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Film in concert23 May 2017 (has links) (PDF)
From the very beginning of cinema, music always played an important role in the history of filmmaking. Nonetheless, film music is judged by critics as a kind of low-grade art form. However, the majority of film score composers enjoyed a classical education and composed as well for the silver screen as for the concert hall. Film music also has its roots in the musical era of romanticism. Therefore, symphonic film scores can be regarded as program music in a broader sense. These scores were influenced by a motion picture instead of a poem, a landscape, or a painting. It is neither necessary nor supposed that film music must be subordinate to its belonging film. In fact, a well-written film score may enhance the impact of a film by using its own language—the language of music.
Film music is still not truly recognized as an own style of music which is to be performed regularly in a concert hall. There are still strong prejudices about film music—too nice, too industrial, full of clichés, and unworthy to be performed live by an orchestra. This book wants to explore the nature of film music and its relation to classical music in this volume. How is film music perceived today? Does film music have its place on its own—uncoupled from its original film—in the concert hall? And how does film music relate to other musical genres in the 19th and 20th century?
With contributions by Emilio Audissino, Marco Cosci, Kristjan Järvi, Irena Paulus, Gene Pritsker, Jaume Radigales, Lorenzo Sorbo, Sebastian Stoppe, and Pascal Vandelanoitte.
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Prise en charge diagnostique et thérapeutique des patients suspects d'embolie pulmonaire : problématique particulière en cas de Broncho-Pneumopathie Chronique Obstructive / Management of patients with a suspicion of pulmonary embolism : particularities of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseasesBertoletti, Laurent 05 July 2011 (has links)
La simplification des algorithmes diagnostiques a entrainé une augmentation de la suspicion d’une embolie pulmonaire (EP). Sa prévalence est passée de 50% à moins de 20%. L’évocation du diagnostic peut être gênée par la coexistence d’une Broncho Pneumopathie Chronique Obstructive (BPCO). La 1ère étape de prise en charge d’un patient suspect d’EP est l’évaluation de la probabilité clinique, par exemple par le score de Genève. Nous montrons qu’en revenant au résultat de ce score, le clinicien prédit le risque de décès et de ré-hospitalisation dans les 3 mois que le patient ait – ou n’ait pas- d’EP. Ces résultats devraient permettre d’aider à décider d’un traitement ambulatoire ou d’une hospitalisation. De plus, nous montrons que l’existence d’une BPCO est associée à une modification de la présentation clinique de la Maladie Veineuse Thrombo-Embolique (MVTE): alors que ratio dans la population sans BPCO est de 2 Thromboses Veineuses Profondes (TVP) pour une 1 EP, ce rapport s’inverse dans la population de patients souffrant de BPCO. Ce point est critique car nous montrons par ailleurs que les patients BPCO avec MVTE présentent une moins bonne évolution que les patients sans BPCO, avec une augmentation du nombre de décès et de complication hémorragique pendant les 3 mois de suivi. En se concentrant sur les patients avec BPCO, il apparait que ceux se présentant initialement avec une EP sont plus à risque de mourir et de saigner dans les 3 mois de suivi par rapport aux patients BPCO avec TVP. Il est donc indispensable de trouver un traitement protégeant efficacement les patients BPCO avec EP d’une récidive embolique, mais sans augmenter le risque hémorragique / The simplification of the management of patients with a suspicion of pulmonary embolism (PE) has led to an increase in PE suspicion, but also a decrease in PE prevalence from 50% to 20% of patients suspected of PE. The co-existence of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) may mimic PE symptoms leading to a decrease of PE suspicion. The first step of the management of PE suspicion is the assessment of the clinical probability, for example with the Geneva Rule. We have shown that clinician may predict 3-month mortality and readmission rate if they return to the Geneva Rule results, even if PE has been confirmed or ruled out. It may help the clinician to propose an outpatient management or a hospitalization. Moreover, we have found that PE was the more frequent form of venous thromboembolism (VTE) presentation in COPD patients, although it is Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT) in non-COPD patients. This point is crucial as COPD patients with VTE have a decreased survival with more frequent bleeding than non-COPD patients. When focusing on COPD patients, those presenting with PE were at higher risk of dying and bleeding than those presenting with DVT during the 3-month follow-up. A more efficient treatment but without an increase in the bleeding risk is needed
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Åtgärdsförslag till Gävle Kommun för omhändertagandet av den förorenade marken på Brynäs 19:7, år 2015Hansen, Erik, Norling, Susanne January 2015 (has links)
År 2010 fanns enligt Länsstyrelsen (2011) 80 000 platser som misstänktes vara förorenad och har uppskattats kosta 45 miljarder kronor att åtgärda och ta 40 år. Fastigheten Brynäs 19:7 i Gävle, där Cloetta och tidigare verksamheter har bedrivits, är förorenad med bland annat PAH, PCB, metaller och petroleumkolväten. Fastigheten ska bli ett bostadsområde men behöver först genomgå någon typ av saneringsåtgärd. För att välja den mest hållbara saneringstekniken är multikriterieanalys (MKA) ett bra verktyg. Inom MKA finns nu SCORE som är specifikt framtagen för förorenad mark, efterbehandling och beslutsfattande. Syftet med detta arbete är att ta fram åtgärdsförslag åt Gävle kommun för omhändertagandet av förorenad mark på Brynäsområdet 19:7. Målsättningen är att utreda för lämpliga efterbehandlingsmetoder och välja den bästa genom en utförd MKA. Under kapitlet Metod beskrivs hur studien kom till, tillvägagångssättet för litteraturundersökningen och MKA:n, samt viktiga val. Litteraturundersökningen består av information om Brynäs 19:7, bland annat om föroreningssituationen och en allmän områdesbeskrivning. Sedan följer en litteraturundersökning om de valda efterbehandlingsmetoderna; Biosan, Bioreaktor, Daramend, Jordtvätt, Termisk behandling och Vakuum extraktion. Biosan, Bioreaktor och Daramend är biologiska metoder och jordtvätt en fysikalisk metod. Efterbehandlingsmetoderna innehåller främst en processbeskrivning, typ av föroreningar den kan behandla och reningsgraden. Resultatet har sammanställts i ett antal stapeldiagram, varav samtliga presenteras ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv där alla tre hållbarhetsdomäner har inkluderats. Det har framgått från resultatet att Vakuum extraktion är det mest hållbara alternativet. Diskussionen innefattar bland annat problemen kring fyllnadsmassorna på området, Off-site kriterier och resultatet. Slutsatsen är Vakuum extraktion är den mest hållbara av alternativen vid en sanering av fastigheten Brynäs 19:7 och det rekommenderas att metoden används, alternativt termisk behandling. Metoderna skulle även kunna kombineras för att minska deras svagheter och få en effektiv rening av de föroreningar som kräver sanering. De begränsningar som funnits har främst varit tidsbrist på grund av den omfattande multikriterieanalysen. Brist på information om Brynäs 19:7 och om de olika saneringsteknikerna har även till viss del varit en begränsande faktor. / In 2010, there was according to the County Administrative Board (2011) 80 000 sites suspected of being contaminated, and has been estimated to cost 45 billion to fix and take 40 years. The property Brynäs 19:7 in Gävle, where Cloetta and past operations have been conducted, is contaminated with mostly PAHs, PCBs, metals and petroleum hydrocarbons. The property will be a residential area but need to first undergo some type of remediation action. In order to choose the most sustainable remediation technology, a multi-criteria analysis (MCA) is a fitting tool to use. Within MCA is now SCORE, a specifically designed program for contaminated land, remediation and decision making. The purpose of this work is to develop and present proposals for actions to take to Gävle municipality, for disposal of contaminated soil at Brynäs 19:7. The goal is to determine the appropriate treatment methods and choose the best one by doing an MCA. In the methodology chapter it is described how the study came to be, the approach of the literature review, the MCA and important choices. The literature review consists of information on Brynäs 19: 7, including the pollution situation and a general description of the area. Then follows a literature review on the selected remediation methods; BioSan, Bioreactor, Daramend, Soil Washing, Thermal processing and Vacuum extraction. BioSan, Bioreactor and Daramend are biological methods, and soil washing a physical method. The remediation methods mainly contain a process description, type of pollution it can process and purification degree. The results have been compiled in a number of bar graphs, all of which are presented from a sustainability perspective, where all three sustainability domains have been included. The result shows that Vacuum extraction is the most viable option. The discussion includes the problems surrounding the filling material of the area, Off-site criteria and results. The conclusion is that the Vacuum extraction is the most sustainable of the alternatives to a clean-up of the property Brynäs 19: 7 and it is recommended that the method is used, alternatively Thermal processing. The methods could be combined to reduce their weaknesses and get an effective removal of the contaminants that require remediation. The limitations that existed have been mainly lack of time because of the extensive MCA. Lack of some information on Brynäs 19: 7 and about the various remediation techniques have to some extent been a limiting factor.
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An Applied Credit Scoring Model and Christian Mutual Funds PerformanceCastro, Esther E 18 December 2015 (has links)
This dissertation comprises two different financial essays. Essay 1, “An Applied Credit Score Model,” uses data from local credit union to predict the probability of default. Due to recent financial crisis regulation has been enacted that makes it essential to develop a probability of default model that will mitigate charge-off losses. Using discriminant analysis and logistic regression this paper will attempt to see how well credit score can predict probability of default. While credit score does an adequate job at classifying loans, misclassification of loans can be costly. Thus while credit score is a predictor, there is danger in relying solely on its information. Thus other variables are needed in order to more accurately be able to find the probability of default. Essay 2, “Christian Mutual Fund Performance,” draws attention to a much ignored type of funds, Christian mutual funds. The following questions are asked: How does Christian mutual fund perform compared to the market? Is there a difference in performance during recessions as indicated by literature? Is Christian mutual fund performance different than SRI funds? How do Catholic and Protestant fund perform? Looking at qualitative evidence, Christian mutual funds place much more importance on moral issue than SRI funds. Thus there is a clear difference in objectives and the type of screening that these two mutual fund pursue. Overall data reflects that screened data perform worse than the market, however during recession screened funds perform as well and at times better than the market. Christian mutual funds tends to perform worse than SRI funds.
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Self-leadership strategies of nurses in an outreach service at a private hospital group in GautengPrinsloo, Cathrina Johanna January 2018 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Critical Care Outreach Services (CCOSs) recognize early sign of deterioration in medical units, regarding the condition of the patient, by using elements of vital sign tracking namely modified early warning score (MEWS). Nurses as leaders should be proactive by using influence to obtain a desired outcome. It is unclear how nurses experience self-leadership in this outreach service in a private hospital in Pretoria. The purpose of this research was to understand nurses’ experience of their self-leadership in the current CCOS at a private hospital in Pretoria, in order to develop self-leadership strategies that could contributes to the implementation of a CCOS (for the broader population of nurses) in a private hospital group in Gauteng. In this research the steps as outlined in the self-leadership strategic framework of Neck and Milliman (1994) were adapted for this research. The theoretical assumptions furthermore informed the methodological steps followed in the research process. The theoretical assumptions of the Practice Orientated Theory of Dickoff, James and Wiedenbach (1968) were adapted and the survey lists of this theory served as a reasoning map in this research. The central statement of this research was that, nurses need to lead themselves in implementing a CCOS in general wards in a private hospital group in Gauteng.
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Modélisation de la performance des entreprises d’État chinoises (EEC) confrontées à la mondialisation / Modelization of the performance of chinese stated-owned enterprises (SOEs) confronted with globalizationWu, Xiaohui 20 December 2013 (has links)
La Chine vit, depuis une vingtaine d’années, une mutation politico-économique sans précédent où les entreprises d’État chinoises (EEC) jouent un rôle de premier plan. L’objet de la recherche s’est fixé sur la proposition d’un modèle capable d’améliorer l’appréhension de la performance des EEC. La problématique consiste donc à cerner les caractéristiques des EEC et leurs besoins afin de proposer un modèle adapté.Pour cela, nous avons étudié en détail les mutations politiques, économiques et juridiques affectant les EEC ainsi que l’introduction des concepts et modèles de management occidentaux à travers la littérature chinoise. Ensuite, nous avons fait ressortir les facteurs de performance à travers la littérature, les rapports officiels du gouvernement à partir d’une étude de contenu et d’une enquête quantitative par questionnaires utilisant l’analyse factorielle.Cela a abouti à un cahier des charges, fondement de notre proposition d’un tableau de bord stratégique durable, fondé sur le modèle des parties prenantes et capable d’intégrer les notions de développement durable, de RSE et d’aménagement du territoire. / China has experienced over the last twenty years unprecedented political and economic changes in which state-owned enterprises (SOEs) have played a major role.The purpose of the research focusses on proposing a model capable of improving the understanding of the performance of SOEs. The issue is then to identify the characteristics and the needs of SOEs in order to proposed a model adapted to them.For that purpose we have studied the political, economic and legal changes which have affected SOEs as well as the introduction of Western management concepts and models through the Chinese literature. Then we have outlined the factors of performance through the literature, governmental official reports thanks to a study of content and a quantitative survey thanks to questionnaires using factorial analysis.This has led to specifications, the basis of our proposal of a sustainable strategic dashboard founded on the stakeholder model and capable of integrating the notions of sustainable development, corporate social responsibility and territorial planning.
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Does Content Knowledge Matter for New Teachers?Reeves, Todd January 2013 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Joseph J. Pedulla / There is considerable evidence that new teachers are ill prepared for classroom practice, including self-reported evidence collected from teachers (e.g., Levine, 2006), and statistical evidence for differences in the achievement of students with new versus more experienced teachers (Rivkin, Hanushek, and Kain, 2005). In light of the challenges encountered by new teachers (e.g., Levine, 2006), this study examined the value of different forms of teacher knowledge for teachers with different levels of experience. In particular, this study investigated the interactive relationship between teaching experience and teacher content knowledge, and student achievement in mathematics and science. In New York City, Boyd et al. (2009) linked practice-focused teacher preparation to student mathematics achievement in the first year of teaching and teacher content preparation to achievement in the second. However, other studies demonstrated interactions between teaching experience and content knowledge with different interpretations (e.g., Kukla-Acevedo, 2009; Monk, 1994). At the same time, this study examined the interactive relationship between teaching experience and teachers' pedagogical content knowledge, and student achievement. Extant models of teacher career development (Huberman, 1989; National Research Council, 2010) and how teacher education affects student achievement (e.g., Desimone, 2009) offered theoretical grounding for the study. With nationally representative samples of fourth and eighth grade U.S. students--participants in the 2011 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study--this study employed hierarchical linear modeling to address its research questions among an array of student achievement outcomes in the domains of mathematics and science. This study attempted to account for salient student, teacher, and contextual factors, and the probabilities of teachers' receipt of various teacher education "treatments" (i.e., propensity score analysis) to reduce the plausibility of selection threats to internal validity. The study found no evidence for relationships between teacher content knowledge or pedagogical content knowledge and student mathematics and science achievement in fourth and eighth grade. Furthermore, the results indicated no interactive relationships between forms of teacher knowledge and teaching experience, and student achievement in these grades/subjects. The limitations of cross-sectional, observational studies using large-scale data and directions for further research are discussed. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2013. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation.
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As trilhas musicais originais do cinema brasileiro após a retomada: os compositores e seus processos de criação e produção / Film scores in Brazilian cinema after \"Retomada\": the composers and their creation and production processesGallo, Rafael Eduardo 09 October 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar o cenário de composição e produção de trilhas musicais no cinema brasileiro desde o período chamado de Retomada até a atualidade, analisando como as transformações tecnológicas na produção musical e cinematográfica, as renovações no elenco de profissionais e artistas do cinema e do mercado fonográfico, o restabelecimento de uma produção cinematográfica baseada nas leis de incentivo criadas na década de 1990 e outras contingências colaboraram para a solidificação de novos modelos de produção de trilhas musicais originais na contemporaneidade. O momento atual do mercado cinematográfico brasileiro é marcado por significativas reconfigurações nas cadeias de produção, com predominância de modelos organizacionais que se caracterizam pela produção \"projeto por projeto\", dentro dos quais é comum haver um enxugamento da estrutura profissional e logística. Os compositores musicais são caso a se destacar nesse cenário, pois seu perfil contemporâneo difere-se bastante da figura tradicional, que costumava se tratar de um músico alinhado às práticas da música de concerto, com o trabalho voltado para a escrita na partitura e a ausência de relação direta com o aparato técnico de gravação e edição analógicas. Os compositores e produtores musicais de hoje, por conta dos avanços tecnológicos nas ferramentas digitais de áudio, do barateamento de equipamentos e das transformações no mercado cinematográfico, fonográfico e publicitário, caracterizam-se em geral por criarem suas músicas já no ambiente de produção digital, comumente aliando composição, gravação, execução, edição, mixagem e sincronização com a imagem no mesmo processo; são em sua maioria donos de seus próprios estúdios de gravação ou empresas produtoras de áudio e são bastante autossuficientes, centralizando no próprio trabalho muitas das tarefas que antes requeriam um número maior de profissionais, bem como estruturas mais complexas de produção, muitas vezes inviáveis na realidade cinematográfica anterior do país. / This research aims at studying the setting of composition and production of musical scores for the Brazilian cinema since the period called as Retomada until nowadays, by analyzing how the technological transformations in music and film production, the renovations in the cast of professionals and artists involved in movies and in the music market, the reinstatement of movie production based on financial incentive laws created on the 1990s and other contingencies have collaborated to solidify new models of film scores production in the contemporary years. The present moment of Brazilian cinematographic market is marked by meaningful reconfigurations in the production chains, with the predominance of organization models characterized by the \"project by project\" productions, in which is common a reduction of the professional and logistic structure. Music composers are to be distinguished in this setting, for their contemporary profile is very different than the traditional figures, who used to be musicians aligned to the classical music practices, with works based in musical notation and without much direct relationship with the technical apparatus of analog recording and editing. Music composers and producers nowadays, because of the technological advances in digital audio tools, the lower costs of the equipment and the transformations in the movies, music and publicity markets, are characterized, in general, for creating their music in digital production environment, commonly allying composition, recording, execution, editing, mixing and synchronization with the image in the same process. They are, mostly, owners of their recording studios or audio producing companies and are very self-sufficient, concentrating in their own work a lot of tasks that would require a greater number of professionals and a more complex structure of production before, which were impracticable many times in the earlier cinematographic reality of the country.
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Expressão da proteína BRCA2 em prostatectomia e sua correlação com a biópsia em pacientes com câncer de próstata / Expression of BRCA2 protein in prostatectomy and its correlation with biopsy in patients with prostate cancerDuarte, Samara Rodrigues 07 July 2016 (has links)
O câncer de próstata (CaP) é o tumor maligno mais frequente e uma das principais causas de morte por câncer na população masculina no mundo e no Brasil. Três fatores são de fundamental importância no prognóstico da doença: o estadiamento, o grau histológico (avaliado pelo escore de Gleason) e o antígeno prostático específico (Prostate Specific Antigen - PSA). Há fatores adicionais descritos que podem influenciar na evolução do câncer, como invasão perineural, invasão angiolinfática, acometimento da cápsula, lateralidade do tumor, estágio tumoral e invasão de linfonodos. Embora a associação entre mutações do BRCA2 e o risco de câncer de próstata esteja bem documentado, pouco se sabe sobre o papel do BRCA2 na progressão do câncer de próstata após o diagnóstico inicial. O presente trabalho se propõe a melhor elucidar o papel da proteína BRCA2 nos carcinomas prostáticos comparando os resultados da expressão proteica de BRCA2 com dados clinicopatológicos de pacientes acometidos por Câncer de Próstata, além de avaliar a expressão de BRCA2 com escore de Gleason >=7 após a prostatectomia, tanto na classificação de Gleason segundo Epstein 2005, quanto na classificação do grau de Gleason definida em 2014 com suas respectivas biópsias por agulha. Dos arquivos do Serviço de Patologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo, foram selecionados 125 blocos de parafina com amostras de câncer de próstata diagnosticados entre 2005 e 2010. As lâminas coradas com hematoxilina e eosina (H&E) foram utilizadas para a construção de microarranjos teciduais (TMAs). Nesses TMAs foi realizado estudo imunohistoquímico para BRCA2. A proteína BRCA2 com ponto de corte de 15% (classificação antiga) foi superexpressa em 118 casos (94,4%), enquanto a expressão de BRCA2 com cut-off de 56% (classificação nova) foi expressa em 63 (51,2%) de 125 casos. A superexpressão de BRCA2 associada a classificação antiga de Gleason correlacionou-se com bilateralidade do tumor e com estágio tumoral, em contrapartida a expressão de BRCA2 associada a atual classificação se correlacionou apenas com lesão intraepitelial prostática (PIN). Nossos resultados indicam que a expressão de BRCA2 pode ser um biomarcador importante de progressão tumoral nos carcinomas de próstata. / Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most common malignancy and a major cause of cancer death in male population in the world and in Brazil. Three factors are of fundamental importance in the prognosis of the disease: the staging, histological grade (measured by Gleason score) and the Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA). There are additional factors described that may influence the development of cancer, such as perineural invasion, angiolymphatic invasion, capsule involvement, tumor laterality, tumor stage and lymph node invasion. Although the association between mutations in Breast Cancer Gene 2 (BRCA2) and the risk of prostate cancer is well documented, little is known about the role of BRCA2 in the progression of prostate cancer after initial diagnosis. This study aims to elucidate the role of BRCA2 protein in prostate carcinomas comparing the results of the BRCA2 protein expression with clinicopathological data of patients with prostate cancer. For that reason, we evaluated the expression of BRCA2 with Gleason score >=7 after prostatectomy, both in the second Epstein 2005 Gleason score, and in the classification of Gleason grade set in 2014 with their respective needle biopsies. 125 paraffin blocks with prostate cancer samples diagnosed between 2005 and 2010 were selected from the archives of Hospital Pathology Service of the Ribeirao Preto Medical School, University of Sao Paulo. The slides stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) were used for the construction of the tissue microarrays (TMAs). These TMAs was performed immunohistochemical study for BRCA2. The BRCA2 protein with a cut-off point of 15% (old classification) was overexpressed in 118 cases (94.4%), while the expression of BRCA2 to cut off 56% (new classification) was expressed in 63 (51.2%) of 125 cases. The BRCA2 associated overexpression of the old classification of Gleason presented correlation with tumor bilateralism and tumor stage, however BRCA2 expression associated with the current classification was correlated only with Prostatic Intraepithelial Lesion (PIN). Our results indicate that BRCA2 expression can be an important marker of tumor progression in prostate carcinomas.
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Estimating the Effectiveness of City Connects on Middle School OutcomesAn, Chen January 2015 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Henry I. Braun / City Connects is a school-based model that identifies the strengths and needs of every student and links each child to a tailored set of intervention, prevention, and enrichment services in the school or community. The purpose of this study was to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the City Connects treatment effects on academic performance (both MCAS scores and grade point average (GPA) grades) in middle school using student longitudinal records. Parallel analyses were conducted: one evaluated the City Connects elementary intervention (serving kindergarten to fifth grades) and the other one evaluated the City Connects middle school intervention (serving sixth to eighth grades). A series of two-level hierarchical linear models with middle school achievement scores adjusted and/or propensity score weights applied were used to answer the research questions of interest. In addition, to make a causal inference, a sensitivity analysis was conducted to examine whether or not the estimated treatment effects resulted from the first two analyses were robust to the presence of unobserved selection bias. The results showed that students who were exposed to the City Connects elementary intervention significantly outperformed their counterparts, who graduated from the comparison elementary schools, on academic achievement in all middle school grades. However, in the case of the City Connects intervention schools that served middle school grades, since all students only received a maximum of one year of City Connects middle school intervention, it was still too soon to expect any significant changes. Moreover, the estimated treatment effects of the City Connects elementary intervention were only mildly sensitive to the presence of some forms of hidden bias, which made the causal inference of City Connects on middle school academic achievement quite plausible. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2015. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Educational Research, Measurement and Evaluation.
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