Spelling suggestions: "subject:"scaffold""
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Genrepedagogik : - en studie om lärares uppfattningar av genrepedagogik, men särskilt för elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter / Genre pedagogy : – a study about teacher´s apprehensions of genrepedagogy, especially for pupils in reading and writing disabilitiesHalonen, Monica, Sigblad, Helena January 2014 (has links)
Vår intention var att undersöka lärares uppfattningar av genrepedagogik. Denna pedagogik vilade på tre ben, en teori om lärande, en teori om språk samt cykeln för undervisning och lärande. Genrepedagogiken utvecklades i Australien för cirka 30 år sedan. Idag används den över hela världen. Pedagogiken hade som mål att utveckla elevers läs- och skrivförmåga oavsett socioekonomisk bakgrund. Metoden som låg till grund för vår studie var kvalitativa intervjuer. Vi intervjuade sex respondenter från olika delar i södra och mellersta delarna av Sverige. I analys- och resultatdelen presenterade vi våra resultat utifrån sex teman som svarade mot våra frågeställningar om lärares uppfattningar av genrepedagogik. Vårt resultat visade att våra respondenter genom genrepedagogiskt arbetssätt såg en positiv utveckling av elevernas skrivförmåga och en ökad språklig medvetenhet. De flesta respondenter såg alla faser i cirkelmodellen som lika betydelsefulla och eleverna kunde få den individuella stöttning som var relevant för var och en. Samtliga respondenter såg att texterna för elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter förbättrades. Ur ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv var det intressant att se att respondenterna uppfattade pedagogiken som positiv för elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Vår studie visade att den systemisk-funktionella grammatiken var betydelsefull för att genrepedagogiken skulle vila på alla sina tre ben. Det var inte alla respondenter medvetna om. Vissa respondenter ansåg att arbetssättet kunde bli för tidskrävande, men framgångsfaktorerna övervägde.
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Teachers Scaffolding Children Working with Computers : An Analysis of StrategiesMasters, Jennifer Ellen January 2005 (has links)
It is often assumed that the introduction of computers will transform teaching and learning in a primary classroom. However, in many classrooms, the effective use of computers to support teaching and learning is yet to be realised. The study described in this thesis is premised on the notion that simply providing access to computers will not change classroom processes and that the agent of change is a teacher's pedagogy and practice. This study initially examined the practices of a group of primary school teachers who were considered to be exemplary in the use of computers in their classroom. It then progressed to a focus on one teacher for indepth investigation of the strategies she used as she supported children to complete an extended computer-based task. Particular attention was given to the use of " scaffolding" as a teacher support strategy for children working with computers. The study adopted a qualitative methodology and was based on a Constructivist Inquiry model (Guba & Lincoln, 1989) with a Grounded Theory approach (Strauss & Corbin, 1990) for data analysis. It incorporated three phases of investigation which included: (a) a theoretical immersion, which was based on the literature; (b) a functional immersion, which examined the practices and understandings of eight teachers; and (c) a practical immersion, in which the support strategies of the focus teacher were observed during the implementation of the task over a period of eight weeks. These observations were enhanced by " stimulated recall" interviews where video vignettes were reviewed with the teacher. A detailed coding of teacher support strategies was developed during the study and eleven research constructs emerged from the final analysis of the data. These constructs represented the outcomes of the study and were grouped into four themes: (a) teacher expertise, (b) teacher understanding of support strategies, (c) the nature of scaffolding, and (d) the role of the computer. The results of the study suggested that a teacher needs to conscientiously select and implement strategies in order to support students working with computers. They also indicated that a teacher should plan for opportunities where teacher scaffolding can be used to support and extend students. Further, the results suggested that classroom teachers would benefit from knowing about scaffolding and how it can be implemented with children working with computers. The introduction of computers into the classroom invokes the need for conscious and deliberate changes to teacher pedagogy and practice to sure that effective use is made of the opportunities provided by the technology. Although teachers do require a measure of computer confidence, it seems that a teacher who successfully implements computers in the classroom is essentially focused on the implementation of effective teaching and learning practices. Therefore, it is important that pedagogy is foregrounded in any consideration of using computers in the classroom.
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Utilizing an Artificial Outcrop to Scaffold Learning Between Laboratory and Field Experiences in a College-Level Introductory Geology CourseJanuary 2012 (has links)
abstract: Geologic field trips are among the most beneficial learning experiences for students as they engage the topic of geology, but they are also difficult environments to maximize learning. This action research study explored one facet of the problems associated with teaching geology in the field by attempting to improve the transition of undergraduate students from a traditional laboratory setting to an authentic field environment. Utilizing an artificial outcrop, called the GeoScene, during an introductory college-level non-majors geology course, the transition was studied. The GeoScene was utilized in this study as an intermediary between laboratory and authentic field based experiences, allowing students to apply traditional laboratory learning in an outdoor environment. The GeoScene represented a faux field environment; outside, more complex and tangible than a laboratory, but also simplified geologically and located safely within the confines of an educational setting. This exploratory study employed a mixed-methods action research design. The action research design allowed for systematic inquiry by the teacher/researcher into how the students learned. The mixed-methods approach garnered several types of qualitative and quantitative data to explore phenomena and support conclusions. Several types of data were collected and analyzed, including: visual recordings of the intervention, interviews, analytic memos, student reflections, field practical exams, and a pre/post knowledge and skills survey, to determine whether the intervention affected student comprehension and interpretation of geologic phenomena in an authentic field environment, and if so, how. Students enrolled in two different sections of the same laboratory course, sharing a common lecture, participated in laboratory exercises implementing experiential learning and constructivist pedagogies that focused on learning the basic geological skills necessary for work in a field environment. These laboratory activities were followed by an approximate 15 minute intervention at the GeoScene for a treatment group of students (n=13) to attempt to mitigate potential barriers, such as: self-efficacy, novelty space, and spatial skills, which hinder student performance in an authentic field environment. Comparisons were made to a control group (n=12), who did not participate in GeoScene activities, but completed additional exercises and applications in the laboratory setting. Qualitative data sources suggested that the GeoScene treatment was a positive addition to the laboratory studies and improved the student transition to the field environment by: (1) reducing anxiety and decreasing heightened stimulus associated with the novelty of the authentic field environment, (2) allowing a physical transition between the laboratory and field that shifted concepts learned in the lab to the field environment, and (3) improving critical analysis of geologic phenomena. This was corroborated by the quantitative data that suggested the treatment group may have outperformed the control group in geology content related skills taught in the laboratory, and supported by the GeoScene, while in an authentic field environment (p≤0.01, δ=0.507). / Dissertation/Thesis / Ed.D. Educational Leadership and Policy Studies 2012
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Desenvolvimento e caracterização de arcabouços à base de blendas poliméricas de PVA e de Quitosana para engenharia de tecidoAlavarse, Alex Carvalho January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Jean Jacques Bonvent / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biotecnociência, 2015. / Arcabouços são estruturas de inserção para suporte e regeneração de tecidos biológicos. Vários estudos mostraram que, quando constituídas por nanofibras de biopolímeros, essas estruturas tridimensionais apresentam características favoráveis, tais como biocompatibilidade, não-toxicidade e biodegrabilidade, para adesão e proliferação de componentes da matriz extra-celular. Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver nanofibras poliméricas à base de Poli (álcool vinílico) (PVA) e quitosana, avaliar suas características morfológicas e atividade bactericida in vitro para possível aplicação como arcabouço para reparo tecidual. Filmes com nanofibras poliméricas foram obtidos pelo método de eletrofiação com diferentes parâmetros da solução polimérica, formada pela mistura de dois biopolímeros, o PVA (10%) e a Quitosana (1%). A morfologia dos filmes foi estudada por imagens de microscopia de força atômica (AFM) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), comparando o diâmetro das estruturas das nanofibras obtidas de acordo com as mudanças dos parâmetros da solução polimérica. A análise da estrutura molecular dos filmes foi realizada por espectroscopia de infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR-ATR); a análise térmica e mecânica das amostras foi efetuada por análise termogravimétrica (TGA) e análise dinâmica mecânica (DMA), respectivamente. Como teste de bioatividade, as amostras foram postas em contato com bactérias Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538) para análise de inibição de crescimento. As nanofibras foram obtidas com o diâmetro variando de acordo com a proporção de quitosana na solução polimérica, além de obter fibras mais uniformes e com menos contas com PVA. As blendas de PVA e Quitosana foram obtidas de forma homogênea com aumento da estabilidade térmica e menos resistente a deformação, além de preservar características intermoleculares de cada polímero em suas blendas. Nanofibras com diferentes frações de quitosana em solução polimérica não foram capazes de inibir o crescimento de bactérias, apresentando atividade bactericida somente quando misturadas ao cloridrato de tetraciclina (1%). Tais arcabouços necessitam de estudos mais aprofundados para a aplicação na engenharia de tecidos, para a promoção do reparo tecidual. / Scaffolds are materials applied for support and tissue regeneration. Nanofibers produced by polymeric matrix should attend some basics demands for scaffolds such as being biocompatible, nontoxic, biodegradable, allowing adhesion and growing of the matrix extra cellular components (fibroblast, collagens and integrins). The aims of this work was to develop polymeric nanofibers, with morphological characteristics and bactericidal activity for cell proliferation, as future scaffold candidate for skin wound repair. The polymeric nanofibers were obtained by electrospinning method with different solutions parameters of a mixture of Poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) (10 %) and Chitosan (1%). Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was used in order to analyze the morphology of scaffold surface, in terms of fiber diameter and density, as well as surface layers porosity. Molecular analysis was performed with Fourier Transformed Infrared (FTIR-ATR mode); Thermal and mechanical properties of the scaffold were investigated by means of TGA and DMA, respectively. As bioactivity test, samples were placed in contact with Staphylococcus aureus bacteria (ATCC 6538) for growth inhibition analysis. The nanofibers were obtained with the diameter varying with the proportion of chitosan in the polymer solution, plus fibers uniform and less beads with PVA. The blends of PVA and chitosan were obtained homogeneously with increased thermal stability and less resistant to deformation, in addition to preserving intermolecular characteristics of each polymer in their blends. Nanofibers with different fractions of chitosan polymer solution were unable to inhibit the growth of bacteria, showing bactericidal activity only when mixed with tetracycline hydrochloride (1%). Such frameworks require further study for application in tissue engineering, to promote tissue repair.
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Språkutvecklande arbetssätt för elever med språkstörningAlexandersson, Cecilia, Brolin, Malin January 2018 (has links)
Lärares kompetens är avgörande för att kunna bedriva god undervisning för elever i svårigheter, men överlag är kunskapen låg när det gäller elever med språkstörning. Vårt syfte med denna studie har varit att utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv beskriva olika yrkesgruppers uppfattningar om språkstörning men också att lyfta fram hur en språk- och kunskapsutvecklande undervisning kan se ut för eleverna. Ytterligare ett syfte har varit att fokusera på framgångsfaktorer som kan bidra till att elever undviker skolmisslyckanden. Vi har valt att skriva en kvalitativ uppsats eftersom vi ville få fatt på uppfattningar som olika yrkesgrupper såsom; speciallärare, logopeder och talpedagoger har. Vi genomförde vår undersökning genom grupp/parintervjuer och observationer. Vi valde att göra ett strategiskt urval då vi ville möta olika yrkesgrupper som hade stor erfarenhet av vårt intresseområde. Därför besökte vi två tal- och språkklasser. Vi intervjuade även personer som driver ett projekt för att hitta hållbara metoder som gynnar elevgruppen. Deltagarna beskrev elevgruppens svårigheter med språket som svårt med språkförståelsen, uttal, litet ordförråd, ordmobiliseringssvårigheter, litet arbetsminne och behov av struktur. De poängterade att en anpassad undervisning är viktig och de genomför den med hjälp av ord- och begreppsförklaringar, ger eleverna förförståelse, repetition och bildstöd. De framgångsfaktorer som deltagarna framhöll var vikten av repetition, goda relationer och ett gott samarbete kollegor emellan. Det sociokulturella perspektivet genomsyrar vår studie på så sätt att samspel är viktigt för att lärande ska ske och detta syns på organisationsnivå, gruppnivå och individnivå. Även känslan av sammanhang [KASAM]blir synligt genom att deltagarna gör undervisningen begriplig genom mycket bildstöd, gör den hanterbar genom relationerna och slutligen meningsfull genom samspelet.
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AvaliaÃÃo da seguranÃa de torres metÃlicas para escoramentos de estruturas de concreto / ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF STEEL SCAFFOLDS FOR SHORING OF CONCRETE STRUCTURESMarcos Andrew Rabelo Soeiro 11 May 2012 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / Verifica-se que a maioria dos acidentes com estruturas de concreto ocorrem durante a etapa de construÃÃo, devido principalmente à falha na estabilidade de seus escoramentos. à importante ressaltar que esses acidentes podem ocasionar perdas de vidas, atrasos significativos nas obras, danos materiais e perdas financeiras. Os escoramentos sÃo estruturas provisÃrias responsÃveis por resistir aos esforÃos e aÃÃes provenientes das etapas de execuÃÃo da estrutura de concreto, incluindo o lanÃamento do concreto, o peso das fÃrmas e armaÃÃo, peso prÃprio do concreto, trabalhadores, equipamentos, alÃm de possÃveis sobrecargas. Inicialmente foram elaborados modelos de elementos finitos de barra para o estudo do comportamento de torres de escoramento. Foram realizadas anÃlises nÃo lineares fÃsicas e geomÃtricas e os resultados numÃricos foram comparados com resultados experimentais disponÃveis na literatura obtendo-se uma boa concordÃncia. Estas anÃlises mostraram a importÃncia das condiÃÃes de contorno e da consideraÃÃo das imperfeiÃÃes iniciais. Em seguida foi apresentada uma metodologia para verificaÃÃo da seguranÃa de torres metÃlicas utilizadas no escoramento de estruturas de concreto com pÃ-direito elevado. As normas NBR 15696:2009 e BS 5975:2008 sÃo utilizadas na determinaÃÃo das aÃÃes externas e imperfeiÃÃes iniciais. Os esforÃos internos sÃo obtidos utilizando anÃlises nÃo lineares geomÃtricas. Os esforÃos obtidos nestas anÃlises sÃo utilizados para verificaÃÃo da seguranÃa das barras de acordo com a NBR 8800:2008. Foram considerados modelos estruturais 3D (pÃrtico espacial) e 2D (pÃrtico plano). Estes estudos mostraram que em alguns casos à possÃvel utilizar modelos planos para analisar a torre sem prejuÃzo nos resultados, mas em outros casos à necessÃrio utilizar modelos tridimensionais. Verificou-se tambÃm que a falha das torres ocorre normalmente devido a flexo-compressÃo das barras e que o esforÃo cortante tem pouca importÃncia na verificaÃÃo da seguranÃa. / It is well-known that most accidents with concrete structures occur in the construction phase, mainly due to stability failure of their shoring systems. These accidents can cause injuries, loss of life, significant construction delays, and finantial losses. Scaffolds are temporary structures that support construction loads, such as fresh concrete, steel, formwork and workers. First of all, finite element models composed of bars were created in order to study the structural behavior of steel scaffolds. Material and geometric nonlinear analyses were performed and the numerical results were compared with experimental results found in literature, showing good agreement. These analyses showed the importance of the boundary conditions and of the consideration of initial imperfections. Then, it was presented a methodology to verify the safety of steel scaffolding systems used in the construction of high-clearance concrete structures. The NBR 15696:2009 and BS 5975:2008 standards were adopted for the determination of external loads and initial imperfections. The internal forces were obtained from geometric nonlinear analyses. These forces were used to verify the safety of the steel members according to NBR 8800:2008. Three-dimensional and two-dimensional structural models (i.e. space and plane frames) were adopted. The results showed that, in some cases, it is possible to use plane models to analyze the scaffolding system, but, in other cases, it is necessary to use three-dimensional models. It was also noted that the scaffoldings failure occurs, in general, under combined compression and bending of the steel bars and also that the shear forces are not critical to the failure of these structures.
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Desenvolvimento de arcabouços para a engenharia tecidual de enxertos vascularesPimenta, Felipe Araújo January 2017 (has links)
Orientadora: Profa Dra Sônia Maria Malmonge / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Biomédica, 2017. / Os enxertos vasculares sao comumente usados em procedimentos de revascularizacao, porem existe recorrencia de falhas dos enxertos sinteticos quando usados em areas de baixo fluxo e/ou pressao sanguinea, bem como dificuldade quanto a disponibilidade e disparidade de tamanhos em substituintes autogenos. O objetivo desse trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de arcaboucos para engenharia tecidual de enxertos vasculares de pequeno calibre. O trabalho foi divido em etapas: etapa 1 . para selecionar o(s) polimero(s) mais adequado(s) e tecnica de fabricacao dos arcaboucos; etapa 2 e 3 . para definir as melhores condicoes de processamento; etapa 4 . para a producao dos arcaboucos tubulares (enxertos vasculares), determinar a porosidade aparente, bem como estimar valores de complacencia e pressao de ruptura. A caracterizacao das amostras obtidas nas diferentes etapas foi realizada atraves de imagens de microscopia optica (MO), eletromicrografias de microscopica eletronica (MEV) de varredura com quantificacao de diametro de fibras, ensaios tensao x deformacao sob tracao, e de simulacao computacional dinamica dos fluidos. Foi definido como meta para os arcaboucos a obtencao de estruturas de nanofibras homogeneas livres de contas e valores de propriedades mecanicas proximas aos apresentados pelos vasos naturais. Na Etapa 1, foram selecionados o poli(¿Ã-caprolactona) (PCL) como materia prima e a tecnica de airbrushing como metodo de fabricacao de estruturas fibrosas; na Etapa 2, a pressao de trabalho de 40 PSI foi definida por ser o parametro que resultou em formacao de fibras livres de contas; na etapa 3, o alinhamento de fibras e distancia de 25 cm com coletor rotativo foi definido por resultarem em propriedades mais proximas as dos vasos naturais; e na etapa 4 a condicao de 750 rpm do coletor rotativo, por resultar em arcaboucos com propriedades satisfatorias (complacencia de 12,47 } 2,78 %/100 mmHg; pressao de ruptura de 3483,9 } 358,5 mmHg, e porosidade de 91,07 } 2,69 %). Foi possivel a obtencao de mantas de fibras com diametros em torno de 200 nm tanto para fibras alinhadas quanto nao-alinhadas, com dimensoes na faixa de dimensoes das proteinas estruturais (50 a 500 nm), bem como a obtencao de arcaboucos tubulares promissores para serem usados como enxertos vasculares de pequeno calibre, o que abre perspectiva para a continuacao do estudo. / Vascular grafts are commonly used in revascularization procedures, but there are recurrences when synthetic grafts are used in areas of low blood flow and/or blood pressure, difficulty in the availability as well as disparity of sizes in case of autogenous substituents. The objective of this work was the development of scaffolds for tissue engineering of small caliber vascular grafts. The work was divided in steps: step 1 . to select the most suitable polymer (s) and technique to manufacture the scaffolds; step 2 and 3 . to define the best processing conditions; step 4 . for the production of tubular scaffolds (vascular grafts), to determine the apparent porosity, as well as to estimate values of compliance and burst pressure. The characterization of the obtained samples in the different stages was performed through optical microscopy (OM) images, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images with fiber diameter quantification, tensile stress x strain tests, and dynamic computational fluid simulation. The goal of the scaffolds was to obtain homogeneous bead-free nanofibrous structures and values of mechanical properties similar to those presented by natural vessels. In Step 1, the poly(¿Ã-caprolactone) (PCL) was selected as the raw material and the airbrushing technique was chosen as a method of manufacturing fibrous structures; in Step 2, the working pressure of 40 PSI was defined as the parameter that resulted in the less beads formation; in step 3, fiber alignment and rotating collectorLs distance of 25 cm was chosen, since resulted in properties closer to those of natural vessels; and in step 4 the 750 rpm rotating collector condition resulted in satisfactory properties (compliance of 12,47 } 2,78 % /100 mmHg, burst pressure of 3483,9 } 358,5 mmHg, and porosity of 91,07 } 2,69 %). It was possible to obtain nanofibers with diameters around 200 nm for both aligned and non-aligned fibers, with dimensions in the range of structural proteins (50 to 500 nm), as well as obtaining tubular scaffolds to be used as small-caliber vascular grafts, which opens the prospect for further study.
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Translanguaging as a scaffolding structure in a multilingual group studying English in SwedenDahlberg, Anna January 2017 (has links)
This study was conducted in order to find out what translanguaging practices are used in an English learning multilingual classroom and how those practices can create scaffolding structures for the students’ language development. By attending a second language English class with adult multilingual students and conducting a structured observation it was possible to achieve gathered material sufficient to answer these questions. In class all the translaguaging incidents were written down and afterwards these incidents were structured into different themes to outline scaffolding structures. After analyzing the notes it was clear to see that in this particular class translanguaging was used as a strategy to develop supportive learning structures. The result shows the translanguaging practices correlation between teacher and students as well as in relation to different types of educational classroom applications. Besides those features the results show some indications about the spoken production of translanguaging.
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Young bilingual Swedish learners in the English classroom : A study comparing the learners and teachers language useLakey, Rebecca January 2017 (has links)
This paper investigates and identifies patterns of classroom languages use by both learners and teachers in the English learning classroom. In order to answer the research questions guiding the present study, data were collected both from learners (n= 36) and their teachers (n= 3). The instruments employed in the data collection were two, namely a questionnaire (administered to the learners), and a classroom observation grid (used with the teachers). The questionnaire is a survey, and as such a quantitative method. And, the observations are however qualitative. One of the main findings in the study was the correlation in pattern of language use between the teacher’s and the learners. More precisely, it was found that a high percentage of English use on the part of the teacher resulted in a high percentage of this language also in the learners. It was also found that the teachers’ use of both Swedish and English in instruction giving resulted in a higher use of English by the learners, perhaps because the learners were able to understand the instructions better if translanguaging occurred. Another important finding of the study is that learners reported not to be allowed nor encouraged to use their mother tongue as a resource. Besides, most of the learners did not think that using all of their languages would be an advantage in L3 learning English.
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Möjliga framgångsfaktorer för elever i språklig sårbarhet : En intervjustudie med lärare som fått fortbildning och handledning / Possible success factors : An interview study with teachers who had received professional training and tutoringBäcklund, Anna-Karin January 2018 (has links)
The present study focuses on students with linguistic vulnerability. It may be students who have diagnosed language impairment, but also students with similar expressions/needs. It is an interview study of teachers who have received further education and tutorials on the subject. The study focuses on the preventive work, how teachers can make the language available in teaching conditions for their communication, verbally, but also in writing, as language is a channel for acquiring knowledge in all subjects. The study also focuses on the impact of the course and the tutorial on teachers' ways of thinking and teaching. The study has also investigated the continuing need for support teachers find that they have. The course that the teachers have participated in is built on the circle model. Based on that model, scaffolding is provided to make these students educatively involved. It was found in the study that the circle model is a good working model to start out from in the language supportive work. Scaffolding such as picture support, writing templates, communication-, structural- and strategic support provide opportunities for the student to understand and develop, which is incorporated into the circle models working process. The study emphasizes that teaching should be done explicitly, in interaction in a community with others. All teachers had changed their education towards greater accessibility after participation in further education and tutorial. One of the teachers showed that she worked more consciously and to a greater extent based on the content of the course than the others did. She had received tutorials for a longer time than the others, which had a positive impact. The study found that further education is important, but more steps are needed to successfully complete language-including education. Time, supervision, collegial cooperation, reflection together, consensus and collaboration with several professions are crucial.
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