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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Une rhétorique du dérèglement : représentation de la fureur dans Roland de Philippe Quinault et Jean-Baptiste Lully

Parent Beauregard, Catherine 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur la représentation de la fureur dans la tragédie en musique "Roland" de Philippe Quinault et Jean-Baptiste Lully, créée en 1685. Il cherche à préciser, dans une perspective historique et rhétorique, les moyens littéraires, musicaux et scéniques par lesquels sont rendus les excès du personnage furieux sur la scène classique du second XVIIe siècle. Le premier chapitre vise à rassembler les figures mythiques de la fureur dans une perspective d’ordre historique, des origines antiques aux diverses reprises dramatiques du répertoire français, en passant par la célèbre épopée de l’Orlando furioso, rappelant ainsi les bases de la topique de la fureur. Il s’intéresse également au développement d’une esthétique de la fureur propre au genre dramatique, ainsi qu’à son rapport au sublime, idéal d’expression classique. Guidé par la question de la représentation et de ses effets sur le spectateur, le second chapitre propose une analyse rhétorique de la scène de fureur dans Roland. L’étude de cette scène en fonction des différentes parties de la rhétorique – inventio, dispositio, elocutio et actio – démontre qu’une dynamique de contraste et d’alternance entre force et douceur se situe au cœur de la rhétorique du dérèglement qui conduit les représentations de la fureur. / This dissertation addresses the representation of fury in Jean-Baptiste Lully and Philippe Quinault’s 1685 opera, Roland. It seeks to define the rhetorical means through which fury is conveyed on the classical stage of the second half of the XVIIth century, whether they be found in the music, text or staging. The first chapter considers the mythological figures of fury in a historical perspective, from ancient origins to the famous Orlando furioso and its numerous reinterpretations in the French dramatic repertoire, therefore gathering the basis of the topic of fury. This section also addresses the development of the aesthetics of fury, and its relation to the sublime ideal of classical expression. Guided by the idea of performance and of its effects on the audience, the second chapter studies Roland’s wrath in a rhetorical perspective. Following the traditional rhetorical divisions – inventio, dispositio, elocutio and actio –, the study of this scene shows that dynamics of contrast and balance between strength and softness lie at the core of the rhetoric of disturbance which conducts the representation of fury.

La poétique du rire dans Le Roman comique de Scarron

Bellemare, Alex 08 1900 (has links)
Cette étude se fixe un triple objectif. Il s’agira d’abord de décrire les représentations textuelles du rire dans Le Roman comique de Scarron, en établissant d’une part les conditions de possibilité du comique et, d’autre part, en montrant la dette qu’a contractée le genre de l’histoire comique du XVIIe siècle auprès de la poétique de la comédie classique. Nous préciserons ensuite la nature et le sens à donner aux stratégies dramaturgiques mises en œuvre par Scarron pour rendre compte de l’humanité comique, tantôt disqualifiée, toujours remise en question. Nous mettrons enfin en évidence l’originalité de la structure du roman de Scarron qui accueille contradictoirement des esthétiques ennemies. Expérience de l’insubordination et affirmation d’une conscience critique, le rire de Scarron, en même temps qu’il brouille les hiérarchies culturelles, littéraires et idéologiques de l’âge classique, induit une rhétorique de la lecture comique et délivre une vision sceptique du monde. Innervée par ce rire protéiforme et ambivalent, notre étude propose donc une interprétation globale du roman scarronien à partir de l’analyse détaillée de sa poétique. / The following study has three main goals. We will first describe the textual representations of laughter in Scarron’s Le Roman comique, establishing on the one hand the conditions of possibility of the comic and by showing, on the other hand, the debt that the seventeenth century’s comic novels have contracted towards the poetics of the comedy. We will then identify the nature and meaning of the dramaturgical strategies used by Scarron to represent his comical characters, sometimes disqualified but always questionned. Finally, we will highlight the originality of Scarron’s novel structure that hosts contradictory aesthetics. While it blurs the frontiers of cultural, literary and ideological hierarchies, Scarron’s laughter, an experience of insubordination and an affirmation of a critical consciousness, induces a certain way of reading comedy and delivers a skeptical view of classical age’s world. Animated by this protean and ambivalent laughter, our study proposes a global interpretation of Scarron’s novel based on a detailed analysis of his poetics.

Le roman édifiant aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles

Brodeur, Pierre-Olivier 08 1900 (has links)
Réalisé en cotutelle avec l'université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3 / Les romans édifiants des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles – des fictions narratives en prose qui affichent clairement leur volonté de transmettre des valeurs chrétiennes et d’influencer le comportement de leurs lecteurs dans le sens de ces valeurs – développent une poétique spécifique, basée sur la recherche et le dévoilement de la vérité chrétienne à travers la fiction mondaine. Ils posent ainsi de front une question qui a hanté les écrivains et les théoriciens de l’Âge classique, à savoir la conciliation du plaisir romanesque et de la moralité. La topique du roman édifiant (personnages, lieux et temps), sa matérialité (titres, divisions internes, ensembles d’œuvres) et sa voix (narrative et rhétorique) concourent à l’élaboration d’effets de sens qui servent la visée persuasive et religieuse des ouvrages tout en créant des récits et des imaginaires propres à satisfaire le goût du lectorat pour le roman. Cette étude vise à réintégrer dans l’histoire du roman un corpus d’œuvres négligées par la critique en faisant apparaître leur contribution à l’élaboration du roman : du roman d’Ancien Régime d’abord, mais aussi du roman à thèse moderne et, par extension, de toute la fiction idéologique. / Edifying novels of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries - narrative prose fictions that clearly put forth their will to convey Christian values and influence the behavior of their readers in the sense of these values - develop a specific poetics, based on the research and the unveiling of Christian truth through mundane fiction. They therefore emphasize a problem that has haunted writers and theorists of the Classical Age, namely the reconciliation of novelistic pleasure and morality. The narrative topics of the edifying novel (characters, places and times), its materiality (titles, internal divisions, groups of works) and voice (narrative and rhetorical) contribute to the development of significations that serve the persuasive and religious aim of the works while creating stories and imaginary worlds capable of satisfying the taste of the audience for the novel. This study aims to reintegrate in the history of the novel a body of works neglected by literary critics by showing their contribution to the development of the novel: the novel of the Old Regime, but also the modern novel of thesis and by extension, the entire ideological fiction.

The girls who spoke for God: vocation and discernment in seventeenth-century France

Kort, Meghan 30 August 2016 (has links)
During the seventeenth century, the Catholic Reformation sparked unprecedented growth in girls' educational opportunities with the opening of over five hundred new teaching convents. Yet, the active role girls played in these institutional and social changes is often overlooked. Even though girls' autobiographical writing from the seventeenth century is rare, prescriptive, educational, and biographical sources from convent schools are rich in details about girls' lives and vocational discernment. Upon leaving school, girls were encouraged to take either marriage or religious vows. Since orthodox Catholicism taught that salvation could only be received if one's life reflected God's will this decision was weighty. In fact, reformed convents tested their entrants to ensure that their vocations were freely chosen and not forced. Seventeenth-century girls' educational theorists shared this concern, and while they debated the details of curriculum, they agreed that only girls had the authority to articulate their own God-given vocations. At convent schools, girls encountered both models of female domesticity and women who were dedicated to religious life. The repeated affirmation of both of these paths created an atmosphere in which girls could legitimately choose either. Furthermore, the memories of vocational discernment recorded in nuns' lives offer evidence of plausible ways in which girls proved their callings to their communities. Focusing on religious vocation reveals how girls in the seventeenth century actively articulated their ideas, impacted their societies, and challenged adult authority. / Graduate / 2017-08-25 / 0330 / 0335 / 0520 / mjkort@uvic.ca

Making Carolean Theatre Real : Johan Sylvius’s painted performances and their surroundings in the Drottningholm Palace

Strömberg, Clara January 2019 (has links)
The thesis concerns the artworks by Johan Sylvius in the staircase, upper vestibule, upper north guard room and upper gallery of the Drottningholm Palace, as painted performances. They are studied as performative cultural encounters with a historically situated beholder but will also be regarded in relation to their spatial and artistic surrounding. From the theoretical framework of performativity and reception aesthetics, the results indicate that the images have the potential to inscribe the beholder within certain postulates on power relations and politics of identity, through working with splendour, naturalism, narrative and the function of the rooms they are located in. The results further point to the images’ manners of effecting the beholder on several levels through an employed pluralism and lastly, that they both build upon and re-produce the relation between monarch/nobility, where the former is the sole figure who both grants status and can remove it in an instance.

The making of clothing and the making of London, 1560-1660

Pitman, Sophie January 2017 (has links)
In recent years, urban historians have established that the period from 1560 to 1660 was a key era for London’s development from a relatively small European urban centre into a large dynamic global capital. This dissertation attempts to intervene in London scholarship by drawing attention to the economic, political, religious and – most significantly – cultural importance of clothing in the city in this period. Using material, visual, literary and archival sources, it explores the ways clothing contributed to the development of early modern London and, in turn, how London’s rapid growth changed the making, wearing, and meaning of clothing. This dissertation places material evidence at the fore using extant objects from museum collections. It also employs the new methodology of reconstruction to explore craft, ingenuity, and emotional self-expression in dress. As clothing infused economic and social life, it draws upon on a wide range of evidence, from London guild records, to portraits, travel accounts, personal letters, diaries and account books, plays, sermons and poems. With a focus on urban experience, this dissertation discusses not only elite luxury consumption, but also investigates the wardrobes of guildsmen, immigrant craftspeople, apprentices and maids – asking what they wore, what they thought about what they were wearing, and how they used clothing to navigate through the city during this time of rapid change. A chapter on the ‘London Look’ shows how inhabitants and visitors documented the visual and material styles of the city. Exploring the collaborative processes by which clothing was made, worn and appreciated by craftspeople and consumers, a chapter on making and buying clothing demonstrates how clothes were made and charts the emergence of a new consumer culture. Existing scholarship on sumptuary laws is challenged in a chapter that demonstrates how laws were enforced in the city while also integrating extant objects into the discussion for the first time. Finally, using a sample of London wills, the dissertation shows how Londoners owned, bequeathed and inherited clothing, and imbued it with emotional meaning. In sum, this dissertation aims to integrate scholarship on early modern London with material culture studies, and to promote the new methodology of reconstruction for historians. In revealing how London was conceived during a time of rapid change, clothing can be used as a lens through which to explore wider discourse about a city that by 1657 was being described as ‘Londinopolis.’ Clothing helped to make London into a wealthy, dynamic, and diverse urban centre, and these changes dramatically shaped the way clothing was made and appreciated.

Uma \'tão pesada cruz\': o governo da Angola portuguesa nos séculos XVI e XVII na perspectiva de Fernão de Sousa (1624-1630) / Its such a heavy cross: the Portuguese Angolas government in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries from the perspective of Fernão de Sousa

Ito, Alec Ichiro 26 August 2016 (has links)
Exercitando um escopo de análise histórico e eclético, a presente dissertação versará sobre o funcionamento de um sistema administrativo misto, arquitetado no formato de nodos interconectados, ou apenas rede, em prol da manutenção de um espaço jurisdicional ultramarino. Nessa empreitada, seremos guiados por duas traves-mestras: a primeira é o interesse nos fenômenos advindos dos contatos intersociais, a segunda é a análise perscrutada da documentação inserida nas Fontes para a história de Angola do século XVII, organizadas por Beatrix Heintze. Problematizando algumas das situações coetâneas pelas quais passavam a expansão portuguesa na África Centro-Ocidental, bem como nos debruçando sobre algumas das indagações levantadas por uma historiografia recente, defenderemos que havia uma série de movimentos ambivalentes e ambíguos no que tangia ao governo do domínio ultramarino da Angola portuguesa. Sucintamente, chamaremos atenção para a importância dos procedimentos e resoluções políticoadministrativas adotados naquele domínio, analisando as maneiras de arregimentação e condução de uma máquina de guerra portuguesa, destacando a importância da participação política de atores e sujeitos centro-africanos nos rumos políticos das chamadas conquistas e abordando as relações institucionais e econômicas entre Luanda e os entrepostos portugueses instalados no interior. Por excelência, as hierarquias internas e os contatos sociais e políticos luso-africanos foram gestados em um ambiente conflituoso, entrecortado por tensões sociais, atritos institucionais e embates políticos. Em ultima instância, concluiremos que ocorriam justaposições e aglutinações entre as formas de dominação e intermediação que faziam parte do funcionamento político e institucional da Angola portuguesa, contanto que duas precondições fossem atendidas: o engrandecimento da exploração economia através do tráfico transatlântico e a penetração institucional e política do continente. / Considering an eclectic and historical scope of analysis, this dissertation will argue about the execution of a mixed administrative system, based on institutional nodes interconnected in a form of network system, operated on the behalf of an overseas jurisdictional space. Our efforts will be engaged with two mainstreams: the first is our interest in the phenomena related with some inter-social contacts, the second is the analytical research of the Fontes para a história de Angola do século XVIIs documentation, organized by Beatrix Heintze. Casting some questions related to the different situations concerned with the Portuguese Expansion in the West Central Africa, as well as reflecting some inquiries posed by the recent historiography, here we stand for a settle of ambivalent and ambiguous series of movements emerged from the Portuguese Angolas overseas domain, calling up for the importance of some political and institutional forms of proceedings. They were all managed in order to resolve some issues related with the Portuguese Angola, paying attention to the recruitment and mobilizations of the Portuguese war machine, elucidating how the local political actors interacted with the conquistas and how was carried out the institutional and economical relations between Luanda and the interior entrepôts. All the internal hierarchies and luso-african contacts was settled down in a conflictive environment, crossed through social tensions, institutional frictions and political shocks. Finally, we conclude that some forms of domination and intermediation in the Portuguese Angola were sustained by a correlation between juxtapositions and agglutinations, but only if two demands were attended: the enlargement of the economical exploitation through the transatlantic slave trade and the institutional and political penetration of the African continent.

Uma \'tão pesada cruz\': o governo da Angola portuguesa nos séculos XVI e XVII na perspectiva de Fernão de Sousa (1624-1630) / Its such a heavy cross: the Portuguese Angolas government in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries from the perspective of Fernão de Sousa

Alec Ichiro Ito 26 August 2016 (has links)
Exercitando um escopo de análise histórico e eclético, a presente dissertação versará sobre o funcionamento de um sistema administrativo misto, arquitetado no formato de nodos interconectados, ou apenas rede, em prol da manutenção de um espaço jurisdicional ultramarino. Nessa empreitada, seremos guiados por duas traves-mestras: a primeira é o interesse nos fenômenos advindos dos contatos intersociais, a segunda é a análise perscrutada da documentação inserida nas Fontes para a história de Angola do século XVII, organizadas por Beatrix Heintze. Problematizando algumas das situações coetâneas pelas quais passavam a expansão portuguesa na África Centro-Ocidental, bem como nos debruçando sobre algumas das indagações levantadas por uma historiografia recente, defenderemos que havia uma série de movimentos ambivalentes e ambíguos no que tangia ao governo do domínio ultramarino da Angola portuguesa. Sucintamente, chamaremos atenção para a importância dos procedimentos e resoluções políticoadministrativas adotados naquele domínio, analisando as maneiras de arregimentação e condução de uma máquina de guerra portuguesa, destacando a importância da participação política de atores e sujeitos centro-africanos nos rumos políticos das chamadas conquistas e abordando as relações institucionais e econômicas entre Luanda e os entrepostos portugueses instalados no interior. Por excelência, as hierarquias internas e os contatos sociais e políticos luso-africanos foram gestados em um ambiente conflituoso, entrecortado por tensões sociais, atritos institucionais e embates políticos. Em ultima instância, concluiremos que ocorriam justaposições e aglutinações entre as formas de dominação e intermediação que faziam parte do funcionamento político e institucional da Angola portuguesa, contanto que duas precondições fossem atendidas: o engrandecimento da exploração economia através do tráfico transatlântico e a penetração institucional e política do continente. / Considering an eclectic and historical scope of analysis, this dissertation will argue about the execution of a mixed administrative system, based on institutional nodes interconnected in a form of network system, operated on the behalf of an overseas jurisdictional space. Our efforts will be engaged with two mainstreams: the first is our interest in the phenomena related with some inter-social contacts, the second is the analytical research of the Fontes para a história de Angola do século XVIIs documentation, organized by Beatrix Heintze. Casting some questions related to the different situations concerned with the Portuguese Expansion in the West Central Africa, as well as reflecting some inquiries posed by the recent historiography, here we stand for a settle of ambivalent and ambiguous series of movements emerged from the Portuguese Angolas overseas domain, calling up for the importance of some political and institutional forms of proceedings. They were all managed in order to resolve some issues related with the Portuguese Angola, paying attention to the recruitment and mobilizations of the Portuguese war machine, elucidating how the local political actors interacted with the conquistas and how was carried out the institutional and economical relations between Luanda and the interior entrepôts. All the internal hierarchies and luso-african contacts was settled down in a conflictive environment, crossed through social tensions, institutional frictions and political shocks. Finally, we conclude that some forms of domination and intermediation in the Portuguese Angola were sustained by a correlation between juxtapositions and agglutinations, but only if two demands were attended: the enlargement of the economical exploitation through the transatlantic slave trade and the institutional and political penetration of the African continent.

Um estudo sobre o salitre na Inglaterra do século XVII / A study about the saltpeter in the seventeenth century England

Silva, Nei da 07 October 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T14:16:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Nei da Silva.pdf: 516447 bytes, checksum: 6d666c266e984fe810adc14be330d706 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-10-07 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / In seventeenth-century England, the saltpeter was one of the most studied materials, for its commercial value and the issues involving its origin and obtaining. At mid-century, the British dependence in saltpetre export took several science men to engage attempt in the studies and researchs on this material. Among these scholars, we will accent important studies groups worried about commonweal, as Samuel Hartlib and his associates; which would become the Royal Society of London; and, still, scholars as Benjamin Worsley , Robert Boyle and Thomas Henshaw / Na Inglaterra do século XVII, o salitre era um dos materiais mais estudados, por seu valor comercial e pelas questões que envolviam sua origem e sua obtenção. Em meados do século, a dependência inglesa na exportação de salitre levou vários homens de ciência a empenharem esforços nos estudos e pesquisas sobre esse material. Entre esses estudiosos, daremos ênfase a importantes grupos de estudo que se preocupavam com o bem-comum como foi o de Samuel Hartlib e seus associados; o do que se transformaria na Royal Society de Londres; e, ainda, o de estudiosos como Benjamin Worsley, Robert Boyle e Thomas Henshaw

Discours puritain et voix indienne dans les récits de captivité nord-américains des dix-septième et dix-huitième siècles / Puritan Discourse and Indian Voice in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century North American Captivity Narratives

Messara, Dahia 12 April 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse examine le discours puritain ainsi que les différentes manifestations de la présence indienne et de la voix indienne (Indian agency) dans la littérature Puritaine des XVIIème et XVIIIème siècles en général et dans les récits de captivité indienne en particulier. Les récits de captivité manquent évidemment d’objectivité en ceci qu’ils présentent une version unique des faits (celle des auteurs puritains des récits). Le problème de la subjectivité se pose d’autant plus lorsque l’on examine les paroles censées avoir été prononcées par les Indiens (les paroles que leur attribuent leurs anciens captifs). Ce constat nous a amené à poser la question suivante : par-delà la définition du récit de captivité au sens concret du terme (otages puritains entre les mains des Indiens dans le contexte précis de l’Amérique du Nord coloniale), n’y aurait-il pas lieu de postuler l’existence, au sein de ces récits (« en filigrane ») d’autres formes, plus abstraites, de captivité, comme celle que constituerait l’« l’emprisonnement » de la « voix » indienne dans des récits écrits par des blancs ? Cette voix indienne, comment se manifeste-t-elle dans les récits du corpus? Quels discours les auteurs attribuent-ils à leurs anciens ravisseurs ? / This study is dedicated to the analysis of seventeenth-and early eighteenth-century Puritan discourse and the way in which the agency of Indian appears in writings penned by the Puritans, a prominent subsection of which falls under the genre known as Indian Captivity Narrative. My main intention was to go beyond the initial characterization of captivity narratives and claim that these texts are not only about the actual physical and moral experience of the white Christian captives among the Indians, but also deal with more abstract and less often addressed forms of captivity. One such (less immediately obvious) form of captivity is, metaphorically speaking, that of the Indian “voice” in white narratives. This study therefore addresses the following questions: How does the Indian voice come across in such prose? What kinds of discourse do Mary Rowlandson, Hannah Swarton, and other former captives attribute to their former abductors? How do these former captives render and reconstruct dialogues that purportedly occurred between them and their Indian captors? This presentation of the Indian voice is not only conditioned by the former captive’s attitude (i.e., by the author’s voice), but it is also altered by the specific bias of those in charge of controlling the contents of the narrative, i.e., the editors and the publishers, such as Cotton and Increase Mather, who were the most influential representatives of the political and religious establishment of the time.

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