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Essais d'analyse de la théorie axiomatique de la décision / Essays in the analysis of axiomatic decision theoryBaccelli, Jean 04 March 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse rassemble trois essais sur la théorie axiomatique de la décision.Ils relèvent principalement de l’analyse épistémologique de cette théorie.Le premier essai, “Les limites de l’ordinalisme”, concerne la doctrine ordinaliste,qui a joué un rôle important dans la constitution de la théoriemicro-économique contemporaine. Dans un premier temps, nous définissonsabstraitement cette doctrine. Nous la caractérisons par la thèse suivant laquelledes données de choix ne peuvent pas rendre empiriquement signifiantesles propriétés non-ordinales de l’utilité. Dans un second temps, nous évaluonscette thèse, la confrontant à divers développements de la théorie de la décision,qui paraissent la remettre en cause. Nous montrons que, malgré lesapparences, cette thèse n’est pas remise en cause par les développementsthéoriques que nous étudions.Le deuxième essai, “L’analyse axiomatique et l’attitude par rapport aurisque”, porte sur le statut, en théorie de la décision, des concepts d’attitudepar rapport au risque. A première vue, l’analyse axiomatique n’exploite pasces idées-là. Ceci reflète une certaine neutralité des modèles de décision ausujet de l’attitude par rapport au risque. Mais un examen plus poussé permetde mettre en valeur ce que nous nommons la variation conditionnelle et lerenforcement de l’attitude par rapport au risque, établissant par là mêmel’importance axiomatique des concepts d’attitude par rapport au risque.Le troisième essai, “Les paris révèlent-ils les croyances ?”, examine la méthodeconsistant à identifier les croyances d’un agent à partir de ses préférences.Nous nous concentrons sur l’obstacle principal auquel cette méthodeest exposée, à savoir, le problème de l’utilité dépendante des états. En premierlieu, nous illustrons ce problème de manière détaillée, distinguant quatreformes de dépendance de l’utilité aux états. En second lieu, nous présentonset discutons une stratégie permettant, malgré la possibilité d’une telle dépendance,d’identifier les croyances. Cependant, pour résoudre ainsi le problème,il faut laisser la préférence s’étendre au-delà du choix. Nous défendons quetel doit être le cas dans toute solution complète au problème de l’utilitédépendante des états. Nous affirmons aussi que c’est là la principale leçonconceptuelle à tirer de ce problème, et montrons qu’elle intéresse tant leséconomistes que les philosophes. / This thesis consists of three essays on axiomatic decision theory. Theybelong primarily to the epistemological analysis of decision theory.The first essay, “The limits of ordinalism”, focuses on ordinalism, a doctrinethat was instrumental in the constitution of contemporary microeconomictheory. First, I provide an abstract definition of this doctrine.I characterize it by the following claim: if the underlying data are choicedata, then no non-ordinal property of utility can be empirically meaningful.Second, I evaluate the above claim. I confront this claim with variousdecision-theoretic developments which seem to question its validity. I showthat, despite appearances, this claim is not challenged by the theoreticaldevelopments in question.The second essay, “Axiomatic analysis and risk attitudes”, examines thestatus of risk attitude concepts in decision theory. At first sight, axiomaticanalysis does not rely on these concepts. This indicates a certain neutrality ofdecision models regarding risk attitudes. Further analysis, however, leads oneto recognize the importance of what I call the conditional variation and thestrengthening of risk attitudes. This establishes the axiomatic significance ofrisk attitude concepts.The third essay, “Do bets reveal beliefs?”, examines the preference-basedapproach to the identification of beliefs. It focuses on the main problem towhich this approach is exposed, namely state-dependent utility. First, theproblem is illustrated in full detail. Four types of state-dependent utility issuesare distinguished. Second, a strategy for identifying beliefs under statedependentutility is presented and discussed. For the problem to be solvedfollowing this strategy, however, preferences need to extend beyond choices. Iargue that this is a necessary feature of any complete solution to the problemof state-dependent utility. I also claim that this is the main conceptuallesson to draw from this problem. I explain why this lesson is of interest toeconomists and philosophers alike.
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Att ifrågasätta det autentiska : En undersökning om autenticitet och avslöjade förfalskningar / To question the authentic : A studie about authenticity and revealed forgeriesBarregren, Simon January 2019 (has links)
Authenticity is an interesting and, in some ways, even a problematic term. Yet there is a very special feeling when someone observes a cultural object, knowing it is the real thing. The purpose of this thesis is to examine revealed forgeries for aspects of authenticity and discuss whether these revealed forgeries have something unique they can offer as museum objects. To form a premiss for both the analysis and the discussion of different museum objects, the thesis uses theoretical perspectives from Denis Dutton, David Lowenthal and Siân Jones regarding authenticity and cultural objects. Using the theoretical perspectives as a tool for analysis and discussion regarding the different museum objects, varying patterns of authenticity can be seen. The discussion leads to the conclusion that there are qualities revealed forgeries can offer as museum objects. They can contribute as objects of entertainment, educational purposes or as escapism, for the museum visitor. This is a two years master’s thesis in Museum and Cultural Heritage Studies.
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Strategic planning of intracity electric vehicle charging station locations with integrated advanced demand dynamicsLamontagne, Steven 05 1900 (has links)
Dans des régions avec beaucoup d'électricité renouvelable, comme le Québec, une augmentation du nombre de Véhicules Électriques (VE) peut réduire les gaz à effet de serre. Par contre, l'autonomie réduite des VE et la présence limitée d'infrastructure publique pour recharger les véhicules peuvent contribuer à un phénomène nommé anxiété de l'autonomie, où les usagers n'achètent pas des VE par peur qu'ils tombent en panne. On peut alors planifier l'emplacement de l'infrastructure publique de recharge de manière stratégique pour combattre cet effet, menant alors à un taux d'adoption plus élevé pour les VE.
En utilisant des modèles de choix discret, nous incorporons des modèles économétriques de demande avancés capturant les préférences hétérogènes des usagers à l'intérieur de l'optimisation. En particulier, comme nous le démontrerons, ceci permet l'inclusion de nouveaux facteurs importants, tels qu'une disponibilité de la recharge à domicile et des effets de distance plus granulaire. Par contre, la méthodologie existante pour ce processus crée un modèle de programmation linéaire mixte en nombres entiers qui ne peut pas être résolue, même pour des instances de taille modeste. Nous développons alors une reformulation efficace en problème de couverture maximum qui, comme nous le démontrerons, permet une amélioration de plusieurs ordres de magnitude pour le temps de calcul.
Bien que cette reformulation dans un problème de couverture maximum améliore grandement la capacité à résoudre le modèle, celui-ci demeure difficile à résoudre pour des problèmes de grandes tailles, nécessitant des heuristiques pour obtenir des solutions de haute qualité. Nous développons alors deux méthodes de décomposition de Benders spécialisées pour cette application. La première est une méthode de décomposition de Benders accélérée, qui se spécialise à réduire l'écart d'optimalité et à la résolution de problèmes de petite taille ou de taille modeste. La deuxième approche rajoute un branchement local à la méthode de décomposition de Benders accélérée, qui sacrifie de l'efficacité lors de la résolution de problèmes de plus petite taille pour une capacité augmentée afin d'obtenir des solutions réalisables de haute qualité.
Finalement, nous présentons une méthode pour dériver des valeurs de paramètres autrement difficiles à obtenir pour le modèle de choix discrets dans le modèle d'optimisation. Ces paramètres dictent les effets de l'infrastructure publique de recharge sur l'adoption des VE. Pour ce processus, nous regardons les facteurs qui encouragent les usagers courants des VE à utiliser l'infrastructure existante. De manière plus précise, nous utilisons des données de recharge réelles de la ville de Montréal (Québec) pour estimer les impacts des caractéristiques des stations, tels que la distance des usagers, le nombre de bornes de recharge, et les installations à proximité. Différents types d'infrastructure sont considérés, de manière parallèle avec des modèles de choix discrets qui peuvent tenir compte de plusieurs observations pour chaque individu.
Les contributions de cette thèse sont plus générales que simplement l'adoption de VE, étant applicable, par exemple, au problème de capture maximum, au problème de couverture maximum à multiples périodes, et à la prédiction de la station de recharge choisie par les conducteurs de VE. / In areas with large amounts of clean renewable electricity, such as Quebec, an increase to the number of electric vehicles (EVs) can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, the reduced range of EVs and the limited public charging infrastructure can contribute to a phenomenon known as range anxiety, where users do not purchase EVs out of concern they run out of charge while driving. We can strategically optimise the placement of public EV charging infrastructure to combat this effect, thus leading to increased EV adoption.
By utilising discrete choice models, we incorporate advanced econometric demand models capturing heterogeneous user preferences within the optimisation framework. In particular, as we demonstrate, this allows for the inclusion of new, important attributes, such as a more granular home charging availability and a continuous degradation of quality based on the distance. However, existing methodologies for this optimisation framework result in a mixed-integer linear program which cannot be solved for even moderately sized instances. We thus develop an efficient reformulation into a maximum covering location problem which, as we show experimentally, allows for multiple orders of magnitude of improved solving time.
While the reformulation into a maximum covering location problem greatly improves the solving capabilities for the model, it remains intractable for large-scale instances, relying on heuristics to obtain high-quality solutions. As such, we then develop two specialised Benders decomposition methods for this application. The first is an accelerated branch-and-Benders-cut method, which excels at solving small or medium-scale instances and at decreasing the optimality gap. The second approach incorporates a local branching scheme to the accelerated branch-and-Benders-cut method, which sacrifices some efficiency in solving smaller instances for an increased ability to obtain high-quality feasible solutions.
Finally, we discuss a method for deriving difficult-to-obtain parameter values of the discrete choice model in the optimisation framework. These parameter values dictate the effects of the public charging infrastructure on EV adoption and, as such, play a crucial role in the optimisation model. For this process, we investigate the attributes that encourage current EV owners to utilise existing infrastructure. More specifically, we use real charging session data from the city of Montreal (Quebec) to determine the impacts of station characteristics such as the distance to the users, the number of outlets, and the nearby amenities. Different types of charging infrastructure are considered alongside discrete choice models which take into account multiple observations from individual users.
The contributions of this thesis lie more broadly than simply EV adoption, being applicable to, e.g., the maximum capture problem, the multi-period maximum covering location problem, and the prediction of the charging station selected by EV drivers.
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Historical argument in the writings of the English deistsRoberts, Gabriel C. B. January 2014 (has links)
This study examines the role of history in the writings of the English deists, a group of heterodox religious controversialists who were active from the last quarter of the seventeenth century until the middle of the eighteenth century. Its main sources are the published works of the deists and their opponents, but it also draws, where possible, on manuscript sources. Not all of the deists were English (one was Irish and another was of Welsh extraction), but the term ‘English Deists’ has been used on the grounds that the majority of deists were English and that they published overwhelmingly in England and in English. It shows that the deists not only disagreed with their orthodox opponents about the content of sacred history, but also about the relationship between religious truth and historical evidence. Chapter 1 explains the entwining of theology and history in early Christianity, how the connection between them was understood by early modern Christians, and how developments in orthodox learning set the stage for the appearance of deism in the latter decades of the seventeenth century. Each of the following three chapters is devoted to a different line of argument which the deists employed against orthodox belief. Chapter 2 examines the argument that certain propositions were meaningless, and therefore neither true nor false irrespective of any historical evidence which could be marshalled in their support, as it was used by John Toland and Anthony Collins. Chapter 3 traces the argument that the actions ascribed to God in sacred history might be unworthy of his goodness, beginning with Samuel Clarke’s first set of Boyle Lectures and then progressing through the writings of Thomas Chubb, Matthew Tindal, Thomas Morgan, and William Warburton. Chapter 4 charts the decline of the category of certain knowledge in the latter half of the seventeenth century, the rise of probability theory, and the effect of these developments on the deists’ views about the reliability of historical evidence. Chapter 5 is a case-study, which reads Anthony Collins’s Discourse of the Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Religion (1724) in light of the findings of the earlier chapters. Finally, a coda provides a conspectus of the state of the debate in the middle decades of the eighteenth century, focusing on the work of four writers: Peter Annet, David Hume, Conyers Middleton, and Edward Gibbon.
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Conflicted individuals : essays on the behavioral implications of multiple preferences / Les individus déchirés : essais sur les implications comportementales des préférences multiplesFerreira, João Antonio da Silva Varandas 02 October 2017 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, j’explore les modèles de prise de décision basés sur des préférences multiples. Dans la première partie de la thèse, j’analyse certaines des implications de l’adoption des préférences multiples en économie et de différentes façons dont elles peuvent être conceptualisées et utilisées dans ce domaine. En particulier, je révise certaines des conséquences positives et normatives des préférences sur des préférences (chapitre 1), la distinction comportementale entre des modèles de préférences uniques et des modèles de préférences multiples (chapitre 2), et j’introduis un nouveau cadre de choix avec le temps dans lequel les modèles de préférences multiples peuvent être plus facilement caractérisés (chapitre 3). La deuxième partie de la thèse est con- sacrée à l’analyse théorique et empirique du comportement économique qui peut être représenté comme s’il résulte de la prise de décision avec des préférences multiples. En particulier, je construis un modèle pour étudier les effets des préférences multiples sur le comportement politique (chapitre 4) et je mène une étude expérimentale pour distinguer les différentes motivations derrière une potentielle valeur intrinsèque du droit de décision (chapitre 5). / In this thesis I explore decision making models based on multiple preferences. In the first part of the thesis, I analyze some of the implications of adopting multiple preferences in economics and different ways in which they can be conceptualized and used within this field. In particular, I review some of the positive and normative consequences of preferences over preferences (Chapter 1), the behavioral (in)distinguishability of the single and multiple preferences models (Chapter 2), and introduce a new framework of choice with time in which models of changing preferences can be more easily characterized (Chapter 3). The second part of the thesis is devoted to the theoretical and empirical analysis of economic meaningful behavior that can be represented as if it is the result of decision making with multiple preferences. In particular, I build a model to study the effects of multiple preferences to political behavior (Chapter 4), and run an experimental study to distinguish different motivations behind a potential intrinsic value of holding a decision right (Chapter 5).
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Fontes de crescimento e orientação regional das exportações brasileiras do complexo sojaCoronel, Daniel Arruda January 2008 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail est identifier les principales sources de croissance des exportations brésiliennes du complexe soja, vérifier si le pays présente des Avantages Comparatifs Révélés pour les exportations du grain, du son et de l'huile de soja ainsi qu'analyser si les exportations de ces commodities sont guidées pour quelques marchés consommateurs. Dans ce travail, s'est adopté comme méthodologie le modèle Constant-Market-Share, et les Indices d'Avantages Comparatifs Révélés (IVCR) et d'Orientation Régionale (IOR). Les données pour le calcul du modèle Constant-Market-Share et des indices d'Avantages Comparatifs Révélés et de l'Orientation Régionaux ont été rassemblées près du Système d'Analyse des Informations de Commerce Extérieur (ALICE), de Département de Commerce Extérieur (SECEX), qui possède les données d'exportations brésiliennes Free on Board (FOB) en dollars, au Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) et à l'Organisation Mondiale de Commerce (OMC). Les résultats ont indiqué que le pays a présenté des Avantages Comparatifs Révélés, tant pour le grain, que pour l’huile et le son dans tout la période analysée. Dans que concerne aux sources de croissance, tant pour le grain, le son et l'huile de soja, dans la première période, l'effet compétitivité a été ce qui plus a collaboré pour les exportations et, dans la seconde période, l'effet croissance du commerce mondial a été prépondérante. Les exportations du grain sont guidées pour l'Union européenne et Chine, ce du son pour l'Union européenne et Thaïlande et ce de l'huile de soja pour la Chine, Iran et Inde. / Lo scopo di questo lavoro è identificare le principali fonti di crescita delle esportazioni brasiliane del complesso soja, verificare se il paese presenta Vantaggi Comparativi Rivelati con le esportazioni di chicchi, crusca ed olio di soja, così come analizzare se le esportazioni di queste commodities sono orientate verso alcuni mercati consumatori. In questa indagine si adottò come metodologia il modello Constant-Market-Share, l’Índice di Vantaggi Comparativi Rivelati (IVCR) e l’Indice dell’Orientamento Regionale (IOR). I dati per il calcolo del modello Constant-Market Share e degli Indici di Vantaggi Comparativi Rivelati e dell’Orientamento Regionale furono raccolti dal Sistema di Analisi delle Informazioni del Commercio Estero (ALICE), della Segreteria del Comercio Estero (SECEX), che possiede i dati delle esportazioni brasiliane Free on Bord (FOB), in dollari, alla Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) ed alla Organizzazione Mondiale del Commercio (OMC). I risultati indicarono che il paese presentò Vantaggi Comparativi Rivelati tanto per i chicchi come per l’ólio e per la crusca, in tutto il periodo analizzato. In riferimento alle fonti di crescita, tanto per i chicchi come per la crusca e l’olio de soja, nel primo periodo, l’effetto competitività fu quello che più collaborò alle esportazioni e, nel secondo periodo, l’effetto crescita del commercio mondiale fu prevalente. Le esportazioni di chicchi è orientata verso l’Unione Europea e la Cina; quella della crusca verso l’Unione Europea e la Thailandia e quella dell’olio di soja verso la Cina, l’Iran e l’Índia. / O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar as principais fontes de crescimento das exportações brasileiras do complexo soja, verificar se o país apresenta Vantagens Comparativas Reveladas para as exportações do grão, farelo e óleo de soja bem como analisar se as exportações dessas commodities estão orientadas para alguns mercados consumidores. Neste trabalho, adotou-se como metodologia o modelo Constant-Market-Share e os Índices de Vantagens Comparativas Reveladas (IVCR) e de Orientação Regional (IOR). Os dados para cálculo do modelo Constant-Market-Share e dos índices de Vantagens Comparativas Reveladas e Orientação Regional foram coletados junto ao Sistema de Análise das Informações de Comércio Exterior (ALICE), da Secretaria de Comércio Exterior (SECEX), que possui os dados de exportações brasileiras Free on Board (FOB) em dólares, à Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) e à Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC). Os resultados indicaram que o país apresentou Vantagens Comparativas Reveladas, tanto para grão, como para óleo e farelo em todo o período analisado. No que tange às fontes de crescimento, tanto para o grão, farelo e o óleo de soja, no primeiro período, o efeito competitividade foi o que mais colaborou para as exportações e, no segundo período, o efeito crescimento do comércio mundial foi preponderante. A exportação do grão está orientada para a União Européia e China, a do farelo para a União Européia e Tailândia e a do óleo de soja para a China, Irã e Índia. / The aim of this study is to identify the main sources of growth of brazilian export soy-bean industrial complex, to verify if the country has Revealed Comparative Advantages for soy grain, bran and oil as well as to analyze if the export of these commodities are oriented to some consumer markets. In this study, the Constant-Market-Share model, Revealed Comparative Advantage Index (RCAI), and the Regional Orientation Index (ROI) were used as methodology. The data for calculation of the Constant-Market-Share model, Revealed Comparative Advantage Index, and the Regional Orientation Index were collected from system analysis of the International Trade Information (ALICE), International Trade Secretariat (SECEX) which is responsible for brazilian export data Free on Board in dollars, also from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and from World Trade Organization (WTO). The results showed that the country presented Revealed Comparative Advantages either for the grain or the oil as well as for the bran across the entire period analyzed. Regarding the sources of growth as much as for soy grain, bran and oil in the first period, the Competitiveness Effect revealed to be the main driver for the export while in the second period the Growth Effect was more predominant. The grain export is more oriented to European Union and China while the bran is towards European Union and Thailand and ultimately soy-bean oil export is directed to China, Iran and India. / El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar las principales fuentes de crecimiento de las exportaciones brasileñas del complejo soja, verificar si el país presenta Ventajas Comparativas Reveladas para las exportaciones de grano, salvado y aceite de soja, bien como analizar si las exportaciones de esas commodities están orientadas para algunos mercados consumidores. En este trabajo se adoptó como metodología el modelo Constant-Market-Share y los Índices de Ventajas Comparativas Reveladas (IVCR) y de Orientación Regional (IOR). Los datos para cálculo del modelo Constant-Market-Share y de los índices de Ventajas Comparativas Reveladas y Orientación Regional fueron cosechadas en Comercio Exterior (SECEX), que posee los datos de las exportaciones brasileñas Free on Board (FOB) en dólares, en Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) y en la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC). Los resultados indicaron que el país presentó Ventajas Comparativas Reveladas, tanto para el grano como aceite y salvado en todo el período analizado. Con respecto a las fuentes de crecimiento, tanto para el grano, el salvado y el aceite de soja, en el primer período, el efecto competitividad fue el que más colaboró para las exportaciones y, en el segundo período, el efecto crecimiento del comercio mundial fue preponderante. La exportación de grano está orientada para la Unión Europea y China, la de salvado para Unión Europea y Tailandia y la de aceite de soja, para China, Irán e India.
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Fontes de crescimento e orientação regional das exportações brasileiras do complexo sojaCoronel, Daniel Arruda January 2008 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail est identifier les principales sources de croissance des exportations brésiliennes du complexe soja, vérifier si le pays présente des Avantages Comparatifs Révélés pour les exportations du grain, du son et de l'huile de soja ainsi qu'analyser si les exportations de ces commodities sont guidées pour quelques marchés consommateurs. Dans ce travail, s'est adopté comme méthodologie le modèle Constant-Market-Share, et les Indices d'Avantages Comparatifs Révélés (IVCR) et d'Orientation Régionale (IOR). Les données pour le calcul du modèle Constant-Market-Share et des indices d'Avantages Comparatifs Révélés et de l'Orientation Régionaux ont été rassemblées près du Système d'Analyse des Informations de Commerce Extérieur (ALICE), de Département de Commerce Extérieur (SECEX), qui possède les données d'exportations brésiliennes Free on Board (FOB) en dollars, au Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) et à l'Organisation Mondiale de Commerce (OMC). Les résultats ont indiqué que le pays a présenté des Avantages Comparatifs Révélés, tant pour le grain, que pour l’huile et le son dans tout la période analysée. Dans que concerne aux sources de croissance, tant pour le grain, le son et l'huile de soja, dans la première période, l'effet compétitivité a été ce qui plus a collaboré pour les exportations et, dans la seconde période, l'effet croissance du commerce mondial a été prépondérante. Les exportations du grain sont guidées pour l'Union européenne et Chine, ce du son pour l'Union européenne et Thaïlande et ce de l'huile de soja pour la Chine, Iran et Inde. / Lo scopo di questo lavoro è identificare le principali fonti di crescita delle esportazioni brasiliane del complesso soja, verificare se il paese presenta Vantaggi Comparativi Rivelati con le esportazioni di chicchi, crusca ed olio di soja, così come analizzare se le esportazioni di queste commodities sono orientate verso alcuni mercati consumatori. In questa indagine si adottò come metodologia il modello Constant-Market-Share, l’Índice di Vantaggi Comparativi Rivelati (IVCR) e l’Indice dell’Orientamento Regionale (IOR). I dati per il calcolo del modello Constant-Market Share e degli Indici di Vantaggi Comparativi Rivelati e dell’Orientamento Regionale furono raccolti dal Sistema di Analisi delle Informazioni del Commercio Estero (ALICE), della Segreteria del Comercio Estero (SECEX), che possiede i dati delle esportazioni brasiliane Free on Bord (FOB), in dollari, alla Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) ed alla Organizzazione Mondiale del Commercio (OMC). I risultati indicarono che il paese presentò Vantaggi Comparativi Rivelati tanto per i chicchi come per l’ólio e per la crusca, in tutto il periodo analizzato. In riferimento alle fonti di crescita, tanto per i chicchi come per la crusca e l’olio de soja, nel primo periodo, l’effetto competitività fu quello che più collaborò alle esportazioni e, nel secondo periodo, l’effetto crescita del commercio mondiale fu prevalente. Le esportazioni di chicchi è orientata verso l’Unione Europea e la Cina; quella della crusca verso l’Unione Europea e la Thailandia e quella dell’olio di soja verso la Cina, l’Iran e l’Índia. / O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar as principais fontes de crescimento das exportações brasileiras do complexo soja, verificar se o país apresenta Vantagens Comparativas Reveladas para as exportações do grão, farelo e óleo de soja bem como analisar se as exportações dessas commodities estão orientadas para alguns mercados consumidores. Neste trabalho, adotou-se como metodologia o modelo Constant-Market-Share e os Índices de Vantagens Comparativas Reveladas (IVCR) e de Orientação Regional (IOR). Os dados para cálculo do modelo Constant-Market-Share e dos índices de Vantagens Comparativas Reveladas e Orientação Regional foram coletados junto ao Sistema de Análise das Informações de Comércio Exterior (ALICE), da Secretaria de Comércio Exterior (SECEX), que possui os dados de exportações brasileiras Free on Board (FOB) em dólares, à Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) e à Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC). Os resultados indicaram que o país apresentou Vantagens Comparativas Reveladas, tanto para grão, como para óleo e farelo em todo o período analisado. No que tange às fontes de crescimento, tanto para o grão, farelo e o óleo de soja, no primeiro período, o efeito competitividade foi o que mais colaborou para as exportações e, no segundo período, o efeito crescimento do comércio mundial foi preponderante. A exportação do grão está orientada para a União Européia e China, a do farelo para a União Européia e Tailândia e a do óleo de soja para a China, Irã e Índia. / The aim of this study is to identify the main sources of growth of brazilian export soy-bean industrial complex, to verify if the country has Revealed Comparative Advantages for soy grain, bran and oil as well as to analyze if the export of these commodities are oriented to some consumer markets. In this study, the Constant-Market-Share model, Revealed Comparative Advantage Index (RCAI), and the Regional Orientation Index (ROI) were used as methodology. The data for calculation of the Constant-Market-Share model, Revealed Comparative Advantage Index, and the Regional Orientation Index were collected from system analysis of the International Trade Information (ALICE), International Trade Secretariat (SECEX) which is responsible for brazilian export data Free on Board in dollars, also from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and from World Trade Organization (WTO). The results showed that the country presented Revealed Comparative Advantages either for the grain or the oil as well as for the bran across the entire period analyzed. Regarding the sources of growth as much as for soy grain, bran and oil in the first period, the Competitiveness Effect revealed to be the main driver for the export while in the second period the Growth Effect was more predominant. The grain export is more oriented to European Union and China while the bran is towards European Union and Thailand and ultimately soy-bean oil export is directed to China, Iran and India. / El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar las principales fuentes de crecimiento de las exportaciones brasileñas del complejo soja, verificar si el país presenta Ventajas Comparativas Reveladas para las exportaciones de grano, salvado y aceite de soja, bien como analizar si las exportaciones de esas commodities están orientadas para algunos mercados consumidores. En este trabajo se adoptó como metodología el modelo Constant-Market-Share y los Índices de Ventajas Comparativas Reveladas (IVCR) y de Orientación Regional (IOR). Los datos para cálculo del modelo Constant-Market-Share y de los índices de Ventajas Comparativas Reveladas y Orientación Regional fueron cosechadas en Comercio Exterior (SECEX), que posee los datos de las exportaciones brasileñas Free on Board (FOB) en dólares, en Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) y en la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC). Los resultados indicaron que el país presentó Ventajas Comparativas Reveladas, tanto para el grano como aceite y salvado en todo el período analizado. Con respecto a las fuentes de crecimiento, tanto para el grano, el salvado y el aceite de soja, en el primer período, el efecto competitividad fue el que más colaboró para las exportaciones y, en el segundo período, el efecto crecimiento del comercio mundial fue preponderante. La exportación de grano está orientada para la Unión Europea y China, la de salvado para Unión Europea y Tailandia y la de aceite de soja, para China, Irán e India.
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Fontes de crescimento e orientação regional das exportações brasileiras do complexo sojaCoronel, Daniel Arruda January 2008 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail est identifier les principales sources de croissance des exportations brésiliennes du complexe soja, vérifier si le pays présente des Avantages Comparatifs Révélés pour les exportations du grain, du son et de l'huile de soja ainsi qu'analyser si les exportations de ces commodities sont guidées pour quelques marchés consommateurs. Dans ce travail, s'est adopté comme méthodologie le modèle Constant-Market-Share, et les Indices d'Avantages Comparatifs Révélés (IVCR) et d'Orientation Régionale (IOR). Les données pour le calcul du modèle Constant-Market-Share et des indices d'Avantages Comparatifs Révélés et de l'Orientation Régionaux ont été rassemblées près du Système d'Analyse des Informations de Commerce Extérieur (ALICE), de Département de Commerce Extérieur (SECEX), qui possède les données d'exportations brésiliennes Free on Board (FOB) en dollars, au Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) et à l'Organisation Mondiale de Commerce (OMC). Les résultats ont indiqué que le pays a présenté des Avantages Comparatifs Révélés, tant pour le grain, que pour l’huile et le son dans tout la période analysée. Dans que concerne aux sources de croissance, tant pour le grain, le son et l'huile de soja, dans la première période, l'effet compétitivité a été ce qui plus a collaboré pour les exportations et, dans la seconde période, l'effet croissance du commerce mondial a été prépondérante. Les exportations du grain sont guidées pour l'Union européenne et Chine, ce du son pour l'Union européenne et Thaïlande et ce de l'huile de soja pour la Chine, Iran et Inde. / Lo scopo di questo lavoro è identificare le principali fonti di crescita delle esportazioni brasiliane del complesso soja, verificare se il paese presenta Vantaggi Comparativi Rivelati con le esportazioni di chicchi, crusca ed olio di soja, così come analizzare se le esportazioni di queste commodities sono orientate verso alcuni mercati consumatori. In questa indagine si adottò come metodologia il modello Constant-Market-Share, l’Índice di Vantaggi Comparativi Rivelati (IVCR) e l’Indice dell’Orientamento Regionale (IOR). I dati per il calcolo del modello Constant-Market Share e degli Indici di Vantaggi Comparativi Rivelati e dell’Orientamento Regionale furono raccolti dal Sistema di Analisi delle Informazioni del Commercio Estero (ALICE), della Segreteria del Comercio Estero (SECEX), che possiede i dati delle esportazioni brasiliane Free on Bord (FOB), in dollari, alla Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) ed alla Organizzazione Mondiale del Commercio (OMC). I risultati indicarono che il paese presentò Vantaggi Comparativi Rivelati tanto per i chicchi come per l’ólio e per la crusca, in tutto il periodo analizzato. In riferimento alle fonti di crescita, tanto per i chicchi come per la crusca e l’olio de soja, nel primo periodo, l’effetto competitività fu quello che più collaborò alle esportazioni e, nel secondo periodo, l’effetto crescita del commercio mondiale fu prevalente. Le esportazioni di chicchi è orientata verso l’Unione Europea e la Cina; quella della crusca verso l’Unione Europea e la Thailandia e quella dell’olio di soja verso la Cina, l’Iran e l’Índia. / O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar as principais fontes de crescimento das exportações brasileiras do complexo soja, verificar se o país apresenta Vantagens Comparativas Reveladas para as exportações do grão, farelo e óleo de soja bem como analisar se as exportações dessas commodities estão orientadas para alguns mercados consumidores. Neste trabalho, adotou-se como metodologia o modelo Constant-Market-Share e os Índices de Vantagens Comparativas Reveladas (IVCR) e de Orientação Regional (IOR). Os dados para cálculo do modelo Constant-Market-Share e dos índices de Vantagens Comparativas Reveladas e Orientação Regional foram coletados junto ao Sistema de Análise das Informações de Comércio Exterior (ALICE), da Secretaria de Comércio Exterior (SECEX), que possui os dados de exportações brasileiras Free on Board (FOB) em dólares, à Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) e à Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC). Os resultados indicaram que o país apresentou Vantagens Comparativas Reveladas, tanto para grão, como para óleo e farelo em todo o período analisado. No que tange às fontes de crescimento, tanto para o grão, farelo e o óleo de soja, no primeiro período, o efeito competitividade foi o que mais colaborou para as exportações e, no segundo período, o efeito crescimento do comércio mundial foi preponderante. A exportação do grão está orientada para a União Européia e China, a do farelo para a União Européia e Tailândia e a do óleo de soja para a China, Irã e Índia. / The aim of this study is to identify the main sources of growth of brazilian export soy-bean industrial complex, to verify if the country has Revealed Comparative Advantages for soy grain, bran and oil as well as to analyze if the export of these commodities are oriented to some consumer markets. In this study, the Constant-Market-Share model, Revealed Comparative Advantage Index (RCAI), and the Regional Orientation Index (ROI) were used as methodology. The data for calculation of the Constant-Market-Share model, Revealed Comparative Advantage Index, and the Regional Orientation Index were collected from system analysis of the International Trade Information (ALICE), International Trade Secretariat (SECEX) which is responsible for brazilian export data Free on Board in dollars, also from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and from World Trade Organization (WTO). The results showed that the country presented Revealed Comparative Advantages either for the grain or the oil as well as for the bran across the entire period analyzed. Regarding the sources of growth as much as for soy grain, bran and oil in the first period, the Competitiveness Effect revealed to be the main driver for the export while in the second period the Growth Effect was more predominant. The grain export is more oriented to European Union and China while the bran is towards European Union and Thailand and ultimately soy-bean oil export is directed to China, Iran and India. / El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar las principales fuentes de crecimiento de las exportaciones brasileñas del complejo soja, verificar si el país presenta Ventajas Comparativas Reveladas para las exportaciones de grano, salvado y aceite de soja, bien como analizar si las exportaciones de esas commodities están orientadas para algunos mercados consumidores. En este trabajo se adoptó como metodología el modelo Constant-Market-Share y los Índices de Ventajas Comparativas Reveladas (IVCR) y de Orientación Regional (IOR). Los datos para cálculo del modelo Constant-Market-Share y de los índices de Ventajas Comparativas Reveladas y Orientación Regional fueron cosechadas en Comercio Exterior (SECEX), que posee los datos de las exportaciones brasileñas Free on Board (FOB) en dólares, en Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) y en la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC). Los resultados indicaron que el país presentó Ventajas Comparativas Reveladas, tanto para el grano como aceite y salvado en todo el período analizado. Con respecto a las fuentes de crecimiento, tanto para el grano, el salvado y el aceite de soja, en el primer período, el efecto competitividad fue el que más colaboró para las exportaciones y, en el segundo período, el efecto crecimiento del comercio mundial fue preponderante. La exportación de grano está orientada para la Unión Europea y China, la de salvado para Unión Europea y Tailandia y la de aceite de soja, para China, Irán e India.
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Risques et perceptions des risques: analyse historique et critique / Risks and risks perceptions: historical and critical analysisKermisch, Céline 18 February 2008 (has links)
Etude historique des conditions d’émergence du champ de recherches de la perception des risques ;analyse critique du paradigme psychométrique et de la théorie culturaliste, ainsi que des conceptions du risque qui les sous-tend. /<p>Historical study of the emergence conditions of risk perception as a research field; critical analysis of the psychometric paradigm and cultural theory, as well as of the underlying risk conceptions. / Doctorat en Philosophie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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<p dir="ltr">Advances in electronics are hindered by energy dissipation from Joule losses associated with charge transport. In contrast, the processing of information based on spin waves propagation (magnons) in magnetic materials is free from such losses. For magnonic devices, materials with ultralow magnetic damping are required to ensure long propagation lengths of magnons. Ferrimagnetic Y<sub>3</sub>Fe<sub>5</sub>O<sub>12 </sub>garnets (YIG) exhibit the lowest magnetic damping of all known materials. However, the lowest damping constant YIG materials require epitaxial growth on single crystal substrates of Gd<sub>3</sub>Ga<sub>5</sub>O<sub>12 </sub>at elevated temperatures (900℃), hindering their CMOS integration in electronic devices. In the search for alternative material systems, polycrystalline ferromagnetic Co<sub>25</sub>Fe<sub>75 </sub>alloy films and ferrimagnetic spinel ferrites, such as MgAl<sub>0.5</sub>Fe<sub>1.5</sub>O<sub>4</sub> (MAFO), have emerged as potential candidates. The magnetic damping in these materials is comparable, although it is at least one order of magnitude higher than YIG’s. However, Co<sub>25</sub>Fe<sub>75 </sub>alloy thin film growth is CMOS compatible, and its magnon diffusion length is 20x longer than in MAFO. In addition, MAFO requires epitaxial growth on lattice-matched MgAl<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub> substrates. The work in this dissertation focuses on growth and characterization of Co<sub>1-x</sub>Fe<sub>x</sub> ferromagnetic binary alloys and is considered as a material of choice for practical magnonic applications.</p><p dir="ltr">In this project, a narrow composition range of Co<sub>1-x</sub>Fe<sub>x</sub> alloy thin films around 25 % Co have been fabricated and characterized to reveal unique trends in the Gilbert damping as the Co composition of the alloy is changed. Microstructural analysis of Co<sub>36</sub>Fe<sub>64</sub> using STEM, revealed that the Cu interdiffusion takes place from the Cu buffer layer into the magnetic layer. This interdiffusion was found to be up to 7x higher at grain boundaries than in the bulk of the grains of the polycrystalline material. The presence of Cu negatively influences magnetic damping, as Cu modifies the magnetic exchange interactions of spins in the thin film, in particular at grain boundaries which is important for efficient magnon propagation. It is noted that Co<sub>25</sub>Fe<sub>75 </sub>epitaxially grown on single crystal MgO yielded magnetic damping parameters of 7.1 × 10<sup>-4 </sup>[1]. This improvement is ascribed to the stronger ionic bonding in MgO vs metallic bonding in Cu, thereby preventing interdiffusion of either Mg or Oxygen into the CoFe thin film.</p><p dir="ltr">In addition, in this work, COMSOL optical modeling was conducted to investigate the generation of opto-magnetic fields driven by fs laser pulses in 30 nm diameter magneto-plasmonic resonators consisting of Au as the plasmonic material and Co<sub>25</sub>Fe<sub>75 </sub>as the ferromagnet. These nanopillars are proposed as magnon injection sources into CoFe waveguide thin films. An enhancement of the electric field at the waveguide interface generates ultrafast optomagnetic fields. Additionally, a prototype design of a magneto-plasmonic platform is proposed that provides dynamic magnon amplification and propagation re-configurability employing arrays of magneto plasmonic resonators independently addressed by fs laser pulses.</p><p dir="ltr">[1] Lee, A.J.; Brangham, J.T.; Cheng, Y.; White, S.P.; Ruane, W.T.; Esser, B.D.; McComb, D.W.; Hammel, P.C.; Yang, F. Metallic Ferromagnetic Films with Magnetic Damping under 1.4 × 10−3. Nat. Commun. 2017, 8, 234. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-017-00332-x.</p>
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