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ON THE MUTUAL VISIBILITY OF FAT MOBILE ROBOTSAlsaedi, Rusul Jabbar 27 April 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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The Benefits And Limitations Of Artist-Run Organizations In Columbus, OhioKeeley, Melissa Ann January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Enhancement of evaluation method of journal bearings’ performance in heavy-duty diesel engines / Vidareutveckling av utvärderingsmetod för glidlagerprestanda i tunga dieselmotorerNataraj, Sateesh January 2021 (has links)
Journal bearings are being used in various locations of an internal combustion engine. They contribute to a large portion of total engine friction and lowering it means a significant contribution to CO2 reduction. Operating under heavy loads, journal bearings are often subject to mixed regime of lubrication where a part of bearing load is carried by asperities. This necessitates accurate modelling of asperities contact in order to get more realistic predication of friction losses in journal bearings contact. The evaluation method at Scania couples 3D confocal measurement of bearings’ surface roughness to a Multi-body Dynamic Analysis of journal bearings lubrication utilizing AVL EXCITE. During running-in, asperity peaks are reduced due to wear caused by metal-to-metal contact resulting in change of bearing surface profile and different contact zones in axial and circumferential direction. The aim of this thesis is to include these different contact zones and run-in wear profile of the bearing to the existing evaluation method at Scania to simulate run-in effects more precisely. Surface measurements were made on a run-in big end bearing surface at edges, center and region after oil hole. From these measurements, using the existing Local Scale Model at Scania, asperity pressure curve and flow factors were obtained, which were used to perform AVL EXCITE big end bearing simulations with multiple surface contact patches. The results show that the inclusion of multiple surface patches and run-in wear profile lead to a significant change in distribution and also magnitude of bearing performance parameters e.g. pressure, friction losses, clearance height. / Glidlager är en av de mest använda komponenterna i motorer. De bidrar till en stor del av motorns totala friktion och en minskning av denna bidrar i hög grad till minskade utsläpp av CO2. Glidlager som arbetar under hög last utsätts ofta för blandfilmssmörjning där en del av lasten bärs av mekanisk kontakt mellan ytornas asperiteter. Detta kräver en noggrann modellering av asperitetskontakter för att få en realistisk prediktion av friktionsförluster i glidlager.Utvärderingsmetoden på Scania kopplar ihop 3D-mätning av lagrets ytfinhet i ett konfokalmikroskåp med en dynamisk tribologiberäkning i MBS-programvaran (Multi Body Simulation) AVL Excite.Under inkörning nöts asperiteterna ner på grund av metallkontakten mellan ytorna vilket påverkar lagerytans profil och ger olika kontaktzoner i axiell och periferiell riktning.Syftet med examensarbetet är att inkludera de olika kontaktzonerna och lagrets profil efter inkörning i Scanias befintliga utvärderingsmetod i syfte att noggrannare kunna simulera inkörning av lagren.Ytfinhetsmätningar utfördes med ett konfoklamikroskop på ett inkört vevlager vid kanterna, i mitten och i närheten av oljehålet.Med hjälp av dessa mätningar och en av Scanias befintliga kontaktmodeller beräknades asperitetstryck och flödesfaktorer vilka användes för att utföra vevlagerberäkningar i AVL Excite med olika kontaktegenskaper i olika regioner.Resultaten visar att införandet av regioner på lagerytan med olika lokala kontaktegenskaper och lagerprofil efter inkörning ger en signifikant förändring av såväl storleken som fördelningen av olika lagerresultat såsom till exempel lagertryck, friktionsförluster och oljefilmstjocklek.
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Multivariate EWMA Control Chart and Application to a Semiconductor Manufacturing ProcessHuh, Ick 09 1900 (has links)
<p>The multivariate cumulative sum (MCUSUM) and the multivariate exponentially weighted moving average (MEWMA) control charts are the two leading methods to monitor a multivariate process. This thesis focuses on the MEWMA control chart. Specifically, using the Markov chain method, we study in detail several aspects of the run length distribution both for the on- and off- target cases. Regarding the on-target run length analysis, we express the probability mass function of the run length distribution, the average run length (ARL), the variance of run length (V RL) and higher moments of the run length distribution in mathematically closed forms. In previous studies, with respect to the off-target performance for the MEWMA control chart, the process mean shift was usually assumed to take place at the beginning of the process. We extend the classical off-target case and introduce a generalization of the probability mass function of the run length distribution, the ARL and the V RL. What Prabhu and Runger (1996) proposed can be derived from our new model. By evaluating the off-target ARL values for the MEWMA control chart, we determine the optimal smoothing parameters by using the partition method that provides an easy algorithm to find the optimal smoothing parameters and study how they respond as the process mean shift time changes. We compare the ARL performance of the MEWMA control chart with that of the multivariate Shewhart control chart to see whether the MEWMA chart is still effective in detecting a small mean shift as the process mean shift time changes. In order to apply the model to semiconductor manufacturing processes, we use a bivariate normal distribution to generate sample data and compare the MEWMA control chart with the multivariate Shewhart control chart to evaluate how the MEWMA control chart behaves when a delayed mean shift happens. We also apply the variation transmission model introduced by Lawless et al. (1999) to the semiconductor manufacturing process and show an extension of the model to make our application to semiconductor manufacturing processes more realistic. All the programming and calculations were done in R</p> / Master of Science (MS)
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Achieving Autonomic Computing through the Use of Variability Models at Run-timeCetina Englada, Carlos 15 April 2010 (has links)
Increasingly, software needs to dynamically adapt its behavior at run-time in response
to changing conditions in the supporting computing infrastructure and in
the surrounding physical environment. Adaptability is emerging as a necessary underlying
capability, particularly for highly dynamic systems such as context-aware
or ubiquitous systems.
By automating tasks such as installation, adaptation, or healing, Autonomic
Computing envisions computing environments that evolve without the need for human
intervention. Even though there is a fair amount of work on architectures
and their theoretical design, Autonomic Computing was criticised as being a \hype
topic" because very little of it has been implemented fully. Furthermore, given that
the autonomic system must change states at runtime and that some of those states
may emerge and are much less deterministic, there is a great challenge to provide
new guidelines, techniques and tools to help autonomic system development.
This thesis shows that building up on the central ideas of Model Driven Development
(Models as rst-order citizens) and Software Product Lines (Variability
Management) can play a signi cant role as we move towards implementing the key
self-management properties associated with autonomic computing. The presented
approach encompass systems that are capable of modifying their own behavior with
respect to changes in their operating environment, by using variability models as if
they were the policies that drive the system's autonomic recon guration at runtime.
Under a set of recon guration commands, the components that make up the architecture
dynamically cooperate to change the con guration of the architecture to a
new con guration.
This work also provides the implementation of a Model-Based Recon guration
Engine (MoRE) to blend the above ideas. Given a context event, MoRE queries the variability models to determine how the system should evolve, and then it provides
the mechanisms for modifying the system. / Cetina Englada, C. (2010). Achieving Autonomic Computing through the Use of Variability Models at Run-time [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/7484
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Αριθμός ροών επιτυχιών και αξιοπιστία συνεχόμενων συστημάτων αποτυχίαςΚωστοπούλου, Καλλιρρόη 20 February 2008 (has links)
Θεωρούμε μια ακολουθία από n δυαδικά πειράματα. Ροή επιτυχιών μήκους k είναι μια ακολουθία από k συνεχόμενες επιτυχίες οι οποίες έπονται και ακολουθούνται από αποτυχίες ή τίποτα. Στην εργασία αυτή αρχικά μελετάται η τυχαία μεταβλητή Ν(n,k) η οποία παριστάνει τον αριθμό των ροών επιτυχιών μήκους k σε n δυαδικά πειράματα. Προσδιορίζεται η ακριβής κατανομή μέσω συνδιαστικών μεθόδων, αναδρομικών σχέσεων και μέσω της μεθόδου εμβάπτισης τυχαίας μεταβλητής σε Μαρκοβιανή αλυσίδα. Η μελέτη γίνεται για ανεξάρτητες και ισόνομες και για ανεξάρτητες όχι κατ’ ανάγκην ισόνομες δυαδικές ακολουθίες. Μελετάται επίσης η τυχαία μεταβλητή M(n,k)η οποία παριστάνει τον αριθμό των ροών επιτυχιών τουλάχιστον k σε n δυαδικά πειράματα.
Ένα συνεχόμενο-k -από-τα-n:F σύστημα αποτυχίας είναι ένα σύστημα n συνιστωσών το οποίο αποτυγχάνει αν και μόνο αν αποτύχουν τουλάχιστον k συνεχόμενες συνιστώσες του. Τα συνεχόμενα-k-από-τα-n:F συστήματα αποτυχίας έχουν προταθεί ως κατάλληλα πρότυπα για συστήματα μεταφοράς πετρελαίου, τηλεπικοινωνιακά συστήματα κ.α. Ένα m-συνεχόμενο-k-από-τα-n:F σύστημα αποτυχίας είναι ένα σύστημα n συνιστωσών το οποίο αποτυγχάνει αν και μόνο αν υπάρχουν τουλάχιστον m ροές από k συνεχόμενες αποτυχημένες συνιστώσες του. Μελετάται η σχέση της αξιοπιστίας των ανωτέρω συστημάτων με τη συνάρτηση πιθανότητας και τη συνάρτηση κατανομής της τυχαίας μεταβλητής N(n,k). Αναπτύσσονται οι μέθοδοι που έχουν δοθεί για τον προσδιορισμό της αξιοπιστίας τους και δίνονται ακριβείς εκφράσεις της μέσω πολυωνυμικών συντελεστών, διωνυμικών συντελεστών, αναδρομικών σχέσεων και της μεθόδου εμβάπτισης σε Μαρκοβιανή αλυσίδα. Η μελέτη γίνεται για συστήματα με ανεξάρτητες συνιστώσες, γαι συστήματα με ομογενή Μαρκοβιανή εξάρτηση ενός βήματος και για συστήματα με Μαρκοβιανά εξαρτημένες συνιστώσες (k-1) βημάτων. Τέλος παρουσιάζονται αριθμητικά παραδείγματα για περαιτέρω διευκρίνηση και σύγκριση των μεθόδων υπολογισμού της κατανομής της N(n,k) και της αξιοπιστίας των ανωτέρω συστημάτων αποτυχιών. / Consider a sequence of n two state (success-failure) trials. A success run of length k is a sequence of k consecutive successes proceeded and succeeded by failures or nothing. In this thesis the random variable N(n,k) denoting the number of success runs of length k in n binary trials is studied. The exact distribution of N(n,k) is given, via combinatorial analysis, recursive relations and using the Markov chain imbedding technique. The study is carried out for independent but not identically distributed binary sequences. Further, the random variable M(n,k)denoting the number of success runs of length at least k in n binary trials is also studied.
A consecutive-k-out-of-n : F system is a system which consists of n components ordered on a line, which fails if and only if at least k consecutive components fail. Such systems have been used to model telecommunication, oil pipeline systems e.t.c. An m-consecutive-k -out-of-n : F system consists of n components ordered on a line, which fails if and only if there are at least m non-overlapping runs of k consecutive failed components. The reliability of the above mentioned systems is related to the cumulative distribution function of the random variable N(n,k) . Exact formulae for the reliability is given by means of binomial and multinomial coefficients, via recursive relations and using the Markov chain imbedding technique. The study is accomplished for systems with independent and Markov dependent components.
Finally, numerical examples are given for comparison of the various used methods and to illustrate the theoretical results.
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Проектирование технологии обучения в целях развития транспрофессиональных компетенций персонала : магистерская диссертация / Design of training technology for the development of personnel's transprofessional competenciesФедоренко, А. С., Fedorenko, A. S. January 2020 (has links)
Магистерская диссертации посвящена проектированию технологии обучения в целях развития транспрофессиональных компетенций персонала. В теоретической части рассматриваются аспекты проектирования технологии обучения персонала при переходе к тримодальной организации. В практической части описывается общая характеристика исследуемой компании, проводится анализ кадрового состава, а также анализируется HR-бизнес-процесс «Обучение персонала» в ПАО Сбербанк. На основании этих результатов был разработан проект по развитию транспрофессиональных компетенций персонала. / The master's thesis is devoted to the design of training technology for the development of personnel's TRANS-professional competencies. In the theoretical part, the aspects of designing the technology of personnel training in the transition to a trimodal organization are considered. The practical part describes the General characteristics of the company under study, analyzes the personnel structure, and analyzes the HR-business process "personnel Training" in Sberbank. Based on these results, a project was developed to develop the staff's TRANS-professional competencies.
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Heterogeneity of Ohio’s Saline Reservoirs: Feldspar Abundance and its Effects on Carbon SequestrationDalton, Terra Ann 19 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Wegloopverskynsel by kinderhuiskindersBotha, Karel Johannes 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal waarom kinders uit kinderhuise wegloop
en om voorstelle ter voorkoming daarvan te maak.
Ten opsigte van die fenomeen "wegloop" stateer die literatuur dat kinders wegloop
vanaf onaangename omstandighede en/of wegloop na aangename omstandighede. Die
belewing van gesinstres, gesinskonflik, portuurgroepdruk, utopiese voorstellings van
wegloop, onaangename skoolbelewing en tiener swangerskap is aangeduide rolspelers
onderliggend aan bogenoemde.
Die empiriese studie na wegloop uit kinderhuise bet aan die lig gebring dat kinders uit
kinderhuise wegloop weens traumatiese belewing van verwydering uit die ouerhuis,
etikettering en inrigtingsversadiging. Voorts is bevind dat faktore wat onderliggend aan
bogenoemde is, tot 'n groot mate voorkom kan word.
Sekere aanbevelings ter voorkoming van wegloop uit kinderhuise is na aanleiding van
die studie gedoen en kan gebruik word in die volwassene se bemoeienis met die
kinderhuiskind. / The object of the study was to identify the reasons why children run away from
children's homes and to make recommendations on how to prevent them from running
On considering "run away" as a phenomenon, the literature states that children run
away from harsh circumstances to acceptable or pleasant circumstances. Experiences
such as family stress, conflict in the family, peer group pressure, romanticising the
idea, harsh school experiences and teenage pregnancies are roll players subjacent to the
above mentioned.
The empirical study of "running away from children's homes" has confirmed that
children run away because of traumatic separation from parental homes, labelling and
institutional intolerance. Furthermore it was also found that factors subjacent to the
above mentioned can be neutralised to a large extent. Certain guidelines have been
recommended for adults when confronted with children in children's homes. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Voorligting)
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從公司治理觀點探討家族企業傳承風險 ---以S金控為個案分析 / From the point of view of corporate governance Discussion Family-run Business Succession Risk —A Case Study of S Financial Holding Company劉宏祺, Liu, Hung Chi Unknown Date (has links)
對於台灣本土企業而言,接班風險往往成為一項獨特的經營管理風險。本研究分析某一家未能有效管理接班風險的金控企業,並以另一家係有效管理接班風險的金控企業做為對照標竿,藉以探索金控家族企業因為傳承所面臨的接班風險。透過訪談資深幹部所得之資訊,本研究歸納金控家族企業接班過程的可能問題為潛在接班人的「培訓過程」與「態度問題」。此外,就彙整報章雜誌的額外則發現,接班風險較高的企業有較多因為內控問題而產生的裁罰案件,而若干裁罰案件顯示係因所有權凌駕經營權造成的企業損失,並損及企業的商譽。具體而言,與對照企業相較,接班風險的金控企業有顯著較高的裁罰案件與媒體負面報導,相信本研究所提供的對比分析將可提供台灣本土企業有效降低接班風險的參考。 / Succession risk is a unique risk management for local Taiwanese companies. This study analyzes a financial holding company which fails to effectively manage succession risk, where another benchmark company with effective succession risk management is used as comparison to probe into the succession risk faced by the family-run financial holding company from inheritance. The study applies information acquired from interview with senior managers to conclude that likely problems in the succession process of family-run financial holding companies could lie on the “training progress” and “attitude issue” of the potential successors. Moreover, additional findings from the compilation of newspapers and magazines suggest that companies with higher success risks tend to face with penalty cases due to internal control issues. Several penalty cases would imply corporate loss as a result from ownership overriding management with damage to the corporate reputation. Specifically, compared with controlled company, financial holding companies with succession risk is associated with significantly higher penalty cases and adverse reports from the media. The study is believed to provide a comparative analysis that will provide reference for local Taiwanese companies to effectively reduce succession risk.
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