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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Expanding Water Service Delivery through Partnership between Water Utility and Small Scale Water Providers in Lusaka, Zambia : A Case of Lusaka’s Peri-Urban Areas

Mwandu Siyeni, Yvonne January 2008 (has links)
Zambia is a highly urbanized country with 60% of its urban population residing in low cost areas also called peri-urban, slum or informal settlements. The increase in urban population attributed to rapid migration and urbanization due to political and economic changes has taken a toll on service provision as the infrastructure development and service provision has failed to meet the demand. For the 33 peri-urban areas in Lusaka, the water supply and sanitation has been poor, inadequate and unreliable with the coverage being slightly above 50% for water while 90% of the urban population does not have access to the much needed sanitation. The low coverage is a result of lack the financial capacity on the part of the service providers to extend services to un served areas. This research focuses on the strategies to provide sustainable water and sanitation services to peri-urban areas to ensure improved accessibility through the expansion of infrastructure and attainment of full cost recovery. In this era of increasing migration to unplanned settlements where the services are inadequate, alternatives to public provision of water and sanitation services need to be put in place. One of the alternatives is the public-private partnership which encompasses the society, private and the civil society. As has been found in the study the best alternative should not only be completely bottom up but should also be more demand driven and be able to provide for greater contributions from the affected communities. The hypothesis of the study is to ascertain if provision of water supply to the Peri-Urban Areas (PUAs) can be achieved through the partnership between the water utility and the small scale water providers. Therefore, the objectives of the research are to: evaluate and compare the current service provision to the peri-urban areas by the utility and small scale providers in terms of technical, social and institutional arrangements and determine the best way of ensuring sustained service provision to peri urban areas and show how partnership can be the best solution to improving service delivery to these areas. Service provision in PUAs can not be achieved without the involvement of all the stakeholders especially the community who are also the users and whose major role is paying for the service to enhance sustainability. In this study the Small Scale Water Providers (SSWP) users were found to be satisfied with the service provided than the utility users who felt that more needed to be done. The two providers are found to have different strengths which when combined would enhance service provision. The collaboration between utility with its competence in water supply, technical installations, water quality testing and SSWP with theirs in community involvement, cost recovery, effective operation and maintenance and demand driven water schemes have to be merged to achieve the intended goal and it is also an indication that the two can complement each other. Utility should therefore consider opening investment accounts for all the areas so as to detach PUAs needs from the general plan and eventually budget as they would be self sustaining and enhance willingness to pay for the users. The SSWP should therefore be viewed as partners by all and licensing should be considered by the government for the benefit of the urban poor.

Komplikationer vid praktiskt arbete med ITIL- En fallstudie om ITIL Practitioner / Complications in practical work with ITIL- A case study about ITIL Practitioner

Eriksson, Markus, Andersson, Sebastian January 2017 (has links)
Det digitala samhället vi idag lever i ställer allt högre krav på tjänster och tjänsteinnovationer till följd av den förflyttning som skett från ett traditionellt varudominant synsätt till ett tjänstedominant synsätt på varor och produkter där kunden har en betydande stor roll. Den tjänstedominanta synen även kallad IT service Management har växt fram till att bli en viktigpusselbit för organisationer i hanteringen av dess IT-strategier. För att styra organisationers IT-service Management har olika diverse ramverk växt fram delvis för att främja flexibilitet. Ett av de mest använda ramverken är Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL). ITIL fokuserar på processer för att leverera och hantera IT-tjänster för en verksamhet. De fördelar som ITIL kan främja berör bland annat förbättrad tjänstekvalitet genom att ökatjänstepålitligheten samt tjänstetillgängligheten. ITIL främjar även flexibilitet där samtidigt tydliga avgränsningar och vägledning ges. För ITIL finns olika certifieringsnivåer och utbildningar som kan genomföras. Trots ITILs popularitet, utbreddhet samt den mängdpublikationer som ITIL är uppbyggt av finns dock ett antal svårigheter vid implementering av ITIL. Bland annat upplever verksamheter en osäkerhet i vart arbetet skall börja och vilken process som bör implementeras först i kombination med en efterfrågan på mer praktiskvägledning från utövare. För att besvara denna efterfrågan har Axelos ITILs ägare, introduceraten ny certifieringsnivå och med detta introducerat en ny kurs, Practitioner. Syftet med denna studie är därför att skapa en förståelse för hur ITIL Practitioner kan tillföra praktisk vägledning för en kommunal verksamhet. För att besvara studiens forskningsfråga utfördes en kvalitativfallstudie, där en semi-strukturerad intervju i kombination med granskning av dokumentgenomfördes på en kommunal verksamhet med informanter som har god kunskap av ITIL samt genomgått den nya certifieringsnivå som introducerats av Axelos. Från det insamlade materialet via intervjun och dokumentgranskningen kunde författarna identifiera ett antal faktorer som besvarar hur ITIL Practitioner kan tillföra praktisk vägledning för en kommunal verksamhet. Den mest framträdande faktorn uppnås genom att ITIL Practitioner genomförs internt meddeltagare från den egna verksamheten, där ITIL Practitioner utformas efter verksamhetens egna behov. Ytterligare faktorer som författarna kunde identifiera var att ITIL Practitioner kan egenverksamheter givande diskussioner gällande mjuka frågor, samt att ITIL Practitioner kan ge engemensam grund att stå på, så olika delprojekt bedrivs på liknande sätt. / The digital society we live today poses increasingly high demand on services and service innovations as a result of the shift from a traditional goods-dominant logic to a service dominant view on goods and products where the customer plays a significate role. The service dominated view also known as IT Service Management, has grown to be an important piece of puzzle for organizations in managing its IT strategies. In order to control organizations’ IT Service Management, different frameworks have been developed partly to promote flexibility. One of the most common framework is the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL). ITIL focuses on processes for delivering and managing IT services for an organization. The benefits that ITIL can promote affects, among other things, improved service quality by increasing service reliability and service availability. ITIL also promotes flexibility as well as providing clear delimitations and guidance. For ITIL there are different certification levels and programs that can be performed. However, despite ITIL’s widespread popularity and the amount of publications that ITIL is built on, there are a number of difficulties in implementing ITIL. Some organizations experience an uncertainty as to where the work is to begin, which processes that should be implemented first in combination with a demand for practical guidance from practitioners. To answer this demand Axelos, ITIL’s owner, introduced a new level of certification namely ITIL Practitioner. The purpose of this study is therefore to provide an understanding of how ITIL Practitioner can provide practical guidance to a municipal organization. To answer the study’s research question, a qualitative case study was carried out, in which a semi-structured interview as well as document review was conducted on a municipal organization with informants who had good knowledge of ITIL and had undergone the new certification level that Axelos introduced. From the collected material through the interview and documentary review, the authors could identify a number of factors that answer how ITIL Practitioner can provide practical knowledge for a municipal organization. The most prominent factor is achieved by practicing internally with participants from their own organization, where ITIL Practitioner is designed according to the companies own needs. Additional factors that the authors could identify were that ITIL Practitioner can provide organizations with meaningful discussions on soft issues, and that ITIL Practitioner can give a common reason to stand on, so that different subprojects are conducted in a similar manner.

Expanding Water Service Delivery through Partnership between Water Utility and Small Scale Water Providers in Lusaka, Zambia : A Case of Lusaka's Peri-Urban Areas

Mwandu Siyeni, Yvonne January 2008 (has links)
Zambia is a highly urbanized country with 60% of its urban population residing in low cost areas also called peri-urban, slum or informal settlements. The increase in urban population attributed to rapid migration and urbanization due to political and economic changes has taken a toll on service provision as the infrastructure development and service provision has failed to meet the demand. For the 33 peri-urban areas in Lusaka, the water supply and sanitation has been poor, inadequate and unreliable with the coverage being slightly above 50% for water while 90% of the urban population does not have access to the much needed sanitation. The low coverage is a result of lack the financial capacity on the part of the service providers to extend services to un served areas. This research focuses on the strategies to provide sustainable water and sanitation services to peri-urban areas to ensure improved accessibility through the expansion of infrastructure and attainment of full cost recovery. In this era of increasing migration to unplanned settlements where the services are inadequate, alternatives to public provision of water and sanitation services need to be put in place. One of the alternatives is the public-private partnership which encompasses the society, private and the civil society. As has been found in the study the best alternative should not only be completely bottom up but should also be more demand driven and be able to provide for reater contributions from the affected communities. The hypothesis of the study is to ascertain if provision of water supply to the Peri-Urban Areas (PUAs) can be achieved through the partnership between the water utility and the small scale water providers. Therefore, the objectives of the research are to: evaluate and compare the current service provision to the peri-urban areas by the utility and small scale providers in terms of technical, social and institutional arrangements and determine the best way of ensuring sustained service provision to peri urban areas and show how partnership can be the best solution to improving service delivery to these areas. Service provision in PUAs can not be achieved without the involvement of all the stakeholders especially the community who are also the users and whose major role is paying for the service to enhance sustainability. In this study the Small Scale Water Providers (SSWP) users were found to be satisfied with the service provided than the utility users who felt that more needed to be done. The two providers are found to have different strengths which when combined would enhance service provision. The collaboration between utility with its competence in water supply, technical installations, water quality testing and SSWP with theirs in community involvement, cost recovery, effective operation and maintenance and demand driven water schemes have to be merged to achieve the intended goal and it is also an indication that the two can complement each other. Utility should therefore consider opening investment accounts for all the areas so as to detach PUAs needs from the general plan and eventually budget as they would be self sustaining and enhance  illingness to pay for the users. The SSWP should therefore be viewed as partners by all and licensing should be considered by the government for the benefit of the urban poor.

Betalsystem på webben för utvecklaren / Payment online for the developer

Elwing, Malin January 2009 (has links)
Rapporten tar upp och behandlar ämnet betalväxlar utifrån en utvecklares perspektiv. Två företag som varit i eller nära inpå processen att utveckla en webbshop har intervjuats och jämförts med utbudet hos ett antal olika betalväxlar. Intervjuerna har visat ett resultat som är mycket troligt att man som ny utvecklare kommer i kontakt med i början. Positionen kan då vara både som utvecklare eller som ägare till webbshoppen. Det gick även att konstatera att det fanns ett antal betalväxlar lämpade för olika kunskapsnivåer. Professionell hjälp i form av råd och implementation måste inte tvunget vara en nödvändighet för att man ska kunna sätta upp en relativt avancerad webbshop. / This report deals with online Payment Service Providers (PSPs) from the developer's point of view. Two companies that were in or in close connection to the process of developing a web shop were interviewed and compared to the suppöy of payment options at a number of different payment PSPs. The interviews has shown a result which is probable that a new developer will get in contact with in the beginning. The position could be either as a web developer or as an owner of a web shop. It was also possible to establish that there were a number of PSPs suitable for different levels of knowledge within the field. Professional help such as advices and implementation is not necessary in order to be able to set up a relatively advanced web shop.

ITIL i praktiken - En studie av problem, dess orsaker och hur de kan hanteras / ITIL in practice – A study of problem, causes and solutions

Lövgren, Patrik, Källstrand, Markus January 2016 (has links)
Omvärlden förändras i en allt snabbare takt, vilket också försvårar driften av organisationer. Detta leder till ökad komplexitet av verksamheters applikationer och ökar kraven på IT-tjänsterna. Fokus behöver därför skiftas från den traditionella synen på IT och IT-förvaltning till en mer kund och tjänsteorienterad syn vilket kallas för IT Service Management (ITSM). Inom ITSM finns det ett antal ramverk och IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) är det mest populära. ITIL är ett ramverk som fokuserar på processer och funktioner för att leverera och hantera en verksamhets IT-tjänster. ITIL syftar till att skapa fördelar såsom att förbättra tjänstekvalitén, minska kostnader, bli mer tidseffektiva, skapa bättre standarder och i slutändan förbättra kundnöjdheten.Det finns dock ett antal problem som verksamheter stöter på vid användningen av ITIL. För att kunna utnyttja och ta del av de fördelar som ITIL bidrar med, är det viktigt att kunna hantera dessa problem. Ett vanligt misstag är dock att fokus läggs på symptomen istället för den grundläggande orsaken. Syftet är därför att få en helhetsförståelse för de problem som uppstår vid användandet av ITIL, vilka orsakerna är och hur de kan hanteras. För att besvara frågeställningen utfördes en kvalitativ undersökning via semi-strukturerade intervjuer med tre respondenter som har praktisk erfarenhet av ITIL.Intervjuerna visade att respondenterna till stora delar plockade fram liknande problem, och att många av dem grundar sig i samma orsak. Exempel på problem som identifierades var att många hoppar över de strategiska processerna och att det råder en missuppfattning gällande ITIL. Den vanligaste orsaken visade sig vara okunskap, och att de inte vet hur det skall användas. Ett annat problem var att tjänsteleverantören inte efterföljer de införda ITIL-processerna och en orsak till detta visade sig vara att verksamheter har svårt att påvisa nyttan med ITIL. Detta visade sig kunna hanteras genom att analysera mätningar och använda dessa som underlag för att förklara varför ramverket används. / The world is changing rapidly, which complicates the management of organizations and leads to an increased complexity of an organisations applications as well as increased demands. Therefore the focus needs to change from the traditional aproach of IT-management to a more customer and service oriented view, which is called IT Service Management (ITSM). Within ITSM there is a couple of frameworks and standars, and the most popular is IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL). ITIL is a framework that focus on processes and functions to deliver and manage an organizations IT-services. ITIL aims to create advantages such as improved service quality, reduced costs, to be more time-efficient, create better standards which leads to improved customer satisfaction.However, there are a number of problems that businesses encounter when using ITIL. In order to utilize and take advantage of the benefits that ITIL is supposed to create, it is important to deal with these problems. However, a common mistake is to focus on the symptoms rather than the root cause. Therefore the aim of this study is to offer a holistic view of the problems arising from the use of ITIL, what the causes are and how they can be managed. To answer theese questions a qualitative study was conducted using semi-structured interviews with three respondents that have practical experience of ITIL.The analysis showed that the respondents identified similar problems, and that many of them are based in the same cause. Examples of identified problems is that it´s common to ignore the strategic processes and that there is a misconception regarding ITIL. The most common cause were found to be lack of knowledge, and that they don´t know how to use the framework. Another identified problem is that the service provider does not comply with the introduced ITIL processes. One of the reasons for this proved to be that the organizations have difficulties to demonstrate the value of ITIL to the staff working with the processes. One way to manage this problem appeared to be by analyzing the metrics and use this as a basis to explain why the framework is used.

En förstudie kring en klickbar prototyp med fokus på balansen mellan användarnas behov och kundens krav : En kundportal som erbjuder städtjänster / A pilot study on a clickable prototype with a focus on the balance between user needs and customer requirements

Olofsson, Kristin January 2016 (has links)
Denna förstudie undersöker hur man kan balansera en användarcentrerad arbetsprocess mot en verklig kund (som inte tillåter kontakt med de slutgiltiga användarna). Den undersöker utmaningarna kring skapandet av en tänkt kundportal för servicetjänster genom att utgå från kundens egen informationsmodell med de slutgiltiga användarnas behov. Med hjälp av fyra muntliga intervjuer och observationer har data samlats in om hur kunden arbetar med sina användare idag. Genom denna förståelse skapades en klickbar prototyp för att sedan testa denna på två användare genom Think Aloud-observationer. Utifrån återkoppling från testerna har prototypen itererats. Resultaten av förstudien visade på vikten av en förstudie kring användarnas behov innan skapandet av en ny portal och hur dennes informationsmodell ska se ut. Med hjälp av en förstudie kan även nya innovativa idéer kring den tänkta produkten vara till sin fördel. Att skapa en användarcentrerad prototyp utan användarna är ingen användarcentrerad prototyp. Förstudiens resultat visar på möjligheterna med att involvera användare i skapandet av en prototyp för att utesluta krockar mellan kund och användare. / This pilot study investigates how one can balance a user-centrered workprocess against the business goals of the client. It investigates the challenges in creating a service providing portal by using the clients own information model but having the users in focus. With the help of four oral interviews and observations, data has been collected on how the client work with their users today. Using this understanding a prototype was created to test on two users, using Think Aloud-observations. The feedback from the tests were used to iterate the prototype further. The results showed the importance of doing it before the creation of an information model. With the help of a pilot study new innovative ideas can come up. The conclusion was that working after a user-centered method does not work if the client does not allow involvement of the users themselves. The pilot study shows the possibilities in involving users in the creation of a prototype to eliminate future problems in interaction design of a portal.

Cloud Computing Security: A Systematic Literature Review

Backe, Anton, Lindén, Hugo January 2015 (has links)
This literature review seeks to identify the major security issues and their solutions in cloud computing security as well as identifying areas for future research. Utilising a modified version of the approach suggested by Okoli and Schabram (2010) 52 articles were considered for the review, of which 26 were included in the final product. Although many security issues and solutions were identified it has become apparent that much of the research being done only relates to the theoretical side. Thus this review shows that while plenty of issues have been identified future research should focus more on the practical implications of these security risks. / Denna litteraturundersökning identifierar de huvudsakliga säkerhetsbristerna och de lösningar som åtfinns inom litteraturen om datormolnsäkerhet. Undersökningen använder sig av en modifierad version av metoden för litteraturundersökningar som skrivits av Okoli och Schabram (2010). Efter en första litteratursökning identifierades 52 artiklar som relevanta för undersökningen, av dessa 52 användes 26 i slutprodukten. Trots att flera olika säkerhetsbrister och lösningar för dessa identifierades var det uppenbart att mycket av forskningen enbart har teoretiska svar på bristerna. Undersökningen visar således att även om många hot har upptäckts av forskare saknas det forskning av de praktiska konsekvenserna av dessa brister.

The industrial organization of financial services in developing and developed countries

Casini, Paolo 16 February 2010 (has links)
In the first part of the thesis I focus on credit markets in developing countries, and describe the competitive interaction between Microfinance Institutions (MFIs). <p>Microfinance has recently attracted a lot of attention from investors, politicians, scholars and, most of all, people working on development. As a results, a huge number of MFIs are being created all over the world so that, as of today, practitioners reckon that about 100 millions of customers are being served. Remarkably, about 67% of them are women. <p><p>The reason of this extraordinary effort is that Microfinance is considered the most promising development tool currently available. This belief is based on two important features of Microfinance: (i) It promises to be financially viable (and in some cases even profitable) since poor people have proven to be reliable clients. As a result, Microfinance is potentially a zero-cost development tool. (ii) It hinges on the entrepreneurial abilities of the poor. It is designed to help the poor to help themselves, in their own home countries, by allowing them to use their skills, ideas and potentials. This should progressively make developing countries independent of rich ones' help. <p><p>The growth of Microfinance has been so fast that many issues and related research questions are still not answered. In my thesis I try to address one of them, that I believe particularly important: the increase of competition between MFIs. As economic theory predicts, competition can have dramatic consequences in terms of borrower welfare, profitability of the institutions and, therefore, on the attractiveness of the business for potential investors, donors and entrants. I use the tools of industrial organization and contract theory to understand these effects, measure them, and give some interesting policy advice. <p><p>In the first paper, I analyze the effects of entry of a new MFI in a previously monopolistic microcredit market. In order to catch the salient features of financial markets in developing countries, I use a model of asymmetric information and assume that institutions can offer only one type of contract. I consider different behavioral assumptions for the MFIs and study their influence on equilibrium predictions. The model allows showing that competition can lead to equilibria in which MFIs differentiate their contracts in order to screen borrowers. This process can, unfortunately, make the poor borrowers worse off. Interestingly, the screening process we describe creates a previously unexplored source of credit rationing. I also prove that the presence in the market of an altruistic MFI, reduces rationing and, via this channel, affects positively the competitor's profit.<p><p>In the second paper, I study the effects of competition in those markets in which, due to the absence of credit bureaus, small entrepreneurs can simultaneously borrow from more than one institution. As in the first paper, I analyze an oligopolistic microcredit market characterized by asymmetric information and institutions that can offer only one type of contract. The main contribution is to show that appropriate contract design can eliminate the ex-ante incentives for multiple borrowing. Moreover, when the market is still largely unserved and particularly risky, a screening strategy leading to con- <p>tract differentiation and credit rationing is unambiguously the most effective to avoid multiple borrowing. The result of this paper can also be read as important robustness checks of the findings of my first paper. <p><p>In the last part of the thesis, I depart from the analysis of developing countries to consider, more generally, the corporate governance of financial infrastructures. The efficient functioning of financial markets relies more and more on the presence of infrastructures providing services like clearing, settlement, messaging and many others. The last years have been characterized by interesting dynamics in the ownership regime of these service providers. Both mutualizations and de-mutualizations took place, together with entry and exit of different players. <p><p>Starting from this observation, in the last paper (with Joachim Keller), we analyze the effects of competitive interaction between differently owned financial providers. We mainly focus on the incentives to invest in safety enhancing measures and we describe the different equilibrium market configurations. We use a model in which agents need an input service for the financial market they operate in. They can decide whether to provide it them selves by forming a Cooperative or outsource it from a Third Party Provider. We prove that the co-existence of differently governed infrastructures leads to a significant reduction in the investment in safety. In most cases, monopolistic provision is preferable to competition. Moreover, the decision rule used within the Cooperative plays a central role in determining the optimal market configuration. <p><p>All in all, throughout my thesis, I use the tools of industrial organization and contract theory to model the competitive interaction of the different actors operating in financial markets. Understanding the dynamics typical of developing countries can help in gaining a deeper comprehension of the markets in richer countries, and vice-versa. I am convinced that analyzing the differences and the similarities of financial markets in different regions of the world can be of great importance for economic theorists, in that it provides a counterfactual for the assumptions and the results on which our predictions and policy advices are based.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Emergence of an energy saving market:the rise of energy service companies

Nykänen, R. (Risto) 16 September 2016 (has links)
Abstract This study examines emerging service markets1 and creates a model to capture both the service provider’s activities within market development and the interplay between different market actors. This work aims to identify the key elements behind sustainable market development, specifically examining 1) market activities, 2) the role of innovation and 3) the necessary evolutionary factors, where a market consists of multiple buyers and sellers and comparable market offerings. The empirical part of the study is conducted in the form of a qualitative case study, which is used to analyse the dynamic nature of emerging market development. The study uses a multi-method approach to data collection to capture the market’s evolution and relationships between market actors. The study follows emerging energy saving market development taking the perspective of an Energy Service Company in Dubai. As the main outcome of the study, it is argued that the service provider needs to direct its activities to build those relationships necessary to gain market acceptance and a coherent market offering before it can truly exploit market opportunities. As a characteristic of an emerging market, different interpretations of an innovation increase market dynamics, which slows market acceptance. Therefore, the service provider’s innovation process needs to serve market needs first; later, when the market has evolved, the innovation process is divided into co-innovation and structured innovation. From the evolutionary point of view, many service markets need to be fostered by market actors, as well as needing government-built regulatory and market support mechanisms. This need is especially valid for services that have other societal goals beyond pure financial interests. For a new service provider, an understanding of emerging markets is essential to appropriately set expectations and to accurately plan for the timing and effort needed for market entry. 1 An emerging market in this study represents the market development phase that occurs when a market has been created. Markets are emerging everywhere regardless of country or other geographical area and should not be confused with developing country-related emerging markets. / Tiivistelmä Tämä väitöskirja tutkii uusien markkinoiden kehittymistä erityisesti palveluliiketoiminnan ympärille, ja luo mallin, jolla voidaan tarkastella tällaisia markkinoita ja niiden kehittymistä. Mallissa huomioidaan palvelun tarjoajan aktiviteetit markkinoilla sekä vuorovaikutus muiden toimijoiden kanssa. Tutkimuksessa tunnistetaan keskeiset kehitysvaiheessa olevien markkinoiden elementit: 1) markkina-aktiviteetit, 2) innovaatio ja 3) kehittymisen edistämiseen liittyvät tekijät. Mallin mukaan nämä ovat edellytyksenä sille, että markkinoille muodostuu riittävä määrä sekä myyjiä että ostajia, jotta palvelutarjonnasta muodostuisi vertailukelpoista. Tämän tutkimuksen empiirinen osa on suoritettu laadullisena tapaustutkimuksena, jossa analysoidaan markkinoiden kehittymisen dynamiikkaa. Jotta markkinan kehittymistä ja markkinatoimijoiden välistä vuorovaikutusta voidaan tarkastella samanaikaisesti, on tutkimuksessa kerätty sekä haastattelu- että havainnointiaineistoa. Tutkimuksessa on seurattu kehityksen alkuvaiheessa olevan energiansäästömarkkinan kehittymistä ns. ESCO-palvelun tarjoajan näkökulmasta Dubaissa. Tutkimus osoittaa, että markkinoiden kehittymiseksi palvelun tarjoajan täytyy ensin keskittyä luomaan suhteet muihin markkinatoimijoihin, jotta yhdessä voidaan saavuttaa markkinoiden luottamus ja luoda yhteneväinen tarjonta, ennen kuin kilpaillaan markkinaosuuksista. Eri toimijoiden erilaiset tulkinnat markkinainnovaatiosta lisäävät dynamiikkaa ja vaikeuttaa markkinan yleistä hyväksymistä, jotka yhdessä siten hidastuttavat markkinan kehittymistä. Näistä syistä palveluntarjoajan tulisi kohdistaa innovaatioprosessinsa palvelemaan markkinan kehitystarpeita ensin ja vasta myöhemmin se voi keskittyä hyödyntämään mahdollisuuksia yhteiseen ja sisäiseen innovaatioon. Monet palvelumarkkinat vaativat kehittyäkseen toimijoita joiden tehtävä on pelkästään keskittyä edistämään markkinan kehitystä luomalla yhteisiä sääntely- ja tukimekanismeja. Nämä toimija ovat usein valtiollisia, erityisesti silloin kun markkinalla on myös yhteiskunnallisia tavoitteita, taloudellisten tavoitteiden rinnalla. Kehittyvät markkinat ja niiden mahdollisuuksien hyödyntäminen uudelle palveluntarjoajalle on haasteellinen konteksti ja menestyminen edellyttää sekä odotusten että panostusten asettamista realistisesti, jotta kehittyvillä markkinoilla voidaan ylipäätään toimia.

Interoperability and Negotiation of Security Policies / Interopérabilité et négociation des politiques de sécurité

Li, Yanhuang 24 November 2016 (has links)
Suite au développement des technologies de l'information, et en particulier au déploiement d'infrastructures telles que le Cloud Computing, de plus en plus d'applications et plateformes coopèrent en échangeant des données et des services. Cette tendance renforce l'importance de la gestion de la sécurité. Afin d'assurer la sécurité des données et de l'interaction de service une politique de sécurité doit être appliquée. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons aux politiques de contrôle d'accès. Ce type de politique spécifie les privilèges de l'utilisation des ressources et est implémentée par différents modèles selon différents scénarios. Notre objectif ici est d'aider le client du service à bien exprimer ses exigences de sécurité et à choisir les fournisseurs de services qui peuvent la déployer. La première partie de cette thèse est dédiée à la sélection des fournisseurs de service. Dans le cas où les politiques de sécurité du fournisseur sont accessibles au client, nous proposons une méthode pour mesurer la similarité entre les politiques de sécurité. Dans le cas où les politiques de sécurité ne sont pas accessibles au client ou ne sont pas explicitement spécifiées, nous proposons un cadre à base de règles permettant la dérivation à partir des exigences de sécurité aux politiques de sécurité concrètes. La seconde partie de la thèse porte sur la négociation de politiques de sécurité. Nous étudions le processus permettant aux parties en négociation de parvenir à un accord par une série d'échanges d'offres et de contre-offres. Lorsque le résultat de la négociation est positif, un contrat incluant la politique de sécurité acceptée par les parties est généré. / Security policy provides a way to define the constraints on behavior of the members belonging to a system, organization or other entities. With the development of IT technology such as Grid Computing and Cloud Computing, more and more applications and platforms exchange their data and services for cooperating. Toward this trend, security becomes an important issue and security policy has to be applied in order to ensure the safety of data and service interaction. In this thesis, we deal with one type of security policy: access control policy. Access control policy protects the privileges of resource's utilization and there exist different policy models for various scenarios. Our goal is to ensure that the service customer well expresses her security requirements and chooses the service providers that fit these requirements.The first part of this dissertation is dedicated to service provider selection. In case that the security policies of the service provider are accessible to the service customer, we provide a method for measuring the similarity between security policies. Another case is that security policies are not accessible to the service customer or not specified explicitly. Our solution is proposing a policy-based framework which enables the derivation from attribute-based security requirements to concrete security policies. The second part of the dissertation focuses on the security policy negotiation. We investigate the process of reaching agreement through bargaining process in which negotiators exchange their offers and counter offers step by step. The positive result of the negotiation generates a policy contract.

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