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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Determinación del riesgo para el consumidor de la presencia de H. pylori y otros Helicobacter spp. patógenos en aguas de consumo mediante técnicas moleculares y metagenómica

Hortelano Martín, Irene 27 December 2021 (has links)
[ES] De entre los patógenos emergentes presentes en agua, las bacterias del género Helicobacter son de las más alarmantes, ya que se encuentran directamente relacionadas con el cáncer gástrico y hepatobiliar y su epidemiología aún no está clara. Se ha planteado que H. pylori puede ser adquirida por diferentes vías de transmisión, entre las que se destaca el agua. Se ha demostrado su capacidad de supervivencia frente a los tratamientos comunes de desinfección de aguas. Por todo ello, en esta tesis se ha investigado la presencia de células viables, y por tanto infectivas, de H. pylori en aguas potables y de riego, mediante la mejora y la optimización de técnicas de cultivo y moleculares. Este trabajo se inició con la búsqueda de un medio de cultivo óptimo. Se obtuvieron resultados muy positivos con el medio de cultivo Agar Dent con sulfato de polimixina B, independientemente del origen de la muestra. Seguidamente, se desarrolló un método de pre-tratamiento con Propidium Monoazide y PEMAXTM para la detección y cuantificación de células de H. pylori viables, por PCR. Se confirmó que el PMA a una concentración de 50 µM y un periodo de incubación de 5 minutos sería la metodología óptima de tratamiento antes del análisis mediante qPCR. A continuación, se analizaron 20 muestras de agua residual. Mediante la técnica de cultivo, fue posible la detección de 4 colonias sospechosas de Helicobacter spp. y H. pylori, cuya identificación fue confirmada mediante amplificación y posterior secuenciación. La técnica DVC-FISH indico la presencia de células viables de Helicobacter spp. en 15 (75%) de las muestras. Respecto a la detección de células de H. pylori, mediante DVC-FISH y FISH, estos microorganismos se observaron en 10 (50%) y 11 (55%) de las 20 muestras analizadas, respectivamente. La técnica qPCR determino la presencia de H. pylori en las muestras, con un porcentaje de detección del 60%. Finalmente, mediante metagenómica de secuenciación dirigida, se analizó el microbioma de 16 muestras de aguas residuales. Los filos dominantes de las muestras analizadas fueron Proteobacteria, seguido de Bacteroidetes y Firmicutes. H. pylori se detectó en 6 muestras de aguas residuales. Además, se detectaron otras especies de Helicobacter spp., como H. hepaticus, H. pullorum y H. suis. Igualmente, mediante PCR se identificó el gen cagA en 5 muestras de agua residual y una de agua potable. Respecto el genotipo vacAs1, se observó en 4 muestras de agua residual; el genotipo vacAm1, se identificó en una muestra de agua potable y 2 de agua de riego. En las biopelículas analizadas, 2 fueron positivas para el tipo vacAm1, y otros dos para el gen de resistencia pbp1A. Del mismo modo se analizaron 45 muestras de heces. No se observaron colonias sospechosas en Agar Dent selectivo. Mediante qPCR se evidenció H. pylori en 41 muestras (45,56%). Fue posible cuantificar 10 muestras directas y 18 enriquecidas, con concentraciones entre 3,39*103 y 2,61*103 UG/mL, las restantes presentaban niveles superiores al umbral de fiabilidad (>35 ciclos). Por DVC-FISH se observaron células viables de H. pylori en 26 (57,78%) de las 45 muestras directas. La identificación de mutaciones en el 23S rDNA, de la resistencia a la claritromicina, mostro que el 37,79% de las muestras de heces presentaban células de H. pylori potencialmente resistentes. Mediante secuenciación dirigida y posterior análisis bioinformático se identificó H. pylori en 13 muestras directas y 13 muestras enriquecidas, y otras especies como H. hepaticus y H. pullorum. Por último, se evaluó la capacidad de H. pylori para formar biopelículas y su resistencia frente a los tratamientos comunes de desinfección. Se analizaron 27 biopelículas procedentes del sistema de distribución de agua potable para detectar la presencia de H. pylori mediante qPCR. El porcentaje de detección fue del 23%, siendo posible la cuantificación en 5 muestras, con concentraciones entre 7,32*101 y 1,16*101 unidades genómicas/mL. Los resultados obtenidos en esta Tesis confirman la existencia de células viables de H. pylori y otros Helicobacter spp. en aguas residuales tras su tratamiento, lo que significa un riesgo potencial para la Salud Pública. De igual forma se demuesta su presencia en muestras de heces, proporcionando un punto de partida para el estudio del riesgo que puede suponer para el ser humano la trasmisión fecal-oral de estas especies. Este trabajo también demuestra la capacidad de H. pylori de formar biopelículas y su resistencia frente a tratamientos comunes de desinfección y confirma su existencia en sistemas de distribución de agua potable. / [CAT] D'entre tots els patògens emergents presents en aigua, els bacteris del gènere Helicobacter són dels més alarmants, ja que es troben directament relacionats amb el càncer gàstric i hepatobiliar i la seua epidemiologia encara no és clara. S'ha plantejat que H. pylori es pot transmetre per diferents vies de transmissió, entre les quals destaca l¿aigua. S'ha demostrat la seua capacitat de supervivència enfront dels tractaments comuns de desinfecció d'aigües. Per tant, en aquesta tesi s'ha investigat la presència de cèl·lules viables, i per tant infectives, d' H. pylori en aigües potables i de reg, mitjançant la millora i l'optimització de tècniques de cultiu i moleculars. Aquest treball es va iniciar amb la cerca d'un cultiu òptim. Es van obtenir resultats molt positius amb el mitjà de cultiu Agar Dent amb sulfat de polimixina B, independentment de l'origen de la mostra. Seguidament, es va desenvolupar un mètode de pretractament amb Propidium Monoazide i PEMAXTM per a la detecció i quantificació exclusiva de cèl·lules d' H. pylori viables per PCR. Es va confirmar que el PMA a una concentració de 50 µM i un període d'incubació de 5 minuts seria la metodologia òptima de tractament abans de l'anàlisi mitjançant qPCR. A continuació, es van analitzar 20 mostres d'aigua residual. Mitjançant la tècnica de cultiu, va ser possible la detecció de 4 colònies sospitoses d' Helicobacter spp. i H. pylori, la identificació de la qual va ser confirmada mitjançant amplificació i posterior seqüenciació. La tècnica DVC-FISH va demostrar la presència de cèl·lules viables d' Helicobacter spp. en 15 (75%) de les mostres, sense necessitat d'un pas previ d'enriquiment. Respecte a la detecció de cèl·lules d' H. pylori, mitjançant DVC-FISH i FISH, aquests microorganismes es van observar en 10 (50%) i 11 (55%) de les 20 mostres analitzades, respectivament. La tècnica qPCR determinà la presència d' H. pylori a les mostres amb un percentatge de detecció del 60%. Finalment, mitjançant metagenòmica de seqüenciació dirigida, es va analitzar el microbioma de 16 mostres d'aigües residuals. Els talls dominants de les mostres analitzades van ser Proteobacteria, seguit de Bacteroidetes i Firmicutes. H. pylori es va detectar mitjançant aquesta tècnica en 6 mostres d'aigües residuals. A més, es van detectar altres espècies d' Helicobacter spp., com H. hepaticus, H. pullorum i H. suis. Igualment mediant PCR es va identificar el gen cagA en 5 mostres d'aigua residual i una d'aigua potable. Respecte al genotip vacAs1, es va observar en 4 mostres d'aigua residual; el genotip vacAm1, es va identificar en una mostra d'aigua potable i 2 d'aigua de reg. En les biopel·lícules analitzades, 2 van ser positives per al tipus vacAm1, i altres dos per al gen de resistència pbp1A. De la mateixa manera es van analitzar 45 mostres de femta. No es van observar colònies sospitoses en Agar Dent selectiu. Mitjançant la tècnica qPCR es va demostrar la presència d'H. pylori en 41 mostres (45,56%). Va ser possible quantificar 10 mostres directes i 18 enriquides, amb concentracions d'entre 3,39*103 i 2,61*103 UG/ml, les restants presentaven nivells per damunt del llindar de fiabilitat (>35 cicles). Mitjançant DVC-FISH es van observar cèl·lules viables d' H. pylori en 26 (57,78%) de les 45 mostres directes. La detecció de mutacions en el 23S rDNA, específiques de la resistència a la claritromicina, va indicar que el 37,79% de les mostres de femta presentaven cèl·lules d' H. pylori potencialment resistents. Mitjançant seqüenciació dirigida i posterior anàlisi bioinformàtica es va identificar H. pylori en 13 mostres directes i 13 mostres enriquides, i altres espècies com H. hepaticus i H. pullorum. Finalment, es va avaluar la capacitat d' H. pylori per a formar biopel·lícules i la seua resistència enfront dels tractaments comuns de desinfecció. Es van analitzar 27 biopel·lícules procedents del sistema de distribució d'aigua potable per a detectar la presència d' H. pylori mitjançant qPCR. El percentatge de detecció va ser del 23%, sent possible la quantificació en 5 mostres corresponents a concentracions d’entre 7,32*101 i 1,16*101 unitats genòmiques/ml. Els resultats obtinguts en aquesta Tesi confirmen la presència de cèl·lules viables d' H. pylori i altres Helicobacter spp. en aigües residuals després del seu tractament, la qual cosa suposa un risc potencial per a la Salut Pública. D'igual forma, s'evidencia la seua presència en mostres de femta, proporcionant un punt de partida per a l'estudi del risc que la transmissió fecal-oral d'aquestes espècies pugui suposar per als humans. Aquest treball també demostra la capacitat d' H. pylori de formar biopel·lícules i la seua resistència enfront als tractaments comuns de desinfecció, i confirma la seua presència en sistemes de distribució d'aigua potable. / [EN] Among all the emergent pathogens in water, bacteria of the Helicobacter genus are among the most disturbing, as they are directly related to gastric and hepatobiliary cancer and their epidemiology is still unclear. It has been suggested that H. pylori can be acquired through different transmission routes, among which water stands out. Its ability to survive against common water disinfection treatments has been demonstrated. In addition, H. pylori can form insoluble biofilms, which favors its resistance to the different disinfection and potabilization treatments. Therefore, in this thesis has investigated the presence of viable cells, and therefore potentially infective, of H. pylori in drinking and irrigation waters, through the improvement and optimization of culture and molecular techniques. This work began with the development of an optimal culture medium. Positive results were obtained with the culture medium Agar Dent with polymyxin B sulfate. Subsequently, a pretreatment method with Propidium Monoazide and PEMAXTM was developed for the exclusive detection and quantification of viable H. pylori cells by PCR. It was confirmed that PMA at a concentration of 50 µM and an incubation period of 5 minutes, would be the optimal treatment methodology before analysis by qPCR. A total of 20 wastewater samples, aseptically collected at the outlet of the biological reactor and after disinfection treatment, were then analyzed. Using the culture technique, it was possible to detect 4 suspicious colonies of Helicobacter spp. and H. pylori, whose identification was confirmed by amplification and subsequent sequencing. DVC-FISH technique demonstrated the presence of viable Helicobacter spp. cells in 15 (75%) of the samples. Regarding the detection of H. pylori cells, by DVC-FISH and FISH, these microorganisms were observed in 10 (50%) and 11 (55%) of the 20 samples analyzed, respectively. The qPCR technique determined the presence of H. pylori in the samples with a detection rate of 60%. Finally, using deep-amplicon sequencing, the microbiome of 16 wastewater samples was analyzed. The dominant phylum in the samples analyzed were Proteobacteria, followed by Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes. H. pylori was detected by this technique in 6 wastewater samples. In addition, others Helicobacter spp., such as H. hepaticus, H. pullorum and H. suis were detected. PCR technique was used to identify the cagA gene in 5 wastewater samples and one drinking water sample. Regarding the vacAs1 genotype, it was observed in 4 samples of wastewater; the vacAm1 genotype, was identified in one drinking water sample and 2 irrigation water samples. In the biofilms analyzed, 2 were positive for the vacAm1 type, and two for the resistance gene pbp1A. Likewise, 45 stool samples were analyzed. No suspicious colonies were observed on selective Dent Agar. The qPCR technique demonstrated the presence of H. pylori in 41 samples (45.56%). It was possible to quantify 10 direct samples and 18 enriched samples, with concentrations between 3.39*103 and 2.61*103 GU/mL, the remaining samples had levels above the reliability threshold (>35 cycles). DVC-FISH showed viable H. pylori cells in 26 (57.78%) of the 45 direct samples. Detection of 23S rDNA mutations specific for clarithromycin resistance indicated that 37.79% of stool samples had potentially resistant H. pylori cells. Through Deep-amplicon sequencing and subsequent bioinformatics analysis, H. pylori was identified in 13 direct samples and 13 enriched samples, as well as other species such as H. hepaticus and H. pullorum. Finally, the ability of H. pylori to form biofilms and their resistance to common disinfection treatments was evaluated. Twenty-seven biofilms from the drinking water distribution system were also tested for the presence of H. pylori by qPCR. The detection rate was 23%, being possible the quantification in 5 samples corresponding to concentrations between 7.32*101 and 1.16*101 GU/mL. / Esta Tesis Doctoral ha sido posible gracias a las ayudas de carácter predoctoral: “Ayuda de conselleria para la contratación de personal investigador en formación -Irene Hortelano Martin (determinación del riesgo para el consumidor de la presencia de H. pylori y otros helicobacters patógenos en aguas de consumo mediante técnicas moleculares y metagenómica) (ACIF/2016/150) Generalitat Valenciana (2016-2019). Y a la financiación de los proyectos: “Helicobacter pylori y otros helicobacters patógenos en aguas y alimento: Desarrollo y aplicación de herramientas moleculares dirigidas a la evaluación del riesgo para el consumidor (REF. AGL2014-53875-R)”. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, España. “Determinación del riesgo para la salud pública debido a la presencia de H. pylori en agua y alimentos: Detección (AICO/2018/273)”. Generalitat Valenciana (2018-2020). / Hortelano Martín, I. (2021). Determinación del riesgo para el consumidor de la presencia de H. pylori y otros Helicobacter spp. patógenos en aguas de consumo mediante técnicas moleculares y metagenómica [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/178942

Biodiversity of terrestrial algal communities from soil and air-exposed substrates using a molecular approach

Hallmann, Christine 24 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Raman spectroscopic application for the analysis of organic compounds and minerals of astrobiological significance : the detection and discrimination of organic compounds and mineral analogues in pure and mixed samples of astrobiological significance using raman spectroscopy, XRD and scanning electron microscopy

Alajtal, Adel Imhemed January 2010 (has links)
Raman spectroscopy has been used to characterise both organic and geological samples in order to build a database for the future characterization of biomarker molecules that are of astrobiological relevance. Characteristic geological features and hydrated minerals recently found on the surface of Mars by the NASA planetary rovers Spirit and Opportunity suggest that a possible biosphere could have once existed there. Analytical instrumentation protocols for the unequivocal detection of biomarkers in suitable geological matrices are critical for future unmanned explorations, including the forthcoming ESA ExoMars mission scheduled for 2018. Several geological features found on the surface of Mars by planetary rovers suggest that a possible extinct biosphere could exist based on similar sources of energy as occurred on Earth. For this reason, analytical instrumental protocols for the detection of isolated biomarkers preserved in suitable geological matrices unequivocally and non-destructively have to be evaluated for future unmanned missions. Raman spectroscopy is currently part of the Pasteur instrumentation suite of the ExoMars mission for the remote detection of extant or extinct life signatures in the Martian surface and subsurface. Terrestrial analogues of Martian sites have been identified and the biogeological modifications resulting from extremophilic survival activity have been studied. Here we present the Raman spectral characterization of several examples of organic compounds which have been recorded using 785 nm, 633 nm and 514 nm laser excitation -polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), organic acids, chlorophyll and carotenoids. Experimental mixtures of ß-carotene in usnic acid, PAHs in usnic acid and PAHs in mineral matrices have also been investigated. Organic compounds and PAHs located under crystalline minerals samples were identified using a 5x objective lens and 785 nm III excitation. The pure compounds and compound mixtures were also analysed using X-ray powder diffraction and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results of this study indicate that near infrared laser at 785 nm provided the clearest and the most informative spectra due to the reduction of fluorescence emission. Higher energy lasers operating in the visible region have resulted in the emission of significant background fluorescence. Few samples fluoresce even with the use of 785 nm excitation and FT-Raman spectroscopy remains the instrument of choice for the analysis of these samples.

Evaluation of Raman spectroscopy for application in analytical astrobiology : the application of Raman spectroscopy for characterisation of biological and geological materials of relevance to space exploration

Page, Kristian January 2011 (has links)
In 2018 ESA and NASA plan to send the ExoMars rover to the Martian surface. This rover is planned to have a suite of analytical equipment that includes a Raman spectrometer. In this context, an evaluation of Raman spectroscopy as an analytical tool for interplanetary studies is investigated. The preparation techniques for appropriate inorganic and organic mixtures are interrogated. Methods are investigated to optimize the homogeneity of over 50 samples involving mineral phases; calcite, gypsum and goethite and selected organic biomolecular systems; anthracene, naphthalene and beta-carotene. From mixtures produced of these organic and inorganic materials differences between homogeneity of the samples is observed. Different mixing techniques are investigated to reduce this, however all the samples display variation on a micron scale. To resolve this issue a grid system of 9 points is implemented on solid samples and solutions are used to produce standards. The standards are devised using a range of instrument validation parameters for comparison between commercially available spectrometers and the prototype instrument. From these standards a prototype instrument is optimized for data acquisition and an evaluation procedure for instrument performance is established. The prototype Raman spectrometer is evaluated to match the specifications of the spectrometer on board ExoMars rover. A range of astrobiological relevant samples are interrogated; geological samples, biomarkers, cellular systems and bio-geological inclusions. From these samples detection of organics is observed to be only possible, with Raman spectroscopy where organics are localised in high concentrations, upon grinding and mixing geological inclusions Raman spectroscopy is unable to detect the organic components.

Stanovení zástupců endokrinních disruptorů ve vzorcích odpadních vod v ČR. / Determination of endocrine disrupting compounds in wastewater in the Czech Republic.

Langová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
Endocrine disruptors represent a group of chemical compounds that are able to negatively influence the hormonal system of vertebrates. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.EPA) defines these compounds as exogenous substance or mixture that interferes with the synthesis, secretion, transport, binding, activity, or degradation of natural hormones. This can be observed at the level of the individual organism, its progeny, populations and subpopulations. All these changes have negative effects on homeostasis, reproduction, development or change the behavior of the affected animals. This work focuses on 7 endocrine disruptors - natural estron, 17β estradiol, estriol, and synthetic 17α-ethynylestradiol, irgasan (triclosan), 4-nonylfenol, bisphenol A in the influent and effluent of wastewater plants in the Czech Republic. The thesis contains an optimization of endocrine disruptors determination in wastewater, a preliminary screening to determinate concentration levels, 24 hours composite samples and monitoring of one selected wastewater plant during a day. The analytical procedure is based on filtration, solid-phase extraction (SPE), gel permeation chromatography (GPC), derivatization and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Keywords: endocrine disruptors, wastewaters, Czech...

Using PCR Amplification and Genetic Sequence Analysis of 18S rRNA Genes to Survey the Microbial Diversity and Distribution of Eukaryotic Microbes Inhabiting Two Thermo-acidic Streams in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Harvey, Robert, Jr. 06 August 2009 (has links)
A cultivation-independent approach, sequence analysis of 18S rRNA genes PCR-amplified from environmental DNA, was used to explore the diversity and distribution of eukaryotic microbes inhabiting algal mats in two acidic geothermal streams in Yellowstone National Park. The objectives were to: (1) clarify the identity of mat forming algae in Nymph Creek (2) survey microbial species in the Nymph Creek mat over seasonal intervals along a thermal gradient (3) compare microbial species in the Nymph Creek mat with those in Alluvium Creek mats (4) evaluate microbial species in algal mats formed on different substrates in Alluvium Creek. The results show that a novel red alga dominates high temperature regions (~50ºC) of Nymph Creek and two "Chlorella-like" algae predominate the cooler regions (<38ºC). The predominant algae in Alluvium Creek were distinctly different from those in Nymph Creek. Several stramenophiles and fungi were detected in each algal mat.

Mercury leaching from dental amalgam fillings and its association with urinary zinc

Zanager, Afaf Mohamed January 2019 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Medical Bioscience) - MSc(MBS) / Mercury (Hg) is an example of a toxic metal that is not essential for nutrition. It exists in organic and inorganic forms in seafood and vapour from dental amalgam fillings respectively. Elemental mercury (Hg0) from dental amalgam was the focus of this study. Dental amalgam is one of the most commonly used dental filling materials and has been used for over 150 years. It is composed of Hg0 (approximately 50%) combined with other metals such as copper and zinc (Zn). These fillings give off Hg0 vapour throughout their existence, and is further enhanced by activities such as chewing, grinding of teeth and drinking hot liquids. Mercury consumption can lead to Zn loss or deficiency, and is reported to displace Zn and copper. Several European nations have outlawed the use of amalgam as a restorative material due to controversies regarding its safety in children, women of childbearing age and individuals with renal disease. Moreover, various studies have reported correlations between the number of amalgam fillings and Hg concentration in blood plasma, urine, faeces, saliva and different organs. Blood, urine, and hair mercury levels are used to predict possible health effects that may be caused by the different forms of Hg. Urine Hg is used to test exposure to metallic Hg0 vapour and inorganic Hg forms. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of Hg0 from dental amalgam restorations on the status of Zn in the urine. This was done by determining the concentrations of Hg0 in urine, buccal cells and the oral cavity, and its relationship with urinary Zn concentrations in the same individuals. Samples of urine, buccal tissues, chewing gum and completed questionnaires were collected from the participants (women and men) at the dental clinics in Tygerberg Hospital (TBH), Cape Town. Samples were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). Findings from this study show that there was a correlation between levels of urinary Hg0 and urinary Zn (p=0.02). However, urinary Hg0 did not predict the amount of urinary Zn. Also, no relationship was found between levels of Hg0 in buccal swab or the chew test samples and urinary Zn level. There was a significant difference between females and males in the level of urinary Zn, men had higher levels of Zn excreted in the urine than females (p=0.05). However, there was no significant difference in the level of urinary Hg0 between males and females. The number of fillings (4-7) and age of fillings were significantly associated with urinary Hg0 level (p˂0.05), while smoking ˃15 cigarettes/day increased the level of Hg0 in buccal swab samples (p=0.002). We were not able to demonstrate a causal effect of Hg0 leaching on urinary zinc levels.

Detecção do vírus da cinomose pela técnica de RT-PCR em cães com sintomatologia neurológica / Detection of canine distemper virus by RT- PCR from dogs with neurological signs

Amaral, Helena Arantes do 29 August 2007 (has links)
Diferentes amostras biológicas foram avaliadas (zaragatoa ocular, genital, urina e células mononucleares do sangue periférico) pela RT-PCR em 50 cães com sintomas neurológicos compatíveis como cinomose, na presença ou não de outros sintomas sistêmicos. O gene da nucleoproteína do vírus da cinomose foi detectado em 43 das 50 amostras avaliadas. Considerando apenas os animais com resultado positivos pela hemi-nested - PCR, os sintomas neurológicos observados com freqüência maior que 50%, foram mioclonia e alteração locomotora (maioria dos cães evoluiu a tetraparesia); convulsão e vocalização foram observados em 32% dos casos Outros sintomas sistêmicos, sintomas oculares, respiratórios ou digestivos, prévios ou associados aos sintomas neurológicos, foram observados em 82% dos cães. Também observou-se hiperqueratose nasal ou de coxins em 44% dos casos. Somente 20% dos animais positivos haviam sido vacinados contra o vírus da cinomose. Zaragatoas genitais forneceram maior número de resultados positivos (40), seguidos por zaragatoas oculares e urina (37) e células mononucleares do sangue periférico (34). A coleta associada de duas amostras biológicas (zaragatoa genital e urina) por animal aumentou a possibilidade de detecção de animais positivos, principalmente nos casos de cães suspeitos que não apresentaram sintomas respiratórios, gastrintestinais e oculares, assim como nos animais vacinados e cronicamente infectados ou convalescentes. / Using Reverse transcription-PCR assay, different biological samples were avaliabled (conjunctival and genital swabs, urine and peripheral blood mononuclear cells) from dogs with or with no extraneural signs prior to or accompanying the neurologic signs. Canine distemper nucleoprotein were detected in 43 from 50 dogs availabled by hemi-nested-PCR. Considering just dogs with distemper confirmed by hemi-nested PCR, gait abnormalities (most commonly tetraparesis) and myoclonus were the neurological signs observed in over 50%; vocalizing and seizures occurred in 32%. Other systemic signs (respiratory, gastroenteric or ocular signs). preceding or associated to neurological signs, occurred in 82% of dogs Hyperkeratosis of the footpads or nose were observed in 44 % of the cases. Only (20%) were vaccinated against canine distemper. A greater number of positive results were obtained from genital swabs (40), followed by conjuctival swabs and urine (37) and PBMCs (33). Sensitivity of detection positive results were increased by using two clinical samples association (genital swab and urine), specially in dogs that had not shown extra neural signs, vaccinate dogs or during the convalescent and late stage of canine distemper.

Características físico-químicas e polínicas de amostras de méis de Apis mellifera L., 1758 (Hymenoptera, Apidae) da região da chapada do Araripe, município de Santana do Cariri, estado do Ceará. / Physicochemical and pollen characteristics of honey samples of honeybees, apis mellifera l., 1758 (hymenoptera, Apidae) from the chapada do araripe region, municipality of Santana do Cariri, state of Ceará, Brazil.

Arruda, Carolina Maranhão Fernandes de 12 September 2003 (has links)
Com o objetivo de determinar as características físico-químicas e a origem floral de méis produzidos por Apis mellifera L., 1758, na região da Chapada do Araripe, município de Santana do Cariri/Ceará foram determinados no Laboratório de Apicultura do Setor de Entomologia da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", USP: os açúcares totais, açúcares redutores, sacarose, umidade, hidroximetilfurfural, proteína, cinzas, pH, acidez, índice de formol, condutividade elétrica, cor, viscosidade e análises polínicas de 21 amostras de méis colhidas em novembro e dezembro de 2001. Os resultados demonstraram que os valores médios dos parâmetros físico-químicos das amostras analisadas encontram-se dentro dos limites estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira. Pelas análises polínicas dos méis, foi verificada a presença do tipo Serjania (cipó-uva) em todas as amostras analisadas, aparecendo como pólen dominante na maioria delas. / This research deals with the determination of the physicochemical characteristics and floral origin of honeys produced by Apis mellifera L., 1758, in the region of Chapada do Araripe, municipality of Santana do Cariri, State of Ceará, Brazil. The experiments were set at the Laboratory of Apiculture, Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology and Agricultural Zoology, College of Agriculture "Luiz de Queiroz", University of São Paulo, in Piracicaba, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The following parameters were determined: total sugars, reducing sugars, sucrose, humidity, hydroxymethylfurfural, protein, ashes, pH, acidity, formaldehyde index, electrical conductivity, color, viscosity and pollen analysis of 21 samples of honeys collected in November and December, 2001. The results have indicated that the mean values of the physicochemical parameters of the samples are in between the limits required by the Brazilian legislation. The pollen analysis of the honeys showed the presence of the plant Serjania type ("cipó-uva") in all the honey samples.

Estratégias de coleta, armazenamento e processamento de amostras de leite bovino para realização do teste de prenhez / Strategies for collection, storage and processing of cow milk samples for the pregnancy test

Silva, Helen Krystine da 12 February 2016 (has links)
A utilização de amostras de leite para a realização do diagnóstico precoce de prenhez em bovinos tem se tornado uma alternativa relevante para propriedades produtoras de leite, principalmente nas quais o suporte técnico é limitado. Atualmente, muitas fazendas coletam amostras de leite para avaliação da sanidade da glândula mamária e/ou para controle nutricional. Eventualmente, a utilização desta mesma amostra para a realização do teste de prenhez, viabilizaria o processo de coleta e diminuiria os custos com materiais e transporte destas amostras. Porém, ainda não se tem conhecimento de como o processamento da amostra de leite, desde a coleta até a análise laboratorial, pode afetar os resultados do teste de prenhez. Desta forma, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de estratégias de coleta, armazenamento, conservação e processamento das amostras de leite sobre os resultados do teste de prenhez. Para isso, foram realizados 5 experimentos. No experimento 1, que avaliou o efeito do período do dia no qual a amostra foi coletada, foram utilizadas amostras de 51 animais (duas amostras por animal, uma obtida na ordenha da manhã e outra na ordenha da tarde). No experimento 2, que avaliou a ocorrência do \"efeito de arraste\" no medidor de leite do equipamento de ordenha, foram utilizadas amostras de leite de 94 animais pertencentes a duas fazendas distintas. De cada animal foram obtidas duas amostras de leite, uma direto do teto antes do início da ordenha e outra do medidor de leite ao término desta. No experimento 3, que avaliou o impacto das condições e do tempo de armazenamento das amostras de leite, 40 amostras foram coletadas e divididas em 4 idades (0, 3, 6 e 9 dias entre a coleta e a análise) e 2 temperaturas de armazenamento (ambiente e refrigerado). No experimento 4, que avaliou o efeito do pré-aquecimento das amostras de leite, o teste de prenhez foi realizado em 14 amostras que haviam sido submetidas ao banho-maria. Enquanto que, no experimento 5, que avaliou a ocorrência do \"efeito de arraste\" nos equipamentos de análise laboratorial, amostras de leite de 11 animais foram submetidas primeiro à análise de qualidade e depois ao teste de prenhez. Para verificar a existência de impacto de todos estes fatores, o coeficiente kappa foi calculado utilizando o software R. Como resultado, a coleta da amostra de leite na ordenha da manhã ou na ordenha da tarde não afetou os resultados do teste de prenhez. As concentrações de PAG das amostras coletadas na fazenda 2 sofreram maior influência do \"efeito de arraste\" quando comparadas as amostras obtidas na fazenda 1. Os níveis de PAG não apresentaram variação quando analisadas até 9 dias após a coleta, armazenadas tanto na temperatura ambiente como na refrigerada. O pré-aquecimento das amostras no banho-maria e a submissão aos equipamentos laboratoriais para análise de qualidade também não afetaram os níveis de PAG e nem os resultados do teste de prenhez. / The use of milk samples to perform the early pregnancy diagnosis in cattle has become an important alternative for dairy farms, especially when the technical support is limited. Currently, many farms use milk samples to evaluate the health of the mammary glands and the nutritional status of dairy cows. Eventually, the use of the same sample to make the pregnancy test could facilitate the collection process and decrease costs of materials and transport of samples. However, there is not enough knowledge about how processing the samples, from collection to laboratorial analysis, can affect the results of the pregnancy test. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of strategies of collecting, storing, conserving and processing milk samples on the results of the pregnancy test. For that purpose, five experiments were carried out. In experiment 1, the effect of the period of the day when the samples were collected is evaluated, samples of 51 animals were used (two samples per animal, one from the morning milking and another from the afternoon milking). In experiment 2, it was evaluated the carryover in the milk meter of the milking equipment, milk samples of 94 animals belonging to two different farms were used. Two samples were obtained from each animal, one collected directly from the tit before milking and the other by the meter at the end of milking. In experiment 3, it was evaluated the impact of different conditions: storage time and temperature of milk samples, 40 samples were collected and divided into four ages (0, 3, 6 and 9 days between collection and analysis) and two storage temperatures (ambient and refrigerated). In experiment 4, which evaluated the effect of pre-heating the milk samples, the pregnancy test was performed on 14 samples that had been subjected to water bath. In experiment 5, it was evaluated the occurrence of the carryover in laboratory analysis equipment, samples from 11 animals were first submitted to the milk quality analysis and after to the pregnancy test. To check the impact of all these factors, the kappa was calculated using the software R. The results show that sampling the milk in the morning or afternoon did not affect the results of the pregnancy test. PAG concentrations of samples collected on farm 2 had a greater influence on carryover compared to samples from farm 1. PAG levels did not show variation when analyzed until 9 days after collection, storage in ambient temperature or refrigerated. Preheating the samples in water bath and test in laboratory equipment of quality analysis also did not affect PAG levels or the results of the pregnancy test.

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