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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Asymptotic limits of negative group delay phenomenon in linear causal media

Kandic, Miodrag 07 October 2011 (has links)
Abnormal electromagnetic wave propagation characterized by negative group velocity and consequently negative group delay (NGD) has been observed in certain materials as well as in artificially built structures. Within finite frequency intervals where an NGD phenomenon is observed, higher frequency components of the applied waveform are propagated with phase advancement, not delay, relative to the lower frequency components. These media have found use in many applications that require positive delay compensation and an engineered phase characteristic, such as eliminating phase variation with frequency in phase shifters, beam-squint minimization in phased array antenna systems, size reduction of feed-forward amplifiers and others. The three principal questions this thesis addresses are: can a generic formulation for artificial NGD structures based on electric circuit resonators be developed; is it possible to derive a quantitative functional relationship (asymptotic limit) between the maximum achievable NGD and the identified trade-off quantity (out-of-band gain); and, can a microwave circuit exhibiting a fully loss-compensated NGD propagation in both directions be designed and implemented? A generic frequency-domain formulation of artificial NGD structures based on electric circuit resonators is developed and characterized by three parameters, namely center frequency, bandwidth and the out-of-band gain. The developed formulation is validated through several topologies reported in the literature. The trade-off relationship between the achievable NGD on one hand, and the out-of-band gain on the other, is identified. The out-of-band gain is shown to be proportional to transient amplitudes when waveforms with defined “turn on/off” times are propagated through an NGD medium. An asymptotic limit for achievable NGD as a function of the out-of-band gain is derived for multi-stage resonator-based NGD circuits as well as for an optimally engineered linear causal NGD medium. Passive NGD media exhibit loss which can be compensated for via active elements. However, active elements are unilateral in nature and therefore do not allow propagation in both directions. A bilateral gain-compensated circuit is designed and implemented, which overcomes this problem by employing a dual-amplifier configuration while preserving the overall circuit stability.

A 5 GHz BiCMOS I/Q VCO with 360° variable phase outputs using the vector sum method

Opperman, Tjaart Adriaan Kruger 08 April 2009 (has links)
This research looks into the design of an integrated in-phase/quadrature (I/Q) VCO operating at 5 GHz. The goal is to design a phase shifter that is implemented at the LO used for RF up conversion. The target application for the phase shifter is towards phased array antennas operating at 5 GHz. Instead of designing multiple VCOs that each deliver a variety of phases, two identical LC-VCOs are coupled together to oscillate at the same frequency and deliver four outputs that are 90 ° out of phase. By varying the amplitudes of the in-phase and quadrature signals independently using VGAs before adding them together, a resultant out-of-phase signal is obtained. A number of independently variable out-of-phase signals can be obtained from these 90 ° out-of-phase signals and this technique is better known as the vector sum method of phase shifting. Control signals to the inputs of the VGAs required to obtain 22.5 ° phase shifts were designed from simulations and are generated using 16-bit DACs. The design is implemented and manufactured using a 0.35 µm SiGe BiCMOS process and the complete prototype IC occupies an area of 2.65 × 2.65 mm2. The I/Q VCO with 360 ° variable phase outputs occupies 1.10 × 0.85 mm2 of chip area and the 16-bit DAC along with its decoding circuitry occupies 0.41 × 0.13 mm2 of chip area. The manufactured quadrature VCO was found to oscillate between 4.12 ~ 4.74 GHz and consumes 23.1 mW from a 3.3 V supply without its buffer circuitry. A maximum phase noise of -78.5 dBc / Hz at a 100 kHz offset and -108.17 dBc / Hz at a 1 MHz offset was measured and the minimum VCO figure of merit is 157.8 dBc / Hz. The output voltages of the 16 bit DAC are within 3.5 % of the design specifications. When the phase shifter is controlled by the 16 DAC signals, the maximum measured phase error of the phase shifter is lower than 10 %. / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / unrestricted

Contribution à l'étude et la conception d'antennes pour la génération d'ondes radiofréquences transportant du moment angulaire orbital / Contribution to the study and design of antennas for the generation of radio waves bearing orbital angular momentum

Wei, Wenlong 21 November 2016 (has links)
Il est bien connu dans la théorie de Maxwell que le rayonnement électromagnétique (EM) d'une onde porte à la fois du moment linéaire (énergie) et du moment angulaire. Ce dernier possède deux parties: le Moment Angulaire de Spin (ou SAM) qui est également connu sous le nom de la polarisation et le Moment Angulaire Orbital (ou OAM). Le SAM ne comprend que deux états (gauche et droite) et est utilisé en télécommunications pour doubler la capacité du canal. Par contre, le moment angulaire orbital (OAM) peut en théorie, avoir un nombre infini d'états appelés les modes OAM. Par conséquent, en radiofréquences, les premières applications de l'OAM ont été proposées dans le domaine des communications sans fil. Mais, tout d'abord, il est nécessaire de développer des antennes générant de telles ondes. L'objectif de cette thèse est de concevoir des antennes pour générer des ondes ayant un OAM. Le manuscrit se décompose en trois parties. Dans la première partie, un réseau d'antennes « patches » utilisant un déphaseur original est développé et testé. Ce réseau génère une onde ayant de l'OAM. Dans la deuxième partie, une cavité Fabry-Perot (FP) est utilisée pour apporter plus de directivité à ce réseau d'antennes. Enfin, la troisième partie consiste à générer des ondes guidées possédant du moment OAM. Ces ondes ont ensuite été utilisées pour exciter des antennes en cornet et rayonner des faisceaux directifs transportant du moment angulaire orbital. / It is well known from Maxwell’s theory that electromagnetic (EM) radiation carries both linear momentum (energy) and angular momentum. The latter has two parts: Spin Angular Momentum (SAM) which corresponds to the polarization of an EM wave and Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM) which is associated with the spatial distribution of an EM wave. The SAM has only two states (left and right) and is used to double the channel capacity in telecommunications. On the other hand, the OAM can theoretically have an infinite number of states called the OAM modes. Therefore, the first applications of OAM have been proposed in wireless communications at radio frequencies. However, first of all, it is necessary to develop the antennas for generating such waves. The objective of this thesis is to design the antennas for the generation of radio waves bearing OAM. The manuscript contains three parts. In the first part, an antenna using 4 patches and an original phase shifter is developed and tested to generate an OAM wave. In the second part, a Fabry-Perot (FP) cavity is used to enhance the directivity of this antenna. The third part is to generate guided OAM waves. Some horn antennas are used to radiate these waves with good directivity.

Development of a single photon detector using wavelength-shifting and light-guiding technology

Hebecker, Dustin 27 August 2021 (has links)
Das IceCube Neutrino-Observatorium ist ein am geografischen Südpol im Eis installierter Neutrinodetektor. In IceCube werden Neutrinos mit Tscherenkow-Strahlung von Sekundärteilchen aus Neutrino Interaktionen detektiert. Für den Nachfolgedetektor IceCube-Gen2, werden neue und verbesserte Lichtdetektoren gesucht. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Entwicklung eines dieser Lichtdetektoren. Dieser basiert auf Wellenlängen schiebenden und Licht leitenden Technologien. Der Detektor mit dem Namen "Wavelength-shifting Optical Module" (WOM) verwendet eine transparente Röhre, mit wellenlängenschiebender Farbe, als passiver Photonendetektor. Das in der Wellenlänge verschobene Licht wird durch Totalreflexion, zu kleinen PMTs an beiden Enden geleitet. Die Auswahl dieses Designs reduziert die Kosten und verbessert das Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis wesentlich, möglicherweise können mit dieser Lösung extragalaktische Supernova in zukünftigen Detektoren beobachtet werden. Als eine Kernkomponente wird die wellenlängenschiebende Röhre ausführlich untersucht. Verschiedene Messaufbauten und Auswertungsmethoden werden entwickelt, um diese im Anschluss zu untersuchen und zu bewerten. Iterative Verbesserungen der Materialien und des Farbauftrageverfahren als auch Messmethoden, resultieren in einer kombinierten Einfang-, Wellenlängenschiebe- und Transporteffizienz von 28,1 +/- 5,4 % der Röhre. Ein Model zur Beschreibung des Lichtverhaltens in der Röhre wird entwickelt um eine Diskrepanz zwischen Theorie und Messung zu untersuchen. Die Kombination zwischen Messung und Model, bestätigt die Aussagekraft des Models und zeigt, dass ein Großteil der Verluste beim Lichttransport zustande kommen. Darüber hinaus werden die physikalischen Eigenschaften des WOM in die IceCube Simulationsumgebung eingebaut. Der Vergleich zu einem Konkurrenzmodul zeigt eine Überlegenheit des WOM um den Faktor 1,05 +/- 0,07. Es werden Vorschläge und Ausblicke für Verbesserungen der Leistungsfähigkeit des WOMs gegeben. / The IceCube Neutrino Observatory is an in ice neutrino detector located at the geographic South Pole. In IceCube neutrinos are detected via Cherenkov light produced by secondary particles in neutrino interactions. For the upgraded detector IceCube-Gen2, new and improved light detectors are sought-after. This work describes the development of one of those light detectors based on a novel combination of wavelength-shifting and light-guiding technology. The detector named the Wavelength-shifting Optical Module (WOM) utilizes a large transparent tube, coated with wavelength-shifting paint as a passive photon detector. The wavelength-shifted light is guided via total internal reflection towards small active light detectors, at each end of the tube. This design reduces costs and improves the signal to noise ratio significantly, thereby potentially enabling extragalactic supernova detections in future detectors. As a core component, the wavelength-shifting tube is extensively investigated. Different measurement setups and evaluation techniques are developed and investigated. Iterative improvement of materials and coating techniques as well as measurement methods currently result in a combined photon capture, shift and transport efficiency of 28.1 +/- 5.4 % for the tube. Those results contrast the theoretical maximum of 74.5 %. A model is developed to describe the light propagation and loss processes in the tube and to understand the discrepancies between theory and measurement. The combination of the measurements with the model, validate the descriptive qualities of the model and show that most of the light is lost during the light propagation in the tube. Additionally, the physical properties of the WOM are included in the IceCube simulation framework. A comparison to a competing module showed that the WOM outperforms by a factor of 1.05 +/- 0.07 in photon detection numbers. Where applicable, suggestions and outlooks are given to enhance the performance of the WOM.

Photonic Vector Processing Techniques for Radiofrequency Signals

Piqueras Ruipérez, Miguel Ángel 02 May 2016 (has links)
[EN] The processing of radiofrequency signals using photonics means is a discipline that appeared almost at the same time as the laser and the optical fibre. Photonics offers the capability of managing broadband radiofrequency (RF) signals thanks to its low transmission attenuation, a variety of linear and non-linear phenomena and, recently, the potential to implement integrated photonic subsystems. These features open the door for the implementation of multiple functionalities including optical transportation, up and down frequency conversion, optical RF filtering, signal multiplexing, de-multiplexing, routing and switching, optical sampling, tone generation, delay control, beamforming and photonic generation of digital modulations, and even a combination of several of these functionalities. This thesis is focused on the application of vector processing in the optical domain to radiofrequency signals in two fields of application: optical beamforming, and photonic vector modulation and demodulation of digital quadrature amplitude modulations. The photonic vector control enables to adjust the amplitude and phase of the radiofrequency signals in the optical domain, which is the fundamental processing that is required in different applications such as beamforming networks for direct radiating array (DRA) antennas and multilevel quadrature modulation. The work described in this thesis include different techniques for implementing a photonic version of beamforming networks for direct radiating arrays (DRA) known as optical beamforming networks (OBFN), with the objectives of providing a precise control in terrestrial applications of broadband signals at very high frequencies above 40 GHz in communication antennas, optimizing the size and mass when compared with the electrical counterparts in space application, and presenting new photonic-based OBFN functionalities. Thus, two families of OBFNs are studied: fibre-based true time delay architectures and integrated networks. The first allow the control of broadband signals using dispersive optical fibres with wavelength division multiplexing techniques and advanced functionalities such as direction of arrival estimation in receiving architectures. In the second, passive OBFNs based on monolithically-integrated Optical Butler Matrices are studied, including an ultra-compact solution using optical heterodyne techniques in silicon-on-insulator (SOI) material, and an alternative implementing a homodyne counterpart in germanium doped silica material. In this thesis, the application of photonic vector processing to the generation of quadrature digital modulations has also been investigated. Multilevel modulations are based on encoding digital information in discrete states of phase and amplitude of an electrical signal to enhance spectral efficiency, as for instance, in quadrature modulation. The signal process required for generating and demodulating this kind of signals involves vector processing (phase and amplitude control) and frequency conversion. Unlike the common electronic or digital implementation, in this thesis, different photonic based signal processing techniques are studied to produce digital modulation (photonic vector modulation, PVM) and demodulation (PVdM). These techniques are of particular interest in the case of broadband signals where the data rate required to be managed is in the order of gigabit per second, for applications like wireless backhauling of metro optical networks (known as fibre-to-the-air). The techniques described use optical dispersion in optical fibres, wavelength division multiplexing and photonic up/down conversion. Additionally, an optical heterodyne solution implemented monolithically in a photonic integrated circuit (PIC) is also described. / [ES] El procesamiento de señales de radiofrecuencia (RF) utilizando medios fotónicos es una disciplina que apareció casi al mismo tiempo que el láser y la fibra óptica. La fotónica ofrece la capacidad de manipular señales de radiofrecuencia de banda ancha, una baja atenuación, procesados basados en una amplia variedad de fenómenos lineales y no lineales y, recientemente, el potencial para implementar subsistemas fotónicos integrados. Estas características ofrecen un gran potencial para la implementación de múltiples funcionalidades incluyendo transporte óptico, conversión de frecuencia, filtrado óptico de RF, multiplexación y demultiplexación de señales, encaminamiento y conmutación, muestreo óptico, generación de tonos, líneas de retardo, conformación de haz en agrupaciones de antenas o generación fotónica de modulaciones digitales, e incluso una combinación de varias de estas funcionalidades. Esta tesis se centra en la aplicación del procesamiento vectorial en el dominio óptico de señales de radiofrecuencia en dos campos de aplicación: la conformación óptica de haces y la modulación y demodulación vectorial fotónica de señales digitales en cuadratura. El control fotónico vectorial permite manipular la amplitud y fase de las señales de radiofrecuencia en el dominio óptico, que es el procesamiento fundamental que se requiere en diferentes aplicaciones tales como las redes de conformación de haces para agrupaciones de antenas y en la modulación en cuadratura. El trabajo descrito en esta tesis incluye diferentes técnicas para implementar una versión fotónica de las redes de conformación de haces de en agrupaciones de antenas, conocidas como redes ópticas de conformación de haces (OBFN). Se estudian dos familias de redes: arquitecturas de retardo en fibra óptica y arquitecturas integradas. Las primeras permiten el control de señales de banda ancha utilizando fibras ópticas dispersivas con técnicas de multiplexado por división de longitud de onda y funcionalidades avanzadas tales como la estimación del ángulo de llegada de la señal en la antena receptora. En la segunda, se estudian redes de conformación pasivas basadas en Matrices de Butler ópticas integradas, incluyendo una solución ultra-compacta utilizando técnicas ópticas heterodinas en silicio sobre aislante (SOI), y una alternativa homodina en sílice dopado con germanio. En esta tesis, también se han investigado técnicas de procesado vectorial fotónico para la generación de modulaciones digitales en cuadratura. Las modulaciones multinivel codifican la información digital en estados discretos de fase y amplitud de una señal eléctrica para aumentar su eficiencia espectral, como por ejemplo la modulación en cuadratura. El procesado necesario para generar y demodular este tipo de señales implica el procesamiento vectorial (control de amplitud y fase) y la conversión de frecuencia. A diferencia de la implementación electrónica o digital convencional, en esta tesis se estudian diferentes técnicas de procesado fotónico tanto para la generación de modulaciones digitales (modulación vectorial fotónica, PVM) como para su demodulación (PVdM). Esto es de particular interés en el caso de señales de banda ancha, donde la velocidad de datos requerida es del orden de gigabits por segundo, para aplicaciones como backhaul inalámbrico de redes ópticas metropolitanas (conocida como fibra hasta el aire). Las técnicas descritas se basan en explotar la dispersión cromática de la fibra óptica, la multiplexación por división de longitud de onda y la conversión en frecuencia. Además, se presenta una solución heterodina implementada monolíticamente en un circuito integrado fotónico (PIC). / [CAT] El processament de senyals de radiofreqüència (RF) utilitzant mitjans fotònics és una disciplina que va aparèixer gairebé al mateix temps que el làser i la fibra òptica. La fotònica ofereix la capacitat de manipular senyals de radiofreqüència de banda ampla, una baixa atenuació, processats basats en una àmplia varietat de fenòmens lineals i no lineals i, recentment, el potencial per implementar subsistemes fotònics integrats. Aquestes característiques ofereixen un gran potencial per a la implementació de múltiples funcionalitats incloent transport òptic, conversió de freqüència, filtrat òptic de RF, multiplexació i demultiplexació de senyals, encaminament i commutació, mostreig òptic, generació de tons, línies de retard, conformació de feix en agrupacions d'antenes i la generació fotònica de modulacions digitals, i fins i tot una combinació de diverses d'aquestes funcionalitats. Aquesta tesi es centra en l'aplicació del processament vectorial en el domini òptic de senyals de radiofreqüència en dos camps d'aplicació: la conformació òptica de feixos i la modulació i demodulació vectorial fotònica de senyals digitals en quadratura. El control fotònic vectorial permet manipular l'amplitud i la fase dels senyals de radiofreqüència en el domini òptic, que és el processament fonamental que es requereix en diferents aplicacions com ara les xarxes de conformació de feixos per agrupacions d'antenes i en modulació multinivell. El treball descrit en aquesta tesi inclou diferents tècniques per implementar una versió fotònica de les xarxes de conformació de feixos en agrupacions d'antenes, conegudes com a xarxes òptiques de conformació de feixos (OBFN), amb els objectius de proporcionar un control precís en aplicacions terrestres de senyals de banda ampla a freqüències molt altes per sobre de 40 GHz en antenes de comunicacions, optimitzant la mida i el pes quan es compara amb els homòlegs elèctrics en aplicacions espacials, i la presentació de noves funcionalitats fotòniques per agrupacions d'antenes. Per tant, s'estudien dues famílies de OBFNs: arquitectures de retard en fibra òptica i arquitectures integrades. Les primeres permeten el control de senyals de banda ampla utilitzant fibres òptiques dispersives amb tècniques de multiplexació per divisió en longitud d'ona i funcionalitats avançades com ara l'estimació de l'angle d'arribada del senyal a l'antena receptora. A la segona, s'estudien xarxes de conformació passives basades en Matrius de Butler òptiques en fotònica integrada, incloent una solució ultra-compacta utilitzant tècniques òptiques heterodinas en silici sobre aïllant (SOI), i una alternativa homodina en sílice dopat amb germani. D'altra banda, també s'ha investigat en aquesta tesi tècniques de processament vectorial fotònic per a la generació de modulacions digitals en quadratura. Les modulacions multinivell codifiquen la informació digital en estats discrets de fase i amplitud d'un senyal elèctric per augmentar la seva eficiència espectral, com ara la modulació en quadratura. El processat necessari per generar i desmodular aquest tipus de senyals implica el processament vectorial (control d'amplitud i fase) i la conversió de freqüència. A diferència de la implementació electrònica o digital convencional, en aquesta tesi s'estudien diferents tècniques de processament fotònic tant per a la generació de modulacions digitals (modulació vectorial fotònica, PVM) com per la seva demodulació (PVdM). Això és de particular interès en el cas de senyals de banda ampla, on la velocitat de dades requerida és de l'ordre de gigabits per segon, per a aplicacions com backhaul sense fils de xarxes òptiques metropolitanes (coneguda com fibra fins l'aire). Les tècniques descrites es basen en explotar la dispersió cromàtica de la fibra òptica, la multiplexació per divisió en longitud d'ona i la conversió en freqüència. A més, es prese / Piqueras Ruipérez, MÁ. (2016). Photonic Vector Processing Techniques for Radiofrequency Signals [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/63264 / TESIS

Émile Benveniste a úloha smyslu / Émile Benveniste and the role of sens

Krásová, Eva January 2017 (has links)
Eva Krásová: Émile Benveniste and the role of sens My thesis "Émile Benveniste and the role of sens" is a monographic study of the life work of Émile Benveniste (1902-1977) through the role that the concept of meaning (sens) takes in his thought. I adopt the methodology defined by K. Kœrner as "historiography of language sciences", and thus my perspective on Benveniste's work is mainly chronological and developmental. First part of the thesis concentrates on theoretical foundations of Benveniste's thought in the school of Paris (A. Meillet and M. Bréal), Prague (R. Jakobson and V. Skalička) and Copenhagen (texts around 1939). I point out the concept of language system in diachrony in A. Meillet's thinking and in Prague school and present a hypothesis about the role of Émile Bneveniste in their contact during the International congresses of linguists. This results into a description of the perspective of meaning as it was presented in Benveniste's 1962 lecture "Levels of linguistic analysis". Second part deals with Benveniste's concept linguistics of discours. First chapter explains the main concepts of Benveniste's theory of language: semiotics and semantics or the semiotical and the semantical (le/la sémiotique, sémantique), enunciation (énonciation), appropriation (appropriation) and the theory...

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