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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Grapevine rhizosphere bacteria: influence of diversity and function on two root diseases

Dore, Dalin Shelley January 2009 (has links)
The overall goal of this research was to determine what, if any, role grapevine rhizosphere bacteria play in the differing susceptibilities of New Zealand grown rootstocks to Cylindrocarpon black foot disease. The size and diversity of bacterial populations associated with the rhizospheres of grapevine rootstocks: 101-14, 5C, Schwarzmann and Riparia Gloire were evaluated. Dilution plating showed that total bacterial (P=0.012, P=0.005 for NA and KB, respectively) and fluorescent Pseudomonad (P=0.035) rhizosphere counts differed between rhizosphere and bulk soils but did not correlate with the differing susceptibilities of the rootstock varieties to black foot. No varietal differences were found for spore forming bacteria (P=0.201). SSCP banding patterns showed that species diversity was similar for most rootstocks, but that there were some differences in the composition of bacterial populations, probably attributable to vigour. Some functional characteristics of the bacteria isolated from the rhizospheres of the most and least susceptible rootstock varieties were assessed to investigate their potential to suppress the pathogen. In dual culture, bacteria from Riparia Gloire, 101-14 and the control soil all had little ability to antagonise Cylindrocarpon destructans. However, they differed in their degrees of activity for glucanase (P=0.000), protease (P=0.001) and siderophores (P=0.000). In all tests, bacterial isolates from the rhizosphere of 101-14 had the largest number of active isolates (P≤0.002); however, those from Riparia Gloire had the greatest degree of positive responses for the glucanase and siderophore assays. Bacterial isolates from the control soil produced few glucanases and no siderophores, but had the highest degree of protease activity. Bands excised and sequenced from SSCP gels frequently matched to other ‘uncultured bacteria’ in GenBank, as well as to other bacterial phyla, classes and genera commonly isolated from soil and sediment samples. These included members of the Firmicutes, Proteobacteria (α, δ, γ), Verrucomicrobia, Acidobacteria and Chromatiales. The pathogenicity of C. destructans and Fusarium oxysporum was investigated by inoculating soil containing wounded ungrafted rootstocks of 101-14, 5C, Schwarzmann and Riparia Gloire. Results indicated that F. oxysporum might be a more aggressive pathogen than C. destructans. Inoculation with F. oxysporum or C. destructans increased disease severity, P=0.018 and P=0.056, respectively at 0 cm. Rootstock variety influenced disease severity caused by C. destructans (P<0.001) and F. oxysporum (P=0.090), with rootstocks 101-14 and 5C being most susceptible to C. destructans, and Riparia Gloire and Schwarzmann most susceptible to F. oxysporum. There was also an indication that inoculation with one pathogen increased plant susceptibility to the other, with increased F. oxysporum infection in the C. destructans inoculated treatments of Riparia Gloire and Schwarzmann (P<0.05). The effect of carbohydrate stress (leaf trimming) and inoculation on C. destructans disease severity, incidence, and rootstock rhizosphere bacterial populations was evaluated by inoculating the soil containing one year old plants of Sauvignon Blanc scion wood grafted to rootstocks 101-14 and Schwarzmann. Disease severity and incidence was similar for both Schwarzmann (8.4% and 29.3%, respectively) and 101-14 (14.9% and 31.0%, respectively). When data for the moderate and no stress treatments were combined, because their effects were similar, the disease severity was significantly higher for the highly stressed plants(P=0.043). Stress did not influence disease incidence (P=0.551). Infection occurred in the non-inoculated plants, but disease severity was higher in the plants inoculated with C. destructans than those that were not. Root dry weight of highly stressed plants was lower than in both the moderately stressed (P=0.000) and unstressed plants (P=0.003). An interaction between inoculation and stress (P=0.031) showed that inoculated and highly stressed plants had the lowest root dry weight but there was no effect of rootstocks (P=0.062). There was no significant effect of carbohydrate stress (P=0.259) or inoculation (P=0.885) on shoot dry weight. SSCP banding patterns showed that bacterial diversity was generally similar between rootstocks, but stress and inoculation altered rhizosphere bacterial communities. This study has demonstrated that functionality of grapevine rhizosphere bacteria do differ between grapevine rootstock varieties that have different susceptibilities to black foot disease, but that this role needs to be further investigated if more accurate and practically relevant conclusions are to be drawn.

Propagação de híbridos somáticos de citros e reação à infecção por Phytophthora nicotianae e vírus da tristeza dos citros. / Propagation of citrus somatic hybrids and response to Phytophthora nicotianae and Citrus Tristeza Virus infection.

Rafael Pio 24 May 2005 (has links)
A hibridação somática é uma nova opção em programas de melhoramento de espécies cítricas, obtendo-se híbridos somáticos que podem manter integralmente a combinação genética de ambos os progenitores envolvidos na hibridação. Assim, o objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar a propagação e crescimento de combinações parentais de híbridos somáticos com potencial para serem utilizados como porta-enxertos e verificar possíveis resistências/tolerâncias à infecção de tronco e raízes por Phytophthora nicotianae e ao vírus da tristeza dos citros (CTV). Os híbridos somáticos utilizados nos trabalhos foram: limão 'Cravo' + laranja azeda, laranja 'Caipira' + limão 'Cravo', laranja 'Caipira' + tangerina 'Cleópatra', laranja 'Caipira' + limão 'Volkameriano', laranja 'Caipira' + limão 'Rugoso', tangerina 'Cleópatra' + limão 'Volkameriano', tangerina 'Cleópatra' + laranja azeda, limão 'Cravo' + tangerina 'Sunki', laranja 'Ruby Blood' + limão 'Volkameriano', laranja 'Rohde Red' + limão 'Volkameriano' e laranja 'Valência' + Fortunella obovata. Na propagação dos híbridos, estacas de 15 cm de comprimento foram retiradas de plantas matrizes dos respectivos híbridos somáticos e submetidas ao enraizamento em câmara de nebulização intermitente por 100 dias. Posteriormente, foram analisadas o sistema radicular das estacas e parte aérea. Em seguida, foram transplantadas para sacos plásticos, conduzidas em haste única e mantidas em casa-de-vegetação por 210 dias, realizando-se avaliações mensais em relação à parte aérea e ao final avaliações do sistema radicular. Para os ensaios de infecção por Phytophthora nicotianae e CTV, foram utilizadas mudas dos respectivos híbridos somáticos oriundos de estacas e ainda a inclusão de plantas testemunhas. Para os testes de resistência/tolerância a P. nicotianae, utilizou-se o método da agulha para o teste de infecção de tronco, sendo as lesões quantificadas após 25 dias da inoculação. Para o teste de podridão das raízes e radicelas, o substrato foi infectado com estruturas do patógeno, sendo analisados a parte aérea das plantas quinzenalmente e o sistema radicular após 60 dias da instalação do ensaio. Para o teste de tolerância dos híbridos somáticos ao CTV, adotou-se o método de união dos tecidos (enxertia), analisando-se a parte aérea das plantas mensalmente em três avaliações. No enraizamento das estacas, os híbridos laranja 'Caipira' + tangerina 'Cleópatra', laranja 'Caipira' + limão 'Volkameriano', limão 'Cravo' + tangerina 'Sunki' e laranja 'Rohde Red' + limão 'Volkameriano' apresentaram melhores resultados, sendo que os híbridos laranja 'Caipira' + limão 'Volkameriano' e laranja 'Rohde Red' + limão 'Volkameriano' se destacaram em relação ao desenvolvimento das estacas após o tranplantio. Os híbridos somáticos tangerina 'Cleópatra' + laranja azeda, limão 'Cravo' + tangerina 'Sunki', tangerina 'Cleópatra' + limão 'Volkameriano', laranja 'Ruby Blood' + limão 'Volkameriano', laranja 'Rohde Red' + limão 'Volkameriano' e laranja 'Caipira' + limão 'Volkameriano' apresentaram bons resultados em relação à redução da podridão do tronco e os híbridos somáticos tangerina 'Cleópatra' + limão 'Volkameriano', tangerina 'Cleópatra' + laranja azeda, laranja 'Caipira' + limão 'Volkameriano' e laranja 'Caipira' + limão 'Cravo' apresentaram tolerância a podridão das raízes e radicelas ocasionado por P. nicotianae. Os híbridos tangerina 'Cleópatra' + laranja azeda e laranja 'Valência' + Fortunella obovata apresentaram intolerância ao vírus da tristeza dos citros. / Somatic hybridization is a new alternative in citric species breeding, yielding somatic hybrids which may integrally keep the genetic combination of both progenitors involved in the hybridization. Thus, the objective of this work was to study the propagation and growth of somatic hybrids parental combinations with potential to be used as rootstock and to verify possible resistance/tolerance to trunk and roots infection by Phytophthora nicotianae and citrus tristeza virus (CTV). This work applied the following somatic hybrids: 'Cravo' lemon + sour orange, 'Caipira' orange + 'Cravo' lemon, 'Caipira' orange + 'Cleopatra' tangerine, 'Caipira' orange + 'Volkamerian' lemon, 'Caipira' orange + 'Rough' lemon, 'Cleopatra' tangerine + 'Volkamerian' lemon, 'Cleopatra' tangerine + sour orange, 'Cravo' lemon + 'Sunki' tangerine, 'Ruby Blood' orange + 'Volkamerian' lemon, 'Rohde Red' orange + 'Volkamerian' lemon and 'Valência' orange + Fortunella obovata. In hybrids propagation, stem cuttings of approximately 15 cm length were excised from matrix plants of respective somatic hybrids and submmited to rooting in intermitent nebulization chamber for 100 days. Later, the stem cuttings root system and air part were analyzed. In sequence, they were transplanted to plastic bags, conduced in only one hast and kept in greenhouse during 210 days, when monthly evaluations were performed concerning the air part and, in the end, root system evaluations. For the Phytophthora nicotianae and CTV infection essays, plants derived from the respective somatic hybrids originated from stem cuttings were used, as well as control plants. For the resistance/tolerance to P. nicotianae analysis, the needle method for the trunk infection test was applied, being the lesions quantified after 25 days post-inoculation. For the roots and radicels flashening test, substrate was infected with pathogen structures and the air part of the plants was analyzed at every 15 days; roots were analyzed 60 days after the essay implementation. To evaluate the somatic hybrids tolerance to CTV, it was adopted the method of tissues union (grafting), where the air part of the plants was analyzed once a month in three evaluations. On the stem cuttings rooting, the hybrids of 'Caipira' orange + 'Cleopatra' tangerine, 'Caipira' orange + 'Volkamerian' lemon, 'Cravo' lemon + 'Sunki' tangerine and 'Rohde Red' orange + 'Volkamerian' lemon presented the best results, with the hybrids of 'Caipira' orange + 'Volkamerian' lemon and 'Rohde Red' orange + 'Volkamerian' lemon being the top concerning the stem cuttings development after transplanting. The somatic hybrids of 'Cleopatra' tangerine + sour orange, 'Cravo' lemon + 'Sunki' tangerine, 'Cleopatra' tangerine + 'Volkamerian' lemon, 'Ruby Blood' orange + 'Volkamerian' lemon, 'Rohde Red' orange + 'Volkamerian' lemon and 'Caipira' orange + 'Volkamerian' lemon showed good results related to reducing the trunk flashening, and the somatic hybrids of 'Cleopatra' tangerine + 'Volkamerian' lemon, 'Cleopatra' tangerine + sour orange, 'Caipira' orange + 'Volkamerian' lemon and 'Caipira' orange + 'Cravo' lemon presented tolerance to roots and radicels flashening caused by P. nicotianae. The hybrids of 'Cleopatra' tangerine + sour orange and 'Valência' orange + Fortunella obovata showed to be intolerant to citrus tristeza virus.

Caracterização da descendência híbrida e segregação de marcadores microssatélites em uma população F2 de Prunus sp / Characterization of hybrid offspring and segregation of microsatellite markers in an F2 population of Prunus sp..

MACHADO, Luciana Rodrigues Nogueira 15 April 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T13:59:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_luciana_nogueira_machado.pdf: 513011 bytes, checksum: 7c2764a3f1c5001fdbbcf496c8d8702f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-04-15 / The peach (Prunus persica (L) Batsch) is the predominant stone fruit around the world, but in Brazil, due to factors such as incidence of pests in orchards, low quality plant propagation material and the lack of suitable rootstocks culture, the productivity is still considered low. In this context, is necessary to develop new rootstocks of Prunus, more adapted to the ecological conditions of the Southern region of Brazil and carrying genes for pests resistance such as nematodes. In this study, microsatellite loci (SSR) were used to verify the hybrid offspring of genotypes and makers segregation in an F2 population of peach rootstocks, obtained from controlled crosses, generating data to marker-assisted selection (MAS) of new genotypes carrying genes for nematode resistance. This work was divided in two articles; the first was a paternity test to verify the paternal and maternal offspring of 13 hybrids from controlled crosses between several rootstocks and scion with desirable agronomic traits. We obtained confirmation of paternity for 11 of the 13 hybrids analyzed. Two genotypes, presumably descendants of Prunus mume as male parent, were confirmed as being generated by selfing of genotipe Aldrighi P1. In the second article, a linkage map was constructed for a population of 50 F2 plants obtained by selfing of F1 hybrid, derived from a cross between the peaches Capdeboscq&#8223; x Flordaguard'. The segregation of 37 SSR loci was evaluated and 11 markers showed a link, allowing us to build a map with two groups. It was found that the markers BPPCT004, CPDCT044, BPPCT034 and BPPCT002 were grouped in a manner similar to that found in the GL2 Prunus reference map. With the data obtained suggests that these SSR loci are associated with genes for resistance to Meloidogyne spp. in different mapping populations, in which case inherited from the rootstock 'Flordaguard', and may be used directly in SAM and improvement genetic peach rootstocks derived from a cross between Capdeboscq&#8223; x Flordaguard&#8223;. / O pessegueiro (Prunus persica (L) Batsch) é a frutífera de caroço mais predominante em todo mundo, porém, no Brasil, devido a fatores como incidência de pragas nos pomares, baixa qualidade fitossanitária do material propagativo e falta de porta-enxertos adequados para a cultura, a produção ainda é considerada baixa. Neste contexto, existe a grande necessidade de desenvolver novos porta-enxertos de Prunus, mais adaptados as condições edafoclimáticas da Região Sul do Brasil e portadores de genes de resistência a pragas, dentre as quais os fitonematóides. No presente trabalho, locos de microssatélites (SSR) foram utilizados com o objetivo de verificar a descendência e a segregação de marcadores em genótipos híbridos da população F2 de porta-enxertos de pessegueiro, obtida a partir de cruzamento controlado, gerando dados para auxiliar na seleção assistida por marcadores (SAM) de novos genótipos portadores de genes de resistência a nematóides das galhas. Esta dissertação foi dividida em dois artigos, no primeiro, foi realizado um teste de paternidade, para verificar a descendência de 13 híbridos provenientes de diversos cruzamentos controlados entre diversos porta-enxertos e copas com características agronômicas desejáveis. Obteve-se confirmação da paternidade para 11 dos 13 híbridos analisados. Dois genótipos, supostamente descendentes de Prunus mume como parental masculino, foram confirmados como sendo gerados por autofecundação da cultivar Aldrighi. No segundo artigo, foi construído um mapa de ligação para uma população de 50 plantas F2 obtidas por autofecundação de um híbrido F1, proveniente do cruzamento entre os pessegueiros cv. Capdeboscq&#8223; x Flordaguard&#8223;, onde a segregação de 37 locos SSR foi avaliada e 11 marcadores apresentaram ligação, permitindo a elaboração de um mapa com dois grupos. Verificou-se que os marcadores BPPCT004, CPDCT044, BPPCT034 e BPPCT002 foram agrupados de forma similar ao encontrado no GL2 do mapa de referência de Prunus. Com os dados obtidos, sugere-se que estes locos SSR, estejam associados a genes de resistência a Meloidogyne spp., em diferentes populações de mapeamento, sendo neste caso herdados do porta-enxerto Flordaguard&#8223; e poderão ser utilizados diretamente em SAM e melhoramento genético de porta-enxertos do cruzamento entre os pessegueiros cv. Capdeboscq&#8223; x Flordaguard&#8223;.

Molecular and physiological characterization of grapevine rootstock adaptation to drought / Caractérisation moléculaire et physiologique de l'adaptation à la sécheresse des porte-greffes de vigne

Peccoux, Anthony 19 December 2011 (has links)
Dans le contexte du changement climatique, les prédictions réalisées mettent en évidence une altération de la disponibilité en eau dans de nombreuses régions viticoles ; ce qui, conjointement à l’augmentation de la population mondiale et la diminution des terres agricoles, va accroître la compétition pour l’utilisation des ressources hydriques. Par conséquent, améliorer l'adaptation à la sécheresse de la vigne est un des enjeux majeurs des prochaines années. Pour cela, une adaptation des pratiques culturales peut être proposée, en particulier le choix pertinent du matériel végétal et notamment du porte-greffe.Dans ce travail, le rôle du porte-greffe vis-à-vis de la réponse de la vigne greffée à la contrainte hydrique a été étudié, en utilisant des approches écophysiologiques, moléculaires et de modélisation. Des expériences ont été réalisées en conditions contrôlées afin d’étudier l’effet du déficit hydrique à court et long terme sur les réponses de différents porte-greffes greffés avec le même scion.Le modèle écophysiologique a démontré que les porte-greffes affectent l'ouverture stomatique du greffon par des processus coordonnés incluant les caractéristiques racinaires, les signaux hydrauliques et les signaux chimiques lors d’un déficit hydrique à court terme. La conductance stomatique, le taux de transpiration et la conductance hydraulique des feuilles ont été plus élevés en conditions irriguées et de stress hydriques modérés chez le génotype résistant à la sécheresse (110 Richter) par rapport au génotype sensible à la sécheresse (Vitis riparia cv. Gloire de Montpellier). Nous avons identifié plusieurs paramètres génétiques impliqués dans le contrôle de la régulation stomatique. Des différences d’architecture racinaire et de conductivité hydraulique des racines ont été identifiées entre les porte-greffes.Le déficit hydrique à long terme a entrainé des réponses adaptatives différentes entre les porte-greffes. Le génotype tolérant la sécheresse a induit une modification du diamètre des vaisseaux du xylème de la partie apicale de la racine en réponse au déficit hydrique modéré tandis que le génotype sensible n'a pas présenté de différence par rapport au contrôle. L’analyse transcriptomique des racines a identifié des gènes spécifiques aux différents génotypes, qui sont régulés en fonction du niveau de déficit hydrique. La comparaison entre les niveaux de stress et les génotypes a identifié 24 gènes intervenant dans l’interaction « traitement × génotype ». Ces gènes sont majoritairement impliqués dans le métabolisme des lipides et de la paroi cellulaire. Des courbes de réponse au déficit hydrique spécifiques aux différents génotypes ont été observées. La protection contre les dommages liés aux stress oxydatifs induits par le stress hydrique semble être un mécanisme important chez le porte-greffe résistant à la sécheresse. Le génotype sensible semble répondre au déficit hydrique par une modification des propriétés de la paroi cellulaire de la racine. / Climate change raises concerns about temporal and spatial water availability in many grape growing countries. The rapidly increasing world population and the scarcity of suitable land for agricultural food production, together with a changing climate, will increase competition with grape-producing areas for the use of land and resources. Consequently, other practices that can potentially improve water management of vineyards and water acquisition by grapevines need to be considered. Aside from canopy systems and their management, the choice of plant material is a key issue. Therefore, in the present work, the role of different rootstocks, regarding their tolerance to drought, was investigated for their potential effects on i) water uptake, ii) water transport and iii) shoot water use, using a combination of ecophysiological, modelling and transcriptomic approaches. Experiments were conducted under controlled conditions to decipher short and long term responses to drought of different rootstocks grafted with the same scion. An ecophysiological model was used to investigate the roles of rootstock genotypes in the control of stomatal aperture. Long-term steady state water-deficit conditions were used to examine the responses of i) whole plant growth, root anatomy and hydraulic properties and ii) transcriptome remodelling in the roots.Our model showed that rootstock affect stomatal aperture of the grafted scion via coordinated processes between root traits, hydraulic signals and chemical signals. Stomatal conductance, transpiration rate and leaf-specific hydraulic conductance were higher and better maintained under well-watered and moderate water-deficit conditions in the drought-tolerant genotype (110 Richter) compared to the drought-sensitive one (Vitis riparia cv. Gloire de Montpellier). We identified several genotype-specific parameters which play important roles, like root-related parameters, in the control of stomatal regulation. Additionally, root system architecture and root hydraulic properties are important constitutive traits identified between rootstocks.Long-term water-deficit induced genotype adaptive responses in the roots were evaluated. The drought-tolerant genotype exhibited a substantial shift in root tips xylem conduit diameter under moderate water-deficit while the drought-sensitive genotype did not respond. Transcriptomic analysis identified genotype-specific transcripts that are regulated by water-deficit levels. The comparison between stress levels and genotypes identified 24 significant genes in “treatment×genotype” interactions, most of them were involved in lipid metabolism and cell wall processes. These genes displayed genotype-specific water-deficit response curves. Protection against drought-induced oxidative damage was found to be an important mechanisms induced by the drought-tolerant rootstock, while the drought-sensitive one responds to water-deficit by modification of cell wall properties.

Identificación de caracteres fisiológicos y moleculares para la tolerancia a estreses abióticos en portainjertos de cítricos tetraploides

Ruiz Valdés, Marta 07 October 2017 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] Polyploidy is very common in higher plants and is one of the main forces driving evolution, as it leads to changes that may favor plant adaptation. In citrus, polyploid breeding has provided great advantage, enabling the development of new tetraploid (4x) rootstocks and triploid seedless varieties. Rootstock breeding programs aim to combine the characters of interest in a single genotype to provide the required tolerances to biotic and abiotic constraints. In Spain, the presence of citrus tristeza virus (CTV) and the abundance of calcareous and saline soils limit the number of suitable citrus rootstocks. Citrus breeding has been traditionally carried out by sexual hybridization but this method has limitations which are mainly imposed by their complex reproductive biology and their high heterozygosity. To overcome these restrictions, some breeding programs working at tetraploid level have been initiated to facilitate the development of new citrus rootstock ideotypes. The spontaneous appearance of autotetraploid plants in seedlings of apomictic citrus genotypes brings a relatively simple breeding method, offering the opportunity of evaluating their properties and selecting them as new rootstocks. The impact of genome duplication on citrus is variable between species and remains poorly described. To assess the usefulness of 4x citrus rootstocks it is required to evaluate the effect of genome duplication on stress physiology, tree vigor and agronomical behavior. Citrus protoplast fusion allows the somatic hybridization between sexually incompatible species, leading to combine the whole genomes of parents in a single genotype and adding complementary dominant characters, regardless of parental heterozygosity. The purpose of this thesis was to assess the potential interest of the 4x versions of the main rootstocks used in Spanish citrus industry, which are citrange Carrizo (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb. × Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.) (CC) and C. macrophylla W. (CM) and describe the anatomical, physiological and molecular determinants of the differences found. Additionally, the characterization of two allotetraploid somatic hybrids obtained by protoplast fusion from these parents was also performed, as a preliminary step for their possible use as rootstocks. Results show that 4xCC has a reducing effect on the size of orange trees without changing the productive efficiency or the fruit quality, effects that might contribute to increase the productivity and facilitate the orchard management. In both rootstocks, genome duplication modified the mineral composition in the leaf of the grafted variety and enhanced the salinity tolerance of seedlings. Boron uptake in excess conditions was reduced in 4xCC when compared to 2x, while this property was not observed in 4xCM. The salt and boron exclusion abilities are associated to lower transpiration rates, reduced root hydraulic conductivity and root anatomical changes observed in 4x roots. However, the ability of 4x CC and CM to cope with iron chlorosis is not different from the 2x genotypes. These 4x rootstocks might therefore provide smaller citrus tress more tolerant to certain stresses, while maintaining the general behavior of the diploid genotype. Furthermore, somatic hybrids differ from each other in their genome composition, indicating that losses and rearrangements of the genetic material occurred during the fusion process. Both inherited the tolerance to stem pitting caused by CTV from CC, are tolerant to iron chlorosis like CM and have a higher tolerance to salinity than CC. Thus, these hybrids have a great potential for Mediterranean citrus industry. The provided knowledge on the effects of genome duplication and somatic hybridization on the anatomy, physiology, agronomic performance and molecular biology of citrus rootstocks will be key for developing breeding programs that aim to address current and future needs of citrus industry. / [ES] La poliploidía es una característica muy común en plantas superiores y actúa como motor evolutivo promoviendo su adaptación. En cítricos, la mejora genética a nivel poliploide agiliza el desarrollo de portainjertos tetraploides (4x) y permite obtener variedades sin semilla triploides. El portainjerto es un elemento fundamental en la citricultura para proporcionar al cultivo la tolerancia a estreses bióticos y abióticos. En España, el alto contenido en caliza y sales de la mayoría de los suelos citrícolas y el virus de la tristeza de los cítricos (CTV) limitan en el número de portainjertos adecuados para el cultivo de cítricos. El desarrollo de nuevos portainjertos tiene como objetivo reunir en un genotipo las características de interés. La hibridación sexual ha sido el método tradicionalmente empleado, aunque en cítricos plantea inconvenientes debido a su compleja biología reproductiva y a su alta heterocigosidad. La autotetraploidía, que aparece espontáneamente en los cítricos apomícticos, posibilita la selección y evaluación de las variantes 4x de cada portainjerto. El efecto de la tetraploidía es variable entre las diferentes especies de cítricos y apenas ha sido descrito. Conocer su influencia sobre la fisiología y morfología de los cítricos permitiría valorar su utilidad agronómica. La alotetraploidía, obtenida mediante fusión de protoplastos, permite hibridar especies sexualmente incompatibles y reunir los genomas completos de los parentales, acumulando sus caracteres dominantes complementarios con independencia de la heterozigosidad. El propósito de ésta tesis ha sido evaluar las variantes 4x de los portainjertos más utilizados en España, citrange Carrizo (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb. × Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.) (CC) y C. macrophylla (CM) para valorar su utilidad agronómica y describir sus propiedades. Además se han caracterizado dos híbridos alotetraploides obtenidos mediante fusión de protoplastos de CM y CC para valorar su posible utilización como portainjertos para la citricultura mediterránea. La tetraploidía en CC y CM modifica la composición mineral foliar de la variedad injertada y mejora la tolerancia de éstas plantas a la salinidad, mientras que la capacidad de hacer frente a la clorosis férrica no difiere entre ploidías en éstos portainjertos. El portainjerto CC4x ejerce un efecto reductor del tamaño de copa en árboles de naranjo sin modificar su eficiencia productiva ni la calidad del fruto y reduce la absorción y transporte de boro a la variedad injertada en condiciones de exceso, mejorando su tolerancia. La mayor capacidad de exclusión de sales y boro en las plantas 4x se relaciona con su menor transpiración. En CC interviene también en este comportamiento la menor conductancia hidráulica de las raíces 4x inducida por sus modificaciones anatómicas. Los híbridos alotetraploides obtenidos mediante fusión de protoplastos de CC y CM difieren en la composición de su genoma, indicando que se han producido pérdidas puntuales y reorganizaciones durante el proceso de fusión. Ambos reúnen los genomas nucleares parentales, han heredado de CC la tolerancia a las acanaladuras en la madera causadas por CTV, son similares a CM en su tolerancia a la clorosis férrica y manifiestan mayor tolerancia a la salinidad que CC. Por ello, reúnen características de gran interés para la citricultura mediterránea. La evaluación y selección de portainjertos 4x permitiría obtener árboles más pequeños y más tolerantes a ciertos estreses que mantengan el comportamiento general ya conocido de los diploides originales. La reducción del tamaño de copa contribuiría a mejorar el rendimiento productivo y a facilitar el manejo de las plantaciones citrícolas. El conocimiento generado sobre los efectos de la tetraploidización y de la hibridación somática en la anatomía, fisiología, comportamiento agronómico y genética de los portainjertos de cítricos ser / [CA] La poliploïdia és molt comuna en plantes superiors i es un dels principals motors evolutius per promoure canvis que afavoreixen la adaptació. En cítrics, la millora genètica a nivell poliploide ha contribuït agilitzant el desenvolupament de nous portaempelts tetraploides (4x) i de varietats sense llavors triploides. En Espanya, el virus de la tristesa dels cítrics (CTV) i l'alt contingut salí i calcari de la majoria dels sols limiten el numere de portaempelts adequats per al cultiu. La millora de portaempelts de cítrics té l'objectiu de reunir el major numere de característiques d'interés en un únic cultivar. La millora genètica tradicional de cítrics, duta a terme mitjançant hibridació sexual, planteja inconvenients deguts a la seua complexa biologia reproductiva i a l'alta heterocigositat. Per aixó s'han iniciat programes de millora de portaempelts a nivell 4x, amb l'objectiu d'agilitzar el seu desenvolupament. La autotetraploïdia, que apareix de manera espontània en especies apomíctiques de cítrics, permet seleccionar les variants 4x dels portaempelts, com un mètode de millora relativament senzill. L'efecte de la tetraploïdia és variable entre les espècies de cítrics i la seua incidència a penes havia sigut descrita. Conéixer la seua repercussió en la tolerància a estressos i el vigor de l'arbre permetria avaluar la utilitat de les versions 4x de cada portaempelt. D'altra banda, l'al¿lotetraploïdia, obtinguda mitjançant la fusió de protoplastos, possibilita l'obtenció d'híbrids d'espècies sexualment incompatibles i reunir en una sola hibridació els genomes complets de les parentals d'interés, permetent l'addició de caràcters dominants complementaris amb independència de l'heterozigositat dels parentals. La finalitat d'esta tesi ha sigut avaluar les propietats d'interés agronòmic de les variants 4x dels portaempelts més utilitzats en la citricultura española, citrange Carrizo (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb. × Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.) (CC) i C. macrophylla (CM), per valorar la seua utilitat i descriure els determinants de les diferències trobades. A més a més, s'ha pretés realitzar una caracterització molecular i fisiològica de dos híbrids al¿lotetraploides obtinguts de la fusió de protoplastos de CM i CC, com un pas previ per a la seua possible utilització com a portaempelts. El portaempelt CC4x exerceix un efecte reductor de la grandària de copa en arbres de taronger sense modificar l'eficiència productiva ni la qualitat del fruit. Este caràcter milloraría el rendiment productiu i a facilitaría el maneig de les plantacions citricoles. En els dos portaempelts estudiats, la tetraploïdia modifica la composició mineral foliar de la varietat empeltada i proporciona major tolerancia a la salinitat. En CC, la tetraploïdia redueix l'absorció del boro en excés, metre que esta propietat no s'ha observat en CM4x. La menor absorció del boro i l'exclusió del clorur es troben associades a la menor transpiració, a la reduïda conductivitat hidràulica i a les característiques anatòmiques de les arrels 4x. No obstant això, la tolerancia a la clorosi fèrrica no difereix entre ploidíes en estos portaempelts. La selecció de portaempelts 4x permetria obtenir arbres més menuts i més tolerants a certs estressos que mantenen el comportament ja conegut, de la variant diploide. Per la seua banda, els híbrids somàtics difereixen en la composició del genoma, indicant que s'han produït reorganitzacions i pèrdues puntuals durant el procés de fusió. Els dos han heretat de CC la tolerància a les estries en la fusta provocades per CTV, son tolerants a la clorosi fèrrica com CM i toleren la salinitat millor que CC. Per tot, reuneixen un conjunt de característiques de gran interés potencial per a la citricultura mediterrània. El coneixement generat en esta tesi serà de gran utilitat en els programes de millora basades en necessitats actuals i futures. / Ruiz Valdés, M. (2016). Identificación de caracteres fisiológicos y moleculares para la tolerancia a estreses abióticos en portainjertos de cítricos tetraploides [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/73725 / Compendio

Root restriction, under-trellis cover cropping, and rootstock modify vine size and berry composition of Cabernet Sauvignon

Hill, Brycen Thomas 02 March 2017 (has links)
Vineyards in the Mid-Atlantic often have large, vigorous vines that can be costly to manage and produce inadequate fruit for wine production. Dense canopies increase the incidence of fungal disease, require greater allocation of resources to manage, and inhibit fruit development. The primary objective of these studies was to determine effective vine-size modification treatments that would optimize fruit quality, while reducing labor and chemical control. Research factors included root manipulation, under-trellis ground cover, and rootstock. Treatment levels were root bag (RBG) or no root manipulation (NRM); under-trellis cover crop (CC) or herbicide strip (HERB); and one of three rootstocks: 101-14, Riparia Gloire, or 420-A. Effects of these treatments were measured in two experiments: Experiment I compared combinations of all three treatments, while Experiment II explored the individual effects of root restriction using root bags of varying volumes. Root restriction consistently demonstrated the ability to reduce vegetative growth and vine water status. In the first experiment fruit-zone photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) was increased by 234% in RBG vines. Timed canopy management tasks indicated that RBG canopies required about half the labor time of NRM canopies. Anthocyanin concentration and total phenolic content were increased by 20% and 19% respectively in RBG fruit. CC increased fruit-zone PPFD by 62%, and increased soluble solids and color compounds. The 420-A rootstock reduced potassium uptake, resulting in lower must potassium concentration. Results demonstrated that these treatments significantly reduce vegetative growth in a humid climate, decrease management labor, and produce higher quality fruit. / Master of Science / Vineyards in the Mid-Atlantic often have large, vigorous vines that can be costly to manage and produce inadequate fruit for wine production. Dense canopies increase the incidence of fungal disease, require greater allocation of resources to manage, and inhibit fruit development. The primary objective of these studies was to determine effective vine-size modification treatments that would optimize fruit quality, while reducing labor and chemical control. Research factors included root manipulation, under-trellis ground cover, and rootstock. Treatment levels were root bag (RBG) or no root manipulation (NRM); under-trellis cover crop (CC) or herbicide strip (HERB); and one of three rootstocks: 101-14, Riparia Gloire, or 420-A. Effects of these treatments were measured in two experiments: Experiment I compared combinations of all three treatments, while Experiment II explored the individual effects of root restriction using root bags of varying volumes. Root restriction consistently demonstrated the ability to reduce vegetative growth and vine water status. Sunlight exposure to grape berries was significantly increased in RBG vines. Timed canopy management tasks indicated that RBG canopies required about half the labor time of NRM canopies. Sugar and color concentration were both increased in RBG fruit. CC also increased sunlight exposure, as well as sugar and color concentration. The 420-A rootstock reduced potassium uptake, resulting in lower must potassium concentration. Results demonstrated that these treatments significantly reduce vegetative growth in a humid climate, decrease management labor, and produce higher quality fruit.

Effect of Rootstock on the Fruit Quality of Mandarins "Clemenules" and "Tango", and Blood Oranges "Tarocco Rosso" and "Moro"

Morales Alfaro, Julia 03 May 2021 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La citricultura se enfrenta a escenarios ambientales cambiantes que provocan diferentes estreses bióticos y abióticos que pueden dificultar la producción o afectar a la calidad de la fruta. El patrón sobre el cual se injerta una variedad específica es una importante herramienta para mejorar su adaptabilidad a cada área de cultivo. En la presente Tesis se realiza el estudio del efecto del patrón sobre la calidad físico-química y nutricional de la fruta en variedades de gran interés comercial en la actualidad, mandarinas 'Clemenules' y 'Tango' y naranjas sanguinas 'Tarocco Rosso' y 'Moro'. En 'Clemenules' se llevó a cabo la evaluación de la calidad de la fruta de árboles injertados sobre ocho patrones en tres momentos de cosecha durante dos campañas. Los patrones Forner-Alcaide 13 y C-35 destacaron por adelantar el cambio de color, lo que es de gran interés comercial. Por otra parte, Forner-Alcaide V17 destacó por mantener niveles óptimos de acidez hasta el final de la campaña y presentar el mayor contenido en vitamina C, flavonoides, glucosa y fructosa. Carrizo Citrange también indujo altas concentraciones de sacarosa y vitamina C. 'Tango' es una mandarina de reciente introducción en el área mediterránea de gran interés por su periodo de recolección tardío. En esta Tesis se abordó el estudio de los cambios en la calidad fisicoquímica, nutricional y sensorial de la mandarina 'Tango' injertada sobre dos patrones (Carrizo Citrange y Forner-Alcaide 5) en las dos áreas principales de producción de Andalucía. Los resultados revelaron que la calidad de la fruta se vio influenciada por la localización de las parcelas, lo que se relacionó con la composición de la textura del suelo. En ambas localizaciones, Forner-Alcaide 5 indujo mayor contenido en acidez, sólidos solubles totales, sacarosa, vitamina C y ácido cítrico en la fruta. Las determinaciones físico-químicas, junto con la evaluación sensorial permitieron establecer el momento óptimo de recolección dependiendo de las diferentes condiciones estudiadas. También se ha incluido un estudio del comportamiento postcosecha de esta variedad, ya que no existían datos en nuestras condiciones de cultivo. La mandarina 'Tango' presentó síntomas externos de daños por frío a partir de los 20 días almacenada a 1°C y 5°C. Se realizó un estudio micro-estructural para caracterizar la alteración. Los frutos del patrón Forner-Alcaide 5 presentaron una menor incidencia de los daños por frío. El almacenamiento a 9°C no comprometió la calidad externa o interna. Dentro del grupo de naranjas, en los últimos años existe una creciente demanda por las naranjas sanguinas para su consumo en fresco. Para evaluar el efecto del patrón se tomaron las variedades 'Moro' y 'Tarocco Rosso' injertadas sobre ocho patrones. La calidad interna se vio afectada por el momento de cosecha, siendo más evidente en 'Moro'. En ambas variedades el patrón afectó a los parámetros de calidad durante la maduración. En 'Moro', se observó una reducción en el color del zumo debido a la degradación de los antocianos, siendo los patrones C-35, Macrophylla y Volkameriana los que mostraron un mayor descenso. Esta degradación se relacionó con los cambio de la temperatura durante el periodo de recolección. En 'Tarocco Rosso' no se evidenció ninguna degradación, lo que sugiere que esta variedad es menos sensible a los cambios de temperatura. En esta variedad Forner-Alcaide 5 y Forner-Alcaide 13 produjeron fruta con mayor contenido en antocianos y azúcares. Además se llevó a cabo el estudio de la aptitud a la frigoconservación de las variedades de sanguinas 'Tarocco Rosso' y 'Sanguinelli'. Mientras que la calidad interna no se vio afectada por el almacenamiento (1°C, 5°C y 9°C) durante 45 días, la fruta presentó síntomas de daños por frío a 1°C. 'Sanguinelli' presentó mayor incidencia que 'Tarocco Rosso'. Estas sanguinas se pueden almacenar entre 5 y 9°C / [CA] La citricultura s'enfronta constantment a escenaris ambientals canviants que provoquen diferents estressos biòtics i abiòtics. El patró sobre el qual s'empelta una varietat específica és una important eina per a millorar la seua adaptabilitat agronòmica en cada àrea de cultiu. En la present Tesi s'ha dut a terme l'estudi de l'efecte del patró sobre la qualitat físic-química i nutricional de la fruita en varietats de gran interés comercial, mandarines 'Clemenules' i 'Tango' i, taronges sanguines 'Tarocco Rosso' i 'Moro'. En 'Clemenules' es va dur a terme l'avaluació de la qualitat de la fruita d'arbres empeltats sobre huit patrons en tres moments de collita, en dues campanyes. Entre els patrons avaluats, Forner-Alcaide 13 i C-35 van destacar per avançar el canvi de color. D'altra banda Forner-Alcaide V17 va destacar per mantindre nivells òptims d'acidesa fins al final de la campanya i va presentar el major contingut en vitamina C, flavonoides, glucosa i fructosa. Carrizo Citrange també va induir altes concentracions de sacarosa i vitamina C en la fruita. 'Tango' és una mandarina de recent introducció en l'àrea mediterrània amb gran interés pel seu període de recol·lecció que comença quan finalitza el de les clementines. En la present Tesi es van estudiar els canvis en la qualitat físic-química, nutricional i sensorial de la mandarina Tango empeltada sobre dos patrons (Carrizo Citrange i Forner-Alcaide 5) durant el període de collita en les dues àrees principals de producció d'Andalusia. La qualitat de la fruita es va veure influenciada per la localització, la qual cosa es va relacionar amb la composició de la textura del sòl. En totes dues localitzacions, Forner-Alcaide 5 va ser el patró que va induir major contingut en acidesa, sòlids solubles totals, sacarosa, vitamina C i àcid cítric en la fruita. Les determinacions físic-químiques i l'avaluació sensorial van permetre establir el moment òptim de recol·lecció depenent de les diferents condicions estudiades. També s'ha inclòs un estudi del comportament postcollita d'aquesta varietat, ja que no existien dades en les nostres condicions de cultiu. La mandarina 'Tango' va presentar símptomes externs de danys per fred a partir dels 20 dies emmagatzemada a 1°C i 5°C. Es va realitzar un estudi micro-estructural per a caracteritzar l'alteració provocada per les baixes temperatures. Els fruits del patró Forner-Alcaide 5 van presentar una menor incidència dels danys per fred. L'emmagatzematge a 9°C no va comprometre la qualitat externa o interna d'aquesta varietat. Dins del grup de taronges, en els últims anys existeix una creixent demanda per les taronges sanguines pel seu consum en fresc. Per a avaluar l'efecte del patró sobre sanguines es van prendre dues varietats, 'Moro' i 'Tarocco Rosso' empeltades sobre huit patrons. La qualitat interna es va veure influenciada pel moment de collita, la qual cosa va ser més evident en la varietat 'Moro'. En totes dues varietats el patró va afectar els canvis en els paràmetres de qualitat estudiats. En 'Moro', es va observar una reducció en el color del suc degut a la degradació del antocians. Aquesta degradació es va relacionar amb el canvi de la temperatura experimentada durant el període de recol·lecció. 'Tarocco Rosso' és menys sensible als canvis de temperatura. En aquesta varietat els patrons Forner-Alcaide 5 i Forner-Alcaide 13 van produir la fruita amb major contingut en antocianos i sucres. A mes s'aporta l'estudi de l'aptitud a la frigoconservació en les sanguines 'Tarocco Rosso' i 'Sanguinelli'. Mentre que la qualitat interna no es va veure afectada per l'emmagatzematge a cap de les temperatures assajades (1°C, 5°C i 9°C) durant 45 dies, la fruita va presentar símptomes de danys per fred a 1°C. `Sanguinelli' va presentar major incidència que 'Tarocco Rosso'. La fruita es pot emmagatzemar entre 5°C i 9°C durant 30 dies en el cas de 'Sanguinelli' i fins a 45 en e / [EN] Citriculture faces changing environmental scenarios that cause biotic and abiotic stress. The rootstock onto which a specific variety is grafted is an important tool to help to improve its agronomic adaptability to each crop area. The present Thesis was carried out to study the effect of rootstock on physico-chemical and nutritional fruit quality in some varieties of commercial interest today: 'Clemenules' and 'Tango' mandarins, and 'Tarocco Rosso' and 'Moro' blood oranges. In 'Clemenules', the fruit of the trees grafted into eight rootstocks at three harvest times was evaluated by performing studies during two seasons. Forner-Alcaide 13 and C-35 Citrange stood out for their earlier color change, which is very interesting for this variety, in which early harvesting is a relevant aspect from the commercial point of view. Forner-Alcaide V17 stood out for maintaining optimum acidity levels until the season ended and presented the highest contents in vitamin C, flavonoids, glucose and fructose. Carrizo Citrange brought about high concentrations of sucrose and vitamin C in fruit. 'Tango' is a mandarin variety that has been recently introduced into the Mediterranean Region. Its harvest time is very interesting because it starts when that of clementines ends. The present Thesis studies changes in the physico-chemical, nutritional and sensorial quality of 'Tango' fruit grafted onto two rootstocks (Carrizo Citrange and Forner-Alcaide 5) during the harvest period in the two main production areas in Andalusia. The results revealed that fruit quality during harvest was influenced by the location, which was particularly related to soil texture composition. In both areas, Forner-Alcaide 5 was the rootstock that induced higher acidity content, and more total soluble solids, sucrose, vitamin C and citric acid in fruit. The physico-chemical determinations, along with the sensorial evaluation, allowed the optimum harvest time to be established depending on the different studied conditions. This Thesis also includes a study about this variety's postharvest behavior as no data are available for our crop conditions. The 'Tango' mandarin presented outer chilling injury symptoms after being stored for 20 days at 1°C and 5°C. A microstructural study was done to characterize the alteration caused by low temperatures. The Forner-Alcaide 5 rootstock fruit showed a lower chilling injury incidence. Storage at 9°C did not compromise quality fruit. Among oranges, demand for blood oranges to be eaten fresh has grown in recent years, basically due to their high content in anthocyanins and their positive effect for human health. To assess the effect that rootstock had on blood oranges, two varieties were taken, 'Moro' and 'Tarocco Rosso', grafted onto eight rootstocks. Internal quality was strongly influenced by harvest time, which was more evident for 'Moro'. In both varieties, rootstock affected changes in the quality parameter studied. In 'Moro', juice color faded as anthocyanins degraded, and rootstocks C-35 Citrange, Macrophylla and Volkameriana showed the most marked reduction. Such anthocyanin degradation was related to the change in temperature that took place during the harvest period. In 'Tarocco Rosso', anthocyanins did not undergo degradation, which suggests that this variety is less sensitive to changes in temperature. In this variety, rootstocks Forner-Alcaide 5 and Forner-Alcaide 13 gave fruit with a higher content of anthocyanins and sugars. This Thesis also includes a study of the suitability of cold storage of two blood orange varieties: 'Tarocco Rosso' and 'Sanguinelli'. Although storage at any tested temperature (1°C, 5°C and 9°C) did not affect internal quality for 45 days, fruit displayed chilling injury symptoms at 1°C, with a higher incidence for 'Sanguinelli' than for 'Tarocco Rosso'. Fruit can be stored between 5°C and 9°C for 30 days for 'Sanguinelli' and for up to 45 days with 'Tarocco Rosso'. / This study has been supported by Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias and co-financed by FEDER and European Social Fund. The authors thank Anecoop S. Coop. and Frutaria Agricultura, S.L for supplying the fruit herein used and its technical support. / Morales Alfaro, J. (2021). Effect of Rootstock on the Fruit Quality of Mandarins "Clemenules" and "Tango", and Blood Oranges "Tarocco Rosso" and "Moro" [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/165858 / Compendio

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