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Förberedelse för miljöcertifiering på ett medelstort företag inom tillverkningsindustrin : Kartläggning och analys av miljöaspekter / Preparing for environmental certification at a medium-sized company within the manufacturing industry : Mapping and analysis of environmental aspectsUnevik, Ingrid January 2017 (has links)
De miljöproblem som har uppstått till följd av mänskliga aktiviteter uppmärksammas alltmer och itakt med detta ökar kraven på företag gällande transparens och hållbarhet. Många företag har därförvalt att börja arbeta systematiskt med miljöfrågor. Syftet med denna rapport är att bidra till ettförestående miljöarbete enligt ISO 14001 på ett medelstort företag inom tillverkningsindustrin,genom kartläggning och analys av dess miljöaspekter. Företaget i fråga hålls anonymt i denna rapport och de resultat som presenteras är sammanfattade och generaliserade. Ett antal avgränsningar behövde göras, där bland annat systemgränsen sattes till att enbart inkludera produktionen i en avföretagets anläggningar. Med grund i en litteraturstudie genomfördes kartläggningen av företagets miljöaspekter genom rundvandringar tillsammans med produktionspersonal. Miljöaspekterna identifierades inom fyra huvudprocesser inom produktionen: förbehandling, maskiner, kvalitetskontroll, och övrigbehandling. Analysen av miljöaspekterna delades upp i två delar. Den första delen innehöll en bedömning av de kartlagda miljöaspekternas betydelse med hjälp av fyra produktionsledare. Följande miljöaspekter bedömdes som de tre mest betydande för företaget: råmaterialanvändning (inom huvudprocessmaskiner), kemikalieanvändning (övrig behandling), och energi (maskiner). Endast råmaterialanvändningen bedömdes som hög miljörisk medan de andra två bedömdes som måttlig. Sett till hela bedömningen så bedömdes majoriteten av miljöaspekterna som måttlig, pågränsen till låg, miljörisk. Den andra delen av analysen bestod av en jämförelse med resultat från Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), samt från en studie av industrier i Indien. SASB har identifierade miljöaspekter som är betydande för investerare inom olika industrikategorier. För den kategori som företaget i fråga går in under, överensstämmer resultaten av betydande miljöaspekter bra. Det samma gäller angående de av GRI identifierade miljöaspekterna somindustrier rapporterar mest om. Studien av industrier i Indien och de miljöaspekter som där bedömdes som mest betydande överensstämmer även de bra med produktionsledarnas ranking. Utöver dessa betydande miljöaspekter identifierades även en del andra områden som företaget börundersöka vidare, exempelvis: hantering av visst avfall, lokalisering av outsourcade tjänster, samttjänster som kan hjälpa till att säkerställa att lagar efterlevs. Det finns ett flertal aspekter som har påverkat resultaten i denna rapport, där de med störst inflytande är de avgränsningar som gjordes samt den subjektivitet som är förknippad med bedömningen. Subjektiviteten är svår att komma ifrån då bedömningen utförs av personer och deras egna åsikter, erfarenhet, och kunskap spelar in. Då resultaten överensstämde bra med övriga källor anses resultaten i denna rapport ändå vara tillräckligt pålitliga för att kunna användas som en grundav företaget vid ett eventuellt fortsatt miljöarbete. Det är dock viktigt att företaget i ett första steg kompletterar kartläggningen med de delar av produktionen som exkluderats i detta projekt. De måste även besluta om modellen för bedömning anses vara den man vill arbeta efter samt om manvill inkludera fler anställda eller andra intressenter. / The environmental issues that have arisen due to human activities are being increasingly acknowledged in society. As a result, the expectations on companies regarding transparency andsustainability have increased. Many companies have therefore chosen to work systematically with environmental issues. The purpose of this report is to contribute to a forthcoming environmental work, according to the ISO 14001, on a medium-sized company within the manufacturing industry, by mapping and analysing the company’s environmental aspects. The company in question is kept anonymous in this report and the results that are presented are summarised and generalised. A number of delimitations had to be made, including that the system boundary was set to include onlythe production in one of the company’s facilities. Using a literature study as a basis, the mapping of the company's environmental aspects was carried out through tours guided by production staff on the production site. Environmental aspects were identified within four main processes within the production: pre-treatment, machines, qualitycontrol, and other treatment. The analysis of the environmental aspects was divided into two parts. The first part contained an assessment of the significance of the mapped environmental aspects andwas carried out by four production managers. The results of this assessment showed that the threemost significant environmental aspects for the company is: raw material use (within the mainprocess machines), chemical use (other treatment), and energy (machines). Only the raw materialuse was assessed as high environmental risk, while the other two were assessed to be of moderate environmental risk. Overall, the majority of the environmental aspects were assessed to be ofmoderate (almost low) environmental risk. The second part of the analysis consisted of a comparison with results from the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and a study investigatingindustries in India. SASB has identified environmental aspects that are significant for investors indifferent industry categories. For the category that is most similar to the company, the results ofsignificant environmental aspects are consistent with those from the production managers’assessment. The same applies to the environmental issues identified by GRI as the ones that industries report the most. The environmental aspects that were deemed to be the most significantin the results of the study that investigated industries in India are also consistent with the productionmanagers' assessment. In addition to these significant aspects, a number of other areas wereidentified that the company should investigate further, such as: waste management of certainmaterials, location of outsourced services, and services that can help ensure compliance with lawsand regulations. Several aspects have influenced the results of this report, where the most influential are the delimitations that were made and the subjectivity associated with the assessment. The subjectivity is difficult to eliminate, since the assessment is performed by people who all have their own opinions, experience, and knowledge, that affect them in the assessment. However, as the results of the assessment matched well with the results of other sources, they could still be considered to bereliable enough for the company to use them as a basis in the possible forthcoming environmentalwork. It is, however, important that the company as a first step complements the mapping with theparts of production that were excluded in this project. They must also decide whether they want to use the model for assessment used in this report, and whether to include more employees or other stakeholders.
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Systemic Alliance and Progress in Individual Therapy: The Influence of Indirect Client System Alliance on Process and Progress in Individual TherapySchielke, Hugo Josef 04 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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The Nature of Nature: Space, Place, and Identity on the Appalachian TrailKlein, Vanessa Ann 13 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Clinically Significant Symptom Change in Adolescents Receiving Outpatient Community Mental Health Services: Does it Relate to Satisfaction, Perceived Change, Therapeutic Alliance, and Improvement in Presenting Problems?Karpenko, Veronika 26 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Rugby union men : body concernsDarko, Natalie January 2012 (has links)
Existing research shows that increasing numbers of young men are dissatisfied with the appearance of their bodies. Research has found that men will use sport and health-related sports acts to conceal these concerns from others. Accordingly, men s body dissatisfactions are documented less frequently because the practices drawn upon to conceal them are perceived as routine forms of masculine behaviour. Rugby union is one of the most popular sports played by young men in England. Historically, the male rugby player is culturally perceived as strong, tough and unemotionally articulate. Existing research draws attention to health issues, such as performance stress and injury that arise through participation in this sport. Research also shows that rugby union players are likely to experience concerns about gaining weight, yet these are disguised within the requirements of training for the sport. Although, there are studies that examine the constitution of masculinities, the experience of pain and injury and career transitions among rugby union players there are no studies, as yet, that examine how rugby union men experience body concerns and manage these experiences through their sport. The research discussed in this thesis examines how a group of rugby union men (25) aged 18-25, of varied racial identity, ethnic and social backgrounds, participating in an elite university rugby union 1st XV team, experience concerns about the appearance and performance of their bodies and the ways in which such concerns develop. It also examines if and how these men used the sport and health-related sports acts, to overcome their concerns and conceal them from others. A theoretical framework, which draws on the concepts of the three theorists: Connell (1995, 2008) Goffman (1959; 1961; 1979) and Bourdieu (1978; 1979; 1984), is developed. As part of this, a new concept has been created from Goffman s dramaturgical approach: that of the intimate dimension. In this dimension intimate relationships occur. It is located away from the front region, (the public), and the back region (semi-public spaces) where less formal relationships occur. It includes the research interview, with a woman researcher, and some other women such as girlfriends, sisters or female friends and also one or two other rugby men with whom the rugby men demonstrated a close bond. Within this dimension the rugby men are more forthcoming about the personal elements of their rugby lives. The theoretical framework is used to examine these men s concerns, how they are developed, experienced and managed. Recognising that cultural assumptions of a tough and less expressive masculinity assigned to this sport can potentially make it difficult for men to express these concerns, a combination of visual research methods and ethnography are used to examine these men s body concerns and their management. This includes collaborative collection of photography and photo-elicitation interviews. The research shows that embodied experiences of discomfort, associated with pain, injury, concerns about height, being overweight or out of shape, and social experiences of exclusion led to the development of the rugby men s body concerns. For these rugby men, their rugby masculinities are influential to the management and concealment of their body concerns. They suppress and conceal their body concerns in the front and back regions of the sport and reveal them in more intimate dimensions. The rugby men s relationships with each other, in the back regions of the sport, were the most influential to this identity, but more importantly, to the management and reinforcement of these concerns. This thesis contributes to filling the gap in existing academic research by examining body concerns and its management amongst rugby union men. It also extends existing research that has found men conceal their body concerns in sport, because it looks at how these men manage these concerns differently in different regions of their sport. Furthermore, a theoretical framework that combines interactionism and phenomenology is used to study sociologically men s body concerns in these different contexts. The combination of visual methods and ethnography goes beyond some of the existing methods used in clinical and sociological research that have examined men's body concerns. They can be used to enhance understanding of clinical forms of body concern and other emotional concerns rugby union men and other sportsmen, of all ages, have about performance, pain and injury. The incorporation of visual methods is potentially widely applicable because they have increasing precedence in sportsmen s lives to analyse performance and to represent them.
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Through a looking glass : reflected experience in São Tomé and PrincipéMcWhinnie, Alexander January 2013 (has links)
The thesis sets out to examine how significant experience is sought, recognised and communicated in São Tomé and Principé. It notes the outcomes that are frequently searched for and describes the 'location' of significant experience in social interaction. It finds that experience which is personalised, qualitative and direct is preferred to that which is thought about. It describes how people adopt strategies that will result in achieving desired outcomes in social responses and material security and it notes that assertions made to achieve these ends can be seen to be associated with conditions of material life lived and utilise signs that reflect social differences locally and globally. It notes that material differences observed can be explained in social terms and social differences can be formed through showing material differences. The study examines ways in which the physical properties of the island and the cultural artifacts still present from the past have an ongoing influence in forming the content, timing and quality of personal and social actions. It notes how the development of personal social connections are associated with material obligations and both how social connections can be developed for this end and how material obligations enacted can confirm social connections. The study notes the seeming inevitability of interaction to form personal social connections and the need thus for maintenance of 'social distance' to enable impersonal commercial monetised exchange to occur. It notes how such distance can be normatively asserted on others and how some utilise an awareness of such social 'architecture' to form obligations from which they may gain materially. The study found that many people have clear and well formed ideas as to the qualities and interests of foreigners. Yet foreigners can also be evaluated by the signs and actions they show. The study concludes that an 'architecture' of significant experience exists for many in the reflected recognition of others and that much importance is placed in particular personalised social relations. The important economic consequences of this are briefly outlined.
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社群網路上的城市情感聚合表現與觀察 / Observation about World Cities’ Emotions with Online Social Communities張伸吉, Chang, Shen Chi Unknown Date (has links)
有關世界城市網路的研究目前並不多見,本研究嘗試以城市為社會網路中的行動者角色,研究一個由網路相片分享構築成的特殊社群網站Flickr。利用相片可忠實呈現拍攝者與被拍攝者情感的特性,以「城市」與「情感」兩大基礎來觀察此社群,嘗試構築出一個有關世界城市情感面向的網路關係。根據本研究目的,我們將建立「城市-情感共現網路」,來發掘世界主要城市之間隱含的連結與關係,或是其隱藏的情感表現。 / Along with considerable growth of social network websites, people’s actions on internet changed slowly from acquiring information to exchanging information and interacting with other people via web pages, and eventually this change has created a so-called “community relationship” on line. This blossom of relevant social network websites resulted from internet users’ curiosity about the invented virtual community. Numerous researchers in each relevant field have donated themselves into analysis and researches aiming to understand the reasons why all kinds of community websites have been created so quickly, how these communities have been structured, how the information and data underlying these websites have been presented and analyzed.
The goal of this paper is to dig out links and relations between big cities worldwide and human emotions in these cities via community websites. We tried to analyze a unique community website “Flickr” that functions on the base of uploading pictures only. We categorized the pictures on Flickr on two pillar axes, “Region” and “Emotion”, as the emotions of photo shooters and personages have been detailed and recorded by these pictures. By the above categories, We drew a map of emotions in cities that will reveal a 2-mode network of emotions and cities.
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Flickr網站上世界商務城市之情感輪廓 / Emotional Contours of the Commerce Cities on the Website Flickr馮成發, Fong, Chen Fa Unknown Date (has links)
近年來電腦科學的進步只能以一日千里來形容,不管在軟體或是硬體方面都有驚人的發展,軟體方面有網際網路Web 2.0技術的興盛及普及,使得人們在分享及交流資訊更加快速且便利,硬體方面則有數位相機和有照相功能智慧型手機的發明,造就了分享資訊很快的從文字模式演變成影音、相片等多媒體模式。Flickr社群網站為目前網路世界裡最重要的相片分享平台,每個人都可以將生活中擁有喜、怒、哀、樂情緒的相片上傳至該網站上與他人分享,而且此網站平台也提供下標籤功能,讓上傳者可以更正確的傳達要分享的情感。如當相片被加註上快樂的標籤,也就代表上傳者對這張相片當時的環境情緒反應為愉快、或甚至於興奮,相反地;當相片被加註上生氣的標籤,就表示該相片給上傳者的情緒反應是不愉快的、或甚至於憤怒。當同一區域(如城市)透過大量情感標籤的累積,自然而然就會呈現出該區域的情感輪廓。
情緒議題的研究近年來在各知識領域中已被廣泛的討論著,但針對區域性的情緒表現之研究探討似乎還不多。本研究藉由Flickr社群網站的全球性特質,結合Derudder and Taylor兩位學者於2005年提出的「The cliquishness of world cities」研究報告,定義出41個商務活動頻繁城市作為本研究的研究範圍,並應用Flickr社群網站上強大又完整的API介面功能,撰寫Client端程式擷取這些城市在Flickr網站上有加註情緒標籤的相片數共761,854張、其相關的標籤數有21,569,593個,再經由本研究提出的研究方法及步驟,逐一處理這些各城市相片上傳者所加註的大量標籤,就可以找出每個城市各情感象限數量最多的前30個標籤當作顯著標籤。
最後本研究綜合分析從Flickr網站上取得的大量城市、相片、及顯著標籤相關資料,分別計算出每個城市正負向情感象限的強度百分比,再以正向情感象限強度百分比為基準,定義出這些商務活動頻繁城市的「快樂指數」數值;並利用社會網絡分析軟體NodeXL來觀察各城市、情感性標籤與顯著標籤所呈現的網絡關係。 / In recent years, the computer science progress is extremely fast, whether in software or hardware has an alarming growth. The software aspect has the Internet Web 2.0 technology prosperity and popular, causes the people in share and exchange information are faster and convenient. The hardware aspect has the digital cameras and the smartphones invention, causes the share information from the writing pattern to the multimedia patterns very quickly. The Flickr social website is the most important of shared photograph in the network world for currently,everyone can shared the joy, anger, sadness, happy mood photograph by uploading to this website. This website platform also provides the tagging function, lets the uploader can more correct transmission their emotion. When the identical region (such as a city) through a large number of emotional labels cumulatively, naturally will be showing the emotional contours of the region.
Emotional issues have been widespread discussion in various area of knowledge in recent years, but research the performance of emotion for region seems not much. This research because of Flickr social website global special characteristic, combined Derudder and Taylor two scholars to propose "The cliquishness of world cities" research reports in 2005, Defines 41 economics and trade activity frequent city to take this research the study scope.
Finally, this research made a comprehensive analysis by a large number of cities, photos, and significant label information from the Flickr website, and calculates the percentage of each city to the strength of positive and negative emotions quadrant.Then the percentage of positive emotional intensity as a benchmark quadrant, Defines these economics and trade activity frequent city's "happiness index".
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Relations entre les orthophonistes et les proches de personnes aphasiques en contexte de réadaptationHallé, Marie-Christine 08 1900 (has links)
Le rôle que jouent les services orthophoniques dans l’ajustement des proches de personnes aphasiques ainsi que le contexte dans lequel les orthophonistes mettent en place des interventions auprès de ces proches ne sont actuellement pas connus. La présente thèse a donc pour but de comprendre de quelle manière les relations entre les orthophonistes et les proches de personnes aphasiques, développées en contexte de réadaptation, s’inscrivent dans la trajectoire dynamique des proches et dans la pratique des orthophonistes. Une approche qualitative par théorisation ancrée a été utilisée dans quatre études pour analyser les entrevues effectuées auprès de proches de personnes aphasiques et d’orthophonistes.
Dans l’étude 1, les entrevues menées à trois reprises dans la première année suivant l’accident vasculaire-cérébral (AVC), et ce, auprès de quatre filles dont la mère est aphasique, ont été analysées. Un modèle théorique représentant la relation mère-fille a été développé. Ce modèle illustre que les perceptions de fragilité, de difficultés et de compétence, qu’ont les filles à l’égard de leur mère, les amènent à adopter des comportements de protection ou de confiance, ce qui génère des réactions de satisfaction ou d’insatisfaction chez la mère, renforçant alors les perceptions initiales des filles. Quatre patterns relationnels peuvent donc coexister au sein d’une même dyade. L’aphasie complexifierait cet ajustement relationnel.
Dans l’étude 2, les entrevues effectuées à trois reprises durant la première année suivant l’AVC, auprès d’une fille dont la mère est sévèrement aphasique, ont été analysées. Un modèle théorique représentant l’expérience d’aider a été élaboré. Selon ce modèle, percevoir des difficultés chez sa mère et ressentir que leur relation antérieure est menacée a déclenché le processus d’aide chez la fille. Parallèlement, la reconnaissance de la compétence de sa mère a motivé la fille à offrir de l’aide visant à rendre sa mère heureuse et à favoriser son indépendance. Ce type d’aide a contribué à augmenter l’indépendance de sa mère, à retrouver une relation satisfaisante avec celle-ci et à s’adapter à l’aphasie.
Dans l’étude 3, les entrevues de 12 proches de personnes aphasiques ont été analysées. Un modèle théorique représentant l’expérience de l’aphasie et de la réadaptation post-AVC a été développé et illustre que les proches sont centrés sur la personne aphasique et participent à la réadaptation dans le rôle d’aidant. Cette disposition influence alors leurs attentes envers la réadaptation, leurs interactions avec les professionnels, dont les orthophonistes, et leur appréciation de la réadaptation.
Dans l’étude 4, les entrevues effectuées auprès de huit orthophonistes travaillant en réadaptation ont été analysées. Un modèle théorique illustrant le processus d’intervention des orthophonistes auprès des proches de personnes aphasiques a été construit. Pour les orthophonistes, le travail avec les proches est majoritairement perçu comme un ajout positif, mais exigeant, à leur pratique de base centrée sur la personne aphasique. Une satisfaction professionnelle peut en découler, mais des idéaux non-atteints peuvent persister.
La relation proche-orthophoniste serait donc principalement axée sur le rôle d’aidant que joue le proche, et ce, en raison de leur expérience respective. Un agrandissement du territoire de rencontre entre les orthophonistes et les proches pourrait soutenir les proches dans les ajustements relationnels induits par l’AVC avec aphasie ainsi que permettre aux orthophonistes d’atteindre leurs idéaux. / The role speech-language therapy (SLT) services play in significant others’ adjustment to stroke and aphasia as well as the context in which SLTs offer interventions to significant others are currently unknown. The present dissertation aims to understand how in rehabilitation settings, relationships between SLTs and significant others of persons with aphasia develop, and fit within significant others’ process of change, on one hand, and into SLTs’ practice, on the other hand. A grounded theory approach was used in four studies to analyze interviews conducted with significant others of persons with aphasia and with SLTs.
In study 1, four daughters of aphasic women were each interviewed three times over the first year post-stroke and their discourse was analyzed. A theoretical model of the daughter-mother relationship was constructed. This model shows how the daughters’ perception of maternal fragility, problems, and abilities motivated daughters to take on protective and trusting behaviors that resulted in maternal reactions of satisfaction and dissatisfaction that, in turn, reinforced the daughters’ initial perceptions. Four relational patterns may therefore coexist in a given dyad. Aphasia could make relational adjustments more complex.
In study 2, three interviews conducted over the period of one year with the daughter of a woman with severe aphasia were analyzed. A theoretical model representing the experience of caregiving was elaborated. This model illustrates that for the daughter, perceiving her mother’s problems and feeling their previous relationship was threatened triggered the caregiving process. In parallel, the daughter’s recognition of her mother’s competence encouraged her to offer care aiming to make her mother happy and to foster her mother’s independence. Increases in her mother’s independence, a renewal of their relationship and adaptation to aphasia were consequences of this type of caregiving.
In study 3, the interviews conducted with 12 significant others of aphasic persons were analyzed. A theoretical model representing significant others’ experience of aphasia and rehabilitation following stroke was developed and showed that significant others participated in rehabilitation as caregivers centered on the person who had aphasia. This disposition influenced their expectations of rehabilitation, their interactions with professionals, such as SLTs, and how they appraised rehabilitation.
In study 4, the interviews conducted with eight SLTs working in rehabilitation settings were analyzed. A theoretical model representing SLTs’ process of working with significant others of persons with aphasia was elaborated. SLTs mostly perceived work with significant others as a challenging bonus to their fundamental approach centered on the person with aphasia. As a consequence, SLTs felt professional satisfaction while dreaming for something more to offer significant others.
The relationship between significant others and SLTs thus mainly seem to focus on the caregiver role endorsed by significant others as a result of the experience of each of them. Expanding the shared territory of SLTs and significant others could support significant others’ adjustment to the relational changes induced by stroke and aphasia and could help SLTs attain their professional dreams.
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Architectural Flirtations : A Love StoreyBurroughs, Brady January 2016 (has links)
Formulated as a feminist project, written as a pulp fiction, Architectural Flirtations: A Love Storey begins with our claim that the architectural discipline is centered around a culture of critique, which is based in what bell hooks calls “a system of imperialist, white supremacist, heterosexist, capitalist, patriarchy,” and that the values instilled by this culture not only begin with, but are reinforced and reproduced by, the education of young architects. Sounds serious. Right? In a move toward a more vulnerable, ethical and empowering culture of architecture, the project aims to displace the culture of critique, by questioning and undermining relationships of power and privilege through practices that are explicitly critical, queer feminist, and Campy. In other words, it takes seriously, in an uncertain, improper and playful way, what is usually deemed unserious within the architectural discipline, in order to undermine the usual order of things. All of the (love) storeys take place on March 21st, the spring equinox, in and around a 1977 collaborative row house project called Case Unifamiliari in Mozzo, Italy, designed by Aldo Rossi and Attilio Pizzigoni. Beda Ring, PhD researcher, constructs a Campy renovation of one of these row houses, full of theatricality, humor, and significant otherness; while architectural pedagogue, Brady Burroughs, guides a student group from KTH in an Architecture and Gender course; and Henri T. Beall, practicing architect, attends to the details upstairs. / <p>QC 20161025</p>
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