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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of Expression and Function of VEGFR2, PDGFRα, PDGFRβ, KIT, and RET in Canine Apocrine Gland of the Anal Sac Adenocarcinoma and Thyroid Carcinoma

Urie, Birdget K. 22 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Caractérisation moléculaire des formes métastatiques de carcinome médullaire de la thyroïde / Molecular characterization of metastatic medullary thyroid carcinomas

Boichard, Amélie 08 April 2014 (has links)
Le carcinome médullaire de la thyroïde (CMT) est une tumeur neuroendocrine rare, se développant à partir des cellules sécrétant la calcitonine. Cette tumeur survient dans un contexte familial dans un tiers des cas. Toutes les formes germinales et près de 40% des formes sporadiques sont causées par une mutation ponctuelle activatrice de l’oncogène RET, codant pour un récepteur membranaire à activité tyrosine kinase. Les événements oncogéniques à l’origine des formes sporadiques non mutées RET restent mal définis, à l’exception de mutations activatrices des oncogènes RAS découvertes récemment.Le pronostic péjoratif du CMT est essentiellement lié à un envahissement ganglionnaire précoce. A ce titre, la chirurgie initiale est souvent insuffisante et les formes métastatiques ont longtemps été considérées en impasse thérapeutique. L’avènement récent des inhibiteurs séléctifs de tyrosine kinases (ITK) a apporté un nouvel élan à la prise en charge des tumeurs réfractaires, certains d’entre eux incluant dans leur spectre d’action le récepteur RET. Mais l’optimisation de ces traitements requiert une connaissance préalable des mécanismes moléculaires sous-jacents au développement tumoral.Dans ce contexte et en nous appuyant sur une collection importante de prélèvements humains, nous avons cherché à approfondir la decription du ‘paysage génomique’ du CMT.Dans un premier temps, nous avons évalué les anomalies structurales ponctuelles et chromosomiques présentées par les CMT. Nous avons montré, par optimisation de méthodes de séquençage, que les mutations des gènes RET et RAS interviennent dans plus de 96% des cas et que ces évènements sont mutuellement exclusifs. Ces mutations permettent de distinguer plusieurs groupes d’agressivité et de réponse aux traitements par ITK. Nous avons également observé - par technique d’hybridation génomique comparative - des anomalies de grande ampleur récurrentes dans cette pathologie : les délétions du bras court du chromosome 1 et des chromosomes entiers 4 et 22 apparaissent comme étant des évènements précoces et indépendants de la tumorigenèse du CMT.Dans un second temps, nous avons déterminé - par approche de type biopuce - les profils d’expression de microARN dans les CMT. Certains de ces régulateurs post-transcriptionnels majeurs semblent liés au caractère invasif de la tumeur, et notamment les miR-21, miR-199 et miR-129. Nous avons également démontré le potentiel d’utilisation des microARN miR-21 et miR-199 en tant que biomarqueurs circulants du CMT. L’impact fonctionnel des formes précurseurs mir-21 et mir-129 a ensuite été évalué par transfection dans les modèles cellulaires TT et MZ-CRC1.Les observations ainsi obtenues offrent de nombreuses perspectives d’études. Elles permettent la définition de marqueurs tissulaires distinguant a priori les tumeurs métastatiques et/ou réfractaires aux thérapies. Enfin, elles mettent en lumière de nouvelles pistes pour la découverte de cibles thérapeutiques additionnelles dans cette pathologie. / Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) is a rare neuroendocrine tumor, arising from calcitonin-secreting cells. This cancer occurs in a family context in a third of cases. All inherited forms and nearly 40% of sporadic forms are caused by activating point-mutations in the RET oncogene, coding for a tyrosine-kinase receptor. Other oncogenic events causing sporadic cases remain unclear, but activating mutations of RAS oncogenes have been discovered recently.Prognosis of MTC is essentially linked to early lymph node occurrence. Initial surgery of metastatic forms is often insufficient and patients are considered in therapeutic dead-end. The recent advent of selective tyrosine-kinase inhibitors (TKIs) has brought a new impetus to the management of refractory tumors, some of them targeting the RET receptor. Optimization of these treatments require improving knowledge of the underlying molecular mechanisms of tumor development.In this context and helped by a large collection of human specimens, we have sought to deepen the description of genomic landscape of MTC.At first, we evaluated the structural and chromosomal abnormalities presented by MTC. We showed, by optimizing sequencing methods, that RET and RAS mutations are involved in over 96% of the cases, these events are mutually exclusives. These mutations can distinguish several groups of aggressiveness and of response to TKI treatments. We also observed, by comparative genomic hybridization techniques, recurrent abnormalities such as deletion of the short arm of chromosome 1 and loss of entire chromosomes 4 and 22. These losses appear to be early events of tumorigenesis MTC.In a second step, we determined - by a microarray approach – the microRNA expression profile of MTC. Some of these post-transcriptional regulators seem related to tumor invasiveness, such as miR-21, miR-199 and miR-129. We demonstrated the potential of microRNAs miR-21 and miR-199 as circulating diagnosis biomarkers of MTC. The functional impact of the precursor forms mir-21 and mir-129 was then evaluated by transfection in TT and MZ- CRC1 cellular models.Observations obtained pave the way for a lot of new potential studies. They allow the definition of tissue biomarkers distinguishing metastatic forms or refractory patients. Finally, they highlight new pathways for the discovery of additional therapeutic targets in this disease.

Envolvimento dos oncogenes BRAF, PIK3CA e AKT1 e do microRNA supressor de tumor let-7 na transformação maligna e progressão tumoral tiroidiana. / Involvement of BRAF, PIK3CA and AKT1 oncogenes and let-7 tumor supressor gene in malignant tranformation and progression oh thyroid cancer.

Ricarte Filho, Júlio Cezar Marques 27 May 2009 (has links)
Neste estudo, geramos ensaios de espectrometria de massa para detecção de 111 mutações nos genes RET, BRAF, NRAS, HRAS, KRAS, PIK3CA e AKT1 e avaliamos inúmeras linhagens celulares e tumores tiroidianos. Mostramos que as mutações dos genes BRAF e RAS refletem prognósticos distintos e que as mutações BRAF são altamente prevalentes em câncer metastático. Mutações dos genes PIK3CA e AKT1, esta última sendo reportada pela primeira vez no câncer de tiróide, são relativamente frequentes neste câncer. Avaliamos ainda a função do microRNA let-7 neste câncer. Mostramos que a ativação do rearranjo RET/PTC3 em células de tiróide PCCl3 reduz a expressão de let-7. Além disso, a transfecção deste microRNA em células TPC-1, que apresentam o rearranjo RET/PTC1, inibe a fosforilação de ERK, o crescimento celular e modula a expressão de genes do ciclo celular e diferenciação. Estes dados contribuem na aplicação de terapias dirigidas a efetores das vias PI3K e MAPK no câncer de tiróide, além de salientar o envolvimento do miRNA let-7 como um gene supressor tumoral nesta doença. / In this study, we designed an assay panel for genotyping 111 mutations by mass spectrometry in RET, BRAF, NRAS, HRAS, KRAS, PIK3CA, AKT1 and other related genes in many thyroid cancer cell lines and tumors. We show that patients with BRAF and RAS mutations have distinct prognosis and that BRAF mutations are highly prevalent in metastatic thyroid cancers. Mutations of PIK3CA and AKT1, the latter not previously described in this disease, are comparatively frequent in thyroid cancers. In addition, we evaluated the role of let-7 microRNA in this cancer. We show that RET/PTC3 activation in PCCl3 thyroid cells reduces let-7 expression. Moreover, transfection of let-7 in TPC-1 cells, which harbor RET/PTC1 rearrangement, inhibits MAPK activation, reduces cell growth and modulates the expression of cell cycle and differentiation genes. These findings may contribute to the design of therapies directed at MAPK and PI3K effectors and to highlight the function of let-7 as tumor suppressor gene in thyroid cancer.

Intraokularlinse Acri. Lyc 59 RET® mit unveränderter Brechkraft bei Silikonöltamponade / Acri. Lyc 59 RET ® IOL for unchanged refractive power with silicone oil tamponade

Baraki, Husnia 20 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Diminution of the lithographic process variability for advanced technology nodes / Diminution de la variabilité du procédé lithographique pour les noeuds technologiques avancés

Szucs, Anna 10 December 2015 (has links)
A l’heure actuelle, la lithographie optique 193 nm arrive à ces limites de capacité en termes de résolution des motifs dans la fenêtre du procédé souhaitée pour les nœuds avancés. Des lithographies de nouvelle génération (NGL) sont à l’étude, comme la lithographie EUV (EUV). La complexité de mise en production de ces nouvelles lithographie entraine que la lithographie 193 nm continue à être exploitée pour les nœuds 28 nm et au-delà. Afin de suivre la miniaturisation le rôle des techniques alternatives comme le RET (en anglais Resolution Enhancement Technique) tels que l’OPC (Optical Proximity Correction) est devenu primordial et essentiel. Néanmoins, la complexité croissante de design et de la variabilité du procédé lithographique font qu’il est nécessaire de faire des compromis. Dans ce contexte de complexité croissante du procédé de fabrication, l’objectif de la thèse est de mettre en place une méthode de boucles de correction des facteurs de variabilité. Cela signifie une diminution de la variabilité des motifs complexes pour assurer une résolution suffisante dans la fenêtre de procédé. Ces motifs complexes sont très importants, car c’est eux qui peuvent diminuer la profondeur du champ commune (uDoF). Afin d'accomplir cette tâche, nous avons proposé et validé un enchainement qui pourra être plus tard implémenté en production. L’enchainement en question consiste en une méthodologie de détection basée sur la simulation des motifs les plus critiques étant impactés par les effets issus de la topographie du masque et du profil de la résine. En outre cette méthodologie consiste en une diminution et la compensation de ces effets, une fois que ces motifs les plus critiques sont détectés. Le résultat de l’enchaînement complété sont encourageants : une méthode qui détecte et diminue les variabilités du processus lithographique pour des nœuds de technologie de 28nm a été validée. En plus elle pourrait être adaptée pour les nœuds au-delà de 28 nm. / The currently used 193 nm optical lithography reaches its limits from resolution point of view. Itis despite of the fact that various techniques have been developed to push this limit as much aspossible. Indeed new generation lithography exists such as the EUV, but are not yet reliable to beapplied in mass production. Thus in orders to maintain a robust lithographic process for theseshrunk nodes, 28 nm and beyond, the optical lithography needs to be further explored. It ispossible through alternatives techniques: e.g. the RETs (Resolution Enhancement Techniques),such as OPC (Optical Proximity Correction) and the double patterning. In addition to theresolution limits, advanced technology nodes are dealing with increasing complexity of design andsteadily increasing process variability requiring more and more compromises.In the light of this increasing complexity, this dissertation work is addressed to mitigate thelithographic process variability by the implementation of a correction (mitigation) flow exploredmainly through the capability of computational lithography. Within this frame, our main objectiveis to participate to the challenge of assuring a good imaging quality for the process windowlimiting patterns with an acceptable gain in uDoF (usable Depth of Focus).In order to accomplish this task, we proposed and validated a flow that might be laterimplemented in the production. The proposed flow consists on simulation based detectionmethodology of the most critical patterns that are impacted by effects coming from the masktopography and the resist profile. Furthermore it consists of the mitigation and the compensationof these effects, once the critical patterns are detected. The obtained results on the completedflow are encouraging: a validated method that detects the critical patterns and then mitigates thelithographic process variability been developed successfully.

Envolvimento dos oncogenes BRAF, PIK3CA e AKT1 e do microRNA supressor de tumor let-7 na transformação maligna e progressão tumoral tiroidiana. / Involvement of BRAF, PIK3CA and AKT1 oncogenes and let-7 tumor supressor gene in malignant tranformation and progression oh thyroid cancer.

Júlio Cezar Marques Ricarte Filho 27 May 2009 (has links)
Neste estudo, geramos ensaios de espectrometria de massa para detecção de 111 mutações nos genes RET, BRAF, NRAS, HRAS, KRAS, PIK3CA e AKT1 e avaliamos inúmeras linhagens celulares e tumores tiroidianos. Mostramos que as mutações dos genes BRAF e RAS refletem prognósticos distintos e que as mutações BRAF são altamente prevalentes em câncer metastático. Mutações dos genes PIK3CA e AKT1, esta última sendo reportada pela primeira vez no câncer de tiróide, são relativamente frequentes neste câncer. Avaliamos ainda a função do microRNA let-7 neste câncer. Mostramos que a ativação do rearranjo RET/PTC3 em células de tiróide PCCl3 reduz a expressão de let-7. Além disso, a transfecção deste microRNA em células TPC-1, que apresentam o rearranjo RET/PTC1, inibe a fosforilação de ERK, o crescimento celular e modula a expressão de genes do ciclo celular e diferenciação. Estes dados contribuem na aplicação de terapias dirigidas a efetores das vias PI3K e MAPK no câncer de tiróide, além de salientar o envolvimento do miRNA let-7 como um gene supressor tumoral nesta doença. / In this study, we designed an assay panel for genotyping 111 mutations by mass spectrometry in RET, BRAF, NRAS, HRAS, KRAS, PIK3CA, AKT1 and other related genes in many thyroid cancer cell lines and tumors. We show that patients with BRAF and RAS mutations have distinct prognosis and that BRAF mutations are highly prevalent in metastatic thyroid cancers. Mutations of PIK3CA and AKT1, the latter not previously described in this disease, are comparatively frequent in thyroid cancers. In addition, we evaluated the role of let-7 microRNA in this cancer. We show that RET/PTC3 activation in PCCl3 thyroid cells reduces let-7 expression. Moreover, transfection of let-7 in TPC-1 cells, which harbor RET/PTC1 rearrangement, inhibits MAPK activation, reduces cell growth and modulates the expression of cell cycle and differentiation genes. These findings may contribute to the design of therapies directed at MAPK and PI3K effectors and to highlight the function of let-7 as tumor suppressor gene in thyroid cancer.

Modélisation des néoplasies endocriniennes multiples de type II par les cellules souches pluripotentes induites porteuses de mutations germinales du gène RET / Modelling Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2 with RET Mutated Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

Hadoux, Julien 23 November 2016 (has links)
Les cellules souches pluripotentes induites (CSPi) permettent la modélisation de processus avec, en oncologie, un intérêt potentiel pour la modélisation de syndromes de prédisposition au cancer liés à des mutations germinales d’oncogènes. Nous avons généré des lignées de CSPi à partir de patients atteints de néoplasies endocriniennes multiples de type 2 (NEM2), porteurs de mutations germinales du gène RET : RETC620R, RETC634Y et RETM918T. Nous avons généré une CSPi RETY634C, contrôle isogénique, par correction de la mutation RETC634Y via CRSPR/Cas9. Ces CSPi présentent tous les critères de pluripotence avec un caryotype normal et expriment Ret. L’étude histologique approfondie des tératomes a mis en évidence le développement de cellules C en leur sein et également de cellules neuroendocrines exprimant la Chromogranine A mais sans aspect d’hyperplasie des cellules C ou de carcinome médullaire de la thyroïde ni de tumeur neuroendocrine réminiscente du phénotype des NEM2. L’analyse comparative de l’expression des gènes de ces CSPi a mis en évidence, dès le stade de pluripotence, une activation du réseau transcriptionnel du gène EGR1 qui pourrait constituer un des mécanismes moléculaires responsables de la mise en place du phénotype des NEM2. La différenciation en cellules souches de la crête neurale (CSCN), cellules d’origine cibles des tumeurs développées dans le cadre des NEM2, en particulier le phéochromocytome, était efficace et reproductible pour toutes nos lignées. Nous avons mis en évidence l’activation d’un programme commun invasif au niveau des CSCN avec mutation RETC634Y et RETM918T ainsi qu’une forte dérégulation du réseau des intégrines entraînant une forte dérégulation de l’adhésion cellulaire. Ceci était confirmé par une augmentation des capacités de migration CSCN avec mutation de RET par rapport aux CSCN témoins. Ainsi, la génération de CSPi avec mutation de RET a permis d’identifier des voies de signalisation potentiellement impliquées dans la physiopathologie des NEM2 et constitue une première étape vers la modélisation des NEM2 in vitro. / Induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) offer major perspectives in disease modelling and, in the oncology field, can be used for modelling cancer predisposition syndromes. We generated IPSC lines from somatic cells of patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2) who harboured germline mutations in the RET gene: RETC620R, RETC634Y et RETM918T. We have also generated an isogenic RETY634C iPSC control line by genome engineering using CRSPR/Cas9-mediated method to "correct” C634Y mutation. All iPSC lines exhibited all markers of pluripotency with a normal karyotype and expressed Ret. A thorough histological study of teratomas from these iPSC highlighted the development of C cells and Chromogranin A-expressing neuroendocrine cells within them but without C-cell hyperplasia, medullary thyroid carcinoma or neuroendocrine tumours reminiscent of MEN2 phenotype. Comparative gene expression analysis revealed an activation of the EGR1 transcriptional network, at the pluripotent stem cell stage which could be one of the molecular effector of the phenotype. Neural crest stem cell (NCSC), the cell of origin of some of the tumoral features of MEN2, could be differentiated in vitro from all our RET-mutated iPSC lines effectively. Gene expression analysis revealed an activation of cell invasion program in RETC634Y and RETM918T–mutated NCSC and a deregulation of integrin network causing a strong deregulation of cell adhesion which was confirmed with increased migration capabilities in vitro. Thus, the generation of the first RET-mutated iPSCs allowed the identification of signalling pathways potentially implicated in the pathophysiology of MEN2 and constitute a first step in modelling these tumours in vitro.

Computational Models for Renewable Energy Target Achievement & Policy Analysis

Schell, Kristen R. 01 May 2016 (has links)
To date, over 84% of countries worldwide have renewable energy targets (RET), requiring that a certain amount of electricity be produced from renewable sources by a target date. Despite the worldwide prevalence of these policies, little research has been conducted on ex-ante RET policy analysis. In an effort to move toward evidence-based policymaking, this thesis develops computational models to assess the tradeoffs associated with alternatives for both RET achievement and RET policy formulation, including the option of creating renewable energy credit (REC) markets to facilitate meeting an RET goal. A mixed integer linear program (MILP), a probabilistic cost prediction model and a mixed complementarity problem (MCP) serve as the theoretical bases for the RET alternative and policy formulation analyses. From these models it was found, inter alia, that RET goals set too low run the risk of creating technological lock-in and could inhibit achievement of higher goals; probabilistic cost predictions give decision-makers essential risk information, when cost estimation is an integral part of alternatives assessment; and though REC markets may facilitate RET achievement, including REC markets in an RET policy formulation may not result in the lowest possible greenhouse gas emissions (GHG).

Ju?zo e discurso : uma aproxima??o preliminar entre o De Anima e a Ret?rica de Arist?teles

Czekalski, Fernando 01 August 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:55:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 395115.pdf: 1186032 bytes, checksum: c8b4c670c01a70ac5656bb99ecba1173 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-08-01 / A presente tese visa articular a rela??o entre ju?zo e discurso a partir das reflex?es propostas por Arist?teles em duas de suas obras: De Anima e Ret?rica. O elemento comum que permite aproximar um e outro texto, um e outro entendimento, reside na concep??o aristot?lica de alma. Uma vez que a ret?rica visa produzir um ju?zo atrav?s do discurso, ? natural que o conhecimento adequado daquilo que recebe, reage e processa o discurso, isto ?, a alma, garanta uma maior efici?ncia ao discurso retoricamente constru?do. Trata-se, portanto, de aproximar duas dimens?es complementares e que n?o foram explicitamente relacionadas e sistematizadas por Arist?teles em uma investiga??o pr?pria

Estudo da participação da matéria cinzenta periaquedutal dorsal no comportamento defensivo de camundongos através do emprego de diferentes modelos animais de ansiedade: a estimulação química e a exposição ao predador / Role of the midbrain dorsal periaqueductal gray on defensive behaviors of mice evaluated in different animal models of anxiety: the local chemical stimulation and the prey-predator exposure

Carvalho Netto, Eduardo Ferreira de 28 February 2007 (has links)
O medo e a ansiedade são emoções que apresentam claro valor adaptativo, e que tem suas origens nas reações de defesa que os animais exibem em resposta a situações de ameaça que podem comprometer sua integridade física ou sobrevivência. Recentes estudos têm indicado que a matéria cinzenta periaquedutal dorsal (MCPD) está envolvida na organização e expressão de comportamentos intempestivos do tipo fuga e luta, os quais são relacionados ao estado de medo, e também participa, juntamente com estruturas prosencefálicas (ex. córtex pré-frontal, sistema septo-hipocampal e amígdala), do controle de comportamentos defensivos mais elaborados e orientados relacionados à ansiedade. O presente estudo investigou a participação da MCPD na modulação de diferentes comportamentos defensivos (p. ex. fuga, esquiva e avaliação de risco) induzidos por métodos artificial (estimulação química) e naturalístico (exposição ao predador) em camundongos. Na primeira etapa, investigamos o padrão de resposta comportamental induzida pela infusão do ácido D,L-homocistéico (DLH, estímulo aversivo químico) na MCPD em diferentes situações ou ambientes, com e sem grande disponibilidade de espaço - o Mouse Defense Test Battery (MDTB) e a Arena (Experimento 1), respectivamente. Além disso, o presente estudo avaliou a habilidade dos animais de reagirem a estímulos aversivos (predador) durante o período inicial (nos 60 s iniciais) do efeito do ácido DLH (fuga explosiva) (Experimento 3), e imediatamente após esse período, no qual o animal apresente comportamento de congelamento ou imobilidade (Experimento 2). Nossos resultados indicaram que a fuga desencadeada pela estimulação química é a resposta predominante de camundongos e que sua exibição depende da disponibilidade de espaço, uma vez que a maioria dos saltos observados na arena está intimamente relacionada ao contato tátil do animal com as paredes do aparato. Esse perfil de respostas de fuga explosiva e saltos parece não representar o padrão comportamental defensivo natural, tal como acontece diante de uma ameaça proximal (ex. um predador), uma vez que durante a estimulação química os camundongos apresentaram um déficit na estratégia antipredador. A segunda etapa do estudo avaliou os efeitos da injeção intra-MCPD do agonista glutamatérgico ácido N-metil-D-aspártico (NMDA), do inibidor da enzima de síntese do óxido nítrico neuronial (NOSn), N?-propil-L-arginina (NPLA) (Experimento 4), e do agonista não seletivo de receptores do fator de liberação de corticotrofina (CRF), CRF ovino (oCRF) (Experimento 5), no comportamento defensivo de camundongos submetidos ao MDTB e ao teste de exposição ao rato (Rat Exposure Test; RET). Os resultados da segunda etapa demonstraram que a ativação de receptores NMDA na MCPD de camundongos intensifica comportamentos relacionados à esquiva do predador. De maneira interessante, essas alterações produzidas pelo NMDA foram consistentemente revertidas pelo inibidor da NOSn, previamente microinjetado no mesmo sítio. Além disso, efeitos intrínsecos do NPLA atenuaram as respostas de esquiva e de avaliação de risco em camundongos submetidos ao RET. Por fim, os resultados da segunda etapa também apontaram para um efeito proaversivo (nas respostas de salto e de esquiva) do agonista de receptores CRF, indicando uma participação dos sistemas glutamatérgico, nitrérgico e CRFérgico, localizados na MCPD, na modulação de diferentes estratégias defensivas (ex. esquiva, avaliação de risco e saltos) de camundongos submetidos ao confronto com o predador. Em conjunto, nossos resultados corroboram a hipótese de que a MPCD está envolvida tanto na organização e expressão de comportamentos intempestivos do tipo fuga e luta como também no controle de comportamentos defensivos mais elaborados e orientados, tais como a avaliação de risco e a esquiva. / The midbrain dorsal periaqueductal grey (DPAG) is part of the brain defensive system involved in active defense reactions to threatening stimuli. Many lines of evidence suggest that besides fundamentally controlling fear-like responses (fight and flight) the DPAG also controls responses related to anxiety, such as avoidance and risk assessment. This study investigated the role of DPAG on different defensive strategies (i.e. flight, avoidance and risk assessment) elicited by artificial (chemical stimulation, Experiments 1-3) and naturalistic (exposure to predator, Experiments 4 and 5) paradigms in mice. Firstly, D,L-Homocysteic acid (DLH) was infused into the DPAG and behavioral responses of mice were evaluated in two different situations, a rectangular novel chamber and a large oval runway, the Mouse Defense Test Battery (MDTB) apparatus (Exp. 1). We also investigated the ability of mice to react to a threatening stimulus (ex. a predator) during (Exp. 3) and immediately after (Exp. 2) the hyperactive responses (ex. jumping and running) induced by DLH injection. Our results indicated that running as opposed to jumping is the primary response in mice injected with DLH into the DPAG when the environment enables flight. However, mice did not react the predator during the flight reaction induced by chemical stimulation, suggesting the behavioral profile induced by DLH infusion into the DPAG is not related to a normal antipredator flight. In the Experiments 4 and 5, we evaluated the effects of three different compounds, N-methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA), a NMDA receptor agonist, N?-propyl-L-arginine (NPLA), an neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) inhibitor as well as ovine CRF (oCRF), a nonspecific corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) receptor agonist, injected into the DPAG of mice, in two predator-stress situations, the Mouse Defense Test Battery (MDTB), and the Rat Exposure Test (RET). Firstly, our results demonstrated that NMDA receptor activation into the mouse DPAG enhances antipredator reactivity (avoidance), an effect that was attenuated by prior infusion of NPLA into the same site. Moreover, the results from the Experiment 4 indicated that the NPLA treatment per se induces consistent anti-aversive effects on defensive behaviors (avoidance and risk assessment) of mice confronted by predator. Finally, our results pointed out a proaversive effect (e.g. increased jump escapes and avoidance behaviors) following intra-DPAG infusion of oCRF, suggesting an important role of glutamatergic, nitrergic and CRFergic systems into the DPAG on the defensive behaviors (risk assessment, avoidance and jumps) elicited by the confront to the predator. Taken together, present results are compatible with previous studies which have emphasized the role of the periaqueductal gray in the modulation of behavioral responses related to anxiety such as risk assessment and avoidance besides fundamentally controlling fear-like responses.

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