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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arbetstagarna som inte kunde karantäna : En studie av rättens förhållande till verkligheten via en fallstudie

Karlsson, Linn January 2021 (has links)
The coronavirus has recently turned our normal lives upside down in one way or another, not least our working life. Many employers had the opportunity to send their employees home so that they can continue their work in a safe home environment. Due to the nature of the work, other employers had to keep their employees in the workplace. The purpose of this study is therefore to examine the opportunities, options and responsibilities of the private employer so that these employees can still feel safe from infection even though they have to be at the workplace. This is done primarily by analyzing different sources of law. In addition, the aim is to examine, through a case study, the complex relationship between law and reality. It is mainly analyzed on the basis of a survey. Finally, the research aims to provide a final result that can help in future crises affecting the labour market. The study concluded that employers need to devote a lot of resources to their systematic work environment management, especially if they had short-time work allowance because it was found to cause mental and physical problems, mainly in the form of stress. Finally, it should also be noted how the rules on short-time work allowance should be more industry-friendly in the future.

Lagen om rätt till ledighet för närståendevård. : En rättsdogmatiskt studie om det svenska närståendevårdssystemet.

Malou, Wikström January 2021 (has links)
This thesis will analyze and evaluate the legal system of care for related persons and carers leave and further discuss its flaws. I will do this by reviewing the current legal sources as well as the new preambles that are under consideration at the moment. This thesis will discuss the matter of who can take out carers leave and get compensation for it and under what circumstances. Furthermore, it will examine what impact the two new preambles will have on the subject as well as the protection of employees. The results are that the legal system is hard to manage and there are certain words that need to be clarified. If the preambles are implemented it will, in my opinion, in some ways make life easier for the persons who provide the care and protect his or her employment status.

Bemanningsanställdas psykosociala arbetsmiljö

Kling, Matilda January 2021 (has links)
This thesis aims to investigate and to analyze the legal regulation regarding the psychosocial working environment for temporary agency workers. The complexed employment relationship of the temporary agency workers involves a shared responsibility for the work environment between the staffing agency and the customer company in order to secure a satisfying work environment for the temporary agency worker. However, the triangular relationship between the parties may result in an indistinct division of responsibilities concerning the work environment. This thesis will therefore study the demarcation of the shared responsibility for the work environment through a legal inquiry of the current legislations in the field, which will be complemented with a legal analyze of the practical consequences of the psychosocial working environment for the temporary agency workers. The legal inquiry showed that neither EU-, nor national legislation, sets out a distinct division of responsibilities concerning the work environment and it is therefore up to the staffing agency and the customer company to cooperate and to distribute the legal responsibilities between one another. The legislation does however regulate that the customer company ́s work environment responsibility is limited to the actual work that the employee performs under their management and control. The customer company does also have an obligation to involve the temporary agency workers in their systematic environment work. The staffing agency, which is the employer of the temporary agency workers, has the ultimate responsibility for the work environment and is therefore responsible the long-term aspects of the environment work.

Elevers rättigheter och lärares befogenheter : En utredning av svenska lärares befogenheter att använda sig av fysisk makt för att tillrättavisa och verkställa tillrättavisningar av elever.

Jonsson, Ylva January 2021 (has links)
This thesis is an investigation of teacher’s authority to use physical power in order to maintain order and safety in Swedish primary schools. According to Swedish law (5:6 Skollagen), they have an obligation and right to do so. However, teachers have expressed an uncertainty on how, and when this is justified and permitted in order to obtain a safe and calm studying environment without unlawfully limiting the children’s rights. This has been clarified in a survey made by “lärarförbundet” in 2020.          The aim of the thesis is therefore to investigate when a physical correction can be allowed in order to obtain a safe and calm studying environment, and what consequences a physical correction that would turn out to be unlawful would have for an individual teacher.          The investigation shows that the law regulating the authority to physically correct a student is not clear and that it can be difficult for a teacher to beforehand determine if an intervention will turn out to be lawful or not. For teachers who have acted unlawfully according to court or inappropriate according to “Lärarnas ansvarsnämnd” an outcome can have both professional and personal consequences.

Arbetstagarnas integritet : En rättshistoriskt studie om arbetstagares integritetsskydd vid behandling av personliga uppgifter.

Cancade, Chloé January 2021 (has links)
As the name ”personal data” demontrates, such data are a part of the personal integrity of an individual. Their use on the labour market and in employment relations must be regulated in order to minimize the risks of infrigement in the personal integrity of the employees. Such regulations must evolve in the same rate as the methods of processing and the technological development. This creates many difficulties for the legislators and companies who are concerned by the legislation.  Therefore, will this thesis examine the evolution of the regulations regardingthe processing of personal data in the last 50 years through a comparaison of the processing of non-sensitive and sensitive personal data. In addition, this thesis studies the role of digitalisation and globalisation on the legislations and how the challenges present in the early 70s has evolved to the challenges we are now facing.

Yoga som socialt fenomen : En kvalitativ studie av yogans betydelse i en svensk, västerländsk kontext

Johansson, Anne-Lie Marie January 2018 (has links)
Yoga har blivit allt vanligare idag och allt fler nya studior öppnar. Mitt syfte med den här uppsatsen har därför varit att skapa större förståelse varför vissa människor väljer att göra yoga. Metoden som har tillämpats är kvalitativ. Jag har gjort semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex deltagare: tre yogalärare/instruktörer och tre deltagare på yogakurs. Resultatet visar att respondenterna gör yoga främst för att minska stress i vardagen, för att det ger inre kontakt och mer livskvalité. Med inre kontakt menas att de får mer kontakt med sina känslor och tankar och mer livskvalitet betyder att de anser att de mår bättre och känner sig mer positiva i vardagen. Det som är mest framträdande i studien är respondenternas berättelser om dagens stressepidemi i vårt västerländska samhälle som gör att det är svårt att få ihop livspusslet på alla plan. Jag har främst analyserat intervjuerna med hjälp av Hartmut Rosas teorier om modernitet, acceleration, identitet och alienation. Min slutsats är att Rosa (2014) har rätt i sina teorier om att vi lever i ett samhälle som präglas av vad Rosa kallar den autodynamiska (tekniska, sociala, personliga) accelerationen, vilken skapar alienation (förfrämligande). Han menar även att vi sliter med våra allt längre att-göra-listor, och att vi hinner göra allt mindre av det vi verkligen vill fast vi lever i västerländsk frihet. Rosa hävdar att vi känner oss vilsna i många avseenden i livet och att vi glömmer vad vi anser viktigt och vem vi vill vara. Det resulterar i stress och utmattning och han menar också att dagens höga acceleration gör att vi letar efter en avsiktlig broms för att dämpa vår vardagliga stress. Yoga tycks vara det för respondenterna i min studie. / Yoga exists in many different fields today and many new yoga studios open. My purpose has been to create a greater understanding due to why people choose to practice yoga. Throughout this text, I ask: what motives there are to practice yoga? What experiences does yoga give in relation to the rest of your life? Could there be any reasons in our Swedish western society to why people would like to practice yoga? Is yoga spirituality/religion? The method that has been used is a qualitative study with semi-structured interviews with six persons, three yoga teachers/instructors and three people participating in yoga classes. The result shows that the respondents practice yoga mostly to lower their everyday stress level, to get better contact with themselves and increased their life quality. The most central part of this study is the respondent's stories concerning today's stress epidemic in our western society which makes it hard to balance the life puzzle on different levels. I have foremost analyzed the climate in today's society with Hartmut Rosas theories about modernity, acceleration, identity, and alienation. My conclusion is according to Rosas (2014) theories that we have ended up in the autodynamic (technical, social, personal) acceleration that creates alienation (estrangement). We work hard with our to-do-lists that keep on getting longer and have less and less time to do what we actually want even though we have our western freedom. This results in a society where people feel lost in all parts of life and we forget what we value and who we want to be which results in stress and exhaustion. Rosa (2014) argues that the high acceleration in today's society makes people look for an intentional brake and yoga seems to be this for the respondents.

Kriminalisering av narkotika i teori och praktik : - En kritisk granskning av rådande rättsläge och dess praktiska konsekvenser / Criminalization of narcotics in theory and practice : - Acritical examination of the current legal situation and its practical consequesnces

Diethelm, David January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

"Muhammedkrisen" : En undersökning av yttrandefrihetens gränser ur ett rättviseperspektiv

Saffar, Mazyar January 2021 (has links)
Var går gränserna för vår rätt till yttrandefrihet? En tillsynes enkel fråga som dock inte erbjuder några enkla svar. Gränsdragning är ett resultat av mänskligt samspel. Olika filosofiska perspektiv och principer ger olika svar i fråga om när det är tillåtet med statlig inblandning för att begränsa rätten till yttranden. Syftet med uppsatsen är således att undersöka under vilka villkor yttrandefriheten kan begränsas. Jag belyser frågan genom att diskutera hur man kan ställa sig till Muhammedkarikatyrerna. I uppsatsen behandlas John Stuart Mills klassiska försvar av skadeprincipen, Joel Feinberg och förargelseprincipen, Stanley Fish och avvägningsmetoden, samt Rae Langton och Catharine MacKinnon som mot bakgrund av kvinnors strukturella utsatthet utifrån Ronald Dworkins princip om lika hänsyn och respekt försvarar deras rättigheter mot pornografi. Uppsatsen avslutas med en mer ingående diskussion om ”Muhammedkrisen” genom Elena Namli som även hon argumenterar för begränsningar av rätten till yttrandefrihet utifrån principen om lika hänsyn och respekt.

Cryptocurrencies as Protected Invesments Under BITs : Is there a BIT of coin Protection?

Aljasim, Hesham January 2021 (has links)
This research paper addresses the issue whether cryptocurrencies are protected investments under  bilateral investment treaties (BITs). Through BITs a host state has a responsibility to protect the investments of the nationals of the other contracting state to the treaty. This governing relationship however may introduce several requirements for an investment to comply with, such as territorial links, the use of language under BITs compliance requirements. With this, cryptocurrencies being a new of age asset class may find several future hurdles in qualifying as an investment under BITs. Especially with the on-going confusion on an international scale in regulating and defining cryptocurrencies.  In determining the afore-mentioned requirements, this research paper first identified a cryptocurrency and a comparison was first made in regards to money. Then, the research paper proceeded in comparing a cryptocurrency with the characteristics of digital assets. Followed by a general approach to the meaning of investment and an analysis to the definition of investment through past approaches taken by arbitral tribunals. Therefore, finally leading in deciding whether cryptocurrencies will qualify as an investment under BITs.

Mandatory Business-To-Government Data Sharing: Exploring data protection through International Investment Law

Nyamunda, James January 2021 (has links)
As more data is gathered, analysed and stored, private companies create new products and unlock new commercial frontiers. Simultaneously, governments are beginning to realise that the laws in place require a revamp for the good of commercial innovation and for execution of governmental prerogatives. Hence, in a bid to catch up with the data economy, governments have begun looking for new legal measures that allow them to legally access the data that is held by private companies. Amongst the existing solutions and sprouting suggestions, mandatory business-to-government data sharing often features as a measure through which obligations may be imposed upon private data holding companies to share their data with governments. Other governments have already put in place laws and adopted practices that impose mandatory business-to-government data sharing obligations on private companies.  Many of the countries where private enterprises carry out their businesses have entered into International Investment Agreements (IIAs) which invariably entitle investors to Fair and Equitable treatment and prohibit unlawful compensation. Against this background, this thesis discusses the subject of mandatory business-to-government data sharing by dwelling on three main issues, that is, (i) whether data is/are protected as investment, (2) whether mandatory business-to-government data sharing obligations may infringe the Fair and Equitable Treatment standard and (3) whether mandatory business-to-government data sharing obligations may amount to unlawful expropriation.

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