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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Upplevelse av hälsa hos hemlösa EU-migranter från Rumänien

Fries, Axel, Haraldsson, Sofia January 2015 (has links)
Migrationen inom Europeiska Unionen har ökat de senaste åren vilket även har påverkat migrationen till Sverige, hemlösa EU-migranter som ofta är socialt utsatta är idag ett förekommande inslag i stadsbilden. Hälsa kan upplevas på olika sätt och det är viktigt att studera denna grupps upplevelser av hälsa då det finns sparsamt med forskning på området. Studiens syfte var att utforska hur EU-migranter upplever hälsa. En kvalitativ metod har använts där data bestod av semistrukturerade intervjuer och kvalitativ innehållsanalys resulterade i tre kategorier; Upplevelser av hälsa, Upplevelser av ohälsa samt Upplevelser av social och ekonomisk utsatthet. Studiedeltagarna upplevde god hälsa främst som avsaknad av sjukdom och som förmåga att arbeta, ohälsa upplevdes främst som känsla av sjukdom, orkeslöshet och smärta. Att lida av psykisk ohälsa upplevdes som värre att drabbas av än fysisk ohälsa. Avsaknad av sjukförsäkring beskrevs av deltagare som att vara utestängd från sjukvården och upplevdes som svårt. Studiens resultat är användbart för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal i bemötandet av hemlösa EU-migranter. / Migration within the European Union has increased in recent years, this has also affected the migration to Sweden, homeless EU-migrants who are often socially vulnerable are now an occurring sight in the city. Health can be experienced in different ways and it is important to study this group's experiences of health since few previous studies have focused on this topic. The study's aim was to explore how EU-migrants experience health. A qualitative method has been used where data consisted of semi-structured interviews and content analysis resulted in three categories: Experiences of health, Experiences of illness, and Experiences of social and economic vulnerability. Study participants experienced good health mainly as the absence of disease and the ability to work, illness was perceived primarily as a feeling of disease, fatigue and pain. Suffering from mental illness was perceived as worse than suffering from physical illness. Lack of medical insurance was described by participants as being excluded from healthcare and was perceived as difficult. The study results are useful for health professionals in the caring for homeless EU migrants.

L'émotion en partage : approche anthropologique d'une musique tsigane de Roumanie / Shared Emotions : an ethnomusicological study of a Romanian Gypsy village

Bonini Baraldi, Filippo 24 September 2010 (has links)
Cette étude aborde le thème de l’émotion musicale d’une perspective anthropologique. Elle se base sur deux hypothèses centrales. La première est que la musique offre un moyen privilégié pour comprendre les émotions au sein d’une société donnée. La seconde suppose qu’une ethnographie focalisée sur les affects permet d’expliquer quelles significations les membres d’une communauté accordent à leurs pratiques musicales. Les Tsiganes de Ceuaş, petit village de Transylvanie centrale, disent que « la bonne musique est celle qui fait pleurer ». Cette expression n’a rien d’anecdotique : lors des mariages, funérailles, baptêmes, fêtes familiales, les musiciens peuvent pleurer en jouant, tout comme leurs auditeurs en les écoutant. L’analyse de ces circonstances de « pleurs musicaux » aboutit à deux résultats principaux. D’une part un modèle qui se base sur trois modes différents de production de l’émotion musicale : 1) la « fabrication » en service professionnel, où il s’agit de parvenir à toucher les clients ; 2) l’« expression » à l’occasion des fêtes spontanées entre Tsiganes, où les musiciens eux-mêmes pleurent en jouant ; 3) le « partage » lors des funérailles, où les « proches » (neamuri) du défunt engagent les « éloignés » (străini) sur le plan de l’affect. D’autre part elle permet l’identification de trois invariants de l’émotion musicale, présents à chaque occasion où l’on pleure avec la musique : une esthétique sonore du « chagrin » (jale) ; des associations entre mélodies et personnes particulières ; et une qualité du sujet (la milă, « compassion, pitié »), que les Tsiganes perçoivent comme identitaire. Les acquis du terrain sont interrogés à un niveau théorique, dans l’objectif de dégager quelques pistes de réflexion autour de la notion d’empathie – traduction la plus générale du mot milă – et de son utilité dans le domaine musical. / This study explores musical emotion from an anthropological perspective. It rests upon two central hypotheses. First, music provides a particularly clear way of understanding how emotions function within a given society. Conversely, an ethnography focused on affects helps us uncover the meanings that community members ascribe to their music.According to the Gypsies of the small central central-Transylvanian villlage of Ceuaá, "music is good when it makes tou cry". This expression is not merely metaphorical: at weddings (Gypsy or otherwise), funerals, baptisms, and other family celebrations, musicians and listeners alike often cry during a performance.Two conclusions may be drawn from an investigation of these musical tears. On the one hand, a tri-partite model emerges of how musical emotion is produced: professional poeisis, whose goal is to move the customers to tears; expression during spontaneous celebrations among Gypsies, in which the musicians themselves cry while playing; and the sharing that takes place during funerals, in which "those who are close" (neamuri) to the deceased person affectively draw in "those who are distant" (străini). On the other hand, three constants of musical emotion are made apparent : 1) the musical aesthetics of grief (jale); 2) associations between melodies and specific persons and 3) and a universal human quality (milă, ‘compassion’, ‘pity’) that Gypsies consider to be proper to their culture.All of these findings are brought under a theoretical lens, with the end of clarifying the notion of empathy (which is perhaps the best all-around translation of milă) and how it functions in musical practice.

In searching for Belonging-Almost at home abroad : A qualitative study on the way refugees developfeelings of home and belonging in the Romanian citiesof Bucharest and Timisoara

Stefan, Marius F. January 2018 (has links)
Due to an increased flow of refugees, migration has become an important issue that hasraised a lot of concern during the past years. During 2015 alone European member statesreported almost two million migrants crossing their external borders. This study aims tobring into light how the refugees that arrived in Romania starting with late 2014 till present,after being granted asylum or subsidiary protection manage to accommodate themselveswithin the communities they choose to settle. It does so by exploring the way these refugeesconstruct and develop feelings of home and belonging abroad. This study research questionsare first: how do refugees experience local communities and establish feelings of home andbelonging? and second: how does the life course perspective help the refugees getaccommodated to their new urban environment? The empirical research to answer thesequestions is qualitative, relying on in depth, semi structured life history interviews held withrefugees that have been granted asylum or subsidiary protection by the Romanian statestarting with the late 2014 until present. The findings pointed out: 1) the effect of the lifecourse: (e.g. the events of being uprooted and relocated into a foreign land brought lifealtering changes in an individuals’ life course). 2) The individuals interviewed showedintimate emotions about their new home and feelings of belonging. 3) The informantsperceived their experience as a perceptual process of negotiation with themselves and thelocal community from which they belong.

Současná situace kultury sedmihradských Sasů v Rumunsku / Current Cultural Situation of Transylvanian Saxons in Romania

Drs, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
Current Cultural Situation of Transylvanian Saxons in Romania PhDr. Tomáš Drs Abstract The thesis deals with the current situation of the Transylvanian Saxons in Romania. Based on multiple field visits, it describes and analyzes the problems related to reconstructing the ethnic identity of the community, noting the minority's transnational situation and exploring the generational relations, the minority's position in the ethnically different environment or its political and revitalization activities. The thesis also attemps to reconstruct the actual historical development, looks into how memory is socially conditioned memory and lays out biographies of individual characters. Methodologically, the thesis draws upon the tradition of ethnographic research, working with theoretical concepts of ethnicity (Eriksen, Anderson), transnationalism (Werbner, Szaló) or memory studies (Halbwachs, Assmann, Nora). The aim of the thesis is to introduce the Transylvanian Saxons and other groups commonly referred to as Romanian Germans in the Czech environment. It lays out the history of Transylvanian Saxons, describes their negotiations with the state and the framing of their minority identity. Also, it seeks to answer whether the end of the numerically smaller ethnic minority of Transylvanian Saxons is inevitable and how...

Bâtir un nouveau cinéma : figures et participations des femmes dans le cinéma roumain contemporain / Building a new cinema : female characters and women's participation in contemporary romanian cinema

Bento Ribeiro, Ana Carolina 08 June 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la représentation des femmes dans le cinéma roumain en tant que lieu révélateur des enjeux sociaux, économiques et institutionnels qui façonnent le renouvellement de la filière cinématographique roumaine au XXIe siècle. Notre recherche est axée sur l'époque postcommuniste, moment où la production filmique du pays atteint son état le plus critique, avant de connaître une reconnaissance internationale inouïe. Notre analyse s'articule en trois temps, afin de comprendre les ruptures et les permanences sociohistoriques manifestes dans le traitement des personnages féminins à l'écran et dans la participation des femmes à l'industrie. A partir d'une analyse détaillée de la généalogie du « nouveau cinéma roumain », nous nous concentrons sur les figures des femmes dans les productions du cinéma d'auteur et du cinéma commercial du pays. Enfin, nous illustrons les principaux enjeux et contraintes pratiques de l'émergence - et de l'affirmation - de ce nouveau cinéma à travers l'examen des parcours des femmes cinéastes. / This PhD dissertation centers on women's participation and representation in Romanian cinema, as a means of understanding the multiple social, economic and institutional stakes intervening in the renewal of the Romanian film industry in the early 21st century. Our research focuses on the post-communist era, when the Romanian film production falls into its most critical state, before achieving unprecedented international recognition. We articulate our analysis around three chronological moments, aiming to perceive how social and historical ruptures and continuities pervade the treatment of female characters on screen and the women's presence in the film industry. We aim our attention at the New Romanian cinema of the 2000's. By tracing the genealogy of this « new cinema », we concentrate on the shaping of female characters in both auteur and commercial Romanian cinema. We illustrate the primary grounds conducing to the rise and consolidation of this renewed film industry by observing the career paths of Romanian female filmmakers.

Die "Rumänische Oper" in Bukarest – Diachronie und Repertoire

Cosma, Octavian Lazăr 24 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die Oper stand schon immer im Zentrum des Interesses des rumänischen Publikums. Keine andere Musikgattung verstand es, in einem so hohen Maße das Interesse des Publikums zu gewinnen. Die Optionen gegenüber der Oper wirkten wie Magnetfelder und wurden von den zahlreichen Musikmelomanen affektiv wahrgenommen, die beliebtesten Melodien der Arien und Chöre konnte man selbst auf den Straßen wahrnehmen. Keine andere Musiksparte beanspruchte in den Tageszeitungen und Zeitschriften so viel Raum wie das Musiktheater und die rumänische Oper.

L'Eglise orthodoxe et l'Etat communiste roumain, 1948-1989: étude de l'idéologie de l'Eglise orthodoxe :entre traditions byzantines et national-communisme

Gillet, Olivier 02 March 1995 (has links)
Dans quelle mesure les traditions de l’Église orthodoxe, héritière d’un modèle byzantin imprégné de césaropapisme qui ignorait donc la séparation des pouvoirs temporels et spirituels, ont-elles influencé les comportements démocratiques dans les pays d’Europe où elle est dominante ?Le cas particulier de la Roumanie depuis 1948. / Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Writing History in a Propaganda Institute : Political Power and Network Dynamics in Communist Romania

Zavatti, Francesco January 2016 (has links)
In 1990, the Institute for Historical and Socio-Political Studies of the Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Party was closed, since the Party was dissolved by the Romanian Revolution. Similar institutions had existed in all countries belonging to the Soviet bloc. This Institute was founded in 1951 under the name of the Party History Institute, and modelled on the Marx-Lenin-Engels Institute in Moscow. Since then, it served the Communist Party in producing thousands of books and journals on the history of the Party and of Romania, following Party orders. Previous research has portrayed the Institute as a loyal executioner of the Party’s will, negating the agency of its history-writers in influencing the duties of the Institute. However, the recent opening of the Institute’s archive has shown that a number of internal and previously obscured dynamics impacted on its activities. This book is dedicated to the study of the Party History Institute, of the history-writers employed there, and of the narratives they produced. By studying the history-writers and their host institution, this study re-contextualizes the historiography produced under Communist rule by analysing the actual conditions under which it was written: the interrelation between dynamics of control and the struggle for resources, power and positions play a fundamental role in this history. This is the first scholarly inquiry about a highly controversial institute that struggled in order to follow the constantly shifting Party narrative canon, while competing formaterial resources with rival Party and academic institutions. The main actors in this study are the history-writers: Party veterans, young propagandists and educated historians, in conflicting networks and groups, struggled in order to gain access to the limited resources and positions provided by the Party, and in order to survive the political changes imposed by the leadership. By doing so they succeed, on many occasions, to influence the activities of the Institute.

Le politique et son blog en campagne électorale : de la production et des usages en France et en Roumanie dans les années 2000. / Politicians and their blogs during election campaigns : on the production and uses in France and Romania in the 2000s

Vlasceanu, Madalina 14 October 2013 (has links)
En période électorale et plus globalement dans un contexte de crise démocratique, le politique investit souvent un ou plusieurs outils d’autopublication en ligne. En prenant comme cas particulier le blog, nous tâcherons de comprendre pourquoi et comment le politique utilise cet outil. De manière plus spécifique, notre travail interroge la notion d’« usage communicationnel ». Peut-on envisager une« construction » et une « forme » de cet usage ? Dans quelle mesure peut-on parler d’une autonomie du politique concernant l’usage du blog ? Qu’en est-il de la communication entendue comme relation, échange ? Pour y répondre et rendre compte d’une dynamique sociotechnique, nous convoquons une approche systémique à l’égard du blog. À travers une analyse qualitative à la fois synchronique et diachronique (2008-2011), nous mettons en parallèle quatre blogs dont deux appartiennent à des politiques français (Dominique Bertinotti et Bertrand Delanoë) et deux à des politiques roumains (Diana Tusa et Dragos Dinca). En dépit de leurs différences, ces blogs - en l’occurrence les usages qui leurs sont attribués - reflètent un certain nombre de ressemblances regroupées autour du concept de « logique de l’usage ». Nos études de cas relèvent la présence de deux types de logiques. La première est la « logique de diffusion », une logique qui demeure dominante et pour qui le rôle des médias reste prépondérant. La deuxième, la « logique de participation » est bien plus visible en période électorale. Par ailleurs, en creusant le fil d’un échange entre le politique et les internautes, l’enquête révèle une véritable problématique d’ordre identitaire concernant les politiques, éditeurs des blogs. / During an election period, and more generally in the current context of ademocratic crisis, politicians often invest one or several self-publishing tools online.Taking the blog as a special case, we will try to understand why and how politiciansuse this tool. More specifically, our work questions the notion of “communicative use”.Can we consider a “construction” and a “form” of this use? To what extent can wespeak of a politician’s autonomy regarding the use of his blog? What aboutcommunication understood as a relationship, an exchange? To answer these questionsand examine a socio-technical dynamic, we need a systemic approach regarding theblog. Through a qualitative analysis, both synchronic and diachronic (2008-2011), fourblogs were studied in parallel: two belong to French politicians (Dominique Bertinottiand Bertrand Delanoë) and two to Romanian politicians (Tusa and Diana DragosDinca). Despite their differences, these blogs – and more specifically the usesattributed to them - reflect a number of similarities grouped around the concept of "thelogic of the use". Our case studies showed the presence of two types of logic. The firstis “the logic of broadcasting”, which currently prevails and is largely influenced by themass media. Second, “the logic of participation” is more visible during elections. Also,looking deeper into an exchange between politicians and Internet users, the surveyreveals a genuine identity problem regarding those very politicians.

Childcare arrangements and the role of childcare policy provisions in Romania

Kovács, Borbála January 2014 (has links)
The focus of the thesis is the exploration of young children’s routine childcare arrangements and the role played by childcare policy provisions (in cash, in time and in kind, through services) in shaping these arrangements in the Romanian context. Through the narratives of 68 family carers in 37 urban and rural Romanian households in multi-ethnic Transylvania, the study investigates the household level processes whereby young children’s care arrangements come to be and explores the ways in which the design of and access to childcare policy provisions might shape young children’s routine care arrangements. In doing so, the thesis reconceptualises the term childcare arrangements and provides a descriptive account of ten different routine arrangements for the care of young children. Through an inductive analysis of carer narratives, the thesis also develops a heuristic tool – hierarchies of care ideals – that lies at the heart of a refined explanatory framework pertaining to the conception and implementation of individual care arrangements. This framework complements existing analytic models that have been developed to explain mothers’ employment and care related decisions during their children’s early years. Building on this inductively developed framework, the thesis expands on the role that different childcare policy provisions were said to play in shaping households’ childcare choices. The thesis reveals that the designs of policy provisions and households’ access to different benefits directly shape young children’s care arrangements. Furthermore, through the analysis of narrative pairs available for most households in the study, the thesis explores the gendered ways in which mothers and fathers narratively constructed agency in relation to decision-making about children’s care arrangements. Finally, the thesis proposes three real-type decision-making models described by carers in the study, revealing the dynamic nature of household decision-making in relation to children’s care arrangements.

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