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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Upplevelsens betydelse för professionella möten i rurala destinationer : En fallstudie av mötesaktörer

Sarodnick, Saskia, Johansson, Lina January 2015 (has links)
Professionella möten är en stor del av Sveriges turism och spås hög potential till utveckling enligt Sweden Visitors Board. Genom framtagandet och arbetet med diverse strategier avser organisationen främja besöksnäringen på ett nationellt men även lokalt plan. Stockholms skärgård ska utvecklas till en åretrunt destination. En fallstudie utfördes för att undersöka huruledes mötesanläggningar i Stockholms skärgård arbetar med upplevelser såväl utifrån sin geografiska position samt ur andra aspekter. Teorier kring rurala destinationer, upplevelser och professionella möten inkorporerades för att analysera upplevelsens betydelser i mötesindustrin. Kvalitativa intervjuer och observationer utfördes med fyra mötesanläggningar i skärgården samt med nyckelpersoner inom Svensk mötesindustri. Resultatet indikerar att mötesanläggningar på rurala platser i stor utsträckning arbetar med upplevelser utifrån olika aspekter. / Professional meetings are a major part of Sweden's tourism and predicted high potential for development by the organization Sweden Visitors Board. Through development and work with various strategies, the organization plans to promote the tourism industry at a national level as well as locally. Stockholm archipelago will be a year-round destination. A study was conducted to investigate to what degree meeting facilities in the Stockholm Archipelago are working with experiences based upon geographical position as well as other aspects. Theories of rural destinations, experience and professional meetings were incorporated to analyze the meaning of experience in the meetings industry. Qualitative interviews and observations were carried out at four conference facilities in the archipelago. Qualitative interviews were also carried out with people with key positions in the Swedish meetings industry. The result indicates that meeting facilities in rural locations extensively work with experiences from different aspects.

Maisons des migrants au pays d'origine : une étude de cas sur la transformation du logement rural dans le contexte de la migration internationale. La commune de Marginea, département de Suceava, Roumanie / Migrant's houses in the homeland : a case study of the transformation of the rural house within the context of international migration. Marginea village, Suceava departement / Locuintele migrantilor in tara de origine : un studiu de caz despre transformarea locuintei rurale sub impactul migratei internationale. Comuna Marginea, sud Suceava

Larionescu, Andra Letitia 25 September 2012 (has links)
L’originalité de notre apport parmi les recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques roumaines porte sur l’analyse de la relation multidimensionnelle entre la migration et l’habitation rurale, mettant l’accent sur la compréhension du logement comme lieu de rencontre des modèles culturels différents. En effet, la maison doit être analysée comme un produit social et par rapport à la vie sociale et privée de la famille qui y réside. Donc, notre cadre théorique s’appuie sur le croisement entre l’analyse sociologique des processus migratoires et leur expression architecturale et matérielle. La question centrale de la recherche porte sur les continuités et discontinuités - observées par rapport à la tradition - qu’on trouve, après la chute du communisme, dans les habitations des migrants roumains, issus du milieu rural. Pour répondre à cette question, nous avons choisi une approche anthropologique du logement, en menant des enquêtes de terrain, de type qualitatif (auprès de villageois et migrants de village de Marginea), durant les années 2009, 2010 et 2011. On remarque que les nouvelles maisons se présentent comme des formes hybrides, qui articulent les références locales aux éléments nouveaux, apportés par la migration. Ainsi, nous avons introduit deux dimensions essentielles dans l’analyse du concept de la maison du migrant: les «traces du passé» et les «traces de la migration». La première dimension se réfère aux influences des anciennes formes, modèles, pratiques, mentalité etc., alors que la deuxième dimension désigne les éléments nouveaux et les innovations qui ont pénétré dans la conception, la construction et l’utilisation des maisons. / The originality of our contribution to the Romanian sociological and anthropological research concerns the analysis of the multidimensional relation between migration and the rural dwelling, emphasizing an understanding of the house as the meeting place of the different cultural models. Indeed, the house must be analyzed as a social product, with regard to the social and private life of the family which dwells there. Thus, our theoretical frame is based on the interplay between the sociological analysis of the migratory processes and their architectural and material expression. The central question of our research concerns the continuities and the discontinuities - observed with regard to the local tradition - which we find, after the fall of the communism regime, in the houses of the Romanian migrants, of rural origin. To answer this question, we chose an anthropological approach to the house, by conducting a qualitative field research (with villagers and migrants of Marginea village), in 2009, 2010 and 2011. We noticed that the new houses appear as hybrid forms, which articulate the local models to the new elements, brought by migration. So, we introduced two essential dimensions into the analysis of the concept of the migrant house: the "traces of the past" and the "traces of the migration". The first dimension refers to the influence of the old forms, models, practices, mentalities etc., while the second dimension indicates the new elements and innovations which penetrated the house design, its construction process and its exploitation. / Originalitatea contributiei noastre noastre intre cercetarile sociologice si antropologice romanesti consta in analiza relatiei multidimensionale migratie-locuinta rurala, subliniind intelegerea locuintei migrantilor din tara de origine ca loc de intalnire a diferitelor modele culturale. Intr-adevar, casa trebuie vazuta ca un produs social si in relatie cu viata sociala si privata a familiei ce o locuieste. In consecinta, cadrul teoretic si de analiza imbina analiza sociologica a migratiei internationale cu expresia arhitecturala si materiala a acesteia. Intrebarea centrala a cercetarii priveste continuitatile si discontinuitatile - observate in raport cu modelele de dinainte de 1989 – ce se manifesta, dupa caderea regimului comunist, in proiectarea, realizarea si utilizarea locuintelor migrantilor din mediul rural. Pentru a raspunde la aceasta intrebare, am optat pentru o abordare antropologica a locuintelor migrantilor, realizand un studiu de caz in comuna Marginea, jud. Suceava. Anchetele de teren s-au desfasurat in intervalele iulie – octombrie 2009, iulie-octombrie 2010 si in august 2011. Am remarcat cum locuințele migrantilor se prezinta asemenea unor forme hibride ce combina elementele noi, aduse de migratie (« urmele migratiei »), cu referintele locale, de dinainte de 1989 (« urmele trecutului »). Am introdus astfel doua dimensiuni esentiale in analiza conceptului de locuinta a migrantului in tara de origine: « urmele trecutului » si « urmele migratiei ». Prima dimensiune se refera la influentele vechilor forme, modele, practici, mentalitati etc., in timp ce a doua dimensiune indica elementele noi si inovatiile ce au patruns in proiectarea, construirea si utilizarea acestor case.

Identitetsrelaterade positiva och negativa autobiografiska platsminnen / Self-related positive and negative autobiographical place memories

Concha, Carolina, Heierson, Karin January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka självbiografiska positiva och negativa platsminnen relaterat till platsidentitet och de tio fenomenologiska dimensionerna. Autobiografiska minnen är minnen som refererar till viktiga livsperioder och utgör en del av vår identitet. Total 81 kvinnor och 28 män i åldern 39 – 76 år deltog i studien. Designen för analyserna av kvantitativa data var en mellanpersonsdesign, med en oberoende variabel Plats (positiv/negativ) och två beroende variabler platsidentitet (emotionell/kognitiv komponent) samt de tio fenomenologiska dimensioner i det självbiografiska minnet. Mätinstrumentet bestod av en enkät i tre delar som innehöll frågor baserat på tidigare forskning. Resultatet visade en effekt av Typ av Platsminne. Effekten var associerad med både den emotionella och kognitiva komponenten i platsidentiteten. Resultatet visade också en effekt av Typ av Plats på de tio fenomenologiska dimensionerna. Effekten var associerad med sex av dessa. Det kvalitativa resultatet visade att positiva platsminnen innehåller minnen från rurala miljöer medan negativa minnen i huvudsak var urbana miljöer. Resultatet visade även att en övervägande del av minnena i huvudsak innehöll barndomsminnen oavsett positiva eller negativa platsminnen. / The aim was to investigate positive and negative place-related autobiographical memories related to place-identity and phenomenological dimensions of the autobiographical memory. Autobiographical memories are memories that refer to important life periods, grounding our identity. 81 women and 28 men. Between-subject-design was used for quantitative data, with an independent variable of Place (positive / negative) and two dependent variables of Place-identity (emotional / cognitive component) as well as the ten phenomenological dimensions of the autobiographical memory. The measuring instrument consisted of a three-part questionnaire that contained questions based on previous research. Results showed an effect of Type of Place associated with both emotional and cognitive components of place identity. We also reported an effect of Type of Place on six of ten phenomenological dimensions. The qualitative results showed that positive memories contain memories from rural environments, while negative memories contain mainly urban environments. The results also showed that a majority of the memories contained mainly childhood associated memories, regardless of positive or negative place memories.

Vägen till en förlängd säsong : En studie om samarbete i Stockholms skärgård / The road to a longer season : A study about cooperation in Stockholm archipelago

Gölcük, Kaan, Willebrand Vinnberg, Linnea January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur företag inom besöksnäringen i Stockholms skärgård samarbetar och om samarbete kan leda till längre säsonger. Samt huruvida de statligt finansierade utvecklingsprojekten i skärgården bidragit till längre säsonger enligt de undersökta företagen. Metod: I denna studie har en kvalitativ metod i form av semi-strukturerade intervjuer används för insamling av empiri. Sex företag på två skärgårdsöar har intervjuats och används som empiriskt huvudmaterial men även en intervju som gjorts med Värmdö kommun har fått ligga till grund för en del av det empiriska materialet. Slutsatser: Det har under studien framkommit att samarbete mellan lokala aktörer är en viktig del i utvecklingen av destinationen. Samarbetet är inte bara en del i utvecklingen utan kan också vara en hjälp till att förlänga säsongerna. Utvecklingsprojekten har enligt företagarna som intervjuats ej gynnat dem. Det framgår att företagarna anser att det är de själva som måste jobba hårt om de ska se någon förändring. / Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate how companies in the tourism industry in the Stockholm archipelago cooperate and whether cooperation can lead to longer seasons. As well as if the state-funded development projects in the archipelago have contributed to longer seasons according to the investigated companies. Methodology: In this study, a qualitative method in the form of semi-structured interviews has been used for the gathering of empirical data. Six companies on two archipelago islands have been interviewed and used as main empirical material, but an interview with Värmdö municipality has also formed the basis for some of the empirical material. Conclusions: During this study, it has been found that cooperation between local actors is an important part of the development of the destination. Not only is the cooperation a part of the destination development, it can also help extend the season. According to the interviewees, the development projects have not benefited them. It is apparent that the entrepreneurs believe that they themselves that must work hard for any change to happen.

KRISBEREDSKAP I GLESBYGDEN : Existerar det rurala i MSB:speriferi? / Crisis preparedness in sparsely populated areas: : Does rurality exist in the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency’s periphery?

Mäkitalo, Mette January 2024 (has links)
Some earlier studies have explored the peripheralization of sparsely populated municipalities and the urban-rural divide, both in Sweden and abroad. However, few studies have explored if central actors in the Swedish crisis management system puts these municipalities in their peripheralization according to the ones who conduct the crisis management in the sparsely populated municipalities. Therefore, this study aims to help fill that knowledge gap by capturing the attitudes and experiences from the ones working with crisis preparedness in those municipalities, regarding the handbooks and the other support the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency offers. The study is conducted by semi-structured interviews with those who work with crisis preparedness on a municipal level, in sparsely populated regions. After the interviews a narrative method, together with analysis tools from Michael Foucault’s theories about power dynamics is applied. Although many good things were said about the handbooks, the results presented two narratives. The first about the peripheralization of the rural areas and the other about an understanding of the urban perspective. An application of the analysis tools made it clear that power dynamics where visible in the narratives. The urban areas have the power to create norms and exclude the rural perspective, while at the same time making it fair and reasonable according to the ones who are affected by it. Which clearly illustrates the power dynamics at play.

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