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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

MÚK I/35 a I/46 v Olomouci / Grade-separated Interchange of Highways I/35 and I/46 in Olomouc city

Stejskal, Filip January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with designing a grade-separated interchange of highways no. I/35 and no. I/46 in Olomouc. This is a grade-separated crossing of two four-banded roads. Some concepts were designed from which a shape modified turbo-roundabout, known as a „dog-bone“, was selected. Futhermore a proposal for a signal plan and capacity assessments of the light controlled intersection were submitted.

„Living apart together“ im Kontext von Partnerschaftsbildern, beruflichen Lagen und Eigenschaften der Herkunftsfamilie

Lois, Nadia 28 May 2014 (has links)
Die kumulative Promotion befasst sich mit der Lebensform „Living apart together“ (LAT), worunter Paare verstanden werden, die nach Maßgabe ihre Selbstwahrnehmung in getrennten Haushalten leben. Die Arbeit besteht aus insgesamt vier Beiträgen, die in peer-review-Journals erschienen sind sowie einer zusammenfassenden Synopse. Ein erster Schwerpunkt des Promotionsprojektes besteht darin, die Binnendifferenzierung der partnerschaftlichen Lebensform LAT zu untersuchen. Dazu werden mit Daten des Beziehungs- und Familienpanels (Befragte zwischen 15 und 39 Jahre) verschiedene Typen von LAT-Partnerschaften mithilfe von Clusteranalysen identifiziert. Hierbei erweist sich eine heuristische Einteilung in drei Idealtypen – die LAT als Vorstufe stärker verfestigter Lebensformen, LAT als berufsbedingte Notlösung und LAT als Beziehungsideal – als weitgehend empirisch tragfähig. Gleichzeitig werden neue Typen wie z.B. die „ökonomisch deprivierte LAT“ identifiziert, bei der eine ökonomisch prekäre Lage und eine starke Betroffenheit von Arbeitslosigkeit die weitere Institutionalisierung der Partnerschaft zu hemmen scheinen. Das zweite Ziel der Arbeit besteht darin, die Entwicklung der LAT-Partnerschaften im Längsschnitt, d.h. die Übergänge in den gemeinsamen Haushalt einerseits und in eine Trennung andererseits, zu untersuchen. Hier zeigen sich zum Teil deutlich Unterschiede zwischen den zuvor identifizierten Clustern. Eine niedrige Übergangsrate in die Kohabitation sowie ein hohes Trennungsrisiko können z.B. für jugendliche LAT-Partnerschaften, aber auch für den ökonomisch deprivierten Typ, beobachtet werden. Die Kohabitationsneigung bei berufsbedingten Fernbeziehungen ist dagegen höher und das Trennungsrisiko geringer als theoretisch erwartet. Schließlich wird als dritter Schwerpunkt des Projektes der Frage nachgegangen, welche Rolle Eigenschaften der Herkunftsfamilie im Institutionalisierungsprozess spielen. Es zeigt sich, dass Jugendliche die für sie typische LAT-Partnerschaft insbesondere dann früh verlassen und einen Haushalt mit ihrem Partner gründen, wenn es sich nicht um Kernfamilien, sondern um alleinerziehende Eltern oder Stiefeltern handelt. Im Promotionsprojekt wird der Frage nachgegangen, auf welche Mechanismen diese Zusammenhänge hauptsächlich zurückführbar ist, wobei verschiedene theoretische Ansätze – ökonomische Deprivation, Transmissionseffekte, soziale Kontrolle, Stress – vergleichend gegenübergestellt werden.:1. Synopse 2. Lois, Nadia 2012: "Living apart together": Sechs Typen einer heterogenen Lebensform. In: Zeitschrift für Familienforschung 24: 247-268. 3. Lois, Daniel; Lois, Nadia 2012: "Living apart together" – eine dauerhafte Alternative? Zur Bedeutung von beruflichen Lagen und Partnerschaftsbildern für das Leben in getrennten Haushalten. In: Soziale Welt 63: 117-140. 4. Lois, Nadia 2014: Einflüsse der Herkunftsfamilie auf den frühzeitigen Auszug aus dem Elternhaus und die Kohabitation – Ein Test vermittelnder Mechanismen. In: Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation 34: 71-88. 5. Arránz Becker, Oliver; Salzburger, Veronika; Lois, Nadia; Nauck, Bernhard 2013: What narrows the stepgap? Closeness between parents and adult (step)children in Germany. In: Journal of Marriage and Family 75: 1130-1148.

Low-Frequency Flow Oscillations on Stalled Wings Exhibiting Cellular Separation Topology

Disotell, Kevin James January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Amaranth Grain Seed Cleaner Development and Testing

Bartone, Stephen M. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Smarttelefon-sensorernas möjligheter - En studie om barometer-, GPS- och accelerometersensorer. The smartphone sensor possibilities - A case study featuring the barometer, GPS and accelerometer sensors

Mylonas, Christos, Đulić, Samir January 2014 (has links)
Denna rapport sammanfattar resultat av ett examensarbete på en högskoleingenjörsutbildningsom utfördes av två studenter på Malmö högskola.Arbetets syfte var att genomföra en mängd olika experiment med accelerometer, barometeroch GPS i en modern smarttelefon. Ett antal scenarier för en tänkbar sensoranvändning i applikationerformulerades för att vägleda olika experiment. Experimentdata dokumenterades noggrantoch analyserades med avsikten att skapa en databank med information för framtida studier.Analys av data inkluderar höjdbestämning i naturen och i byggnader med hjälp av barometersensor,geografisk position med hjälp av GPS, hastighet och acceleration under en hissfärdmed hjälp av accelerometer.Rapporten innehåller en omfattande litteraturstudie om användning av sensorer vid inomhuspositionering.Från analys av mätdata, kom vi fram till slutsatsen att är möjligt att beräkna höjdenfrån barometerdata med bra noggrannhet under optimala omständigheter. GPS höjdenfrån mätningarna har stor felmarginal jämfört med den verkliga höjden samt när den jämförsmed den beräknade höjden från barometern.Genom att utföra en numerisk integration på accelerometer-data kom vi fram till att det är möjligtatt beräkna ungefär hur långt man har färdats med en hiss, dock att vissa detaljer måste tasi beaktning. / This report summarizes the results of a degree Bachelor of engineering in Computer Scienceconducted by two students at Malmo University.Work aim was to conduct a variety of experiments with accelerometer, barometer and GPS in amodern smartphone. A number of scenarios for a possible sensor use in applications formulatedto guided experiments. Data is carefully documented and analyzed, with the intention tocreate a database of information for future studies. Analysis of the data includes the altitudedetermination in nature and in buildings using barometric sensor, geographic location usingGPS, speed and acceleration during an elevator journey with the help of accelerometer.The report contains a comprehensive literature review on the use of sensors for indoorpositioning.From our analysis of the measurement data, we conclude that it is possible to calculate thealtitude from barometric- information but good accuracy if there are optimum circumstances.GPS altitude from our measurements show faulty height by a large margin compared with theactual height and when it is compared with the calculated height of the barometer the barometricheight is closer to the actual height.By performing a numerical integration of the accelerometer data, the results show that it ispossible to calculate approximately how far you have traveled in meters in an elevator, howeverthere are some things that must be taken into consideration.

La Banque islamique comme réponse à l'instabilité de l'économie de crédit / The Islamic bank model as a possible solution to the credit economy instability.

Hatmi, Zeineb 15 December 2017 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de présenter la Banque islamique comme réponse à l’instabilité de l’économie de crédit. La lecture de la crise des subprimes au prisme du modèle post- keynésien de Minsky-Kindleberger permet d’affirmer que l’Hypothèse d’Instabilité Financière (HIF) débouche sur des propositions de gestion des crises financières. Car, si les crises sont inhérentes au capitalisme, il devient nécessaire et urgent de mettre en place des institutions à même de gérer les perturbations financières. Les réformes monétaires proposées au fil du temps par des éco- nomistes et le comité Bâle III posent le problème du développement bancaire. Dans le cas où la monnaie est séparée du crédit financier, soit le cas des reformes monétaires proposées par Fisher (1935) et ses disciples, nous rencontrons le problème du multiplicateur de crédit alors que le risque systémique est faible et il y a remise en cause de la nécessité du prêteur en dernier ressort dans ce système. Tandis que si la monnaie n’est pas séparée du crédit financier, cas des réformes monétaire proposées par des instruments de gestion tels que ceux proposées par Minsky (1982) ; Kindleberger (1989) ; Aglietta et Moutot (1993) ; Aglietta (2011) et le comité Bâle III, le risque systémique per- siste toujours. Dans ce dernier cas, c’est le prêteur en dernier ressort qui est le plus susceptible d’assumer l’objectif de la stabilité du système financier dans son ensemble en émettant de la liquidi- té ultime. L’étude comparative de deux cas de développement de banques islamiques, celui de l’Arabie Saoudite et celui du Pakistan, a montré que ces deux systèmes bancaires ont été confrontés au même problème que celui de la finance occidentale : le développement bancaire. Du fait que, si la monnaie est séparée du crédit financier – cas du Pakistan – les Banques islamiques sont à la fois moins vulnérables au risque systémique mais sont moins performantes. Alors que si la monnaie n’est pas séparée du crédit financier – cas de l’Arabie Saoudite – les banques islamiques sont plus vulnérables aux risques systémiques mais sont plus performantes. A contrario, même si la Banque islamique ne répond pas au risque systémique de l’Hypothèse de l’Instabilité de l’Économie de Crédit, elle résiste tout de même à la crise systémique de cette hypothèse du fait qu’elle ne peut en aucun cas conduire à une crise systémique comme celle des subprimes. Car, en contraste avec l’instrument du système financier conventionnel, les spécificités de l’instrument du système finan- cier islamique l’amènent à être moins vulnérable à la crise systémique. / The goal of this PhD is to analyze the Islamic bank model as a possible solution to the credit economy instability. Reading the subprime crisis through the post Keynesian model of Minsky-Kindleberger lenses allows us to assert that the Financial Instability Hypothesis (HIF) leads to proposals for financial crises management. If crises are inherent in capitalism, it becomes necessary and urgent to set up institutions able of managing financial perturbations. The monetary reforms suggested over time by economists and the Bale III committee too raises the problem of banking development. If money is separated from the financial credit, as in the example of Fisher (1935) and his followers monetary reforms shows, we run into the problem of the credit multiplier while the systemic risk is weak and the necessity of the lender of last resort in this system is questioned. Whereas, if money is not separated from the financial credit, as in the case of monetary reforms proposed by instruments of management such as those suggested by Minsky (1982), Kindleberger, Aglietta and Moutot (1993), Aglietta (2011) and Bale III, the systemic risk persists and this is, after all, the lender in the last resort who may assume the objective of the financial system’s stability in general by uttering of the ultimate liquidity. The development study of the two cases of Islamic banks, those in Saudi Arabia and those in Pakistan, showed the confrontation of these banks of the same problems noticed in the western finance. In fact, if money is separated from the financial credit, which is the case in Pakistan, Islamic banks are less vulnerable to systemic risk and are less efficient. While if money is not separated from the financial credit, as in Saudi Arabia, Islamic banks are more vulnerable to systemic risk and more efficient. However, even if the Islamic bank does not respond to the systemic risk of the Hypothesis of the Credit Economy’s instability, it answers as even to the systemic crises of this hypothesis. Hence, in all cases, it cannot lead to a systemic crisis similar to the subprime one. This is due to the fact that specification of the Islamic financial system instrument, in contrast to the instrument of the conventional financial system, is less vulnerable to the systemic crisis.

Particle diffusion in protein gels and at interfaces / Diffusion de particules dans des gels de protéines et aux interfaces

Balakrishnan Nair, Gireeshkumar 14 March 2012 (has links)
L'objectif de la thèse était d'étudier la mobilité de traceurs particulaires dans des milieuxcomplexes par microscopie confocale à balayage laser (CLSM) combinée avec le suivi demultiple particules (MPT) et le recouvrement de fluorescence après photoblanchiment (FRAP).Tout d'abord, nous avons étudié la diffusion de particules dans les gels formés par des protéinesglobulaires. Dans ce but, des gels avec structures variés ont été préparés en faisant varier lesconcentrations en protéine et en sel. La structure a été caractérisée par l'analyse des imagesobtenues par CLSM en termes de fonction de corrélation de paires. La mobilité de particulesavec une large gamme de tailles (2nm - 1 micron) a été étudiée à la fois dans des gels homogèneset hétérogènes et reliée à la structure du gel.Deuxièmement, nous avons étudié des émulsions eau dans eau préparées en mélangeant dessolutions aqueuses de PEO et de dextran. Il a été montré que lorsque des particules colloïdalessont ajoutées, elles sont emprisonnées à l'interface eau-eau, car elles réduisent la tensioninterfaciale. La structure et le déplacement des particules à l'interface ont été déterminés parCLSM combinée avec MPT. / The objective of the thesis was to investigate the mobility of tracer particles in complex media byConfocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM) combined with multiple particle tracking (MPT)and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP).First, we investigated the diffusion of tracer particles in gels formed by globular proteins. Gelswith a variety of structures were prepared by varying the protein and salt concentrations. Thestructure was characterized by analysis of the CLSM images in terms of the pair correlationfunction. The mobility of particles with a broad range of sizes (2nm - 1μm) was investigatedboth in homogeneous and heterogeneous gels and related to the gel structure.Second, we studied water-in-water-emulsions prepared by mixing aqueous solutions of PEO anddextran. It is shown that when colloidal particles are added they become trapped at the waterwaterinterface because they reduce the interfacial tension. The structure and the displacement ofthe particles at the interface were determined using CLSM combined with MPT.

Obtenção e caracterização de Minced Fish de sardinha e sua estabilidade durante a estocagem sob congelamento / Obtaining and characterization of Minced Fish sardines and its stability during storage under freezing

Neiva, Cristiane Rodrigues Pinheiro 06 June 2003 (has links)
É muito elevado o potencial de utilização do pescado na forma de minced fish - MF, servindo de matéria-prima para outros produtos. O MF de sardinha foi avaliado quanto ao rendimento, ao efeito da lavagem sobre a melhoria da cor, à caracterização química e quanto à estabilidade química e sensorial durante estocagem sob congelamento de -17 a -18°C. O rendimento do MF de sardinha lavado com água foi de 55% em relação ao peixe inteiro e próximo do rendimento teórico da parte comestível. A lavagem do MF com água ou água + bicarbonato de sódio proporcionou a obtenção de um produto com cor vantajosamente mais clara e apreciável. Com relação à composição química básica o MF de sardinha lavado com água apresentou maior hidratação e menor teor de cinzas em relação ao controle e semelhantes quantidades de proteína e lípides. Comparado ao controle, o MF de sardinha lavado com água, não apresentou diferença quanto ao perfil de ácidos graxos e pH, o que não ocorreu com o nitrogênio das bases voláteis - N-BVT, que diminuiu, e às substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico - TBARS, que aumentaram. O MF de sardinha lavado com água, contendo ou não antioxidantes artificialmente adicionados, apresentou estabilidade química e sensorial quando mantido sob congelamento, com base nos parâmetros pH, N-BVT, TBARS, odor a ranço e cor, em até 26 semanas de estocagem. Os resultados do presente trabalho são favoráveis à possibilidade de obtenção de MF de sardinha lavado com água e seu emprego como matéria-prima para outros produtos pesqueiros. / The potentiality of fish\'s utilization as minced fish - MF is very high, actually turning into a raw material to other products. The sardine\'s MF was evaluated according to its yield, the washing effect improving the color, its chemical characteristic and chemical and sensorial stability, during frozen storage under -17,-18°C. The yield of sardine\'s MF washed in with water, was 55% related to the whole fish and close to the theoretic yield of eatable portion. The MF\'s washing in water or in water plus sodium bicarbonate provide a product with clearer and more desirable color. Related to the chemical basic composition, sardine\'s MF washed in water, presented better hydration and lower ashes contents than its control, and similar quantity of protein and lipids. Compared to the control, the sardine\'s MF washed in water, had not presented any difference related to the fatty acids profile and pH, that had not happened with the nitrogen of volatile bases - N-BVT, which had been decreased, and the thiobarbituric acid reactant substances - TBARS, that had been increased. The sardine\'s MF washed in water, containing or not added antioxidants, was chemical and sensorial stable when maintained frozen, based on parameters as pH, N-BVT, TBARS, rancidity odor, and color, stored for 26 weeks. The results of this work are propitious to the possibility of achieving sardine\'s MF washed in water, and your utilization as a raw material to others seafoods.

集合住宅專有部分與共有部分之分開計價問題探討-台北大學特定區為例 / Analysis of housing separated prices in property rights of private units and public elements

林逸杰, Lin, I Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
住宅價格,在自由市場機制的放任下不斷攀升,政府以「分開計價」策略介入市場,揭露產權分配資訊,目的在保障消費者,避免購置過多的「虛坪」,並降低住宅價格負擔。本文試圖從產權分配的基本面,以「分開計價」政策,來探討房價與「虛坪」之間的關係問題,不同以往文獻以政治、社會與經濟面來分析高房價問題。如何分開、如何計價、又何謂虛坪,為本文研究動機。 如何分開產權的研究顯示,「專有部分」與「共有部分」需有合理規劃原則,方能免於購置虛坪。其方法宜採用「共有部分」五項目分配法,將共有部分之小公共設施、大公共設施、機車位、車道與車位分別單獨登記建號,再依主建物比例來合理分配共有部分;應禁止使用之分配規劃方式分別為:(1)地上層與地下層二分法、(2)各棟小公混合後再分配法、(3)機房併入主建物分法。 如何分開計價的推演方法顯示,除分析階層程序法不適用外,其建築體積成本法、蒐集與檢驗市場法,都在可接受範圍內。研究也顯示,虛坪雨遮准予登記但不予計價,符合市場、供給成本與需求認知。此外,僅以主建物計價,符合需求者的期待,並與國外僅以「專有部分」計價概念相符,資料顯示,國外不動產每單位的價格,乘上72.86%後為本國價格,此結果將可降低研究國內外不動產價格比較上的估價誤差。因此,產權「主建物比」較「公設比」資訊的揭露,更能避免購置過多「虛坪」,降低住宅價格負擔。 / The government adapts a policy of “separated prices in property rights” to reveal the secrets under distribution planning of property right, aiming to protect consumer from buying too much” virtual property rights” and in order to reduce housing burden. This study starts from a fundamental aspect in distribution planning of property rights to figure out the relationship between housing prices and virtual property rights, which is different from the political, social, and economical-based in history dissertations. Motivations of this study are to analyze what virtual property is and to explain how to separate and count the price of property. This research indicates that property distribution should be reasonably arranged in private units and public elements. Thus, problem of virtual property rights is avoided. The distribution method is followed: The entire public property rights should be detailed separately planning as an individual public facilities, large public facilities, motorbike parking, car parking, and basement driveway to the ground floor’s area. Completely inappropriate approaches are to merely separate on the floor or the basement space, and the machine room belongs to main building. Except analytical hierarchy process method, cost approach of building volume method and collect-check method are appropriate in applying separated prices in property rights. Moreover, the virtual property rights of rain cover cannot be charged but be registered. It corresponds with the situation of market pricing, supply costs and demand. The concept of charging merely in main private units reaches the expectation of the demanders, which equals to the foreign concept. According to data, in Taiwan, per unit real estate price is 72.86% times to foreign one. This result will reduce the mistakes of estimation in comparing prices. Consequently, the more information about ratio of main private units is revealed than public elements one , the less expense consumers have to face.

Projeto e compensação de parâmetros de transformador de núcleo separado destinado ao carregamento de baterias de veículos subaquáticos autônomos

Lopes, Israel Filipe 26 February 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-04-06T14:20:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 israelfilipelopes.pdf: 3821077 bytes, checksum: 03973b1d4356ce4b46316762af40ac71 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-04-24T03:51:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 israelfilipelopes.pdf: 3821077 bytes, checksum: 03973b1d4356ce4b46316762af40ac71 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-24T03:51:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 israelfilipelopes.pdf: 3821077 bytes, checksum: 03973b1d4356ce4b46316762af40ac71 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-26 / Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre transferência de energia elétrica sem contato para carregamento de baterias de veículos autônomos subaquáticos (AUV - Autonomous Underwater Vehicles) utilizando transformadores de núcleo separado (TNS). Inicialmente, é feito um projeto para construção de um transformador de núcleo separado. Posteriormente, são desenvolvidas as equações que modelam o funcionamento do transformador, com base em seu circuito elétrico equivalente. Em seguida, o trabalho propõe uma alternativa para estimar os parâmetros do circuito equivalente do transformador operando com valores de entreferro diferentes, validando seu modelo matemático aproximado com simulações realizadas no software PSIM, versão 9.0. Com o modelo matemático do TNS, é feita uma avaliação da sua capacidade de transferência de energia, mostrando que, em virtude do entreferro, o transformador apresenta baixa eficiência e baixos valores de tensão de saída. Nesse sentido, metodologias para compensar os efeitos de queda de tensão na impedância de dispersão, bem como aumentar a eficiência do transformador, são investigadas introduzindo-se capacitâncias no circuito elétrico equivalente e variando-se a frequência de operação. Aplicando os resultados dessa metodologia de otimização, é mostrado, por meio de experimentos em laboratório, que o TNS é capaz de transmitir energia através de um entreferro de 10 mm, atendendo às condições de tensão e potência da carga, com eficiência relativamente elevada. Em seguida, é feito um experimento com água do mar a fim de verificar a aplicabilidade do TNS em veículos subaquáticos. Por fim, é apresentada uma simulação digital realizada no software PSIM, versão 9.0, com um conversor c.c./c.c. controlador de carga para o sistema de carregamento de bateria. Os resultados obtidos demonstram o funcionamento do sistema, verificando a metodologia para estimativa do modelo e a metodologia de otimização do TNS. / This work presents a study on contactless electrical energy power transfer for charging batteries of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV - Autonomous Underwater Vehicles) using transformers with separated core (TNS). Initially, a project is made for building a transformer with separated core. After, the equations that model the operation of the transformer, based on its electrical equivalent circuit, are developed. Then, the work proposes an alternative to estimate the parameters of the equivalent circuit of the transformer operating with different gap values, validating its mathematical model with simulations in PSIM software, version 9.0. With the mathematical model of TNS, an evaluation of its ability to transfer power is made, showing that, because of the air gap, the transformer has a low efficiency and low output voltage. Therefore, methodologies to compensate for the effects of voltage drop in the leakage impedance and increase the efficiency of the transformer are investigated by introducing capacitances in the equivalent circuit and varying the of operating frequency. Applying the results of optimization methodology is shown, through laboratory experiments, that the TNS is capable of transmitting power through an air gap of 10 mm, given the voltage and load power conditions, with relatively high efficiency. Then, an experiment is done with seawater in order to verify the applicability of TNS for underwater vehicles. Finally, the work presents a simulation in PSIM with a d.c./d.c. charge controller for battery. The results demonstrate the operation of the system, verifying the methodology for estimation of the model and optimization methodology of TNS.

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