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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effekten av audio-haptisk feedback på simulerad körning

Modin, Sara, Garrido Velasquez, Simon January 2023 (has links)
Den teknologiska utvecklingen går i full fart i dagens samhälle och detta påverkar även utvecklandet av utbildningar och dess tillvägagångssätt. Simulatorer och simulerad inlärning tar allt mer plats inom allt från medicinsk utbildning till golfsport och har länge använts inom pilotutbildning. Implementeringen av simulatorer kan i framtiden komma att ersätta stora delar av den traditionella utbildningen då simulatorerna blir allt mer effektiva. Detta är särskilt aktuellt inom farliga och mer komplicerade situationer där felsteg kan vara kritiska. Ett exempel där kritiska tillfällen kan uppstå är inom bilkörning och körsimulatorer har därför börjat bli ett allt vanligare komplement hos trafikskolor. Denna studie hade därför som mål att undersöka körförmågan och körsäkerheten hos nybörjarförare i en simulator, för att se om auditiv och haptisk feedback har någon effekt på dessa. Till studien rekryterades 12 deltagare av låg körerfarenhet, varav fem kvinnor och sju män. Studien var experimentell med inomgruppsdesign där hälften av deltagarna började köra utan feedback medan andra halvan började med feedback. Deltagarna bytte sedan betingelse. Feedback under körning visade ingen signifikant påverkan av körförmåga eller körsäkerhet. Detta kan bero på det låga antalet deltagare då de sammanlagda avvikelserna var högre vid avsaknad av feedback. Detta resultat antyder även att nya förare inte använder sig av audio-haptiska ledtrådar i lika stor utsträckning som mer erfarna förare. / Technological advancement is traveling at high speeds in today's society and this has had a big impact on education and its approaches. Simulators and simulated learning have become more prevalent in everything from medical training to golf sports and have been used for a long time in the aviation field by training pilots. The implementation of simulators could come to replace big parts of the traditional approach in the educational field because of their high rise in effectiveness. Simulators are especially topical in dangerous and more complex situations where mishaps could be critical. One example would be driving, and driving simulators seems to be on the rise in traffic education. This study had as a goal to examine driving skills and safety in novice drivers in a driving simulator to see if audio and haptic feedback had an impact. 12 participants with little to no driving experience were recruited, five women and seven men. The study was an experiment of within-group design where half of the participants started driving with feedback, while the other half started driving without feedback and then they switched condition. Feedback during driving showed no significant effects on driving skill or safety. This could be due to the low sample size because even though there was no significant effect measured, there was a bigger amount of deviations in the no feedback test group. The results suggest that novice drivers don’t use audio haptic clues as part of their driving as much as experienced drivers do.

Satellite communication simulator for Cubsats / Kommunikations simulator för Cubsats

Chen, Minjia, Engberg, Johan January 2017 (has links)
The Miniature Student Satellite (MIST) is a project at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. The goal of the project is to launch a satellite designed and constructed by different student teams. The satellite carries seven scientific experiments that continuously collects experiment data as the satellite orbits the Earth. When the satellite is launched, the communication link between the satellite and the ground station is an essential part. This communication consists of a radio link between the on-board computer through a radio module and the ground station on Earth. Satellite communication is not a new field and there exist predefined communication standards and protocols. These standards and protocols are quite extensive and need to be tailored for the specific mission. Once a satellite is launched, it is out of reach for further development. This makes it crucial that the software running on the on-board computer are well tested and correctly integrated with the mission control system (MCS) that are used the send commands to control the satellite from Earth. Since satellite radio equipment is expensive, this bachelor thesis describes how to set up, implement and test an end-to-end communication chain between the satellite on-board computer and the MCS using a hardware simulator. The simulator both mimics the functionality of an on-board radio and replaces the ground station and radio link. Communication standards and protocols are studied and investigated, alongside with on-board pre-implemented subsystem libraries and an MCS named Elveit from Solenix. As the simulator also replaces the radio link, data transfer errors such as data loss, data corruption and, connection time windows can be simulated and tested. The simulator development results in a feasible end-to-end communication chain between the on-board computer and the MCS. This includes mimicking and acting as a radio module against the on-board computer, simulation of the radio link with the possibility to add transmission errors and, acting as a ground station against the MCS. To ensure that the simulator performs as the on-board radio module, the simulator performance is tested against the on-board computer. These results can be compared with on-board radio module performance to make sure that the behavior is similar. / Miniature Student Satellite (MIST) är ett projekt vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan i Stockholm, Sverige. Projektets mål är att skjuta upp en satellit som är designad och konstruerad av olika grupper av studenter. Satelliten bär sju vetenskapliga experiment som kontinuerligt samlar experimentdata medan satelliten ligger i omloppsbana runt jorden. När satelliten väl har skjutits upp är kommunikationslänken mellan satelliten och markstationen en viktig del. Denna kommunikation består av en radiolänk mellan ombord datorn via en radiomodul och markstationen på jorden. Satellitkommunikation är inte ett nytt fält och det finns både standarder och fördefinierade kommunikations protokoll. Dessa standarer och protokoll är dock väldigt omfattande, och behöver anpassas för att bättre passa projektet. När en satellit har skjutits upp är den utom räckhåll för vidare utveckling. Detta gör det avgörande att mjukvaran som körs på omborddatorn är väl testad och korrekt integrerad med det kontrollsystem som används för kommunicera med satelliten från jorden. Då radioutrustning är dyr, beskriver denna bacheloravhandling hur man konfigurerar, implementerar och testar en "end-to-end" kommunikationskedja mellan omborddatorn och den programvara som används för att kontrollera satelliten från marken. Detta görs med en simulator som både efterliknar funktionaliteten hos en inbyggd radio och ersätter markstationen och radiolänken. Kommunikationsstandarder och protokoll studeras och utredas, tillsammans med förinstallerade mjukvarubibliotek och ett kontrollsystem, Elveit från Solenix. Då simulatorn också ersätter radiolänken kan dataöverföringsfel som dataförlust, datakorruption och kommunikations tidsfönster simuleras och testas. Utvecklingen av simulatorn resulterar i en kommunikationskedja mellan omborddatorn och kontrollsystemet. Detta inkluderar efterliknanda och funktionen som en radiomodul mot omborddatorn, simulering av en radiolänk med möjlighet att lägga till överföringsfel och att fungera som en markstation mot kontrollsystemet. För att säkerställa att simulatorn fungerar som en inbyggd radiomodul testas simulatorns prestanda funktionalitet mot omborddatorn och kontrollsystemet. Dessa resultat kan senare jämföras med prestandan på radionmodulen för att säkerhetställa att beteendet är likartat.

An Investigation in Gold-Plating Scaled Turbofan Engine Simulators through Means of Aerodynamic and Load Cell Thrust Measurements with Comparisons to Full-Scale Engine Results

Allenstein, Jacob T. January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Simulatorbaserad träning av Eco-driving

Nyberg, Viktor January 2018 (has links)
Användandet av simulatorer i utbildningar ökar mer och mer. Simulatorer har använts inom pilotutbildningar och inom medicinsk utbildning länge och det finns mycket forskning som stödjer deras effektivitet. Nu har simulatorerna blivit mer tillgängliga i och med den tekniska utvecklingen och har börjat användas för förarutbildningar. Däremot saknas samma gedigna vetenskapliga stöd som finns för pilotutbildningar och medicinsk utbildning. Det finns visst underlag för utbildning i riskmedvetenhet men inte så många andra färdigheter. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur effektiv en simulator är vid utbildning av förare i Eco-driving. Till studien rekryterades 20 elever från Yrkesakademin som utbildas för behörighet C, tung lastbil. Studien var av mellangruppsdesign där experimentgruppen tränade Eco-drivingfärdigheter och data över bränsleförbrukning och hastighet samlades in. Kontrollgruppen fick en teoretisk utbildning i Eco-driving i form av en inspelad video. Experimentgruppen hade en signifikant förbättring av bränsleförbrukning men inte kontrollgruppen. Detta stödjer effektiviteten av simulatorbaserad utbildning av Eco-driving. Resultaten är även uppmuntrande till träning av liknande färdigheter som bland annat är av betydelse för trafiksäkerhet. Dessutom finns det goda möjligheter att minska kostnaderna vid förarutbildningar samtidigt som eleverna lär sig bättre. / The use of of simulators in education is increasing. The aviation and medical education have a long history of implementing simulator training and education. With a strong body of scientific research that validates their use in education. As the technical development has increased, the availability of affordable simulators has increased their use in driver education. Unfortunately the research is not as strong as with the aviation or medical education. There are some support that simulator-based education can improve hazard perception but not so many other skills. Therefore I want to examine the effectiveness of a simulator in teaching Eco-driving skills to drivers. 20 students from Yrkesakademin were recruited as they were learning to drive trucks. The study is of between group design where the experimental group practiced Eco-driving skills in the simulator. Data were collected of the participants fuel consumption and speed. The control group were shown a video lecture on Eco-driving. The experimental group did significant improve while the control group did not. These results support the effectiveness of simulator-based education of Eco-driving skills. It also is encouraging for similar driving skills that can have a significant effect on traffic safety. While there is encouraging evidence for reducing the cost of driver education at the same time the students learning is enhanced.

High performance simulations of kernel P systems

Bakir, M.E., Konur, Savas, Gheorghe, Marian, Niculescu, I.M., Ipate, F. January 2014 (has links)
No / The paper presents the use of a membrane computing model for specifying a synthetic biology pulse generator example and discusses some simulation results produced by the tools associated with this model and compare their performances. The results show the potential of the simulation approach over the other analysis tools like model checkers.

Ocin_tsim - A DVFS Aware Simulator for NoC Design Space Exploration and Optimization

Prabhu, Subodh 2010 May 1900 (has links)
Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) are a general purpose, scalable replacement for shared medium wired interconnects offering many practical applications in industry. Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling (DVFS) is a technique whereby a chip?s voltage-frequency levels are varied at run time, often used to conserve dynamic power. Various DVFSbased NoC optimization techniques have been proposed. However, due to the resources required to validate architectural decisions through prototyping, few are implemented. As a result, designers are faced with a lack of insight into potential power savings or performance gains at early architecture stages. This thesis proposes a DVFS aware NoC simulator with support for per node power-frequency modeling to allow fine-tuning of such optimization techniques early on in the design cycle. The proposed simulator also provides a framework for benchmarking various candidate strategies to allow selective prototyping and optimization. As part of the research, DVFS extensions were built for an existing NoC performance simulator and released for public use. This thesis presents some of the preliminary results from our simulator that show the average power consumed per node for all the benchmarks in SPLASH 2 benchmark suite [74] to be quite similar to each other. This thesis also serves as a technical manual for the simulator extensions. Important links for downloading and using the simulator are provided at the end of this document in Appendix C.

Performance of State Distributing Message-Oriented Middleware Systems Using Publish-Subscribe / En publish-subscribe-baserad tillståndsdistribuerande meddelandeorienterad mellanprogramvaras prestanda

Edlund, Robin, Kettu, Johannes January 2023 (has links)
Distributed simulations require efficient communication to represent complex scenarios, which presents a great challenge. This paper investigates the use of message-oriented middleware (MOM) to address this challenge by integrating the flight simulator X-Plane with the tactical simulator TACSI and evaluating the performance of different data transfer approaches. The study assesses performance by measuring the maximum sustainable throughput (MST) and the latency of a publish-subscribe-based MOM system. Two data distribution methods are compared: single-topic publishing and publishing to multiple subtopics. The results show that single-topic publishing achieves higher MST and lower latency when transmitting the same data volume. These findings provide valuable insights for deciding the state distribution method for publish-subscribe MOM systems. Additionally, this study highlights the limitations of manual determination of MST and underlines the need for accurate performance measurement techniques. / Distribuerade system kräver effektiv kommunikation för att representera komplexa scenarion, vilket utgör en betydande utmaning. Denna rapport använder meddelandeorienterad mellanprogramvara (MOM) för att angripa denna utmaning genom att integrera flygsimulatorn X-Plane med den taktiska simulatorn TACSI och sedan utvärdera prestandan av olika dataöverföringsmetoder. Studien utvärderar prestandan genom att mäta den maximala genomströmningskapaciteten och latensen på ett publish-subscribe-baserat MOM-system. Två dataöverföringsmetoder jämförs: single-topic publicering och publicering på flera subtopics. Resultatet visar att single-topic publicering ger högre maximal genomströmningskapacitet och lägre latens vid samma mängd data. Dessa upptäckter ger värdefulla insikter när man ska bestämma metod för dataöverföring i publish-subscribe-baserade MOM-system. Slutligen visar denna studie på begränsningarna med att manuellt bestämma MST och behovet av mer noggranna tekniker för att mäta maximal genomströmningskapacitet.


Yuhong, Zhu, Yanhong, Kou, Qing, Chang, Qishan, Zhang 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 18-21, 2004 / Town & Country Resort, San Diego, California / Hardware architecture and design details of a multi-channel GPS signal simulator with highly flexibility is presented, while the dynamic performance objectives and the requirements on the hardware architecture are discussed. The IF part of the simulator is implemented almost entirely in the digital domain by use of a field programmable gate array (FPGA), which mainly include C/A code generators, carrier generators, spreaders, and BPSK modulators. The results of testing the proposed simulator hardware architecture at IF with the help of a GPS receiver are presented.

Development of an 'artificial human' for clothing research

Psikuta, Agnieszka January 2009 (has links)
The clothing is the closest envelope of the human body, and hence, has the primary im-pact on thermal comfort, physiological response of the human body and environmental strain. On the other hand, the clothing microenvironment is affected by physiological reactions (sweating, temperature distribution, body movement). Nowadays, thermal sweating manikins used to study the interactions of the body-clothing-environment system are unable to simulate adequately the spatial and transient thermal behaviour of the human body. Ideally, a human simulator should ‘feel’ and re-spond dynamically to the thermal environment as real humans do. In this work thermal sweating devices were coupled with the iesd-Fiala multi-node model of human physiology and thermal comfort. The coupling procedure was first de-veloped for the iesd-Fiala model and a single-sector cylinder Torso. A new single-sector thermophysiological human simulator reproduced adequately the overall physiological response of the average human, which was proved by comparison with results of human subject tests for a wide range of environmental conditions. In the next step, the elaborated coupling method was applied to the multi-sector, ana-tomically-shaped thermal sweating manikin SAM. The multi-sector thermophysiologi-cal human simulator with homogenous surface temperature distribution reproduced the thermal behaviour observed in human subject tests with good accuracy. However, an attempt to advance this human simulator to one with a heterogeneously distributed sur-face temperature was unsuccessful, as the results predicted by the simulator differed greatly from those obtained from human subject tests. The single-sector physiological simulator has been shown to perform well in the valida-tion tests with use of clothing ensembles. Time saving testing, repeatability of the measurement of the physiological response of an average individual and the ability of testing in conditions unsafe for humans are major advantages of this human simulator.

A Programmable PCM Data Simulator for Microcomputer Hosts

Cunningham, Larry E. 11 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 29-November 02, 1990 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / Modem microcomputers are proving to be viable hosts for telemetry functions, including data simulators. A specialized high-performance hardware architecture for generating and processing simulator data can be implemented on an add-in card for the microcomputer. Support software implemented on the host provides a simple, high-quality human interface with a high degree of user programmability. Based on this strategy, the Physical Science Laboratory at New Mexico State University (PSL) is developing a Programmable PCM Data Simulator for microcomputer hosts. Specifications and hardware/software architectures for PSL’s Programmable PCM Data Simulator are discussed, as well as its interactive user interface.

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