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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gyventojų dalyvavimo savivaldos sprendimų priėmimo procese teisinis reguliavimas ir praktinis įgyvendinimas: Šiaulių miesto seniūnijų atvejis / Citizen participation in self-government decision-making process, legal regulation and practical implementation: a Case of Townships of the city of Šiauliai

Karužnaitė, Eglė 02 August 2011 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjamas gyventojų dalyvavimas Šiaulių miesto seniūnijų savivaldos sprendimų priėmimo procese. Tiriamą problemą apibūdina klausimas: kokios yra gyventojų dalyvavimo savivaldos sprendimų priėmimo procese praktinės galimybės? Šis darbas susideda iš įvado, trijų pagrindinių dalių, išvadų, aktyvinimo rekomendacijų, literatūros sąrašo bei priedų. Teorinėje dalyje pateikiama mokslinės literatūros šaltinių analizė, atskleidžianti gyventojų dalyvavimo savivaldoje sampratą bei formas. Taip pat pateikiama gyventojų dalyvavimą reglamentuojančios teisinės bazės analizė bei pristatomos praktiškai kasdieniniame gyvenime dažniausiai naudojamos dalyvavimo formos. Šioje dalyje atskleidžiama dalyvavimo savivaldoje praktika ne tik Lietuvoje, bet ir užsienyje (Skandinavijos šalyse), pateikiamos pasyvumo bei menko dalyvavimo priežastys. Empirinėje dalyje pristatomi kiekybinio ir kokybinio tyrimo metu apklaustų 160 gyventojų bei 4 ekspertų nuomonių analizės rezultatai. Piliečių ir ekspertų vertinimai leidžia teigti, kad tiriamosiose vietovėse stokojama gyventojų ir valdžios bendravimo. Tyrimo metu identifikuota, kad piliečiams trūksta informacijos bei lyderio, įtraukiančio veikti. Ekspertų interviu metu nustatyta, kad valdžios atstovai nekomunikuoja tarpusavyje bei nėra suinteresuoti piliečių aktyvumo skatinimu. / Bachelor’s final paper analyses citizen participation in townships of the city of Šiauliai self-government decision-making process. The topic is difined by the question: what are the practical opportunities of citizen participation in self-government decision-making process? This work consists of introduction, three main parts, the findings, activation recommendations, references and annexes. Theoretical part of the paper gives analysis of the scientific literature, that drew the conception of citizen participation and it’s forms. It also gives analysis of legislative framework of citizen participation and presents most commonly used forms of participation in everyday life. This part presents practice of participation in self-governance not only in Lithuania, but also abroad (Scandinavia). Moreover, bachelor’s final paper introduces the reasons for inactivity and low participation rates. The empirical part presents analysis of the results of quantitative and qualitative study, which examined 160 citizen and 4 expert opinion. Citizen and expert assessments suggest that in tested area you can see a lack of public communication. The study identified the lack of information for citizens and a lack of leadership, integrating function. Furthermore, the expert interviews revealed that the authorities do not communicate with each other and are not interested in promoting active citizenship.

Socialinių paslaugų administravimas: Šiaulių rajono savivaldybės atvejis / Social services administration: case study of Šiauliai district municipality

Ščepkauskaitė, Kristina 02 August 2011 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjamas socialinių paslaugų administravimas savivaldos lygmenyje. Tyrimo tema neabejotinai aktuali ir svarbi šiandieninei savivaldybių praktikai, nes socialinių paslaugų administravimo sistema, kaip tokia šiuolaikinėje valstybėje, reikia pripažinti, dar nėra iki galo sukurta Lietuvoje. Sparčiai kintantys visuomenės socialiniai poreikiai skatina ieškoti optimalių socialinių paslaugų administravimo būdų. Tačiau neefektyviai administruojant socialines paslaugas gali sulėtėti jų plėtros procesas ir nespėti atitikti šių dienų poreikių bei tendencijų. Baigiamąjį darbą sudaro dvi dalys. Pirmoje dalyje nagrinėjamas socialinių paslaugų administravimas teoriniu aspektu. Apžvelgiamas socialinių paslaugų administravimas mokslinės literatūros šaltiniuose, Lietuvos Respublikos įstatymuose ir poįstatyminiuose aktuose. Antroje baigiamojo darbo dalyje pristatomas socialinių paslaugų administravimo Šiaulių rajono savivaldybėje tyrimas. Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti socialinių paslaugų administravimo ypatumus Šiaulių rajono savivaldybėje. Pagrindinė socialinių paslaugų įgyvendintoja vietos savivaldoje yra Šiaulių rajono savivaldybė, nes joje labiausiai išryškėja žmonių socialinės problemos, identifikuojamas tikrasis vietos gyventojų poreikis socialinėms paslaugoms. Ji atsako už socialinių paslaugų teikimą savo teritorijoje gyvenančioms įvairioms socialinėms grupėms. Šiaulių rajono savivaldybėje atliktas socialinių paslaugų administravimo tyrimas padėjo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The bachelor‘s thesis deals with social services administration in the level of self-government. The theme of the research is certainly relevant and important for today’s practice of municipalities since the social services administration system as a phenomenon in modern state, is not completely finished in Lithuania. Rapid changes of the social needs of the society induce to look for optimal ways of social services administration. However, inefficient administration of social services may slow down their development process and may not meet today’s needs and tendencies. The work consists of two parts. The first part analyses the social services administration in theoretical terms. Social services administration is overviewed in scientific literature sources, the laws of the Republic of Lithuania and executive acts. In the second part of the final thesis the research on the social services administration in Šiauiai district municipality is presented. The research aimed to reveal the peculiarities of social services administration in Šiauliai district municipality. The main executor of social services in local self-government is Šiauliai district municipality because the social problems of people are most clearly revealed in it and it identified the real demand of the social services of local inhabitants. Šiauliai district municipality is responsible for the provision of social services for various social groups residing in its territory. The research on social services... [to full text]

Vietos bendruomenių tarybų vaidmuo skatinant gyventojų dalyvavimą savivaldoje. Šiaulių miesto atvejis / The Role of Local Community Councils in Promoting Public Participation in Self-Government. Case Study of Šiauliai City

Putvinskaitė, Arina 19 June 2013 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjamas vietos bendruomeninių tarybų vaidmuo skatinant gyventojų dalyvavimą savivaldoje, Šiaulių mieste. Tiriama problema iškeliama klausimu - ar vietos bendruomenių tarybų vaidmuo skatina gyventojus dalyvauti savivaldoje Šiaulių mieste? Šis darbas susideda iš įvado, trijų pagrindinių teorinių dalių, empirinės dalies, išvadų, rekomendacijų, literatūros sąrašo bei priedų.Teorinėje dalyje pateikiama mokslinės literatūros šaltinių ir teisės aktų analizė, apžvelgiant vietos savivaldos raidą ir jos reikšmingumą bendruomenės gyvenimui. Analizuojamas gyventojų, jų grupių dalyvavimo galimybės savivaldoje. Išskiriamos pagrindinės nedalyvavimo priežastys. Taip pat nagrinėjama bendruomenės vieta ir reikšmingumas savivaldoje. / The final thesis of bachelor analyses the role of local community councils in promoting public participation in self –government in Šiauliai city. The research topic is raised through the following question: does the role of local community councils promote the residents to participate in the self-government in Šiauliai city? The thesis consists of introduction, three main theoretical parts, empirical part, conclusions, recommendations, references and annexes. The theoretical part presents the analysis of scientific literature sources and legal acts and overviews the development of local self-government and its significance to the community life. Moreover, the paper examines the opportunities of the inhabitants and their groups to participate in self-government. The main reasons of non-participation are distinguished. The paper also examines the place and significance of community in self-governance.

Self-determination in Health Care: A Multiple Case Study of Four First Nations Communities in Canada

Mashford-Pringle, Angela Rose 08 August 2013 (has links)
The perceived level of self-determination in health care in four First Nations communities in Canada is examined through a multiple case study approach. Twenty-three participants from federal, provincial and First Nations governments as well as health care professionals in the communities of Blood Tribe, Lac La Ronge, Garden Hill and Wasagamack First Nations provided insight into the diversity of perception of self-determination in First Nations health care. The difference in definition between Aboriginal and the federal and provincial governments is a factor in the varying perceptions of the level of control First Nations communities have over their health care system. Participants from the four First Nations communities perceived their level of self-determination over their health care system to be much lower than the level perceived by provincial and federal government participants. The organization and delivery of health care is based on the location of the community, the availability of the human resources, the level of communication, the amount of community resources, and the ability to self-manage. The socio-political history including impact of contact, residential schools, and integration of Aboriginal worldview are factors in the organization and delivery of health care as well as the perceived level of self-determination that the community sees. The duration and intensity of contact influences how health care is organized as the communities become more familiarized with the biomedical model that most Canadians use. Having a holistic health care system that includes acknowledging the socio-political history, culture, language, worldview and traditional medicines is important to the four First Nations communities, but this has not been fully embraced in any of the communities. Despite their differences, all four communities are working toward self-determination that hopefully would result in an ‘ideal’ First Nations health care system which is holistic, cultural, spiritual, and interdisciplinary and ultimately lead to full management of the health care system.

Self-determination in Health Care: A Multiple Case Study of Four First Nations Communities in Canada

Mashford-Pringle, Angela Rose 08 August 2013 (has links)
The perceived level of self-determination in health care in four First Nations communities in Canada is examined through a multiple case study approach. Twenty-three participants from federal, provincial and First Nations governments as well as health care professionals in the communities of Blood Tribe, Lac La Ronge, Garden Hill and Wasagamack First Nations provided insight into the diversity of perception of self-determination in First Nations health care. The difference in definition between Aboriginal and the federal and provincial governments is a factor in the varying perceptions of the level of control First Nations communities have over their health care system. Participants from the four First Nations communities perceived their level of self-determination over their health care system to be much lower than the level perceived by provincial and federal government participants. The organization and delivery of health care is based on the location of the community, the availability of the human resources, the level of communication, the amount of community resources, and the ability to self-manage. The socio-political history including impact of contact, residential schools, and integration of Aboriginal worldview are factors in the organization and delivery of health care as well as the perceived level of self-determination that the community sees. The duration and intensity of contact influences how health care is organized as the communities become more familiarized with the biomedical model that most Canadians use. Having a holistic health care system that includes acknowledging the socio-political history, culture, language, worldview and traditional medicines is important to the four First Nations communities, but this has not been fully embraced in any of the communities. Despite their differences, all four communities are working toward self-determination that hopefully would result in an ‘ideal’ First Nations health care system which is holistic, cultural, spiritual, and interdisciplinary and ultimately lead to full management of the health care system.

Komunální elity v Karlíně a Libni v letech 1861-1914 / Municipal Elites in Karlín and Libeň between 1861 and 1914

Vobořil, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Disertační práce Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav hospodářských a sociálních dějin Komunální elity v Karlíně a Libni v letech 1861 - 1914 Municipal Elites in Karlín and Libeň between 1861 and 1914 Mgr. Jan Vobořil Abstract This thesis compares municipal elites in Karlín and Libeň - two suburban areas of Prague - between the years 1861 and 1914. Both municipalities were among the rapidly growing industrial communities with a significant presence of large mechanical engineering factories owned by shareholders. Moreover, Karlín also functioned as a commercial and financial center. The thesis analyzes their specific characteristics, urban development and demographics in the considered time period, as well as formation of municipal elites at the level of local government, election race and development of local politics. It also discusses the socio-professional characteristics of members of local government and their lifestyle based on collective biography considering among others their property, national preferences, social activities and housing standards and formation of family relations. Social structure in Karlín was significantly more complex than in Libeň. This was also reflected in the structure of municipal elites with important involvement of the well-educated social class, such as...

Srovnání organizace místní a regionální správy v České republice a Slovenské republiky / A comparison of organisation of local and regional government in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic

Páralová, Alena January 2018 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to analyse the local and regional government system in the Czech and Slovak Republic and to hand over a clear outline of major differences within a mixed and separate model of public administration practice. The script is divided into five chapters which are further compartmentalised. The first chapter is dedicated to general questions, terms and principles related to topic of the thesis, especially defining local and regional model of public administration and its main features. Beside the strengths, this part also points out some partial problems related with applying both models of public administration. The second chapter is bringing in a brief excurse into relation of state administration and self-government from the beginning, since year 1848, till the Velvet Revolution in year 1989, pointing out the evolution of public administration models. Emphasized is the evolution of local and regional public administration after the year 1989, being analysed by author within the chapters three to five, presenting a core of whole thesis. The third chapter is dealing for most with the reconstruction of local territorial self- government and description of social-historic circumstances under which the new legal regulations emerged. Thesis did not neglected the local state...

La « gestion autonome » à l’épreuve du national-socialisme : Politique communale et opposition (1933 – 1945) : Carl Friedrich Goerdeler, Arthur Menge, Karl Strölin / Self-government and National Socialism : Municipal politics and opposition (1933 – 1945) : Carl Friedrich Goerdeler, Arthur Menge, Karl Strölin

Wustefeld, Sylvie 05 December 2013 (has links)
L’auteur s’interroge sur la validité de la thèse de l’État double du juriste Ernst Fraenkel pour l’administration communale dans l’Allemagne national-socialiste. Il cherche à mettre en évidence l’existence d’un réseau de sociabilité entre trois maires de grandes villes ayant été impliqués dans l’action du mouvement du 20 juillet 1944. Le lien entre l’implication des trois maires dans leur travail dans l’administration communale et leurs motivations pour se détourner du régime hitlérien est analysé. Une place particulière est accordée au principe de la « gestion autonome », base de l’administration communale allemande au début du XXe siècle. / The author analyzes the validity of the theory of the dual state from the jurist Ernst Fraenkel for the municipal administration in Nazi Germany. She tries to prove the existence of a network of sociability between three big city mayors who have been involved in the Movement of the 20th of July 1944. The link between the involvement of the three mayors in their daily work in the municipal administration and their motivation to turn the back on the Hitler regime is shown. Particular attention is paid to the principle of "self-government", the basis of German municipal administration in the early twentieth century.

La démocratie des conseils : aux origines modernes de l’autogouvernement / Council democracy : modern origins of self-government

Dubigeon, Yohan 29 January 2014 (has links)
Au travers de l’apparition de communes, de comités, de conseils ou d’assemblées révolutionnaires, le tournant du XIXe et du XXe siècle charrie des expériences démocratiques qui, au-delà de leur importance pour le mouvement ouvrier, élaborent des composantes de la théorie démocratique moderne aussi riches que sous-évaluées. En se positionnant en extériorité vis-à-vis de l’Etat, ces expériences politiques participent d’une définition moderne de la démocratie radicale, envisagée comme autogouvernement ou démocratie par en bas. D’un point de vue strictement politique, la démocratie des conseils invente un certain nombre de principes qui, par l’accroissement de la dimension horizontale et la limitation de la dimension verticale de la démocratie, font sens vers la déprofessionnalisation de l’activité politique et la mise en cause de la relation dirigeant / exécutant. La compréhension stratégique de ces mouvements permet également de saisir des dynamiques communes. En articulant les tâches de destruction des structures politiques existantes, et de construction de rapports sociaux nouveaux, la démocratie des conseils réarticule la temporalité de transformation sociale, dans un équilibre instable entre brèche insurrectionnelle et institutionnalisation à long terme. Bien qu’occultés du paradigme socialiste, les courants conseillistes accompagnant ces mouvements élaborent des pratiques et théories de la transformation démocratique originales. Entre critique du substitutisme léniniste et méfiance envers le spontanéisme politique, ces théories restent d’une grande actualité pour qui s’intéresse aujourd’hui aux stratégies de transformation sociale et démocratique. / The turn between the nineteenth and the twentieth century was rich in democratic experiences. Although their influence has often been underestimated, municipalities, committees, local councils and revolutionary assemblies played an important role in the labor movement and also constitute important components of modern democratic theory. By being independant from the State, these political experiences contribute to the modern definition of radical democracy, also thought as self-government of bottom-up democracy. From a strict political point of view, council democracy has invented several principles that have increased the horizontal dimension of democracy, and reduced its vertical dimension, thus contributing to the "deprofessionalisation" of political activity, and questioning the relation between leaders and performers. The strategic understanding of these movements enables us to get hold of new dynamics. By linking the destruction of existing political structures with the construction of new social relations, council democracy brings the temporality of social transformation to an unstable balance between short-term insurgency and long-term institutionalisation. Although concealed from the socialist paradigm, council based groups working along socialist movements contribute to the development of practices and theories that relate to original democratic transformation.Between critical views of leninist substitutionism and mistrust of spontaneism, these theories are a topical issue for people interested in nowadays social and democratic transformation strategies.

Three Essays in Development Economics: First Nation Economic Development

Rice, Derek 11 May 2018 (has links)
This dissertation contains three essays in the economics of development. The first essay investigates the effects of the decentralization of governance over education to communities in terms of individual education outcomes. The next essay relates to the first by exploring the factors that drive communities to adopt decentralized governance, including forms of decentralized governance over education. The last essay returns to the topic of education by examining a policy aimed at decreasing the costs of post-secondary education for a minority group. Each essay probes these topics within the context of First Nations in Canada. The first essay examines the substantial impacts of education decentralization on high school attendance and completion through the analysis of First Nation education self-government agreements in Canada. These agreements are important institutional arrangements that transfer the authority over education from the federal government to First Nations. I exploit confidential microdata and exogenous variation in the implementation of education self-government agreements to perform the analysis. My results indicate that self-government agreements focused exclusively on education increase high school attendance by 5 to 9 percentage points and high school completion by 3 to 5 percentage points. However, the effects on high school completion rates under multi-sectoral self-government agreements implemented together with comprehensive land claim agreements and for self-government agreements that focus on education alone differ dramatically for women and men. High school completion improves by 8 to 11 percentage points for women, but drops by a staggering 17 to 25 percentage points for men. These results have important policy implications for education decentralization in general, along with implications for the particular case of First Nation education self-governance in Canada. The second essay identifies the determinants of decentralized governance by exploring the First Nation self-government agreement claim and implementation processes. I use a novel dataset on self-government agreements and confidential microdata to perform the analysis. My results support the notion that we can treat self-government treatment variables as exogenous, when controlling for reserve fixed effects. This is not an onerous condition to impose. Specifically, I do not find any factors of economic or statistical significance for claims for my richest and most-preferred specification, which includes controlling for reserve fixed effects. Contrary to the results for claims, I find that education and income are important factors for implementation, but only conditional on a reserve having previously made a claim. However, this significance disappears, once I relax this condition and compare the determinants of implementation against reserves that may or may not have made a claim. The third essay examines the substantial impacts of a targeted policy that provides postsecondary tuition and living expense subsidies for Aboriginal Canadians. To identify the effects of the policy, I exploit a reform of the policy's eligibility requirements in 1985 that lead to a large increase in the number of individuals with access to the subsidies. My results indicate that the reform lead to economically and statistically significant increases in the likelihood of attaining any post-secondary education for a group of women whose eligibility was particularly targeted by the reform and for women generally. These increases range from about 4 to 7 percentage points. The effects for men are positive, but much smaller and not significant.

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