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Busse als Bekenntnisvollzug Versuch einer Erhellung der sakramentalen Bekehrung anhand der Bussliturgie des alten Pontificale Romanum.Lentzen-Deis, Wolfgang. January 1969 (has links)
An abridgement of the author's thesis, Pontificia Università gregoriana, Rome, issued under title: Busse als Exomologese. / Bibliography: p. 131-134.
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Busse als Bekenntnisvollzug Versuch einer Erhellung der sakramentalen Bekehrung anhand der Bussliturgie des alten Pontificale Romanum.Lentzen-Deis, Wolfgang. January 1969 (has links)
An abridgement of the author's thesis, Pontificia Università gregoriana, Rome, issued under title: Busse als Exomologese. / Bibliography: p. 131-134.
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Obecné nauky římskoprávních služebností / The Theory of Roman Law ServitudesŠejdl, Jan January 2014 (has links)
Servitudes represent a fundamental part of private law and legal relations stemming therefrom. Their origins may be traced back to the very beginning of private law as well as to the depth of Roman law. This also characterizes the nature of servitudes in their oldest form which later develops and changes greatly. The thesis answers the fundamental question of the system of Roman law servitudes as well as their place in the overarching Roman law and their inner structure. Additionaly, attention is brougt to the manner of inception and termination of servitudes which differs according to the type of servitude, the geographical area or historical period. Lastly, the thesis focuses on the protection of servitudes, generally the most common concept in Roman law. The protection of servitudes is being achieved either throurgh bringing an action or through instruments of extraordinary magistrates, such as interdicts. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Das Verbalsystem des Vatikanski Hrvatski MolitvenikKönig, Dorothea January 1971 (has links) (PDF)
No abstract available
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Do you renounce satan? : En kritiskt hermeneutisk analys av hur den stora exorcismriten beskrivs och kommuniceras i den romersk-katolska kyrkanJohansson, Evelina January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to investigate how the solemn rite of exorcism manifests itself within the Roman Catholic Church based on The Roman Ritual: Exorcisms and certain supplications [ECS] (1999) as well as how the rite is communicated in the document. Therefore, the method used is critical hermeneutic analysis and thenceforth the results are analyzed according to Bronislaw Malinowski’s theory of magic, science and religion (1948). The study shows that the rite of major exorcism is explained with clarity in ECS and constantly imbedded in the theology and the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church. ECS leaves little room for the executive priest to interpret the execution of the rite. The scripture is very clear that the rite must follow a specific order of events and that some prayers and hymns are mandatory while others can be replaced since ECS clearly states that every solemn exorcism is unique due to the individual receiving the exorcism. Furthermore, ECS clearly states that the church will not perform an exorcism if there is any doubt that the troubled person really is possessed by the Devil or his demons, for in which case the medical science must attend.
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Topographies of demonstration in the late Republican and Augustan Forum RomanumCrowther, Benjamin Miles 05 September 2014 (has links)
This report investigates the relationship between demonstrations and the built environment of the Forum Romanum. As one of the chief loci for the creation of public discourse in Rome, the Forum Romanum was a prime target for demonstrations. An in-depth evaluation of late Republican demonstrations within the Forum reveals how demonstrations sought to create alternative discourses. Late Republican demonstrators often incorporated the topography of the Forum into their demonstrations, either for strategic or symbolic reasons. Demonstrators were particularly concerned with the occupation of the Forum and restricting access to the speaker’s platforms. In doing so, demonstrations attempted to legitimate their own goals and objectives by equating them with the will of the people. The Augustan transformation of the Forum Romanum disrupted this established Republican topography of demonstration. Changes in the built environment limited the effectiveness of a demonstration’s ability to occupy the Forum. Entrances to the Forum were narrowed to impede the movement of demonstrators. Speaker’s platforms were insulated from the assembled crowd. A number of redundant measures, including surveillance and legal remedies, ensured that a new topography of demonstration did not form. These changes to the Forum Romanum participated in Augustus’s larger ideological program by prohibiting the creation of discourses opposed to the Augustan message. / text
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Auferstanden aus RuinenPfeiffer, Stefan 09 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Nach dem Tod Neros im Jahr 69 n. Chr. begann in Rom ein Bürgerkrieg, der nacheinander vier Kaiser hervorbrachte – Galba, Otho, Vitellius und Vespasian. Nachdem Vespasian Vitellius besiegt hatte, konnte er das Imperium unter seiner Herrschaft einen und die flavische Dynastie begründen. Im Jahr 79 folgte ihm sein Sohn Titus auf dem Caesarenthron und diesem 81 n. Chr. der zweite Sohn Vespasians, Domitian, der bis 96 n. Chr. regierte. Die Familie stammte aus einer unbedeutenden Familie, so dass die faktische Macht ausschließlich auf den militärischen Fähigkeiten Vespasians und der Akzeptanz seiner Herrschaft durch das Heer beruhte. Von Anfang an bemühte sich Vespasian aber, das Volk und den Senat von seiner Herrschaft zu überzeugen. Gerade die kaiserliche Baupolitik ist ein Spiegel des Bemühens um Akzeptanz durch die drei entscheidenden Gruppen Roms, als Heer, Volk und Senat. Der Beitrag zeichnet die Baupolitik Vespasians und Titus’ nach und zeigt, wie die Bauten der Legitimation der Herrschaft dienten. / After the death of emperor Nero in 69 AD Rome has fallen into a civil war which saw four legitimate emperors. Having defeated the third one, Vitellius, Vespasian united Rome under his sole rule and founded the Flavian dynasty. He was followed in 79 by his son Titus. Descending from an unimportant family of unknown ancestry and his rule basing only on the strengh of his legions, Vespasian had to legitimise his rule in different ways, because a legitimate emperor had to be accepted by the three major groups in Rome, the Senate, the people of Rome and the Roman legions. In these times, royal building policy was of high importance for gaining acceptance by propagating ideas, which might achieve a consense of all subjects and which respond to the needs of all three groups. The article takes a look at the buildings that were erected by Vespasian and his successor Titus. In analysing them, we can find out in which way they helped to legitimise the rule of the new dynasty.
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Auferstanden aus Ruinen: Roms Bauten in der Zeit des Vespasian und des TitusPfeiffer, Stefan 09 April 2013 (has links)
Nach dem Tod Neros im Jahr 69 n. Chr. begann in Rom ein Bürgerkrieg, der nacheinander vier Kaiser hervorbrachte – Galba, Otho, Vitellius und Vespasian. Nachdem Vespasian Vitellius besiegt hatte, konnte er das Imperium unter seiner Herrschaft einen und die flavische Dynastie begründen. Im Jahr 79 folgte ihm sein Sohn Titus auf dem Caesarenthron und diesem 81 n. Chr. der zweite Sohn Vespasians, Domitian, der bis 96 n. Chr. regierte. Die Familie stammte aus einer unbedeutenden Familie, so dass die faktische Macht ausschließlich auf den militärischen Fähigkeiten Vespasians und der Akzeptanz seiner Herrschaft durch das Heer beruhte. Von Anfang an bemühte sich Vespasian aber, das Volk und den Senat von seiner Herrschaft zu überzeugen. Gerade die kaiserliche Baupolitik ist ein Spiegel des Bemühens um Akzeptanz durch die drei entscheidenden Gruppen Roms, als Heer, Volk und Senat. Der Beitrag zeichnet die Baupolitik Vespasians und Titus’ nach und zeigt, wie die Bauten der Legitimation der Herrschaft dienten. / After the death of emperor Nero in 69 AD Rome has fallen into a civil war which saw four legitimate emperors. Having defeated the third one, Vitellius, Vespasian united Rome under his sole rule and founded the Flavian dynasty. He was followed in 79 by his son Titus. Descending from an unimportant family of unknown ancestry and his rule basing only on the strengh of his legions, Vespasian had to legitimise his rule in different ways, because a legitimate emperor had to be accepted by the three major groups in Rome, the Senate, the people of Rome and the Roman legions. In these times, royal building policy was of high importance for gaining acceptance by propagating ideas, which might achieve a consense of all subjects and which respond to the needs of all three groups. The article takes a look at the buildings that were erected by Vespasian and his successor Titus. In analysing them, we can find out in which way they helped to legitimise the rule of the new dynasty.
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I Fasti sacri di Sforza Pallavicino: edizione e commentoAPOLLONIO, SILVIA 15 April 2013 (has links)
Con l’edizione commentata di un’opera giovanile di Sforza Pallavicino, il poema inedito e incompleto 'I fasti sacri', si cerca di fornire una ulteriore tessera utile a comprendere e definire le caratteristiche della poetica del circolo barberiniano nella Roma di inizio Seicento.
In apertura dell’opera il 'Discorso intorno al seguente poema' raccoglie le dichiarazioni esplicite della poetica del Pallavicino, a partire dalla riflessione di Tasso sul poema; seguono poi sette canti, ognuno dei quali è anticipato e riassunto da un 'Soggetto' in prosa. In essi l’autore, sul modello dei 'Fasti' di Ovidio, rilegge il calendario in chiave cristiana, raccontando le vicende dei principali santi e martiri di ogni mese. La stesura del testo, sotto la supervisione di Papa Urbano VIII, sembra avvicinarsi alle operazioni di revisione del 'Martyrologium Romanum', in particolare all’edizione voluta dallo stesso Urbano nel 1630.
L’opera, in stretta sintonia con la 'Poetica sacra' di Giovanni Ciampoli ma che dialoga anche con altri testi del classicismo barberiniano, si propone come alternativa alla poesia avvertita come lasciva e mendace della scuola marinista, in un’opposizione spesso polemica, ma che mostra a volte alcune interessanti consonanze con le opere di Marino stesso e di alcuni esponenti del marinismo moderato. / The commented edition of the unpublished and unfinished poem ‘I fasti sacri’, written by Sforza Pallavicino in the first years of his poetic activity, proposes new interesting information about Barberini’s circle in Rome, at the beginning of XVII century.
Explicit definitions on poetic matter are in the ‘Discorso intorno al seguente poema’, with argumentations taken from the theoretical consideration on the epic poem by Tasso. On the model of Ovid’s ‘Fasti’, throughout seven cantos, each one anticipated by a subject in prose, the author covers the Christian calendar narrating the stories of some important saints and martyrs, in the same years of the revision of ‘Martyrologium Romanum’ promoted by the Pope Urban VIII.
The poem, extremely close to ‘Poetica sacra’ by Giovanni Ciampoli but also in dialogue with other works of the classicism of Barberini’s circle, proposes itself as an alternative to Marino’s poetry, perceived like lascivious and mendacious. Notwithstanding an often polemic opposition to Secentismo, the text reveals some interesting consonances with Marino’s works, as well as with other authors of the moderate Marinism.
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Missale Posoniense I. - kritické vydání / Missale Posoniense I. - critical editionSýkora, Adam January 2017 (has links)
ThLic. Mgr. Adam Sýkora: Missale Posoniense I. - critical edition (theseis), Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Catholic Theology, 2017. In the present thesis the author provides a critical edition of one of the oldest missals of Bratislava Chapter House: Missale Posoniense I. It is important source of European significance, which is pattern normative and representative in relation to the similar codices, and which was used in the Bratislava Chapter House before 1341st. Their significance is decisive since it is independent on the Missalia from the time Innocent III, and on the reform of Haymo of Faversham. The missal contains also the parts from Pontificale, Ordines and Breviarium. The text of this Missal was previously published only in facsimile form, which bears the technical limitations of the period of its creation. Since that time, other folios have been discovered that have not been published at all. Experts now has the text, with which can work effectively. Critical apparatus facilitate the work with the text, as well as indexes, tables and photo documentation attached. Keywords: Roman Missal, Missale Romanum, Missale Posoniense I., Bratislava Missal I., Missale Bratislaviense I. [sic], Missale notatum Strigoniense, Ordinary, proprium, critical edition, Pontificale, Ordines. Powered by TCPDF...
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