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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Validity and Reliability Assessment of a Dangerous Driving Self-Report Measure

Dula, Chris S. 10 April 2003 (has links)
The Dula Dangerous Driving Index (DDDI) was created to measure drivers' self-reported propensity to drive dangerously (Dula & Ballard, in press). In the early stages of development, the DDDI and each of its subscales (Dangerous Driving Total, Aggressive Driving, Negative Emotional Driving, and Risky Driving) were found to have strong internal reliability (alphas from .83 to .92), and there was evidence of construct validity. In Study One, the alpha coefficient of .91 for the DDDI Total scale indicated excellent internal reliability for the measure and good internal reliability was demonstrated for its subscales with coefficient alphas equal to .81 for the DDDI Risky Driving subscale, .79 for the DDDI Negative Emotional subscale, and the DDDI Aggressive Driving subscale. Additionally, convergent and divergent validity was shown for the DDDI, but evidence was weaker for the validity of the separate subscales. Factor analysis demonstrated that the DDDI seemed to measure a unitary construct. In Study Two, coefficients of stability were generated from a four-week test-retest procedure, which were .76 for the DDDI Risky Driving subscale, .68 for the DDDI Negative Emotional subscale, .55 for the DDDI Aggressive Driving subscale, and .73 for the DDDI Total. In Study Three, the percentage of variance accounted for in criterion variables by different models ranged from 13.6% to 47.7%, where the DDDI Negative Emotional and DDDI Total scales frequently accounted for large portions of variance. In Study Four, the percent of variance accounted for in criterion variables by different models ranged from 22.0% to 65.6%, where some of the DDDI scales were regularly found to account for significant variance. Thus, it was concluded that the DDDI is a measure with high levels of internal reliability and reasonable stability across time, and that face, construct, and predictive validity was demonstrated. However, the evidence in support of the present division of subscales was weak, though present. Therefore, should further data fail to produce more substantial evidence for the validity of the DDDI subscales, a singular dangerous driving measure would be warranted, and the number of items should be shortened as guided by results from factorial analysis. / Ph. D.

Actor-observer effekten och bilkörning : Hur attribuerar människor beteenden vid riskabel bilkörning?

Kunkel, Jennifer, Chen, Kristina January 2008 (has links)
<p>Actor-observer bias är tendensen där människan som aktörer tillskriver sitt beteende till yttre omständigheter medan observatörer tenderar till att tillskriva aktörens beteende till personliga faktorer. Syftet med denna studie var att få en klarare bild av hur människor i sin roll som aktör eller observatör attribuerar ett riskabelt bilkörningsbeteende. Deltagarna bestod av 101 svenska studenter från en högskola i Mellansverige varav 77 stycken var kvinnor och 24 stycken var män. Deltagarna fick svara på en enkät angående actor-observer bias och riskfullt bilkörningsbeteende. Resultaten visade att andras beteende förklaras mer av personliga egenskaper än då personen själv kör riskfullt medan yttre omständigheter inte gav skillnad för vare sig andra eller en själv. Betydelsen av detta och implikationer för framtida forskning diskuterades.</p>

Actor-observer effekten och bilkörning : Hur attribuerar människor beteenden vid riskabel bilkörning?

Kunkel, Jennifer, Chen, Kristina January 2008 (has links)
Actor-observer bias är tendensen där människan som aktörer tillskriver sitt beteende till yttre omständigheter medan observatörer tenderar till att tillskriva aktörens beteende till personliga faktorer. Syftet med denna studie var att få en klarare bild av hur människor i sin roll som aktör eller observatör attribuerar ett riskabelt bilkörningsbeteende. Deltagarna bestod av 101 svenska studenter från en högskola i Mellansverige varav 77 stycken var kvinnor och 24 stycken var män. Deltagarna fick svara på en enkät angående actor-observer bias och riskfullt bilkörningsbeteende. Resultaten visade att andras beteende förklaras mer av personliga egenskaper än då personen själv kör riskfullt medan yttre omständigheter inte gav skillnad för vare sig andra eller en själv. Betydelsen av detta och implikationer för framtida forskning diskuterades.

Attitudinal factors related to driving behaviors of young adults in Belize: An application of the precaution adoption process model

Hoare, Ismael A 01 June 2007 (has links)
Young adults' risk-taking attitudes, risk perception, and knowledge of road laws and signs influence their driving behaviors. The adoption of risky driving behaviors increases young adults' risk of motor vehicle crashes. The purpose of this study was to increase the understanding of the factors that lead to increased risks of MVC-related mortality and morbidity for young adults in Belize, to provide support for the development of evidence-based programs, and, more importantly, to investigate the relationships involving young adults' risk-taking attitudes, risk perception, and knowledge of road laws and signs and their relation to driving behaviors. The Precaution Adoption Process Model provided the theoretical foundation for this study and was used as the framework to investigate the variables of interest. This study used a nonexperimental, cross-sectional research design to examine the relationships between the latent variables. A convenience sample of 532 students enrolled at the University of Belize participated in this study. Data were collected through the completion of the Driving Behavior Survey. Structural equation modeling was used to examine the strength and direction of relationships among these latent variables and provide a better understanding of the relationships among these latent variables. The study found that the majority of students were in the final stages of the Precaution Adoption Process Model and were exhibiting the safest behaviors. However, the risk-taking attitudes significantly contributed to the manifestation of risky driving behavior and to a lesser extent so did risk perception. The study's findings suggest that interventions should focus on lowering young adults' risk-taking attitudes and raising risk perception to reduce risky driving behaviors.

Profesionalių vairuotojų darbo motyvacijos, asmenybės bruožų ir rizikingo vairavimo elgesio sąsajos / Relation between the work motivation, personality traits and risky driving behaviour of professional drivers

Stankevičienė, Džeralda 19 June 2009 (has links)
Kasmet apie pusė milijono žmonių žūsta eismo įvykiuose visame pasaulyje. Dažniausiai į eismo įvykius patenka profesionalūs vairuotojai, nes profesionalus vairavimas sąlygoja daug didesnę riziką nei kitos profesijos. Eismo įvykiai – tai dideli ekonominiai ir socialiniai kaštai visuomenei ir darbdaviams. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti profesionalių vairuotojų darbo motyvacijos, asmenybės bruožų ir rizikingo vairavimo elgesio sąsajas. Tyrime dalyvavo Lietuvoje dirbantis 181 profesionalus vairuotojas (vyrai) iš įvairaus dydžio organizacijų. Tiriamiesiems anketos buvo pateikiamos tiesiogiai, darbo vietoje, ir iš karto po užpildymo surenkamos. Tiriamieji atsakė į anketoje pateiktus klausimus, siekiant įvertinti darbo motyvacijos, asmenybės bruožų ir rizikingo vairavimo elgesio sąsajas: a) darbo motyvacijai įvertinti sukurtas klausimynas, remiantis V. Vroomo lūkesčių darbo motyvacijos teorija, b) asmenybės bruožams nustatyti naudotas 44 klausimų Didžiojo penketo modelio klausimynas (John ir kt., 1991), c) rizikingam vairavimo elgesiui įvertinti naudotas 24 teiginių vairavimo elgesio klausimynas (Reason ir Parker, 1990) ir informacija apie eismo įvykius bei baudas už kelių eismo taisyklių pažeidimus. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad profesionalūs vilkikų vairuotojai, pasižymintys labiau išreikšta ekstraversija, sutariamumu, sažiningumu ir mažiau išreikštu neurotizmu, mažiau rizikingai vairuoja. Tačiau tik mažiau išreikštu sąžiningumu pasižymintys profesionalūs mažųjų autobusų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Every year, about half a million people are killed in traffic accidents around the world. In most cases, accidents are of concern to professional drivers, as professional driving involves much greater risk than other professions. Traffic accidents mean major economic and social costs to society and employers. The aim of the study was to identify the links between the work motivation, personality traits and risky driving behaviour of professional drivers. The study covered 181 professional driver (male) employed in various size organizations in Lithuania. Trial questionnaires were distributed to the research individuals directly at their workplaces, and collected immediately after the filling. The respondents answered the questions in the questionnaire aiming to assess the relations between the work motivation, personality traits and risky driving behaviour of professional drivers: a) questionnaire for the assessment of work motivation was developed on the basis of V. Vroom expectancy theory of motivation, b) personality traits were determined by using the Big Five model Inventory consisting of 44 questions (John et al., 1991), c) risky driving behaviour was determined according to the questionnaire with 24 statements on driving behaviour (Reason, and Parker, 1990) and information about traffic events and penalties for traffic offences. The results of this study demonstrated those professional truck drivers, during more expressed extroversion, agreeableness... [to full text]

Profesionalių vairuotojų vertybinių orientacijų, įsipareigojimo organizacijai bei rizikingo vairavimo elgesio sąsajos / Professional drivers value orientations, commitment to the organization and risky driving behaviour interface

Arlauskienė, Renata 21 December 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas - įvertinti profesionalių vairuotojų rizikingo vairavimo sąsajas su jų vertybinėmis orientacijomis ir įsipareigojimu organizacijai. Tyrime dalyvavo 160 profesionalių vairuotojų iš Kauno, Klaipėdos, Telšių, Pasvalio, Kaišiadorių, Tauragės, Šilutės, Zarasų, Šilalės ir Kretingos miestų. Rizikingas vairavimas buvo tiriamas „Vairavimo Elgesio Klausimynu“ (DBQ), vertybinės orientacijos - M. M. Rokičiaus „Vertybinių orientacijų tyrimo“ metodika (Rokeach, 1972), įsipareigojimas organizacijai „Organizacinio įsipareigojimo klausimynu“ (Yousef, 2003). Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad profesionalių vairuotojų rizikingas vairavimas nepriklauso nuo jų amžiaus, vairavimo stažo, šeimyninės padėties. Tik nustatyta, kad profesionalūs vairuotojai, kurie turi aukštąjį išsilavinimą, vairuodami daro daugiau nedidelių apsirikimų kelyje. Profesionalių vairuotojų vertybinės orientacijos (tiek socialinės, tiek egocentrinės) yra susijusios su jų rizikingu vairavimo elgesiu. Kuo labiau profesionalus vairuotojas vertina socialines vertybes, tuo mažiau yra linkęs rizikingai vairuoti (daro mažiau vairavimo reikšmingų klaidų bei tyčinių pažeidimų). Taip pat kuo labiau profesionalus vairuotojas vertina egocentrines vertybes, tuo mažiau rizikingai vairuoja (daro mažiau nedidelių apsirikimų, vairavimo reikšmingų klaidų bei tyčinių pažeidimų). Profesionalių vairuotojų įsipareigojimas organizacijai nėra susijęs su sociodemografiniais veiksniais (amžiumi, išsilavinimu, šeimynine padėtimi, vairavimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Purpose of the survey - to assess the professional drivers' risky driving links with their value orientation and commitment to the organization. The study included 160 professional drivers in Kaunas, Klaipėda, Telšiai, Pasvalys, Kaišiadoriai, Tauragė, Šilutė, Zarasai, Šilalė and Kretinga cities. Risky driving has been studied using Driving Conduct Questionnaire (DBQ), value orientations methodology of Value orientations study by M. M. Rokičius (Rokeach, 1972), commitment to the organization using Organizational commitment questionnaire (Yousef, 2003). The results showed that risky driving of professional drivers is irrespective of their age, driving experience and marital status. Only found that professional drivers who have higher education, they are doing more small oversights on the road than others. Professional drivers value orientations (both social and egocentric) are associated with their risky driving behaviour. The more professional driver maximizes the social values the less he is inclined to risky driving (makes less driving significant errors and intentional violations). The more also a professional driver maximizes the egocentric values, the less risky driving he makes (makes less minor oversights, driving significant errors and intentional violations). Professional drivers’ undertaking the organization is not related to socio-demographic factors (age, education, marital status, driving and seniority). However, the less the driver has committed to a... [to full text]

Réponse au stress et comportements routiers à risque sous l’effet de l’alcool chez de jeunes conducteurs / Stress response and risky driving behaviours under the influence of alcohol in young drivers

El Amrani, Laila January 2014 (has links)
Résumé : Introduction. Les collisions routières représentent un grave problème à travers le monde. Elles causent des dizaines de millions de blessés chaque année et figurent comme l’une des principales causes de décès chez les jeunes adultes. La conduite avec les capacités affaiblies, la vitesse et d’autres comportements routiers à risque (CRR) sont souvent associés à ces accidents. Notre équipe de recherche s’est intéressée à l’étude de marqueurs de risque de l’implication dans les CRR. Les résultats indiquent qu’une faible réponse au stress, mesurable par l’hormone cortisol, est liée à un nombre plus élevé de condamnations passées pour conduite avec les capacités affaiblies chez les contrevenants et à l’implication future dans les accidents et quasi-accidents chez les jeunes conducteurs. Aucune étude n’avait encore étudié le lien direct entre la réponse au stress et la présence de CRR suite à la consommation d’alcool. But et hypothèse. L’étude a pour but principal de mesurer l’association entre la réponse au stress des jeunes conducteurs et la présence de CRR suite à la consommation d’alcool. L’hypothèse principale soutient qu’une faible réponse au stress est liée à la présence de CRR suite à la consommation d’alcool. L’objectif secondaire de cette étude est d’explorer si d’autres variables (c.-à-d., la recherche de sensations, la consommation de cigarettes et la consommation problématique d’alcool), peuvent expliquer la variance de réponse au stress chez les jeunes conducteurs. L’hypothèse secondaire propose que la recherche de sensations, la sévérité de la consommation d’alcool et de cigarettes sont des variables qui expliquent la variance de réponse au stress. Méthode. Quarante conducteurs masculins âgés de 20 à 24 ans ont pris part à l’étude. Les comportements routiers suite à la consommation d’alcool (c.-à-d., vitesse et non-respect de la signalisation lors du premier trajet, décision de conduire un deuxième trajet sous l’effet de l’alcool) ont été observés à l’aide d’un simulateur de conduite. La réponse au stress a été mesurée à l’aide d’une tâche d’induction du stress standardisée et des échantillons de cortisol salivaire ont été recueillis avant et après la tâche. Les variables de l’objectif secondaire ont été mesurées à l’aide de questionnaires. Résultats. Les résultats démontrent qu’une faible réponse au stress est négativement et significativement associée à la présence de CRR lors de la conduite du simulateur sous l’influence de l’alcool (r (38) = -0,30, p = 0,032). La recherche de sensations explique significativement la variance de la réponse au stress (β = -0,33; p = 0,041); la sévérité de la consommation d’alcool et la consommation de cigarettes n’expliquent pas significativement la variance de réponse au stress entre individus. Implications. Les résultats de cette étude ont permis de mettre en lumière le lien existant entre la réponse au stress et l'implication des jeunes conducteurs dans les CRR suite à la consommation d’alcool. L’efficacité d’outils de prévention et d’intervention adaptés aux caractéristiques des individus qui réagissent moins au stress devrait être étudiée dans d’autres études. // Abstract : Introduction. Motor vehicle crashes are a serious problem worldwide. They cause tens of millions of injuries each year and represent one of the leading causes of death in young adults. Impaired driving, speeding and other risky driving behaviours (RDBs) are often associated with these crashes. Examination of risk markers associated with involvement in RDBs by our research team has shown that a low response to a stressful task, measurable by cortisol, is linked to a higher number of past convictions for impaired driving in offenders and to future involvement in crashes and near-crashes in young drivers. No study had yet examined the direct link between stress response and the presence of RDBs following alcohol consumption. Goals and Hypotheses. The primary goal of the study is to measure the association between young drivers’ stress response and the presence of RDBs following alcohol consumption. The main hypothesis is that a low stress response is linked to RDBs following alcohol consumption. The study’s secondary objective is to explore whether other variables (i.e., sensation seeking, cigarette use, and problem drinking) may explain the variance in stress response exhibited by young drivers. Hence, the secondary hypothesis proposes that sensation seeking and the severity of alcohol and cigarette use are variables that explain the variance in stress response. Method. Forty male drivers aged 20 to 24 years old participated in the study. Driving behaviours following alcohol consumption (i.e., speeding and failure to obey traffic signs during the first trip, deciding to drive a second trip under the influence of alcohol) were observed by means of a driving simulator. Stress response was measured using a standardized stress-inducing task, and saliva cortisol samples were collected before and after the task. Questionnaires gathered data used to test the secondary hypothesis. Findings. The findings show that a low stress response is negatively and significantly associated with the RDBs when driving the simulator under the influence of alcohol (r (38) = -0.30, p = 0.032). Sensation seeking significantly explains the variance in stress response (β = -0.33; p = 0.041); the severity of alcohol consumption and cigarette use do not significantly explain the variance in stress response across individuals. Implications. The study findings clarify the link between stress response and the involvement of young drivers in RDBs following alcohol consumption. The efficacy of prevention and intervention tools adapted to the characteristics of individuals who react less to stress should be explored in future studies.

Jaunų vairuotojų alkoholio vartojimo, pablogėjusios nuotaikos, patiriamos įtampos ir polinkio rizikingai vairuoti sąsajos / Young drivers alcohol use, bad mood, sustained tension and risky driving correlations

Gurskytė, Radvilė 08 June 2010 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas buvo nustatyti jaunų vairuotojų alkoholio vartojimo, patiriamos įtampos, pablogėjusios nuotaikos ir polinkio rizikingai vairuoti sąsajas. Tyrime dalyvavo 202 Lietuvoje gyvenantys jauni vairuotojai nuo 18 iki 29 metų amžiaus (82 vyrai ir 120 moterų). Tiriamieji pildė vairuotojų elgesio klausimyną (DBQ) polinkiui į rizikingą vairavimą nustatyti, pablogėjusi nuotaika buvo matuojama Zungo depresijos skale (SDS), o patiriama įtampa - subjektyviai suvokto streso skale (PSS), taip pat pateikti socialiniai - demografiniai klausimai. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad polinkis rizikingai vairuoti siejamas su jaunų vairuotojų lyties skirtumais. Vyrai atlieka daugiau tyčinių vairavimo pažeidimų nei moterys, o moterys atlieka daugiau klaidų vairuodamos, tačiau lyties skirtumai nedaro įtakos patekimų į autoavarijas dažnumui. Kuo dažniau jauni vairuotojai vartoja alkoholį, tuo daugiau jie atlieka tyčinių vairavimo pažeidimų ir tuo dažniau patenka į autoavarijas, tačiau jie nedaro daugiau klaidų vairuodami. Jauni vairuotojai, kurie pasižymi didesne pablogėjusia nuotaika, daro daugiau klaidų vairuodami. Tuo tarpu jauni vairuotojai, pasižymintis pablogėjusia nuotaika, atlieka panašų kiekį tyčinių vairavimo pažeidimų bei autoavarijų kaip ir tie, kurių nuotaika yra geresnė. Taip pat nustatyta, kad kuo didesnė jaunų vairuotojų patiriama įtampa, tuo jie daro daugiau klaidų vairuodami. Tuo tarpu didesnė patiriama įtampa nepaveikia jaunų vairuotojų atlikti daugiau tyčinių vairavimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The research has been targeted to define the correlations between young drivers alcohol use, bad mood, sustained tension and risky driving. The research involved 202 young Lithuanian drivers from 18 till 29 years (82 men, 120 women). Participants had to fill in a questionnaire made up of Drivers Behavior Questionnaire (DBQ) to evaluate risky driving, Zung Self-rating depression scale (SDS) to evaluate bad mood, Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) to evaluate sustained tension and social-demographics questions. The research results showed existing association between risky driving and gender. Men more often than women make driving violations purposely. Driving mistakes are more common for women than for men. Crash involvement has not been associated with gender. The increase of young drivers alcohol use also increases the results of driving violations and involvement in crashes. However, increased alcohol use is not associated with bigger amount of driving mistakes. The greater degree of young drivers bad mood result, more driving mistakes are made. Whereas, greater degree of bad mood does not affect higher scores in driving violations and crash involvement. The greater degree of young drivers sustained tension result, more driving mistakes are made. Whereas, greater degree of sustained tension does not affect higher scores in driving violations and crash involvement. And finally, alcohol use and sustained tension have significant influence on young drivers risky driving, whereas... [to full text]

Airių, lietuvių bei Airijoje gyvenančių lietuvių sveikatą žalojančio elgesio ypatumai / Specific Features of Forms of Health destructive Behaviour of Lithuanians, Irish and Lithuanians living in Ireland

Žemaitaitienė, Vida 29 January 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas: nustatyti lietuvių, airių ir Airijoje gyvenančių lietuvių sveikatą žalojančio elgesio ypatumus. Tyrime dalyvavo 422 (237 moterys ir 185 vyrai) 18- 65 metų tiriamieji: iš jų 147 lietuviai, 133 airiai ir 142 Airijoje gyvenantys lietuviai. Siekiant nustatyti rūkymo vartojimo intensyvumą, naudota dalis klausimų iš A.Goštauto (1999) mokymo medžiagos sveikatos psichologijos kursui; alkoholio vartojimui tirti paimta PSO Alkoholio vartojimo sutrikimų nustatymo testas (AUDIT); narkotinių medžiagų vartojimui tirti paimta PSO alkoholio, rūkymo ir kitų narkotinių medžiagų vartojimo nustatymo testas (ASSIST V3); nepakankamam fiziniam aktyvumui tirti naudota Tarptautinio fizinio aktyvumo klausimyno trumpoji, lietuviška versija, paimta iš oficialaus International Physical Activity Questionnaire; nesveikos mitybos įpročiams įvertinti paimtas G. Turconi, M. Celsa (2003) mitybos klausimynas (A Dietary Questionnaire on food habits, eating behaviour and nutritional knowledge); rizikingam varavimui įvertinti naudotas J. Reason ir D. Parker (1990) Vairuotojų elgesio klausimynas (Drive Behavior Questionaire). Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad Airijoje ir Lietuvoje gyvenantys lietuviai rūko daugiau nei airiai; Airijoje ir Lietuvoje gyvenantys lietuviai bei airiai vartoja alkoholį vienodai vyrų grupėje, Airijoje gyvenančios lietuvės vartoja daugiau alkoholio nei Lietuvoje gyvenančios lietuvės bet mažiau nei airės; Airijoje bei Lietuvoje gyvenantys lietuviai ir airiai pagal narkotinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Aim of the Survey: determine specific features of health destructive behaviour of Lithuanians, Irish and Lithuanians living in Ireland. 422 subjects (237 females and 185 males), aged 18- 65, participated in the survey: 147 Lithuanians, 133 Irish and 142 Lithuanians living in Ireland. In order to determine cigarette consumption and smoking intensity, a portion of questions, provided in A.Goštautas teaching material (1999), prepared for health psychology course, has been used; to conduct survey on alcohol consumption, The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), developed by WHO, has been applied; to conduct survey on drug consumption, The Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST V3), developed by WHO, has been used; to conduct survey on lack of physical activity, a short Lithuanian version of official International Physical Activity Questionnaire has been used; to assess unhealthy nutrition habits, A Dietary Questionnaire on Food Habits, Eating Behaviour and Nutritional Knowledge by G. Turconi, M. Celsa (2003) has been applied; to assess risky driving behaviour, A Drive Behaviour Questionnaire by J. Reason and D. Parker (1990) has been applied. Survey results have demonstrated that Lithuanians living in Ireland and Lithuania smoke more than Irish; Lithuanians living in Ireland and Lithuania and Irish consume alcohol equally in a group of surveyed males, Lithuanian women living in Ireland consume more alcohol than Lithuanian women living... [to full text]

Approche psychosociale des effets de l'identité sexuée sur les comportements à risque déclarés au volant et dans différents domaines chez les jeunes conducteurs / Psychosocial approach of the effects of gender identity on declared risky driving behaviours and risk-taking behaviours in various other domains among young drivers

Guého, Ludivine 14 December 2015 (has links)
Ce travail a pour objectif d’interroger l’influence de l’identité sexuée sur les comportements à risque au volant des jeunes conducteurs. Il s’organise autour de trois axes. Le premier porte sur la validation des outils de mesure et d’activation de l’identité sexuée (études 1-4). Le deuxième porte sur la validation d’outils de mesure des comportements à risque au volant, de la prise de risque et de la perception du risque et des bénéfices dans différents domaines, et sur la mise en relation de la conformité aux stéréotypes de sexe avec ces différentes variables chez des tout-venants (études 5 & 6). Le troisième axe (étude 7) vise à tester l’effet de l’identité sexuée dans sa multidimensionnalité (i.e., conformité aux stéréotypes de sexe et identification à son groupe de sexe) sur les comportements à risque déclarés et le risque perçu chez les jeunes conducteurs. Les effets de l’identité sexuée dans le domaine routier et dans différents domaines sont comparés et la relation de causalité entre identité sexuée et comportements à risque, testée. Les résultats montrent un lien entre l’identité sexuée et la prise de risque et le risque et les bénéfices perçus qui varie en fonction du domaine et du sexe. Toutefois, ils ne permettent pas de conclure à un effet plus marqué de l’identité sexuée dans le domaine routier, ni de montrer la relation de causalité entre identité sexuée et comportements à risque chez les jeunes conducteurs. Si les liens entre identité sexuée et prise de risque apparaissent complexes, ce travail montre l’intérêt de l’approche psychosociale pour comprendre les différences de sexe et intragroupes de sexe dans les comportements à risque. / The objective of this thesis is to study the influence of gender identity on the risk-taking behaviour of young drivers. The work is laid out in three main sections. The first one focuses on the validation of measurement tools and the activation of gender identity (studies 1-4) The second one focuses on the validation of tools designed to measure driver risk-taking behaviour, risk and benefits perception in various fields, and on the link between gender stereotype conformity and the aforementioned variables in a broad range of subjects (studies 5 & 6). The third section of this thesis (study 7) aims to test the effect of gender identity in the multi-dimensional sense (i.e., conformity to gender stereotypes and identification to one’s gender group) on declared risk-taking behaviour and risk perception among young drivers. The effects of gender identity on driving and on various other fields are compared and the causality between gender identity and risk-taking behaviour is tested. The results show a link between gender identity and risk-taking, risk perception and benefits perception, which varies according to the domain and gender. However, the results leave us unable to ascertain the existence of a stronger effect of gender identity on driving behaviour. They also impede the highlighting of a causality effect between gender identity and risky behaviour among young drivers. Even if the link between gender identity and risk-taking seems to be complex, this work demonstrates the importance of a psychosocial approach in understanding gender differences and differences within a gender group in risk-taking behaviour.

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