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Estructura, composición y superficie como vectores directores en el diseño de biomateriales. Aplicación al desarrollo de scaffolds poliméricos y a superficies bioactivasHorna Tomás, David 20 December 2011 (has links)
En aquest treball es descriu el disseny, síntesi i caracterització de diferents biomaterials i la seva possible aplicació en biomedicina. S'ha fet especial èmfasi a ressaltar la importància que tenen l'estructura, la composició i l'activitat superficial en les propietats finals del biomaterial.
Així, s'ha desenvolupat un biomaterial biodegradable i elastomèric, altament porós, amb una gran interconnectivitat que permet la difusió de nutrients i de cèl•lules, un cop sigui implantat. La viabilitat d'aquest material s'ha demostrat tant en assaigs in vitro com in vivo. La síntesi del mateix s'ha realitzat mitjançant calefacció assistida per microones, cosa que ha permès una reacció més ràpida sense necessitat de catalitzadors i evitant les etapes posteriors de purificació.
S'ha desenvolupat també un material biodegradable i injectable a temperatures de 45°C, que, en refredar fins als 37°C, s'endureix i pot emprar com a suport estructural al mateix temps que actua com a alliberador de fàrmacs. L'aplicació d'aquest material com ciment ossi millora els problemes de biocompatibilitat, tant de composició, com mecànica, dels actuals productes en el mercat, obrint una nova via d'aplicació d'aquest tipus de materials. D'altra banda, el compost desenvolupat s'ha assajat en aplicacions bioadhesives, on ha demostrat uns excel•lents resultats en la unió de teixit intestinal.
Finalment, s'ha aconseguit desenvolupar una superfície amb capacitat de reprogramar cèl•lules amb el simple contacte entre la cèl•lula i la superfície. Amb aquesta tecnologia, anomenada cell reprograming surface (CRS), s'han obtingut cèl•lules pluripotents induïdes (iPS) d'una forma molt més eficient i ràpida que els mètodes habituals de treball. / En este trabajo se describe el diseño, síntesis y caracterización de diferentes biomateriales y su posible aplicación en biomedicina. Se ha hecho especial énfasis en resaltar la importancia que tienen la estructura, la composición y la actividad superficial en las propiedades finales del biomaterial.
Así, se ha desarrollado un biomaterial biodegradable y elastomérico, altamente poroso, con una gran interconectividad que permite la difusión de nutrientes y de células, una vez sea implantado. La viabilidad de este material se ha demostrado tanto en ensayos in vitro como in vivo. La síntesis del mismo se ha realizado mediante calefacción asistida por microondas, lo que ha permitido una reacción más rápida sin necesidad de catalizadores y evitando las etapas posteriores de purificación.
Se ha desarrollado también un material biodegradable e inyectable a temperaturas de 45°C, que, al enfriarse hasta los 37°C, se endurece y puede emplearse como soporte estructural a la vez que actúa como liberador de fármacos. La aplicación de dicho material como cemento óseo mejora los problemas de biocompatibilidad, tanto de composición como mecánica, de los actuales productos en el mercado, abriendo una nueva vía de aplicación de este tipo de materiales. Por otro lado, el compuesto desarrollado se ha ensayado en aplicaciones bioadhesivas, donde ha demostrado unos excelentes resultados en la unión de tejido intestinal.
Por último, se ha conseguido desarrollar una superficie con capacidad de reprogramar células con el simple contacto entre la célula y la superficie. Con esta tecnología, denominada cell reprograming surface (CRS), se han obtenido células pluripotentes inducidas (iPS) de una forma mucho más eficiente y rápida que los métodos habituales de trabajo. / This paper describes the design, synthesis and characterization of different biomaterials and their possible applications in biomedicine, highlighting the importance of the structure, composition and surface activity in the final properties of the biomaterial.
Thus, a biodegradable and elastomeric biomaterial, highly porous, with a strong interconnectivity that allows diffusion of nutrients and cells, once it is implanted has been developed. The feasibility of this material has been demonstrated both in vitro and in vivo assays. The synthesis has been performed using microwave-assisted heating, which has allowed a faster reaction without catalysts and avoiding the later stages of purification.
It has also been developed a biodegradable and injectable material, at temperatures of 45°C, which, when cooled to 37°C, it hardens and can be used as structural support while acting as drug delivery. The application of such material as bone cement avoid biocompatibility problems, both in composition and mechanicas, of the current products on the market, opening a new way of application of such material. On the other hand, the compound has been tested in bioadhesive applications, where it has shown excellent results in the union of intestinal tissue.
Finally, a surface with ability to reprogram cells with simple contact between the cell and the surface has been developed. With this technology, called cell reprograming surface (CRS), induced pluripotent cells (iPS) have been obtained in a much more efficient and faster way than the usual methods.
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Polyhydroxybutyrate als Scaffoldmaterial für das Tissue Engineering von KnochenWollenweber, Marcus 27 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In drei inhaltlich abgeschlossen Teilen werden Fragestellungen bearbeitet, die sich mit dem Einsatz von Polyhydroxybutyraten als Scaffoldmaterialien für das Tissue Engioneering von Knochen beschäftigen. Zunächst wird ein Prozess optimiert, in dem mittels Verpressen und Auslösen von Platzhaltern (Porogen) poröse Träger (Scaffolds) aus Poly-3-hydroxybuttersäure (P3HB) sowie aus P3co4HB hergestellt werden. Diese Scaffolds werden in der Folge mechanisch und strukturell charakterisiert, wobei Druckfestigkeit, Dauerfestigkeit und Viskoelastizität untersucht werden. Im Ergebnis finden sich mehrere Kandidaten, die für die weitere Testung im Tierversuch in Frage kommen.
Weiter wird das Abbauverhalten von schmelzgeponnenen P3HB-Fäden untersucht. Dabei wird ein beschleunigtes Modellsystem gewählt, das noch möglichst nahe am physiologischen Fall aber ohne biologisch aktive Komponente (zB. Enzyme) definiert wurde. Die Charakterisierung bedient sich hier der Gelpermeationschromatographie (GPC), des gasgestützten Elektronenrastermikroskops (ESEM), der differentiellen Thermoanalyse (DSC) und der Rasterkraftmikroskopie. Als Ergebnis zeichnete sich ab, dass neben der hydrolytischen Degradation im Gegensatz zu PHB mit kleinerer spezifischer Oberfläche bei den Fäden auch Erosion zum Abbau beiträgt. Eine partikuläre Freisetzung wird nicht beobachtet.
Im dritten Teil werden textile Scaffolds aus P3HB mit einer künstlichen extrazellulären Matrix aus Chondroitinsulfaten (CS) und Kollagen versehen. Dem CS kann hier ein positiver Einfluss auf die osteogene Differenzierung von humanen mesenchymalen Stammzellen (hMSC) nachgewiesen werden. Dies wird zum einen durch die verstärkte Expression der alkalischen Phosphatase (ALP) sowie durch die Hochregulation von Proteinen ersichtlich, die bei der osteogenen Differenzierung essentiell sind. In wenigen Gene-Arrays lässt sich ebenfalls erkennen, dass die osteogene Differenzierung durch CS positiv beeinflusst wird. Insbesondere frühe Marker wie ZBTB16 und IGFBPs werden hier identifiziert.
Basierend auf den Teilergebnissen wird am Ende ein Beitrag geliefert, der das Tissue Engineering insbesondere für überkritische Röhrenknochendefekte als Methode interessant erscheinen lässt. Dabei werden mechanische Lasten durch konventionelle Fixateure aufgenommen und der Defektraum durch den mehrfachen Einsatz von bio-funktionalisierten flachen Scaffolds gefüllt.
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Contributions To Venominformatics : Sequence-Structure-Function Studies Of Toxins From Marine Cone Snails. Application Of Order-Statistics Filters For Detecting Membrane-Spanning HelicesMondal, Sukanta 02 1900 (has links)
Venomous animals have evolved a vast array of peptide toxins for prey capture and defense. Nature has evolved the venoms into a huge library of active molecules with high selectivity and affinity, which could be explored as therapeutics or serve as a template for drug design. The individual components of venom i.e. toxins are used in ion channel and receptor studies, drug discovery, and formulation of insecticides. ‘Venominformatics is a systematic bioinformatics approach in which classified, consolidated and cleaned venom data are stored into repositories and integrated with advanced bioinformatics tools and computational biology for the analysis of structure and function of toxins.’
Conus peptides (conopeptides), the main components of Conus venom, represent a unique arsenal of neuropharmacologically active molecules that have been evolutionarily tailored to afford unprecedented and exquisite selectivity for a wide variety of ion-channel subtypes and neuronal receptors. Ziconotide (ω-conotoxin MVIIa from Conus magus (Magician's cone snail)), is proven as an intrathecally administered N-type calcium channel antagonist for the treatment of chronic pain (U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Center for Drug Evaluation and Research) attesting to the pharmaceutical importance of Conus peptides. From the point of view of protein sequence and structure analysis, conopeptides can serve as attractive systems for the studies in sequence comparison, pattern extraction, structure–function correlations, protein–protein interactions and evolutionary analysis. Despite their importance and extensive experimental investigations on them, they have been hardly explored through in silico methods. The present thesis is perhaps the first attempt at deploying a multi-pronged bioinformatics approaches for studies in the burgeoning field of conopeptides.
In the process of sequence-structure-function studies of conopeptides, we have created several sequence patterns of different conopeptide families and these have been accepted for inclusion in international databases such as PROSITE, the first pattern database to have been developed (http://www.expasy.org/prosite) and INTERPRO (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro). More importantly, we have carried out extensive literature survey on the peptides for which we have defined the patterns to create PROSITE compatible documentation files (PDOC6004, PDOC60025 and PDOC60027). We have also created a series of sequence patterns and associated documentation filesof pharmaceutically promising peptides from plants and venomous animals (including O-conotoxin and P-conotoxin superfamily members) with knottin scaffold. Knottins provide appealing scaffolds for protein engineering and drug design due to their small size, high structural stability, strong sequence tolerance and easy access to chemical synthesis. The sequence patterns and associated documentation files created by us should be useful in protein family classification and functional annotation. Even though patterns might be useful at the family level, they may not always be adequate at the superfamily level due to hypervariability of mature toxins. In order to overcome this problem, we have demonstrated the applicationos of multi-class support vector machines (MC-SVMs) for the successful in silico classification of the mature conotoxins into their superfamilies.
TheI- and J-conotoxin-superfamily members were analyzed in greater detail. On the basis of in silico analysis, we have divided the 28 entries previously grouped as I-conotoxin superfamily in UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (release 49.0) into I1 and I2 superfamilies inview of their having two different types of signal peptides and exhibiting distinct functions. A comparative study of the theoretically modeled structure of ViTx from Conus virgo, a typical member of I2-conotoxin superfamily, reveals the crucial role of C-terminal region of ViTx in blocking therapeutically important voltage-gated potassium channels. Putative complexes created by us of very recently characterized J-superfamily conotoxin p11-4a with Kv1.6 suggest that the peptide interacts with negatively charged extracellular loops and pore-mouth of the potassium channel and blocks the channel by covering the pore as a lid, akin to previously proposed blocking mechanism of kM-conotoxin RIIIK from Conus radiatus to Tsha1 potassium channel. This finding provides a pointer to experimental work to validate the observations made here. Based on differences in the number and distribution of the positively charged residues in other conopeptides from the J-superfamily, we hypothesize different selectivity profile against subtypes of the potassium channels for these conopeptides.
Furthermore, the present thesis reports the application of order-statistic filters and hydrophobicity profiles for predicting the location of membrane-spanning helices. The
Proposed method is in particular effective for the class of helical membrane proteins, namely the therapeutically important voltage-gated ion channels, which are natural targets of several conotoxins. Our suggested ab initio approach is comparatively better than other spatial filters, confirming to the efficacy of including the concept of order or ranking information for prediction of TM helicdes. Such approaches should be of value for improved prediction performance including in large-scale applications.
In addition, anlaysis has been carried out of the role of context in the relationship between form and function for the true PDB hits of some nonCys-rich PROSITE patterns.
We have found specific examples of true hits of some PROSITE patterns displaying structural plasticity by assuming significantly different local conformation, depending upon the context. The work was carried out as a part of the research interest in our group in studying structural and other features of protein sequence patterns.
The Contributions of the candidate to venominormatics include, creation of protein sequence patterns and information highlighting the importance of the patterns as gleaned from the lteratures for family classification: profile HMM and MC-SVMs for conotoxin superfamily classification; in silico characterization of I1 and I2 conotoxin superfamilies; studies of interaction with Kv1 channels of typical members of I2 and 3 conotoxin superfamilies and development of improved methods for detecting membrane-spanning helices.
Chapter I starts with a brief account of venominformatics; bioinformatics for venoms and toxins.
Chapter 2 presents a regular expression based classification of Conus peptides.
Chapter 3 revisits the 28 entries previously grouped as I-conotoxin superfamily in UniProt Swiss-Prot knowledgebase (release 49.0) having four disulfide bonds with Cys arrangement C-C-CC-CC-C-C and they inhibit or modify ion channels of nerve cells.
Chapter 4 describes pseudo-amino acid composition and MC-SVMs approach for conotoxin superfamily classification.
Chapter 5 describes in silico detection of binding mode with Kv1.6 channel of J-superfamily conotoxin p114a from bermivorouos cone snail, Conus planorbis.
Chapter 6 presents a comparative sequence-structure-function analysis of naturally occurring Cys-rich peptides having the Knottin or inhibitor cystine knot(ICK) scaffold, from different plants and venomous animals based on information available in the knottin database(http://knottin.cbs.cnrs.fr/).
Chapter 7 describes the application of order-statistic filters and hydrophobicity profiles for detecting membrane-spanning helices.
Chapter 8 describes the role of context in the relationship between form and function for the true PDB hits of some non Cys-rich PROSITE patterns.
Chapter 9 summaries the important findings of the present studies on naturally occurring bioactive Cys-rich peptides with emphasis on Conus peptides and their interactions with respective target such as voltage-gated ion channels.
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Approche novatrice de l’évaluation de la régénération des tissus mous en histopathologie quantitative / An innovative quantitative pathology approach for the evaluation of soft tissues regenerationAlves, Antoine 28 August 2017 (has links)
Le basculement de paradigme apporté par l'ingénierie tissulaire et de la médecine régénérative par rapport à l'approche thérapeutique utilisant les biomatériaux, questionne aujourd'hui les méthodes d'évaluation de ces thérapies avancées en histopathologie. Les outils d'évaluation actuellement disponibles en histopathologie ne sont pas pleinement satisfaisants pour l'évaluation locale de ces thérapies avancées, notamment en matière d'évaluation de leur performance. Nous avons développé une nouvelle méthode quantitative numérique, simple, peu coûteuse fournissant des indicateurs clés pour la caractérisation structurelle et compositionnelle des tissus régénérés. Cet indicateur mesure le taux de croissance tissulaire (TIR) en intégrant deux autres indicateurs, le taux de croissance cellulaire (CIR) et le contenu total en collagène (TCC). Il se traduit par l'équation suivante TIR (%) = CIR (%) + TCC (%). D'autre part, un sous-ensemble d'indicateurs quantitatifs décrivant l'organisation directionnelle du collagène (relation entre structure et propriétés mécaniques des tissus), le ratio collagène I / collagène III (qualité du remodelage) et la propriété anisotropique optique du collagène (indicateur de maturité), a également été produit automatiquement. A l'aide d'un analyseur d'images assisté par ordinateur tous les indicateurs sont extraits uniquement à partir de deux lames sériées colorées soit avec du Feulgen & Rossenbeck (spécificité cellulaire) ou à l'aide de la coloration au rouge picrosirius F3BA (spécifique du collagène). Pour valider cette nouvelle approche, des échafaudages 3D identiques ont été implantés en site intrapéritonéal chez un groupe de rats sains et chez un groupe de rats diabétiques. L'hypothèse émise était que quantitativement la régénération tissulaire serait significativement retardée et défectueuse chez les rats diabétiques par rapport aux rats sains. De plus, un échafaudage 3D chimiquement modifié a été similairement implanté chez un troisième groupe de rats sains avec l'hypothèse qu'une modulation de la croissance tissulaire serait mise en évidence quantitativement par rapport au groupe de rats sains portant l'échafaudage 3D non-modifié. Après 21 jours d'implantation, les deux hypothèses ont été vérifiées, validant cette nouvelle approche d'analyse quantitative computationnelle. Les résultats quantitatifs ont révélé des différences tissulaires fines qui n'ont pas été détectées à l'évaluation semi-quantitative conduite en parallèle. Cette méthode automatisée et supervisée réduit la dépendance à l'opérateur à un minimum et s'est montrée sensible, simple, peu coûteuse et permet de gagner du temps. Elle offre le double avantage d'objectiver les comparaisons thérapeutiques et de comprendre la régénération des tissus fonctionnels localement et dans le temps / The paradigm shift brought about by the expansion of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine away from the use of biomaterials, currently questions the value of histopathologic methods in the evaluation of biological changes. To date, the available tools of evaluation are not fully consistent and satisfactory for these advanced therapies. We have developed a new, simple and inexpensive quantitative digital approach that provides key metrics for structural and compositional characterization of the regenerated tissues. For example, metrics provide the tissue ingrowth rate (TIR) which integrates two separate indicators; the cell ingrowth rate (CIR) and the total collagen content (TCC) as featured in the equation, TIR%=CIR%+TCC%. Moreover a subset of quantitative indicators describing the directional organization of the collagen (relating structure and mechanical function of tissues), the ratio of collagen I to collagen III and the optical anisotropy property of the collagen (maturity indicator) was automatically produced as well. Using an image analyzer, all metrics were extracted from only two serial sections stained with either Feulgen & Rossenbeck (cell specific) or Picrosirius Red F3BA (collagen specific). To validate this new procedure, 3D scaffolds were intraperitoneally implanted in healthy and diabetic rats. It was hypothesized that quantitatively; the healing tissue would be significantly delayed and of poor quality in diabetic rats in comparison to healthy rats. In addition, a chemically modified 3D scaffold was similarly implanted in a third group of healthy rats with the assumption that modulation of the ingrown tissue would be quantitatively present in comparison to the 3D scaffold-healthy group. After 21 days of implantation, both hypotheses were verified by use of this novel computerized approach. When the two methods were run in parallel, the quantitative results revealed fine details and differences not detected by the semi-quantitative assessment, demonstrating the importance of quantitative analysis in the performance evaluation of soft tissue healing. This automated and supervised method reduced operator dependency to a minimum and proved to be simple, sensitive, cost-effective, time-effective, a way of doing objective therapeutic comparisons and a way to elucidate regeneration and the dynamics of a functional tissue
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Histomorfologické změny chrupavkových tkání za patologických stavů i po transplantaci u lidí a v experimentu / Histomorphological Changes in Normal and Pathological Cartilage Tissues and after their Experimental and Clinical TransplantationKaňa, Radim January 2011 (has links)
1 Abstract Introduction Autologous transplants of the cartilage tissue from the pinna is commonly used in reconstructive surgery of the nasal skeleton. The present study used animal models to elucidate responses of the auricular cartilage to its damage or transplantation to ectopic sites. Histomorphological analysis of changes observed in auricular cartilage including immunohistochemical study of different isoforms of actin and S-100 proteins was performed. Human articular cartilage prepared by in vitro cultivation using artificial scaffolds was also studied after its transplantation. Aims of the study The aim was to study histological changes and expression of chondrocytic markers (α- SMA and S-100 proteins) in intact, artificially traumatised, or in a human auricular cartilage cultivated in culture medium. An attempt to grow human auricular cartilage chondrocytes implanted in vitro into various types of three dimensional scaffolds aimed at testing chondrocyte survival and phenotype both in the culture and after transplantation to immunodeficient mice. A human auricular cartilage transplanted into the nasal skeleton of patients during a reconstruction surgery should be submitted to a histomorphological examination. Research assumed also comparison of the auricular cartilage responses to a damage,...
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Užití biologických materiálů k náhradě tkání v plastické chirurgii / Use of biological materials for tissue substitution in plastic surgeryMěšťák, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
Užití biologických materiálů k náhradě tkání v plastické chirurgii ! Abstrakt v angličtině Background: Biological meshes are biomaterials consisted of extracellular matrix and used in surgery particularly for hernia treatment or thoracic wall reconstruction. They are capable of vascularization, that decreases risk of infection, expecially when used in contaminated fields. This study compared the strength of incorporation and biocompatibility of two porcine-derived grafts (cross-linked and non-cross-linked) in a rat hernia model. In addition, we hypothesized that combination of extracellular matrices with autologous mesenchymal stem cells used for hernia repair would result in increased vascularization and increased strength of incorporation. Methods: Standardized 2 x 4 cm fascial defect was created in 42 Wistar rats and repaired with a cross-linked or a non-cross-linked graft either enriched or non-enriched with stem cells. The rats were sacrificed 3, 6 and 12 months later. The strength of incorporation, vascularization, cellular invasion, foreign body reaction and capsule formation were evaluated. Results: Comparison of stem cell enriched and non-enriched groups showed no significant differences in the capsule thickness, foreign body reaction, cellularization or vascularization. In the non-cross-linked...
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Escafoldes para implantes ósseos em alumina/hidroxiapatita/biovidro: análises mecânica e in vitro / Scaffolds in alumina, hydroxyapatite and bio-glass for bone implants: mechanical tests and in vitro analysisClaudia Cristiane Camilo 16 August 2006 (has links)
Escafoldes em alumina foram fabricados e em suas superfícies impregnou-se biovidro e hidroxiapatita; realizou-se análise das propriedades mecânica e de interação célula-escafolde in vitro. Estruturas porosas denominadas escafoldes são utilizadas como suportes para crescimento de tecidos, devem apresentar poros abertos interconectados, com morfologia, distribuição e quantidade de poros que confiram resistência mecânica e induzam o crescimento ósseo. Os escafoldes simulam a matriz extracelular e são a chave para a engenharia de tecidos que está conceituada na cultura prévia de células com proteínas morfogenéticas, oferecendo suporte para o crescimento celular na formação do tecido maduro. Neste trabalho desenvolveu-se técnica de manufatura onde foram conformados escafoldes como corpos-de-prova em alumina, em hidroxiapatita e em alumina infiltrada com biovidro e hidroxiapatita. Os escafoldes foram submetidos a ensaios mecânicos de compressão e sofreram análise de interação com células in vitro. A morfologia e a concentração da porosidade dos escafoldes foram analisadas por microscopia de varredura eletrônica e apresentaram porosidade volumétrica de aproximadamente 70% e diâmetro médio de poros em torno de 190 µm. Observou-se interação das células mais vigorosas e com pronunciada mitose nos escafoldes infiltrados relativamente aos escafoldes de alumina e hidroxiapatita. Os resultados indicaram resistência mecânica para os corpos infiltrados de 43,27 MPa, valor inferior ao observado nos escafolde de alumina 52,27 MPa e muito superior aos de hidroxiapatita 0,28 MPa. Conclui-se que os escafoldes de alumina infiltrados com biovidro e hidroxiapatita apresentaram uma combinação promissora nas características mecânicas e biológicas in vitro com viabilidade econômica. / Alumina scaffolds were manufactured and surface impregnated with bio-glass and hydroxyapatite; the mechanical properties and the in vitro bone-cell and scaffold interaction were analyzed. Porous matrices are usually denominated as scaffolds in tissue engineering and they are used as supports for the tissue growing; they may have open and interconnected pores, with known porous geometry and distribution and with good mechanical strength and be able to induce the tissue cells growing. Scaffolds can work as extra cell matrices, mimic the desired tissue and are considered as the key for the tissue engineering, offering support for the cellular growing in the formation of mature tissue. In this work, manufacture techniques were developed where scaffolds were conformed in alumina, in hydroxyapatite and in alumina infiltrated with bio-glass and hydroxyapatite, as test bodies. The scaffolds were submitted to mechanical compression tests and to the interaction with bone cells in vitro. The morphology and the concentration of the scaffold porosity were analyzed by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) and they presented porosity concentration near 70,0 vol% and medium diameter of pores around 190,0 µm. The cells interaction strongest and more vigorous bone cell interaction with pronounced mitosis was observed in the alumina scaffolds infiltrated with bio-glass and hydroxyapatite when compared with the alumina scaffolds and hydroxyapatite scaffolds. The results obtained shown lower values of the mechanical strength for the infiltrated scaffolds (43,27 MPa), higher values for non infiltrated alumina scaffold (52,27 MPa) and very low values for the hydroxyapatite scaffolds (0,28 MPa). As observed, final results shown that alumina scaffolds infiltrated with bio-glass and hydroxyapatite presented a promising combination in the mechanical and biological in vitro characteristics with economic viability.
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Biphasic Scaffolds from Marine Collagens for Regeneration of Osteochondral DefectsBernhardt, Anne, Paul, Birgit, Gelinsky, Michael 11 June 2018 (has links)
Background: Collagens of marine origin are applied increasingly as alternatives to mammalian collagens in tissue engineering. The aim of the present study was to develop a biphasic scaffold from exclusively marine collagens supporting both osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation and to find a suitable setup for in vitro chondrogenic and osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stroma cells (hMSC).
Methods: Biphasic scaffolds from biomimetically mineralized salmon collagen and fibrillized jellyfish collagen were fabricated by joint freeze-drying and crosslinking. Different experiments were performed to analyze the influence of cell density and TGF-β on osteogenic differentiation of the cells in the scaffolds. Gene expression analysis and analysis of cartilage extracellular matrix components were performed and activity of alkaline phosphatase was determined. Furthermore, histological sections of differentiated cells in the biphasic scaffolds were analyzed.
Results: Stable biphasic scaffolds from two different marine collagens were prepared. An in vitro setup for osteochondral differentiation was developed involving (1) different seeding densities in the phases; (2) additional application of alginate hydrogel in the chondral part; (3) pre-differentiation and sequential seeding of the scaffolds and (4) osteochondral medium. Spatially separated osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation of hMSC was achieved in this setup, while osteochondral medium in combination with the biphasic scaffolds alone was not sufficient to reach this ambition.
Conclusions: Biphasic, but monolithic scaffolds from exclusively marine collagens are suitable for the development of osteochondral constructs.
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Functionalized polymer implants for the trapping of glioblastoma cells / Implants polymères fonctionnalisés pour piéger des cellules de glioblastomeHaji Mansor, Muhammad 25 September 2019 (has links)
Le glioblastome (GBM) est la forme de cancer du cerveau la plus courante et la plus meurtrière. Sa nature diffusive entraine une impossibilité d’élimination complète par chirurgie. Une récidive de la tumeur chez ≥ 90% des patients peut être provoqué par des cellules GBM résiduelles se trouvant près du bord de la cavité de résection. Un implant pouvant libérer de manière durable la protéine SDF-1α, qui se lie aux récepteur CXCR4 à la surface des cellules GBM, peut être utile pour induire le recrutement des cellules GBM résiduelles, permettre leur élimination sélective et finalement réduire la récurrence de la tumeur. Dans ce travail, le SDF-1α a été initialement encapsulé dans des nanoparticules à base d'acide poly-lactique-co-glycolique (PLGA). Une efficacité d'encapsulation élevée (76%) a pu être obtenue en utilisant un processus simple de séparation de phase. Les nanoparticules chargées de SDF-1α ont ensuite été incorporées dans un scaffold à base de chitosan par électrofilage pour obtenir des implants nanofibreux imitant la structure de la matrice extracellulaire du cerveau. Une étude de libération in vitro a révélé que l'implant pouvait fournir une libération prolongée de SDF-1α jusqu'à 35 jours, utile pour établir un gradient de concentration de SDF-1α dans le cerveau et induire une attraction des cellules GBM. Une étude de biocompatibilité in vivo à 7 jours a révélé des signes d'inflammation locale sans aucun signe visible de détérioration clinique chez les sujets animaux. Une étude à 100 jours visant à confirmer l'innocuité in vivo des implants avant de passer aux études d'efficacité dans un modèle de résection GBM approprié est actuellement en cours. / Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common and lethal form of brain cancer. The diffusive nature of GBM means the neoplastic tissue can not be removed completely by surgery. Often, residual GBM cells can be found close to the border of the resection cavity and these cells can multiply to cause tumor recurrence in ≥90% of GBM patients. An implant that can sustainably release chemoattractant molecules called stromal cell-derived factor-1α (SDF-1α), which bind selectively to CXCR4 receptors on the surface of GBM cells, may be useful for inducing chemotaxis and recruitment of the residual GBM cells. This may then give access to selective killing of the cells and ultimately reduce tumor recurrence. In this work, SDF-1α was initially encapsulated into poly-lactic-coglycolicacid (PLGA)-based nanoparticles. A high encapsulation efficiency (76%) could be achieved using a simple phase separation process. The SDF-1α-loaded nanoparticles were then incorporated into a chitosan-based scaffold by electrospinning to obtain nanofibrous implants that mimic the brain extracellular matrix structure. In vitro release study revealed that the implant could provide sustainedSDF-1α release for 5 weeks. The gradual SDF-1αrelease will be useful for establishing SDF-1α concentration gradients in the brain, which is critical for the chemotaxis of GBM cells. A 7-day in vivo biocompatibility study revealed evidence of inflammation at the implantation site without any visible signs of clinical deterioration in the animal subjects. A long-term study (100 days) aiming to confirm the in vivo safety of the implants before proceeding to efficacy studies in a suitable GBM resection model is currently underway.
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Mechanistic Investigations of Metal-Metal Cooperativity in Dinickel Complexes and Iron/Cobalt Prussian Blue AnaloguesStevens, Hendrik 13 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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