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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ne bis in idem: limites jur?dico-constitucionais ? persecu??o penal

Souza, Keity Mara Ferreira de 18 August 2003 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:27:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 KeityMFS.pdf: 1141287 bytes, checksum: 00c052907580c678aaf9fa34f505b0fd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-08-18 / This legal research aims to demonstrate the prohibition in the Brazilian criminal system of a multiple imputation for the same fact in a simultaneous or successive way. For that it is developed a different idea of the subject. Through comparative, eletronic and bibliographical researches, the dissertation was accomplished in a way to establish the content of the foundations of the criminal procedural emphasizing as fundamental premise the values of the Constitution. In the first section it was demonstrated the limits of the theme and the objective of the research. After that, it was analyzed the basic function of the criminal suit which has the important mission of limiting state's punitive power. In the same way, the criminal procedure corresponds to a warranty of the citizens' freedom. In the same section, it is shown how it is possible to abandon the myth of the real truth in the criminal law system. In the third section of the research, there were pointed elements and definitions about the cognition object, specially the litigious object or "thema decidendum", and also the peculiarities of the judged cases. In the fourth section the subject about origins and evolution of the criminal procedure and its objectives in the legal system is developed to demonstrate its perspectives. Some aspects of the identity's concept of the presupposition of the facts are as well demonstrated in order to relate the theme to the prohibition of multiple imputation. There are also considerations about some other important aspects as the incidence of the legal rules and the possible change on the elements of the penal type. There are several comments about legal procedural in other legal systems comparing them to Brazilian's most elevated Courts. In the end it was systematized the limits to criminal imputation, emphasizing the defende's right as a foundation of the legal system. Is was registered that the ius persequendi can be exercised once / A presente disserta??o tem por objeto o estudo da proibi??o da m?ltipla persecu??o penal, pelo mesmo fato, seja de forma simult?nea ou sucessiva. Para tanto, atrav?s do m?todo dial?tico, foram realizadas pesquisas com o objetivo de estabelecer o conte?do do princ?pio ne bis in idem, em sua vertente processual penal, sempre tendo como premissa fundamental os valores albergados nos princ?pios e regras constitucionais. Assentados, no in?cio da primeira se??o do trabalho, a delimita??o do tema e o objetivo da pesquisa, analisou-se, em seguida, a fun??o basilar do processo penal, o qual, numa vis?o garantista, tem a relevante miss?o de limitar frear - a f?ria do poder punitivo estatal, correspondendo a um efetivo instrumento de garantia da liberdade dos cidad?os, quando subjugados ao ius persequendi. Nessa mesma se??o, restaram destacadas a consagra??o do modelo acusat?rio de processo pela Constitui??o Brasileira de 1988 e a necessidade de abandonar o mito da verdade real, como princ?pio informador do processo penal constitucional. Na segunda se??o da pesquisa, foram apontados os elementos definidores do objeto de cogni??o, especialmente do objeto litigioso ou thema decidendum, havendo, tamb?m, sido abordadas as peculiaridades do instituto da coisa julgada no processo penal. Dando continuidade ? pesquisa, na terceira se??o, discorreu-se sobre a origem e evolu??o do princ?pio ne bis in idem, centrando-se no tema da pesquisa, qual seja, sua manifesta??o no processo penal e a interpreta??o que se deve atribuir aos termos que comp?em sua express?o: rela??o processual com unidade de sujeito e de fato, atrav?s de senten?a definitiva. Deu-se ?nfase, sobretudo, aos aspectos controvertidos do conceito de identidade do fato como pressuposto da proibi??o de m?ltipla persecu??o, abordando-se, dentre outros aspectos, a incid?ncia de concurso aparente de normas e a altera??o dos elementos do tipo penal. Constam, ainda, dessa se??o, lineamentos gerais acerca da aplica??o do princ?pio ne bis in idem processual no direito comparado e nas cortes brasileiras. Por ?ltimo, sistematizou-se o sentido e alcance do princ?pio ne bis in idem, como limite ? persecu??o penal, al?m de terem sido apresentadas sugest?es, inclusive, de lege ferenda, a fim de que seja efetivamente garantido o direito fundamental assegurado ? defesa, no sentido de que, pelo mesmo substrato f?tico, o ius persequendi somente poder? ser exercido uma vez

O reconhecimento dos casamentos e parcerias entre parcerias entre pessoas do mesmo sexo no direito transnacional: pluralismo, dignidade e cosmopolitismo nas famílias contemporâneas. / Since the last decade of the 20th century some States have recognized legal effects to same-sex relationships, which conferred some internal legitimacy to homosexual minorities, although different-sex paradigms imbued in the legislation are still encroaching full recognition of freedom to sexual orientation. International human rights courts have also established certain standards of this fundamental right, but have stopped shortly of recognizing the human right to affective and familiar life, regardless sexual orientation. Meanwhile, the increasing internationalization of private life has promoted more multi-connected same-sex relationships, and such cross border recognition is resisted by arguments which can be surpassed by convergent epistemology of Transnational Law, which promotes full recognition of same-sex marriages and partnerships validly celebrated through enforcing cosmopolitan citizenship inherent to dignity of all family members, regardless sexual orientation.

Bruno Rodrigues Almeida 28 November 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A partir da última década do século passado, muito embora alguns ordenamentos jurídicos tenham reconhecido os relacionamentos entre pessoas do mesmo sexo, conferindo-lhes alguns efeitos jurídicos, até hoje o padrão de heteronormatividade impede que estes alcancem a plena equiparação com o paradigma heterossexual. Os organismos internacionais de proteção aos direitos humanos já reconhecem certos patamares inerentes ao direito de liberdade à orientação sexual, muito embora ainda não se tenha alcançado à etapa da consagração do direito à vida afetiva e familiar. No entanto, a crescente internacionalização da vida contemporânea aumentou a estraneidade jurídica dos relacionamentos homoafetivos, cujo reconhecimento fora do Estado da constituição é muitas vezes recusado por argumentos que podem ser superados pela ótica convergente do Direito Transnacional promovendo a legitimidade do pleno reconhecimento transfronteiriço de todos os casamentos e parcerias entre pessoas do mesmo sexo validamente realizadas, como forma de garantir o respeito à cidadania cosmopolita inerente à dignidade dos indivíduos pertencentes a estas famílias. / Since the last decade of the 20th century some States have recognized legal effects to same-sex relationships, which conferred some internal legitimacy to homosexual minorities, although different-sex paradigms imbued in the legislation are still encroaching full recognition of freedom to sexual orientation. International human rights courts have also established certain standards of this fundamental right, but have stopped shortly of recognizing the human right to affective and familiar life, regardless sexual orientation. Meanwhile, the increasing internationalization of private life has promoted more multi-connected same-sex relationships, and such cross border recognition is resisted by arguments which can be surpassed by convergent epistemology of Transnational Law, which promotes full recognition of same-sex marriages and partnerships validly celebrated through enforcing cosmopolitan citizenship inherent to dignity of all family members, regardless sexual orientation.

Between the shield and the sword: equal marriage from the perspective of international public policy and international human rights law / Entre el escudo y la espada: el matrimonio Igualitario visto desde el orden público Internacional y el derecho internacional De los derechos humanos

Zelada, Carlos J., Gurmendi Dunkelberg, Alonso 25 September 2017 (has links)
In the last few years, an ever growing number of States have recognized same-sex marriage. For that reason, it is important to ask what would happen if two same-sex individuals that have legally contracted marriage in another countrywould sue for its recognition in Peru. The authors of this article study the courses ofaction available to legal operators facing this situation, in the context of the public policy exception and International Human Rights Law.For that purpose, they analize European and Inter-American case-law on the matter and offer a way forward on how to solve conflicts between foreign law, domestic law, and human rights. / Durante los últimos años, cada vez más ordenamientos jurídicos han regulado el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo. Es importante por ello preguntarse qué sucedería si dos personas del mismo sexo que hayan contraído matrimonio legalmente en otro país exigieran que el mismo fuera reconocido en Perú.Los autores de este artículo indagan sobre las posibilidades de acción de los operadores jurídicos ante esta situación, en el marco del orden público internacional y el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos. Para ello, analizan jurisprudencia tanto europea como interamericana sobre el tema, además de ensayar una solución sobre cómo resolver conflictos entre los ordenamientos extranjeros, la normativa nacional y los derechos humanos.

Föreställningar om våldsutsatta män i samkönade relationer; exempel från stödgivande samhällsinstanser. / Perceptions of male victims in same-sex relationships; examples from supporting community instances.

Ekman, Emelie, Demirel, Narin January 2017 (has links)
Statistik visade att få män kontaktar någon form av samhällsinstans när de blivit utsatta för våld i en nära relation. Våldet anses likvärdigt i heterosexuella relationer som samkönade relationer, trots detta brister kunskapen om våld i samkönade relationer. Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka kring vilka eventuella föreställningar som råder i samband med samkönade relationer inom stödgivande samhällsinstanser. Vi valde att fokusera på våldsutsatta män. Studien innefattar åtta kvalitativa intervjuer med respondenter som arbetar inom stödgivande samhällsinstanser. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter utgick från ett genusperspektiv och queerteori. Resultatet har presenterats under avsnitt 5 under fyra teman vilka är “stödgivande samhällsinstansers bemötande”, “heteronormativa föreställningar kring våldsutsatta män”, “möjlighet till stöd och skydd” samt “outing och skam”. Resultatet visade att heteronormativa föreställningar kring våld i samkönade relationer kan påverka vilket stöd och skydd våldsutsatta män erbjuds. Avslutningsvis diskuterades det framtagna resultatet kring den bristande kunskap som föreligger kring våld i samkönade relationer och studiens slutsatser. Slutsatserna för studien var att det fanns ett heteronormativt synsätt hos vissa av de stödgivande samhällsinstanser vi intervjuat. Det har även framförts förslag till framtida forskning där vi vill att ämnet ska studeras mer utförligt. / Statistics show that very few men exposed to domestic violence, either in heterosexual or same-sex relationships, contact any social service. Although domestic violence is often restricted to being defined the same as heterosexual relationships as same-sex relationships, knowledge about violence in same-sex relationships is inadequate. The purpose of this study was to examine if any perception and understanding of violence in same-sex relationships exist within supporting community instances, focusing on male victims of domestic violence. The study containing eight qualitative interviews with respondents within supporting community instances. The result is presented under the themes “stödgivande samhällsinstansers bemötande”, “heteronormativa föreställningar kring våldsutsatta män”, “möjlighet till stöd och skydd” and “outing och skam”. To notice is that the result showed that perceptions about heteronormativity can affect which type of support and protection male victims of domestic violence is given. Lastly, a discussion about the developed result around the inadequate knowledge about violence in same-sex relationships will be held. The conclusions of the study were that there is a heteronormative approach within some of the supporting community instances we interviewed. There are also suggestions for future research and therefore needs to be studied at length.

Minimizing memory requirements for deterministic test data in embedded testing

Ahlström, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
Embedded and automated tests reduce maintenance costs for embedded systems installed in remote locations. Testing multiple components of an embedded system, connected on a scan chain, using deterministic test patterns stored in a system provide high fault coverage but require large system memory. This thesis presents an approach to reduce test data memory requirements by the use of a test controller program, utilizing the observation of that there are multiple components of the same type in a system. The program use deterministic test patterns specific to every component type, which is stored in system memory, to create fully defined test patterns when needed. By storing deterministic test patterns specific to every component type, the program can use the test patterns for multiple tests and several times within the same test. The program also has the ability to test parts of a system without affecting the normal functional operation of the rest of the components in the system and without an increase of test data memory requirements. Two experiments were conducted to determine how much test data memory requirements are reduced using the approach presented in this thesis. The results for the experiments show up to 26.4% reduction of test data memory requirements for ITC´02 SOC test benchmarks and in average 60% reduction of test data memory requirements for designs generated to gain statistical data.

Gay male parenting in Greece : Examining families of choice

Katsea-Sarantou, Danai January 2019 (has links)
This thesis aims to look at the topic of gay male parenting in Greece by focusing on how heteronormativity is forming the norms and the stereotypes that may affect gay men’s decisions and lives. By invoking a queer theory framework and through semistructured interviews with male gay couples, this study is engaging on their experiences and their opinions and attempts to produce new knowledge let their voices be heard. By using the lived experience of the participants, this study provides an inside perspective and combines theoretical knowledge with real-life issues and situations. Drawing on the concept of queer kinship and Kate Weston’s families of choice”, I am questioning the feasibility of this new family formation in Greece.

Le quark top comme sonde pour la recherche de nouvelle physique au LHC, avec le détecteur ATLAS / The top quark as a probe for searching new physics at the LHC using the ATLAS detector

Kukla, Romain 17 June 2016 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse ciblent la recherche de nouvelle physique au-delà du Modèle Standard dans le cadre des modèles composites, lesquels font intervenir des secteurs fortement couplés à l'échelle du TeV comprenant des particules exotiques. Leur existence peut être testée auprès du collisionneur proton-proton LHC situé au CERN, grâce au détecteur ATLAS. La production d'un quark lourd, comme le T5/3, prédit dans ces modèles, peut être déduite d'une section efficace anormalement élevée d'une signature spécifique. Certains états finaux, comme celui étudié dans cette thèse impliquant 2 leptons de même signe, étant très rares, possèdent une excellente sensibilité. Les recherches des processus de création du T5/3 au LHC en utilisant les données d'ATLAS à 8 et 13 TeV sont présentées. Un léger excès a été observé à 8 TeV. Des résultats préliminaires de l'analyse à 13 TeV sont présentés et ne montrent pas d'excès. Les limites inférieures en masse sur cette particule hypothétique sont de 745 GeV à 8 TeV et de 990 GeV à 13 TeV. Les modèles composites prévoient aussi l'existence de bosons lourds comme par exemple un Z' topophile qui ne se couplerait qu'aux quarks top et dont la production en association d'une paire tt donnerait un état final similaire aux événements à 4 quarks top. Une étude phénoménologique sur le potentiel de découverte de ces processus exotiques (Z' et théorie effective) ou standard (tttt) à 13 et 14 TeV est effectuée et donne les luminosités minimales nécessaires pour pouvoir observer des déviations au Modèle Standard. Une étude instrumentale d'une nouvelle carte de déclenchement de niveau 1 du calorimètre électromagnétique est aussi décrite en prévision de la phase d'Upgrade du détecteur. / The work of this thesis focuses on the search for new physics beyond the Standard Model in the compositeness framework, which postulates strongly coupled sectors at the TeV-scale consisting of exotic particles. Their existence can be tested at the CERN proton-proton collider, the LHC, using the ATLAS detector. The production of an heavy quark, such as the T5/3 predicted in those models, can be inferred from an enhancement of the cross-section of a given signature. Some final states, such as the one studied in this thesis involving 2 same-sign leptons, are very rare and have an excellent sensitivity. Searches for T5/3 production at the LHC using 8 and 13 TeV ATLAS data are presented. A small excess is seen at 8 TeV. Preliminary results of the 13 TeV analysis are presented and do not show any excess. The inferior limits put on the T5/3 mass is 745 GeV at 8 TeV and 990 GeV at 13 TeV. Composite models include also heavy bosons such as top-philic Z' coupled only to the top quark whose production in association to a top quark pair gives a final state similar to those from 4 tops events. A phenomenological study on the discovery potential of those exotic (Z' and effective theory) or standard (tttt) processes at 13 and 14 TeV is done and gives the minimal luminosities needed to observe deviations from the Standard Model. An instrumental study for the conception of the new LTDB card, part of the electromagnetic calorimeter's level 1 trigger system is described in the context of the ATLAS upgrade program.

Prednasky.com - Systém jako modul / "Prednasky.com" - System as a Module

Peša, Jan January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis first introduces the services of servers Prednasky.com and SuperLectures.com. After analyzing the solution it describes the design and development of a new dedicated video player that combines SuperLectures.com functionality as a web-embeddable HTML5 application.

Vliv registrace voličů na volební účast v USA / Voters'registration and its effect on turnout

Tlapáková, Dominika January 2018 (has links)
The right to vote is one of the fundamental rights of citizens in democratic countries. In the United States, however, this action is preceded by the obligation to register. Election registrations are still seen as a limiting element of electoral law. The aim of this work is to find out how the registration was influenced in the past and what influenced the number of registered citizens and voter participation in the presidential elections in 2016. The first part deals with federal electoral registration reforms and looks at the current situation. The second part consists of a research in which the relationship determination is utilized by the Pearson correlation coefficient. The work concludes that the ratio of registered age to eligible voters has not increased, although the demographic curve continues to rise. In the case of factors that may affect the number of registered, the direct relationship has not been established. On the contrary, a direct correlation has been shown in the case of the same factors with the turnout in the presidential election.

Sjuksköterskors bemötande och hantering av våldsutsatta i heterosexuella och samkönade relationer : En kvalitativ jämförande studie av en akutmottagning / Nurses treatment of victims of violence in heterosexual and same-gender relationships

Hindriks, Julia, Johansson, Amanda, Jönsson, Sophie January 2021 (has links)
Våld i nära relationer är ett stort samhällsproblem, i synnerhet mäns våld mot kvinnor. Vad som inte får glömmas är att våld i nära relationer inte är begränsat till heterosexuella relationer, utan även förekommer i samkönade. Syftet med denna uppsats är att genom en kvalitativ undersökning, öka kunskapen om och hur sjuksköterskor på en akutmottagning tillämpar Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter och allmänna råd om våld i nära relationer (SOSFS 2014:4). Av särskilt intresse är att undersöka om skillnader finns i bemötandet av heterosexuella och HBTQ-personer. Vår studie är således en fallstudie och bygger på en vinjett undersökning, kombinerat med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studien genomfördes med fyra informanter, vilka är anställda sjuksköterskor på en akutmottagningen. Resultatet av studien tyder på att sjuksköterskor på akutmottagningen inte korrekt följer Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter och allmänna råd, vad gäller våld i nära relationer. Resultatet tyder även på att sjuksköterskorna är präglade av den heteronorm som råder i samhället, vilket innebär att de inledningsvis eller helt misstar samkönade relationer för att vara vänskapsrelationer. / Intimate partner violence is a major societal problem, especially mens violence against women. What should not be forgotten is that intimate partner violence is not limited to heterosexual relationships, but also occurs in same-gender relationships. The purpose of this essay is to increase knowledge about and how nurses, in an emergency department, apply the National Board of Health and Welfare's regulations and general advice on intimate partner violence through a qualitative study (SOSFS 2014: 4). Of particular interest is to investigate whether there are differences in the treatment of heterosexuals and LGBTQ people. Our essay is a case study and is based on a vignette survey, combined with semi-structured interviews. The study was conducted with four informants, who are employed nurses at an emergency department. The results of the study indicate that nurses at the emergency department do not correctly follow the National Board of Health and Welfare's regulations and general advice regarding intimate partner violence. The results also indicate that the nurses are characterized by the heteronormative that prevails in society, which means that they initially or completely mistake same-gender relationships to be friendships.

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