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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Como AlguÃm se Torna o que Ã: Ecce Homo e a Auto-realizaÃÃo, Segundo Nietzsche / How one becomes what one is: Ecce Homo and self realization, according to Nietzsche

Josà Wilson Vasconcelos JÃnior 26 August 2008 (has links)
nÃo hà / Nesta dissertaÃÃo objetiva-se analisar a realizaÃÃo humana segundo a perspectiva do filÃsofo Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900). Considera-se, para tanto, o processo vital circunscrito pelo subtÃtulo dado à autobiografia: âcomo alguÃm se torna o que Ãâ. Privilegiando os temas tratados em Ecce Homo, intermedeiam-se as discussÃes com o cotejamento daqueles assuntos abordados por outras obras do FilÃsofo. Tornar-se o que se à constitui nÃo apenas um cume perseguido, mas igualmente uma sobredeterminaÃÃo inapelÃvel para a filosofia de Nietzsche. Nesse caminho, ele valorizou, contra a tradiÃÃo filosÃfica e religiosa, o cultivo de si e o amor de si como propiciadores do grande e fecundo egoÃsmo. Apontou para a superaÃÃo de tudo aquilo que amesquinha e enfraquece o homem, elogiando o que fortalece e plenifica a vida compreendida por ele como vontade de poder em expansÃo. O cultivo da grande individualidade surge como contraposiÃÃo, nessa filosofia, à massificaÃÃo do homem pelas forÃas gregÃrias que arrebanham os âseres supÃrfluosâ em igrejas, povos e estados. Percorrem-se, entÃo, as ponderaÃÃes de Nietzsche sobre o que ele nomeou de âcasuÃstica do egoÃsmoâ, sua pretensa extemporaneidade, bem como se delimita aquilo designado pelo FilÃsofo como die Wohlgeratenheit, âa vida que vingouâ. SÃo trabalhadas, a seguir, as relaÃÃes dessa vida bem lograda com as teses de Nietzsche sobre a razÃo, a subjetividade, o cultivo de si mediante a disciplina do guerreiro â ele prÃprio entendia-se como um filÃsofo guerreiro. Por fim, apresenta-se sua compreensÃo acerca do que à a mÃxima auto-realizaÃÃo depois que o Ãltimo homem se configurou no niilismo caracterÃstico da contemporaneidade: a figura de Zaratustra como super-homem, mestre do eterno retorno e amante do destino.

愛倫坡作品中之魑魅陽剛與同性慾望 / Gothic Masculinity and Same-Sex Desire in the Works of Edgar Allan Poe

徐千惠, Hsu, Chien Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在分析愛倫坡作品中之陽剛氣質與同性慾望的社會建構,藉由探討男性 敘事者的負面情感與角色間的同性社交慾望,本研究意欲以酷兒閱讀的方法對美 國戰前時期文本提出新詮。 論文第一部分剖析短篇故事《黑貓》中正典陽剛氣質與異性戀婚家常規之共構、 重探維多利亞時期公私領域分離的意識形態如何性別化地形塑家庭與酒館之文 化意義,並據此提出敘事者和其寵物黑貓間的親密關係或可理解為一種酷兒情慾 之隱喻。在此脈絡下,敘事者對雄貓之恐懼與同性親密關係之拒斥遂映照出其悖 離資本主義式中產階級男性身分之挫敗陽剛。 第二部分以《威廉‧威爾森》為例,探討哥德傳統中反覆出現的替身母題與自戀 和男性偏執妄想之內在關聯。延續傳統上常見於愛倫坡研究的心理分析方法,此 章在不否定將主角替身視為超我的前提下,將焦點轉移至主角與替身之間競爭關 係的曖昧模稜,並揭示這種競爭關係與賽菊寇同性社交慾望理論之若合符節。 第三部分檢視同性慾望結構中常見的死亡慾力與肉身性如何具體而微地在長篇 小說《亞瑟‧戈登‧皮姆之自述》中呈現。此章從巴特勒對佛洛伊德《傷逝與憂 鬱》論述之改寫出發,重新闡釋故事中帶有毀滅色彩的重要場景──奧古斯特之 死與集體食人,並分析同性愛結構中被壓抑的慾力投注如何以情感遺骸之形式往 復迴返,成為美國戰前時期性別憂鬱之縮影。 據此,論文將問題意識收束在三個面向:陽剛身分之內在裂隙、同性社交情誼之 踰越性、與情感的性別政治意涵,透過梳理愛倫坡筆下男性角色的負面情感,本 論文得以發掘其作品中哥德元素、破碎陽剛與酷兒情慾間的潛在關聯,進而揭示 同性情慾如何在美國戰前文學中隱沒/現身。 / The present study engages three works written by Edgar Allan Poe to contextualize the construction of masculinity and same-sex desire in antebellum sensation fictions. While ample analyses have been dedicated to Poe’s depictions of femininity, the interrelation between masculinity and incipient homoeroticism in his stories proves to be significantly understudied. By examining the negative affects of Poe’s male protagonists—respectively fear in “The Black Cat,” paranoia in “William Wilson,” and melancholia in The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, this project aims to provide a queer reinterpretation of these texts. Structurally, the thesis consists of five chapters. The second chapter délinéâtes the Victorian separate spheres ideology to explore its significance in the formation of normative manhood in “The Black Cat.” By underscoring the homoerotic Relationship between the narrator and Pluto, the study thereby sees the conclusion of the story as a testimonial to the unattainable ideals of Jacksonian manhood and its oppressive continuum with the heterosexual domestic sphere. In so doing, the study is able to substantiate a connection between the narrator’s perverseness with a homosocial desire that is subjected to heteronormative cultural silencing. The third chapter is an attempt to establish a linkage between Gothic doubling, narcissism, and male paranoia in “William Wilson.” While exhaustive studies have been taken upon to validate the readings wherein the second Wilson is treated as the narrator’s super-ego, the present study further argues that Gothic doubling finds expression in this tale in the form of capitalist competitiveness. Building on this observation, the project examines Poe’s doubling in relation to the narrator’s paranoia and his conscious disengagement from the patriarchal social order. Through a reassessment of the gentlemanly edifices of Poe’s male characters, this study explores the constructedness of antebellum manhood and discovers a concurrence of onanism and homosexuality in Poe’s time, thereby establishing a connection between Wilson’s narcissistic desire and its homoerotic potentialities. Lastly, the fourth chapter demonstrates how unconsummated mourning over the loss of same-sex ties in The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket functions as an integral part of Jacksonian normative male identity. Focusing on the queer connotations of Pym’s break from patronymic ties, this study contends that becoming the antebellum subject entails a preclusion of homosexual attachments. Reconsidering the protagonist’s inability to mourn Augustus Barnard’s death and the crew’s cannibalism, this study sees Arthur Gordon Pym as the Butlerian melancholic subject who is unable to perform the work of mourning for his beloved object. Read in tandem with Freud’s conception of primordial parricide, the fraternal revolt that works at the center of the story can be viewed as a form of gender nonconformity which foregrounds melancholia in the abandonment of familial bonds. As such, the project excavates the instability, constructedness, and finally—the Gothicness that underlie Poe’s representations of masculinity. Reappraising the failed manhood of Poe’s men, this thesis concludes that the affective dynamics between Poe’s male characters are inextricably bound up with their broken masculinity and queer homoerotics.

Same-Sex Couples' Lived Experiences of the Repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act's (DOMA) Section Three

Bosley, Alicia Anne 01 January 2014 (has links)
Same-sex couples are affected by the social and political climates in which they live, as these create the difference between acceptance and legalization, and discrimination and prohibition, of their relationships. This contingence is made increasingly impactful by the privileges and protections afforded to married couples by the federal government; same-sex couples, along with other couples that choose not to, or cannot, marry, are excluded from these benefits. Following the June 26, 2013 ruling that Section Three of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which defined marriage as between a man and a woman, was unconstitutional, same-sex couples were given access to over 1,100 federal protections and benefits and supported legally for the first time. My research explored the lived experiences of same-sex couples following this milestone in order to develop an understanding of the psychological and relational effects of the DOMA repeal on same-sex couples. This understanding may assist therapists working with these couples by increasing comprehension of their context and the effects of the DOMA repeal on their internal and relationship functioning. By understanding these aspects, therapists may work more capably and sensitively with same-sex couples, and be more informed regarding potential problems these clients may bring to therapy. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were employed in order to gather comprehensive data on the topic, utilize the strengths of both methodologies, and enhance the results of each method with the other. A single instrument, an online survey, was utilized. The quantitative paradigm provided numerical data on the experiences of same-sex couples following the DOMA repeal, as well as differences in experiences based on variance in state laws. Under the qualitative paradigm, phenomenological methodology was utilized to explore and convey participants' experience of the repeal in their own words. Responses were collected via survey to allow for more anonymity for participants, as well as a more representative sample of same-sex couples across the country. Qualitative and quantitative questions were included on the survey; responses were analyzed separately, and then merged during interpretation. Implications for clinical practice derived from this study are reviewed, as well as implications for advocacy work and directions for further research. It is hoped that this study will provide a better understanding of same-sex couples' lived experiences following the repeal of DOMA's Section Three, and provide implications for therapists working with these couples.

A historical study of the polity of the gay and lesbian ordination and/or installation, and same-gender marriage debates in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and its predecessor churches

Vermaak, Roche Francois 04 July 2009 (has links)
Since the 1970s, the Presbyterian Church in the United States has dealt with its most divisive issue ever: same-gender relationships. Two polity debates have occurred simultaneously: 1) The ordination and/or installation of partnered gay and lesbian Christians as church officers, i.e. deacons, elders, and ministers of the Word and Sacrament; 2) The permissibility of ministers to perform and officers to participate in same-gender blessings and marriages, both liturgical and civil. This period is characterised by an absence of theological discussion and formulation of biblical and/or theological statements. Rather, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), and its predecessor churches, the United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. and Presbyterian Church in the U.S., all used polity to guide them. This is in line with the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, which decided in 1927 to solve controversial theological issues, not through theological discussion, but through polity. Since 1978, various polity processes have guided and shaped the two debates to form the current policies: 1) Presbyteries send overtures to General Assemblies, which, in turn issue “definitive guidance” statements and Authoritative Interpretations; 2) General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commissions (GAPJC) issue Authoritative Interpretations in both remedial and disciplinary cases, after complaints have moved through the ecclesiastical courts at Presbytery and/or synod level; 3) The 173 Presbyteries vote on amendments, approved by General Assemblies, to amend the Book of Order. The most notable amendment was the addition of G-6.0106b in 1997. This writer argues that G-6.0106b in the Book of Order, requiring “fidelity within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman, or chastity in singleness,” is a form of subscription, and, therefore, contrary to the entire history of the Presbyterian Church, which has rejected all forms of subscriptionism since 1706. Subscription to five standards briefly existed from 1910-1925, and was rejected by the 1926 and 1927 General Assemblies of the PCUSA. One ordination standard is now elevated above all other standards and, since 1997, there have been three attempts to rid the Book of Order of this requirement. W-4.9001 and G-6.0106b in the Book of Order reflect the changes made in the Westminster Confession of Faith in the 1950s, allowing for the divorce and remarriage of officers; namely marriage is between a man and a woman. Yet, it is used to exclude partnered gay and lesbian Christians from ordination and/or installation, and from participating in same-gender liturgical marriages. The debates have created camps of conservatives, centrists, and liberals, which consistently threaten the peace, unity, and purity of the church. Thousands of evangelicals and conservatives, opposed to partnered gay and lesbian officers, have left the denomination for the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. Additionally, Special Organisations, which are not accountable to the denomination, have added to the tension and created intolerance of others’ views. Copyright / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Church History and Church Policy / unrestricted

On the security of authentication protocols on the web / La sécurité des protocoles d’authentification sur leWeb

Delignat-Lavaud, Antoine 14 March 2016 (has links)
Est-il possible de démontrer un théorème prouvant que l’accès aux données confidentielles d’un utilisateur d’un service Web (tel que GMail) nécessite la connaissance de son mot de passe, en supposant certaines hypothèses sur ce qu’un attaquant est incapable de faire (par exemple, casser des primitives cryptographiques ou accéder directement aux bases de données de Google), sans toutefois le restreindre au point d’exclure des attaques possibles en pratique?Il existe plusieurs facteurs spécifiques aux protocoles du Web qui rendent impossible une application directe des méthodes et outils existants issus du domaine de l’analyse des protocoles cryptographiques.Tout d’abord, les capacités d’un attaquant sur le Web vont largement au-delà de la simple manipulation des messages échangés entre le client et le serveur sur le réseau. Par exemple, il est tout à fait possible (et même fréquent en pratique) que l’utilisateur ait dans son navigateur un onglet contenant un site contrôlé par l’adversaire pendant qu’il se connecte à sa messagerie (par exemple, via une bannière publicitaire) ; cet onglet est, comme n’importe quel autre site, capable de provoquer l’envoi de requêtes arbitraires vers le serveur de GMail, bien que la politique d’isolation des pages du navigateur empêche la lecture directe de la réponse à ces requêtes. De plus, la procédure pour se connecter à GMail implique un empilement complexe de protocoles : tout d’abord, un canal chiffré, et dont le serveur est authentifié, est établi avec le protocole TLS ; puis, une session HTTP est créée en utilisant un cookie ; enfin, le navigateur exécute le code JavaScript retourné par le client, qui se charge de demander son mot de passe à l’utilisateur.Enfin, même en imaginant que la conception de ce système soit sûre, il suffit d’une erreur minime de programmation (par exemple, une simple instruction goto mal placée) pour que la sécurité de l’ensemble de l’édifice s’effondre.Le but de cette thèse est de bâtir un ensemble d’outils et de librairies permettant de programmer et d’analyser formellement de manière compositionelle la sécurité d’applicationsWeb confrontées à un modère plausible des capacités actuelles d’un attaquant sur le Web. Dans cette optique, nous étudions la conception des divers protocoles utilisés à chaque niveau de l’infrastructure du Web (TLS, X.509, HTTP, HTML, JavaScript) et évaluons leurs compositions respectives. Nous nous intéressons aussi aux implémentations existantes et en créons de nouvelles que nous prouvons correctes afin de servir de référence lors de comparaisons. Nos travaux mettent au jour un grand nombre de vulnérabilités aussi bien dans les protocoles que dans leurs implémentations, ainsi que dans les navigateurs, serveurs, et sites internet ; plusieurs de ces failles ont été reconnues d’importance critiques. Enfin, ces découvertes ont eu une influence sur les versions actuelles et futures du protocole TLS. / As ever more private user data gets stored on the Web, ensuring proper protection of this data (in particular when it transits through untrusted networks, or when it is accessed by the user from her browser) becomes increasingly critical. However, in order to formally prove that, for instance, email from GMail can only be accessed by knowing the user’s password, assuming some reasonable set of assumptions about what an attacker cannot do (e.g. he cannot break AES encryption), one must precisely understand the security properties of many complex protocols and standards (including DNS, TLS, X.509, HTTP, HTML,JavaScript), and more importantly, the composite security goals of the complete Web stack.In addition to this compositional security challenge, onemust account for the powerful additional attacker capabilities that are specific to the Web, besides the usual tampering of network messages. For instance, a user may browse a malicious pages while keeping an active GMail session in a tab; this page is allowed to trigger arbitrary, implicitly authenticated requests to GMail using JavaScript (even though the isolation policy of the browser may prevent it from reading the response). An attacker may also inject himself into honest page (for instance, as a malicious advertising script, or exploiting a data sanitization flaw), get the user to click bad links, or try to impersonate other pages.Besides the attacker, the protocols and applications are themselves a lot more complex than typical examples from the protocol analysis literature. Logging into GMail already requires multiple TLS sessions and HTTP requests between (at least) three principals, representing dozens of atomic messages. Hence, ad hoc models and hand written proofs do not scale to the complexity of Web protocols, mandating the use of advanced verification automation and modeling tools.Lastly, even assuming that the design of GMail is indeed secure against such an attacker, any single programming bug may completely undermine the security of the whole system. Therefore, in addition to modeling protocols based on their specification, it is necessary to evaluate implementations in order to achieve practical security.The goal of this thesis is to develop new tools and methods that can serve as the foundation towards an extensive compositional Web security analysis framework that could be used to implement and formally verify applications against a reasonably extensive model of attacker capabilities on the Web. To this end, we investigate the design of Web protocols at various levels (TLS, HTTP, HTML, JavaScript) and evaluate their composition using a broad range of formal methods, including symbolic protocol models, type systems, model extraction, and type-based program verification. We also analyze current implementations and develop some new verified versions to run tests against. We uncover a broad range of vulnerabilities in protocols and their implementations, and propose countermeasures that we formally verify, some of which have been implemented in browsers and by various websites. For instance, the Triple Handshake attack we discovered required a protocol fix (RFC 7627), and influenced the design of the new version 1.3 of the TLS protocol.

Maintenance of the surviving spouse in South Africa : the challenges faced by the executor

Williams, Ronel Anneli 02 1900 (has links)
The Maintenance of Surviving Spouses Act 27 of 1990 came into operation thirty years ago and has remained relatively unchanged since its promulgation. The stated objective of the Act is to provide the surviving spouse with a claim for maintenance against the estate of the deceased spouse in certain circumstances. This objective is sound, as it is evident from an analysis of the history of our law that legislation was needed to address the financial position of a survivor following the death of his or her spouse. The practical application of the Act is, however, not as robust as it does not always achieve the stated objective and often leads to unintended consequences. This research has a dual objective. The first aim is to analyse the practical considerations when an executor applies the Act and to consider the challenges the executor must deal with when considering a maintenance claim under the Act. The second aim is to investigate possible solutions to these challenges and to consider whether there are viable alternative arrangements for the way in which a maintenance claim under the Act is handled. The purpose of the study is to formulate a comprehensive recommendation for legislative reform of the Act so that the practical application of the Act achieves a result that reflects the objective of the Act. / Private Law / LL.D.

Sécurité et vie privée dans les applications web / Web applications security and privacy

Somé, Dolière Francis 29 October 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés aux problématiques de sécurité et de confidentialité liées à l'utilisation d'applications web et à l'installation d'extensions de navigateurs. Parmi les attaques dont sont victimes les applications web, il y a celles très connues de type XSS (ou Cross-Site Scripting). Les extensions sont des logiciels tiers que les utilisateurs peuvent installer afin de booster les fonctionnalités des navigateurs et améliorer leur expérience utilisateur. Content Security Policy (CSP) est une politique de sécurité qui a été proposée pour contrer les attaques de type XSS. La Same Origin Policy (SOP) est une politique de sécurité fondamentale des navigateurs, régissant les interactions entre applications web. Par exemple, elle ne permet pas qu'une application accède aux données d'une autre application. Cependant, le mécanisme de Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) peut être implémenté par des applications désirant échanger des données entre elles. Tout d'abord, nous avons étudié l'intégration de CSP avec la Same Origin Policy (SOP) et démontré que SOP peut rendre CSP inefficace, surtout quand une application web ne protège pas toutes ses pages avec CSP, et qu'une page avec CSP imbrique ou est imbriquée dans une autre page sans ou avec un CSP différent et inefficace. Nous avons aussi élucidé la sémantique de CSP, en particulier les différences entre ses 3 versions, et leurs implémentations dans les navigateurs. Nous avons ainsi introduit le concept de CSP sans dépendances qui assure à une application la même protection contre les attaques, quelque soit le navigateur dans lequel elle s'exécute. Finalement, nous avons proposé et démontré comment étendre CSP dans son état actuel, afin de pallier à nombre de ses limitations qui ont été révélées dans d'autres études. Les contenus tiers dans les applications web permettent aux propriétaires de ces contenus de pister les utilisateurs quand ils naviguent sur le web. Pour éviter cela, nous avons introduit une nouvelle architecture web qui une fois déployée, supprime le pistage des utilisateurs. Dans un dernier temps, nous nous sommes intéressés aux extensions de navigateurs. Nous avons d'abord démontré que les extensions qu'un utilisateur installe et/ou les applications web auxquelles il se connecte, peuvent le distinguer d'autres utilisateurs. Nous avons aussi étudié les interactions entre extensions et applications web. Ainsi avons-nous trouvé plusieurs extensions dont les privilèges peuvent être exploités par des sites web afin d'accéder à des données sensibles de l'utilisateur. Par exemple, certaines extensions permettent à des applications web d'accéder aux contenus d'autres applications, bien que cela soit normalement interdit par la Same Origin Policy. Finalement, nous avons aussi trouvé qu'un grand nombre d'extensions a la possibilité de désactiver la Same Origin Policy dans le navigateur, en manipulant les entêtes CORS. Cela permet à un attaquant d'accéder aux données de l'utilisateur dans n'importe qu'elle autre application, comme par exemple ses mails, son profile sur les réseaux sociaux, et bien plus. Pour lutter contre ces problèmes, nous préconisons aux navigateurs un système de permissions plus fin et une analyse d'extensions plus poussée, afin d'alerter les utilisateurs des dangers réels liés aux extensions. / In this thesis, we studied security and privacy threats in web applications and browser extensions. There are many attacks targeting the web of which XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) is one of the most notorious. Third party tracking is the ability of an attacker to benefit from its presence in many web applications in order to track the user has she browses the web, and build her browsing profile. Extensions are third party software that users install to extend their browser functionality and improve their browsing experience. Malicious or poorly programmed extensions can be exploited by attackers in web applications, in order to benefit from extensions privileged capabilities and access sensitive user information. Content Security Policy (CSP) is a security mechanism for mitigating the impact of content injection attacks in general and in particular XSS. The Same Origin Policy (SOP) is a security mechanism implemented by browsers to isolate web applications of different origins from one another. In a first work on CSP, we analyzed the interplay of CSP with SOP and demonstrated that the latter allows the former to be bypassed. Then we scrutinized the three CSP versions and found that a CSP is differently interpreted depending on the browser, the version of CSP it implements, and how compliant the implementation is with respect to the specification. To help developers deploy effective policies that encompass all these differences in CSP versions and browsers implementations, we proposed the deployment of dependency-free policies that effectively protect against attacks in all browsers. Finally, previous studies have identified many limitations of CSP. We reviewed the different solutions proposed in the wild, and showed that they do not fully mitigate the identified shortcomings of CSP. Therefore, we proposed to extend the CSP specification, and showed the feasibility of our proposals with an example of implementation. Regarding third party tracking, we introduced and implemented a tracking preserving architecture, that can be deployed by web developers willing to include third party content in their applications while preventing tracking. Intuitively, third party requests are automatically routed to a trusted middle party server which removes tracking information from the requests. Finally considering browser extensions, we first showed that the extensions that users install and the websites they are logged into, can serve to uniquely identify and track them. We then studied the communications between browser extensions and web applications and demonstrate that malicious or poorly programmed extensions can be exploited by web applications to benefit from extensions privileged capabilities. Also, we demonstrated that extensions can disable the Same Origin Policy by tampering with CORS headers. All this enables web applications to read sensitive user information. To mitigate these threats, we proposed countermeasures and a more fine-grained permissions system and review process for browser extensions. We believe that this can help browser vendors identify malicious extensions and warn users about the threats posed by extensions they install.

Identita a vykořeněnost v současném postkoloniálním románu / Identity and Displacement in Contemporary Postcolonial Fiction

Olehlová, Markéta January 2012 (has links)
English summary The main objective of this thesis is to present some key issues relevant for postcolonial field of study with respect to two basic areas of interest: concepts of identity and place, respectively displacement in contemporary postcolonial discourse and their reflection in fiction, too. The thesis should provide the potential reader with basic theoretical background based on the most fundamental sources and by means of selected literary works it should support (or disclaim, if necessary) conclusions reached by the most notable theories. This dissertation work consists of three major parts. In the introduction, apart from providing the motivational, theoretical and literary objectives of the thesis, I cover some basic difficulties that may occur when dealing with the postcolonial field of study. The central part of the thesis can be divided into two parts, each of them consisting of two further sections. The first one, "Identity in Postcolonial Discourse", is focused on one of the key terms in all of postcolonial theory: identity and other concepts related with it. I cover the basic development of theoretical reflection concerning this concept, drawing primarily from secondary sources dealing with it. The theoretical part on identity is succeeded by a chapter "Reflections of Identity in the...

Salivary Duct Carcinoma

Klijanienko, Jerzy, Al-Abbadi, Mousa A. 09 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Untersuchung zur Schweißbarkeit bei der Herstellung von Hybridbauteilen aus naturfaser-, holzfaser- und polymerfaserverstärkten Kunststoffen in Abhängigkeit von Rezeptur und äußeren Einflussfaktoren

Nendel, Klaus, Heim, Hans-Peter, Schubert, Christine, Rüppel, Annette, Clauß, Brit 18 September 2014 (has links)
Das Forschungsvorhaben liefert einen Beitrag zum Schweißen von Gleich- und Mischmaterialverbindungen aus Naturfaserverstärkten Kunststoffen (NFK) sowie deren Verarbeitung im Compoundieren und Spritzguss. Es wurde holzfasergefülltes (WPC) und flachsfasergefülltes (FFC) Polypropylen (PP) mit unterschiedlichen Füllgraden verwendet. Der Einsatz synthetisch-organsicher Fasern (PET-Fasern) im Compound zielte darauf ab, besonders die Schlagzähigkeit zu verbessern. Im Bereich des Urformens wurden Aussagen zur Verarbeitbarkeit, zu rezepturabhängigen Kurz- und Langzeiteigenschaften sowie Aussagen zur Dauergebrauchsfähigkeit erarbeitet. Die Anwendbarkeit der Fügeverfahren Heizelement- (HE-Schweißen) und Vibrationsschweißen (VIB-Schweißen) konnte für Gleich- und Mischmaterialverbindungen sowohl ohne als auch mit angepasster Energieeinbringung nachgewiesen werden. In diesem Zusammenhang können Aussagen zur Rezepturabhängigkeit, Verfahrensführung, Parameterauswahl, Prüfkriterien sowie den technischen Grenzen der Schweißverbindung unter kurzzeitmechanischer Beanspruchung getroffen werden. Weiterhin wird ein Beitrag zur Dauergebrauchsfähigkeit unter UV-Globalbewitterung und thermischer Alterung sowie zu langzeitmechanischen Eigenschaften von NFK-Schweißverbindungen geliefert.

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