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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Situation of wastewater treatment of natural rubber latex processing in the Southeastern region, Vietnam / Tình hình xử lý nước thải sơ chế mủ cao su thiên nhiên ở vùng Đông Nam Bộ, Việt Nam

Nguyen, Nhu Hien, Luong, Thanh Thao 13 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Rubber tree is one of the main plants which play an important role in the economy of Southeastern region, Vietnam. Approximately 90% of Vietnamese natural rubber latex is exported as raw products. The preliminary process of natural rubber latex discharges a large amount of wastewater to the environment. In Vietnam, there are many available technologies set up and operated for treatment wastewater of rubber latex processing. However, the effluent quality is still poor and the concentration of pollutants is higher than the required national technical regulation on the effluent of the natural rubber processing industry (QCVN 01:2008/BTNMT). Thus, this paper summarizes various technologies and methods currently applied for the treatment of latex processing wastewater in Vietnam. Additionally, the new effective methods being researched and applied in Thailand and Malaysia are also mentioned (countries with the highest production of natural rubber in the world). This paper also provides a screening of treatment technologies for reducing environmental pollution and contributing to high-quality effluent for meeting the required standard. / Cao su là một trong những cây trồng chính và đóng vai trò quan trọng trong nền kinh tế của miền Đông Nam Bộ, Việt Nam. Sản phẩm từ cây cao su thiên nhiên tại Việt Nam chủ yếu là xuất khẩu (khoảng 90%), tuy nhiên chỉ mới là dạng cao su thiên nhiên sơ chế. Quá trình sơ chế mủ cao su thiên nhiên thải bỏ một lượng lớn nước thải vào môi trường. Ở Việt Nam, hiện tại có rất nhiều công nghệ xử lý nước thải sơ chế mủ cao su đã được thiết lập và vận hành. Tuy nhiên, nồng độ ô nhiễm trong nước thải sau quá trình xử lý còn cao so với tiêu chuẩn yêu cầu (QCVN 01:2008/BTNMT). Vì vậy, bài báo này tóm tắt những công nghệ và phương pháp khác nhau được sử dụng để xử lý nước thải sơ chế mủ cao su tại Việt Nam gần đây. Thêm vào đó, những phương pháp mới và hiệu quả đang được nghiên cứu và áp dụng tại Malaysia và Thái Lan, những quốc gia có sản lượng sản xuất mủ cao su cao nhất trên thế giới cũng được giới thiệu. Bài báo này cũng cung cấp sự đa dạng của những phương pháp xử lý nhằm giảm thiểu ô nhiễm môi trường và góp phần đảm bảo chất lượng nước đầu ra đạt tiêu chuẩn cho phép.

Untersuchungen zur Quantifizierung der Grundwasserimmission von polyzyklischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen mithilfe von passiven Probennahmesystemen

Börke, Peter 05 October 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Kern der Arbeit bildete die Entwicklung einer Fluxmeter-Passivsammlereinheit für hydrophobe organische Substanzen im Grundwasser kontaminierter Standorte sowie deren Testung im Feld. Ferner kamen Keramik-Dosimeter unter identischen Feldbedingungen zum Einsatz. Die Ergebnisse der beiden passiven Sammelsysteme wurden mit herkömmlicher Grundwasserprobennahmetechnik mithilfe von Unterwassermotorpumpen verglichen und bewertet. Grundlage für den Einsatz der Passivsammlereinheit als „mass flux meter“ bildete die Kenntnis über den Volumenstrom im Bohrloch und den reduzierten Volumenstrom in der Passivsammlereinheit und andererseits über die räumliche Verteilung der hydraulischen Durchlässigkeit und der daraus resul¬tierenden heterogenen Geschwindigkeitsverteilung bzw. der Volumenströme über so genannte Kontroll¬ebenen bzw. Teilbilanzräume. Anhand numerischer Modelluntersuchungen konnten der Filterwiderstand der Passivsammlereinheit und die Strömungsverteilung in Modellkontrollebenen und im Feld näherungsweise bestimmt werden. Die Bestimmung des Volumenstromes des untersuchten Standortes wurde zum einen mithilfe von numerischen Modelluntersuchungen an stochastisch generierten quasi-3-dimensionalen Modellen mit hydro¬dynamischen Randbedingungen und kF-Wertverteilungen aus dem Feld und zum anderen mithilfe von Einbohrlochverfahren durchgeführt. Als Einbohrlochverfahren kamen zum einen ein optisches Kolloid-Logging (Grundwasserfluss-Visualisierungssystem) und zum anderen ein modifiziertes Fluidlogging-Verfahren mit Hilfe eines Salztracers zum Einsatz.

Die Bedeutung der wurzelassoziierten Mikroorganismen für die Stickstoffumsetzungen in Pflanzenkläranlagen / The importance of root associated microorganisms to the processes of nitrogen transformation in constructed wetlands

Münch, Christiane 27 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Plants in constructed wetlands serve as carriers for attached microbial growth. They mainly transfer oxygen and release exudates into the root zone. As a result, an area exists around the roots (rhizosphere) in which bacteria are stimulated by root growth. Our goals were to ascertain whether stimulating the microbial community only has a local effect on the rhizoplane, and to establish the importance of this stimulation for wastewater purification in the root zone. Observations were carried out in a planted and an unplanted laboratory batch reactor incubated with an artificial wastewater with a high concentration of ammonia. Samples were taken at intervals of 10 mm away from the roots. The chemical and physical conditions and enzyme activities in soil sections at various distances from the roots affecting the efficiency of microbial nitrogen removal were characterized. An influence on the nitrification and denitrification process was detected via several parameters up to a range of different root distances: microbial parameters such as the total bacterial number, respiratory activity, protein and DNA amount seem to be affected by roots up to a distance of 50 mm from the roots, whereas the oxygen concentration, DOC and redox potential are unaffected at a distance exceeding 20-30 mm. This indicates that improved nitrogen removal is also possible in the wider root surroundings. Given the average root-to-root distance of 35 mm, the root-influenced area could therefore be expanded to the whole rooted zone in a constructed wetland.

Digitale Geländemodelle im Hochwasserschutz: Detektion, Extraktion und Modellierung von Deichen und vereinfachte GIS-basierte Überflutungssimulationen

Krüger, Tobias 03 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In der Arbeit werden Möglichkeiten des Einsatzes von Digitalen Geländemodellen (DGM) im Kontext des Hochwasserrisikomanagements aufgezeigt, wobei die Anwendung hochauflösender Laserscandaten im Fokus steht. Zunächst wird die Notwendigkeit der wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit Hochwassergefahren hervorgehoben. Dies schließt die Betrachtung der Bedeutung von Geodaten (insbesondere DGM) im Hochwasserrisikomanagement ein. Es folgt eine Darstellung der verwendeten Daten, begleitet von einer Zusammenstellung von Methoden zur großflächigen Erfassung des Georeliefs und einer kurzen Einführung in die Hochwassermodellierung. Die wissenschaftlichen Arbeitsziele werden im Kontext eines interdisziplinären Projektes zur Hochwasserrisikoforschung definiert, in welchem DGM erstmals auch als dynamische Komponente des Risikosystems aufgefaßt werden. Die Arbeitsziele umfassen in diesem Zusammenhang die Entwicklung von automatisierten Methoden zur Gewinnung von Informationen über Deiche, insbesondere über deren genaue Lage und Höhe, und zur Modellierung von Deichgeometrien. Nach der Umsetzung und Erprobung der Verfahren in einem Geoinformationssystem wird der Prototyp einer Softwareanwendung vorgestellt, der eine automationsgestützte und nutzerfreundliche Realisierung der entwickelten Methoden erlaubt. Der Teil Deichmodellierung in Digitalen Geländemodellen beschreibt theoretische Grundlagen zur Realisierung eines speziell auf Hochwasserschutzdeiche ausgerichteten Geoinformationssystems. Es wird der Begriff des Digitalen Deichmodells (DDM) eingeführt und dessen Modellstruktur sowie Möglichkeiten zu Datenerfassung und -pflege mittels hochauflösender Laserscan-DGM erläutert. Weiterhin werden bestehende Methoden der Objekterkennung in DGM zum Zweck der Deichdetektion und -extraktion adaptiert und ein neues Verfahren entwickelt, das speziell die geometrischen Spezifika von Deichen berücksichtigt. Mit den vorgestellten Verfahren wird deren weitgehend automatisierte Erfassung und Kartierung ermöglicht. Das DDM wird derart konzipiert, daß sowohl Rückbau, Verlegung als auch die Erhöhung von Deichen im Modell umsetzbar sind. Damit wird letztlich die Simulationsfähigkeit bzw. Veränderlichkeit eines DGM als Basis für Hochwassersimulationen realisiert. Im Kapitel Vereinfachte GIS-basierte Überflutungssimulationen wird ein Konzept zur vereinfachten GIS-basierten Folgenabschätzung von Deichbrüchen vorgestellt. Dafür werden bestimmte Modellannahmen getroffen und zur Überflutungsmodellierung herangezogen. Die Ergebnisse werden im Rahmen der Modellannahmen kritisch als Möglichkeit der Abschätzung von im Extremfall zu erwartenden Wasserständen in Überschwemmungsgebieten bewertet. Nach der Dokumentation der praktischen Umsetzung der vorgestellten Verfahren werden die Ergebnisse diskutiert und Ausblicke zur nötigen bzw. möglichen weiteren Forschungsarbeiten gegeben. Der Anhang der Arbeit enthält Karten und eine Dokumentation des Programms Diketools, das als Prototyp einer Deichmodellierungssoftware implementiert wurde. / This study examines possibilities of using Digital Terrain Models (DTM) in the context of flood risk management. Thereby the focus lies on the application of high-resolution laserscan data. First the necessity of the scientific examination of flood hazards is underlined which implies the consideration of geodata (especially DTM). This is followed by an overview of methods of large-area data acquisition of the earth surface as well as a short introduction into flood modelling. The scientific objectives of this study are defined within the context of a multidisciplinary research project which for the first time considers DTM as a dynamic component in the flood risk system. The objectives resulting from this point of view comprise the development of automated methods of acquiring information on dikes. Here the exact locations of dikelines and their crest levels are of special interest. The modelling of new dike geometries and their implementiation into existing DTM data is also included. Chapter 4 (Deichmodellierung in Digitalen Geländemodellen, engl.: Dike Modelling in Digital Terrain Models) describes the theoretical fundamentals of the realisation of an information system focused on flood protection dikes. Here the term Digital Dike Model (DDM) is introduced. Accordingly its model structure is defined and possibilities of data retrieval and data management by means of high-resolution laserscan terrain models are shown. The detection and extraction of dikes is accomplished by the adaption of existing object-extraction methods. Also a new procedure has been developed which accounts for dike-specific geometrical characterisations. The presented methods enable the automated identification and mapping of dikes. The Digital Dike Model has been designed to allow the removal and relocation of dikes as well as their heightening within the model. Hereby the desired changeability of Digital Terrain Models is realised as a basis for flood simulations. In Chapter 5 (GIS-basierte Überflutungssimulationen, engl.: Simplified GIS-based Flood Modelling) a concept for a simplified estimation of dike-breach induced floodings by means of GIS-based procedures is presented. This implies the definition of certain model assumptions which are adopted when performing flood simulations. The results are discussed and the use of this method for estimating maximum flood impacts is evaluated. These parts of the thesis are followed by the discussion of the results. In the end an outlook for further research is given. The appendix of this work includes maps and a documentation of the Diketools which has been implemented as a prototype of a dike-modelling software.

O/W Emulsion Stabilised with Clay Particles and Anionic Surfactant as an Oily Sludge Model: Preparation, Characterization and Destabilization with Natural and Synthetic Polyelectrolytes / O/W-Emulsion stabilisiert durch Tonminerale und anionisches Tensid als Ölschlamm-Modellsystem: Herstellung, Charakterisierung und Destabilisierung in Gegenwart von natürlichen und synthetischen Polyelektrolyten

Rojas Reyna, Rosana del Coromoto 22 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Oily wastewater produced from petroleum and petrochemical refining processes is one of the gravest environmental threats. Oil waste ending up in sewers and dumps each year is equal to 25 times the amount of crude oil spilled in the Exxon Valdez accident (1989). Oil/Water separation covers a broad spectrum of industrial process operations. There are many techniques employed depending on each situation. The byproduct of water recovery from oily wastewater is a sludge rich in oil, surfactants and particles (oily sludge). The oily sludge still contains significant amounts of waters, which need to be recovered prior to its disposal. The use of polyelectrolytes for the flocculation of the emulsified oil and its separation from the aqueous phase is usually one of the steps of the wastewater as well as oily sludge treatment process. The efficiency of polyelectrolytes as floculants is quite often evaluated via trial and error and the appropriate polymer is selected according to the case. Even in scientific investigations it is rather common to use industrial oily sludge samples. The industrial oily sludge is characterized and treated by polyelectrolytes. Nevertheless industrial oily sludge is quite complicated and variable to be approximated by a model. For the systematic study of polyelectrolytes efficiency a stable, realistic and well-defined oily sludge model is necessary. In the present work an oily sludge model was successfully developed and characterized. The model consists on water, oil (kerosene), surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulphate, SDS) and clay particles (Blauton). The emulsifying efficiency of the surfactant and the clay were studied independently. The interactions between the surfactant and the clay including adsorption of the former on the later and cation exchange reactions were investigated. The four components were finally combined to form a series of emulsions varying the relative amounts of the emulsifiers for the highest stability to be encountered. Having concluded on the composition of the oily sludge model the efficiency of various polyelectrolytes was evaluated. Commercial natural (chitosans), synthetic (PolyDADMACs) polyelectrolytes and oilbreaks as well as lab-scale semi-synthetic polymers (modified chitosans) were tested. The flocculation efficiency was determined based on the amount and quality of water that was recovered as well as on the floc stability, size and sedimentation speed. The recovered water was characterized according to the environmental protection agency (EPA). The analysis included measurements on: total organic carbon (TOC), chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), total suspended solids (TSS) and pH. Selection of the appropriate flocculant also depends on the type of flocs formed in combination to the treatment following the flocculation. When filtration or centrifugation is used as a post-flocculation process the appropriate polymers are those that form large and porous flocs, as the case of the modified chitosans AG95 and AG97. Clarification devices on the other hand require dense flocs as these produced by the use of PolyDADMACs, commercial chitosans, oilbreaks and modified chitosans GA35, GA41 and AG79. Regarding the water quality, some of the polymers used that have low values of COD, TOC and BOD5, may not need the secondary treatment (biological) prior to discharge, such as P187K (PolyDADMAC) and GA41 (modified chitosan). The others require a biological treatment for the regulation limits to be reached. The pH values of modified chitosans (except of AG97), lab-scale PolyDADMACs and an oilbreak (OCAA) are all in range of the regulation limits. The applicability of biopolymers as flocculants for oil sludge dewatering is a relatively new field of investigation. As a consequence of the growing demand for environmentally friendly technologies as well as renewable resources the interest on natural flocculants has increased. The aminopolysaccharide chitosan and its modified derivatives have outstanding properties such as biocompability, biodegradability, hydrophilicity, adsorption, flocculating ability and antibacterial properties. These natural polymers derived from the sea-food industry waste products would be very useful as residue oil adsorbents in any oily wastewater and can be among the most promising candidates as a replacement of the synthetic flocculants. / Ölhaltiges Abwasser, das bei Erdöl- und petrolchemischen Raffinierungsprozessen entsteht, ist eine der größten Umweltgefahren. Dieses Altöl landet jedes Jahr in der Kanalisation und in Deponien. Es handelt sich dabei um die 25-fache Menge an Rohöl, die beim Unfall der Exxon Valdez (1989) ausgeflossen ist. Die Öl/Wasser-Trennung überspannt ein breites Spektrum industrieller Prozesse. Es gibt viele Techniken, die abhängig von jeder Situation eingesetzt werden. Das Nebenprodukt bei der Abtrennung von Wasser aus ölhaltigen Abwässern ist ein Schlamm (Ölschlamm), der reich an Öl, Tensiden und Partikeln ist. Der Ölschlamm enthält noch bedeutende Mengen an Wasser, die vor ihrer Entsorgung verwertet werden müssen. Die Verwendung von Polyelektrolyten zur Ausflockung des emulgierten Öls und seine Trennung von der wässrigen Phase ist in der Regel einer der Schritte zur Behandlung von Abwässern sowie ölhaltigen Schlämmen. Die Effizienz von Polyelektrolyten als Flockungsmittel wird ganz häufig über Versuch und Fehler bewertet, und das passende Polymer wird entsprechend dem jeweiligen Fall ausgewählt. Sogar in wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen ist es eher üblich, industrielle Ölschlamm-Proben zu verwenden. Der industrielle Ölschlamm wird charakterisiert und mit Polyelektrolyten behandelt. Dennoch ist der industrielle Ölschlamm ziemlich kompliziert und variabel und muss durch ein Modell angenähert werden. Für die systematische Untersuchung der Effizienz von Polyelektrolyten als Flockungsmittel ist ein stabiles, realistisches und klar definiertes Ölschlamm-Modell notwendig. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein Ölschlamm-Modell erfolgreich entwickelt und charakterisiert. Das Modell besteht aus Wasser, Öl (Kerosin), Tensid (Natriumdodecylsulfat, SDS) und Tonteilchen (Blauton). Die Emulgiereffizienz des Tensids und des Tons wurden unabhängig voneinander untersucht. Die Wechselwirkungen zwischen dem Tensid und dem Ton, die sowohl die Adsorption des Ersteren auf dem Letzteren einschließen als auch einen Kationenaustausch, wurden untersucht. Die vier Komponenten des Ölschlamm-Modells wurden schließlich kombiniert und es wurde eine Reihe von Emulsionen hergestellt, bei denen die relativen Mengen der Emulsionsmittel verändert wurden, um eine möglichst hohe Stabilität zu erreichen. Nachdem ein geeignetes Ölschlamm-Modell zur Verfügung stand, wurde die Effizienz der verschiedenen Polyelektrolyte als Flockungsmittel bewertet. Kommerzielle natürliche (Chitosane), synthetische (PolyDADMACs) Polyelektrolyte und Oilbreaks sowie Labor-semi-synthetische Polymere (modifizierte Chitosane) wurden getestet. Die Flockungseffizienz wurde sowohl basierend auf der Menge und Qualität des Wassers, das zurückgewonnen wurde, als auch bezogen auf die Flockenstabilität, die Flockengröße und die Sedimentationsgeschwindigkeit bestimmt. Das zurückgewonnene Wasser wurde entsprechend der Vorschriften der Behörde für Umweltschutz (EPA) charakterisiert. Die Analysen enthielten die Bestimmung des gesamten organischen Kohlenstoffs (TOC), des chemischen Sauerstoffbedarf (CSB), des biochemischen Sauerstoffbedarfs (BSB5), des Gesamtgehalts an suspendierten Partikeln (TSS) und die Bestimmung des pH. Die Auswahl geeigneter Flockungsmittel hängt auch von der Art der gebildeten Flocken, in Kombination mit der Behandlung, die den Flockungsprozess folgt, ab. Wenn als Postflockungsprozess Filtration oder Zentrifugation folgen, sollten Polymere verwendet werden, die große und poröse Flöckchen bilden, wie im Fall der modifizierten Chitosane AG95 und AG97. Andererseits verlangen Geräte zur Klärung von Abwässern dichte Flocken, wie solche, die beim Einsatz von PolyDADMACs, kommerziellen Chitosanen, Oilbreaks und den modifizierten Chitosanen GA35, GA41 und AG79 entstehen. In Bezug auf die Wasserqualität erhält man mit einigen der verwendeten Polymere so niedrige Werte von CSB, TOC und BSB5, dass wie im Falle von P187K (PolyDADMAC) und GA41 (modifiziertes Chitosan) keine biologische Sekundärbehandlung notwendig ist. Im Falle der anderen Polymere ist eine biologische Behandlung nötig, um die vorgeschriebenen Grenzen zu erreichen. Die pH-Werte der modifizierten Chitosane (außer der AG97), der im Labor hergestellten PolyDADMACs und des Oilbreak OCAA sind alle in Bereich der vorgeschriebenen Grenzen. Die Anwendbarkeit von Biopolymeren als Flockungsmittel für die Ölschlammentwässerung ist ein relativ neuer Forschungsbereich. Als Folge der wachsenden Nachfrage nach umweltfreundlichen Technologien sowie erneuerbarer Ressourcen hat das Interesse an natürlichen Flockungsmitteln zugenommen. Das Aminopolysaccharidchitosan und dessen modifizierte Produkte haben hervorragende Eigenschaften wie Biokompatibilität, Biodegradierbarkeit, Hydrophilie, Adsorption, die Fähigkeit zur Flockung und antibakterielle Eigenschaften. Diese natürlichen Polymere, die aus Meeresfrüchte-Industrieabfallprodukten gewonnen werden, sollten als Restöl-Adsorbentien bei der Aufarbeitung jedes ölhaltigen Abwassers sehr nützlich sein und können zu den vielversprechendsten Kandidaten als Ersatz der synthetischen Flockungsmittel werden.

A simulation-based multi-criteria management system for optimal water supply under uncertainty

Tinh, Pham Van 22 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
For cost and reliability efficiency, optimal design and operation of pressurized water distribution networks is highly important. However, optimizing such networks is still a challenge since it requires an appropriate determination of: (1) dimension of pipe / pump / tank - decision variables (2) cost / network reliability - objective functions and (3) limits or restrictions within which the network must operate - a given set of constraints. The costs mentioned here consist in general of capital, construction, and operation costs. The reliability of a network mainly refers to the intrinsic capability of providing water with adequate volume and a certain pressure to consumers under normal and extreme conditions. These contradicting objective functions are functions of network configuration regarding component sizes and network layout. Because considerable uncertainties finally render the overall task to a highly complex problem, most recent approaches mainly focus only on finding a trade-off between minimizing cost and maximizing network reliability. To overcome these limitations, a novel model system that simultaneously considers network configuration, its operation and the relevant uncertainties is proposed in this study. For solving this multi-objective design problem, a simulation-based optimization approach has been developed and applied. The approach couples a hydraulic model (Epanet) with the covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy (CMA-ES) and can be operated in two different modes. These modes are (1) simulation–based Single-objective optimization and (2) simulation-based multi-objective optimization. Single-objective optimization yields the single best solution with respect to cost or network reliability, whereas multi-objective optimization produces a set of non-dominated solutions called Pareto optimal solutions which are trade-offs between cost and reliability. In addition, to prevent a seriously under-designed network, demand uncertainties was also taken into account through a so called “robustness probability” of the network. This consideration may become useful for a more reliable water distribution network. In order to verify the performance of the proposed approach, it was systematically tested on a number of different benchmark water distribution networks ranging from simple to complex. These benchmark networks are either gravity-fed or pumped networks which need to be optimally designed to supply urban or irrigation water demand under specific constraints. The results show that the new approach is able: • to solve optimization problems of pressurized water distribution network design and operation regarding cost and network reliability; • to directly determine the pumping discharge and head, thus allowing to select pumps more adequately; • to simulate time series of tank water level; • to eliminate redundant pipes and pumps to generate an optimal network layout; • to respond well to complex networks other than only to simple networks; • to perform with multiple demand loading; • to produce reliable Pareto optimal solutions regarding multi-objective optimization. In conclusion, the new technique can be successfully applied for optimization problems in pressurized water distribution network design and operation. The new approach has been demonstrated to be a powerful tool for optimal network design not only for irrigation but also for an urban water supply.

Umweltzone Leipzig

Löschau, Gunter, Wiedensohler, Alfred, Birmili, Wolfram, Rasch, Fabian, Spindler, Gerald, Müller, Konrad, Wolf, Uwe, Hausmann, Andrea, Böttger, Mathias, Anhalt, Mario, Dietz, Volker, Herrmann, Hartmut, Böhme, Uwe 29 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Die Einführung der Umweltzone in Leipzig wird durch Messungen an Luftmessstationen wissenschaftlich begleitet. Neben den gesetzlich vorgegebenen Schadstoffen werden erstmalig Ruß und ultrafeine Partikel überwacht. Der dritte Teil der Berichterstattung dokumentiert die Ergebnisse bis 2013. Die Umweltzone bewirkte eine beschleunigte Modernisierung der Fahrzeugflotte in der Stadt. In verkehrsnaher Außenluft wurden ein deutlicher Rückgang von Ruß und ultrafeinen Partikeln und eine Stagnation von Stickoxiden nachgewiesen. Erfolgreich wurden die hochtoxischen Bestandteile im Feinstaub gemindert.

Analysis of environmental stressors on ecosystems of Xuan Thuy National Park, Vietnam / Phân tích các mối đe dọa môi trường hệ sinh thái tại Vườn Quốc Gia Xuân Thủy, Việt Nam

Haneji, Choshin, Amemiya, Takashi, Itoh, Kiminori, Mochida, Yukira, Hoang, Thi Thanh Nhan, Pham, Van Cu 19 August 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Above-ground biomass was allometrically estimated to quantify the amount of mangrove species in selected quadrats of Xuan Thuy National Park. Physicochemical properties of surrounding waters and soils were measured and treated stochastically by correlational analysis with estimated biomass values. Correlation results suggested that qualities of surrounding waters and soils are not the principal inhibitors of mangrove growth in Xuan Thuy. The available historical records infer that the main factor of mangrove loss in the past lay on land reclamation for shrimp aquaculture. In addition, results of correlation analysis showed geographical coincidence of mangrove fragmentation with influence area of water channeling used for aquaculture activities. Furthermore, the distribution of anomalous values of metals concentration was corresponding with anthropological activities associated to clam aquaculture and sand extraction. Based on the aforementioned analysis and the information on anthropological activities in the buffer zone of Xuan Thuy, were provided basic information on inherent environmental stressors of ecosystems in Xuan Thuy National Park. / Sinh khối trên mặt đất đã được ước tính theo phương pháp tương quan sinh trưởng để đưa ra số lượng các loài đước trong các mẫu vuông được lựa chọn tại Vườn quốc gia Xuân Thủy. Các đặc tính hóa-lí của những vùng nước và đất xung quanh đã được đo đạc và xử lí ngẫu nhiên bằng cách phân tích tương quan với những giá trị sinh khối ước tính. Kết quả tương quan cho thấy rằng chất lượng nước và đất xung quanh không phải là những thước đo chính cho tốc độ phát triển cây đước ở Xuân Thủy. Những ghi chép cũ đã kết luận rằng việc sử dụng đất để nuôi tôm là tác nhân chính dẫn tới suy giảm loài đước trong quá khứ. Bên cạnh đó, kết quả phân tích tương quan cho thấy sựtrùng hợp về mặt địa lý giữa sự phân mảnh của loài đước và những vùng nước bị ảnh hưởng do việc nuôi trồng thủy sản. Hơn nữa, sự phân bố bất thường của các giá trị đo mức độ tập trung kim loại cũng tương ứng với các hoạt động nuôi trồng thủy sản và khai thác cát của con người. Những phân tích nêu trên và nghiên cứu về hoạt động của con người tại vùng đệm của Xuân Thủy sẽ cung cấp những thông tin cơ bản về những mối đe dọa môi trường hệ sinh thái tại Vườn Quốc Gia Xuân Thủy.

Seasonal variation of phytoplankton assemblage in Hoa Binh reservoir, north of Vietnam / Biến động quần xã thực vật nổi tại hồ chứa Hòa Bình, Bắc Việt Nam

Duong, Thi Thuy, Vu, Thi Nguyet, Le, Thi Phuong Quynh, Ho, Tu Cuong, Hoang, Trung Kien, Dang, Dinh Kim 25 August 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Algae provide an important role in aquatic food web and biochemical cycles in aquatic systems. They are affected by different environmental factors, such as pH, light, temperature and nutrients. This study aimed to describe the composition abundance and density of phytoplankton in the Hoa Binh reservoir during period from March to December 2011. Phytoplankton samples were collected monthly at four sampling stations. Result obtained showed that 6 phytoplankton classes were recorded: Cyanobacteria, Chlorophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Euglenophyceae, Dinophyceae and Cryptophyceae. Bacillariophyceae and Cyanobacteria were the most abundant phytoplankton families constituting 61% and 32% respectively of total phytoplankton community. Colony-forming and solitary filamentous-forming of Cyanobacteria group (e.g. Microcystis aeruginosa, M. wesenbergi and Oscillatoria sp. respectively) were a common component of phytoplankton community in the early summer and autumn periods (April and September). The total cell densities of phytoplankton varied seasonally from 84210 to 100x106 cell/L. Phytoplankton density varied with season with high values in early summer and winter (April and December) and low values in summer – autumn periods (from June to October). / Tảo đóng vai trò quan trọng trong mạng lưới thức ăn và chu trình sinh địa hóa của thủy vực và chúng chịu sự chi phối của nhiều yếu tố môi trường như ánh sáng, pH, nhiệt độ và dinh dưỡng. Nghiên cứu này trình bày đa dạng thành phần loài và biến động sinh khối thực vật phù du tại hồ chứa Hòa Bình từ tháng 3 đến tháng 12 năm 2011. Các mẫu thực vật nổi được thu thập hàng tháng tại 4 điểm. Kết quả đã xác định được 6 lớp tảo chính bao gồm: Vi khuẩn lam, tảo lục, tảo silic, tảo mắt, tảo giáp và tảo lông roi hai rãnh. Nhóm tảo silic và Vi khuẩn lam chiếm ưu thế với độ phong phú tương đối là 61% và 32% tương ứng trong quần xã thực vật nổi. Vi khuẩn lam dạng tập đoàn và dạng sợi (Microcystis aeruginosa, M. wesenberg, Oscillatoria sp. tương ứng) chiếm ưu thế trong quần xã thực vật nổi vào các thời điểm đầu hè và mùa thu (tháng 4 và tháng 9). Tổng mật độ tế bào thực vật nổi dao động từ 84210 đến 100 x106 cell/L. Mật độ thực vật nổi biển động theo mùa với sinh khối tê bào cao vào đầu hè và mùa đông (tháng 4 và tháng 12) và sinh khối tế bào thấp vào các mùa hè và thu (tháng 6 đến tháng 10).

Phytoplankton community structure and water quality of Red River, Vietnam / Cấu trúc quần xã thực vật nổi và chất lượng nước sông Hồng, Việt Nam

Duong, Thi Thuy, Le, Thi Phuong Quynh, Ho, Tu Cuong, Vu, Thi Nguyet, Hoang, Thi Thu Hang, Dang, Dinh Kim, Lu, Xixi 25 August 2015 (has links) (PDF)
This study aimed to describe the distribution and relative abundance of the phytoplankton obtained during the two seasons (rainy and dry seasons) from the Red river system. The water and phytoplankton samples were monthly collected during the year 2012 at four sampling stations along the Red River (Yen Bai, Vu Quang Hoa Binh,and Ha Noi) . Environmental variables (e.g. temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, suspended solids, conductivity, TDS, NO3­-N, NH4­-N, PO4-P, Total Phosphorus; and DOC) and phytoplankton (e.g. cell density and relative abundant species) were analyzed. Six phytoplankton classes were identified with the Bacillariophyceae dominating in the phytoplankton community. A distinct seasonal variation in phytoplankton structure was observed with high cells density in dry season and low values in rainy season. PCA (Principal Component Analysis) showed that suspended solid factor that governed the temporal and spatial distribution of phytoplankton structure in the Red River system. / Nghiên cứu này trình bày sự phân bố và độ phong phú tương đối của quần xã thực vật nổi vào mùa mưa và mùa khô trong hệ thống sông Hồng. Các mẫu nước và thực vật nổi được thu hàng tháng trong năm 2012 tại 4 điểm trên sông Hồng (Yên Bái, Vụ Quang, Hòa Bình và Hà Nội). Các thông số môi trường (nhiệt độ, lượng oxy hòa tan, pH, chất rắn lơ lửng, độ dẫn, TDS, NO3-N, NH4-N, PO4-P, T-P và DOC) và thực vật phù du (mật độ tế bào,độ phong phú tương đối ) đã được phân tích. Sáu lớph tảo được được xác định với tảo silíc chiếm ưu thế trong quần xã thực vật phù du. Sinh khối thực vật đạt giá trị cao vào mùa khô trong khi thấp vào mùa mưa. Phân tích hợp phần chính cho thấy yếu tố chất rắn lơ lửng đóng vai trò quan trọng việc xác định biến động thời gian và không gian cấu trúc quần xã thực vật nổi trong hệ thống sông Hồng.

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