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Allowing Students to Have VOICES (Voluntary Options in Chemical Education Schedules) in General Chemistry IFord, Robyn Lynn 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this investigation (a quasi-experimental design called a non-equivalent design group (NEDG)) was to determine if allowing students in a science majors general Chemistry I course the choice in establishing the due dates that their homework was due to the instructor would improve course averages. This study covered two semesters with a total of 288 students participating with n = 158 in the fall and n = 130 in the spring. The students self-selected the homework group, VOICES, that best fit his/her needs which included (1) the instructor's homework schedule, (2) a student-customized schedule or a schedule that followed the exam schedule, or (3) all homework due by the last class day prior to the final exam. Online homework was assigned and graded with individual assignment and homework average grades collected and analyzed. No statistically significant differences were found among the VOICES groups with respect to final course average. Other results of this study replicated findings in the literature; namely, that there is a higher correlation between mathematics skills and course success. Course averages of students who had completed Calculus I or higher were statistically significantly higher than students with less completed mathematics coursework in all VOICES groups. Also, the percentage of successful students in the on-sequence semester (fall) was higher than the percentage of students in the off-sequence semester (spring). No differences were seen in any VOICES group's student demographics or high school chemistry preparation.
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Datenmodelle für fachübergreifende Wissensbasen in der interdisziplinären AnwendungMolch, Silke 17 December 2019 (has links)
Ziel dieses Beitrags aus der Lehrpraxis ist es, die erforderlichen Herangehensweisen für die Erstellung von fachübergreifenden Wissensbasen und deren Nutzung im Rahmen studentischer Semesterprojekte exemplarisch am Lehrbeispiel einer anwendenden Ingenieurdisziplin darzustellen.
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Evropské ekonomické vládnutí: možnost nebo nutnost? / European Economic Governance: An Option or The Necessity?Vlach, Michael January 2011 (has links)
Bibliografický záznam VLACH, Michael. Evropské ekonomické vládnutí - možnost nebo nutnost? Praha, 2011. 95 s. Diplomová práce (Mgr.) Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, Institut mezinárodních studií. Katedra západoevropských studií. Vedoucí diplomové práce Prof. Ing. Luděk Urban, CSC., Jean Monnet Professor Abstract Diploma Thesis "European Economic Governance - an option or the necessity?" deals with the current debate on the reform of European economic governance (EEG). It focuses on the genesis of the pre-crisis European economic governance, primarily on the Economic and Monetary Union, and on the performance of the EMU and the features of EEG before and during the crisis. It investigates the issues and challenges that arisen largely from the aftermath of the crisis such as imbalances on the Internal Market due to serious competitiveness issues between the Member States, lack of crisis management, financial supervision etc. The common cause of these problems, the insufficient economic governance is identified having source largely in the original design of EMU which was adopted largely for economic reasons but contemporary political limits restrained the Economic union and macroeconomic coordination provisions thus enabling the current situation. In the final part the proposed and implemented...
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Evaluating the Spacing Effect Theory on the Instructional Effectiveness of Semester-Length versus Quarter-Length Introductory Computer Literacy Courses in Institutions of Higher LearningNtinglet, Emelda S. 01 June 2013 (has links)
This mixed research study evaluated the spacing effect theory on the academic performances of students enrolled in introductory level Computer Literacy courses by comparing course grades and mock IC3 certification exam scores in semester-length and quarter-length courses at Prince Georges Community College. The study was ingrained on the spacing effect theory which posits that mammals will tend to recall material learned over time (spaced presentation) than material concepts learned over shorter periods (massed presentation).
A t test analysis revealed that students in the quarter-length formats had significantly higher grades than those in the semester format but the analysis presented no significant difference on their mock IC3 scores. A Pearson correlation conducted also revealed no significant relationship among students' course grades and their mock IC3 scores overall or by format (semester vs. intensive).
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Threads in a Tapestry: An Ethnographic Evaluation of Milken Community High School’s Tiferet Fellowship ProgramFuller, Roger Jason 30 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Resan från Tyskland till Småländska Torsås : Tyska fritidshusturisters dilemma mellan resekostnader och lönsamhetKohnen, Joanna January 2013 (has links)
I början av 1990-talet utbröt den svenska fritidshusboomen bland tyska turister. Den dåvarande låga konjunkturen i Sverige drev på försäljningen av övergivna fritidshus i gles- och landsbygd. För många tyska turister kunde därmed drömmen av ett eget fritidshus på landet förvekligas. Husköpen ansågs vara en bra investering. En möjlighet att fly det tätbebodda Tyskland, i hopp om ett bättre liv på fritiden. En del bländades dock av Astrid Lindgrens sagolika land och de frestande låga fastighetspriserna. I samtiden brottas tyska fritidshusturister med tankarna att avskaffa sina fritidshus då de vid förvärven tanklöst handlade efter känsla, snarar än förstånd. Sedan 90-talets början har infrastrukturers utveckling öppnat upp gränserna mellan Tyskland och Sverige allt mer. Som en påföljd av detta har även resekostnader ökats. För dem som vid fritidshusförvärven inte övervägt tillgängligheten kan i dagsläget brottas med höga resekostnader och i längden inte längre finna lönsamheten i sina fritidshus. Fritidshusturisterna är återkommande turister som under flera veckor, året runt vistas i Sverige. De besöker sevärdheter, turistmål, konsumerar samhällsenliga tjänster och driver på den svenska besöksnäringens omsättning. Uteblir de tyska fritidshusturisterna måste turismbranschen börja tänka om.
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Studien zur Erforschung interkultureller Kommunikation / Empirical Studies on Intercultural Communication11 August 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Der vorliegende Band wirft einen Blick in verschiedene Forschungsfelder, die an der Professur Interkulturelle Kommunikation der Technischen Universität Chemnitz in den letzten Jahren von Studierenden im Masterstudiengang ‚Interkulturelle Kommunikation – Interkulturelle Kompetenz‘ bearbeitet wurden. Die den sechs Artikeln zugrunde liegenden Studien nutzen Methoden der qualitativen Sozialforschung zur Datenerhebung und -auswertung. Die Artikel thematisieren interkulturelle Lernprozesse in internationalen Workcamps und interkulturellen Trainings, Erfahrungen während eines Auslandsstudiums und im interreligiösen Austausch sowie die Zusammenarbeit in multikulturellen Teams. / This volume gives insight into different research projects conducted by students in the master‘s programme ‚Intercultural Communication – Intercultural Competence‘ at the Chair of Intercultural Communication at Chemnitz University of Technology. All empirical studies on which the articles are based use methods of qualitative social research for data collection and analysis. The articles focus on intercultural learning processes in international workcamps and intercultural trainings, experiences during studies abroad and in interreligious dialogues as well as cooperation in multicultural teams.
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Studien zur Erforschung interkultureller KommunikationHeld, Susanne, Schreiter, Miriam 11 August 2015 (has links)
Der vorliegende Band wirft einen Blick in verschiedene Forschungsfelder, die an der Professur Interkulturelle Kommunikation der Technischen Universität Chemnitz in den letzten Jahren von Studierenden im Masterstudiengang ‚Interkulturelle Kommunikation – Interkulturelle Kompetenz‘ bearbeitet wurden. Die den sechs Artikeln zugrunde liegenden Studien nutzen Methoden der qualitativen Sozialforschung zur Datenerhebung und -auswertung. Die Artikel thematisieren interkulturelle Lernprozesse in internationalen Workcamps und interkulturellen Trainings, Erfahrungen während eines Auslandsstudiums und im interreligiösen Austausch sowie die Zusammenarbeit in multikulturellen Teams. / This volume gives insight into different research projects conducted by students in the master‘s programme ‚Intercultural Communication – Intercultural Competence‘ at the Chair of Intercultural Communication at Chemnitz University of Technology. All empirical studies on which the articles are based use methods of qualitative social research for data collection and analysis. The articles focus on intercultural learning processes in international workcamps and intercultural trainings, experiences during studies abroad and in interreligious dialogues as well as cooperation in multicultural teams.
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Městské lázně / The Municipal BathsTunková, Martina January 2010 (has links)
"The sick body needs a doctor friend sick souls." (Menandros)
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