervention similar to that in East Timor. By analysing the differences from the Indonesia’s domestic political point of view it is clear that the conscience-shocking situation caused by the violent conflicts was not the compelling factor for the international community to militarily intervene. The deployment of a multinational force in East Timor (INTERFET) was decided only after the UN and foreign major countries believed that such military intervention would not jeopardize the ongoing process of democratization in Indonesia. This suggested that Indonesia’s domestic circumstance was central to whether a similar measure in Maluku and Aceh would take place or not. Due to the reformasi (political reform) in Indonesia within which the independence of East Timor took place, two main changes within Indonesian politics, namely the growing sentiment of anti-international intervention and the continuing democratization process, helped to ensure that humanitarian intervention in the two other regions did not happen. / These two conditions were fortified by the increasingly consolidated democratic politics which brought the communal conflict in Maluku to the Malino Peace Agreement. The emergence of a stronger and democratic government in Indonesia, furthermore, made cooperation with the international community possible in seeking a peaceful resolution to the armed conflict in Aceh. By involving the Crisis Management Initiative (CMI) the government of Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) agreed to the Helsinki peace agreement and accepted the role of the Aceh Monitoring Mission (AMM) to secure its implementation. Thus, a strong democratic government made an international military intervention for humanitarian purposes unnecessary.

Grounds for Hope and Disappointment: Victims’/Survivors’ Perceptions of South Australia Police Responses to Rape

McLachlan, Katherine Jane, katherine.mclachlan@flinders.edu.au January 2007 (has links)
Internationally, there have been few studies examining the attitudes of people who have been raped towards police (Jordan, 2001a; Lievore, 2005; Temkin, 1997, 1999). Little research in Australia (particularly South Australia) has examined the experiences of victims/survivors of rape with police. Existing data do show that women who have been raped rarely report assaults to police. This has been attributed by researchers to a range of reasons, both personal and systemic, including the influence of stereotypes and myths about rape on victims’/survivors’ decision-making. Rape myths often reflect community attitudes, social norms and police responses. For example, victims/survivors may blame themselves and also expect police will blame or disbelieve them. Such expectations (or subsequent experiences) of negative police responses undermine victims’/survivors’ faith in police. However, this is not the whole story. In reality, police responses to rape are complex and inconsistent, influenced by both individual and organisational factors. I initiated this study to explore victims’/survivors’ expectations of, and experiences with, police in a transparent and accessible forum. Based on semi-structured, in-depth interviews with 11 women who had been raped in South Australia, my findings illustrated the diversity of South Australia Police responses to victims/survivors of rape and suggested that South Australia Police practices were similar to those of other Australian and English-speaking jurisdictions. Overall, interactions with South Australia Police ‘simultaneously provide grounds for hope and are disappointing (Lievore, 2005: 59; emphasis added). In many cases police responses were disappointing, through service provision that was partly or wholly negative. Specific individual and organisational factors were associated with satisfactory or unsatisfactory police practices. Poor service provision was evident in individual police officers’ apathy and dismissive or disbelieving responses, and through low prioritisation and limited resourcing of sexual violence at an organisation level. However, my findings indicated that there was also much to be hopeful about when considering South Australia Police responses to rape. The participants in my study often reported exemplary service from individual officers. At the reporting and investigation stages, good practices were based on ‘procedural justice’ rather than ‘outcome justice’: characterised by strong communication, empathy and professionalism at an individual level and consistency at an organisational level.

Studies on Wheel/Rail Contact – Impact Forces at Insulated Rail Joints

Pang, Tao, tony_pang@hotmail.com January 2008 (has links)
To investigate the wheel/rail contact impact forces at insulated rail joints (IRJs), a three-dimensional finite element model and strain gauged experiments are employed and reported in this thesis. The 3D wheel/rail contact-impact FE model adopts a two-stage analysis strategy in which the wheel-IRJ railhead contact is first established in the static analysis and the results transferred to dynamic analysis for impact simulations. The explicit FE method was employed in the dynamic analysis. The Lagrange Multiplier method and the Penalty method for contact constraint enforcement were adopted for the static and dynamic analyses respectively. The wheel/rail contact-impact in the vicinity of the end post is exhibited via numerical examples from the FE modelling. The wheel/rail contact impact mechanism is investigated. The strain gauged experiments which consist of a lab test and a field test are reported. The signature of the strain time series from the field test demonstrates a plausible record of the dynamic responses due to the wheel/rail contact impact. By using the experimental data, both the static and the dynamic FE models are validated. It is found that the stiffness discontinuity of the IRJ structure causes a running surface geometry discontinuity during the wheel passages which then causes the impact in the vicinity of the end post. Through a series of sensitivity studies of several IRJ design parameters, it is shown that the IRJ performance can be effectively improved with optimised design parameters.

廠商間競爭互動行為之研究──以北市百貨公司業為例 / A Study of Competitive Interaction Between Firms

瞿秀蕙, Chu, Hsiu-Huei Unknown Date (has links)
廠商間的競爭互動是策略管理的重心。本研究檢測四種不同的競爭行為─減少競爭行為、不公平競爭行為、價格性競爭行為與非價格性競爭行為,在三種行為特性─專屬性、執行性、複雜性下的反應行為。研究發現: 競爭行為的專屬性會影響反應者的數目, 專屬性愈高, 反應者愈少。競爭行為的執行性會影響反應者的反應速度, 執行性愈高則反應時間愈長。競爭 行為的複雜性會影響反應者的反應策略, 愈複雜的競爭行為 , 競爭廠商愈會採取模仿的反應策略; 較不複雜的競爭行為, 競爭者較會採取創新改良的反應策略。研究也發現在產業成長趨緩的零和期, 廠商較會採取價格性競爭行為; 反之, 產業在成長快速的非零和期時,廠商較會採行非價格性競爭行為。在策略群組的反應方面, 當廠商採取價格性競爭行為時, 若是規模較大的廠商發動的, 則會連續引發同一群組與不同群組的廠商在極短時間內反應; 但若是規模較小的廠商發動的,則只會引發同一群組的廠商反應。然而, 只要產業中發生了價格性競爭行為,則廠商較偏向採用集體協議來停止此種行為。反之產業在快速成長的非零和期時,廠商較會採行非價格性競爭行為; 此時, 如果廠商採行的是執行性較高的策略行為時, 會引發所有群組的主要廠商反應; 若廠商採取的是執行性較低的戰術行為時, 則只會引發同一群組的廠商反應。因此建議廠商在採行競爭行為時, 應評估自身與競爭者的相對實力及競爭行為可能引發的反應行為, 應盡可能的以策略性行為來建構競爭力的強化,以戰術性競爭行為來防禦競爭力的衰退。

Does the way in which we perceive the world make us susceptible to anxiety?

Jansson, Billy January 2005 (has links)
<p>One major focus of anxiety research in recent years has been the identification of cognitive factors that promote increased vulnerability to anxiety. Cognitive formulations propose that anxiety is characterised by an increased tendency to attend to negatively valenced emotional information, and that this bias may play a causal role in the development and maintenance of clinical anxiety. Evidence suggests that this anxiety-linked processing bias occurs even in conditions in which the stimuli are masked in order to prevent awareness of the content (i.e., <i>preattentive bias</i>). The present thesis focused principally on the preferential processing of threat-related information that occurs outside awareness. Two different outcome measures were used to index preferential preattentive processing of threat-related information in non-clinical populations: The emotional Stroop task was used to index <i>selective attention</i> to masked presentation of threatening word stimuli, whereas skin conductance responses were used to index <i>selective autonomic responses</i> to masked presentation of threatening pictorial stimuli. The empirical studies in the present thesis showed that elevated levels of trait anxiety promote preferential preattentive processing of negatively valenced information, whereas elevated levels of social desirability (interpreted as defensiveness) generally prevent preferential preattentive processing of negatively valenced information, especially among those at higher levels of trait anxiety, irrespective of outcome measure used. Moreover, previous research has demonstrated that a person’s most common emotional reaction when encountering a stressful event is causally influenced by that person’s habitual tendency to selectively encode the most threatening aspects of all available information. Thus, preattentive bias (as measured with the emotional Stroop task) was used to predict the emotional responses (as seen on self-reported emotional distress and autonomic reactivity) following exposure to a laboratory stressor. This study showed that preattentive bias to negative information had significant effects on both self-reported and physiological measures in response to a laboratory stressor, but in diametrically opposite directions. Specifically, whereas preattentive bias was positively associated with self-reported negative emotional response, it was negatively associated with a physiological indicator of emotional response. The results were discussed in terms of an inability to automatically inhibit the processing of threatening cues, which seems to be a vulnerability marker for anxiety. Whether this bias is ultimately sufficient for the development of clinical anxiety remains to be examined in future research. Additionally, more information is needed before it can be established that the emotional Stroop task can be viewed as a reliable diagnostic tool for determining an individual’s anxiety status.</p>

Validation of MobileMe : a psychophysiological recording system – from a motion sickness perspective

Almqvist, Ulf, Sjörs, Anna January 2006 (has links)
<p>MobileMe is a recently developed system for monitoring and recording physiological variables. It is wireless, and can therefore be suitable for field research, for example when measuring motion sickness symptoms.</p><p>The aim of this thesis was to conclude whether the MobileMe recording system was valid for research studies. A validation study, consisting of two parts and including 10 subjects, was performed. The first part was a laboratory study, where data from MobileMe and a reference equipment were compared. A field study was also performed, onboard a combat boat, to determine the equipment’s validity in uncontrolled environments. Furthermore, the field study included an investigation of motion sickness symptoms, and provided data for evaluation of motion sickness rating scales.</p><p>Statistical results from the laboratory study, and results from evaluation of data from the field study, showed that MobileMe was valid in both controlled and uncontrolled environments.</p>

Speglingen av organisationers egenintresse i remissvar : En studie av yttranden över fyra av Statens Offentliga Utredningar / The reflection of the self-interest of organizations in the opinions - : a study of the opinions on four of the Swedish Public Investigations

Lindgren, Emilie, Rudko, Inara January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Objective:</strong> In this thesis, we assume that the organizations' interests are governing their behavior/positions. It seems possible to draw conclusions about organizations'interests on the basis of the behavior / positions that will appear in the givenopinions on Swedish Public Investigations. The purpose of this thesis is toidentify self-interests of the studied organizations as they appear in their givenopinions.</p><p><strong>Method:</strong> The authors have made a qualitative and quantitative study of the opinions.</p><p><strong>Theoretical perspective:</strong> The basis of the study is the organization theories that focus the self-interest oforganizations.</p><p><strong>Empiric:</strong> Information is taken from four Swedish Public Investigations: the New Company Act, International Accounting for Swedish companies, Abolition of the audit requirement for small and medium sized enterprise and Simplified accounting. Altogether 310 opinions have been given on these, out of which we have studied 59. Furthermore, we have collected information on tasks, activities and objectives from the websites of the opinion giving organizations.</p><p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> In the literature, we found, as mentioned, that organizations havet hree self- interests which we define as general self-interests. They are the interest in survival, resources and power. We have found - what we believe – an additional general self-interest of organizations, namely the interest to avoid accountability and transparency. It was possible to divide the organizations intogroups with high community of interest within each group while the community between the groups was low. This provides an empirical support to Dimaggio’s and Powell’s theory which says that organizations in specific areas are similar. This means that it is possible to study the interest of organizations, without studying the individuals in an organization. We found that the owner's interests expressed in tasks, activities and objectives of the organization are important factors affecting the organization's interest structure. We also found indications - however unclear - that the public interest has an impact on the organizations' self interests. We also found an interest to protect its own market which can be related to the general interest of resource influx under Pfeffers and Salanciks theories of resource dependence.</p>

Influenza-specific B cell responses in HLA-DR1 transgenic mice

Huan, Lifang 01 August 2010 (has links)
HLA-DR1 transgenic (DR1 Tg) mice provide a model for evaluating the breadth and specificity of CD4 T cell responses that may develop in humans following influenza infection or vaccination. Recent studies identified a tremendously broad HLA-DR1-restricted CD4 T cell responses in DR1 Tg mice infected intranasally with influenza A/New Caledonia/20/99 (NC). In this study, our goals were to characterize B cell responses after NC infection in DR1 Tg mice and establish the correlation between B cell responses and CD4 T cell responses in this system. Influenza-specific B cell responses following virus administration were analyzed in DR1 Tg mice and in the genetically matched H-2b strain C57BL/10J (B10). Following intranasal (i.n.) NC infection, B cell responses in B10 mice featured strong IgG2b and IgG2c production and were typical of previously described B cell responses to a variety of mouse-adapted influenza strains. In contrast, B cell responses in DR1 Tg mice followed delayed kinetics and were strongly skewed to IgG1 production, suggesting the Th2 polarization of CD4 T cell responses. The different antibody isotype profile in DR1 Tg mice compared to B10 mice was evident in antibody secreting cells (ASCs) frequencies and in circulating Abs levels. Surprisingly, although DR1 Tg mice had lower influenza-specific Abs levels, they exhibited higher neutralizing Abs titers early in the response. B cell responses following intranasal infection of influenza A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 (PR8) or intramuscular vaccination of inactivated NC in DR1 Tg mice were different from the observed IgG1 bias after i.n. NC infection. After i.n. PR8 infection, B cell responses were similar in DR1 Tg mice and B10 mice, characterized by predominant IgM/IgG3 production. Additionally, following intramuscular administration of inactivated NC, B cell responses were skewed towards IgG2c production in both DR1 Tg mice and B10 mice, suggesting the Th1 polarization of CD4 T cell responses. A mechanistic understanding of IgG1/Th2 biased B cell responses and better neutralizing Abs production in DR1 Tg mice following i.n. NC infection may have implications for the optimal control of influenza infection.

Knowing mathematics for teaching: a case study of teacher responses to students' errors and difficulties in teaching equivalent fractions

Ding, Meixia 15 May 2009 (has links)
The goal of this study is to align teachers’ Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching (MKT) with their classroom instruction. To reduce the classroom complexity while keeping the connection between teaching and learning, I focused on Teacher Responses to Student Errors and Difficulties (TRED) in teaching equivalent fractions with an eye on students’ cognitive gains as the assessment of teaching effects. This research used a qualitative paradigm. Classroom videos concerning equivalent fractions from six teachers were observed and triangulated with tests of teacher knowledge and personal interviews. The data collection and analysis went through a naturalistic inquiry process. The results indicated that great differences about TRED existed in different classrooms around six themes: two learning difficulties regarding critical prior knowledge; two common errors related to the learning goal, and two emergent topics concerning basic mathematical ideas. Each of these themes affected students’ cognitive gains. Teachers’ knowledge as reflected by teacher interviews, however, was not necessarily consistent with their classroom instruction. Among these six teachers, other than one teacher whose knowledge obviously lagged behind, the other five teachers demonstrated similar good understanding of equivalent fractions. With respect to the basic mathematical ideas, their knowledge and sensitivity showed differences. The teachers who understood equivalent fractions and also the basic mathematical ideas were able to teach for understanding. Based on these six teachers’ practitioner knowledge, a Mathematical Knowledge Package for Teaching (MKPT) concerning equivalent fractions was provided as a professional knowledge base. In addition, this study argued that only when teachers had knowledge bases with strong connections to mathematical foundations could they flexibly activate and transfer their knowledge (CCK and PCK) to their use of knowledge (SCK) in the teaching contexts. Therefore, further attention is called for in collaboratively cultivating teachers’ mathematical sensitivity.

Nonvisual brain responses to light exposure in human as assessed by functional magnetic resonance imaging

Vandewalle, Gilles 06 July 2007 (has links)
La lumière influence profondément la physiologie humaine, en plus de permettre la vision. Elle constitue le synchronisateur principal des rythmes circadiens et induit des effets physiologiques immédiats. Ces effets concernent des fonctions non-visuelles telles que la régulation du rythme veille/sommeil, de la température corporelle, de fonctions endocrinologiques, de léveil et des performances. Plusieurs études de ces effets réalisées chez lanimal et chez lhomme ont montré limplication dun système de photoréception non-visuel sensible surtout aux courtes longueurs donde (~470nm ; bleu). Ce système utilise les photorécepteurs classiques (cônes et bâtonnets), en plus de cellules ganglionnaires rétiniennes (CGR) intrinsèquement photosensibles, et exprimant la mélanopsine. Ces CGR se connectent à de nombreux noyaux sous-corticaux et corticaux, ce qui suggère un rôle du système non-visuel dans de nombreuses fonctions cérébrales. Cependant, au delà de ces projections rétiniennes directes, les autres régions du cerveau impliquées sont très peu connues. Une étude en tomographie par émission de positons (TEP), réalisée à lUniversité de Liège, a démontré que leffet éveillant dune lumière nocturne intense (>8000lux) pouvait moduler lactivité cérébrale liée à une tâche attentionnelle. Cette étude, ainsi que quelques données dEEG, résume notre connaissance des mécanismes cérébraux impliqués dans le système non-visuel chez lhomme. De plus, la majorité des études sur ces effets ont été entreprises la nuit. Nous avons réalisé trois études en imagerie fonctionnelle par résonance magnétique (IRMf) utilisant des expositions lumineuses diurnes pour mieux caractériser le système cérébral non-visuel chez lhomme. LIRMf bénéficie dune meilleure résolution spatiale et temporelle que la TEP et permet la caractérisation dactivités cérébrales liées à un processus cognitif précis. La première étude met en évidence des réponses cérébrales liées à une tâche attentionnelle avant et après une exposition lumineuse intense (>7000lux) de 21min. Lamélioration de léveil subjectif induite par la lumière est liée à une augmentation de lactivité thalamique. De plus, la lumière augmente lactivité dun réseau de régions corticales impliquées dans la tâche, prévenant les diminutions dactivités observées en obscurité continue. Ces augmentations déclinent en quelques minutes après larrêt de la lumière, en suivant des dynamiques diverses spécifiques à chaque région. Ces premiers résultats suggèrent que, via une modulation de lactivité de structures sous-corticales régulant léveil, la lumière peut promouvoir dynamiquement lactivité corticale de réseaux impliqués dans un processus cognitif non-visuel. La deuxième étude montre que de courtes expositions (18min) à des lumières monochromatiques (3x1013ph/cm2/s) bleues (470nm) ou vertes (550nm) affectent différemment les réponses cérébrales liées à une tâche de mémoire de travail. La lumière bleue augmente les réponses cérébrales ou, du moins, prévient les diminutions observées sous lumière verte dans des cortex pariétaux et frontaux impliqués dans la mémoire de travail, ainsi que dans le thalamus. Ces résultats montrent quune lumière monochromatique peut rapidement influencer les fonctions cognitives et suggèrent que ces effets sont induits via un système de photoréception qui utilise la mélanopsine. La dernière étude répétait, XXX. Ces résultats démontrent quune exposition lumineuse diurne peut moduler lactivité cérébrale non-visuelle liée à deux fonctions cognitives complexes. La lumière agit rapidement en fonction de la région cérébrale et de la longueur donde considérées. Les sensibilités aux différentes longueurs dondes suggèrent limplication dun système de photoréception utilisant la mélanopsine. XXX. Les résultats suggèrent également une implication étendue de la lumière dans la régulation des fonctions cérébrales chez lhomme et soutiennent son utilisation pour contrecarrer la somnolence diurne et traiter des désordres circadiens et psychiatriques.

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