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Poveikio aplinkai vertinimo proceso dokumentų metodinio parengimo reikšmė / Significance of the methodical formulation of the environmental impact assessment process dokumentsPuodžiukienė, Inga 14 December 2006 (has links)
Darbe yra analizuojama poveikio aplinkai vertinimo procesą reglamentuojančios teisės aktų metodiniai aspektai, t.y. ar poįstatyminiai poveikio aplinkai vertinimo procesą reglamentuojantys dokumentai išsamiai numato visus poveikio aplinkai vertinimo proceso aspektus, ar gali būti vienareikšmiškai interpretuojami, yra aiškūs ir tikslūs. Problema - siekiant išvengti aplinkos apsaugos požiūriu nepalankių sprendimų, poveikio aplinkai vertinimo procesas turi būti tinkamai reglamentuotas bei turi būti parengti atitinkami metodiškai pagrįsti poveikio aplinkai vertinimo proceso dokumentai. Tyrimo objektas – Lietuvos Respublikos poveikio aplinkai vertinimo procesą reglamentuojančios teisinės bazės metodinė būklė. Tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti ir įvertinti ar pakankamai efektyviai yra parengta planuojamos ūkinės veiklos poveikio aplinkai vertinimo metodinę bazę. Iškeltam darbo tikslui ir uždaviniams įgyvendinti buvo naudojami anketavimo ir lyginamosios analizės metodai. / This work concentrates on the analysis of the methodical aspects of the legislation regulating the EIA process, i.e. whether the subordinate legislation regulating the EIA process comprehensively cover all the EIA process aspects, whether they can be unambiguously interpreted, whether they are clear and precise.
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Att ge stöd till närstående som vårdar en person i hemmet i palliativt skede : sjuksköterskors erfarenheter / Supporting significant others caring for a person receiving palliative care in the home : nurses' experiencesLundin, Maria January 2015 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING De närstående har en betydelsefull uppgift i vården av svårt sjuka personer, men det är vanligt att de närstående inte har tillräckligt med kunskaper och är inte förberedda på den nya situationen. Vård i livets slutskede är ofta beroende av stora insatser från närstående och det är därför viktigt att vården utformas tillsammans med de närstående och att deras önskemål beaktas så långt det är möjligt. Den palliativa vården har ett grundläggande helhetsansvar för både patient och närstående och det ställs stora krav på sjuksköterskor som jobbar inom palliativ vård. Sjuksköterskan ska kunna göra helhetsbedömningar angående behov hos både patient och närstående. Sjuksköterskan har en central uppgift i att stödja patient och närstående för att åstadkomma en så god livskvalité som möjligt. Syftet var att belysa sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att ge stöd till närstående som vårdar en person i palliativt skede som är ansluten till avancerad sjukvård i hemmet (ASIH). Kvalitativ ansats med beskrivande design har använts. Data har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta sjuksköterskor som arbetade inom avancerad palliativ vård i hemmet. Intervjuerna och materialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. I sjuksköterskans professionella roll ingick att ge stöd och trygghet för hela familjen och det kunde vara genom regelbundna besök i hemmet. Sjuksköterskan i ASIH ansåg att de hade en medlande och förmedlande roll och hjälpte till att öppna upp samtalsklimatet i familjen samt gav närstående redskap för att hantera deras nya livssituation. I sjuksköterskornas kommunikation med närstående framkom att det var viktigt att de närstående fick information som var tydlig och ärlig samt individuellt anpassad. Det var viktigt att sjuksköterskan var lyhörd och uppmärksam i samtalet med närstående. Att ge information ansågs som en förberedelse och gav trygghet och ökad kunskap för närstående. Sjuksköterskornas erfarenhet var att de närstående önskade information om sjukdom, symtom, sjukdomsförlopp och döendeprocessen. Sjuksköterskorna i ASIH hade erfarenhet av att de närstående hade olika behov av stöd och att stödet skulle vara individuellt anpassat. Stödet kunde vara i form att stötta de närstående till ett aktivt liv utanför hemmet och vårdandet, men även att familjen önskade vara i fred i hemmet och hade då färre hembesök. Sjuksköterskorna som arbetade inom ASIH hade olika kompetens och bakgrund vilket gav en välfungerande och trygg arbetsgrupp som kompletterandes och gagnade patient och närstående. Det saknades riktlinjer för sjuksköterskan i arbetet med närståendestödet, men sjuksköterskorna menade att det fanns en risk för minskad flexibilitet och att stödet till närstående inte blev individuellt anpassat. Studien visade att sjuksköterskor inom ASIH har en betydelsefull roll i stödet till närstående i hemmet med bland annat att ge information och samtal. Sjuksköterskornas erfarenhet var att deras närvaro och tillgänglighet upplevdes som en stor trygghet för de närstående. Sjuksköterskorna ansåg att flexibilitet i närståendestödet var väldigt viktigt. Struktur och riktlinjer i arbetet med stöd till närstående saknades och efterfrågades av sjuksköterskorna.
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Hälsorelaterad livskvalitet hos partner till personer med afasi : En undersökning baserad på hälsoenkäten SF-36 och semistrukturerade intervjuer / Health-Related Quality of Life in Significant Others of People with Aphasia : A Qualitative Study Based on the Health Survey SF-36 and Semi-Structured InterviewsKrögerström, Sanna, von Eichwald, Frida January 2014 (has links)
Around 30,000 people in Sweden suffer stroke every year, out of which about 12,000 end up with language difficulties, aphasia. Behind every person with aphasia there are significant others whose lives are also affected. Studies of how aphasia affects the health of these people are few. The overall aim of the present study was to examine how significant others of people with aphasia perceive their life situation, and how their quality of life is affected by the illness of their partner. Spouses of people with aphasia were contacted through aphasia groups and the Swedish Aphasia Association. A total of eleven people participated in the study, which consisted of the health survey SF-36 and semi-structured interviews. The results indicated that men, working people, and people at retirement age are at risk of having a lower health-related quality of life, by living with a person suffering from aphasia. Other factors that seemed to contribute to a lower quality of life were; a more severe aphasia, a big work load at home, less mutual activities as a couple, and a general decrease of communication in everyday life. The conclusion is therefore, that the health-related quality of life is at risk of becoming negatively affected by living with a person who suffers from aphasia. / Varje år insjuknar cirka 30 000 personer i stroke i Sverige och av dem drabbas cirka 12 000 av språkliga svårigheter i form av afasi. Bakom varje person med afasi finns det anhöriga, vars liv också påverkas. Hur afasin påverkar den anhöriges hälsa är inte väl studerat. Det övergripande syftet med föreliggande studie var därmed att undersöka hur anhöriga, till personer med afasi, uppfattar sin egen livssituation, samt hur deras livskvalitet påverkas av den närståendes sjukdom. Partner till personer med afasi kontaktades genom afasigrupper och afasiföreningar. Totalt valde elva personer att deltaga i studien, vilken bestod av hälsoenkäten SF-36 samt en semistrukturerad intervju. Resultaten pekade på att män, yrkesverksamma och personer i pensionsålder riskerar att få en lägre hälsorelaterad livskvalitet av att leva med någon med afasi. Övriga faktorer, som tycktes bidra till en lägre livskvalitet, var en svårare afasi, en hög börda i hemmet, färre gemensamma aktiviteter som par samt en generell försämring av kommunikationen i vardagen. Slutsatsen är därmed att den hälsorelaterade livskvaliteten riskerar att påverkas negativt av att leva med en person som drabbats av afasi.
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Relations entre les orthophonistes et les proches de personnes aphasiques en contexte de réadaptationHallé, Marie-Christine 08 1900 (has links)
Le rôle que jouent les services orthophoniques dans l’ajustement des proches de personnes aphasiques ainsi que le contexte dans lequel les orthophonistes mettent en place des interventions auprès de ces proches ne sont actuellement pas connus. La présente thèse a donc pour but de comprendre de quelle manière les relations entre les orthophonistes et les proches de personnes aphasiques, développées en contexte de réadaptation, s’inscrivent dans la trajectoire dynamique des proches et dans la pratique des orthophonistes. Une approche qualitative par théorisation ancrée a été utilisée dans quatre études pour analyser les entrevues effectuées auprès de proches de personnes aphasiques et d’orthophonistes.
Dans l’étude 1, les entrevues menées à trois reprises dans la première année suivant l’accident vasculaire-cérébral (AVC), et ce, auprès de quatre filles dont la mère est aphasique, ont été analysées. Un modèle théorique représentant la relation mère-fille a été développé. Ce modèle illustre que les perceptions de fragilité, de difficultés et de compétence, qu’ont les filles à l’égard de leur mère, les amènent à adopter des comportements de protection ou de confiance, ce qui génère des réactions de satisfaction ou d’insatisfaction chez la mère, renforçant alors les perceptions initiales des filles. Quatre patterns relationnels peuvent donc coexister au sein d’une même dyade. L’aphasie complexifierait cet ajustement relationnel.
Dans l’étude 2, les entrevues effectuées à trois reprises durant la première année suivant l’AVC, auprès d’une fille dont la mère est sévèrement aphasique, ont été analysées. Un modèle théorique représentant l’expérience d’aider a été élaboré. Selon ce modèle, percevoir des difficultés chez sa mère et ressentir que leur relation antérieure est menacée a déclenché le processus d’aide chez la fille. Parallèlement, la reconnaissance de la compétence de sa mère a motivé la fille à offrir de l’aide visant à rendre sa mère heureuse et à favoriser son indépendance. Ce type d’aide a contribué à augmenter l’indépendance de sa mère, à retrouver une relation satisfaisante avec celle-ci et à s’adapter à l’aphasie.
Dans l’étude 3, les entrevues de 12 proches de personnes aphasiques ont été analysées. Un modèle théorique représentant l’expérience de l’aphasie et de la réadaptation post-AVC a été développé et illustre que les proches sont centrés sur la personne aphasique et participent à la réadaptation dans le rôle d’aidant. Cette disposition influence alors leurs attentes envers la réadaptation, leurs interactions avec les professionnels, dont les orthophonistes, et leur appréciation de la réadaptation.
Dans l’étude 4, les entrevues effectuées auprès de huit orthophonistes travaillant en réadaptation ont été analysées. Un modèle théorique illustrant le processus d’intervention des orthophonistes auprès des proches de personnes aphasiques a été construit. Pour les orthophonistes, le travail avec les proches est majoritairement perçu comme un ajout positif, mais exigeant, à leur pratique de base centrée sur la personne aphasique. Une satisfaction professionnelle peut en découler, mais des idéaux non-atteints peuvent persister.
La relation proche-orthophoniste serait donc principalement axée sur le rôle d’aidant que joue le proche, et ce, en raison de leur expérience respective. Un agrandissement du territoire de rencontre entre les orthophonistes et les proches pourrait soutenir les proches dans les ajustements relationnels induits par l’AVC avec aphasie ainsi que permettre aux orthophonistes d’atteindre leurs idéaux. / The role speech-language therapy (SLT) services play in significant others’ adjustment to stroke and aphasia as well as the context in which SLTs offer interventions to significant others are currently unknown. The present dissertation aims to understand how in rehabilitation settings, relationships between SLTs and significant others of persons with aphasia develop, and fit within significant others’ process of change, on one hand, and into SLTs’ practice, on the other hand. A grounded theory approach was used in four studies to analyze interviews conducted with significant others of persons with aphasia and with SLTs.
In study 1, four daughters of aphasic women were each interviewed three times over the first year post-stroke and their discourse was analyzed. A theoretical model of the daughter-mother relationship was constructed. This model shows how the daughters’ perception of maternal fragility, problems, and abilities motivated daughters to take on protective and trusting behaviors that resulted in maternal reactions of satisfaction and dissatisfaction that, in turn, reinforced the daughters’ initial perceptions. Four relational patterns may therefore coexist in a given dyad. Aphasia could make relational adjustments more complex.
In study 2, three interviews conducted over the period of one year with the daughter of a woman with severe aphasia were analyzed. A theoretical model representing the experience of caregiving was elaborated. This model illustrates that for the daughter, perceiving her mother’s problems and feeling their previous relationship was threatened triggered the caregiving process. In parallel, the daughter’s recognition of her mother’s competence encouraged her to offer care aiming to make her mother happy and to foster her mother’s independence. Increases in her mother’s independence, a renewal of their relationship and adaptation to aphasia were consequences of this type of caregiving.
In study 3, the interviews conducted with 12 significant others of aphasic persons were analyzed. A theoretical model representing significant others’ experience of aphasia and rehabilitation following stroke was developed and showed that significant others participated in rehabilitation as caregivers centered on the person who had aphasia. This disposition influenced their expectations of rehabilitation, their interactions with professionals, such as SLTs, and how they appraised rehabilitation.
In study 4, the interviews conducted with eight SLTs working in rehabilitation settings were analyzed. A theoretical model representing SLTs’ process of working with significant others of persons with aphasia was elaborated. SLTs mostly perceived work with significant others as a challenging bonus to their fundamental approach centered on the person with aphasia. As a consequence, SLTs felt professional satisfaction while dreaming for something more to offer significant others.
The relationship between significant others and SLTs thus mainly seem to focus on the caregiver role endorsed by significant others as a result of the experience of each of them. Expanding the shared territory of SLTs and significant others could support significant others’ adjustment to the relational changes induced by stroke and aphasia and could help SLTs attain their professional dreams.
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Testing Benford’s Law with the first two significant digitsWong, Stanley Chun Yu 07 September 2010 (has links)
Benford’s Law states that the first significant digit for most data is not uniformly distributed. Instead, it follows the distribution: P(d = d1) = log10(1 + 1/d1) for d1 ϵ {1, 2, …, 9}. In 2006, my supervisor, Dr. Mary Lesperance et. al tested the goodness-of-fit of data to Benford’s Law using the first significant digit. Here we extended the research to the first two significant digits by performing several statistical tests – LR-multinomial, LR-decreasing, LR-generalized Benford, LR-Rodriguez, Cramѐr-von Mises Wd2, Ud2, and Ad2 and Pearson’s χ2; and six simultaneous confidence intervals – Quesenberry, Goodman, Bailey Angular, Bailey Square, Fitzpatrick and Sison.
When testing compliance with Benford’s Law, we found that the test statistics LR-generalized Benford, Wd2 and Ad2 performed well for Generalized Benford distribution, Uniform/Benford mixture distribution and Hill/Benford mixture distribution while Pearson’s χ2 and LR-multinomial statistics are more appropriate for the contaminated additive/multiplicative distribution. With respect to simultaneous confidence intervals, we recommend Goodman and Sison to detect deviation from Benford’s Law.
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涉外侵權行為準據法之研究 / Research on the application laws of tort for foreign civil matters陳詩詩 Unknown Date (has links)
立法者若認為消滅時效的問題有獨立認定準據法的必要性,應採用分別適用法律的方法,在各種法律關係中抽離出來,獨立認定其應適用的準據法為宜。在廣泛承認分別適用法律制度之前,我國或許可以考慮對於涉外侵權行為分為責任的成立及損害賠償的部分,分別規定應適用的準據法;前者依照我國原本的準據法選擇方式,後者之損害賠償認定的方式,則依照受害人常居所地或是本國法為標準。 / The law of selecting of the traditional tort applicable law concerning foreign affairs, and use the decision in accordance with spot of tort, spot of court, spot of tort and court. Selected the law by the tort, it is to determine establishment and effect of this tort by behavioral spot law of fact. Person who covered by behavior advantage of law, it is result that can predict possibility of the judgment, avoid the suitable to apply having consistency of choice and law of the court. The shortcoming is that the tort has not often involved the relation with the party in fact, as the applicable laws of party's rights and obligations of the judgment, it is non- enough to protect party's right. All tort types, it is probably improper to regard spot law of the fact as the applicable law without exception. Manufacturer responsibility, reputation or infringement, person who compete for type of infringing of credit, it is comparatively proper for applicable law to choose the law of the tort with corresponding characteristic with this type.
It no longer adopted behavior law already after 1960 in U.S, the substitute is most important to involve relation theory. When the court chooses the applicable law of a certain legal relation, various factors of wanting comprehensive analysis to be related to this legal relation, will link the factor to weigh subjectively and objectively in terms of quality and quantity, will look for or confirm there is the most important relation of involving in the facts and parties of that land of country or legal field and case. Involve and concern theory advantage lying in selecting the regulation to be elastic, legal system regularization the most importantly. And the shortcoming lies in the most important relation standard is too abstract, the judge, while hearing a case, if do not have certain judging standard to choose law, it is apt to become a mere formality and wilfulness.
The civil law concerning foreign affairs in our country is covered by article 9 of current clause and its debt cause of tort, adopt the law of tort spot in principle. About the compensation for damage of tort concerning foreign affairs, the person who forms tort for our country's law and tort, whether no matter the behavior or consequence one in the spot happens in our country, can begin to be applicable to the law of our country in order to ask for compensation for damage. Only person who adopt the law of tort, the unreasonable result takes place sometimes. So, concerning foreign affairs civil law suitable to apply law revision draft consult private international law of Austrian, 48th item 1, Germany civil law, article 41 legislative spirit of example, and adopt the relation theory, the persons who stipulate the law cut in the proviso most that there are relations besides the most importantly, depend on this law, in order to solve the conflict.
Will the scholar of our country the applicable law of the difference (dépeçage) translate into ' the method of cutting apart that the law is applicable to ', what the American scholar is thought each topic to probe into separately selects law to analyze the way has importance in solving the modern complicated lawsuit. Differentiate applicable law of system produce situation that analyze each different particular conflict topics, is applicable to the law with real interests. American federal court has not used the differentiate the applicable law, the appellate court of every state and the Supreme Court also only explaining what it is mean. Differentiating the applicable law will probably result in not according with the legal purpose, but some scholars think that consider the policies of the relevant states, it suit to protect the proper expectation interests, basic policy, determinacy of the result, predictability, unity and applicable law in the particular legal field, can adopt, differentiate applicable law solve to suitable to apply law. The judgment of No. 1804 and No. 1838 of the Supreme Judicial Court of our country, is adjudicated on the platform try to take off our country concerning foreign affairs civil law suitable to apply law, consult foreign country differentiate the applicable law (dépeçage), for being which break through traditional select law theory.
The amendments of Law Governing the Application of Laws to Civil Matters Involving Foreign Elements of our country has not referred to the question of the applicable law of the difference. The draft is in the topic about the fulfillment of prescription, will differentiate the applicable law and especially propose discussing, the attempt should stipulate the way in which the applicable law choose independently. Concerning the 35th regulation of clause draft of law's revision, ask for the fulfillment of prescription of right, in accordance with asking for the law that right should be applicable to by the legal relation happening. Its reason lies in asking for the fulfillment of prescription of right, because various countries are about stipulating the difference of their legal results, assert it is entity's question. There are persons who regards it as procedure question on the private international law. The fulfillment of prescription and stipulate in the substantive law of our country, so assert it is entity's question. The fulfillment of prescription takes place to particular request, and a part of legal relation, so should be made its applicable law by the legal relation of request.
If legislators think the question of eliminating prescription asserts the necessity of the applicable law independently, should adopt the way of differentiating the applicable law, release in various legal relations before coming out, assert the applicable law that it should be applicable independently. Before acknowledging differentiating the system of applicable law extensively, perhaps our country can consider that is divided into the establishment of responsibility and part of compensation for damage the tort concerning foreign affairs, should part regulation applicable law, the former choose the way according to our country's original applicable law, the way asserted in compensation for damage of the latter, often the spot of dwelling or this national law is a standard according to the victim.
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Significance, the vessel and the domesticBrown, Sandra Lois, School of Design, UNSW January 2004 (has links)
Throughout history, people have made or acquired vessels from which to sip their favourite beverage. In the contemporary domestic setting, households frequently accumulate multiples of the same type of object in numbers that are considerably greater than is necessary and practical for use alone. Of these many objects there are often individual pieces that have special significance for the owner or user. Some are so valued that they may even be removed and set aside because of their perceived importance. The research was initiated by a previous study of tea drinking vessels coupled with a desire, as an object maker and collector, to find out why people have special items that they designate as personally important. The aim was to identify how significance could be recognised in specific objects and whether the notion that a group of features used to gauge such objects could be conveyed into studio based work. The research outcomes are evidenced in a text-based document (which articulates the theoretical and empirical elements of the enquiry) and a body of creative studio work developed in response to aspects of the investigation. The document encompasses two components of the study. The first references material from the fields of museum and cultural studies, pivotal in focusing the enquiry. This contributed to the compilation of a general and speculative inventory of qualities that might pertain to objects deemed ???significant???. During these early investigations it became evident that a more in depth and contemporary analysis of significant drinking vessels, their owners and/or users was required. A Survey Questionnaire regarding personal use and special drinking vessels preceded a series of Interviews with a selected group of Australia curators, artists, academics and collectors who discussed and analysed their association with a personally significant drinking vessel. Subsequently, the content of these interviews became central to the focus of the research and outcomes. The research isolates a number of attributes that are commonly identified in objects that, whatever their condition, are deemed ???significant???. These describe the maker, usage, ownership, association and historical context. The perceived value or worth of the object for its owner, is recognised as a consequence of significance and declares the object as distinctive. This outcome is clearly validated by the interviews. The studio work develops from the fusion of personal narrative that has been enhanced by findings of the research. In particular, it references the cherished object, most especially those pieces that have been retained despite the ravages of time and use. The resulting work was exhibited as Trace Elements ??? Marking Time: Significance, the Vessel and the Domestic at Kudos Gallery, Paddington in April 2004.
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Κοινωνικοί προσδιορισμοί της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας και σχολική επίδοση : έρευνα για τη συσχέτιση του οικογενειακού περιβάλλοντος και των προσδοκιών με τη σχολική επίδοση του μαθητή στο μάθημα της νεοελληνικής γλώσσαςΦωτοπούλου, Παναγιώτα 13 July 2010 (has links)
Η παρούσα μελέτη επιχειρεί να διερευνήσει αν κοινωνικοί παράγοντες όπως η εκπαίδευση και το επάγγελμα των γονέων, οι φιλοδοξίες και οι προσδοκίες των μαθητών αλλά και οι φιλοδοξίες και οι προσδοκίες των γονέων τους και των σημαντικών άλλων, σχετίζονται με την επίδοση των μαθητών στο μάθημα της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας. Ως θεωρητικό πλαίσιο επιλέχτηκε το μοντέλο του Wisconsin και ως ερευνητικό εργαλείο το ερωτηματολόγιο. Επεξεργαστήκαμε τα δεδομένα χρησιμοποιώντας ποσοτική ανάλυση. Τα αποτελέσματα της μελέτης έδειξαν ότι υπάρχει ισχυρή συσχέτιση ανάμεσα στη σχολική επίδοση στο μάθημα της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας και τα κοινωνικοψυχολογικά χαρακτηριστικά των μαθητών. / This study aims to examine whether social factors such as the education and occupation of parents, the aspirations and expectations of students and the aspirations and expectations of their parents and their significant others, are related with the students’ academic performance at the lesson of greek language. The Wisconsin Model was chosen as theoretical context and the questionnaire was employed as a research tool. We processed our data using quantitative analysis. The study showed that, indeed, there is a strong relationship between the students’ academic performance and their sociopsychological characteristics.
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Tomada de decisão baseada em lógica fuzzy e na distribuição espacial da mortalidade por acidentes de trânsito na cidade de João pessoa PB.Costa, Danielly Cristina de Souza 17 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:47:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011-02-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / From decade of 80 the external causes, especially traffic accidents, have become a big
problem that afflicts the Brazil and the World. This work aims to study the traffic accidents in
the city of João Pessoa from the spatial distribution and fuzzy logic to the decision making
of priority areas and non-priority. The analysis was an initial observation a study of
aggregated neighborhood and after separately. The data used in the analysis were of
secondary type collected by the Department of Legal Medicine (DML). The analysis carried
out were the follows: descriptive statistics, spatial distribution and fuzzy logic. From the
results of descriptive statistics found that the males accounted for 562 victims and the
female 102 victms of all the years studied in the city of Joao Pessoa. The main means of
transport that caused the accidents were the cars followed by motorcycle. The nature of the
traffic accidents most frequent were: pedestrian collisions that occurred during the years
2005, 2006, 2008 and 2009, followed by collisions. In the morning and afternoon occurred
the highest numbers of accidents due to the large number of vehicles on roads in the city
and in the shift dawn the number of fatal accidents decreased. The days of the week were
more fatal accidents occurred on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. The main victims of
accidents were young people and adults in the age groups of 20 to 24, 25 to 29, 30 to 39
and 40 to 49 years. Spatial analysis the main areas of the city with relatively high risk and
significant spatial clusters are: northwest, north, northeast and west of the city of João
Pessoa. In these areas included the neighborhood of Cabo Branco, Altiplano Cabo
Branco,Centro, Mandacaru, Bessa, Cruz das Armas, Pedro Gondim, Tambauzinho and
Tambiá. The decision model was used fuzzy logic which aimed to identify priority areas and
non-priority traffic accidents in the city of João Pessoa. Were elaborated four linguistic
variables and eleven linguistic terms. The results of logic fuzzy were satisfactory because it
reached the objective proposed of identification of priority areas and non-priority in the city
of João Pessoa. Enabling the decision making of public policies more effectives in order to
decrease the number of deaths from traffic accidents.q / A partir da década de 80 as causas externas, em especial os acidentes de trânsito,
passaram a ser um grande problema que aflinge o Brasil e o mundo. Este trabalho tem
por objetivo estudar os acidentes de trânsito na cidade de João Pessoa, a partir da
distribuição espacial e lógica fuzzy para a tomada de decisão das áreas prioritárias e nãoprioritárias.
A análise foi numa primeira observação um estudo dos bairros agregados e
depois separadamente. Os dados utilizados nas análises foram do tipo secundário,
levantados no Departamento de Medicina Legal (DML). As análises foram: estatísticas
descritivas, distribuição espacial e lógica fuzzy. A partir dos resultados das estatísticas
descritivas, observou-se que o sexo masculino representou 562 vítimas fatais e o sexo
feminino 102 vítimas do total dos anos estudados na cidade de João Pessoa. Os
principais meios de transporte que causaram os acidentes foram os automóveis, seguido
das motos. A natureza dos acidentes de trânsito mais frequentes foram os
atropelamentos, ocorridos nos anos de 2005, 2006, 2008 e 2009, seguido das colisões.
Nos períodos da manhã e tarde ocorreram os maiores números de acidentes, em virtude
do grande número de veículos nas vias da cidade e, no turno da madrugada, os números
de acidentes fatais diminuíram. Os dias da semana que mais ocorreram acidentes fatais
foram no sábado, segunda-feira e domingo. As principais vítimas dos acidentes são os
jovens e adultos nas faixas etárias dos 20 aos 49 anos. Na análise espacial as principais
regiões da cidade com risco relativo alto e conglomerados espaciais significativos são:
noroeste, norte, nordeste e oeste da cidade de João Pessoa. Nestas regiões estão
incluídos os bairros do Cabo Branco, Altiplano Cabo Branco, Varadouro, Centro,
Mandacaru, Bessa, Cruz das Armas, Pedro Gondim, Tambia e Tambauzinho. O modelo de
decisão foi baseado em lógica fuzzy, que teve como finalidade identificar as áreas
prioritárias e não-prioritárias dos acidentes de trânsito na cidade de João Pessoa. Foram
elaborados seis variáveis fuzzy e quinze termos linguísticos. Os resultados de lógica
fuzzy foram satisfatórios, pois atingiu o objetivo proposto da identificação total das áreas
prioritárias e não-prioritárias na cidade de João Pessoa. Possibilitando a tomada de
decisão de políticas públicas mais efetivas com o intuito de diminuir o número de óbitos
por acidentes de trânsito.
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Etnoinformática na educação : integração do objeto de aprendizagem N'SAMAT na 2a classe do ensino básico para aprendizagem de aritmética em MoçambiqueMaulano, Florêncio Extermo January 2018 (has links)
Alguns estudos apontam como fatores do atual estágio do ensino em Moçambique o elevado rácio aluno/professor, a fraca preparação do professor, as precárias condições de trabalho e o desajustamento da estrutura e dos conteúdos do currículo. Contudo, esses fatores não estão isolados, uma vez que as metodologias aplicadas pelos professores em sala de aula também têm sido uma das causas do fraco aproveitamento dos alunos no ensino básico em Moçambique, de acordo com a sondagem feita em 2015 pelo Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educação (INDE). Para legitimar esse fato, autores como Ausubel (1980, 2003), Moreira (2006) e Sousa (2000) propõem a diversificação de estratégias, bem como a participação ativa e responsável do aluno na sua aprendizagem. Adotando, desse modo, a aprendizagem por descoberta descrita por Sousa (2000) como aquela em que “o conteúdo principal não é dado, mas deve ser “descoberto” pelo aluno antes que possa ser incorporado significativamente na sua estrutura cognitiva”. Nas escolas moçambicanas, tais procedimentos não são visíveis, já que os alunos são sujeitados a uma rotina incômoda, a qual acaba por gerar consequente falta de motivação e conteúdos-chave como escrita e cálculo em sala de aula. Diante de tais fatos, levantou-se a seguinte questão: Que contribuição pode trazer o uso do objeto de aprendizagem N'SAMAT para auxiliar na melhoria do aproveitamento dos alunos da 2a classe do ensino básico na aprendizagem de Aritmética em Moçambique? Como uma das alternativas para tais situações, as teses propõem o uso de objeto de aprendizagem N'SAMAT, em aula, para auxiliar na melhoria do aproveitamento dos alunos da 2a classe do ensino básico na aprendizagem de Aritmética em Moçambique. Em conjunto, propõem-se a adoção de novos recursos, uma vez que por si só as tecnologias não resolvem o respectivo problema. Segundo Moreira (2006) substituir o quadro de giz por quadros coloridos e animadas exposições em PowerPoint dá no mesmo, portanto o que realmente importa é a diversificação das estratégias pedagógicas. Para concretização da tese, foi adotado um plano quase-experimental, associado a uma pesquisa quali-quantitativa, em que foi feito um estudo inicial junto aos gestores e professores e a posteriori uma avaliação do experimento com os alunos, na qual foram submetidos a um pré-teste e a um pós-teste. O pré-teste consistiu na resolução de um exame de matemática no primeiro momento, já no segundo momento os alunos tiveram uma intervenção com auxílio do objeto de aprendizagem N´SAMAT e culminou com a resolução do pós-teste. Dos resultados obtidos conclui-se que a metodologia aplicada contribuiu de forma significativa para o aproveitamento dos alunos na disciplina de matemática, especificamente, em conteúdos ligados à aritmética. / Some studies point to factors such as the current stage of education in Mozambique, the high pupil / teacher ratio, poor teacher preparation, precarious working conditions and maladjustment of the curriculum structure and contents. But these factors are not isolated, since the methodologies applied by teachers in the classroom have also been one of the causes of low achievement of students in basic education in Mozambique, according to the survey conducted in 2015 by the National Institute for Development Education. To legitimize this fact, authors such as Ausubel (1980, 2003), Moreira (2006) and Sousa (2000) propose the diversification of strategies and the active and responsible participation of students in their learning, adopting learning by discovery described by Sousa as one in which "the main content is not given, but must be" discovered "by the student before it can be incorporated significantly into his cognitive structure." In Mozambican schools, such procedures are not visible, subjecting the student to a daily routine and consequent lack of motivation and key content such as writing and calculating in the classroom. Faced with the facts, the following question was raised: What contribution can the use of the N'SAMAT learning object bring to the achievement of 2nd grade students in Arithmetic learning in Mozambique? As an alternative to such a situation, theses propose the use of the N'SAMAT learning object in class to improve the use of 2nd grade students in Arithmetic learning in Mozambique. Moreira (2006) says that replacing the chalkboard with colorful pictures and animated PowerPoint presentations gives the same. What is important is the diversification of pedagogical strategies. To accomplish this, a quasi-experimental plan was adopted, associated with a quantitative research, where an initial study was carried out among the managers and teachers and the subsequent evaluation of the experiment with the students, in which they were submitted to a pre- test and post-test. The pre-test consisted in the resolution of a math test in the first moment, in the second moment the students had an intervention with the aid of the object of learning NSAMAT and culminated with the resolution of the post-test. From the results obtained, it is concluded that the applied methodology contributes significantly to the students' achievement in mathematics, specifically in content related to arithmetic.
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