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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Membrane effects of sex hormones on growth plate chondrocytes

ElBaradie, Khairat Bahgat 12 November 2012 (has links)
Understanding and studying the normal bone growth and development is causal. Bone and cartilage tissue provide in addition to their mechanical support, they provide a protection for vital organs such as heart, lung and brain. Longitudinal growth is regulated by the activity of chondrocytes in the epiphyseal growth plates of long bones. Many hormones and growth factors are involved in the regulation of this process. Among these, sex steroids are of crucial importance, especially during puberty. In long bones, endochondral bone formation occurs at the growth plate, a region of developing cartilage located between the epiphysis and the metaphysic. The process of endochondral ossification is regulated in part by sex steroid hormones. Androgens stimulate endochondral bone growth and elongation, while estrogen is known to suppress longitudinal bone growth and accelerate growth plate closure. Studies using rat costochondral growth plate chondrocytes as a model show that the effects of 17β-estradiol (E₂) on apoptosis are found in both male and female cells and the same mechanism is involved. In contrast, E₂ causes rapid activation of PKC in female cells but not in male cells. Dihydroxytestosterone (DHT) also has direct effects on growth plate chondrocytes, increasing matrix synthesis including sulfated glycosaminoglycan production, and enhancing cell maturation by increasing alkaline phosphatase enzymatic activity. Short stature and abnormally slow increase in height is one of the main reasons for referral to endocrinologist. Excessive growth and abnormally tall is also a problem, especially because it increase risk for the trunk abnormalities. Furthermore until now a few growth-promoting therapies are available for clinical use. Therefore future therapies for treating the growth disorders are essential. The overall goal of this project is to investigate the sexual-dimorphic effect of the sex steroid hormone in rat growth plate chondrocytes, the cellular signaling pathways mediating these actions, and their physiological role. The information gleaned from this study will provide new information about the role of sex steroid hormones in chondrogenesis and has implications in the development of new therapies for the treatment of bone fracture healing, and growth plate disorders. The central hypothesis was that sex steroid would play an important and sex-specific role in regulating chondrocytes as a main regulator of longitudinal bone growth.

Estrogen-Induced Modulation of Innate and Adaptive Immune Function

Masseoud, Feda N 30 April 2009 (has links)
Host defense against infection and disease relies on the reciprocal communication between the immune and neuroendocrine systems where sex hormones exert negative and positive feedback actions on immune functions. Indeed, sex hormones have been implicated in gender dimorphic immune response and in the potentiation of immune-related disorders. The female hormone estrogen plays a role as an immunomodulator and may exert immunosuppressive and immunostimulatory effects. Though many studies focus on estrogen’s role in immunity within the female reproductive tract and autoimmunity, the modulatory effects of estrogen on vaccine responses are largely unexplored. The insufficient efficacy of some vaccines in certain target populations, as for example the elderly population, is well recognized. Hormones fluctuate throughout an individual’s life, and females in particular undergo several necessary reproductive (pregnancy and menopause) and lifestyle (oral contraceptive use) changes which involve sex hormones. Vaccine efficacy might be influenced by endogenous estrogen levels or by exogenous estrogen administration. Therefore, in the pursuit of improved vaccine efficacy, it is necessary to consider such hormonal factors and their contribution to immune status. We have studied estrogen’s role in modulation of vaccine responses using a mouse ovariectomy model where exogenous estrogen delivery can be controlled. Our studies included two different types of vaccines, a bacterial toxoid formulation and a bacterial secreted protein formulation. Results from these studies indicate that estrogen enhances vaccine-specific antibody production by likely supporting a general TH2 pathway and also modulates expression of genes encoding molecules critical in innate immune signaling and required for development of proper adaptive immune responses and antigen clearance through antibody-mediated mechanisms. The level at which estrogen modulates antibody responses appears to be dependent on the route of vaccine administration. The enhancement of specific humoral responses may involve mechanisms involving TLR2 and antibody Fc receptor expression on macrophages, cells that link innate and adaptive immune responses. Advances in our understanding of the relationship between sex hormones and the immune system may provide new insights into the mechanisms by which hormones act and thus may be exploited to guide the design of future vaccine strategies.

Social modulation of adult brain cell proliferation: influence of sex and gonadal hormones

Almli, Lynn Marie 14 October 2009 (has links)
Environmental factors are known to have far reaching effects on nervous system function, and in the adult brain, it is clear that a wide range of environmental stimuli modulate cell proliferation and survival (e.g., neurogenesis). This project investigated whether social stimulation and concomitant changes in gonadal hormones can influence the proliferation of new cells in the adult brain. The adult green treefrog (Hyla cinerea)was used as the model system; studying the courtship behavior of the highly social treefrog affords a direct, quantifiable way to measure the effects of acoustic social cues and hormonal intervention on adult brain cell proliferation. Using immunohistochemistry techiques, endocrinological manipulations, and socially-relevant acoustic stimulus presentations, I report that social cues modulate cell proliferation in the brains of adult male and female H. cinerea. I first mapped the distribution of proliferative areas in the adult treefrog brain using 5-bromo-2′- deoxyuridine (BrdU) labeling. I then exposed naturally-cycling male and female treefrogs to random tones or a recording of a natural H. cinerea chorus for ten days during the breeding season. I found that male and female treefrogs that heard their conspecific chorus exhibited increased brain cell proliferation compared to animals that heard random tones. Moreover, this modulation was region-specific and occurred in those regions which reflected their presumed involvement in reproductive physiology and behavior: the preoptic area (POA) and the infundibular hypothalamus (IF). To determine the involvement of gonadal hormones in cell proliferation with and without social stimulation, I gonadectomized and implanted male and female H. cinerea with blank or steroid-filled implants. After exposing the treefrogs to the same acoustic conditions as above, I discovered that social modulation of adult cell proliferation can occur without the influence of gonadal hormones (i.e., androgens in the male and estrogen in the female). Furthermore, the results revealed that neither hormone was neurotrophic and in fact, chronically-elevated estrogen levels decreased cell proliferation in the female POA and IF. Together, these results indicate that the reception of acoustic social cues increases cell proliferation in brain regions mediating sexual behavior and endocrine regulation; furthermore, this modulation occurs in a sexually-differentiated fashion without gonadal hormone influence. / text

What's the matter with bodies? : the materializing of women's hormonal bodies and practicing a body without hormones

Quinn, Melody Lynne 01 December 2009 (has links)
Using illustrations of popular media about female hormones that depict and stereotype women, I theorize towards a more positive approach to women's bodies in flux and change that moves away from the conceptualization of women as Hormonal Bodies towards Bodies without Hormones. I challenge biomedical agency, reductionist biology, a predatory pharmaceutical industry and normative social imperatives to question the assumption of women's bodies as a naturalized pathology. To disrupt the disciplining of women socially constructed as deficient and uncontrollable, I point to the conflict between women's naturally fluxing bodies and emotions, and western society's dominant values shaping women, hormones and contemporary health practices. I reframe women's bodies from problem and limitation to resource and possibility. Neo-materialist views of Deleuze and Guattari, nomadic figurations and rhizomatic thinking are contextualized to women and bodies to produce notions of practicing and experiencing a body of choice unbound to female hormones.

Moterų lytinės funkcijos pomenopauzės laikotarpiu sąsajos su nerimo ir depresijos simptomais bei lytiniais hormonais / Sexual function of postmenopausal women in relation to anxiety and depression symptoms and sex hormones

Jonušienė, Giedrė 18 September 2012 (has links)
Ilgėjant moterų gyvenimo trukmei, metai po menopauzės atstovauja reikšmingai moters gyvenimo daliai, kuria ji turi teisę džiaugtis. Pats senėjimo procesas, hormonų koncentracijos kitimai, taip pat kintami socialiniai veiksniai, emocinė būklė – tai tik dalis šiandien analizuojamų moters lytinę funkciją veikiančių veiksnių. Seksualumas yra kompleksinis ir iki galo dar nesuprastas reiškinys, taigi diskusijos apie moters lytines problemas ar jų gydymą dažnai prieštaringos. Pirmą kartą Lietuvoje atliktas moterų lytinės funkcijos tyrimas su ypač jautria ir specifine pomenopauzinio amžiaus moterų grupe. Tyrimo metu siekėme įvertinti moterų lytinę funkciją pomenopauzės laikotarpiu ir jos sąsajas su socialiniais–demografiniais veiksniais, poros santykiais, lytinių hormonų koncentracija, menopauzės, nerimo ir depresijos simptomais bei pakeičiamąja terapija lytiniais hormonais. Nustatėme, kad moterims pomenopauzėje estrogenai svarbesni lytinei funkcijai nei androgenai. Respondenčių, nurodžiusių ryškesnius nerimo, depresijos ir menopauzės simptomus, lytinė funkcija buvo blogesnė. Daugiau nei pusei respondenčių buvo lytinių disfunkcijų ar jų vystymosi rizika. Vyresnis amžius, depresijos, nerimo ir menopauzės simptomai didino šansus lytinei disfunkcijai vystytis moterims pomenopauzės laikotarpiu, ir šios galimybės nesumažino pakeičiamoji terapija lytiniais hormonais. Partnerio ir poros santykių veiksniai svarbūs lytinės disfunkcijos prevencijai. / With the increase in life expectancy, the period after the menopause represents a significant part of women's life which they have every right to enjoy. The very process of gro¬wing older, changes in the hormone concentration as well as the social and emotional conditions mentioned above are among the factors having influence on the female sexuality that are being studied today. Given that human sexuality in general is a complex phenomenon and a constant object of comprehensive scientific research, discussions on female sexual problems and their treatment are often controversial. The female sexual function after the menopause has been studied as in a very specific sample for the first time in Lithuania. Aim of the study was to determine the female sexual function during the postmenopausal phase and its relation with social and demographic factors, couple relation¬ship, sex hormones concentration, menopause, anxiety and depression symptoms, and hormone replacement therapy. It was determined that estrogens more important then androgens for sexual function in postmenopausal women. The lower sexual function was found among the respondents with anxie¬ty, depression and menopause symptoms. More than half of the respondents were found to have sexual dysfunc¬tion or the risk of its development. Older age, symptoms of depression and anxiety, and menopause lead to a higher risk for sexual dysfunction development, while not use of HT does not increase the risk for sexual... [to full text]

Vybrané rozdíly v patofyziologii kardiovaskulárního systému u žen / Selected differences in pathophysiology of cardiovascular system in women

Yang, Shiann-Guey January 2017 (has links)
(summary of doctoral dissertation) It has become increasingly apparent in recent years that there are important differences of many cardiovascular disorders including ventricular tachycardias in men and women. Gender differences have been observed in the epidemiology, pathogenesis and clinical presentation of various ventricular arrhythmias. Physiological menopause occurs as a part of a woman's normal aging process being based on the natural cessation of estradiol and progesterone production by the ovaries. The dramatic fall in circulating estrogens levels at menopause impacts many tissues including cardiovascular system. Because the incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD) rises significantly after menopause, it has been hypothesized that women's CHD advantage before menopause (in comparison to men of the same age) could be due to the protective effects of estrogens. However, controversial results have been reported since early nineties until today. While some studies found reduction in the incidence of CHD and in mortality from cardiovascular diseases some other studies failed to provide any evidence for an independent role of estradiol levels in determining CHD in postmenopausal women and some studies even found positive association of endogenous estradiol with the risk of CHD among women above...

Influência dos hormônios sexuais femininos no remodelamento e na reatividade das vias aéreas em modelo murino de inflamação pulmonar alérgica crônica. / Influence of female sex hormones on airway remodeling and responsiveness in a murine model of lung inflammation.

Isabelli de Oliveira Martins 10 October 2013 (has links)
A asma traz remodelamento das vias aéreas por deposição de colágeno, hiperplasia mucoide, hipertrofia celular lisa e hipertrofia epitelial além de afetar a reatividade das vias aéreas. Camundongos C57Bl/6 ovariectomizadas (OVx) foram sensibilizadas e desafiadas com OVA por inalação 3 vezes por semana durante 3 ou 7 semanas. Passadas 120h pós desafio avaliou-se: reatividade traqueal, histologia, MMPs 2 e 9 e mecânica pulmonar. O grupo OVx alérgico teve a reatividade traqueal à MCh e a quantificação de muco, colágeno e músculo liso reduzida em comparação ao grupo controle (sham OVx). O tratamento com estrógeno aumentou MMP2 e o tratamento com progesterona aumentou MMP9. A mecânica ventilatória não diferiu entre os grupos. Nossos dados sugerem que o remodelamento brônquico pode ser modulado por HSFs. / Asthma is characterized by remodeling and increased airway responsiveness. Remodeling is recognized by sub-epithelial fibrosis, bronchial glands hypertrophy and goblet cell hyperplasia. We investigated role of HSF in airway remodeling and in tracheal responsiveness in a model of chronic lung inflammation. Mice were ovariectomized (OVx), sensitized and OVA challenged. Elapsed 120h of the last challenge, histological assessment and contractile response of trachea to methacholine (MCh) was performed. Total lung resistance (R) and elastance (E) were measured under mechanical ventilation. Control group consisted of Sham OVx allergic mice. Airway remodeling were significantly lower of OVx mice compared with Sham OVx allergic counterparts. OVx allergic mice showed lower tracheal responsiveness than Sham OVx. R and E were the same between groups.

Exposição precoce ao poluente 1,2-naftoquinona (1,2-NQ) e a susceptibilidade diferencial à inflamação pulmonar em camundongos C57BL/6 machos e fêmeas. / Early exposure to the pollutant 1,2-naphthoquinone (1,2-NQ) and differential susceptibility to lung inflammation in male and female C57BL / 6 mice.

Juliana Florenzano 29 April 2011 (has links)
Avaliou-se neste estudo a influência da exposição precoce ao poluente 1,2-NQ na resposta inflamatória alérgica em camundongos C57BL/6 machos e fêmeas, na juventude. Tanto nas fêmeas quanto em machos a 1,2-NQ não afetou a hiperreatividade (HR) nas vias aéreas. A HR foi maior nas fêmeas alérgicas, na ausência ou presença da 1,2-NQ. Camundongos machos, mas não fêmeas, tratados com 1,2-NQ + OVA/OVA, exibiram eosinofilia significativa no pulmão, sangue e medula óssea em relação aos controles do mesmo gênero ou das fêmeas. Concentrações aumentas de IL-4, IL-5, IL-13 e INF-<font face=\"Symbol\">g foi mensurado no pulmão, e IgE no sangue periférico dos machos 1,2-NQ + OVA/OVA. A atividade da enzima catalase foi maior no grupo de machos 1,2-NQ + OVA/OVA, mas não fêmeas. O aumento da atividade da catalase está associado a ausência de exacerbação da resposta inflamatória em fêmeas jovens, sugerindo que o aumento da catalase constitui um fator anti-oxidante de controle da exacerbação da resposta inflamatória alérgica frente a exposição precoce a 1,2-NQ, o qual deve ser dependente de hormônios sexuais. / This study evaluated the influence of early exposure to the pollutant 1,2-NQ in the allergic inflammatory response in male and female C57BL/6 youth mice. Both females and males mice exposed to 1.2-NQ did not exhibit changes in the airways hyperresponsiveness (HR), while the HR was higher in females allergic, in the absence or presence of 1.2-NQ. Male mice, but not females, treated with 1.2-NQ + OVA / OVA, exhibited a significant eosinophilia in the lung, blood and bone marrow in relation to controls of the same gender or respective female groups. Increased IL-4, IL-5, IL-13 and INF-g levels were measured in the lung, and IgE in peripheral blood of male 1.2-NQ + OVA/OVA. The catalase activity was higher in male 1.2-NQ + OVA / OVA, but not females. The increase of catalase activity is associated with the absence of exacerbation of the inflammatory response in young female mice, suggesting that catalase is an antioxidant factor to control exacerbation of allergic inflammatory response in the face of early exposure to 1.2-NQ, which should be dependent on sex hormones.

Investigação da ação disruptora da deltametrina sobre o sistema reprodutor de ratos (gerações f1 e f2) / Disruptive action research of deltamethrin on the reproductive system of rats (f1 and f2 generation)

Reolon, Angélica 09 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Rosangela Silva (rosangela.silva3@unioeste.br) on 2018-05-24T12:24:37Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Angélica Reolon.pdf: 1414182 bytes, checksum: 24ef86620ffa2bfc3e82176b316ebf86 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-24T12:24:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Angélica Reolon.pdf: 1414182 bytes, checksum: 24ef86620ffa2bfc3e82176b316ebf86 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / A deltamethrin is an insecticide belonging to the type II pyrethroid group, widely used without as a pest control in agriculture, industry, public health and in homes, but its indiscriminate and unprotected use has become a problem for population, since several pyrethroids had their action associated with disruption. Therefore, this work aimed to evaluate the possible disrupting actions of deltamethrin on the male and female reproductive systems of rats. Four female rats and two adult, nonbreeding male Wistar albino rats were used. The animals were placed for mating and the pregnant rats (F0 generation) were divided into 2 groups: treatment and control. From the 8th to the 14th day of pregnancy the treatment group received intraperitoneal injections of deltamethrin (0.01 mg / kg) and the control group received canola oil. Pregnant rats (F0 generation) were monitored daily and at 21 days postpartum weaning was performed (F1 generation), at 70 and 76 days of age, this generation was placed for procreation, and, as in the F0 generation, weaning was performed after 21 days of delivery (F2 generation). All the generations had the time of pregnancy, the number of pups and the sexual proportion between females and males evaluated. After euthanasia, the organs weight of the female and male reproductive systems and the integrity of the sperm plasma membrane were analyzed. Exposure to deltamethrin resulted in increased right-sided seminal vesicle weight in both generations and influenced uterine volume increase and right ovary decrease in subsequent generations, and decreased left ovary in F1 generation. The relative weight of the testes, vas deferens, left epididymis, left seminal vesicle and prostate, and the integrity parameter of the sperm plasma membrane did not change. Pregnancy time and number of pups in F1 generation were not affected and the proportion between females and males in both generations was similar. We can conclude that the exposure to deltamethrin altered anatomical aspects of weight of the right seminal vesicle, uterus and ovaries in subsequent generations. However, fertility patterns (number and sex ratio) remained unchanged. / A deltametrina é um inseticida pertencente ao grupo dos piretroides do tipo II, muito utilizada no controle de pragas na agricultura, indústria, saúde pública e nas residências, porém, seu uso indiscriminado e sem a devida proteção tem se tornado um problema para a saúde da população, já que vários piretroides tiveram suas ações associadas com alterações disruptoras. Diante disso, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as possíveis ações disruptoras da deltametrina sobre o sistema reprodutor masculino e feminino de ratos. Utilizou-se 4 ratas fêmeas e 2 ratos machos adultos, não consanguíneos, albinos da linhagem Wistar. Os animais foram colocados para acasalamento e as ratas prenhes (geração F0) foram divididas em 2 grupos: tratamento e controle. A partir do 8° ao 14° dia de prenhez, o grupo tratamento recebeu injeções por via intraperitoneal de deltametrina (0,01 mg.kg-1) e o grupo controle recebeu óleo de canola. As ratas prenhes (geração F0) foram acompanhados diariamente e, aos 21 dias após o parto, foi realizado o desmame da ninhada (geração F1), aos 70 e 76 dias de vida esta geração foi colocada para procriação, e, assim como na geração F0, após 21 dias do parto foi realizado o desmame da ninhada (geração F2). Todas as gerações tiveram o tempo de prenhez, o número de filhotes e a proporção sexual entre fêmeas e machos avaliados. Após a eutanásia, foi analisado o peso dos órgãos do sistema reprodutor feminino e masculino e a integridade da membrana plasmática dos espermatozoides. A exposição à deltametrina resultou no aumento do peso da vesícula seminal direita em ambas as gerações e influenciou o aumento de volume uterino e a diminuição do ovário direito nas gerações subsequentes, e a diminuição do ovário esquerdo na geração F1. O peso relativo dos testículos, ductos deferentes, epidídimo esquerdo, vesícula seminal esquerda e próstata e o parâmetro integridade da membrana plasmática dos espermatozoides não tiveram alterações. O tempo de prenhez e o número de filhotes na geração F1 não foram afetados e a proporção entre fêmeas e machos em ambas as gerações foram semelhantes. Podemos concluir que a exposição à deltametrina alterou aspectos anatômicos de peso de vesícula seminal direita, útero e ovários nas gerações subsequentes. Entretanto, os padrões de fertilidade (número e proporção sexual) mantiveram-se inalterados.

Alterações na tessitura da voz cantada em mulheres no climatério / Alterations in the tessitura of the voice sung in woman of the climacteric

Janaína Mendes Laureano 30 June 2009 (has links)
As flutuações nos níveis dos hormônios sexuais, ao longo da vida do ser humano, trazem modificações anátomo-fisiológicas. Esses hormônios exercem papéis determinantes no desenvolvimento anatômico da laringe e na fisiologia vocal diferindo significativamente entre os sexos o que torna a voz uma característica sexual secundária. Estudos já documentaram a presença e, mais especificamente a localização dos receptores dos hormônios sexuais na laringe e pregas vocais, evidenciando que estes órgãos podem ser responsivos aos hormônios sexuais e sofrerem as conseqüências das flutuações hormonais. Existem algumas divergências quanto ao efeito hormonal sobre a qualidade vocal. Alguns estudos afirmam que ocorrem mudanças na voz relacionadas à menopausa, enquanto outros divergem desses resultados. Tal fato nos leva a questionar se as metodologias utilizadas foram realmente as mais adequadas, uma vez que existem evidências clínicas destas mudanças. São freqüentes as queixas entre as mulheres de alterações vocais após a menopausa, particularmente entre as mulheres cantoras, que enfatizam perdas dos tons agudos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar se há influência dos hormônios sexuais sobre a qualidade vocal da voz cantada de mulheres menopausadas cantoras de coral, através da avaliação da tessitura e do tempo máximo de fonação (TMF). A tessitura corresponde ao número de notas da mais grave até a mais aguda que o indivíduo consegue produzir com qualidade vocal. O tempo máximo de fonação (TMF) avalia a habilidade do paciente em forças aerodinâmicas da corrente pulmonar e as forças mioelásticas da laringe. As voluntárias foram divididas em dois grupos. Grupo jovem (n=8) mulheres com idade entre 20 e 40 anos, que apresentavam ciclos menstruais regulares que não estivessem grávidas ou amamentando durante o estudo. Grupo menopausada (n=22) mulheres com idade de 45 a 60 anos, menopausadas há no mínimo 2 anos que não faziam uso de terapia hormonal (TH). Para mensuração do TMF, foi dada a instrução de inspirar e produzir isoladamente as vogais /a/, /i/ e /u/ e as consoantes fricativas /s/ e /z/ em altura e tons habituais de fala. Para avaliar a tessitura foi escolhida uma música conhecida do folclore brasileiro que exigia as variações de freqüência da mais grave a mais aguda. Os valores de cada nota musical e sua freqüência correspondente em hertz (Hz) foram escritos manualmente. Foram comparados para o grupo jovem e menopausada os valores máximos (F2) e os valores mínimos (F1) e a diferença entre o valor máximo e mínimo (F2-F1) entre os grupos medidos em freqüência (Hz) e em semitons (St), e foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos. Não foi encontrada diferença significativa entre o grupo jovem e menopausada quando foram comparados o tempo máximo de fonação das vogais /a/, /i/, /u/ e as consoantes /s/ e /z/. Os resultados do presente estudo demonstraram haver diferença significativa na tessitura da voz cantada entre mulheres cantoras de coral jovens e pós-menopausa. Estes resultados sugerem que as alterações na tessitura da voz cantada podem ser decorrentes de modificações fonatórias da articulação, respiração e fonação realizadas durante o canto, influenciadas pelos hormônios sexuais. E não serem atribuídas às alterações nas pregas vocais como edemas, espessamentos e a hiperemia, as quais não foram encontradas ao exame videolaringoscópico e tampouco no TMF quando comparados os grupos jovem e menopausada. / Fluctuations in the levels of sexual hormones, throughout the life of the human being, bring anatomic physiological modifications. These hormones exert determinative papers in the anatomical development of the larynx and in the vocal physiology differing significantly between the sexes becoming the voice a secondary sexual characteristic. Studies already had registered the presence and, more specifically the vocal localization of the receivers of sexual hormones in the larynx and vocal folds, evidencing that these agencies can be responsive to sex hormones and suffer the consequences of the hormonal fluctuations. Some divergences how much the hormonal effect exist on the vocal quality. Some studies affirm that changes in the voice related to the menopause occur, but others had demonstrated different results. Such fact takes in them to question if the used methodologies really had been adjusted a time that exist practical clinical evidences of these changes. The complaints between the women of vocal alterations are after the menopause, particularly between the women singers, who emphasize losses of the acute tones. In literature, however, we do not find references to this fact that are of clinical comment and stories, and for this reason we decide to study this phenomenon. The objective of this work was to verify if it has influence of sexual hormones on the vocal quality of the sung voice of menopausadas women chorale singers, through the evaluation of the tessitura and the maximum phonation time (MPT). The vocal tessitura corresponds to the number of notes from the lowest to the highest that an individual is able to produce with vocal quality. Maximum phonation time (MPT) is used to assess clinically the respiratory and phonatory components of the mechanism of speech production and to demonstrate the efficiency of vocal fold vibration. The volunteers had been divided in two groups. Young group (n=8) women aged 20 to 40 years, with regular menstrual cycles who were not pregnant or breast-feeding during the study. Menopausal group (n=22) women aged 45 to 60 years, who had been in menopause for at least 2 years and who did not use hormonal therapy. For MPT measurement, the women were instructed to inspire and to produce separately the vowels /a/, /i/ and /u/ and the fricative consonants /s/ and /z/ at habitual speech loudness and tones. The voice tessitura profile was obtained evaluation a well known Brazilian folk song which required variations in frequency from the lowest to the highest. The values of each musical note and its corresponding frequency in Hertz (Hz) and semitones (St) were written manually. The maximum (F2) and minimum (F1) values and the difference between them (F2-F1) were compared for the two groups in frequency (Hz) and semitones (St) and significant difference was detected between them. No significant difference was observed between groups when they had been compared for the vowels /a/, /i/ and /u/ and the consonants /s/ and /z/. The results of the present study had demonstrated with there was significant difference in tessitura between young and menopausal women. These results suggest that the alterations in the tessitura of the sung voice can be decurrently of phonatory modifications of the joint, breath and phonation during the sing influenced for sexual hormones. And not attributed to the alterations in the vocal folds as edemas, thicken and the hyperemia, which had not been found to the otorhinolaryngologic evaluation and neither in the MPT when compared young and menopausal women.

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