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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den virtuella vågen : En studie om nya sociala rörelser, mobilisering och makt i kölvattnet av #Metoo-kampanjen / The virtual wave : A study of new social movements, mobilization and power in the wake of the #Metoo-campaign

Persson, Lorena January 2018 (has links)
The study aims to investigating how the #Metoo-campaign with social media and theinternet mobilized and committed people to question existing social structures. Based onthe campaign's own Facebook page, I've investigated what gave this kind of campaign afoothold and impact.In recent decades the Internet and social media has grown in an explosive pace and createda new arena for social interaction. The technological development has created newopportunities for global campaigns and mobilization. Today the internet and social mediaare used as a major source of information in society, as information is spread globallydirectly and you reach a larger audience than you could ever have before. In autumn 2017,the #Metoo campaign was discovered to highlight sexual harassment and a powerstructure in which women subordinate to men. The campaign was spread in social mediavia a hashtag and had been used by 4.7 million people it’s first day.Through this study, the #Metoo-campaign is analyzed and discussed based on thecampaign's Facebook page. An insight into what the senders want with the campaign andhow they work is given and discussed with theories of social movements, social media,power and gender.

Organisatorisk tystnad : En litteraturstudie om den organisatoriska tystnadens bakgrund och uppkomst. / Organizational silence : A literature study on the background and emergence oforganizational silence.

Persson, Jonas, Larsson, Geir January 2023 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning har visat att organisatorisk tystnad renderar i många konsekvenser som har påverkan på organisationers välmående, effektivitet och möjligheter till utveckling. Genom att förstå hur tystnadskultur uppstår och vilka de bakomliggande faktorerna som skapar den ges en organisation möjlighet att agera istället för att reagera när faktum är fullbordat och tystnadskulturen konstaterad. Syfte: Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie var att undersöka det aktuella forskningsläget avseende vilka faktorer som skapar organisatorisk tystnadskultur. Metod: Denna uppsats har haft en kvalitativ ansats och forskningsdesignen var en systematisk litteraturstudie, som analyserade nio vetenskapliga artiklar varav sju hade en kvantitativ ansats.  Resultat: Det viktigaste resultatet var att faktorerna rädsla och ett destruktivt ledarskapsbeteende var de mest framträdande faktorerna som skapade en organisatorisk tystnad. Rädslan uppstod hos de anställda och spreds uppåt i organisationen och destruktiva ledarskapsbeteendet kom från toppen av en organisation och spreds nedåt till medarbetarna.  Diskussion/slutsatser: Studiens första slutsats var att destruktiva ledarskapsbeteenden var den faktor som var starkast framträdande vid skapandet av organisatorisk tystnadskultur och rädsla var den faktor som drev och förstärkte tystnadskulturer i organisationer. En andra slutsats var att samtliga faktorer var sammankopplade i ett kretslopp som interagerade, påverkade och förstärkte varandra, och att det inte räckte att bara förebygga eller agera mot en faktor i taget. Författarnas tredje slutsats var att transformella ledarbeteenden och utvecklande ledarskap hade störst sannolikhet att skapa en psykologisk trygg arbetsplats. / Abstract Background: Previous research has shown that organizational silence results in many consequences that affect the well-being, efficiency and development opportunities of organizations. By understanding how silence culture arises and what the underlying factors that create it are, an organization is given the opportunity to act instead of reacting when the fact is accomplished and the silence culture is confirmed. Purpose: The purpose of this systematic literature review was to examine the current state of research regarding what factors create organizational silence culture.  Method: This paper has had a qualitative approach and the research design was a systematic literature review, which analyzed nine scientific articles of which seven had a quantitative approach. Results: The most important result was that the factors of fear and destructive leadership behavior were the most prominent factors that created organizational silence. The fear arose among the employees and spread upward in the organization and the destructive leadership behavior came from the top of an organization and spread downward to the employees. Discussion/conclusions: The first conclusion of the study was that destructive leadership behaviors were the factor that was most prominent in creating organizational silence culture and fear was the factor that drove and reinforced silence cultures in organizations. A second conclusion was that all factors were interconnected in a cycle that interacted, influenced and reinforced each other, and that it was not enough to just prevent or act against one factor at a time. The authors’ third conclusion was that transformational leadership behaviors and developmental leadership had the greatest likelihood of creating a psychologically safe workplace

En kritisk diskursanalys om hur de kriminella nätverken ”Shottaz” och “Dödspatrullen” skildras i Aftonbladet och Svenska Dagbladet

Lundberg, Fanny January 2022 (has links)
Reports of gang violence have become a prominent focus in the media. The rhetoric used in reporting gang related crime will have an impact on the reader's perception of the seriousness of gang crime. The media coverage can result in outbreaks of ‘moral panic’, where by aspecific group is demonized and held responsible for societal problems. The aim of this thesis is to study representations of gang related crime, and specifically two rival gangs from Rinkeby, Stockholm, “Shottaz” and “Dödspatrullen”, in the two Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet and Svenska Dagbladet, between the years 2019 and 2022. This is done using critical discourse analysis as method and theory, complemented by the concept of moral panic. The analysis is based on Fairclough’s three-dimensional methodological framework; a sample of newspaper articles dealing with gang crime are analyzed with a focus on the degree of modality, intertextuality and interdiscoursivity. The resultant findings indicate the nature of a dominant discourse and another, less prominent counter discourse. The dominant discourse can be assumed to play a role in triggering moral panic; the findings indicate a link between the story society tells itself about gang crime and a concomitant societal moral panic relating to gang crime. Only one of the newspaper articles analyzed for this study interviews peopleactually affected by gang conflict. This identified counter discourse offers a more nuanced representation of the conflict between “Shottaz” and “Dödspatrullen”, and of the Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby. Music also contributes to the alternative counter narrative, telling a story at odds with that which this study indicates to be the dominant societal discourse.

Mellan Sänkan och Höjden : En maktanalys av romanen Björnstad / Between Sänkan and Höjden : A Power Analysis of the novel Björnstad

Borg, Linnea January 2019 (has links)
Genom en maktanalys undersöks i den här uppsatsen hur ishockeyspelarnas idrottsliga kvalitet kontra deras socioekonomiska förutsättningar framställs i Fredrik Backmans roman Björnstad. Utifrån Michel Foucaults teori om det dynamiska styrkeförhållandet görs en analys av hur maktförhållandena utspelar sig mellan spelare med olika idrottslig kvalitet och socioekonomisk bakgrund. Analysen inleds med en genomgång av den våldtäkt som utspelar sig i berättelsen och fortsätter sedan med en diskussion om vilka olika medel som används i texten för att framställa spelarnas kvalitet och socioekonomiska bakgrunder. Genom att sedan analysera olika avsnitt i berättelsen diskuteras hur de dynamiska maktförhållandena utspelar sig mellan utvalda spelare och andra karaktärer kopplade till ishockeyklubben. I samband med maktförhållandena diskuteras även härskartekniker som utspelar sig mellan karaktärerna. / Through a power analysis, this paper examines how the athletic quality of the ice hockey players versus their socio-economic conditions is made in Fredrik Backman's novel Björnstad. Based on Michel Foucault's theory of dynamic strength, an analysis is made of how power relationships occur between players of different sports quality and socioeconomic background. The analysis begins with a analysis of the rape in the story and then proceeds with a discussion about the different means used in the text to produce the players' quality and socioeconomic backgrounds. By then analyzing different sections of the story, I discuss how the dynamic power relationships occur between selected players and other characters associated with the ice hockey club. In the context of power relations, master suppression techniques are discussed that the characters use.

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