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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Självbild och kamratrelationer hos elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter : Vi är i samma liv / Self-image and peer-relationships on students with read- and write disabilities : We are in the same life

Fredengren, Irina January 2009 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka sambandet mellan elevers läs- och skriv svårigheter och självförtroende samt om självbildsuppfattningen påverkar läs- och skrivinlärning samt kamratrelationer. Syftet konkretiseras genom följande frågeställningar: Är självbilden en påverkansfaktor i kamratrelationer, för elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter? Är läs- och skrivsvårigheter en påverkansfaktor för självförtroendet i skolprestationer, för elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter? Uppfattar elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter sin skolsjälvbild mer negativt än elever utan läs- och skrivsvårigheter? Den teoretiska bakgrunden och tidigare forskning visar både samband och olikheter i resultat av liknande studier. Sambanden i frågeställningarna undersöktes med kvantitativ enkätundersökning av 58 respondenter. Undersökningen av eleverna i de specifika klasserna har inte gett något underlag till att det skulle finnas något samband mellan försämrat själförtroende, för elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter och kamratrelationer. Däremot har undersökningen visat tydliga samband mellan undersökningsgruppens prestationssjälvbild och deras läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Det har även visat sig att det inte går att se någon generell bild av hur läs- och skrivsvårigheter påverkar individens självbild i kamratrelationer, prestationssjälvbild samt skolsjälvbild. / The studies intention is to examine the correlation between students reading and writing disabilities and self-confidence and if the read-and write learning affect the self-image interpretation and peer relationship. The objective concretizes trough the following formulations of questions: Is the self-image interpretation an influence factor in peer – relationships, for students with read and writes disabilities? Is read-and write disabilities an influence factor for self- concept of ability in school performance, for students with read and write disabilities? Does student with read-and write disabilities experience their school self image more negatively than student without read-and write disabilities? The theoretical background and earlier research points to both correlation and differences in results from similar studies. The correlations in the study’s formulations of questions were surveyed by quantitative questionnaire study on 58 respondents. The surveys show no correlation between low self-esteem and peer-relationships for students with read-and write disabilities. The study has shown that there are remarkable correlations between the survey group performance self-image and their read-and write disabilities. The study has also showed that there is no clear general evidence on how the read-and write disabilities affects the individual self-image in peer-relationship, performance self-image and school self-image.

Kvinnors upplevelse av sexualitet vid bröstcancer : En litteraturstudie / Women´s experience of sexuality during breast cancer : A literature study

Loringer, Genevieve January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bröstcancer är den vanligast förekommande cancertypen som drabbar kvinnor i Sverige. Att genomgå bröstcancer och dess behandling innebär en stor livsförändring. Denna litteraturöversikt belyser hur kvinnor upplever att denna förändring påverkar hur de upplever sin sexualitet. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva hur kvinnor upplever sin sexualitet i samband med bröstcancer. Metod: En litteraturstudie gjordes baserad på åtta vetenskapliga artiklar från olika databaser. Av artiklarna är sex stycken kvalitativa och två har mixed metod. Analysen resulterade i två stycken likvärdiga teman som presenteras i litteraturöversiktens resultatdel. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i två teman; Förändrad självbild till följd av kroppsliga förändringar och Stöd från partner och information från sjukvården påverkade upplevelsen av sexualiteten. Kvinnor upplevde en stor kroppslig förändring i samband med bröstcancer. Behandlingar gav symtom som påverkade deras sexualitet negativt. Partners och sjukvårdens roll som stöd framkom som betydande för kvinnorna. I samband med bröstcancer krävdes en anpassning till den nya sexualiteten och självbilden. Diskussion: I resultatdiskussionen används Dahlberg och Segerstens beskrivning och definition av hälsa som teoretisk referensram. Patienterna beskrev att deras biologiska förändringar medförde att de upplevde existentiella förändringar som påverkade deras självbild. / Background: Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer affecting women in Sweden. To go through breast cancer and its treatment is a life changing event. This literature review illustrates how women experience their sexuality during breast cancer. Aim: The aim was to illustrate how women experience their sexuality during breast cancer. Method: A literature study was conducted and is based on eight scientific articles collected from different databases. Of these articles six used qualitative methods and two used mixed method. Analysis of these generated two equal themes that are presented in the results of this literature review. Results: The result was presented in two themes; An altered self-image due to bodily changes and Support from a partner and information from healthcare providers affected how women experience their sexuality. Treatments resulted in symptoms that had negative effects on their sexuality. Support from a partner and healthcare providers was of significant importance to women. During breast cancer an adjustment had to be made to adapt to the new sexuality and self-image. Discussion: Dahlberg och Segersten`s description and definition of health was used in the result discussion as theoretical frame of reference. Women described that the biological changes they experienced resulted in existential changes as well.

Amputerad självkänsla : Psykosociala aspekter av att leva med en förlorad kroppsdel / Amputated Self-Esteem : Psychosocial Aspects Of Living With A Lost Body Part

Eriksson Viratanagasam, Virginia, Olander, Kristoffer January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Trauma, tumörsjukdom, infektioner och cirkulationsrubbningar kan leda till förlust av kroppsdel. Forskning i ämnet är ofta medicinskt inriktad på smärtproblematik eller praktiska följder, medan patienters upplevelser och psykosocial påverkan hamnar i skymundan. Syfte: Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att beskriva psykosociala aspekter i upplevelsen av att leva med en förlorad kroppsdel. Metod: Litteraturstudie med kvalitativ ansats baserad på elva kvalitativa artiklar. Resultat: Att förlora en kroppsdel kan leda till påverkad självbild och psykosocial påverkan. Detta presenteras i huvudtemat att hantera en ny livssituation med underliggande teman jag är, jag ser ut, jag kan och socialt stöd. Slutsats: Vid förlust av kroppsdel oavsett etiologi kan självbilden påverkas i någon riktning. Sexuallivet såväl som vardagliga sysslor kan påverkas vilket i sin tur påverkar livskvaliteten. Att anpassa sig till en protes kan underlätta både den fysiska och den psykosociala aspekten, vilket påverkar självbilden positivt. Detta ämne har under det senaste årtiondet beforskats, men detta behöver förankras i klinisk praxis. Klinisk Betydelse: Genom att belysa de psykosociala aspekterna av att förlora en kroppsdel bidrar föreliggande uppsats till att öka förståelsen amputerade och mastektomerade patienters situation Nyckelord: amputation, mastektomi, protes, rekonstruktiv kirurgi, självbild, sexualitet / Background: Trauma, tumors, infections and vascular disease could lead to loss of limb. Research in the subject is often aimed at medical issues or practical matters, while the experiences and psychosocial aspects are being overlooked. Purpose: The purpose of this dissertation is to describe psycosocial aspects of the lived experience of living with a lost bodypart. Method: A review of qualitative approach based on eleven qualitative articles. Results: Losing a body part may affect psychosocial elements and self-image. This is being presented in the main theme to adapt to a new aspect of life and three themes: I am, I look like, I'm apt and social support. Conclusion: Loss of a bodypart of variying aetiology can lead to concerns of self- image. Sexuality and daily life activities can be affected, with a loss of quality of life as a consequence. To adapt to a prosthesis can ease both the psycosocial and physiological aspects of this transition, with im proved self-image as a result. This topic has been researched during the last decade, but the knowledge has yet to reach clinical praxis. Clinical significance: This study highlights the psycosocial aspects of losing a body part in order to give a deeper understanding of the needs of these patients. Key words: amputation, mastectomy, prosthesis, reconstructive surgery, self- image, sexuality

Sociala mediers inverkan på ungdomars självbild : En litteraturöversikt / The influence of social media on the self image of adolescents : A literature review

Chardi, Emma, Nilsson, My January 2016 (has links)
Introduktion Majoriteten av alla ungdomar använder sociala medier för att kommunicera med sina vänner genom bilder, chatt och forum eller för informationsinhämtning. På dessa mötesplatser finns reklam och innehåll som är könsstereotypa. Många ungdomar känner press att leva upp till stereotyperna vilket gör att man lägger upp förskönande bilder för att efterlikna idealen. Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt var att beskriva hur självbilden hos ungdomar i åldrarna 13-25 kan påverkas av innehållet i sociala medier. Metod Vetenskapliga artiklar hittades i databaserna CINAHL och PubMed. Genom en litteraturöversikt tematiserades de använda artiklarna och utifrån dem framkom fem teman. Resultat De fem teman som hittades var Grupptryckets, Den sociala jämförelsens, Smalhetsidealets, Träningsbudskapets och Kostbudskapets inverkan på självbilden. Grupptryck kunde leda till missnöje kring den egna kroppen vilket var vanligare hos tjejer än killar. För tjejer var smalhetsidealet mest dominerande medan det för killar var styrketräning. Att inte leva upp till idealen kunde även leda till depressiva symptom och ätstörningar. Diskussion Att konsumera idealbilder av män och kvinnor kan ge upphov till en orealistisk press på sig själv men det kan också fungera som motivation. / Introduction The majority of young people use social media to communicate with their friends through photos, chats and forums or to find information. Advertisement and content in social media often portrays gender stereotypes. Many young people feel pressured to live up to the stereotypes and uploads beautified images to mimic ideals. The aim of the study was to describe how the content in social media could influence the self-image of adolescents aged 13-25. Method Scientific articles were found in the databases CINAHL and PubMed. The articles were thematized and five themes emerged through a literature review. Results The five themes that emerged were the effect Peer pressure, Social comparison, Drive for thinness, Training and Food related content had on the self-image among adolescents. Peer pressure could lead to body dissatisfaction. The drive for thinness dominated among girls while the most dominating ideal for boys were a muscular body. Failure to live up to the ideals could lead to depressive symptoms and eating disorders. Discussion Consuming ideal images of men and women could lead to an unrealistic pressure on themselves but it could also serve as motivation.

Ett liv i gränslandet mellan det normala och det avvikande : En litteraturstudie om vuxna personer med Aspergers syndrom

Andersson, Sarah January 2016 (has links)
Studien syftar till att nå en förståelse för hur en person med Aspergers syndrom förstår sig själv och sin sociala miljö. Antalet personer som diagnostiserats med Aspergers syndrom blir högre men kunskapen bland människorna i samhället inte alltid är uppdaterad och det finns en hel del fördomar om personer med Aspergers syndrom. För att försöka förstå hur personer som själva lever med Aspergers syndrom uppfattar sig själva och sin vardag har jag använt mig utav tre självbiografier skrivna av personer som i vuxen ålder diagnostiserats med Aspergers syndrom. För att uppnå syftet med studien har jag valt att använda mig av hermeneutiken när jag ska försöka förstå författarnas upplevda känslor av sin egna självbild och att leva med Aspergers syndrom. Resultatet av denna studie visar att personer som inte fått sin diagnos Aspergers syndrom som barn under sin uppväxt upplever sig själva som annorlunda ur ett negativt perspektiv då de känner ett utanförskap och stora svårigheter att klara av skolan, både studier och det sociala samspelet. Detta i sin tur kan leda till minskade möjligheter på arbetsmarknaden och en egen försörjning. / The study aims to reach an understanding of how a person with Aspergers syndrom understands himself and his social environment. The number of people diagnosed with Aspergers syndrom are getting higher but the knowledge among the people in the society are not always updated and there are a lot of sterotypes about people with Aspergers syndrom. I am using three book that are written by persons that living with Aspergers syndrom, all three given the diagnos when they were adult. To aim my purpose with this study I choose to use the hermeneutics as method to try to understand how the writers feels about them self and their self-image and what it feels like to be living with Aspergers syndrome. The result of this study shows that persons that has not been diagnosed Aspergers syndrome until their are adult often sees themself as different from a negative perspective when they feel like outsiders, experiencing exclusion and have difficulties to manage the school. Both studies and the social interplay. In the end this might result in decreased possabilitys at the labor market and a self-sufficiency.

Self-Perception of Health: A Proposed Explanatory Model and a Test of its Clinical Significance

Scherzer, Charles E. 12 1900 (has links)
A multivariate model of health self-perceptions was postulated based upon a comprehensive set of health related variables suggested by previous bivariate research. Components of the model included measures of health attitudes, health practices, health locus of control, a measure of stress/ coping, and a physical health measure. A stratified random sampling technique was used to select 10 8 subjects based upon the external measure of physical health which included categories ranging from disability-severe to symptom free-high energy level. All subjects completed a health questionnaire comprised of measures of the model components, two measures of health self-perceptions, and the Health Resource Task, an author designed instrument measuring a subject's ability to generate flexible health alternatives/resources. Bivariate correlational analysis revealed that the physical health, stress/coping, health practices, and locus of control measures and certain of the health attitude subscales were significantly correlated to general health self-ratings. A multivariate model including these variables accounted for almost 50 percent of the variance in one of the general health self-ratings measures and approximately 38 percent of the variance in the Health Resource Task. Suggestions for refining the proposed model were made.

The Effects of Positive Reinforcement on the Self-Concept of Children in a Classroom

Kalish, Robert B. 08 1900 (has links)
This study tests whether positive reinforcement consisting of a positive word, eye contact, and a smile would improve the self-concept of students. Sixty boys and girls in two sixth-grade classes were given an adaptation of Gordon's, How I See Myself scale. A baseline consisting of positive reinforcements given by the teacher to the students was taken. Then a positive reinforcement schedule was instituted by the sixth-grade teacher. The experimental group of thirty students received a mean of 24.78 positive reinforcements per class; the control group received a mean of 1.1 positive reinforcements. The subjects were again given the HISM scale, and no significant score differences were found between the experimental group and control group.

Styrketränande unga mäns psykiska hälsa

Exinge, Lina, Johansson, Emma January 2016 (has links)
Myten om att styrketräning är fysiskt skadligt för barn och ungdomar har motbevisats i vetenskapliga studier. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur unga män (16-20 år) upplever att deras psykiska hälsa påverkas av styrketräning. Studien bygger på 13 djupintervjuer med styrketränande unga män. Materialet analyserades genom meningskoncentrering. Resultatet visar att hos styrketränande unga män (1) uppstår positiva och negativa känslor, (2) är teknik, kost, sömn och struktur viktigt, (3) påverkas självbilden av strävan efter muskler, (4) påverkas självbilden av strävan efter en bättre version av sig själv, (5) varierar självkänslan, (6) finns medvetenhet om kroppen, (7) finns en strävan efter bättre utseende och (8) uppnås specifika resultat. En strävan efter något bättre genomsyrar studien som i sin tur har effekt på den psykiska hälsan. Ytterligare forskning behövs för att undersöka om långvariga konsekvenser på den psykiska hälsan föreligger.

Etude clinique et projective de la représentation de soi chez des adolescents ayant un frère/une soeur autiste / Clinical and projective study of self image in adolescent siblings of children with autism

Claudel, Stéphanie 21 November 2012 (has links)
Objectifs : Cette recherche vise une meilleure compréhension de la construction identitaire des frères et soeurs de personnes autistes. Elle porte sur l'évolution de la représentation de soi de ces membres de fratries à l'adolescence, et l'analyse est centrée sur l'image du corps, l'investissement narcissico-objectal et le processus de subjectivation. Une revue théorique et clinique des travaux francophones et anglo-saxons met à jour l'état des connaissances dans ce domaine clinique encore peu étudié.Méthode : Nous procédons par approche comparative en constituant un groupe témoin de fratries sans condition de handicap en parallèle au groupe d'étude clinique de fratries avec autisme, chacun constitué de 24 sujets âgés de 13 à 18 ans. Nous adoptons une méthode clinique et projective en utilisant lentretien clinique, deux tests projectifs (Rorschach et TAT), une activité d'écriture originale créée pour la recherche, deux échelles standardisées (R-CMAS : anxiété ; SEI : estime de soi). Des analyses statistiques sont proposées en complément de l'analyse des données cliniques.Résultats : Nous dégageons une spécificité des caractéristiques de la représentation de soi chez les adolescents de fratrie avec autisme qui se traduit à un triple niveau : celui de l'intégration psychique du corps en transformation ; celui de l'engagement en direction de l'autre sexué ; celui de l'élaboration de projets d'avenir personnels. Une constellation de traits particuliers apparaît plus ou moins fortement selon les sujets et nous amène à proposer des perspectives préventives et thérapeutiques tenant compte de la variabilité des fonctionnements psychiques individuels. / Objective: The aim of this research is to understand psychic functioning of siblings of children with autism. It focuses on the evolution of self image of these members of siblings in adolescence. Literature review shows that this clinical area has hardly been studied. Methods: We compare two samples: clinical group of adolescent of siblings with autism versus control group of typical adolescent, each consisting of 24 teenagers aged from 13 to 18. We adopt a clinical and projective method by using clinical interviews, projective tests (Rorschach and TAT), an original writing activity created for the research, and standardized scales (R-CMAS: anxiety; SEI: self-esteem). Statistic methods and clinical analyses are used to discuss clinical data.Results: We observe a specificity of the characteristics of self image in the clinical group. A real psychological suffering exists for adolescents of siblings with autism that can be describe by three processes: integration of changing body, evolution of object-relationship, development of personal plans for the future. A cluster of special features appears depending on the teenagers and leads us to propose preventive and therapeutic perspectives taking into account the variability of individual psychic functioning.

Efeitos da meditação na autoimagem de idosos / Meditation effects on elderly self image

Regis, Claudia Emi 03 October 2014 (has links)
O crescimento do número de idosos no Brasil nos confronta com o desafio de olhar para o envelhecimento de forma diferente. No que concerne à Psicologia, tal exercício é essencial para (re)pensarmos a prática ampliando-a à população idosa. Tendo como hipótese a ocorrência de mudanças na imagem corporal e considerando o possível conflito mente-corpo no envelhecimento, o estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos de uma prática de meditação na autoimagem de idosos analisando conteúdo verbal e conteúdo gráfico; foi utilizado um roteiro de entrevista e o Procedimento de Desenho-Estória com Tema (Vaisberg, 1999); foi solicitado aos participantes que realizassem o desenho de uma pessoa idosa, que foi comparado com suas respostas sobre percepção do envelhecimento/velhice. Os dados foram analisados antes e depois da intervenção do curso de meditação. O referencial psicanalítico serviu como base para a análise dos dados, que considera a existência de aspectos inconscientes e a presença de mecanismos de defesa permeando o funcionamento psíquico. Os instrumentos permitiram visualizar diferenças entre os dados, com contradição no teor das respostas gráficas e verbais; os resultados mostraram essencialmente mudanças significativas referentes aos desenhos; o conteúdo verbal permaneceu praticamente o mesmo nos dois momentos; nas características gráficas houve expansão, notando-se ampliação da percepção de si e mudança de posicionamento/perspectiva num modo geral; dois desenhos apresentaram maior espontaneidade retratando o próprio sujeito de maneira mais natural, menos formal; uma resistência na execução da tarefa conforme solicitada também ocorreu, que foi associada a conflito com o envelhecimento; houve referência explícita dos sujeitos sobre a melhora percebida em seu cotidiano atribuindo-a à meditação. Tal prática pode ter contribuído para a expansão da autoimagem e da espontaneidade, porém outros fatores podem ter concorrido para esta mudança, como a frequência ao curso, a aquisição de novos contatos pessoais (pares), um novo conhecimento, ou mesmo o ato de sair de casa direcionando-se à uma atividade. Estes fatores influenciam a autoestima, a motivação e consequentemente, a autoimagem. O conflito mente-corpo não é exclusivo da população idosa, porém se torna mais proeminente nesta fase da vida. A dificuldade em lidar com o descompasso entre o ritmo do corpo que já não acompanha o ritmo mental foi a tônica vista nos sujeitos da pesquisa. O ato de meditar conciliado com a ideia de reservar um tempo para si, direcionado para o autocuidado, visando o equilíbrio, pode ser benéfico para ampliar a percepção de modo geral, em que os detalhes não importam, e sim o olhar para o todo. Para relativizar vivências, memórias, a percepção de outras gerações, para que sejam ponderados também os afetos: pensar o quanto se pode afetar/ser afetado por condições inerentes da vida: olhar para o que foi trilhado como escolha e para aquilo que não se pôde escolher, se aproximando de uma autoimagem serena na última fase da vida. Concluiu-se que a melhor saída na velhice é ter consciência do conflito mente-corpo e não lutar contra, mas aprender a viver com ele / The growth of elderly number in Brazil confronts us with the challenge of stare at the aging process in a different way. Related to Psychology, such exercise is essential in order to (re) think the practice extending it to the elderly. Given the hypothesis of the changes occurrence in self-image and considering the possible mind-body conflict in this phase of life, the study aimed to evaluate the effects of a meditation practice in self-image of elderly analyzing verbal and graphic content. An interview script and the Procedimento de Desenho-Estória com Tema (Vaisberg, 1999) were used; the participants were asked to draw an old person figure, which was compared with their answers about aging process/old age perception. The material was analyzed before and after the meditation course intervention. The psychoanalytical referential served as basis to interpret the data, which considers the existence of unconscious aspects and presence of defense mechanisms permeating the psychic functioning. The instruments allowed one to visualize differences between data, with contradiction in the graphic and verbal answers accent; the results showed significant changes mainly related to the drawings; the verbal content remained practically the same in both moments; in the graphic features there were expansion, being noticed the self-perception enlargement and change of positioning/perspective in general; two drawings presented more spontaneity picturing the own participant in a more natural way, with less formality; one resistance in the execution of task as solicited also occurred, which was associated to aging process conflict; there was explicit reference from the subjects about a perceived improve in their daily lives attributing it to the meditation. Such practice may have contributed to the self-image and the spontaneity expansion, although other factors may have concurred to this change, such as the attendance to the mediation classes, the acquirement of new personal contacts (pairs), to learn something new, or even the act of going out directed to an activity. These factors have influence on selfesteem, motivation and consequently, the self-image. The mind-body conflict isnt exclusive of elderly population, but it becomes more prominent at this phase of life. The difficulty in deal with the mismatch between the body rhythm which no longer follow the mind rhythm was the tonic seen in the research subjects. The act of meditate adjoined with the idea of reserving a time for oneself, towards self-care, aiming the balance, may be good to extend the overall perception, in which the details dont matter, but the look towards the whole picture, in order to relativize experiences, memories, other generations perception, also pondering the affects; to think how much one can affect/being affected by life inherent conditions: to look at what was trodden as choice and to what one could not choose, getting closer to a serene self - image in the last phase of life. It was concluded that the best alternative in old age is to be conscious of the mind-body conflict and not fight against it, but learn to live with it

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