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Condições para aprendizagem significativa de aluno surdo em uma escola especial / Conditions for significant learning by a deaf pupil following a special schoolVieira, Margarete Ligia Pinto 29 January 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-01-29 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / To identify and to understand the conditions provided by the teachers in a special education school classroom for hearing impaired students was the objective of this investigation carried out in a school placed in the greater São Paulo area. Data collected during 2007 included semi-structured interviews and videos recorded from August to October showing a hearing impaired student performing activities related to the learning of Portuguese in the classroom, assisted by two hearing teachers. Qualitative analysis was considered for such data based on the David Ausubel's (1969) theory of significant learning; on the contributions of Moreira(1983), Masini (1999,1993, 2002) e Moreira; Masini (2006); and on the studies on hearing impairment by Moura (1993, 2000), Quadros (1997), Skliar (1999 e 1997) e Salles (2004) on the sociolinguistic aspects on the learning of written language. Bridges of knowledge were built on their contributions. The main finding was that the condition mostly contributing for learning was the connections established from the information the student already had. The hearing impaired student observed herein had no communication skills on the Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS), did not present any interaction with the teachers and, therefore, no achievements were noticed on his/her ability for perceiving, elaborating and learning
new concepts. / Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar e entender as condições oferecidas pelo professor em situação de sala de aula para a ocorrência de aprendizagem significativa do aluno Surdo em uma Escola Especial. A pesquisa foi realizada em uma Escola Especial no Município da Grande São Paulo que atende crianças e jovens com deficiências e alunos Surdos. Foram coletados dados durante o ano letivo de 2007, por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada e gravação em vídeo de algumas atividades em Língua portuguesa, em situações em sala de aula, oferecidas por duas professoras ouvintes a uma
aluna surda nos meses de agosto, setembro e outubro. Para análise dos dados foi adotada a modalidade qualitativa. Esta investigação fundamentou-se nos princípios teóricos da Aprendizagem Significativa de David Ausubel (1969); nas contribuições de Moreira (1983), Masini (1999,1993, 2002) e Moreira; Masini (2006); e nos estudos sobre o Surdo de Moura (1993, 2000), Quadros (1997), Skliar (1999 e 1997) e Salles (2004) no que tange ao processo sociolingüístico da aquisição da língua escrita. Os principais achados da indicaram que as condições que oferecem aprendizagem significativa são as que permitem ao aluno estabelecer relações com as novas informações a partir do que já possui armazenado na sua estrutura cognitiva; que o aluno Surdo na situação investigada
não teve comunicação por meio da Língua Brasileira de Sinais -
LIBRAS nem apresentou interação com o professor, e, dessa forma, não foram registrados ganhos em seu perceber, elaborar e adquirir conceitos.
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Aprendizagem baseada em projeto como proposta para desenvolver a aprendizagem significativa no segundo ano do ensino médio na disciplina de química / Project-based learning as a proposal to develop meaningful learning in the second year of high school in the discipline of chemistryFabrício da Silva Pacheco 15 December 2017 (has links)
A Aprendizagem Baseada em Projeto é uma metodologia ativa de aprendizagem, utilizando a elaboração e execução de um projeto como estratégia motivadora para a aprendizagem de diferentes tópicos teóricos envolvidos na resolução de problemas concretos. Além de favorecer a construção de conhecimentos, este método contribui para o desenvolvimento de algumas habilidades e competências pessoais e profissionais considerados importantes para a formação dos alunos e sua atuação na sociedade, tais como construção autônoma de conhecimento, análise críticas de situações e problemas, autoavaliação, relacionamento interpessoal, entre outras. Esta metodologia é pouco usada no ensino básico (fundamental e médio) sendo mais aplicado na medicina e engenharia. Nesta pesquisa foi feito um estudo de caso sobre a aplicação da Aprendizagem Baseada em Projeto ao 2º ano do ensino médio. A pesquisa teve um caráter quanti-qualitativo e interdisciplinar, sendo aplicada fundamentalmente na disciplina de química e com participação e suporte das disciplinas de Português, Matemática, História e Inglês. O projeto proposto aos alunos foi a elaboração e construção de uma estação para tratamento de fatores químicos, físicos e biológicos para obter água potável, suficiente para abastecer uma família de quatro pessoas morando à beira de um rio. O desenvolvimento dos alunos foi acompanhado por meio de avaliações diagnósticas iniciais e finais e durante todo o percurso formativo por meio das avaliações formais das disciplinas, de rodas de conversas, apresentação de seminários, desenvolvimento do projeto, construção e apresentação de um protótipo contendo todas as etapas do tratamento, e dimensionamento para a construção da estação real, incluindo materiais e custos. Os resultados mostram indícios de uma aprendizagem significativa, sendo notado também o desenvolvimento de habilidades transversais como desenvolvimento social e cooperativo entre os alunos, contribuindo para o processo de formação de cidadãos ativos e críticos. / Project-Based Learning is an active learning methodology, using the design and execution of a project as a motivating strategy for learning different theoretical topics involved in solving concrete problems. In addition to promoting the construction of knowledge, this method contributes to the development of some personal and professional skills and competences considered important for students\' training and their performance in society, such as autonomous construction of knowledge, critical analysis of situations and problems, selfassessment, interpersonal relationships, among others. This methodology is little used in basic education (basic and secondary) being more applied in medicine and engineering. In this research, a case study on the application of Project Based Learning to the second year of high school was done. The research had a quantitative-qualitative and interdisciplinary character, being applied fundamentally in the discipline of chemistry and with participation and support of the disciplines of Portuguese, Mathematics, History and English. The project proposed to the students was the elaboration and construction of a station to treat chemical, physical and biological factors to obtain drinking water, enough to supply a family of four living on the edge of a river. The development of the students was accompanied by initial and final diagnostic evaluations and throughout the formative course through the formal evaluations of the subjects, the discussion wheels, seminars presentation, project development, construction and presentation of a prototype containing all the treatment steps, and sizing for actual station construction, including materials and costs. The results show signs of a significant learning process, with the development of transversal skills such as social and cooperative development among students, contributing to the process of training active and critical citizens.
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Contribuições de uma sequência didática metodologicamente ativa para uma aprendizagem significativa no ensino de biologia no Ensino Médio / Contributions of a methodologically active didactic sequence for a meaningful learning in biology teaching in High SchoolThiago Bastos Borges 01 February 2018 (has links)
O estudo da biologia animal, tendo como eixo integrador a evolução biológica, é uma forte recomendação no currículo nacional. A temática é bastante importante para a construção dos saberes científicos acerca da noção de diversidade, funcionamento dos ecossistemas e dos processos evolutivos, fisiológicos e morfológicos dos seres vivos. O foco no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem deve ser o desenvolvimento das capacidades de pesquisar e analisar informações, da capacidade de aprender e de adotar uma postura engajada em prol do meio ambiente. Dentro desse contexto o professor deve adotar estratégias metodologicamente ativas com valorização da contextualização, de atividades dinamizadas e colaborativas para contribuir para uma aprendizagem significativa. As atividades escolares devem ser pensadas sob a ótica da participação ativa do aluno, valorizando seus conhecimentos prévios para, desta forma, promover a aquisição do conhecimento e o desenvolvimento das habilidades e atitudes necessárias para o domínio das competências indicadas nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais. A proposta para este trabalho envolveu a elaboração de uma sequência didática cuja fundamentação teórica foi pautada nos seguintes aspectos: a Aprendizagem Significativa de David Ausubel, a abordagem sociointeracionista de Vygostsky e a Metodologia Ativa da Aprendizagem Baseada em Equipes (ABE) proposta por Larry Michaelsen. A metodologia utilizada na pesquisa foi composta por diferentes estratégias sob uma abordagem quali e quantitativa de pesquisa-ação em duas turmas do segundo ano do Ensino Técnico Integrado ao Médio na disciplina de Biologia. Foram propostas atividades que, em sequência, possibilitaram o desenvolvimento de competências específicas da biologia e competências transversais: a aplicação adaptada da ABE e um projeto escolar de observação de aves. Ao mapear os resultados de todas as etapas, que incluiu análises de índices e formulários de opinião, o pesquisador pôde observar que atividades desencadeadas sob um viés construtivista contribuíram para o aproveitamento e satisfação escolar. / The study of animal biology, having as an integrating axis the biological evolution, is a strongly recommended topic in the national curriculum. The theme is very important for the construction of scientific knowledge about the notion of diversity, functioning of ecosystems and the evolutionary, physiological and morphological processes of living beings. The focus on the teaching and learning process should be the development of the research capacity and analytical skill, the ability to learn and to develop an awareness of the environmental issues. Within this context, the teacher must adopt methodologically active strategies with valuation of the contextualization, of dynamic and collaborative activities to contribute to a significant learning. School activities should be thought from the perspective of the active participation of the student, valuing their previous knowledge in order to promote the acquisition of knowledge and the development of the skills and attitudes necessary for the mastery of the competencies indicated in the National Curricular Parameters. The proposal for this work involved the elaboration of a didactic sequence whose theoretical foundation was based on the following aspects: Significant Learning of David Ausubel, the socio-interactionist approach of Vygostsky and the Active Methodology of the Team-Based Learning (TBL) proposed by Larry Michaelsen. The methodology used in this research was composed by different strategies under a qualitative and quantitative approaches of action- research in two classes of the second year of Integrated High School and Technical Education in the discipline of Biology. Activities were proposed that sequentially enabled the development of specific competences of biology and personal soft skills: the adapted application of the TBL methodology and the School Bird-watching Project. By mapping the results of all steps, which included numerical index analyzes and opinion forms, the researcher was able to observe that activities triggered under a constructivist bias contributed to academic achievement and satisfaction.
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A expansão do self de presidiários: encontro da psicologia com a arte e a profissão / The expansion of the prisoner´s selves: the meeting of psychology with art and professionMaria Hercilia Rodrigues Junqueira 12 August 2005 (has links)
A crença no potencial humano de auto-regulação, na capacidade inerente da pessoa direcionar a sua vida em busca de algo melhor para si e na tendência direcional atualizante de todas as coisas do Universo foi o que moveu esse trabalho desde o início. A hipótese de que presidiários pudessem processar mudanças significativas em suas vidas desde que oferecidas as condições necessárias e suficientes para a expansão do self permeou as atividades oferecidas. Nessa busca de compreensão do processo de expansão do self no encontro da psicologia com a arte e a profissão, procurou-se os estudos de Carl Ramson Rogers e Augusto Boal. Este estudo buscou compreender como a psicologia (psicoterapia), a arte (teatro) e a profissão (emprego) poderiam facilitar o processo de crescimento de presidiários, ajudando-os a repensarem e a planejarem suas vidas, possibilitando o retorno ao meio social, familiar e pessoal. Foram colhidos onze depoimentos de oito colaboradores participantes do Projeto Pontilhado, na cidade de Porto Velho/RO, cuja peça teatral foi baseada em suas histórias de vida. Esse projeto foi desenvolvido do ano de 1999 a 2004. O estudo de abordagem qualitativa procurou seguir as especificidades da pesquisa-ação. O instrumento para coleta de dados foi a entrevista individual, não-diretiva, gravada em áudio. Na busca dos elementos significativos que compareceram em seus depoimentos, procurou-se agrupar as experiências comuns que os conduziram ao processo de transformação de suas vidas: O desvelar do self; Percepção de Psicologia; Percepção da Arte; Percepção da Profissão; Predisposição à mudança; Término do Projeto e Caminhos para tirar uma pessoa do mundo do crime. As percepções que os presidiários tiveram de seu organismo, de suas experiências, das relações entre elas, do mundo à sua volta e a consciência desses acontecimentos possibilitou-lhes a se desenvolver, crescer e a se transformar, num trabalho conjunto com o seu organismo. A abertura aos dados da experiência interior e do mundo externo, ampliando o campo da percepção, foi possibilitada pelos exercícios teatrais psicodramáticos, do trabalho psicoterapêutico, no desenvolvimento de uma atividade produtiva e remunerada além do acompanhamento fora das ações previstas. Foi um conjunto de atividades que possibilitaram aos presidiários e ex-presidiários se libertarem das barreiras psicológicas que impediam o crescimento. Esse estudo demonstrou que existe a possibilidade de se contribuir para a melhoria de vida das pessoas que se encontram presas, proporcionando novas formas de perceberem e enfrentarem a saída da prisão. Na expansão do self, as atividades psicodramáticas do teatro e o encontro psicoterápico ajudam nesse crescimento, a profissão sustenta essa determinação e o apoio ampara nos momentos de crise, quando a pessoa realmente se predispõe a sair do mundo do crime. / The belief in the auto-regulative human potential, in the persons inherent ability to lead her or his life in search of something better and the faith in the updating directive tendency of everything in the Universe moved this work from the very beginning. The hypothesis that the prisoners could process significant changes in their lives once we offer the needed and sufficient conditions in order to expand the self permeated our activities. Searching to understand the expanding process of the self in the meeting of psychology, art and profession, we based on Carl Ramson Rogerss and August Boals works as support. This study explored how psychology (psychotherapy), the art (theatre) and profession (job) may facilitate the growing process of prisoners, helping them to rethink and plan their lives, making the social, familiar and personal way back possible. We collected eleven reports from eight participant collaborators of the Projeto Pontilhado in the city of Porto Velho-Rondônia, Brazil, whose play was based on their history of life. This project was developed in the years 1999 and 2004. We use the qualitative approach taking into consideration the action-research. The tool for the data collect was a non-directive personal interview recorded in audio. In the search for meaningful elements visible in their statements, we searched to gather the common experiences that led to the transformative process in their lives: the unveiling of the self; Psychology perception; Art Perception; Profession Perception; Predisposition to change; the end of the project and ways of taking a person out of criminality. The perception that the prisoners had of their own organism, their experiences, their relations among themselves, their surroundings and the consciousness of these happenings made them grow, develop and transform themselves in persons in a work together with their organism. The opening of their interior experience and of the outer world was possible due to psycodramatic theatrical exercises, psychotherapeutic work, in the development of a productive and paid activity, beside the work together out of the foreseen activities. It was a set of activities which made possible to the prisoners and ex-prisoners to get free from psychological barriers which prevented any human growth. This study revealed that there is a possibility of contributing to a better life of people who are in prison. It is possible to offer new forms of viewing life out of prison. In the expansion of the self the psychodrama and the psychotherapeutic meeting help this growth; the profession supports people in the moment of crime when the person is really willing to leave the criminal world.
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A framework for the management of professional bodies in South AfricaRajcoomar, Amendra 06 1900 (has links)
Professional bodies represent practitioners who continually seek guidance on industry related problems and challenges. Each professional body adopts values that are aligned to their own field of expertise. The operations of professional bodies are generally similar in many aspects and demands proficiency in order to maintain credibility and relevance. Research has revealed that professional bodies are lacking in effectiveness and need to improve so that maximum benefit can be relished by practitioners. This research attempts to develop a framework that can be utilised as a guide by professional bodies so that they can achieve excellence.
The aim of the study was to develop a framework that can be used for the management of professional bodies by exploring the views and opinions of a total of 748 participants from management and members of professional bodies locally. The data was collected from interviews, and two separate questionnaires, one for professional bodies and the other for practitioners. The data was analysed statistically primarily using factor analysis to determine the significant factors that contributed to the developed framework for professional bodies.
The questionnaires espoused questions related to the demographics of the respondents, management, mandate of professional bodies, offerings and benefits, assurance mechanisms, role of members, needs of members and more. The research instrument used the seven point Likert scale for the respondents to rate each question. The questionnaires were posted online for the respondents to participate.
The research significant factors for professional bodies and practitioners emanated separately through factor analysis. The factors were then combined resulting in a total of 14 research overall factors that were used to develop a framework for professional bodies.
The beneficiaries of this study are primarily professional bodies. The framework will also be useful to management in industry since it addresses partnership and collaboration efforts between industry, professional bodies and training authorities. / Business Management / DBL
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Audit skupiny podniků / Group AuditViktorová, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to identify the problems of group audits and approach to solving individual problems areas. This thesis describes the contents of group audit manuals, which are not publicly available, and contributes to the understanding of the processes by which a group of auditors shall proceed in their work.
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Společné aktivity rodičů a dětí v edukačních souvislostech / Common activities of parents and children in educational contextMatýsková, Jana January 2020 (has links)
The main goal of this disertation is to update knowledge about common activities of parents and adolescents in the context of family education (Gillern, 2009), which could help current counseling practices and expansion of knowledge about educational interactions in the family. The purpose of this study is to contribute to the knowledge of the effects of common realized interests of parents and adolescents, and to find out under what conditions and circumstances they occur. The theoretical part of this thesis consists of three chapters. First chapter deals with important adults during adolescence, the second chapter focuses on family upbringing while the third chapter deals with common activities during free time. The research part presents the results of quantitative research, supplemented by semi- structured interviews with several students. Adolescents were asked what activities they do in their free time, with whom they perform them, and how the actual implementation differs from their wishes. Current parenting styles according to the nine-field model were also examined. At the end of the work, the results of the research part are discussed and the findings of the research survey are summarized. Keywords Significant others, adolescents, parenting styles, common activities, free time
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Närståendes erfarenheter vid vård av anhöriga i hemmet vid livets slutskede : En litteraturöversikt / Significant others experiences in caring for a family member at home at the end of life : A literature reviewLundström, Clarine, Thurell, Teresa January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund Närstående till anhöriga som vårdas vid livets slutskede har önskemål att vården kan ges i hemmet. Detta kan väcka känslor och leda till förändring i den närståendes livssituation. De närstående blir ofta en vårdare. Det är vikigt att sjuksköterskan uppmärksammar närståendes situation, för att kunna ge stöd så att närstående inte hamnar i ett långvarigt sorgeförlopp. Syfte Syftet är att beskriva närståendes erfarenheter vid vård av anhöriga i hemmet vid livets slutskede. Metod Studien genomfördes som en litteraturöversikt. Resultatet baserades på sexton artiklar från åtta länder. Kvalitativa, kvantitativa och blandmetod studier ingår. Resultat Litteraturöversiktens resulterade i fem kategorier; Omvårdnad i hemmiljö, Närståendeskänslor, Närståendes sorgbearbetning, Samverkan och kommunikation med hälso- och sjukvården samt stöd till närstående från hälso- och sjukvård. Resultat visar att vård av anhöriga i livets slutskede i hemmet var utmanande både psykiskt, innefattande ilska och långvarigt sorgeförlopp, och fysiskt i form av trötthet. Närstående beskrev också positiva erfarenheter som att kunna vara nära och ge god vård utan att inte behöva åka till sjukhuset. Slutsats Bra kommunikation mellan alla aktörer, tydlig information, personalens empati, engagemang och stöd var viktigt för närstående. Sjuksköterskans närvaro och stöd bidrog till att närstående fick stöd vid vårdandet. / Background Significant others who care for family members at the end of life want to care for the sickat home. This can arouse emotions and lead to changes in life situation. Significant others often become carers. It is important that the nurse pays attention to the situation of significant others in order to be able to provide support to them so that they do not end up in a long-term grief process. Aim The purpose is to describe the significant others experiences in caring for relatives at home in the end of life care. Method The study was conducted as a literature review. The result were based on sixteen articles from eight countries. Qualitative, quantitative and mixed studies were included. Results The literature review resulted in five categories; Nursing in the home environment, significant others emotions, significant others grief process, collaboration- communication and support to the significant others from health care. Results show that caring for relatives at the end of life at home was challenging mentally; anger and long-term grief and physically in the form of fatigue. Significant others also described positive experiences of being close and being able to provide good care without having to go to the hospital. Conclusions Good communication among all parties, clear information, staff empathy, commitment and support were important for significant others. The nurse's presence and support contributed to the relatives receiving support in the care.
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Utilizing Artificial Intelligence to Predict Severe Weather Outbreak Severity in the Contiguous United StatesWilliams, Megan Spade 04 May 2018 (has links)
Severe weather outbreaks are violent weather events that can cause major damage and injury. Unfortunately, forecast models can mistakenly predict the intensity of these events. Frequently, the prediction of outbreaks is inaccurate with regards to their intensity, hindering the efforts of forecasters to confidently inform the public about intensity risks. This research aims to improve outbreak intensity forecasting using severe weather parameters and an outbreak ranking index to predict outbreak intensity. Areal coverage values of gridded severe weather diagnostic variables, computed from the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) database for outbreaks spanning 1979 to 2013, will be used as predictors in an artificial intelligence modeling ensemble to predict outbreak intensity. NARR fields will be dynamically downscaled to a National Severe Storms Laboratory-defined WRF 4-km North American domain on which areal coverages will be computed. The research will result in a model that will predict verification information on the model performance.
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Studies to Improve Estimation of the Electromagnetic Bias in Radar AltimetrySmith, Justin DeWitt 14 May 2003 (has links) (PDF)
In May of 2000 Jason-1, a joint project between NASA and the French space agency CNES, will be launched. Its mission is to continue the highly successful gathering of data which TOPEX/Poseidon has collected since August of 1992. The main goal of Jason-1 is to achieve higher accuracy in measuring the mean sea level (MSL). In order to do so, the electromagnetic (EM) bias must be estimated more accurately because it is the largest contributing error. This thesis presents two different studies which add to the knowledge and improve estimation of the EM bias, and thus assists Jason-1 in achieving its primary goal. Oceanographic data collected from two different experiments are analyzed; on in the Gulf of Mexico (GME) and the other in Bass Strait, Australia (BSE). The first study is a spatial analysis of the backscattered power versus the phase of the wave. Its purpose is to determine why the normalized EM bias stops increasing and levels out at high wind speeds (about 11 m/s) and then decreases at higher wind speeds. Two possible causes are investigated. First, it could be due to a shift in the backscatter power modulation to the forward or rear face of the wave crests. Second, it may be due to the backscatter power becoming more homogeneous throughout the wave profile. This study is novel because it uses the knowledge of the spatial distribution of both the backscatter and wave displacement for the study of the EM bias. Both contribute to the EM bias decrease, but the latter cause seems to be the dominant effect. This study is performed on GME data. The second study uses two different nonparametric regression (NPR) techniques to estimate the EM bias. A recent study of satellite data from the TOPEX/Poseidon altimeter supports that the bias is modeled better using NPR regression. A traditional parametric fit is compared to two NPR techniques with GME data. The parametric fit is a variation of NASA's equation used to estimate EM bias for their Geophysical Data Records (GDRs). The two NPR techniques used are the Nadaraya-Watson Regression (NWR) and Local Linear Regression (LLR) estimators. Two smoothing kernel functions are used with each NPR technique, namely the Gaussian and the Epanechnikov kernels. NPR methods essentially consist of statistically smoothing the measured EM bias estimates are compared in the wind and significant wave height plane. Another recent study has shown that wave slope is strongly correlated to EM bias. With this knowledge, EM bias is estimated over several two-dimensional planes which include wave slope in attempt to reduce the residual bias. This portion of the study is performed on GME and BSE data. It is shown that a combination of slope, significant wave height, and wind speed used in conjunction with these NPR methods produces the best EM bias estimate for tower data.
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