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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Els valors límit d'exposició professional i límits biològics per a agents químics en l'àmbit de treball, mesura i control. Evolució de la normativa sobre el plom i la seva incidència sobre els accidents laborals i malalties professionals en la indústria ceràmica

Velayos Solé, Joaquim 21 July 2003 (has links)
L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és l'estudi dels valors límit d'exposició professional previstos en la normativa actual com a valors de referència per a l'avaluació i control dels riscos que comporta l'exposició a agents químics presents en el lloc de treball, fonamentalment per inhalació, per protegir la salut dels treballadors.No es pretén realitzar ni un estudi epidemiològic ni un estudi d'higiene, només s'utilitzen els valors d'exposició professional per analitzar el compliment de la normativa sobre la presència de plom en l'ambient de treball, i comprovar si el compliment de la normativa comporta la millora de la salut dels treballadors en funció de la millora de les concentracions de valors ambientals o biològics de l'exposició dels treballadors.La Directiva 98/24/CE deroga les Directives 80/1107/CEE sobre la protecció dels treballadors contra els riscos relacionats amb l'exposició a agents químics, físics i biològics durant el treball, i la Directiva 82/605/CEE, sobre la protecció dels treballadors contra riscos relacionats amb una exposició al plom metàl·lic i als seus compostos iònics durant el treball.S'analitza l'evolució de la normativa sobre la presència d'agents químics en l'ambient de treball, i en concret el plom, i la seva incidència en els accidents laborals i malalties professionals, i el compliment de la normativa al final d'un cicle marcat per l'entrada en vigor de la Directiva 98/24/CE.Per realitzar l'anàlisi anteriorment esmentada s'estudia la indústria ceràmica de les comarques gironines, de la construcció, de l'alimentació i decorativa, a través de les mesures de plom en l'ambient laboral i les mesures de plom en sang dels treballadors d'aquesta indústria des de 1991 a 1996. / The aim of this thesis is to study the limit values of professional exposure envisaged by current legislation as reference values for the assessment and control of the risks involved in exposure to chemical agents present in the workplace, mainly through inhalation, to protect the health of workers. It does not aim to be either an epidemiological study or a hygiene study, it only uses the values of professional exposure to analyse how far current legislation is complied with, with regard to the presence of lead in the workplace, and to find out whether compliance with the regulations leads to improving the health of workers, depending on the concentrations of environmental or biological values of the exposure of the workers. The Directive 98/24/EC repeals the Directive 80/1107/EEC on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to chemical, physical and biological agents at work and the Directive 82/605/EEC on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to metallic lead and its ionic compounds at work. The thesis analyses the development of the regulations governing the presence of chemical agents in the work environment, and in particular lead, and its incidence in work accidents and professional diseases, and the compliance with the regulation at the end of a cycle marked by the coming into effect of the Directive 98/24/EC. To carry out the above-mentioned analysis, we studied the ceramics industry in the Girona region, relating to the building, food and decoration industries, through measuring the level of lead in the work environment and in the blood of the workers in this industry from 1991 to 1996. / El objetivo de esta tesis es el estudio de los valores límite de exposición profesional previstos en la normativa actual como valores de referencia para la evaluación y control de los riesgos que comporta la exposición a agentes químicos presentes en el puesto de trabajo, fundamentalmente por inhalación, para proteger la salud de los trabajadores.No se pretende realizar ni un estudio epidemiológico ni un estudio de higiene, sólo se utilizan los valores de exposición profesional para analizar el cumplimiento de la normativa sobre la presencia de plomo en el ambiente de trabajo, y comprobar si el cumplimiento de la normativa revierte en la mejora de la salud de los trabajadores en función de la mejora de las concentraciones de valores ambientales o biológicos de la exposición de los trabajadores.La Directiva 98/24/CE deroga la Directiva 80/1107/CEE sobre la protección de los trabajadores contra los riesgos relacionados con la exposición a agentes químicos, físicos y biológicos durante el trabajo, y la Directiva 82/605/CEE, sobre la protección de los trabajadores contra riesgos relacionados con una exposición al plomo metálico y a sus compuestos iónicos durante el trabajo.Se analiza la evolución de la normativa sobre la presencia de agentes químicos en el ambiente de trabajo, y en concreto el plomo, y su incidencia en los accidentes laborales y enfermedades profesionales, y el cumplimiento de la normativa al final de un ciclo marcado por la entrada en vigor de la Directiva 98/24/CE.Para realizar el análisis anteriormente citado se estudia la industria cerámica de las comarcas de Girona, de la construcción, de la alimentación y decorativa, a través de las medidas de plomo en el ambiente laboral y las medidas de plomo en sangre de los trabajadores de esta industria desde 1991 a 1996.

Transfer and effects of brominated flame retardants (BFRs) on three plant species and one earthworm species in anthroposoils / Transfert et effets des retardateurs de flamme bromés (RFBs) sur trois espèces végétales et une espèce de lombric dans des anthroposols

Coelho Macedo, Cláudia Filipa 30 September 2019 (has links)
Une étude approfondie a été menée dans deux zones distinctes (Estarreja au Portugal, noté EST, et Casier Peyraud 6 en France, noté PEY) pour évaluer les niveaux de contamination, ainsi que leurs comportements dans des anthroposols et les risques potentiels de ces contaminants pour des organismes vivants du sol. L’objectif principal étant d’évaluer la mobilité environnementale des retardateurs de flamme bromés (RFBs) dans un écosystème terrestre, notamment vers les vers de terre (Eisenia fetida) et les plants (luzerne (Medicago sativa), cresson (Nasturtium officinale), moutarde blanche (Sinapsis alba), dans une prospective d’évaluation du risque de transferts de ces molécules.Le facteur de bioaccumulation (BAF) ainsi que les indices SET et ERITME ont été calculés. Le BAF permet de déterminer si une substance est accumulée dans un organisme donné et s’il existe un risque d’entrée et de diffusion tout au long de la chaine alimentaire. Les indices SET et ERITME permettent de classer les sites testés en fonction du transfert efficace des COs par les anthroposols aux organismes testés, et d’avoir une idée du risque potentiel pour l’écosystème. L’indice SET donne une idée globale de l’excès de transfert pour tous les contaminants dans les matrices étudiées. L’indice ERITME permet d’évaluer le risque environnemental global inhérent associé à l’excès de transfert des contaminants considérés. Compte tenu des valeurs ERITME, les matrices étudiées peuvent être classées dans un ordre de toxicité qui est aussi conforme pour l’ensemble des organismes testés (E. fetida, luzerne, cresson et moutarde). / A comprehensive study was conducted in two distinct areas (Estarreja in Portugal, noted EST, and Casier Peyraud 6 in France, noted PEY) to assess the contamination levels as well as their behavior in soils and the potential risks posed by these contaminants to soil organisms. The principal aim was to evaluate the environmental mobility of brominated flame retardants (BFRs) in a terrestrial ecosystem, namely to earthworms (Eisenia fetida) and plants (alfalfa (Medicago sativa), watercress (Nasturtium officinale) and white mustard (Sinapis alba)), concerning the BFRs transfer risk evaluation. The Bioaccumulation factor (BAF) as well as the SET and ERITME indexes were calculated. The BAF allow to determine if a substance is accumulated in a certain organism and if there exists the risk of entry and diffusion along the food chain. SET and ERITME indexes allow to rank the tested sites according to the effective OCs transfer from anthroposoils to the tested organisms and have an idea of the potential risk to the ec system. The SET index gives a global idea of the excess of transfer for all the contaminants in the studied matrices. The ERITME index allows to evaluate the possible inherent global environmental risk associated with the excess of transfer on the considered contaminants. Considering the ERITME values, the studied matrices can be classified in an apparent increasing order of toxicity that it is also in accordance with the levels of OCs found in the all the tested organisms (E. fetida, alfalfa, cress and mustard).

Strategie diferenciace malého podniku / Differentiation Strategy of Small Company

Šteflová, Jitka January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to propose effective and feasible strategy of differentiation. The thesis may be used as a valuable basis for developing a business plan founding or development of the company. According to the information processed in the theoretical part will be an analysis, whose outputs reveal the direction of future strategies and are the basis for the development of a differentiation strategy of small company, including the evaluation of potential risks and opportunities for future development.

Problémy současné bezpečnosti práce a jejich vliv na fungování organizace / Contemporary Health and Safety at Work Problems and their Influence on the Functioning of an Organization

Králik, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis elaborated on the subject „Contemporary Health and Safety at Work Problems and their Influence on the Functioning of an Organization“ focuses on the description of contemporary state of Health and safety at work problems in work activities, where the source of risk is represented by chemical substances, from the point of view of a company. The thesis sets out a view of legislative definition for the mentioned topic and also the possible application of safety at work management programs. This part also includes a summary description of risk analysis methods. In the practical part of the thesis, there is an organizational directive for a fictive company engaged in chemical production made. This directive will identify possible occupational risks resulting from the manufacturing process, and it will also evaluate the amount of risk for particular work activities in conjunction with hazard factors. The next part of the thesis contains a proposal of measures for risk reduction, based upon the previously mentioned evaluation. In the final part of the thesis, the author contemplates the possibilities of health and safety at work system improvement.

Riskbaserad säkerhetstestning : En fallstudie om riskbaserad säkerhetstestning i utvecklingsprojekt / Risk-based security testing: A case study on risk-based security testing in development projects

Engblom, Pontus January 2020 (has links)
A risk is something that can happen and a problem is something that we know will happen or that has already happened. Security testing is used to evaluate a programs security using various methods and risk-based security testing is used to analyze, calculate and correct potential defects or problems in a system.Testing can be very costly and it is the most primary way of removing software defects. Many people focus their testing looking for correct behavior and not deviant behaviors in software, therefore security testing has not been as relevant in traditional testing. It is usually not possible to perform exhaustive testing on a system, instead you must selectively choose tests to conduct. How should the selection of tests be conducted? The study therefore intends to investigate how one can start working with risk-based security testing in development projects in order to prioritize and choose test cases and test methods. The study also aims to answer whether you can get any financial or practical benefits from working with risk-based security testing. To conduct the study a case study was used and to collect data, a document study was used to provide the opportunity to answer the questions. In order to analyze the collected data, a qualitative data analysis method has been used to explain and describe the content with a descriptive research approach. The results of the study provided an example of risk management with different steps one can take to start working on risk-based security testing in existing or new development projects. The study’s conclusion also shows that if you work with risk-based security testing there are practical benefits. For instance, higher quality of the system and economic benefits by finding defects or implementing countermeasures for possible risks at an early stage during the systems development. / En risk är någonting som kan hända och ett problem är någonting som vi vet kommer hända eller som redan har hänt. Säkerhetstest används för att med olika metoder värdera ett programs säkerhet och riskbaserad säkerhetstestning används för att analysera, kalkylera och åtgärda potentiella defekter eller problem i ett system. Testning kan vara väldigt kostnadskrävande och det är det mest primära sättet som används för att ta bort defekter i mjukvaror. Många fokuserar sin testning på att leta efter ett korrekt beteende och inte avvikande beteenden i programvara, därför har säkerhetstestning inte varit så aktuellt i traditionell testning. Det är oftast inte möjligt att utföra uttömmande testning på ett system utan man måste selektivt välja tester, men hur ska selektionen gå till?Studien ämnar därför att undersöka hur man kan börja arbeta med riskbaserad säkerhetstestning i utvecklingsprojekt för att kunna prioritera och välja testfall och testmetoder. Studien ämnar också svara på om man kan få några ekonomiska eller praktiska fördelar av att arbeta med riskbaserad säkerhetstestning.För att genomföra studien gjordes en fallstudie och för att samla in data utfördes en dokumentstudie för att ge möjlighet att besvara frågeställningarna. För att analysera den insamlade data har en kvalitativ dataanalysmetod använts för att med en deskriptiv undersökningsansats kunna djupare förklara och beskriva innehållet. Resultaten från studien har medfört ett riskhanterings exempel med olika steg man kan ta för att börja arbeta med riskbaserad säkerhetstestning i befintliga eller nya utvecklingsprojekt. Studiens slutsats visar också att om man arbetar med riskbaserad säkerhetstestning så finns det praktiska fördelar. Exempelvis högre kvalitet på systemet och ekonomiska fördelar genom att man i ett tidigt skede under systemets utveckling hittar defekter eller implementerar motåtgärder för eventuella risker.

«Partir ou rester?» : évaluer les facteurs de risque individuels et situationnels afin de mieux intervenir auprès des jeunes qui fuguent des centres de réadaptation

Ste-Marie, Julie 04 1900 (has links)
La fugue est une problématique importante pour les instances veillant à protéger la sécurité et le développement des enfants et adolescents. Au Québec, un jeune sur quatre hébergé en centre de réadaptation l'expérimente. Bien que le taux de jeunes fugueurs reste stable, au cours des dernières années, le nombre d’absences s'est avéré en hausse. Cela signifie que ceux qui ont quitté leur milieu de vie substitut l'ont fait plus souvent. Puisque ce comportement peut compromettre la sécurité et le développement des enfants sous la responsabilité de ces instances, il faut chercher à déterminer les facteurs de risque individuels qui y sont associés. Il importe également de comprendre les caractéristiques du milieu de vie substitut et, plus largement, du contexte social environnant qui peuvent venir augmenter ou diminuer le risque. Une gestion efficace du risque de fugue passe nécessairement par une compréhension systémique de différents facteurs de risque individuels, organisationnels et environnementaux qui s’influencent et interagissent. Afin de considérer l’ensemble des caractéristiques permettant de prédire l'occurrence et la récurrence de la fugue, cette thèse poursuit deux objectifs principaux, abordés à partir d’une méthodologie mixte, alliant les méthodes quantitative et qualitative. Premièrement, le Guide d’évaluation du risque de fugue, un outil permettant d’évaluer le risque de fugue chez les jeunes hébergés en centre de réadaptation a été développé et validé. Un modèle composé initialement de 25 facteurs de risque a été soumis à diverses analyses psychométriques pour mettre à l'épreuve sa fidélité et sa validité prédictive. Des analyses de courbes ROC ont permis de déterminer que le modèle offrant la meilleure valeur prédictive en est un qui regroupe 15 éléments. De ce nombre, huit concernent des enjeux relationnels (ex.: alliance thérapeutique, réseau social, conflits, etc.). Une part importante de la prévention de la fugue doit donc s’intéresser à la façon dont le jeune interagit avec son entourage. Deuxièmement, 15 entretiens ont été réalisés auprès d’acteurs-clés afin de mieux cerner les caractéristiques du milieu de vie substitut qui peuvent avoir une incidence sur le risque de fugue. L’étude de ces facteurs situationnels a permis de comprendre en quoi l'historique récent de fugues dans le milieu de vie substitut, l’encadrement physique, les équipes d’intervenants, les composantes organisationnelles et les caractéristiques de la prise en charge peuvent prévenir ou accroitre le risque de fugue. Ces entretiens ont également mis de l’avant l’importance du contexte social environnant dans la compréhension de la problématique. En somme, cette thèse avance que la gestion du risque implique non seulement qu'on identifie les caractéristiques du jeune qui le prédisposent à la fugue, mais que l'on comprenne également en quoi des facteurs situationnels réduisent ou exacerbent le risque. Enfin, elle soutient que cette compréhension reste incomplète si l’on ne tient pas compte de certaines composantes du contexte social environnant. / The subject of runaways is an important preoccupation for child welfare services responsible for youth protection. In Québec, one in four youths living in a residential treatment center will experiment running away. Although these statistics tend to remain stable, in recent years an increase in absences has been observed. This can lead us to believe that those who leave the substitute care, do it more frequently. Managing risks in the youth protection system is a high stakes endeavor. In fact, runaway behaviors can potentially compromise the security and development of the youths for whom child welfare services have a responsibility. An optimal management of these risks implies evaluating them. Such an evaluation must not only determine the factors predisposing the youth to run away, it must also aim to identify the characteristics of the environment, how they influence the phenomena and eventually how they contribute to heighten or lessen these risks. A systemic understanding of the different individual and environmental risk factors, influencing and interacting with one another, must be considered when managing such risks in a protection setting. Considering these overall characteristics and their predictive value, this thesis has targeted two main objectives, based on a mix-méthod. A first goal was to develop a clinically valid tool evaluating the risk of running away for youths living in a residential treatment center. Applicating a model initially including 25 risk factors, diversified psychometric analysis measured the fidelity and predictive validity of the Guide d’évaluation du risque de fugue. In particular, ROC curves analysis helped determine that the model offering the best predictive value uses 15 risk factors. Of these 15 factors, 8 are pertaining to the quality of the relationships the youth has with his environment (quality of therapeutic alliance, conflictual relationships, peer and social relationships, etc…). This supposes that to better prevent the phenomena of running away in these contexts, a large part of these evaluations must take into account how the youth interacts with his environment. In second place, 15 interviews were conducted with key actors to better understand the characteristics and organisation of these residential treatment centers, and eventually their incidence on the risks of runaway behaviors. The careful study of situational factors has helped understand the influence of the actual presence of runaway behaviors, the physical environment, the teams of professionals; the characteristics of psychosocial treatment and finally the organisational components, and how they can prevent or increase these risks. These interviews have also highlighted the importance of the exterior environment in which the child welfare system is rooted and how this context affects the comprehension on these behaviors. Ultimately the results of this thesis lead us to believe that managing the risks of runaway behaviors not only implies evaluating the youth’s characteristics and how they predispose them to such behaviors but equally implies that situational factors have a role in preventing or increasing the risks. Although it should be mentioned that this evaluation is incomplete without the analysis of the exterior environment’s components and how they will facilitate or limit the risk management of professionals and child welfare organisations.

Posouzení ekonomické efektivnosti a rizik veřejného projektu / Evaluation of Economic Efficiency and Risks of Investment Project

Navrátilová, Vladimíra January 2022 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is the assessment of economic efficiency and risks of a public project. The theoretical part deals with the life stages of buildings, the characteristics of public projects and risks associated with the realization of the construction. The subject of the analytical part is an economic assessment of efficiency and risks in the specific selected public project.

Osäkerhetsbedömning av skjuvhållfasthet i lera längs med Göta älv / Uncertainty assessment of shear strength in clay along the Göta älv river

Dyberg, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Vid geotekniska arbeten är osäkerheter oundvikliga, men i stället för att hantera dessa som okända parametrar kan geotekniker med hjälp av bayesiansk statistik hantera geotekniska osäkerheter som slumpmässiga variabler med en sannolikhetsfördelning. I detta arbete har den bayesianska metoden utökad multivariabelanalys (EMA) tillämpats för bedömning av odränerad skjuvhållfasthet (𝑐u) i leror längs med Göta älv. Analysen har genomförts för områdena Smådala och Sörängen lokaliserade i lilla Edet längs med Göta älv, med mätdata från fem geotekniska mätmetoder i fält- och laboratorium: CPT-sondering (CPT), CRS-försök (CRS), direkta skjuvförsök (DSS), vingförsök (Vb) och fallkonförsök (Kon). Beräkningarna har genomförts i två steg: först har den totala osäkerheten för skattningen av 𝑐u bestämts separat för varje metod med hjälp av varianskoefficienten (𝐶𝑂𝑉tot) och sedan har samtliga 𝐶𝑂𝑉tot viktats med en EMA för en uppdaterad, mer tillförlitlig, total osäkerhet (𝐶𝑂𝑉tot,viktad). Resultaten visar 𝐶𝑂𝑉tot,viktat ≈ 2– 3,5 % för Smådala och 𝐶𝑂𝑉tot,viktat ≈ 1– 2 % för Sörängen. Slutsatsen är att bayesiansk statistik kan bidra till att kvantifiera geotekniska osäkerheter och därmed öka förståelsen dessa. Dock har osäkerheter vid bedömningen av vissa parametrar i 𝐶𝑂𝑉tot uppmärksammats, vilket kan innebära att osäkerheten från modellfelet (𝜗) kan öka osäkerheten vid skattningen av 𝑐u. Därför rekommenderas att storleken på 𝜗 vid bedömning av 𝐶𝑂𝑉tot bör undersökas och adderas till modellen för att möjliggöra användning av EMA i praktiken. / Uncertainties are inevitable in geotechnical investigations. However, instead of viewing these uncertainties as unknown parameters they could be managed with Bayesian statistics where the uncertainties are viewed as random variables with a statistical distribution. In this master thesis, the Bayesian method extended multivariate analysis (EMA) has been used for evaluation of the undrained shear strength (𝑐u) in clay along the Göta älv river. The analysis has been applied for the areas Smådala and Sörängen in the region Lilla Edet along the river, and with data from five geotechnical investigations methods from field- and laboratory testing: cone penetration test (CPT), constant rate of strain test (CRS), direct simple shear test (DSS), vane shear test (Vb) and fall cone test (Kon). The calculations were performed in two steps: first the calculation of the total uncertainty from the estimation of 𝑐u for each investigation method with the coefficient of variation (𝐶𝑂𝑉tot) and secondly the weighting of all the different 𝐶𝑂𝑉tot with an EMA to achieve an updated estimation of the uncertainties (𝐶𝑂𝑉tot,viktad). The results show that 𝐶𝑂𝑉tot,viktat ≈ 2– 3,5 % in Smådala and 𝐶𝑂𝑉tot,viktat ≈ 1– 2 % in Sörängen. The conclusion is that the usage of Bayesian statistics could increase the understanding of geotechnical uncertainties as well as give tools to quantify them. Although, there were uncertainties with the estimation of some parameters within 𝐶𝑂𝑉tot and thus the uncertainty from the so-called model error (𝜗) could increase the uncertainty in the estimation of 𝑐u. Therefore, it is suggested that the magnitude of 𝜗 when estimating 𝐶𝑂𝑉tot should be investigated and added to the model to enable the usage of EMA in practice.

The Application of Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry Dataset for Validation, Characterization and Flood Risk Analysis in Land Subsidence-Affected Areas

Navarro-Hernández, María Inés 02 July 2024 (has links)
This interdisciplinary doctoral dissertation addresses land subsidence in different and diverse study cases in the world, employing advanced techniques and methodologies to measure their magnitude and comprehensively explore its causes, and implications. Investigating areas such as the San Luis Potosi metropolitan area, Alaşehir-Sarıgöl sub-basin (ASSB) in Türkiye, and the Alto Guadalentín Valley in Spain, the research unveils critical insights into the complex dynamics of subsidence phenomena. Utilizing advanced remote sensing techniques like Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) and Coherent Pixels Technique (CPT), the study assesses subsidence rates and correlates them with factors such as trace faults, groundwater extraction, and soft soil thickness. Validation methodologies were developed and proposed to the scientific community on the first stage, integrating Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) benchmarks, enhance the reliability of Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (DInSAR) measurements, ensuring a robust foundation for subsequent analyses. The research aims to contribute to the understanding of land subsidence and contribute to create a decision-support framework to mitigate the phenomenon while addressing specific research objectives within each identified topic of inquiry. The research topic 1 includes the “DInSAR for monitoring land subsidence in overexploited aquifers”. In the San Luis Potosi metropolitan area (Mexico), the application of CPT technique reveals intriguing correlations between trace faults, land subsidence, and groundwater extraction. Specifically, areas in the municipality of Soledad de Graciano Sánchez exhibit subsidence values ranging between -1.5 and -3.5 cm/year, while in San Luis Potosi, values range from -1.8 to -4.2 cm/year. The validation of CPT results against five Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) benchmarks establishes a robust correlation of 0.986, underlining the reliability of InSAR-derived deformations. Additionally, in regions like the Alaşehir-Sarıgöl sub-basin (Türkiye), where water stress is heightened due to intensive agricultural irrigation, the study explores the roles of tectonic activity and groundwater withdrawal in land subsidence. Utilizing the P-SBAS algorithm, 98 Sentinel-1 SAR images in ascending orbits and 123 in descending orbits were analysed, covering the period from 2016 to 2020. Independent Component Analysis was applied to distinguish long-term displacements from seasonal variations in the DInSAR time series data. Displacement rates of up to -6.40 cm/year were identified, thus, the proposed P-SBAS algorithm facilitates the monitoring of displacement, revealing direct correlations between DInSAR displacement and critical factors like aquitard layer compaction. These findings contribute valuable insights into the dynamic interactions shaping overexploited aquifers. The research topic 2, developing parallelly to topic 1, consists of the “Validation of DInSAR data applied to land subsidence areas”. Addressing the imperative for validation methodologies in subsidence assessments, a systematic approach introduces statistical analyses and classification schemes. This methodology is designed to validate and refine DInSAR data, enhancing the reliability of subsidence assessments. By normalizing Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) parameters with the range and average of in-situ deformation values and employing the squared Pearson correlation coefficient (R²), a classification scheme is established. This scheme facilitates the acceptance/rejection of DInSAR data for further analyses through the application of automatic analysis supported by a Matlab © code, ensuring a more accurate representation of land subsidence phenomena. The research topic 3 covers the exploitation of DInSAR data for assessing flooding potential and determining characteristic parameters of aquifer systems. The first one is “Impact of land subsidence on flood patterns”. The study in the Alto Guadalentín Valley, a region experiencing extreme flash floods jointly with high-magnitude land subsidence, integrates flood event models, Differential interferometric SAR (DInSAR) techniques, and 2D hydraulic flow models. Through Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite images and DInSAR, land subsidence's magnitude and spatial distribution are quantified. The results demonstrate significant changes in water surface elevation between the two 1992 and 2016 temporal scenarios, leading to a 2.04 km² increase in areas with water depths exceeding 0.7 m. These outcomes, incorporated into a flood risk map and economic flood risk assessment, underscore the pivotal role of land subsidence in determining inundation risk and its socio-economical implications. The research offers a valuable framework for enhancing flood modelling by considering the intricate dynamics of land subsidence. The second application of DInSAR data is about the “Automatic calculation of skeletal storage coefficients in aquifer systems”. In response to the need for automating data analysis for specific storage coefficients in aquifer systems, a MATLAB© application is introduced. This application streamlines the correlation between piezometric levels and ground deformation, significantly reducing analysis time and mitigating potential human interpretation errors. The developed application integrates temporal groundwater level series from observation wells and ground deformation data measured by in-situ or remote sensing techniques (e.g., DInSAR). Through the automatic construction of stress-strain curves, the application contributes to the estimation of skeletal storage coefficients, offering a valuable tool for evaluating aquifer system behaviours. This comprehensive research, guided by the complexities of these three distinct research topics, yields detailed insights and methodological advancements. By integrating diverse datasets and employing advanced techniques, this dissertation offers a multidimensional understanding of land subsidence dynamics and provides a robust foundation for sustainable groundwater management globally. / This research is funded by the PRIMA Programme supported by the European Union (Grant agreement 1924), project RESERVOIR.

我國食品安全管制及法執行之研究 / Regulation and Law Enforcement of Food Safety in Taiwan

姜至剛, Chiang, Chih Kang Unknown Date (has links)
我國向以「美食王國」享譽國際,各種美食不但曾為國人共同驕傲,亦帶來大量觀光人潮與經濟收入。未料,2011年5月「塑化劑事件」揭開我國食安風暴之黑幕,此後毒澱粉事件、黑心油事件等一連串黑心事件爆發,不但使國人對政府食品安全行政管制失去信心,亦讓我國美食商譽嚴重受創。 政府雖於每次食安事件爆發後,隨即召開相應之各種食安會議,提出相關管制改革措施;更透過數次修改食安法,不斷提高對違反法規黑心食品相關業者之罰則。然而食安事件仍不斷爆發,黑心食品不但數量未曾減少,反而製造、加工方法更趨黑心;顯示我國食品安全行政管制完全失靈,傳統法執行制度陷入困境,亟需改革。 我國食安法於2013年6月進行重大修正,此次修正納入以預防原則為前提之風險分析模式,風險分析模式係由歐盟開始發展,主要包括風險評估、風險管理及風險溝通。我國雖擬納入風險分析模式革新食品安全管制,惟食安法似僅將核心置於風險評估之制度設計,有關風險管理措施著墨不多,風險溝通更是付之闕如。因此,修法2年多以來,食品安全仍未能有效管制,食安事件爆發後,更是主管機關手忙腳亂,消費者人心惶惶。 有鑑於傳統法執行制度陷入困境,無法完成食安管制之任務,食安法除納入風險分析模式外,尚設立三級管理機制,亦即採取公私協力與自主規制之手段,主要透過業者自我管理、建立通報系統等措施強化食安管制。藉由與私部門之合作,固可提高食安管制之專業與效率,惟因我國未能體察社會民情與企業文化之差異,徒使自主規制成為政府卸責之藉口,有待進一步檢討。 因此,我國應就食品安全管制應就立法政策、風險分析及供應鏈管制等三方面,徹底檢討並提出解決辦法。 / In Taiwan, “Delicious Food” is well known world wide, and is one of the most proud of issue for Taiwanese. Small eats, and a lot of them, are the big things in Taiwan, and attracted a lot of tourists and brought a favorable income. Unfortunately, the Taiwan food scandal was started by the overuse one of plasticizer as a clouding agent in numerous food and beverage. It followed by “Toxic starch” and “Evil oil event”, which led to lose confidence and ruin administrative regulation of food safety to Taiwan government. Furthermore, there was a huge impact on Taiwan delicious food goodwill in the world. After uncovered each food scandal, Taiwan government tried to organize numerous food safety conferences, and has taken measures to restrain food safety regulation. In addition to food safety law revision, the penalty provision has been enhanced for unscrupulous vendors of food industry. However, food scandal is keeping on going, and the events are increasing in numbers these years. The food manufacturing and refining processes has become more evil. It means that food safety administrative regulation is run out of order, and the traditional law enforcement has faced the difficulty in this changing era. Since June 2013, food safety law revision included the brand new “Risk Analysis” model into “Precautionary Principle” concept. Risk analysis started over by European Union (EU), which is a politico-economic union of 28 member states that are located primarily in Europe. “Risk Analysis” model has three components, including risk evaluation, risk management and risk communication. In Taiwan, we have already taken “Risk Analysis” model on board for the innovation of food safety regulation, but Food Safety Law focused in the accounting system design of risk evaluation. There is only few in the risk management, and no statements in risk communication. Two years after food safety law revision, we still found the administration office has difficulty in facing the new food scandal, and the general populations are still worry about food safety issue. In order to reform the traditional law enforcement in food safety, the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation Taiwan included the risk analysis model first. Furthermore, in Taiwan’s food safety regime, the three-tier quality control system refers to self-management by food businesses, testing by independent institutions, and inspections by the government. It means that public-private partnerships (PPP) and self-regulation become a part of new regulation system. Through the cooperation between Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) and private industrial association, the professionalism and efficiency of food safety regulation will be enhanced, but this kind of cooperation might be become the reasons of shirking the responsibility of government. Further investigation is mandatory.

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