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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ohälsa hos barn med dyslexi : - en angelägenhet för skolsköterskor / Ill-health in children withdyslexia : – an issue for school nurses

Troilius, Christin January 2014 (has links)
Dyslexi innebär problem med att läsa och skriva. Problemet är vanligt och cirka fem till tio procent av alla skolbarn beräknas ha dyslexi. Dyslexi är ett funktionshinder som ofta leder till ohälsa hos skolbarn. Ohälsan är svårtolkad och skolsköterskan har en viktig roll i att förebygga, upptäcka samt minska konsekvenserna av funktionshindret. Syftet med studien var att identifiera tecken på ohälsa hos barn med dyslexi och vilka faktorer som påverkar ohälsan. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie där 11 vetenskapliga artiklar granskades. Resultatet visade att barn med dyslexi hade betydligt fler emotionella, psykosociala och beteende problem. Barnens självkänsla var låg, de blev ofta mobbade och skolsituationen upplevdes som jobbig. För att må bra utvecklade barnen mer eller mindre bra strategier. Positivt för barnen var att ha kamrater, föräldrar och lärare som förstod dem, ha en egen positiv attityd samt att vara duktig på något som inte hade med läsning att göra. För att förebygga ohälsa bör barnen tidigt och med hjälp av specialpedagogiska metoder för dyslektiker lära sig att läsa och skolsköterska bör utveckla rutiner för att snabbt och tidigt upptäcka ohälsa. / Dyslexia implicates problems with reading and writing. The problem is common and approximately five to ten percent of all schoolchildren are estimated to have dyslexia. Dyslexia is a disability that often leads to ill-health among schoolchildren. Ill-health is difficult to interpret and the school nurse has an important role to prevent, detect and to reduce the impact of the disability. The purpose of this study was to identify signs for ill-health seen in children with dyslexia and what factors that affect the ill-health. This study was conducted as a literature review in which 11 scientific articles were reviewed. The results showed that children with dyslexia had significantly more emotional, psychosocial and behavioural problems. The children's self-esteem was low, they were often bullied and the school situation was perceived as annoying. In order to feel good have the children developed more or less successful strategies. Positive for the children was to have friends, parents and teachers who understand them, have a positive attitude and be good at something that not had to do with reading. In order to prevent ill-health should the children early get help of special teaching methods for dyslexics and the school nurse would develop procedures for a rapid and early detection of ill-health.

Skolsköterskors upplevelser av att tillgodose elevers behov / School nurses experiences to meet students`needs

Fahlén, Hanna, Lindell, Katja January 2014 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Titel: Skolsköterskors upplevelser av att tillgodose elevers behov. Författare: Fahlén Hanna, Lindell Katja Institution: Institution för hälsa och lärande, Högskolan i Skövde Program/Kurs: Examensarbete i omvårdnad, OM780A, 15 hp Handledare: Thorstensson Stina Examinator: Browall, Maria Sidor: 29 Nyckelord: skolsköterska, elever, omvårdnad, upplevelser, förebyggande hälsoarbete     Bakgrund: Skolsköterskorna har ett omfattande omvårdnadsarbete med att främja elevers hälsa och kan göra skillnad för elever i skolan, när det gäller deras hälsa och prestation. Förutsättningarna för hur skolsköterskor har möjlighet att utföra sitt hälsofrämjande omvårdnadsarbete varierar. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka skolsköterskors upplevelser av att kunna tillgodose elevernas behov av skolsköterskans tjänster.     Metod: En kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats valdes för denna studie. Nio skolsköterskor från olika kommuner i Skåne intervjuades. Datamaterialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys.    Resultat: Skolsköterskorna upplevde att eleverna har behov av deras hälsofrämjande omvårdnadsarbete. Genom detta kan de bidra till god hälsa för eleven som i sin tur kan generera goda studieresultat. Skolsköterskorna belyste att ett samarbete med elevhälsoteamet och övrig personal på skolan är viktigt för att kunna tillgodose elevernas behov. Skolsköterskorna upplevde att eleverna har behov av att känna trygghet i att kunna besöka skolsköterskan spontant vilket i nuläget inte alltid kan tillgodoses på grund av bristande resurser.                       Konklusion: Skolsköterskorna upplevde att de kan tillgodose elevernas behov om tillräckligt med resurser finns. Om skolsköterskan inte har möjlighet till att utföra ett hälsofrämjande arbete, föreligger det en risk för att elevernas välbefinnande och hälsa minskar vilket i sin tur kan medföra sämre studieresultat. / ABSTRACT Title: School nurses experiences to meet students’ needs. Author: Fahlén Hanna, Lindell Katja Department: School of Health and Education, University of Skövde. Course: Master Degree Project in Nursing, 15 ECTS Supervisor: Thorstensson Stina Examiner: Browall, Maria Pages: 29 Keywords: school nurse, students´, nursing, experiences, health promotion     Background: The school   nurses have an extensive nursing effort to promote student health and they   can make a difference for the students in the school when it comes to their   health and performance.  Aim: The aim of the study was to   investigate the school nurses ‘experiences of being able to meet students’   needs for school nurse services.  Method: An inductive approach was selected for this study. Nine school   nurses from various municipalities in Skåne were interviewed. The data were   analyzed using a qualitative analysis.  Results: The school nurses experience that the students need their health   care work. Through this, they can contribute to the good health of the   student which in turn can generate good academic results. The school nurses   highlights that working with student health team and other staff at the   school is important to meet students' needs. The school nurses experience   that students need to feel confident in being able to visit the school nurse   spontaneously which at present cannot always be met due to lack of resources.   Conclusion: The school   nurses experience that they can meet the needs of the students if sufficient   resources are available. If the school nurse is not able to perform a health   promotion, there is a risk that students’ well-being and health decline,   which in turn may affect academic performance negatively

Skolsköterskors erfarenheter av elever med självskadebeteende / School nurses’ experiences of self-harm behavior among pupils

Johansson, Marléne, Orshagen Larsson, Karin January 2014 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Mental disorders amongst students, has increased, and foremost amongst girls. One way to regulate their emotions, is by deliberate self-harm. Due to their profession, school nurses have the ability to detect self-harm amongst students, and can therefor give them a good professional support. AIM: The aim of this study is to describe the school nurse's experience of deliberate self-harm amongst students. METHOD: The study is based on thirteen interviews with school nurses, via e-mail. The e-mails were then analyzed with an inductive qualitative content analysis. RESULTS: Four major categories were identified; how the pupil handles a feeling, different ways to identify, the signification of cooperation and the pupil need optimum support. The school nurse usually identifies deliberate self-harm at open reception and in healthcare conversations. A majority of the school nurses had unsatisfactory experiences when cooperating with child and adolescent psychiatric, and when cooperating with social services. CONCLUSION: School nurses need to be educated in deliberate self-harm amongst students; and guidance for all school nurses when in contact with student who self-harm themselves should be mandatory. Cooperation between social services, the school and child and adolescent psychiatric need to develop further. / BAKGRUND: Psykisk ohälsa bland elever har ökat och främst bland flickor. Ett sätt att hantera starka känslor kan vara genom självskada. Skolsköterskan är bland annat den profession som kan upptäcka självskadebeteende bland elever och därigenom ge stöd. SYFTE: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka skolsköterskors erfarenheter när det gäller elever med självskadebeteende. METOD: Tretton mejlintervjusvar från skolsköterskor som analyserats utifrån kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. RESULTAT: Fyra kategorier identifierades, att eleven hanterar upplevd känsla, att identifiering kan ske via olika forum, att samarbete är betydelsefullt och att eleven behöver optimalt stöd. Skolsköterskorna pekar på att självskadebeteendet är ett sätt att reglerar känslor men även att söka och få bekräftelse. Skolsköterskan identifierar ofta självskadebeteende på den öppna mottagningen eller vid hälsosamtalet. Externt samarbete menar mer än hälften av skolsköterskorna har brister och då i samarbetet med Barn och ungdomspsykiatrin (BUP) samt socialtjänst. Samarbete med föräldrar är något som skolsköterskan ser som viktigt. När inte skolans resurser angående stöd är tillräckligt söks stöd externt för eleven. SLUTSATS: Skolsköterskor behöver utbildning kring elever med självskadebeteende. Handledning för alla skolsköterskor i psykisk ohälsa borde vara obligatoriskt. Elevhälsa, BUP och socialtjänst behöver utveckla ett fungerande samarbete.

Barnfetma - en fråga av vikt : Skolsköterskors upplevelser och erfarenheter av arbetet med överviktiga barn

Persson, Madeleine January 2009 (has links)
Abstract The aim of the study was to describe how school nurses experience the work with overweightchildren and youths from the compulsory school to upper secondary school and what kind ofnursing interventions they perform. The study had a descriptive design and ten school nursesfrom a municipality in the middle of Sweden participated. Data were collected by semistructured interviews and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The result is presentedin six categories and one theme. The category to identify and investigate describes how theschool nurses, based on the result from the health interviewing, identified and investigated theoverweight children. To offer and follow up describes how the school nurses experienced theextensive program. To motivate describes the school nurses difficulties in motivating, theirexperiences of benefits when using the method “motivational interviewing”, their thoughtsabout choosing the right words and the importance in involving the parents. To experiencegood results describes what the school nurses considered important by the childrenthemselves to do, in order to achieve a good result. To experience difficulties describes whichdifficulties the school nurses feel they face in the work with overweight children. Wanting tochange describes which changes the school nurses wanted to have regarding the care ofoverweight children. The theme “a bit on the way but not quite there” emerges from thecategories and describes how the school nurses experience the work with overweight children and youths. Keywords: school nurse, overweight, children, experiences / Sammanfattning Syftet med studien var att belysa hur skolsköterskor upplever arbetet med överviktiga barnoch ungdomar från grundskolan upp till och med gymnasiet samt vilka omvårdnadsåtgärderde utför. Studien hade en beskrivande design och tio skolsköterskor från en kommun iMellansverige deltog i studien. Data samlades in via semistrukturerade intervjuer ochanalyserades utifrån kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet redovisas i sex kategorier och etttema. Kategorin att identifiera och utreda beskriver hur skolsköterskorna med hjälp avhälsosamtalet identifierade och därefter utredde överviktiga barn. Att erbjuda och följa uppbeskriver hur skolsköterskorna upplevde det utvidgade överviktsprogrammet. Att motiverabeskriver svårigheter som skolsköterskorna upplevde i att motivera, deras upplevelser avfördelar med metoden ”motiverande samtal”, deras tankar om vikten av att välja rätt ord isamtalet samt betydelsen av att involvera föräldrarna. Att uppleva bra resultat beskriver vadskolsköterskorna ansåg krävdes av barnen för att uppnå ett bra resultat. Att upplevasvårigheter beskriver vilka svårigheter skolsköterskorna ansåg att de möter i arbetet medöverviktiga barn. Slutligen att vilja förändra beskriver vilka förändringar skolsköterskornaville göra när det gällde omhändertagandet av överviktiga barn. Temat ”en bit på väg men inteända fram” framkom ur kategorierna och beskriver hur skolsköterskorna upplevde arbetetmed överviktiga barn och ungdomar. Nyckelord: skolsköterska, övervikt, barn, upplevelser

Skolsköterskans omvårdnadsåtgärder vid vaccinering / The schoolnurse ́s nursing interventions at immunization

Emilsson, Johanna, Fredin, Agnetha January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Skolbarn kan utsättas för onödig smärta vid vaccinering vilket kan leda till ofullständigt vaccinationsskydd samt minskat förtroende för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. I Sverige vaccineras barn i skolålder av skolsköterskan. Vaccinationer är den vanligaste orsaken till procedursmärta hos barn. Syfte: Att beskriva skolsköterskans omvårdnadsåtgärder för att minska smärta och oro vid vaccinering. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie baserad på 14 artiklar som kvalitetsgranskades och analyserades. Resultat: Avledning som omvårdnadsintervention är av betydelse vid vaccinering av skolbarn. Enligt litteraturstudiens resultat innebär avledning information/undervisning, medverkan, träning, miljöanpassning, specifik omvårdnad samt olika former av stöd och läkemedelshantering. Diskussion: Avledning utifrån resultatet är delvis överförbart till liknande situationer som till exempel venprovtagning. Trots att stöd finns för omvårdnadsåtgärd vid vaccinering saknas implementering för det. Slutsats: Skolsköterskan behöver identifiera barns behov och utifrån det välja omvårdnadsintervention. Skolsköterskan ska värna om en god kommunikation samt förtroendefull relation med barn. Vaccinationen kan då genomföras med minskad smärta och oro för barn. / Background: Schoolchildren may be exposed to unnecessary pain during immunization which might lead to incomplete vaccination protection and reduced confidence in healthcare professionals. In Sweden school aged children are vaccinated by the school nurse. Immunization is considered the most common reason for iatrogenic pain in children. Aim: To describe the school nurse’s interventions to reduce pain and anxiety. Methods: The study was conducted as a general literature review based on 14 articles which were quality examined and analysed. Results: Distraction as nursing intervention is of significance in immunization of schoolchildren. According to the result of the literature review distraction includes information/training, involvement, practice, environment adjustment, specific nursing, different form of support and medication. Discussion: Accordingto the result distractionis partly transmittable to similar situations such as venous sampling. Despite supporting evidence that distracting reduces pain and anxiety the interventions are not incorporated. Conclusion:The school nurse should identify the child’s needs and based on this select nursing intervention. The school nurse has to advocate good communication and trustful relation with the child. Immunization can then be conducted with decreased pain and anxiety.

Skolsköterskors erfarenheter av att arbeta med barn som bevittnar våld mot mamman i hemmet. / School nurse´experience of working with children who witness violence against their mother at home.

Ljudvåg, Madeleine January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det är ungefär 10 % av barnen som bor i Sverige som bevittnar våld mot mamman i hemmet. Våldet försiggår i olika familjesammansättningar, inom olika socioekonomiska samt psykosociala typer av familjer. Att bevittna våld kan leda till att barnen får svårt att klara sin skolgång och kan även ge både psykiska och fysiska symtom. Skolsköterskan är en person som alla barn på en skola träffar någon gång under sina skolår och har därför en viktig stödjande roll.Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva skolsköterskors erfarenheter av att arbeta med barn som bevittnar våld mot mamman i hemmet.Metod: I denna studie användes en induktiv ansats där datamaterialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Datamaterialet bygger på intervjuer som genomfördes med sex skolsköterskor.Resultat: Ur analysen av datamaterialet framträdde två kategorier: identifiera utsatt barn samt tar emot och bekräftar barnets berättelse.Konklusion: Skolsköterskorna försöker skapa en relation mellan sig själv och barnet så att barnet skall uppleva att de har en personlig relation till skolsköterskan och på så sätt ha lättare för att söka stöd hos denne och berätta om sina erfarenheter. / Background: Approximately 10% of the children residing in Sweden witness violence against their mothers. The violence exists in different types of families – both different socioeconomic and psychosocial types. To witness violence can cause a child to struggle with schooling, but also give both psychological and physical symptoms. The school nurse is a person that meets with all the children of a school at least a few times during their school years and as such has an important supporting role.Aim: The aim of the study was to describe school nurses’ experiences of working with children who witness violence against their mother at home.Method: The method used was an inductive approach where data was analyzed with a qualitative content analysis. The data was collected through interviews with six school nurses.Results: Two categories emerged from the analysis; to identify exposed children and to receive and confirm the child's story, with their seven subcategories. Conclusion: The school nurses are trying to create a relationship between themselves and the child so the child feel a personal relationship with the school nurse and therefore seek support from her/him and share own experiences.

Högstadieelevers kontaktorsaker och kontaktsätt med skolsköterska : - En enkätstudie

Nyström, Fabian, Öqvist, Pia-Maria January 2013 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka hur och varför högstadieelever kontaktar skolsköterskan. Vidare var syftet att undersöka om det förelåg någon skillnad mellan könen samt årskurser i relation till antal kontakter med skolsköterskan samt antal gånger de sökt för fysiska respektive psykiska orsaker. Metod: Kvantitativ deskriptiv studiedesign via enkäter. 151 elever i årskurs 7-9 tillfrågades om att besvara en enkät, 74 % (n=112) av populationen deltog. Resultat: Majoriteten av eleverna kontaktade skolsköterskan via den öppna mottagningen. 67,9 % hade kontaktat för fysiska orsaker där ”längd och vikt”, ”gjort mig illa” och ”huvudvärk” var vanligast. För psykisk ohälsa var siffran 10,7 % och ”stress” vanligast förekommande. Ingen skillnad mellan könen kunde påvisas i antalet kontakter samt kontakter för fysiska respektive psykiska orsaker. Mellan årskurserna finns det en skillnad gällande i antalet besök (p = 0,02) och antalet besök för fysiska orsaker (p = 0,005), där årskurs 7 är mest frekvent att söka. Majoriteten (64,2%) av deltagarna ville helst kontakta skolsköterskan direkt via den öppna mottagningen. Slutsats: Det är främst via den öppna mottagningen som elever tar och vill kunna komma i kontakt med skolsköterskan. Det finns en skillnad mellan årskurser i antalet besök hos skolsköterskan samt antalet besök för fysiska orsaker. / Aim: The aim of this bachelor thesis was to examine how and why high school students contacted their school nurse. Furthermore the aim was to examine if there was a difference between genders and grades pertaining to number of contacts with the school nurse and number of contacts because of physical respectively mental reasons. Method: Quantitative descriptive study design using questionnaires. 151 students in grades 7-9 were asked to answer a questionnaire, 74% (n = 112) of the population participated. Results: The majority of the students contacted the school nurse through the nurse’s office. 67.9% had contacted concerning physical health issues which "height and weight", "hurt me" and "headache" was the most common. For mental issues the same number was 10.7 % and “stress” most common. There was no significant difference between genders in relation to number of contacts with the school nurse or physical or mental reasons for contact. However there was a significant difference (p = 0.02) between grades pertaining to relation to number of contacts and to physical reasons for contact (p = 0.005), which grade 7 is most frequently. Most (64.2 %) pupils would like to contact the school nurse through the nurse’s office. Conclusion: The students prefer to have direct contact with the school nurse at the nurse´s office. There is a difference between grades in the number of visits to the school nurse and the number of visits for physical reasons.

Conceptions of school based youth health nursing : a phenomenographic study

Sendall, Marguerite Claire January 2009 (has links)
The School Based Youth Health Nurse Program was established in 1999 by the Queensland Government to fund school nurse positions in Queensland state high schools. Schools were required to apply for a School Based Youth Health Nurse during a five-phase recruitment process, managed by the health districts, and rolled out over four years. The only mandatory selection criterion for the position of School Based Youth Health Nurse was registration as a General Nurse and most School Based Youth Health Nurses are allocated to two state high schools. Currently, there are approximately 115 Full Time Equivalent School Based Youth Health Nurse positions across all Queensland state high schools. The literature review revealed an abundance of information about school nursing. Most of the literature came from the United Kingdom and the United States, who have a different model of school nursing to school based youth health nursing. However, there is literature to suggest school nursing is gradually moving from a disease-focused approach to a social view of health. The noticeable number of articles about, for example, drug and alcohol, mental health, and contemporary sexual health issues, is evidence of this change. Additionally, there is a significant the volume of literature about partnerships and collaboration, much of which is about health education, team teaching and how school nurses and schools do health business together. The surfacing of this literature is a good indication that school nursing is aligning with the broader national health priority areas. More particularly, the literature exposed a small but relevant and current body of research, predominantly from Queensland, about school based youth health nursing. However, there remain significant gaps in the knowledge about school based youth health nursing. In particular, there is a deficit about how School Based Youth Heath Nurses understand the experience of school based youth health nursing. This research aimed to reveal the meaning of the experience of school based youth health nursing. The research question was How do School Based Youth Health Nurses’ understand the experience of school based youth health nursing? This enquiry was instigated because the researcher, who had a positive experience of school based youth health nursing, considered it important to validate other School Based Youth Health Nurses’ experiences. Consequently, a comprehensive use of qualitative research was considered the most appropriate manner to explore this research question. Within this qualitative paradigm, the research framework consists of the epistemology of social constructionism, the theoretical perspective of interpretivism and the approach of phenomenography. After ethical approval was gained, purposeful and snowball sampling was used to recruit a sample of 16 participants. In-depth interviews, which were voluntary, confidential and anonymous, were mostly conducted in public venues and lasted from 40-75 minutes. The researcher also kept a researchers journal as another form of data collection. Data analysis was guided by Dahlgren and Fallsbergs’ (1991, p. 152) seven phases of data analysis which includes familiarization, condensation, comparison, grouping, articulating, labelling and contrasting. The most important finding in this research is the outcome space, which represents the entirety of the experience of school based youth health nursing. The outcome space consists of two components: inside the school environment and outside the school environment. Metaphorically and considered as whole-in-themselves, these two components are not discreet but intertwined with each other. The outcome space consists of eight categories. Each category of description is comprised of several sub-categories of description but as a whole, is a conception of school based youth health nursing. The eight conceptions of school based youth health nursing are: 1. The conception of school based youth health nursing as out there all by yourself. 2. The conception of school based youth health nursing as no real backup. 3. The conception of school based youth health nursing as confronted by many barriers. 4. The conception of school based youth health nursing as hectic and full-on. 5. The conception of school based youth health nursing as working together. 6. The conception of school based youth health nursing as belonging to school. 7. The conception of school based youth health nursing as treated the same as others. 8. The conception of school based youth health nursing as the reason it’s all worthwhile. These eight conceptions of school based youth health nursing are logically related and form a staged hierarchical relationship because they are not equally dependent on each other. The conceptions of school based youth health nursing are grouped according to negative, negative and positive and positive conceptions of school based youth health nursing. The conceptions of school based youth health nursing build on each other, from the bottom upwards, to reach the authorized, or the most desired, conception of school based youth health nursing. This research adds to the knowledge about school nursing in general but especially about school based youth health nursing specifically. Furthermore, this research has operational and strategic implications, highlighted in the negative conceptions of school based youth health nursing, for the School Based Youth Health Nurse Program. The researcher suggests the School Based Youth Health Nurse Program, as a priority, address the operational issues The researcher recommends a range of actions to tackle issues and problems associated with accommodation and information, consultations and referral pathways, confidentiality, health promotion and education, professional development, line management and School Based Youth Health Nurse Program support and school management and community. Strategically, the researcher proposes a variety of actions to address strategic issues, such as the School Based Youth Health Nurse Program vision, model and policy and practice framework, recruitment and retention rates and evaluation. Additionally, the researcher believes the findings of this research have the capacity to spawn a myriad of future research projects. The researcher has identified the most important areas for future research as confidentiality, information, qualifications and health outcomes.

Skolsköterskans upplevelse av psykisk ohälsa hos elever / The school nurse´s experience of mental unhealth of students

Dahlén, Inga Margareta January 2008 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund: Den psykiska ohälsan ökar hos barn och unga. De ökade psykiska besvären hos elever kan knytas till den individualisering som är en del av den moderna utvecklingen. Att så tidigt som möjligt upptäcka och behandla psykisk ohälsa är angeläget. Skolsköterskan är central för skolhälsovården då hon är tillgänglig i elevernas vardagsmiljö.</p><p>Syfte. Att belysa skolsköterskans upplevelse av psykisk ohälsa hos elever.</p><p>Metod: Som metod valdes semistrukturerad intervju. Materialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Analysresultatet beskriver fem skolsköterskors upplevelse av psykisk ohälsa hos elever.</p><p>Resultat: Ur analysresultatet framträdde sex kategorier: Ont, Kommer, Överaktivitet, Trötta, Självskadebeteende och Kompisar. Resultatet visar på en hög frekvens av återkommande besök. Eleverna sökte mest för huvudvärk och ont i magen. Det är mest flickor som söker skolsköterskan, pojkar upplevs ha svårare att ta emot hjälp.</p> / <p>Background: The mental unhealth is increasing of children and youth. The increasedmental problems of students can be connected to the individualization that is a part of themodern development. It is urgent to detect and treat mental unhealth as early as possible.The school nurse is central to school health nursing as she is available in the students’everyday life.Aim: To illuminate the school nurse’s experience of mental unhealth of students.Method: As data collecting method semi structured interview was chosen. The materialwas analyzed with a qualitative content analysis. The result of the analysis describes fiveschool nurse’s experiences of mental unhealth of students.Findings: The result of the analysis was six categories: Pain, Coming, Overactivity, Tired,Self damaging behaviour and friends. The result shows on a high frequency of revisits. Thestudents mostly visited for headache and stomach ache. It is mostly girls who visit theschool nurse, for boys it is more difficult to accept help.</p>

Långvarig ogiltig frånvaro i gymnasieskolan : Hur upplever gymnasieelever med långvarig ogiltig frånvaro sin skolsituation / Chronic invalid absenteeism in high school : How do high school students with chronic invalid absenteeism experience school

Almquist, Cecilia, Svensson, Sara January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Förekomsten av skolfrånvaro i Sverige är hög bland gymnasieelever. Skolfrånvaro är ett komplext fenomen med flera olika orsaker och kan leda till icke godkända betyg, arbetslöshet, utanförskap och psykisk ohälsa. Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva hur gymnasielever med långvarig ogiltig frånvaro upplever sin skolsituation. Metod: I studien användes en kvalitativ metod och resultatet analyserades genom beskrivande innebördsanalys. Fem informanter deltog i studien. Resultat: I resultatet presenterades fyra innebördsteman som beskrev informanternas upplevelser: Att uppleva kränkning och orättvisa, att uppleva problem i familjära och vardagliga relationer, att uppleva en bristfällig anpassning från skolans sida samt att uppleva behov av att skolan förbättras/förändras. Konklusion: Studien visade hur viktigt det är att skolan anpassas efter varje unik elev, både pedagogiskt och när det gäller insatser som gör eleven delaktig och respekterad. Skolan behöver arbeta med att inte någon elev ska behöva utsättas för mobbning, kränkningar eller trakasserier. Orsaken till frånvaron är i de flesta fall på något sätt relaterad till skolan och dess verksamhet. Elever i föreliggande studie upplever att skolan har många delar som kan förbättras för att undvika situationer som leder till långvarig, ogiltig frånvaro. Skolan är för eleverna i studien inte förknippat med något positivt och motivationshöjande, utan något som har en negativ inverkan på deras hälsa. / Background: The occurrence of school absenteeism in Sweden is high among high school students. School absenteeism is a complex phenomenon with several causes and can lead to non-approved grades, unemployment, alienation and mental health issues. Purpose: The purpose is to describe how high school students with long-term invalid absence experience their school situation. Method: A qualitative method was used and the result was analyzed according to meaning analysis. Five informants participated in the study. Result: The study resulted in four meaning subjects which described the informants’ experiences: To experience victimization and injustice, to experience familiar and everyday relationship problems, to experience inadequate school adaption and to experience the needs of school improvements/changes. Conclusion: The study showed how important it is to adapt school to every unique student, both in an educational way and when it comes to efforts which make the student more involved and respected. School needs to address issues which involve the idea that no student should be exposed to bullying, victimization or harassments. The cause of the school absenteeism is in most cases related to the school activities. Students in this study experience that school has many areas which could be subject to improvements to avoid situations leading to chronic, invalid absenteeism. They don’t associate school with something positive and motivational, but something with a negative impact on their health.

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