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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Herstellung anwendungsbezogener SiO2-Grabenstrukturen im sub-μm-Bereich durch RIE und ICP-Prozesse.

Schäfer, Toni 15 June 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Herstellung anwendungsbezogener SiO2- Grabenstrukturen im sub-μm-Bereich durch RIE und ICP-Prozesse.

Selectivity, Regulation, and Inhibition of Aquaporin Channels. A Molecular Dynamics Study / Selektivität, Regulation und Inhibition von Aquaporinkanälen. Eine Untersuchung mittels Molekulardynamiksimulationen

Hub, Jochen Sebastian 28 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Herstellung anwendungsbezogener SiO2-Grabenstrukturen im sub-μm-Bereich durch RIE und ICP-Prozesse.

Schäfer, Toni 15 June 2006 (has links)
Herstellung anwendungsbezogener SiO2- Grabenstrukturen im sub-μm-Bereich durch RIE und ICP-Prozesse.

Biomanipulation for eutrophication control in running waters: Top-down effects on benthic key stone grazers

Schneider, Jana 14 January 2016 (has links)
A good ecological status of streams and rivers is crucial for maintaining ecological functionality of running waters. Worldwide eutrophication threatens to change structure and function of freshwater ecosystems (Dodds et al., 2008). To reduce the symptoms of eutrophication in streams and rivers an additional approach, besides the reduction of external nutrient inputs from catchment areas, is needed. Therefore the goal has been set to transfer the approach of biomanipulation, which is widely accepted as tool in water quality management in lakes and reservoirs, to streams. The objective of this study was accordingly to analyse and evaluate some crucial preconditions for top-down control of stream food webs. For that purpose the present thesis examined effects of fish predation (stone loach and gudgeon) on grazer-periphyton interaction in small streams by assessing predator avoidance by benthic grazers, effects of benthic grazers on periphyton community composition during fish presence/absence and the possibility of top-down control on algal biomass by benthivorous fish.

Essays on choices, beliefs and adaptive behavior

Kühne, Regina 02 February 2015 (has links)
Diese Dissertation umfasst drei Aufsätzen, die sich mit Erwartungen, Entscheidungen und deren Rückwirkung auf die Umgebung beschäftigen. Der erste Aufsatz untersucht die Binnenwanderung von Ost- nach Westdeutschland. Dabei wird der Zusammenhang von Variation in ökonomischen Disparitäten zwischen der Ursprungs- und der Zielregion und Bildungsniveau, Alter und Arbeitsmarktstatus der wandernden Bevölkerung untersucht. Mit Hilfe der SOEP Daten von 1993 bis 2011 gelangt die Untersuchung zu dem Ergebnis, dass regionale Disparitäten in Verbindung mit der Selbstselektion der Wandernden stehen. Während die Wandernden im Durchschnitt jünger und besser ausgebildet als die Bleibenden sind, verringert sich dieser Unterschied, wenn die Differentiale in den Arbeitslosenquoten zwischen den Regionen steigen. Im zweiten Aufsatz entwickle ich ein Modell zur Untersuchung von prosozialem Verhalten in Begegnungen mit Fremden. Durch das Abstrahieren von Möglichkeiten der Reputationsbildung oder des Bestraftwerdens, entfallen die wesentlichen strategischen Motive für prosoziales Verhalten. Die Entscheidung prosozial zu Handeln ist dann nicht mehr strategisch vorteilhaft sondern intrinsisch motiviert durch Altruismus und einer Neigung sich an das Verhalten anderer anzupassen. In einem zweiten Schritt untersuche ich, ob die Erkenntnisse des Modells mit dem empirisch beobachteten Verhalten übereinstimmen. Der dritte Aufsatz skizziert eine (mögliche) Verhaltensstruktur und notwendige Bedingungen auf Mikroebene, die zu den beobachteten Verhaltensunterschieden in prosozialem Verhalten zwischen dem ländlichen und städtischen Raum führen. Den Rahmen des hier entwickelten Modells bildet das bekannte Gefangenen Dilemma, das wiederholt mit zufällig zugeordneten Partnern einer großen Gesellschaft gespielt wird. Das Modell bezieht Merkmale ein, die sich häufig in realen Begegnungen wiederfinden: imperfekte Information, freiwillige Teilnahme und eine Neigung sich dem Verhalten anderer anzupassen. / This thesis consists of three essays that analyze choices and beliefs to explore how both lead to adaptive behavior. The first essay examines the positive net migration flow from the eastern to western parts of Germany. The migration decision is substantially based on expectations about future developments. With economic conditions changing substantially over the past 20 years in the eastern part of Germany, the incentives to migrate have also altered, so changing the composition of the east-to-west migrant body. This essay explores variations in economic disparities between the region of origin and region of destination, relating them to changes in the skill level, age and labor force status of the migrant population. Analyzing SOEP data from 1993-2011, the findings suggest that, with falling wage differentials, older migrants are less frequent job-to-job movers and are more likely to be non-working prior to migration. Furthermore, while migrants tend to be younger and better educated than stayers, the group of movers becomes partly less distinct from the group of stayers with respect to the skill and age composition when regional disparities in employment opportunities increase. The second and the third essay of this thesis model the decision making process in social interactions between strangers. In these situations, choices are often affected by beliefs about others behavior. In the second essay of this work, I develop a simple model of prosocial behavior for encounters between strangers. By abstracting from the possibility of reputation building and punishment between anonymous partners, I remove the main strategic motives for prosocial behavior so reducing it to a simple non-strategic decision. The principal motivation to behave prosocially is then intrinsic, based on altruism, with a taste for conforming to the behavior of others. In this way, individual decisions are conditional on the behavior of others. Emerging equilibria will then explain the occurrence of prosocial or cooperative behavior within a given society. In a second step, I analyze whether the model’s predictions are consistent with the empirical evidence on the link between beliefs and prosocial behavior using data on blood donations. The third essay outline a (possible) micro-structure and conditions which lead to the observed urban-rural differences in cooperative behavior using agent-based modeling. The model presented here adapts the familiar framework of a prisoners dilemma which is played repeatedly with randomly matched members of a large population. I introduce features that are often found in real world interactions: imperfect information, voluntary participation and a taste for conforming to majority behavior. In this analysis, peoples beliefs about the level of cooperation in the population and their resulting behavior are determined endogenously. Both are governed principally by the experience that they derive from interactions. I present results of an agentbased simulation in order to study the emerging dynamic relationships, to examine how cooperative behavior evolves over time under different circumstances, and to determine how urban-rural differences in behavior emerge. The factors that give rise to rural-urban differences are heterogeneity in individual loss aversion or risk taking, and limited migration possibilities between rural and urban areas.

Untersuchung der gassensitiven Eigenschaften von SnO2/NASICON-Kompositen / Investigation of the gas sensitive properties of SnO2/NASICON-Composits

Hetznecker, Alexander 17 April 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In this work the influence of solid electrolyte additives on the gas sensing properties of tin oxide layers was investigated systematically for the first time. NASICON (NAtrium, Super Ionic CONductor, Na(1+x)Zr2SixP(3-x)O12; 0 <= x <= 3) was used as a model for solid electrolyte additives. The structure of that material is ideally suitable for studies of the correlation between material parameters and the gas sensitivity of the layers. In the NASICON structure the content of mobile Na+-ions can be varied by a factor of four resulting in a simultaneous change of the ionic conductivity sigma(Na+) by approximately three orders of magnitude without considerable structural alterations. Powders of SnO2 and NASICON (x = 0; 2.2; 3) were prepared separately by means of sol-gel routes and mixed in a volume ratio of 80/20. Pastes were prepared from these powders with different compositions and screen printed on alumina substrates with a fourfold structure of thin film gold electrode combs. Four different compositions were characterised simultaneously at elevated temperatures in various gas atmospheres. The conductivity of the layers, when measured in air, decreases considerably with increasing Na+-content in the NASICON additive. This is correlated with enhanced activation energy of the electronic conductivity. The sensitivity of the layers to polar organic molecules like R-OH (alcohols), R-HO (aldehydes) and ROOH (carboxylic acids) is highly enhanced by the NASICON additive. This is observed especially on the admixtures with NASICON of high Na+-content (x = 2.2 and x = 3). On the other hand, the sensitivity to substances with mid-standing functional groups like 2-propanol or propanone can not be enhanced by NASICON additives. Furthermore the sensitivity of these composite layers to CO, H2, NH3, methane, propane, propene and toluene (all exposed as admixtures with air) is lower than the sensitivity of pure SnO2-layers. These observations are well correlated with the results of gas consumption measurements on SnO2/NASICON powders by means of FTIR spectroscopy. In spite of the lack of surface analytical data, a model of surface chemical gas reactions based on a triple phase boundary (SnO2/NASICON/gas atmosphere) was developed, which explains the experimental observations qualitatively. It is assumed that the decrease of the electronic conductivity as observed in the presence of NASICON additives with increasing Na+-content is due to an enhanced electron depletion layer. This is formed in the SnO2 grains by Na+/e- interactions across the SnO2/NASICON-interface. The enormous enhancement of the sensitivity to polar organic molecules may be due to specific nucleophilic interactions with the Na+-ions and coupled Na+/e--interactions at the triple phase reaction sites.

Permeability improvement of Norway spruce wood with the white rot fungus Physisporinus vitreus / Verbesserung der Permeabilität von Fichtenholz mit dem Weißfäulepilz Physisporinus vitreus

Lehringer, Christian 28 January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Untersuchung der gassensitiven Eigenschaften von SnO2/NASICON-Kompositen

Hetznecker, Alexander 24 February 2005 (has links)
In this work the influence of solid electrolyte additives on the gas sensing properties of tin oxide layers was investigated systematically for the first time. NASICON (NAtrium, Super Ionic CONductor, Na(1+x)Zr2SixP(3-x)O12; 0 <= x <= 3) was used as a model for solid electrolyte additives. The structure of that material is ideally suitable for studies of the correlation between material parameters and the gas sensitivity of the layers. In the NASICON structure the content of mobile Na+-ions can be varied by a factor of four resulting in a simultaneous change of the ionic conductivity sigma(Na+) by approximately three orders of magnitude without considerable structural alterations. Powders of SnO2 and NASICON (x = 0; 2.2; 3) were prepared separately by means of sol-gel routes and mixed in a volume ratio of 80/20. Pastes were prepared from these powders with different compositions and screen printed on alumina substrates with a fourfold structure of thin film gold electrode combs. Four different compositions were characterised simultaneously at elevated temperatures in various gas atmospheres. The conductivity of the layers, when measured in air, decreases considerably with increasing Na+-content in the NASICON additive. This is correlated with enhanced activation energy of the electronic conductivity. The sensitivity of the layers to polar organic molecules like R-OH (alcohols), R-HO (aldehydes) and ROOH (carboxylic acids) is highly enhanced by the NASICON additive. This is observed especially on the admixtures with NASICON of high Na+-content (x = 2.2 and x = 3). On the other hand, the sensitivity to substances with mid-standing functional groups like 2-propanol or propanone can not be enhanced by NASICON additives. Furthermore the sensitivity of these composite layers to CO, H2, NH3, methane, propane, propene and toluene (all exposed as admixtures with air) is lower than the sensitivity of pure SnO2-layers. These observations are well correlated with the results of gas consumption measurements on SnO2/NASICON powders by means of FTIR spectroscopy. In spite of the lack of surface analytical data, a model of surface chemical gas reactions based on a triple phase boundary (SnO2/NASICON/gas atmosphere) was developed, which explains the experimental observations qualitatively. It is assumed that the decrease of the electronic conductivity as observed in the presence of NASICON additives with increasing Na+-content is due to an enhanced electron depletion layer. This is formed in the SnO2 grains by Na+/e- interactions across the SnO2/NASICON-interface. The enormous enhancement of the sensitivity to polar organic molecules may be due to specific nucleophilic interactions with the Na+-ions and coupled Na+/e--interactions at the triple phase reaction sites.

Biokonjugate als spezifische Formulierungsadditive für anti-Alzheimer Wirkstoffe

Lawatscheck, Carmen 18 December 2019 (has links)
In der Alzheimer-Forschung (engl.: Alzheimer Disease, AD) wird immenser Aufwand zur Entwicklung von den Krankheitsverlauf verändernden Medikamenten betrieben. Studien zeigten, dass die abnormale Aggregation des Tau-Proteins offenbar zum Zusammenbruch der Zellkommunikation führt. Niedermolekulare Substanzen, die die Tau-Protein-Aggregation inhibieren und sogar bereits gebildete Aggregate wieder auflösen können wurden entwickelt, sind jedoch oft aufgrund von schlechten Wasserlöslichkeiten nur unter Zusatz von Dimethylsulfoxid (DMSO) in Biotests einsetzbar. Durch das Design maßgeschneiderter Peptid-Polyethylenglykol (PEG)-Konjugate war die spezifische Bindung und anschließende Freisetzung ausgewählter potentieller anti-AD-Wirkstoffe in DMSO-freien Biotests möglich. Für den Entwurf der Wirkstoff-Transporter wurden Peptidbibliotheken mit Raman- und Fluoreszenz-Mikroskopie-basierten Methoden hinsichtlich der Anreicherung der Wirkstoffe an Peptiden mit hoher Wirkstoff-Bindekapazität getestet. Mithilfe von Matrix-unterstützter Laser-Desorption/Ionisation (MALDI)-Massenspektrometrie (MS/MS)-Fragmentierung konnten die Peptidsequenzen der positiven Treffer identifiziert werden. Die zugehörigen Konjugate wurden synthetisiert, mit den Wirkstoffen beladen und die entstehenden sehr gut wasserlöslichen Wirkstoff-Konjugat-Komplexe analysiert. Für biomedizinische Anwendungen sind kompakte und definierte Systeme von Vorteil. Zur Strukturaufklärung der Wirkstoff-Konjugat-Komplexe konnten zahlreiche Untersuchungen erfolgreich durchgeführt werden. Viele Komplexe wurden zudem in DMSO-freien Biotests der Tau-Protein-Aggregation eingesetzt. Die Bioverfügbarkeit der schwerlöslichen anti-AD-Wirkstoffe konnte durch die Solubilisierung mit maßgeschneiderten Peptid-PEG-Konjugaten enorm verbessert werden. Die auf Raman-aktive Substanzen erweiterte Screeningprozedur kann wahrscheinlich auf eine Großzahl von Wirkstoffen mit ungünstigen pharmakologischen Eigenschaften angewendet werden. / Considerable efforts are devoted in Alzheimer Disease (AD) research to develop disease modifying drugs. Various studies have demonstrated that abnormal aggregation of Tau protein probably interrupts communication between cells. Tau protein aggregation can be inhibited and even preformed aggregates can be redissolved by small-molecule compounds. Unfortunately, these molecules often can only be applied in limited biotests using dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as co-solvent due to their poor water solubility and bioavailability. The solubilization of selected potential anti-AD drugs by tailored peptide-poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) conjugates enabled the specific binding und subsequent release of these drugs in DMSO-free biotests. For the design of the drug conjugate carriers, large peptide libraries have been screened using Raman or fluorescence microscopy-based methods to follow drug enrichment on certain peptide library beads which exhibit high drug affinity. Identification of peptide sequences of positive hits was performed by Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization (MALDI)-mass spectrometry (MS/MS) fragmentation. The corresponding conjugates were synthesized; loaded with the potential drugs and the resulting highly water-soluble drug transporter complexes were analyzed. Compact and defined complexes are desirable with regard to biomedical applications. Various studies on drug-peptide interactions, specifity of drug binding and influence of the different parts of the conjugates for drug capacities were performed successfully. Generated drug transporter complexes were finally tested in DMSO free bioassays. Depending on drug and peptide structures, the complexes could reach effects comparable to the drugs solubilized by DMSO. The bioavailability of poor water-soluble anti-AD compounds was largely improved. Presumably, the new developed Raman-screening procedure can be expanded to a great extent of compounds suffering from unfavorable pharmacological characteristics.

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