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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assosiasie en koördinasie van notasie met klawers by die ontwikkeling van 'n leesvermoë by die klavierbeginner

Hesse, Maria Elizabetha 30 November 2005 (has links)
The study substantiates common strategies and theories regarding the teaching of sight-reading. The literature study done on sight-reading at the keyboard consists of opinions and recommendations resulting from empirical findings of well-known piano pedagogues. Seven beginner courses were analysed in order to assess their presentation of a well-structured development of piano sight-reading against the opinions and recommendations of well-known piano pedagogues and authors in this field as well as the personal experience of the researcher. During this process it was discovered that insufficient attention was paid to the development of the association between a note symbol and its corresponding key on the piano. However no attention was paid to the act of playing while reading ahead. The researcher compiled additional progressive exercises for the 7 to 9 year old beginner, to address the above-mentioned discrepancies. The exercises and their individual purposes are clearly explained with instructions regarding their performance. / Hierdie studie bevestig algemene strategieë en teorieë aangaande die ontwikkeling van vaardighede om musieknotasie te lees en te speel. Die literatuur wat in hierdie studie bestudeer is, handel oor opinies en aanbevelings van vooraanstaande klavierpedagoë wat voortspruit uit die resultate van hulle empiriese navorsing. Sewe aanvangskursusse is ontleed en die aktiwiteite en metodes waarvolgens vaardighede onderrig word om musieknotasie te leer lees en speel, is gemeet aan die aanbevelings van vooraanstaande klavierpedagoë, navorsers op die gebied, asook die navorser se eie ervaring met die boeke. Gedurende die studie is daar ontdek dat daar meesal nie aandag geskenk word aan die ontwikkeling van 'n assosiasie tussen 'n toonhoogtesimbool en ooreenstemmende klawer op die klavier nie en glad nie aan die proses van vooruitlees nie. Om hierdie tekortkominge te oorkom het die navorser 'n stel aanvullende en progressiewe oefeninge saamgestel wat maklik genoeg uitvoerbaar is vir die 7- tot 9-jarige beginner. Duidelike beskrywings van die oefeninge, elkeen se spesifieke doel, en aanwysings vir effektiewe uitvoering daarvan word verskaf. / Art History, Visual Arts & Music / M.A. (Musicology)

L'esthétique fonctionnelle de l'appareillage informatique comme ancrage phénoménologique de l'oeuvre à l'époque des immatériaux / The functional aesthetics of computer apparatus as a phenomenological anchoring of the artwork in the age of immateriality

Honnorat, Julien 09 June 2011 (has links)
Nous ne sommes plus à l’âge où les destructions poétiques d’appareils se voient car les régimes d’appareils sont devenus transparents : lorsque nous pressons un écran tactile, nous touchons ce que nous ne voyons plus, nos empreintes, et nous voyons ce que nous ne toucherons jamais, le plan numérique. Pour l’artiste contemporain, l’interface haptique – point d’orgue d’une technologie stéréotypée de la percussion – est le parergon d’une échelle inédite, toute tactile. De la machine à écrire aux claviers de plus en plus fins du design informatique, à mesure que l’on croit voir le bloc imaginaire céder sous la pression ergonomique de l’empire cybernétique, se palpe en fait un réel d’emblée en dehors des formes et à l’intérieur de notre doigté. C’est l’espace de la corne aux doigts. Ce transfert, cette remontée du point d’impact dans son élan, ce retour de la forme dans sa structure font du moment de touche – de l’appareillage comme manœuvre de départ – un isolat capital pour reposer la question de la sculpture à l’époque des immatériaux. Bien en face et à contre-courant de la surface informatique, une épaisseur sensible fonctionnelle aurait lieu et pourrait donc faire œuvre ; telle est la thèse proposée ici. Le comportement machinal de l’utilisateur d’interfaces sera considéré comme un modèle poïétique ou pensé comme une partie de l’imagination en attente de traduction plastique. Pendant que se joue l’expérience rythmique de l’interactivité, le corps ne doit-il pas fournir un effort perceptif pour ne pas s’absenter dans une partition photo-digitale jouée par avance ? Ne doit-il pas exprimer son ancrage particulier, calleux et bruissant – nous l’appellerons dactylo-phonique – au contact de la matière du monde ? Sans cette expression, jamais le design technologique contemporain, bi ou tridimensionnel, modélisé et assisté par ordinateur, n’entamera de rapport véritablement efficient avec le réel de nos habitudes et de nos démarches ; bref avec tout le poids incarné de notre conscience imageante : la perte d’indicialité instaurerait-elle un type introverti de phénoménalité ? / Poetic destructions of apparatus are no longer visible as regimes of apparatus have become transparent: when we press a tactile screen, we touch what we cannot see anymore – our fingerprints – and we see what we will never be able to touch – the digital space. For contemporary artists, haptic interfaces are the finger-tipping point of a technological dynamics of percussion but also the parergon of a new and entirely tactile scale. From the first typewriters to the latest ultra thin keyboards designed by computer manufacturers, we may think imagination is yielding under the ergonomic pressure of the cybernetic world. But in fact, existing outside of the shapes and right under our fingertips lies a palpable reality – the space of calluses. This transfer, this sensory feedback, this return of the form to its structure turns this casting off of the apparatus into an essential isolate to rethink sculpture in the age of immateriality. Right in front of the computer surface but working against it, there would be a functional sensitive thickness – an art-making place. This is our thesis. The machine-like behaviour of the interface user will be considered as a poietic model or regarded as a part of imagination waiting for plastic translation.We may wonder whether the rhythmic experience of interactivity does not entail a perceptual bodily effort on our side in order not to remain absent during the performance of a somewhat predictable photo-digital score.Doesn't this peculiar, callous and rustling – or dactylo-phonic – anchoring of the body to the substance of the world need to express itself? Without this expression, contemporary technological design — whether bi or tri-dimensional, modeled or computer-assisted — will never initiate a truly efficient relation with the real experience of our habits and actions, i.e. with all the embodied strength of our image-making consciousness: does the loss of indiciality create an introverted type of phenomenality ?

Hodnocení posturální stability sportovců / Evaluation of postural stability of athletes - a literature review

Vlasáková, Kristýna January 2017 (has links)
Title: Evaluation of postural stability of athletes - a literature review Objectives: Thesis will address retrieval processing rating Dynamic Postural Stability of athletes . Compares analysis or results of research or investigations of different laborers working with this theme. It also mentions tests and machines used in clinical practice. It also investigates in what sports was postural stability tested and how or with what results. The most advanced, currently the most recognized dynamic posturography with impartial value is EquiTest device from NeuroCom. Therefore, the practical part focuses primarily on the results of examination of this device and make statistics about that. Methods: The diploma thesis has descriptive and analytical character. It is elaborate as a literary review . Results: The study includes 142 studies, of which only 11 concern the assessment of postural stability of athletes. Sports disciplines include tennis, football, baseball, tai-chi, taekwondo, gymnastics, basketball, softball. Entire EquiTest testing battery (which contains 7 test in total - Sensory Organization Test, Motor Coordination and Control Test, Adaptation Test, Unilateral Stance Test, Limits Of Stability Test, Rhytmics Weight Shift, Weight Bearing Squat) is almost never used in assessments although it's a...

Structure and function of K<SUB>ATP</SUB>-channels in inspiratory neurons of mice / Struktur und Funktion von K<SUB>ATP</SUB>-Kanälen in inspiratorischen Neuronen der Maus

Haller, Mirjam 27 April 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Análise dinâmica não-linear de pisos mistos (aço-concreto) submetidos a ações humanas rítmicas. / Nonlinear dynamic analysis of mixed floors (steel-concrete) subjected to rhythmic human actions.

Sidclei Gomes Gonçalves 21 December 2011 (has links)
Atualmente, o crescimento dos problemas de vibrações excessivas sobre pisos mistos (aço-concreto) tem conduzido à necessidade de desenvolvimento de critérios específicos para projetos estruturais submetidos à ação de atividades humanas rítmicas. Com base no desenvolvimento desta dissertação de mestrado, objetiva-se, principalmente, verificar a influência das ligações estruturais (ligações viga-viga), sobre a resposta dinâmica não-linear de pisos mistos (aço-concreto) de edificações, quando submetidos a cargas dinâmicas humanas rítmicas. Deste modo, o carregamento dinâmico empregado para a simulação das atividades humanas sobre o modelo estrutural investigado foi obtido através de testes experimentais com indivíduos praticando atividades rítmicas e não rítmicas. O modelo analisado nesta dissertação corresponde a um piso misto (aço-concreto) com uma área total de 1600m2 e consiste de um ambiente onde serão desenvolvidas atividades de ginástica aeróbica. O sistema estrutural é constituído por lajes de concreto armado apoiadas sobre vigas de aço, simulando o comportamento de um sistema estrutural misto (aço-concreto) com interação total. A metodologia de análise desenvolvida emprega técnicas usuais de discretização presentes no método dos elementos finitos, com base no emprego do programa ANSYS. A modelagem do sistema contempla ligações estruturais do tipo rígidas, semirrígidas e flexíveis. Os valores das acelerações de pico foram comparados com os limites recomendados por normas de projeto, baseando-se em critérios de conforto humano. As conclusões alcançadas ao longo deste trabalho de pesquisa revelam que as ligações estruturais do tipo viga-viga não apresentam influência significativa, no que diz respeito a resposta dinâmica não-linear da estrutura. Por outro lado, as acelerações de pico obtidas com base na análise dinâmica não-linear apresentam valores elevados indicando que o piso misto (aço-concreto) investigado apresenta problemas de vibração excessiva inerentes ao conforto humano. / Nowadays, the increasing incidence of composite (steel-concrete) floors vibration problems due to human rhythmic activities led to a specific design criteria to be addressed in structural design. The main objective of this investigation is to evaluate the influence of the structural connections (beam-to-beam connections) on the composite floors nonlinear dynamic response, when submitted to human rhythmic dynamic loads. The dynamic loads were obtained through experimental tests with individuals carrying out rhythmic and non-rhythmic activities. The investigated structural model was based on building composite floors and consisted of a typical office building interior bay with a total are of 1600m2 used for aerobics. The structural system are composed of a composite (steel-concrete) solution made of an I steel profile and a reinforced concrete slab. In this investigation a complete interaction between the concrete slab and steel beams was considered. The proposed analysis methodology adopted the usual mesh refinement techniques present in the finite element method simulations implemented in the ANSYS program. The structural system finite element modelling have considered rigid, semi-rigid and pinned beam-to-beam joints. The peak accelerations were compared with limits proposed by design codes and recommendations, based on human comfort criteria. The results obtained in this investigation indicated that the structural connections (beam-to-beam connections) can have a relevant influence on the composite floor nonlinear dynamic response. On the other hand, the peak accelerations obtained in this investigation, based on a nonlinear dynamic analysis, indicated that the investigated composite floor violated the human comfort criteria, as well as its vibration serviceability limit states.

Towards a "liturgical missiology": perspectives on music in Lutheran mission work in South Africa

Steinert, Claudio 31 October 2003 (has links)
This doctoral thesis claims the vital significance of music in mission work, particularly from the Lutheran point of view. It, therefore, calls for a liturgical missiology which would positively affect missionary efforts, especially in the African mission context. After giving a theological foundation - the doctrine of the Trinity - and the concept of the missio Dei as its missiological basis, the thesis investigates its topic from different angles: Luther and music, music in the work of the Hermannsburg Mission in the region of the ELCSA-Western Diocese, the role of music in African culture and spirituality, some qualities of music relevant to mission and a few musical steps to approach the future of music in mission. These analyses corroborate music's importance in future Lutheran mission designed for the African context. Examining Luther's stance towards music, a strong affinity to music is recognised, both theoretically and practically. While interpreting music theologically, Luther employs music in his liturgical, educational and reforming efforts. However, the example of the Lutheran Hermannsburg Mission shows a usage of music without a proper theoretical foundation, as well as only partial efforts at contextualisation. In Africa, music plays a prominent role in the interpretation and expression of life and religion indicated in the Tswana choruses; music represents the wholeness of African existence symbolising the paradigm of harmony. Further, in mission, music's qualities, such as its cultural-social, symbolic, ritualistic and community-building qualities, support the integration of the convert into a fundamental relationship between the missio Dei and the missiones ecclesiae. With the help of a musica missionis, which includes missiological music and missionary music, the practice of future mission can be approached successfully; for instance, through the Africanisation of the Lutheran mission liturgy based on a context-musicology. Thus, a liturgically orientated theology of mission, meditating deeply on music's qualities (music being one essential element of Lutheran worship), has the potential to develop into a future liturgical missiology. This musical-liturgical approach to mission is encouraged by this thesis. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D.Th. (Missiology)

Assosiasie en koördinasie van notasie met klawers by die ontwikkeling van 'n leesvermoë by die klavierbeginner

Hesse, Maria Elizabetha 30 November 2005 (has links)
The study substantiates common strategies and theories regarding the teaching of sight-reading. The literature study done on sight-reading at the keyboard consists of opinions and recommendations resulting from empirical findings of well-known piano pedagogues. Seven beginner courses were analysed in order to assess their presentation of a well-structured development of piano sight-reading against the opinions and recommendations of well-known piano pedagogues and authors in this field as well as the personal experience of the researcher. During this process it was discovered that insufficient attention was paid to the development of the association between a note symbol and its corresponding key on the piano. However no attention was paid to the act of playing while reading ahead. The researcher compiled additional progressive exercises for the 7 to 9 year old beginner, to address the above-mentioned discrepancies. The exercises and their individual purposes are clearly explained with instructions regarding their performance. / Hierdie studie bevestig algemene strategieë en teorieë aangaande die ontwikkeling van vaardighede om musieknotasie te lees en te speel. Die literatuur wat in hierdie studie bestudeer is, handel oor opinies en aanbevelings van vooraanstaande klavierpedagoë wat voortspruit uit die resultate van hulle empiriese navorsing. Sewe aanvangskursusse is ontleed en die aktiwiteite en metodes waarvolgens vaardighede onderrig word om musieknotasie te leer lees en speel, is gemeet aan die aanbevelings van vooraanstaande klavierpedagoë, navorsers op die gebied, asook die navorser se eie ervaring met die boeke. Gedurende die studie is daar ontdek dat daar meesal nie aandag geskenk word aan die ontwikkeling van 'n assosiasie tussen 'n toonhoogtesimbool en ooreenstemmende klawer op die klavier nie en glad nie aan die proses van vooruitlees nie. Om hierdie tekortkominge te oorkom het die navorser 'n stel aanvullende en progressiewe oefeninge saamgestel wat maklik genoeg uitvoerbaar is vir die 7- tot 9-jarige beginner. Duidelike beskrywings van die oefeninge, elkeen se spesifieke doel, en aanwysings vir effektiewe uitvoering daarvan word verskaf. / Art History, Visual Arts and Music / M.A. (Musicology)

Examining the phenomena of eating habits and body image satisfaction: an in depth study of the elite rhythmic gymnast as they transition into retirement from the sport / Examing the phenomena of eating habits and body image

Di Palma, Amy 02 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Rhythmic gymnastics is a demanding sport that requires the athlete to not only execute the moves and elements required with perfection, but also demands a very specific lean body type in order to compete and be successful within the sport. This study explores retired gymnasts’ experiences of competing in rhythmic gymnastics at an elite level, as well as, exploring their experiences in relation to personal body image satisfaction and eating habits when they enter into retirement from the sport. The aim of this study is to provide an understanding of the athlete’s experiences as a rhythmic gymnast, as well as aspects of body image satisfaction and eating habits, following retirement from rhythmic gymnastics. The study provided a semi-structured interview to seven retired elite rhythmic gymnasts from Canada that had competed at provincial, national, and international levels. The data for this in-depth phenomenological study was obtained through the means of the semi-structured interviews to allow for the researcher to obtain an understanding of each of the gymnasts own personal experiences in their retired years. The transcription of each interview was then analysed and coded, first manually and then electronically using the qualitative coding software program ATLAS.ti, into various categories as well as themes found within the data. Findings were interpreted utilising the method of phenomenology explored themes relating to negative body image and poor eating habits both during their athletic career and after they had transitioned out of the sport and into retirement. In addition, the themes suggested that most of the former athletes still related to their elite rhythmic gymnastics identity with respect to their body image even after years of being in retirement. Participants seemed to highlight difficulties with lower self-confidence and self-esteem, as well as struggles regarding the acceptance of their body type and body image, themes also spoke to some participants’ dissatisfaction towards their new body post gymnastics. Ethical approval was obtained and all ethical standards were maintained throughout the duration of the research. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Análise dinâmica não-linear de pisos mistos (aço-concreto) submetidos a ações humanas rítmicas. / Nonlinear dynamic analysis of mixed floors (steel-concrete) subjected to rhythmic human actions.

Sidclei Gomes Gonçalves 21 December 2011 (has links)
Atualmente, o crescimento dos problemas de vibrações excessivas sobre pisos mistos (aço-concreto) tem conduzido à necessidade de desenvolvimento de critérios específicos para projetos estruturais submetidos à ação de atividades humanas rítmicas. Com base no desenvolvimento desta dissertação de mestrado, objetiva-se, principalmente, verificar a influência das ligações estruturais (ligações viga-viga), sobre a resposta dinâmica não-linear de pisos mistos (aço-concreto) de edificações, quando submetidos a cargas dinâmicas humanas rítmicas. Deste modo, o carregamento dinâmico empregado para a simulação das atividades humanas sobre o modelo estrutural investigado foi obtido através de testes experimentais com indivíduos praticando atividades rítmicas e não rítmicas. O modelo analisado nesta dissertação corresponde a um piso misto (aço-concreto) com uma área total de 1600m2 e consiste de um ambiente onde serão desenvolvidas atividades de ginástica aeróbica. O sistema estrutural é constituído por lajes de concreto armado apoiadas sobre vigas de aço, simulando o comportamento de um sistema estrutural misto (aço-concreto) com interação total. A metodologia de análise desenvolvida emprega técnicas usuais de discretização presentes no método dos elementos finitos, com base no emprego do programa ANSYS. A modelagem do sistema contempla ligações estruturais do tipo rígidas, semirrígidas e flexíveis. Os valores das acelerações de pico foram comparados com os limites recomendados por normas de projeto, baseando-se em critérios de conforto humano. As conclusões alcançadas ao longo deste trabalho de pesquisa revelam que as ligações estruturais do tipo viga-viga não apresentam influência significativa, no que diz respeito a resposta dinâmica não-linear da estrutura. Por outro lado, as acelerações de pico obtidas com base na análise dinâmica não-linear apresentam valores elevados indicando que o piso misto (aço-concreto) investigado apresenta problemas de vibração excessiva inerentes ao conforto humano. / Nowadays, the increasing incidence of composite (steel-concrete) floors vibration problems due to human rhythmic activities led to a specific design criteria to be addressed in structural design. The main objective of this investigation is to evaluate the influence of the structural connections (beam-to-beam connections) on the composite floors nonlinear dynamic response, when submitted to human rhythmic dynamic loads. The dynamic loads were obtained through experimental tests with individuals carrying out rhythmic and non-rhythmic activities. The investigated structural model was based on building composite floors and consisted of a typical office building interior bay with a total are of 1600m2 used for aerobics. The structural system are composed of a composite (steel-concrete) solution made of an I steel profile and a reinforced concrete slab. In this investigation a complete interaction between the concrete slab and steel beams was considered. The proposed analysis methodology adopted the usual mesh refinement techniques present in the finite element method simulations implemented in the ANSYS program. The structural system finite element modelling have considered rigid, semi-rigid and pinned beam-to-beam joints. The peak accelerations were compared with limits proposed by design codes and recommendations, based on human comfort criteria. The results obtained in this investigation indicated that the structural connections (beam-to-beam connections) can have a relevant influence on the composite floor nonlinear dynamic response. On the other hand, the peak accelerations obtained in this investigation, based on a nonlinear dynamic analysis, indicated that the investigated composite floor violated the human comfort criteria, as well as its vibration serviceability limit states.

Vers une poétique du sacré dans la littérature tunisienne : de l'intertexte du Coran et du Hadith à la découverte de la dimension littéraire du "sacré" dans un corpus d'oeuvres d'expression arabe et française / Towards a poetics of the sacredness in the Tunisian literature : intertext of the Qur’ân and Hadith to the discovery of the literary dimension of "sacred"

Ben Hassen, Nadia 17 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans une optique comparatiste et interdisciplinaire qui étudie les traits spécifiques du « sacré » tel qu’il se manifeste dans un corpus bilingue, en ayant recours conjointement à des théories littéraires et exégétiques. À travers cette étude de l’intertexte du Coran et du hadith dans la littérature tunisienne d’expression française et arabe, nous avons pu souligner l’importance de trois dimensions intertextuelles majeures qui contribuent pleinement à l’élaboration d’une poétique du « sacré » à savoir : la mystique, la rythmique et le mythe. Notre thèse déconstruit les idées reçues qui font perdurer la séparation entre la littérature et le sacré en démontrant la pertinence de la relecture des textes « sacrés » par les auteurs. Ceux-ci semblent en effet, avoir intuitivement accédé à la déconstruction de plusieurs mythes inscrits dans l’ « impensable » islamique. Leur apport est plus que pertinent en ce moment, où l’Islam se propage plus par ces mythes que par l’essence de ses textes. / In this thesis we aim to study what defines the sacredness in a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective as it manifests itself by a bilingual corpus. We had resorted to both literary and exegetical theories. Through this study of intertext of Qur’ân and Hadith in the tunisian literature which uses french and arabic-language we had emphasized the importance of three major dimensions in interextuality that contribute fully to devise the poetry in the « sacredness » : mystic, rhythmics and myth. Our thesis deconstructs preconceived ideas that keep the separation between the literature and sacredness by showing the importance of reviewing the sacred texts beyond doubt. The Authors seem to have intuitively deconstruct many myths of the « unthinkable » islamic thought. What they brought has considerable merit while Islam is becoming known more by its myths than by the essence of its texts.

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