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Nomadisch narcisme : sekse, liefde en kunst in het werk van Lou Andres-Salomé, Belle van Zuylen en Ingeborg Bachmann /Hermsen, Joke Johannetta, January 1993 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Proefschrift--Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht, 1993. / Bibliogr. p. 311-323. Index.
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A diferença dos sexos: Lacan e o feminismo / The difference between the sexes: Lacan and feminismRafael Kalaf Cossi 03 February 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho investiga o debate estabelecido entre a psicanálise lacaniana e os estudos feministas e de gênero a respeito da diferença dos sexos, assim como os desdobramentos que a teoria da sexuação de Lacan pode trazer para esse tema. Examinamos a obra de autoras do feminismo francês indispensáveis para a pesquisa desta interface, no caso os de Irigaray, Cixous, Montrelay, Kristeva e Wittig tais trabalhos, notadamente edificantes do movimento da escrita feminina, verificamos terem repercutido decisivamente tanto em Lacan quanto nos estudos de gênero contemporâneos. Investigamos a obra de Robert Stoller, a introdução do termo gender nesse contexto e o desenvolvimento de sua teoria do núcleo de identidade de gênero, a ser debatida por Lacan no seminário XVIII e que constatamos ter sido determinante para o estabelecimento de sua noção de semblante. Detectamos que o lacanismo incorporado em solo norte- americano foi aquele que se voltou para o estruturalismo de Lévi-Strauss e as relações de parentesco, evidente nas obras de Rubin e Butler. Comprovamos que as críticas a Lacan giraram principalmente em torno das noções correlatas ao registro simbólico e seu suposto caráter apolítico e ahistórico, o que obrigou defensores da psicanálise a se pronunciar. Sob a hipótese de que a sexuação lacaniana poderia trazer novos ares para esta discussão, concluímos que tratar do falo enquanto função, da teoria dos gozos e de derivações dos aforismos Não há relação sexual e A mulher não existe, a partir de recursos da lógica, da teoria dos números e dos conjuntos, acabaram por revigorar o entendimento lacaniano da diferença dos sexos, que se esquiva das prescrições heteronormativas e da binaridade dos gêneros / This thesis looks into the debate established between lacanian psychoanalysis and feminist and gender studies on the difference between the sexes, as well as the developments that Lacan\'s theory of sexuation can bring to this theme. We examine the fundamental french feministss works that deal with this interface, in the case Irigaray´s, Cixouss, Montrelays, Kristevas and Wittigs. Those works, especially edifying of the feminine writing movement, have had a decisive impact on both Lacan and in contemporary gender studies. We examined the work of Robert Stoller, the introduction of the term gender in this context, and the development of his \"core gender identity\" theory, to be criticized by Lacan in the seminar XVIII, and which we have found to be determinant in establishing the lacanian notion of semblant. We verified that the lacanian strand incorporated in United States of America was the one that turned to Levi-Strauss\'s structuralism and kinship relations, as we see in the works of Rubin and Butler. We realized that the criticisms to Lacan were about his notions established through the symbolic register and its supposed apolitical and ahistorical character, which compelled proponents of psychoanalysis to react. Under the hypothesis that the lacanian sexuation could move this discussion forward, we concluded that dealing with the phallus as a function, the theory of jouissance and derivations of the aphorisms \"There is no sexual relation\" and \"The woman does not exist\", from logic field, number theory and set theory resources, finally invigorated the lacanian understanding of difference between the sexes, which escapes heteronormative prescriptions and gender binarity
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Caracterização da região codificadora e análise de expressão de Hexamerinas durante o desenvolvimento de Apis mellifera / Coding region characterization and Hexamerins expression during Apis mellifera developmentJuliana Ramos Martins 28 August 2008 (has links)
Os cDNAs dos genes codificadores das hexamerinas HEX 70a, HEX 70c e HEX 110 de Apis mellifera foram sintetizados a partir de RNA total, clonados e suas regiões codificadoras foram totalmente seqüenciadas. As análises in silico dos produtos de tradução mostraram que as respectivas subunidades protéicas contêm os domínios conservados N, M e C, típicos de hemocianinas, e que em HEX 110, mas não nas outras subunidades, o domínio C foi interrompido pela inserção de uma seqüência repetitiva de aminoácidos. Análises de similaridade indicaram que os genes codificadores de hexamerinas derivaram de eventos de duplicação e diversificação a partir de um gene ancestral, resultando em múltiplos parálogos. Nossas análises também evidenciaram que HEX 110 é uma proteína rica em glutamina/ácido glutâmico e que HEX 70a e HEX 70c são compostas por mais de 15% de aminoácidos aromáticos e, portanto, integram a classe das arilforinas. A expressão temporal destes genes, e também do gene codificador de outra hexamerina de A. mellifera, hex 70b, previamente caracterizado, foi analisada qualitativa e quantitativamente durante o desenvolvimento de operárias, rainhas e zangões. Concomitantemente, a abundância dos respectivos polipeptídeos no corpo gorduroso ou hemolinfa foi examinada por SDS-PAGE ou Western Blot. Os quatro genes de hexamerinas se expressam no corpo gorduroso de operárias, rainhas e zangões principalmente durante o estágio larval. A modulação da expressão destes genes mostra semelhanças durante a transição larval-pupal de operárias, rainhas e zangões, com altos níveis de transcritos no último estágio larval e baixos níveis no início da fase pupal. No entanto, a quantidade relativa de transcritos de hex 70a, hex 70b e hex 110 na fase de alimentação do último estágio larval (L5F) é significantemente menor nas rainhas que nas operárias, o que sugere participação das respectivas proteínas no processo de diferenciação de castas. Durante o estágio larval, as quatro diferentes subunidades de hexamerinas são armazenadas na hemolinfa onde, aparentemente, cumprem a função de proteínas de estocagem e, portanto, constituem fonte de aminoácidos para utilização em processos inerentes ao desenvolvimento pupal. No entanto, a expressão de hex 70a se estende até ao estágio adulto de operárias, rainhas e zangões, e neste estágio, as fêmeas e os zangões exibem perfis distintos de expressão. No corpo gorduroso de operárias, mas não no de rainhas e zangões, a expressão de hex 110 também ocorre durante o estágio adulto. A expressão de hex 70a e hex 110 no corpo gorduroso mostrou-se limitada pela disponibilidade de nutrientes: operárias alimentadas com uma dieta protéica apresentaram níveis significantemente maiores de ambos transcritos que aquelas que receberam dieta desprovida de proteínas, assim evidenciando que os processos de transcrição e tradução são nutricionalmente regulados. Além disto, os níveis de transcritos de hex 70a e hex 110 aumentam no corpo gorduroso de abelhas operárias portadoras de ovários ativos, sugerindo que estes genes têm função associada à reprodução. Em A. mellifera, o corpo gorduroso não é o único sítio de expressão dos genes de hexamerinas. Transcritos de hex 70a, hex 70b e hex 110 foram detectados também nas gônadas em desenvolvimento de operárias, rainhas e zangões, sugerindo uma função na diferenciação dos ovários e maturação dos testículos. Nossos resultados indicam que as hexamerinas codificadas por estes genes têm funções alternativas no ciclo de vida de abelhas A. mellifera, além de servir como fonte de aminoácidos para a metamorfose. / The cDNAs encoding the hexamerins HEX 70a, HEX 70c and HEX 110 of Apis mellifera were synthesized from total RNA isolated, cloned and their coding region were completely sequenced. In silico analyses of the translation products showed that the respective protein subunits contain the conserved domains N, M and C, typical of hemocyanins, and that in HEX 110, but not in the other subunits, the C domain is interrupted by a repetitive amino acid sequence. Analyses of similarity suggested that in the honey bee, the four hexamerin genes derived by duplication events and diversification from an ancestral gene, resulting in multiple paralogs. Our analyses also showed that HEX 110 is rich in glutamine/glutamic acid and that HEX 70a and HEX 70c are composed by more than 15% of aromatic amino acids and, therefore, integrate the arylphorin class of hexamerins. The temporal expression of these genes, and also of the gene encoding a previously characterized hexamerin of A. mellifera, hex 70b, was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively during the development of worker bees, queens and drones. Concomitantly, the abundance of the respective polypeptides in the fat body or hemolymph was examined by SDS-PAGE or Western Blot. The four hexamerin genes are expressed in the fat body mainly during larval stage. The modulation of the expression of these genes shows similarities during the larval-pupal transition of worker bees, queens and drones, with high levels of transcripts in the last larval instar and low levels in newly ecdysed pupae. However, the relative quantity of transcripts of hex 70a, hex 70b and hex 110 in the feeding phase of the last larval instar (L5F) is significantly lower in queens than in worker bees, suggesting the participation of the respective proteins in the process of caste differentiation. During the larval stage, the four different hexamerin subunits are stored in the hemolymph where, seemingly, they perform the function of storage proteins and hence, constitute source of amino acids for pupal development. Nevertheless, the expression of hex 70a is extended until the adult stage of worker bees, queens and drones and, in this stage, the female bees and the drones show distinct expression profiles. In the fat body of worker bees, but not in queens and drones, the expression of hex 110 also occurs during the adult stage. The expression of hex 70a and hex 110 in the adult fat body was proven to be limited by the availability of nutrients: worker bees fed with a protein diet showed significantly higher levels of both transcripts than the ones that received a diet which was poor in protein, thus evidencing that the transcription and translation processes are nutritionally-regulated. Additionally, the transcripts level of hex 70a and of hex 110 increase in the fat body of worker bees with active ovaries, suggesting that these genes have function associated with reproduction. In A. mellifera, the fat body is not the only site of expression of hexamerins genes. Transcripts of hex 70a, hex 70b and hex 110 were detected also in developing gonads of worker bees, queens and drones, suggesting that they have a function in ovary differentiation and testis maturation. Our results indicated that the hexamerins encoded by these genes have alternate functions in the life cycle of A. mellifera honey bees, besides serving as a source of amino acids to metamorphosis.
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Différenciation sexuelle et représentation graphiqueCambier, Anne-Marie January 1973 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences psychologiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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ETT JÄMSTÄLLTKLASSRUM? : En kvalitativ undersökning avvilken förmåga lärare har att jobba med jämställdhet i sina klassrum / The equality between sexes in the classroom. : A qualitative study of teacher's ability to work with equality between sexes in their classroom.Wass, Johan January 2022 (has links)
The equality between sexes in the classroom. A qualitative study of teacher’s ability to work with equality between sexesin their classroom. This essay looks at how teachers reflect over their own knowledge about equality betweenthe sexes and how that impacts the work they do in the classroom. It’s a qualitative studythat uses interviews as the method of gathering information. To analyze the results this essay combines two theories; the socio-cultural perspective that explains how children acquirenew knowledge and the gender contract theory from Yvonne Hirdman that explains how gender roles gets reproduced in society. The result shows that there is a significant difference between teachers depending on what subject they teach. The teachers that teachsocial science has the best knowledge of equality between sexes. The result furthermore shows that the education that is offered to the teachers is too theoretic which makes it hardfor them to transform the information into something they can use in the classroom.Therefore, the teachers wanted to change the education they are offered. Instead of the theoretical education they wanted a more practical education. This would help them use theinformation inside the classrooms.
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När kärleken tar slut : En studie om separationer ur ett genusperspektiv / When love ends : A study on seperation from a gender perspectiveElla, Ericsson, Malin, Tillman January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate separations from a gender perspective. Gender research has focused on the division of housework, economy and equality between men and women. To investigate separations from a gender perspective eight interviews with four separated women and four separated men were conducted. To analyze the empirical data the gender theory is used which illustrates the social gender. The study may contribute to research that sheds light on separation from a gender perspective. The results showed that the division of household labour, changes in the parental role and sharing of economical as well as social resources were gendered practices. The main finding of the study is that separation is a gendered process which is explained by the help of Yvonne Hirdmans theory on the balance of power between the sexes in marriages.
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James Thurber's Little Man and the Battle of the Sexes: The Humor of Gender and ConflictJorgensen, Andrew S. 01 August 2006 (has links) (PDF)
James Thurber, along with others who wrote for The New Yorker magazine, developed the 'little man' comic figure. The little man as a central character was a shift from earlier nineteenth-century traditions in humor. This twentieth-century protagonist was a comic antihero whose function was to create sympathy rather than scorn and bring into question the values and behaviors of society rather than affirm them, as earlier comic figures did. The little man was urban, inept, frustrated, childlike, suspicious, and stubborn. His female counterpart was often a foil: confident and controlling enough to highlight his most pitiable and funniest features. Contradictory gender roles and stereotypes are essential to Thurber's humor. This thesis thus reads Thurber's work as critical of gender roles. Thurber's humor demonstrates that expectations for men and women to be socially masculine and feminine are often incongruous with their capabilities and natures. Often his work is funny because of the way it portrays gender as performance and as expectations imposed upon people instead of as inherent qualities in men and women. These roles create conflicted characters as well as conflict between the characters that Thurber draws in his stories, often a quarreling husband and wife. Also characteristic in Thurber's humor is the element of neurosis. Thurber often played with the vernacular concepts of neurosis, and he capitalized on public obsession with Freudian psychology with his satires and with fiction and essays about various anxieties and daydreaming. Neurosis works well as comic material because it also catalyzes the battle of the sexes. To support my interpretation of Thurber as a critic of societal gender roles, Freud's book The Joke and Its Relation to the Unconscious is useful at illuminating a deeper 'tendency' in Thurber's humor. Thurber is often thought of as a misogynist, for his personal behavior and for his unflattering literary portrayal of women as unimaginative nags. This thesis also examines the complexities and developments of Thurber's attitudes toward women. Most importantly for Thurber, his little man figure and the battle of the sexes was a way to express the importance and power of the liberated human imagination.
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Differential resource utilization by the sexes of dioecious plantsFreeman, Dwight Carl 01 April 1976 (has links)
The distribution of male and female plants was examined in five dioecious, wind pollinated species representing five plant families and two classes (gymnosperms and angiosperms). The arid to semiarid habitats occupied by these species in northern Utah were stratified for sampling into two categories: chronically xeric and seasonally moist. Results show that for all species, males prevail on xeric microsites, while females dominate the more moist parts of each local environment. Habitat partitioning between the sexes is a strategy that maximizes seedset of females and pollen dispersal of males; it also tends to minimize intraspecific competition between the sexes.
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Analyzing Sex Differences in Human Performance Through 3D Isotonic ResistanceCunha, Jacob M. 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Appraisal of scientific literature and understanding continues to grow in the domain of human performance. The effects of sex on concentric resistance training and power output are not well understood. Recent advancements in technology permit more precise measurements of force output and the kinematic changes elicited by training stress. A unique device in capturing kinematic performance output is Proteus Motion. The machine produces an external magnetic load through a protruding apparatus connected to a gyrosphere, which in turn captures concentric movement through all three planes of movement (sagittal, coronal, transversal). The aim of this study is to investigate power output discrepancies between the sexes in upper extremity concentric movements. After 5 training sessions females expressed significant increases in concentric bilateral bicep curl power by 22.4 ± 30.1 w (p=0.001) and bilateral tricep extensions by 34.1 ± 30.3 w (p<0.001). Male subjects improved mean and peak power between sessions 1-5 (p<0.001), while there was no significant improvement from sessions 5-8 (p>0.250). In horizontal and vertical exercises females and males shared similar power profiles in pull motions, but not push movements. Future studies investigating biological sex, and its influence on power output are needed.
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Différences sexuelles, androgènes et glucocorticoïdes dans le poumon foetal durant une période gestationnelle tardive qui chevauche la montée de la production du surfactant pulmonaireSimard, Marc 18 April 2018 (has links)
Le syndrome de détresse respiratoire (SDR) est plus fréquent chez les nouveau-nés de sexe masculin que féminin, alors que les androgènes et les glucocorticoïdes sont reconnus pour ralentir et accélérer, respectivement, la maturation pulmonaire. Premièrement, nous avons étudié les différences sexuelles dans le transcriptome pulmonaire fœtal chez la souris par une approche de micropuces d’ADN durant une fenêtre de gestation qui précède et inclut la montée de production du surfactant, qui est asynchrone entre femelles et mâles en défaveur de ces derniers. Quatre-vingt-huit transcrits présentant une différence sexuelle dans leur niveau d’expression aux jours gestationnels (JG) 15.5, 16.5 ou 17.5 ont été identifiés. Ils sont impliqués notamment dans la régulation et le métabolisme hormonal, l’apoptose, la régulation transcriptionnelle et le métabolisme des lipides et sont des candidats pour un rôle dans la maturation pulmonaire et la physiopathologie du SDR. Deuxièmement, l’expression des 17β-hydroxystéroïdes déshydrogénases (17βHSD) de types 2 et 5, qui sont respectivement impliquées dans l’inactivation et la synthèse des androgènes, et du récepteur des androgènes (AR) a été caractérisée dans des poumons fœtaux humains. Des relations entre les niveaux d’expression et l’âge gestationnel ont été observées. La 17βHSD2 et le AR ont été co-localisés notamment dans l’épithélium, alors que la 17βHSD5 a été localisée dans certaines cellules épithéliales. Le niveau protéique de AR a montré d’importantes différences interindividuelles. Ces résultats supportent l’existence d’un métabolisme local des androgènes et une régulation fine de l’occupation de AR dans les poumons fœtaux mâles et femelles durant la période où une naissance prématurée présente de hauts risques. Troisièmement, l’expression de gènes associés à l’axe hypothalamo-hypophyso-surrénalien (HPA) a été quantifiée et localisée dans des poumons fœtaux murins aux JG 15.5, 16.5 et 17.5. La capacité de la corticolibérine (CRH) et de la corticotropine à stimuler l’expression d’enzymes de synthèse de glucocorticoïdes par le poumon fœtal a aussi été abordée, ainsi que la production de glucocorticoïdes. Différents profils d’expression ont été déterminés, l’incubation d’explants pulmonaires fœtaux en présence de CRH augmenta l’expression de la 21-hydroxylase, alors qu’une production de désoxycorticostérone a été détectée. Les modulations temporelles et spatiales observées suggèrent des rôles dans le développement pulmonaire pour des gènes associés à l’axe HPA. / Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is more frequent in male neonates than female neonates. Androgens and glucocorticoids are known to delay and accelerate, respectively, the fetal lung maturation. Firstly, we studied the sex differences in the mouse fetal lung transcriptome during a gestational period that overlaps the surge of surfactant synthesis, which occurs earlier in females than in males. Using DNA microarrays, 88 transcripts showing a sex difference in expression at gestational days (GD) 15.5, 16.5, or 17.5 were identified. Those genes were associated to several functional categories, including hormone metabolism and regulation, apoptosis, transcriptional regulation, and lipid metabolism, and are candidates for roles in lung maturation and in the physiopathology of RDS. Secondly, the expression of 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (17βHSD) type 2 and 5, which are respectively involved in androgen inactivation and synthesis, and of the androgen receptor (AR), was characterized in human fetal lungs. Statistically significant relationships between expression levels and gestational age were observed. In particular, 17βHSD2 and AR were co-localized in epithelial cells, while 17βHSD5 was localized in a subset of epithelial cells mostly in conducting zones. AR protein levels showed an important interindividual variability. The obtained results support the presence of a local androgen metabolism and a fine-tuning of AR occupancy in human male and female fetal lungs during a gestational period associated with high-risk premature birth. Thirdly, the expression of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis-related genes was quantified and localized in murine fetal lungs at GD 15.5, 16.5, and 17.5. Also, the capability of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) to stimulate the pulmonary expression of enzymes involved in the “adrenal” pathway of glucocorticoid synthesis was addressed, as well as the glucocorticoid production. Several distinct gene expression profiles were established, the incubation of fetal lung explants with CRH led to increased levels of 21-hydroxylase gene expression, whereas deoxycorticosterone accumulation was detected. The observed temporal and spatial modulations suggest roles for HPA axis-related genes in the developing lung.
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