Spelling suggestions: "subject:"shareholding"" "subject:"shareholders""
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Essays in new equity issues and ownershipSuzuki, Kazunori January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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上市公司持股成數規定對績效影響之探討 / The effect of rules for board members shareholdings on firm performance陳彥銘 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2005年到2011年在台灣證券交易所上市之一般產業公司為研究樣本,在控制公司治理與公司特性相關變數,以資產報酬率、股東權益報酬率、每股盈餘EPS衡量公司績效,探討董監持股與規定持股成數之差異數對公司績效之影響。實證結果發現,董監事持股成數超過規定持股成數之公司,其公司經營績效較佳。分析結果可能表示,董監持股比例高,因為其自身的財富與公司財務運作之結果關係密切,監督管理者的動機會較強,而使得公司表現較佳,支持董監事持股比例高於公開發行成數規定之公司,其經營績效較佳之研究假說。換言之,本研究發現符合立法者期望透過較多之董監持股,增強其對公司努力經營及監督管理之動機,以達到提升公司經營績效之目的。 / Most previous studies focus on the effect of ownership structure on firm performance. Different from studies from other countries, the institutional setting in Taiwan concerning minimal board members shareholdings required by the “Rules and Review Procedures for Director and Supervisor Share Ownership Ratios at Public Companies (the Rules henceforth)” provides a unique research opportunity to examine the effect of the Rules on firm performance.
Based on a sample of general industry firms listed in Taiwan Stocks Exchange over the period of 2005 to 2011, this study investigates whether companies with board members holdings more shares than required shareholdings by the Rules have better firm performance. This study employs return on assets, return on common stockholders’ equity and earnings per share as measures for firm performance, and difference in shareholdings over the required shareholdings as the primary explanatory variable. After controlling for governance related and firm characteristic related variables, the empirical results indicate that firms with positive differences in board ownership from the required shareholdings by the Rules have better performance. This empirical evidence implies that the legislative purpose of the Rules—enhance firm performance through the alignment of ownership interest— is supported.
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公營廠商民營化的最適釋股比例分析―考慮租稅的情況 / The optimal government shareholdings in public enterprises in the process of privatization within tax evasion economy林宛儀 Unknown Date (has links)
邱俊榮與黃鴻 (2006) 一文在忽略租稅負擔的情況下,探討公營廠商民營化的最適釋股比例問題,文中發現:在開放體系下,廠商邊際成本固定並採Cournot數量競爭,唯在公營廠商生產效率較民營廠商生產效率低時政府才有動機將產業民營化,然而實際上租稅負擔會影響到廠商的有效邊際成本,進而影響其產出決策,最後再影響民營化的最適釋股比例。有鑑於此,本文在邱俊榮與黃鴻 (2006) 一文中導入利潤稅制與公司稅制,別探討此二種稅制的引進如何影響到最適的釋股比例。文中發現:利潤稅的存在將提高政府的最適釋股比例,而且最適釋股比例隨著稅率增加而增加,不過,在利潤稅制下唯在公營廠商生產效率較民營廠商生產效率低時政府才有動機將產業民營化。然而,公司稅對於最適釋股比例影響方向並不明確。比較有趣的是,在公司稅制下即使公營廠商生產效率與民營廠商相同,政府仍有動機將產業民營化,此部份有異於邱俊榮與黃鴻 (2006) 一文所獲致的結果。
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Les engagements contractuels des actionnaires de référence lors de l'introduction en bourse / Contractual commitments from the main shareholders at the initial public offering stageDucros, Éric 13 March 2009 (has links)
Ce travail vise à déterminer dans le cadre des sociétés s’introduisant en bourse les facteurs explicatifs de la présence d’engagements contractuels par les principaux actionnaires d’une part et leur impact sur la valeur de la firme d’autre part. Le terme « engagement contractuel » fait référence à deux mécanismes mis en place au moment de l’introduction en bourse : les engagements de conservation d’actions par les dirigeants et les pactes d’actionnaires. Notre étude porte sur un échantillon de 292 entreprises introduites en bourse entre 1996 et 2000 sur le nouveau marché et le second marché de la bourse de Paris. Nos résultats montrent que la présence et la durée des engagements de conservation d’actions des dirigeants servent à signaler la valeur de la firme lorsque l’asymétrie d’information est grande mais aussi à compenser certaines inefficiences du système de gouvernance de l’entreprise. Nous observons également un impact négatif sur la valeur de la firme des engagements de conservation des dirigeants alors que ceux concernant les sociétés de capital risque l’influence positivement. Concernant les pactes d’actionnaires, nos travaux montrent que leur mise en place est d’autant plus probable que les dirigeants anticipent une cession future de l’entreprise. Ils ont par ailleurs une influence positive sur la valeur de la firme tant qu’ils ne protègent pas les signataires d’une prise de contrôle hostile ; dans ce dernier cas l’effet sur la valeur de la firme est négatif. Finalement, nous montrons qu’il existe une réaction négative du cours de bourse autour du jour de l’expiration des engagements de conservation. / Using a sample of IPO firms, we try to figure out what are the factors influencing the adoption of lockups and shareholder agreements and we also try to assess the impact on firm value of these two commitments. Our study is based on a sample of 292 IPOs made between 1996 and 2000 on the French nouveau marché and second marché. We found that the adoption of lockups and their length may serve to alleviate information asymmetry at the IPO time. Our results also give pieces of evidence that this mechanism may compensate for some inefficiencies of the corporate governance setting. We found that lockups undertaken by managers have a negative effect on firm value whereas lockups by venture capital firms have a positive one. With regards to shareholder agreements, our tests show that the probability of adopting such a commitment is positively related to managers’ anticipation of a future sale of the firm. We also found that shareholder agreements have a positive effect on firm value as long as they do not insulate the company from the threat of a hostile takeover. In this latter case, the effect on firm value is negative. Finally, we found a negative return around the day where lockups are released.
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經營權異動與異動後績效之探討 / The study of executive turnover and the following performance changes游子瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果顯示,董監事持股比率愈低、最終控制者無超額持股、經營控制權與所有權偏離愈大、董監事持股質押比率愈高之公司,其經營權發生異動之可能性愈高。獨立董監事之設置雖與經營權異動之可能性呈正向相關,惟其關聯性未達顯著水準。經營權異動之公司,其財務績效在異動前後並無顯著差異,表示經營權異動之目的可能不在取代無效率之管理當局,也可能表示併購的綜效需要較長的時間才得以顯現。其中,董監事持股比率較高之公司,其經營績效在經營權異動後表現較佳。本研究顯示董監最低持股可發揮利益連結的效果,對於近期金管會擬取消董監最低持股規範之提案,本研究認為有作更深入討論之需要。 / Using companies listed on Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation and GreTai Securities Market over the period of 1996 to 2006, this study empirically investigates the determinants of change in corporate control and the subsequent period performance after the change. The change in corporate control is measured in terms of change in business group of a specific firm.
The empirical results show that companies with less shareholdings owned by their board members, inadequate shareholdings to support their control, larger deviation in cash flow right from voting right, and higher ratio of shareholding pledged by their board members, have higher probabilities of occurrence of change in corporate control. However, the result doesn’t support that independent directors play a role in corporate control change. With respect to the firm performance in the period subsequent to the corporate control change, there exists no significant difference as compared to that of prior period. The evidence thus suggests that the replacing unqualified management may not be the primary purpose of corporate control change, or simply that the synergies take more time to show. In addition, this study also finds that firms subject to corporate control change tend to perform better if their board members hold a larger fraction of shares. This result lends itself to the proposal recently discussed by the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan Taiwan on abolition of requirement of minimal shareholding by the board members. It appears that shareholdings by the board members can have interest-alignment effect.
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外國專業投資機構持股策略與投資標的財務屬性關聯性之研究湯慧玲, Tang, Hui-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
此外,實證結果亦顯示,迴歸模式之解釋力在不同產業下確實存在產業之差異性,故產業性質對財務比率分析具有重要影響力。 / By examining whether the detailed financial ratios are informative about subsequent changes in Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors’(QFII) shareholdings, this thesis investigates the usefulness of accounting fundamental signals in the QFII investment decisions.
Using a sample of firms listed in Taiwan Stock Exchange from electronics, textile, plastic and food industries over the period of 1995 to 1999, this thesis explores three empirical issues: (1) What are the important financial attributes for QFII’s investment decisions, measured in terms of changes in QFII shareholdings of specific companies? (2) The relationship between the shareholding change and the financial attributes. And (3) Would such relationship differentiate across industries?
Based upon a factor analysis approach, this thesis first extracts 18 financial ratios into five dimensions of financial attributes: profitability, operating management, account receivable turnover, liquidity, and financial structure. By incorporating these five financial attributes with company size, price-earning ratio and industrial stock price index into a multiple regression, the relationship between financial attributes and QFII shareholdings is then investigated.
The empirical findings indicate that profitability is the most relevant factor that affects the QFII shareholdings. The evidence also shows that consistent with the hypothesis, profitability, operating management, accounts receivable turnover, and financial structure are significantly and positively associated with QFII shareholdings for all industries related. With the exception of the plastic industry, liquidity is negatively related to QFII shareholdings. There is cross-industry difference in explanatory power of regression models used. This result might thus imply that industry factor plays a role in the usefulness of financial ratio analysis.
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合法賭場治理之法律問題研究─以新加坡及澳門法規範為中心 / A study of the Casino's Governance─Focusing on Singapore & Macau's regimes吳家林, Wu, Ja Lin Unknown Date (has links)
從中國澳門及美國開放合法賭場帶來經濟效益的經驗,加以新加坡2005年4月18日宣布,將開放成立兩處賭場度假村(Integrated Resort)以掌握賭場帶來的巨大觀光收益與稅收,似提供贊成我國引進合法賭場經營的有利論證。然對我國政府或官員而言,甚至學術研究領域,仍屬於相當陌生的新興產業;尚缺乏全盤性理解,尤其是外國法制的規範架構及內容的了解。
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