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L'action stratégique des artistes en arts visuels et de leurs collectifs en contexte de précarité du travail : quel(s) rôle(s) pour les centres d'artistes autogérés situés à Montréal?Derouin-Dubuc, Laurence 03 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse à l’action stratégique des artistes en arts visuels qui est dédiée à l’amélioration de leurs conditions de travail. Elle cherche à comprendre comment les centres d’artistes autogérés (CAA) situés à Montréal participent au développement, par les artistes, de stratégies visant à leur permettre de se maintenir dans des carrières marquées par la précarité. Cette recherche s’inscrit dans la problématique entourant l’émergence de nouvelles formes d’action collective qui visent à contrer la précarisation croissante des marchés du travail et de l’emploi. Sur le plan théorique, elle s’appuie sur trois grandes approches sociologiques : la sociologie interactionniste des mondes de l’art de H. S. Becker (1982), la sociologie structuraliste du champ de la production culturelle de P. Bourdieu (1993) et la socio-économie interactionniste des champs d’action stratégique de N. Fligstein et D. McAdam (2011).
La posture épistémologique de cette recherche consiste à restituer la parole aux acteurs afin de cerner le sens qu’ils accordent à la précarité de leur travail et d’identifier les stratégies d’amélioration du travail dans lesquelles ils sont engagés. En nous appuyant sur des sources qualitatives, nous avons réalisé une étude de cas multiples correspondant à quatorze CAA situés à Montréal. Au total, cinquante-cinq personnes ont participé à cette recherche.
Cette recherche souligne les effets structurants de l’encastrement du champ culturel dans le champ étatique sur les systèmes de distribution des ressources et des inégalités qui affectent les artistes intégré·e·s et les CAA. Elle montre aussi comment le passage du temps influence (1) le rapport que les artistes entretiennent face à la précarité de leur travail et (2) leurs stratégies d’amélioration du travail. Celles-ci revêtent généralement une nature spontanée et éphémère et elles mobilisent peu les outils formels de régulation prévus à cet effet, incluant la Loi sur le statut professionnel des artistes des arts visuels, des métiers d’art et de la littérature, ainsi que sur leurs contrats avec les diffuseurs (RLRQ, S-32.01). Leur impact sur l’amélioration durable et significative des conditions de travail des artistes apparaît limité. Cette recherche montre aussi que les CAA participent plus ou moins aux stratégies d’amélioration du travail des artistes. La nature et le degré de leur soutien varie notamment en fonction de leurs structures et de leurs politiques organisationnelles, ainsi que de la volonté des artistes de les impliquer dans ces processus. Plusieurs centres expérimentent cependant de nouvelles formes de soutien économiques et relationnelles aux artistes dans les limites de leurs contraintes organisationnelles. Au sein de ces CAA, on observe un recours croissant à des pratiques plus ou moins institutionnalisées qui relèvent de l’éthique féministe du soin.
Les acteurs communautaires tels que les CAA, les associations professionnelles, les mouvements sociaux, etc., sont appelés à réfléchir à de nouvelles manières de générer des formes de solidarité et d’appartenance entre les artistes à partir des facteurs de précarité qui ont été identifiés dans cette recherche. Ce travail doit aussi prendre acte du fait que les artistes qui s’identifient à des groupes historiquement marginalisés rencontrent des enjeux de précarité spécifiques. Notre recherche révèle en effet la pertinence de procéder à la déconstruction des grandes catégories analytiques sur lesquelles se fonde l’analyse des mondes de l’art comme les « artistes intégré·e·s » (Becker, 1982), de manière à tenir compte de la manière dont les facteurs sociaux comme le genre, l’âge, la race, une situation de handicap, l’orientation sexuelle, etc., ont un impact sur les trajectoires de carrière des artistes en arts visuels. / This thesis investigates artists and art collectives’ strategic action aiming at the improvement of their working conditions. It studies how Montreal’s artist-run centres (ARCs) participate (or do not participate) in the development of « better work » strategies put in place by artists in order to persevere in their precarious careers. This research engages with the larger problem of increasingly precarious labour markets and employment, and with the new forms of collective action that are emerging in reaction to it. It draws on three theoretical approaches: the interactionist sociology of the art worlds (H. S. Becker, 1982), the structuralist sociology of the field of cultural production (P. Bourdieu, 1993) and the interactionist socio-economy of strategic action fields (N. Fligstein and D. McAdam, 2011).
From an epistemological standpoint, our approach draws on pragmatism. It gives a voice to the actors to elevate their own perceptions of their precarity. This allows us to grasp its meaning and to identify the « better work » strategies in which they engage. This research draws on qualitative sources and corresponds to a multiple case study constituted of fourteen ARCs located in Montreal. A total of fifty-five persons participated in this research.
This research highlights the structuring effects of the cultural field’s embeddedness in the state field on the distribution systems of resources and inequalities impacting artists and ARCs. It also reveals the importance of mobilizing a micro lens to study strategic action repertoires to consider the actors’ desires, values, and perceptions. Finally, it shows how the passage of time contributes to transforming how artists perceive their labour precarity. The prolonged experience of precarity shapes the « better work » strategies that are developed by artists. In general, these appear to be more of a spontaneous and ephemeral nature. Most of them do not draw on formal regulations such as the Act respecting the professional status of artists in the visual arts, arts and crafts and literature, and their contracts with promoters (RLRQ, S-32.01). Overall, their impact on a significative and sustainable improvement of artists’ working conditions appear to be limited. Our analysis also shows that ARCs participate in these strategies to various degrees. Their support depends on several factors, including ARCs’ organizational structure and politics, and the artists’ propensity to involve them in these processes. Several ARCs are experimenting with new forms of economic and relational support within the limits of their organizational constraints. Within those ARCs, we observe a increasing tendency to put in action more or less institutionalized practices associated with the feminist ethics of care.
Community actors such as ARCs, professional associations, social movements, etc., are invited to (re)think about innovative ways to generate solidarity and belonging within artists by building on the precarity factors that have been in this research. This work should take into consideration that artists identifying to historically marginalized groups encounter specific forms of precarity to this day. This research also highlights the necessity to deconstruct the large analytical categories traditionally used to study the art worlds such as « integrated professionals » (Becker, 1982), to account for the influence of social factors such as gender, age, race, disability status, sexual orientation, etc., on visual artists’ career trajectories.
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[pt] A literatura existente sobre os efeitos da Covid nos retornos das ações
concentra-se em mudanças endógenas na tolerância ao risco e na modelagem de
eventos raros. Até agora, essas tentativas não foram capazes de corresponder
aos dados. Neste artigo, proponho uma abordagem alternativa para explicar os
efeitos da Covid nos retornos de ativos em todo o mundo: separar os efeitos de
longo prazo dos efeitos de curto prazo. Intuitivamente, os efeitos de longo prazo
da Covid incluem disrupções nas cadeias produtivas e padrões educacionais,
que, concebivelmente, levarão tempo para serem eliminados. Exatamente como
acontece com os choques persistentes dos modelos de risco de longo prazo! Um
modelo que permite flutuações de curto prazo e risco de longo prazo mostra
que choques persistentes desempenham um papel na explicação dos retornos
do mercado de ações e das taxas de câmbio em um período de tempo que
começa em Janeiro de 2018 e termina em Novembro de 2021. / [en] The existing literature on the effects of Covid on stock returns focuses
on endogenous changes in risk tolerance and on the modeling of rare events.
So far, these attempts have not been able to match the data. In this paper,
I propose an alternative approach to explaining the Covid effects on stock
returns worldwide: disentangling the long-run effects from the short-run effects.
Intuitively, Covid s long-run effects include disruptions of supply chains and
educational patterns, which, conceivably, will take time to phase out. Exactly
as it happens with the persistent shocks of long-run risks models! A model
that allows for short-run fluctuations and long-run risk shows that persistent
shocks play a role in explaining stock market returns and exchange rates in a
time span that starts in January 2018 and ends in November 2021.
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Identifiering av riskområden gällande dagvatten : En fallstudie baserat på Gustavslund / Identification of risk areas connected to stormwater : A case study based on GustavslundMeyer, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
Urbanisering och klimatförändringar i form av intensivare nederbörd är idag tvåproblemområden som båda påverkar hur samhället hanterar dagvatten, särskilt när dekombineras. Syftet med denna uppsats är därmed att undersöka hur dessa aspekter påverkar dagvattenhanteringen och vad som händer när det går fel vid planering och byggnation. Utöver det är målet att försöka identifiera områden som riskerar översvämmas på grund av detta. Till hjälp har en litteraturstudie gjorts samt platsbesök, intervjuer och analysering av flertalet kartor. Arbetet handlar om och utgår från Gustavslund, ett område i Vallentuna kommun. Här har det kommit fram att vid byggnation har dagvattnet inte hanterats korrekt och lett till översvämningar på äldre fastigheter. Dagvattensystemet och dess utloppspunkter är i grunden det störstaproblemet. Det beror delvis på felaktig planering från början i samband med lösningar som inte fungerat, men även dåligt ansvarstagande från kommunens sida. Vid planeringen utgicks det från att vardera fastighet skulle ta hand om vattnet själva med hjälp av lokalt omhändertagande av dagvatten (LOD), men detta har inte genomförts. Dagvattnet leds till ett fåtal fastigheter där det i dagsläget har svårt att föras vidare. Detta är på grund av klena trummor under närliggande väg som lutar fel samt ett pumpsystem och diken med dålig kapacitet. Även ledningar, både privata och gemensamma, med dålig prestanda bidrar till problematiken. Baserat påGustavslund kan ett par slutsatser dras i ett försök att identifiera liknande riskområden.Indikationer kan innebära bland annat att privata ledningar finns som inte kan hantera mängden vatten eller att stora höjdskillnader förekommer och leder till naturliga vattensamlingar ibostadsområden. Förhoppningarna med denna rapport är att snabbare hitta problemområden och åtgärda dessa innan problem med översvämningar uppstår. / Urbanization and climate change in the shape of more intense rainfall are today two problematic areas that both affect how society handles stormwater, especially when they are combined. The purpose of this essay is to examine how these two aspects contribute to stormwatermanagement and what happens when it goes poorly when planning and building. On top of that the goal is to identify areas that risk flooding because of this. To help with this a literature study has been done as well as a site visit, interviews and analysis of several maps. This study isabout and based upon Gustavslund, an area within Vallentuna municipality. It’s been known that the stormwater treatment when building here has not been done correctly which has led tofloodings at older properties. The system for run-off water and its outlet points is mainly the biggest problem. This is partly due to poor planning in combination with solutions that did not work, but also bad responsibility taking from the municipality. When planning it was assumedthat each household was to handle the run-off water on their own, but this has not been done. The water ends up on a few properties where it can barely keep going. This is because of feeble road drums turned the wrong way but also a pump system and ditches with low capacity. Also pipelines, both private and communal, with poor dimensions contribute to the problem. Based on Gustavslund, a few conclusions can be drawn to try and identify similar areas at risk.Indications can for instance involve private pipes that cannot handle the amount of water or big height differences in the terrain that leads to places where water gathers naturally in residential areas. Hopefully this report will help find these problematic areas faster and remedy thesebefore problems with flooding occur.
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Essays on Fiscal and Monetary PolicyOrdonez, Brenda Vanessa 25 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Conflict Detection-Based Run-Length Encoding: AVX-512 CD Instruction Set in ActionLehner, Wolfgang, Ungethum, Annett, Pietrzyk, Johannes, Damme, Patrick, Habich, Dirk 18 January 2023 (has links)
Data as well as hardware characteristics are two key aspects for efficient data management. This holds in particular for the field of in-memory data processing. Aside from increasing main memory capacities, efficient in-memory processing benefits from novel processing concepts based on lightweight compressed data. Thus, an active research field deals with the adaptation of new hardware features such as vectorization using SIMD instructions to speedup lightweight data compression algorithms. Following this trend, we propose a novel approach for run-length encoding, a well-known and often applied lightweight compression technique. Our novel approach is based on newly introduced conflict detection (CD) instructions in Intel's AVX-512 instruction set extension. As we are going to show, our CD-based approach has unique properties and outperforms the state-of-the-art RLE approach for data sets with small run lengths.
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An Approach to the Analysis of Spatial Administrative Patterns: Ontario Hydro-Electric Power CommissionMassam, Bryan H. 10 1900 (has links)
<p>Traditional and cont emporary studies of spatial administrative systems are reviewed. Economic, political and historical factors are related to patterns of administrative areas. The hypothesized relationships are tested using data for the Ontario Hydro-Electric Power Commission. Linear and quadratic models relating functional costs to workload of the administrative areas are offered. The quadratic models incorporate the concept of the long-run average cost curve. A theoretical relationship between the shape of an administrative area and the
level of economic efficiency is tested. Linear programming is used to simulate administrative patterns. Four indices are used to describe and compare the patterns. One of the indices, the weighted mean, is used to operationalise Pred's Behavioural Matrix . Recommendations are made for future work. </p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Determining The Optimal CapitalStructure With The Contingent Claims AnalysisZHANG, YUWEI January 2016 (has links)
Finding the optimal capital structure has been a relevant subject for many decades. Therehas for a long time been a discrepancy between observed leverage ratio and those proposedby theory, with many different theories suggested and developed throughout time. One ofthose theories is the Contingent Claims Analysis (CCA). Based initially on Black & Scholes’option-pricing theory and formulas, and pioneered by Merton, the CCA-methodology hasthroughout the years been developed further and moved from pricing liabilities todetermining capital structures. The research and development on CCA-models have for thepast years mostly been on a theoretical level and less about its practical applicability. Thosefew applications that have been made were based on the U.S. market and companies.Ju and Ou-Yang developed one of the most recent CCA-methodologies in 2006,abbreviated as the JOY-model in this study. What distinguishes this model is its ability toshow the non-monotone relation of debt maturity and debt face amount through the morecomplex tradeoffs between tax benefits, bankruptcy costs and transactions cost. With a fewchanges made to it, and with almost all data from the Swedish market and companies, theJOY-model yields higher leverage ratios than what the 5 analyzed companies have today.The optimal leverage ratio, defined as debt value/firm value ranges from 10 – 40% and theoptimal debt maturity period is at 4 – 6 years. Out of all the model parameters, the long-runmean of the stochastic risk-free interest rate has the biggest impact on the final results. TheJOY-model and CCA in general are complex and resource intense models that need certainimprovements. Nonetheless, its overall potential is still promising.
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Mental Health Consumers' Perspectives on Traditional Mental Health Services Versus Peer-Run Services: A Qualitative StudyHarley, Judith Ann 21 November 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Essays on Productivity Risks in Asset PricingLee, Nam Gang 25 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Run-Time Active Leakage Control Mechanism based on a Light Threshold Voltage Hopping Technique (LITHE)Ravi, Ajaay 26 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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