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A diferença dos sexos: Lacan e o feminismo / The difference between the sexes: Lacan and feminismCossi, Rafael Kalaf 03 February 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho investiga o debate estabelecido entre a psicanálise lacaniana e os estudos feministas e de gênero a respeito da diferença dos sexos, assim como os desdobramentos que a teoria da sexuação de Lacan pode trazer para esse tema. Examinamos a obra de autoras do feminismo francês indispensáveis para a pesquisa desta interface, no caso os de Irigaray, Cixous, Montrelay, Kristeva e Wittig tais trabalhos, notadamente edificantes do movimento da escrita feminina, verificamos terem repercutido decisivamente tanto em Lacan quanto nos estudos de gênero contemporâneos. Investigamos a obra de Robert Stoller, a introdução do termo gender nesse contexto e o desenvolvimento de sua teoria do núcleo de identidade de gênero, a ser debatida por Lacan no seminário XVIII e que constatamos ter sido determinante para o estabelecimento de sua noção de semblante. Detectamos que o lacanismo incorporado em solo norte- americano foi aquele que se voltou para o estruturalismo de Lévi-Strauss e as relações de parentesco, evidente nas obras de Rubin e Butler. Comprovamos que as críticas a Lacan giraram principalmente em torno das noções correlatas ao registro simbólico e seu suposto caráter apolítico e ahistórico, o que obrigou defensores da psicanálise a se pronunciar. Sob a hipótese de que a sexuação lacaniana poderia trazer novos ares para esta discussão, concluímos que tratar do falo enquanto função, da teoria dos gozos e de derivações dos aforismos Não há relação sexual e A mulher não existe, a partir de recursos da lógica, da teoria dos números e dos conjuntos, acabaram por revigorar o entendimento lacaniano da diferença dos sexos, que se esquiva das prescrições heteronormativas e da binaridade dos gêneros / This thesis looks into the debate established between lacanian psychoanalysis and feminist and gender studies on the difference between the sexes, as well as the developments that Lacan\'s theory of sexuation can bring to this theme. We examine the fundamental french feministss works that deal with this interface, in the case Irigaray´s, Cixouss, Montrelays, Kristevas and Wittigs. Those works, especially edifying of the feminine writing movement, have had a decisive impact on both Lacan and in contemporary gender studies. We examined the work of Robert Stoller, the introduction of the term gender in this context, and the development of his \"core gender identity\" theory, to be criticized by Lacan in the seminar XVIII, and which we have found to be determinant in establishing the lacanian notion of semblant. We verified that the lacanian strand incorporated in United States of America was the one that turned to Levi-Strauss\'s structuralism and kinship relations, as we see in the works of Rubin and Butler. We realized that the criticisms to Lacan were about his notions established through the symbolic register and its supposed apolitical and ahistorical character, which compelled proponents of psychoanalysis to react. Under the hypothesis that the lacanian sexuation could move this discussion forward, we concluded that dealing with the phallus as a function, the theory of jouissance and derivations of the aphorisms \"There is no sexual relation\" and \"The woman does not exist\", from logic field, number theory and set theory resources, finally invigorated the lacanian understanding of difference between the sexes, which escapes heteronormative prescriptions and gender binarity
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Caracterização da região codificadora e análise de expressão de Hexamerinas durante o desenvolvimento de Apis mellifera / Coding region characterization and Hexamerins expression during Apis mellifera developmentMartins, Juliana Ramos 28 August 2008 (has links)
Os cDNAs dos genes codificadores das hexamerinas HEX 70a, HEX 70c e HEX 110 de Apis mellifera foram sintetizados a partir de RNA total, clonados e suas regiões codificadoras foram totalmente seqüenciadas. As análises in silico dos produtos de tradução mostraram que as respectivas subunidades protéicas contêm os domínios conservados N, M e C, típicos de hemocianinas, e que em HEX 110, mas não nas outras subunidades, o domínio C foi interrompido pela inserção de uma seqüência repetitiva de aminoácidos. Análises de similaridade indicaram que os genes codificadores de hexamerinas derivaram de eventos de duplicação e diversificação a partir de um gene ancestral, resultando em múltiplos parálogos. Nossas análises também evidenciaram que HEX 110 é uma proteína rica em glutamina/ácido glutâmico e que HEX 70a e HEX 70c são compostas por mais de 15% de aminoácidos aromáticos e, portanto, integram a classe das arilforinas. A expressão temporal destes genes, e também do gene codificador de outra hexamerina de A. mellifera, hex 70b, previamente caracterizado, foi analisada qualitativa e quantitativamente durante o desenvolvimento de operárias, rainhas e zangões. Concomitantemente, a abundância dos respectivos polipeptídeos no corpo gorduroso ou hemolinfa foi examinada por SDS-PAGE ou Western Blot. Os quatro genes de hexamerinas se expressam no corpo gorduroso de operárias, rainhas e zangões principalmente durante o estágio larval. A modulação da expressão destes genes mostra semelhanças durante a transição larval-pupal de operárias, rainhas e zangões, com altos níveis de transcritos no último estágio larval e baixos níveis no início da fase pupal. No entanto, a quantidade relativa de transcritos de hex 70a, hex 70b e hex 110 na fase de alimentação do último estágio larval (L5F) é significantemente menor nas rainhas que nas operárias, o que sugere participação das respectivas proteínas no processo de diferenciação de castas. Durante o estágio larval, as quatro diferentes subunidades de hexamerinas são armazenadas na hemolinfa onde, aparentemente, cumprem a função de proteínas de estocagem e, portanto, constituem fonte de aminoácidos para utilização em processos inerentes ao desenvolvimento pupal. No entanto, a expressão de hex 70a se estende até ao estágio adulto de operárias, rainhas e zangões, e neste estágio, as fêmeas e os zangões exibem perfis distintos de expressão. No corpo gorduroso de operárias, mas não no de rainhas e zangões, a expressão de hex 110 também ocorre durante o estágio adulto. A expressão de hex 70a e hex 110 no corpo gorduroso mostrou-se limitada pela disponibilidade de nutrientes: operárias alimentadas com uma dieta protéica apresentaram níveis significantemente maiores de ambos transcritos que aquelas que receberam dieta desprovida de proteínas, assim evidenciando que os processos de transcrição e tradução são nutricionalmente regulados. Além disto, os níveis de transcritos de hex 70a e hex 110 aumentam no corpo gorduroso de abelhas operárias portadoras de ovários ativos, sugerindo que estes genes têm função associada à reprodução. Em A. mellifera, o corpo gorduroso não é o único sítio de expressão dos genes de hexamerinas. Transcritos de hex 70a, hex 70b e hex 110 foram detectados também nas gônadas em desenvolvimento de operárias, rainhas e zangões, sugerindo uma função na diferenciação dos ovários e maturação dos testículos. Nossos resultados indicam que as hexamerinas codificadas por estes genes têm funções alternativas no ciclo de vida de abelhas A. mellifera, além de servir como fonte de aminoácidos para a metamorfose. / The cDNAs encoding the hexamerins HEX 70a, HEX 70c and HEX 110 of Apis mellifera were synthesized from total RNA isolated, cloned and their coding region were completely sequenced. In silico analyses of the translation products showed that the respective protein subunits contain the conserved domains N, M and C, typical of hemocyanins, and that in HEX 110, but not in the other subunits, the C domain is interrupted by a repetitive amino acid sequence. Analyses of similarity suggested that in the honey bee, the four hexamerin genes derived by duplication events and diversification from an ancestral gene, resulting in multiple paralogs. Our analyses also showed that HEX 110 is rich in glutamine/glutamic acid and that HEX 70a and HEX 70c are composed by more than 15% of aromatic amino acids and, therefore, integrate the arylphorin class of hexamerins. The temporal expression of these genes, and also of the gene encoding a previously characterized hexamerin of A. mellifera, hex 70b, was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively during the development of worker bees, queens and drones. Concomitantly, the abundance of the respective polypeptides in the fat body or hemolymph was examined by SDS-PAGE or Western Blot. The four hexamerin genes are expressed in the fat body mainly during larval stage. The modulation of the expression of these genes shows similarities during the larval-pupal transition of worker bees, queens and drones, with high levels of transcripts in the last larval instar and low levels in newly ecdysed pupae. However, the relative quantity of transcripts of hex 70a, hex 70b and hex 110 in the feeding phase of the last larval instar (L5F) is significantly lower in queens than in worker bees, suggesting the participation of the respective proteins in the process of caste differentiation. During the larval stage, the four different hexamerin subunits are stored in the hemolymph where, seemingly, they perform the function of storage proteins and hence, constitute source of amino acids for pupal development. Nevertheless, the expression of hex 70a is extended until the adult stage of worker bees, queens and drones and, in this stage, the female bees and the drones show distinct expression profiles. In the fat body of worker bees, but not in queens and drones, the expression of hex 110 also occurs during the adult stage. The expression of hex 70a and hex 110 in the adult fat body was proven to be limited by the availability of nutrients: worker bees fed with a protein diet showed significantly higher levels of both transcripts than the ones that received a diet which was poor in protein, thus evidencing that the transcription and translation processes are nutritionally-regulated. Additionally, the transcripts level of hex 70a and of hex 110 increase in the fat body of worker bees with active ovaries, suggesting that these genes have function associated with reproduction. In A. mellifera, the fat body is not the only site of expression of hexamerins genes. Transcripts of hex 70a, hex 70b and hex 110 were detected also in developing gonads of worker bees, queens and drones, suggesting that they have a function in ovary differentiation and testis maturation. Our results indicated that the hexamerins encoded by these genes have alternate functions in the life cycle of A. mellifera honey bees, besides serving as a source of amino acids to metamorphosis.
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La transition vers la retraite : une analyse longitudinale des variations entre hommes et femmesDeschênes, Nathalie January 2005 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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In this thesis I argue that science fiction is not a genre exclusively made up of written texts but a community or series of communities. I examine the science fiction community's engagement with questions of femeninity, masculinity, sex and sexuality over the past seventy years, that is from 1926 until 1996. My examination of this engagement is centred on the battle of the sexes, the lives of James Tiptree, Jr. and the Award named in Tiptree's honour. I make connections between contemporary feminist science fiction and the earliest pulp science fiction engagements with sex and sexuality.
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Deux paradigmes pour une rencontre manquée. Approches de la différence des sexes et leur mise en examen exploratoire en criminologieLe Bodic, Cédric 04 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Il y a deux sexes pour deux corps. Ceci est évident. Pourtant, une autre version de la différence existe depuis l'antiquité. Deux sexes pour une seule chair où la femme est un homme inversé. Deux paradigmes de lecture de la différence, l'un référé aux thèses galéniques où la cosmologie vient dire une différence relative entre les êtres, l'autre fondant son argumentation sur la nature, et concluant à une différence absolue entre l'homme et la femme. Une histoire des sexes, où la femme est construite relativement à l'homme. C'est de ce point de départ que nous interrogerons la répétition de ces deux paradigmes au travers de différents courants de pensée. Dans l'histoire, en proposant une lecture de la différence de l'antiquité jusqu'au XIXème. Dans la psychanalyse freudienne, en allant lire trois périodes d'élaboration de la différence. Dans la sociologie enfin pour voir que plusieurs types d'identités (politique, ontologique et éthique) se trouvent mis en tension, afin de montrer que derrière ces deux paradigmes et derrière les débats concernant l'identité se joue la question de la rencontre, où les êtres seraient amenés à se re-trouver. Dans un quatrième chapitre, nous mettrons à l'épreuve cette question de la différence dans le champ de la criminologie : y a-t-il une spécificité de la criminalité féminine ? Interrogation soulevant des difficultés politiques et épistémologiques. C'est ainsi qu'en conclusion, reprenant l'idée du non-rapport sexuel au sens lacanien, nous démontrerons d'une part, que la criminalité féminine ne comprend pas que des femmes, et d'autre part, qu'il est structuralement impossible de poser une spécificité de cette criminalité
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Det är varmt och skitigt men innerst inne trivs vi : En kulturstudie i ett industriföretagHellmer, Ida January 2008 (has links)
<p>Aim: Culture exists in every organization, whether you actively work with it or not. Old cultures often carry traditions and are hard to change. The purpose of this thesis is to describe Gävle Galvan from an organizational point of view and also to investigate the culture from a gender point of view.</p><p>Method: The thesis is written with a qualitative and narrative approach. I have taken part in three person’s stories through interviews and thereby created picture of their everyday work on Gävle Galvan. It’s hard to describe a company’s culture and I have, with help from the stories and my own observations, tried to give an as balanced picture as possible. The interviews and my observations, together with organizational theoretical concepts, create my story of the company.</p><p>Conclusions: This study is confirmed by Schein’s theory; it’s difficult to change old behaviours and traditions, what Schein calls assumptions. Gävle Galvan characterizes by its history and how it’s always been. What once was created has been well kept and led to an assumption. The culture has a couple of culture carrier who have been in the organization for many decades. These persons are often respected because they have a long experience of the profession and they will not accept new co-workers that don’t share their norms and values. The forced habits make it hard for Gävle Galvan to adjust their activities in terms of equality between the sexes. Traditions contribute to generalize the female sex and the profit of having both women and men in an organization doesn’t come thru.</p> / <p>Syfte: Kultur är något som finns i organisationer, oavsett om ett aktivt kulturarbete sker eller inte. Äldre kulturer bär ofta med sig traditioner och har en djupt rotad kultur som är svår att förändra. Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva Gävle Galvan ur organisationsteoretiska begrepp samt se på organisationen och dess kultur ur ett genusperspektiv.</p><p>Metod: Uppsatsen är skriven ur en kvalitativ, berättande ansats. Jag har tagit del av tre personers berättelser genom att ställa intervjufrågor och därmed fått en bild av deras vardag på Gävle Galvan. Det är svårt att beskriva ett företags kultur och jag har med hjälp av dessa tre personer och mina egna iakttagelser på plats försökt få en nyanserad bild av Gävle Galvan. Intervjuberättelserna och iakttagelser blir med hjälp organisationsteoretiska begrepp min berättelse om företaget.</p><p>Slutsats: Studien bekräftas av Scheins teori, det är svårt att ändra djupt rotade beteende och traditioner alltså det Schein kallar antaganden. Gävle Galvan präglas av dess historia och hur det alltid har varit. Det som en gång skapats har vårdats och sjunkit in till förgivet-tagna-antagande. Kulturen har några kulturbärare som arbetat i organisationen i många decennier, dessa personer är ofta respekterade eftersom de har lång erfarenhet av yrket och stöter bort människor som inte delar samma normer och värderingar. Dessa vana mönster gör de även svårt för Gävle Galvan att anpassa verksamheten ur ett jämställt perspektiv. Traditionerna bidrar till en generalisering av kvinnor och vinsterna med en jämställd arbetsplats lyfts inte fram.</p>
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Högstadielärare och jämställdhet : Vilka uppfattningar har högstadielärare om jämställdhet och jämställdhetsarbete i skolan? / Senior level teachers and euquality between the sexes : Which opinions do senior level teachers have about equality between the sexes and the ability of schools to promote it?Josefsson, Rebecka January 2009 (has links)
<p>I detta examensarbete har jag främst försökt besvara två olika frågeställningar: Vad anser lärare på högstadiet om jämställdhet och jämställdhetsarbete i skolan? Och används några metoder för att jobba med jämställdhet och i så fall vilka? För att besvara dessa frågor valde jag att skicka ut enkäter till 91 yrkesverksamma högstadielärare i Karlstads och Trollhättans kommun. Av dessa 91 enkäter fick jag in 30 svar vilka i sin tur utgör grunden för denna undersökning. Av svaren framkom bland annat att 83% av pedagogerna ansåg sig dagligen eller flera gånger i veckan jobba medvetet med att främja jämställdheten i skolan och att 80% av lärarna har uppfattningen om att pedagoger på högstadiet i allmänhet tycker att jämställdhetsarbetet är viktigt. Men det framkom också att 85 % av pedagogerna tycker att skolan endast delvis uppfyller läroplanernas mål om jämställdhet och att 77.7 % anser att de har fått för lite utbildning inom området. 70% av pedagogerna i undersökningen kunde ge exempel på olika metoder som de använde sig av för att främja jämställdheten i skolan.</p> / <p>In this report I have tried to answer two different questions: What do senior level teachers think about the ability of schools work to promote equal opportunities between the sexes ? Do teachers use any methods to promote equal opportunities between the sexes? And if so, which methods do they use? To answer these questions a questionnaire was distributed to 91 senior level teachers in Karlstad and Trollhättan. Of these 91 questionnaires 30 answers came in, and these 30 answers underlie the results of this report. The results of the questionnaires showed that 83% of the senior level teachers consider themselves to promote equality between the sexes every day or several times a week and 80% of the teachers think that senior level teachers in general consider the work to promote equality between the sexes important. But the results also showed that 85% the senior level teachers think that schools only partly fulfil the schools goal to promote equality between the sexes and 77.7% thinks that they have had too little education in how to work with this problem. 70% of the senior level teachers could give example of method they use to work with equality between the sexes.</p>
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Étude de la Grameen Bank : le microcrédit au Bangladesh comme moyen d'empowermentGilbert, Valérie January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Le microcrédit est aujourd'hui un terme qui revient souvent quand on entend parler de développement. Les bailleurs de fond se dirigent de plus en plus vers cette « nouvelle » forme de financement du développement qui semble prometteuse à bien des égards. Cet outil peut, selon certains, avoir des effets positifs à plusieurs niveaux: économique, social et politique. Ce mémoire tente d'explorer ces aspects en portant une attention particulière à l'empowerment des femmes au Bangladesh. Il est question d'étudier la Grameen Bank, première banque spécialisée pour les pauvres qui émet des microcrédits à des femmes (97%) pour que celles-ci l'investissent dans une activité rémunératrice et qu'elles se hissent au-dessus du seuil de la pauvreté. Cette recherche dresse un portrait socio-économique et culturel du Bangladesh; présente l'institution étudiée, la Grameen Bank; et aborde les enjeux reliés à l'empowerment des femmes et à l'élimination de la pauvreté à travers des entrevues effectuées durant le printemps 2007, dans trois régions du pays: Rajshahi, Chittagong et Netrokona. Ce mémoire s'appuie aussi sur diverses études et recherches traitant de la question. L'hypothèse de départ est que grâce à ces prêts, les femmes acquièrent un pouvoir économique qui leur permet de sortir leur famille de la pauvreté et les mène sur le chemin de l'empowerment. Les principaux résultats obtenus suite aux entretiens semblent indiquer que les femmes ont encore un chemin à parcourir avant d'atteindre ce qui pourrait ressembler à l'égalité entre les hommes et les femmes. Toutefois, des transformations ont déjà pris formes et ces dernières ont vu leur position au sein du foyer s'élever. Elles ont gagné beaucoup en respect et en confiance, sans compter que plusieurs ont vu leur liberté de mouvement grandir et souhaitent une meilleure éducation pour leurs enfants. Par conséquent, cette étude semble montrer que lorsque les prêts sont bien investis, les femmes réussissent à augmenter leur niveau de vie et les changements au niveau social apparaissent peu à peu.
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Högstadielärare och jämställdhet : Vilka uppfattningar har högstadielärare om jämställdhet och jämställdhetsarbete i skolan? / Senior level teachers and euquality between the sexes : Which opinions do senior level teachers have about equality between the sexes and the ability of schools to promote it?Josefsson, Rebecka January 2009 (has links)
I detta examensarbete har jag främst försökt besvara två olika frågeställningar: Vad anser lärare på högstadiet om jämställdhet och jämställdhetsarbete i skolan? Och används några metoder för att jobba med jämställdhet och i så fall vilka? För att besvara dessa frågor valde jag att skicka ut enkäter till 91 yrkesverksamma högstadielärare i Karlstads och Trollhättans kommun. Av dessa 91 enkäter fick jag in 30 svar vilka i sin tur utgör grunden för denna undersökning. Av svaren framkom bland annat att 83% av pedagogerna ansåg sig dagligen eller flera gånger i veckan jobba medvetet med att främja jämställdheten i skolan och att 80% av lärarna har uppfattningen om att pedagoger på högstadiet i allmänhet tycker att jämställdhetsarbetet är viktigt. Men det framkom också att 85 % av pedagogerna tycker att skolan endast delvis uppfyller läroplanernas mål om jämställdhet och att 77.7 % anser att de har fått för lite utbildning inom området. 70% av pedagogerna i undersökningen kunde ge exempel på olika metoder som de använde sig av för att främja jämställdheten i skolan. / In this report I have tried to answer two different questions: What do senior level teachers think about the ability of schools work to promote equal opportunities between the sexes ? Do teachers use any methods to promote equal opportunities between the sexes? And if so, which methods do they use? To answer these questions a questionnaire was distributed to 91 senior level teachers in Karlstad and Trollhättan. Of these 91 questionnaires 30 answers came in, and these 30 answers underlie the results of this report. The results of the questionnaires showed that 83% of the senior level teachers consider themselves to promote equality between the sexes every day or several times a week and 80% of the teachers think that senior level teachers in general consider the work to promote equality between the sexes important. But the results also showed that 85% the senior level teachers think that schools only partly fulfil the schools goal to promote equality between the sexes and 77.7% thinks that they have had too little education in how to work with this problem. 70% of the senior level teachers could give example of method they use to work with equality between the sexes.
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Žiznetvorčestvo oder die Vor-Schrift des Textes : eine Untersuchung zur Geschlechter-Ethik und Geschlechts-Ästhetik in der russischen Moderne /Rippl, Daniela. January 1999 (has links)
Diss.--Lett.--München--Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 1994-1995. / Bibliogr. p. 235-256. Notes bibliogr.
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